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*** 24,50 **** import static jaxp.library.JAXPTestUtilities.clearSystemProperty; import static jaxp.library.JAXPTestUtilities.getSystemProperty; import static jaxp.library.JAXPTestUtilities.setSystemProperty; import java.io.FilePermission; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.PropertyPermission; ! import javax.xml.catalog.Catalog; import javax.xml.catalog.CatalogException; import javax.xml.catalog.CatalogFeatures; import javax.xml.catalog.CatalogFeatures.Feature; import javax.xml.catalog.CatalogManager; import javax.xml.catalog.CatalogResolver; - import javax.xml.catalog.CatalogUriResolver; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import javax.xml.transform.Source; ! import jaxp.library.JAXPTestUtilities; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; --- 24,64 ---- import static jaxp.library.JAXPTestUtilities.clearSystemProperty; import static jaxp.library.JAXPTestUtilities.getSystemProperty; import static jaxp.library.JAXPTestUtilities.setSystemProperty; + import java.io.File; + import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FilePermission; import java.io.IOException; + import java.io.InputStream; + import java.io.StringReader; + import java.io.StringWriter; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.PropertyPermission; ! import javax.xml.XMLConstants; import javax.xml.catalog.Catalog; import javax.xml.catalog.CatalogException; import javax.xml.catalog.CatalogFeatures; import javax.xml.catalog.CatalogFeatures.Feature; import javax.xml.catalog.CatalogManager; import javax.xml.catalog.CatalogResolver; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; + import javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory; + import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamConstants; + import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader; import javax.xml.transform.Source; ! import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; ! import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; ! import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource; ! import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult; ! import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource; ! import javax.xml.validation.Schema; ! import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory; ! import javax.xml.validation.Validator; import jaxp.library.JAXPTestUtilities; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
*** 57,92 **** import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import org.xml.sax.ext.DefaultHandler2; /* * @test ! * @bug 8081248 8144966 8146606 8146237 8151154 8150969 8151162 8152527 8154220 * @library /javax/xml/jaxp/libs /javax/xml/jaxp/unittest * @run testng/othervm -DrunSecMngr=true catalog.CatalogTest * @run testng/othervm catalog.CatalogTest * @summary Tests basic Catalog functions. */ @Listeners({jaxp.library.FilePolicy.class}) ! public class CatalogTest { static final String KEY_FILES = "javax.xml.catalog.files"; - public String filepath; /* * Initializing fields */ @BeforeClass public void setUpClass() throws Exception { ! String file1 = getClass().getResource("first_cat.xml").getFile(); ! if (getSystemProperty("os.name").contains("Windows")) { ! filepath = file1.substring(1, file1.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); ! } else { ! filepath = file1.substring(0, file1.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } } /* * @bug 8150187 * NPE is expected if the systemId is null. The specification for systemId * is as follows: * A system identifier is required on all external entities. XML * requires a system identifier on all external entities, so this value is --- 71,312 ---- import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import org.xml.sax.ext.DefaultHandler2; /* * @test ! * @bug 8081248 8144966 8146606 8146237 8151154 8150969 8151162 8152527 8154220 8163232 * @library /javax/xml/jaxp/libs /javax/xml/jaxp/unittest * @run testng/othervm -DrunSecMngr=true catalog.CatalogTest * @run testng/othervm catalog.CatalogTest * @summary Tests basic Catalog functions. */ @Listeners({jaxp.library.FilePolicy.class}) ! public class CatalogTest extends CatalogSupportBase { static final String KEY_FILES = "javax.xml.catalog.files"; /* * Initializing fields */ @BeforeClass public void setUpClass() throws Exception { ! super.setUp(); ! } ! ! ! /* ! * @bug 8163232 ! * Verifies that the CatalogResolver supports the following XML Resolvers: ! javax.xml.stream.XMLResolver ! javax.xml.transform.URIResolver ! org.w3c.dom.ls.LSResourceResolver ! org.xml.sax.EntityResolver ! * ! * Plus, system and uri entries can equally be used. ! */ ! ! /* ! * Verifies the support for org.xml.sax.EntityResolver. ! * Expected: the parser returns the expected string. ! */ ! @Test(dataProvider = "supportXMLResolver") ! public void supportEntityResolver(String catalogFile, String xml, String expected) throws Exception { ! String xmlSource = getClass().getResource(xml).getFile(); ! ! CatalogResolver cr = CatalogManager.catalogResolver(CatalogFeatures.defaults(), catalogFile); ! MyCatalogHandler handler = new MyCatalogHandler(cr, elementInSystem); ! SAXParser parser = getSAXParser(false, true, null); ! parser.parse(xmlSource, handler); ! ! Assert.assertEquals(handler.getResult().trim(), expected); ! } ! ! /* ! * Verifies the support for javax.xml.stream.XMLResolver. ! * Expected: the parser returns the expected string. ! */ ! @Test(dataProvider = "supportXMLResolver") ! public void supportXMLResolver(String catalogFile, String xml, String expected) throws Exception { ! String xmlSource = getClass().getResource(xml).getFile(); ! ! CatalogResolver cr = CatalogManager.catalogResolver(CatalogFeatures.defaults(), catalogFile); ! ! XMLInputFactory xifactory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance(); ! xifactory.