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rev 55090 : secret-sfac

 745             classfile_parse_error(
 746               "Bad method name at constant pool index %u in class file %s",
 747               name_ref_index, CHECK);
 748           }
 749         }
 750         break;
 751       }
 752       case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle: {
 753         const int ref_index = cp->method_handle_index_at(index);
 754         const int ref_kind = cp->method_handle_ref_kind_at(index);
 755         switch (ref_kind) {
 756           case JVM_REF_invokeVirtual:
 757           case JVM_REF_invokeStatic:
 758           case JVM_REF_invokeSpecial:
 759           case JVM_REF_newInvokeSpecial: {
 760             const int name_and_type_ref_index =
 761               cp->name_and_type_ref_index_at(ref_index);
 762             const int name_ref_index =
 763               cp->name_ref_index_at(name_and_type_ref_index);
 764             const Symbol* const name = cp->symbol_at(name_ref_index);
 765             if (ref_kind == JVM_REF_newInvokeSpecial) {
 766               if (name != vmSymbols::object_initializer_name()) {

 767                 classfile_parse_error(
 768                   "Bad constructor name at constant pool index %u in class file %s",
 769                     name_ref_index, CHECK);
 770               }
 771             } else {
 772               if (name == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name()) {

 773                 classfile_parse_error(
 774                   "Bad method name at constant pool index %u in class file %s",
 775                   name_ref_index, CHECK);
 776               }
 777             }
 778             break;
 779           }
 780           // Other ref_kinds are already fully checked in previous pass.
 781         } // switch(ref_kind)
 782         break;
 783       }
 784       case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType: {
 785         const Symbol* const no_name = vmSymbols::type_name(); // place holder
 786         const Symbol* const signature = cp->method_type_signature_at(index);
 787         verify_legal_method_signature(no_name, signature, CHECK);
 788         break;
 789       }
 790       case JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8: {
 791         assert(cp->symbol_at(index)->refcount() != 0, "count corrupted");
 792       }

2076         "Exception name has bad type at constant pool %u in class file %s",
2077         checked_exception, CHECK_NULL);
2078     }
2079   }
2080   // check exceptions attribute length
2081   if (_need_verify) {
2082     guarantee_property(method_attribute_length == (sizeof(*checked_exceptions_length) +
2083                                                    sizeof(u2) * size),
2084                       "Exceptions attribute has wrong length in class file %s", CHECK_NULL);
2085   }
2086   return checked_exceptions_start;
2087 }
2089 void ClassFileParser::throwIllegalSignature(const char* type,
2090                                             const Symbol* name,
2091                                             const Symbol* sig,
2092                                             TRAPS) const {
2093   assert(name != NULL, "invariant");
2094   assert(sig != NULL, "invariant");

2096   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
2097   Exceptions::fthrow(THREAD_AND_LOCATION,
2098       vmSymbols::java_lang_ClassFormatError(),
2099       "%s \"%s\" in class %s has illegal signature \"%s\"", type,
2100       name->as_C_string(), _class_name->as_C_string(), sig->as_C_string());
2101 }
2103 AnnotationCollector::ID
2104 AnnotationCollector::annotation_index(const ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
2105                                       const Symbol* name) {
2106   const vmSymbols::SID sid = vmSymbols::find_sid(name);
2107   // Privileged code can use all annotations.  Other code silently drops some.
2108   const bool privileged = loader_data->is_the_null_class_loader_data() ||
2109                           loader_data->is_platform_class_loader_data() ||
2110                           loader_data->is_unsafe_anonymous();
2111   switch (sid) {
2112     case vmSymbols::VM_SYMBOL_ENUM_NAME(reflect_CallerSensitive_signature): {
2113       if (_location != _in_method)  break;  // only allow for methods
2114       if (!privileged)              break;  // only allow in privileged code
2115       return _method_CallerSensitive;
2116     }
2117     case vmSymbols::VM_SYMBOL_ENUM_NAME(jdk_internal_vm_annotation_ForceInline_signature): {
2118       if (_location != _in_method)  break;  // only allow for methods
2119       if (!privileged)              break;  // only allow in privileged code
2120       return _method_ForceInline;