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_COALESCING, true); ! xifactory.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.RESOLVER, cr); ! File file = new File(xmlSource); ! String systemId = file.toURI().toString(); ! InputStream entityxml = new FileInputStream(file); ! XMLStreamReader streamReader = xifactory.createXMLStreamReader(systemId, entityxml); ! String result = null; ! while (streamReader.hasNext()) { ! int eventType = streamReader.next(); ! if (eventType == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) { ! eventType = streamReader.next(); ! if (eventType == XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS) { ! result = streamReader.getText(); ! } ! } ! } ! System.out.println(": expected [" + expected + "] <> actual [" + result.trim() + "]"); ! ! Assert.assertEquals(result.trim(), expected); ! } ! ! /* ! * Verifies the support for org.w3c.dom.ls.LSResourceResolver by ShemaFactory. ! * Success: parsing goes through with no error ! * Fail: throws Exception if references are not resolved (by the CatalogResolver) ! */ ! @Test(dataProvider = "supportLSResourceResolver") ! public void supportLSResourceResolver(String catalogFile, Source schemaSource) throws SAXException { ! ! CatalogResolver cr = CatalogManager.catalogResolver(CatalogFeatures.defaults(), catalogFile); ! ! SchemaFactory factory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI); ! factory.setResourceResolver(cr); ! Schema schema = factory.newSchema(schemaSource); ! ! } ! ! /* ! * Verifies the support for org.w3c.dom.ls.LSResourceResolver by Validator. ! * Success: parsing goes through with no error ! * Fail: throws Exception if references are not resolved (by the CatalogResolver) ! */ ! @Test(dataProvider = "supportLSResourceResolver1") ! public void supportLSResourceResolver1(String catalogFile, Source source) throws Exception { ! ! CatalogResolver cr = CatalogManager.catalogResolver(CatalogFeatures.defaults(), catalogFile); ! ! SchemaFactory factory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI); ! Validator validator = factory.newSchema().newValidator(); ! validator.setResourceResolver(cr); ! validator.validate(source); ! } ! ! /* ! * Verifies the support for javax.xml.transform.URIResolver. ! * Success: parsing goes through with no error ! * Fail: throws Exception if references are not resolved (by the CatalogResolver) ! */ ! @Test(dataProvider = "supportURIResolver") ! public void supportURIResolver(String catalogFile, Source xsl, Source xml, String expected) throws Exception { ! ! CatalogResolver cr = CatalogManager.catalogResolver(CatalogFeatures.defaults(), catalogFile); ! ! TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); ! factory.setURIResolver(cr); ! Transformer transformer = factory.newTransformer(xsl); ! StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); ! transformer.transform(xml, new StreamResult(out)); ! if (expected != null) { ! Assert.assertTrue(out.toString().contains(expected), "supportURIResolver"); } } /* + DataProvider: used to verify the support of XML Resolvers. + Data columns: + catalog filepath, xml source file, expected result + */ + @DataProvider(name = "supportXMLResolver") + public Object[][] supportXMLResolver() { + String catalogFile = getClass().getResource("catalog.xml").getFile(); + String catalogFileUri = getClass().getResource("catalog_uri.xml").getFile(); + + return new Object[][]{ + {catalogFile, "system.xml", "Test system entry"}, + {catalogFile, "rewritesystem.xml", "Test rewritesystem entry"}, + {catalogFile, "rewritesystem1.xml", "Test rewritesystem entry"}, + {catalogFile, "systemsuffix.xml", "Test systemsuffix entry"}, + {catalogFile, "delegatesystem.xml", "Test delegatesystem entry"}, + {catalogFile, "public.xml", "Test public entry"}, + {catalogFile, "delegatepublic.xml", "Test delegatepublic entry"}, + // using uri entries + {catalogFileUri, "system.xml", "Test system entry"}, + {catalogFileUri, "rewritesystem.xml", "Test rewritesystem entry"}, + {catalogFileUri, "rewritesystem1.xml", "Test rewritesystem entry"}, + {catalogFileUri, "systemsuffix.xml", "Test systemsuffix entry"}, + {catalogFileUri, "delegateuri.xml", "Test delegateuri entry"}, + {catalogFileUri, "public.xml", "Test public entry"}, + }; + } + + /* + DataProvider: used to verify the support of LSResourceResolver by SchemaFactory. + Data columns: + catalog filepath, schema source file + */ + @DataProvider(name = "supportLSResourceResolver") + public Object[][] supportLSResourceResolver() { + String catalogFile = getClass().getResource("CatalogSupport.xml").getFile(); + String catalogFileUri = getClass().getResource("CatalogSupport_uri.xml").getFile(); + + /* + * XMLSchema.xsd has a reference to XMLSchema.dtd which in turn refers to + * datatypes.dtd + */ + return new Object[][]{ + {catalogFile, new StreamSource(new StringReader(xsd_xmlSchema))}, + {catalogFile, new StreamSource(new StringReader(xsd_xmlSchema_import))}, + {catalogFile, new StreamSource(new StringReader(xsd_include_company))}, + {catalogFileUri, new StreamSource(new StringReader(xsd_xmlSchema))}, + {catalogFileUri, new StreamSource(new StringReader(xsd_xmlSchema_import))}, + {catalogFileUri, new StreamSource(new StringReader(xsd_include_company))}, + }; + } + + /* + DataProvider: used to verify the support of LSResourceResolver by Validator. + Data columns: + catalog filepath, source file + */ + @DataProvider(name = "supportLSResourceResolver1") + public Object[][] supportLSResourceResolver1() { + String catalogFile = getClass().getResource("CatalogSupport.xml").getFile(); + String catalogFileUri = getClass().getResource("CatalogSupport_uri.xml").getFile(); + + /* + * val_test.xml has a reference to system.dtd and val_test.xsd + */ + SAXSource ss = new SAXSource(new InputSource(xml_val_test)); + ss.setSystemId(xml_val_test_id); + + return new Object[][]{ + {catalogFile, ss}, + {catalogFileUri, ss}, + }; + } + + + /* + DataProvider: used to verify the support of LSResourceResolver by Validator. + Data columns: + catalog filepath, xsl source, xml source file + */ + @DataProvider(name = "supportURIResolver") + public Object[][] supportURIResolver() { + String catalogFile = getClass().getResource("CatalogSupport.xml").getFile(); + String catalogFileUri = getClass().getResource("CatalogSupport_uri.xml").getFile(); + SAXSource xslSource = new SAXSource(new InputSource(new File(xsl_doc).toURI().toASCIIString())); + + /* + * val_test.xml has a reference to system.dtd and val_test.xsd + */ + SAXSource ss = new SAXSource(new InputSource(xml_val_test)); + ss.setSystemId(xml_val_test_id); + + return new Object[][]{ + {catalogFile, new SAXSource(new InputSource(new File(xsl_doc).toURI().toASCIIString())), + new StreamSource(new File(xml_doc)), "Resolved by a catalog"}, + {catalogFileUri, new SAXSource(new InputSource(new StringReader(xsl_include))), + new StreamSource(new StringReader(xml_xsl)), null}, + }; + } + + /* * @bug 8150187 * NPE is expected if the systemId is null. The specification for systemId * is as follows: * A system identifier is required on all external entities. XML * requires a system identifier on all external entities, so this value is
*** 108,118 **** * other cases in that test. */ @Test(dataProvider = "resolveUri") public void testMatch1(String cFile, String href, String expectedFile, String expectedUri, String msg) { String catalogFile = getClass().getResource(cFile).getFile(); ! CatalogUriResolver cur = CatalogManager.catalogUriResolver(CatalogFeatures.defaults(), catalogFile); Source source = cur.resolve(href, null); Assert.assertNotNull(source, "Source returned is null"); Assert.assertEquals(expectedUri, source.getSystemId(), msg); } --- 328,338 ---- * other cases in that test. */ @Test(dataProvider = "resolveUri") public void testMatch1(String cFile, String href, String expectedFile, String expectedUri, String msg) { String catalogFile = getClass().getResource(cFile).getFile(); ! CatalogResolver cur = CatalogManager.catalogResolver(CatalogFeatures.defaults(), catalogFile); Source source = cur.resolve(href, null); Assert.assertNotNull(source, "Source returned is null"); Assert.assertEquals(expectedUri, source.getSystemId(), msg); }
*** 273,283 **** public void testRewriteUri() { String catalog = getClass().getResource("rewriteCatalog.xml").getFile(); try { ! CatalogUriResolver resolver = CatalogManager.catalogUriResolver(CatalogFeatures.defaults(), catalog); String actualSystemId = resolver.resolve("http://remote.com/import/import.xsl", null).getSystemId(); Assert.assertTrue(!actualSystemId.contains("//"), "result contains duplicate slashes"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.fail(e.getMessage()); } --- 493,503 ---- public void testRewriteUri() { String catalog = getClass().getResource("rewriteCatalog.xml").getFile(); try { ! CatalogResolver resolver = CatalogManager.catalogResolver(CatalogFeatures.defaults(), catalog); String actualSystemId = resolver.resolve("http://remote.com/import/import.xsl", null).getSystemId(); Assert.assertTrue(!actualSystemId.contains("//"), "result contains duplicate slashes"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.fail(e.getMessage()); }
*** 381,391 **** } } /* ! DataProvider: used to verify CatalogUriResolver's resolve function. Data columns: catalog, uri or publicId, expectedFile, expectedUri, msg This DataProvider is copied from JCK ResolveTests' dataMatch1 */ --- 601,611 ---- } } /* ! DataProvider: used to verify CatalogResolver's resolve function. Data columns: catalog, uri or publicId, expectedFile, expectedUri, msg This DataProvider is copied from JCK ResolveTests' dataMatch1 */
*** 569,574 **** public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) throws SAXException { textContent.append(ch, start, length); } } } - --- 789,793 ----
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