2391     signature_index, CHECK_NULL);
2392   const Symbol* const signature = cp->symbol_at(signature_index);
2394   if (name == vmSymbols::class_initializer_name()) {
2395     // We ignore the other access flags for a valid class initializer.
2396     // (JVM Spec 2nd ed., chapter 4.6)
2397     if (_major_version < 51) { // backward compatibility
2398       flags = JVM_ACC_STATIC;
2399     } else if ((flags & JVM_ACC_STATIC) == JVM_ACC_STATIC) {
2400       flags &= JVM_ACC_STATIC | JVM_ACC_STRICT;
2401     } else {
2402       classfile_parse_error("Method <clinit> is not static in class file %s", CHECK_NULL);
2403     }
2404   } else {
2405     verify_legal_method_modifiers(flags, is_interface, is_value_type, name, CHECK_NULL);
2406   }
2408   if (name == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name()) {
2409     if (is_interface) {
2410       classfile_parse_error("Interface cannot have a method named <init>, class file %s", CHECK_NULL);
2411 /* TBD: uncomment when javac stops generating <init>() for value types.
2412     } else if (is_value_type) {
2413       classfile_parse_error("Value Type cannot have a method named <init>, class file %s", CHECK_NULL);
2414 */

2415     }

2416   }
2418   int args_size = -1;  // only used when _need_verify is true
2419   if (_need_verify) {
2420     args_size = ((flags & JVM_ACC_STATIC) ? 0 : 1) +
2421                  verify_legal_method_signature(name, signature, CHECK_NULL);
2422     if (args_size > MAX_ARGS_SIZE) {
2423       classfile_parse_error("Too many arguments in method signature in class file %s", CHECK_NULL);
2424     }
2425   }
2427   AccessFlags access_flags(flags & JVM_RECOGNIZED_METHOD_MODIFIERS);
2429   // Default values for code and exceptions attribute elements
2430   u2 max_stack = 0;
2431   u2 max_locals = 0;
2432   u4 code_length = 0;
2433   const u1* code_start = 0;
2434   u2 exception_table_length = 0;
2435   const unsafe_u2* exception_table_start = NULL; // (potentially unaligned) pointer to array of u2 elements

4992       _class_name->as_C_string()
4993     );
4994   }
4996   if (!_need_verify) { return; }
4998   const bool is_interface  = (flags & JVM_ACC_INTERFACE)  != 0;
4999   const bool is_abstract   = (flags & JVM_ACC_ABSTRACT)   != 0;
5000   const bool is_final      = (flags & JVM_ACC_FINAL)      != 0;
5001   const bool is_super      = (flags & JVM_ACC_SUPER)      != 0;
5002   const bool is_enum       = (flags & JVM_ACC_ENUM)       != 0;
5003   const bool is_annotation = (flags & JVM_ACC_ANNOTATION) != 0;
5004   const bool major_gte_15  = _major_version >= JAVA_1_5_VERSION;
5006   if ((is_abstract && is_final) ||
5007       (is_interface && !is_abstract) ||
5008       (is_interface && major_gte_15 && (is_super || is_enum)) ||
5009       (!is_interface && major_gte_15 && is_annotation) ||
5010       (is_value_type && (is_interface || is_abstract || is_enum || !is_final))) {
5011     ResourceMark rm(THREAD);

5012     Exceptions::fthrow(
5014       vmSymbols::java_lang_ClassFormatError(),
5015       "Illegal class modifiers in class %s: 0x%X",
5016       _class_name->as_C_string(), flags
5017     );
5018     return;
5019   }
5020 }
5022 static bool has_illegal_visibility(jint flags) {
5023   const bool is_public    = (flags & JVM_ACC_PUBLIC)    != 0;
5024   const bool is_protected = (flags & JVM_ACC_PROTECTED) != 0;
5025   const bool is_private   = (flags & JVM_ACC_PRIVATE)   != 0;
5027   return ((is_public && is_protected) ||
5028           (is_public && is_private) ||
5029           (is_protected && is_private));
5030 }
5032 // A legal major_version.minor_version must be one of the following:
5033 //
5034 //   Major_version = 45, any minor_version.
5035 //   Major_version >= 46 and major_version <= current_major_version and minor_version = 0.
5036 //   Major_version = current_major_version and minor_version = 65535 and --enable-preview is present.

5139                                                     const Symbol* name,
5140                                                     TRAPS) const {
5141   if (!_need_verify) { return; }
5143   const bool is_public       = (flags & JVM_ACC_PUBLIC)       != 0;
5144   const bool is_private      = (flags & JVM_ACC_PRIVATE)      != 0;
5145   const bool is_static       = (flags & JVM_ACC_STATIC)       != 0;
5146   const bool is_final        = (flags & JVM_ACC_FINAL)        != 0;
5147   const bool is_native       = (flags & JVM_ACC_NATIVE)       != 0;
5148   const bool is_abstract     = (flags & JVM_ACC_ABSTRACT)     != 0;
5149   const bool is_bridge       = (flags & JVM_ACC_BRIDGE)       != 0;
5150   const bool is_strict       = (flags & JVM_ACC_STRICT)       != 0;
5151   const bool is_synchronized = (flags & JVM_ACC_SYNCHRONIZED) != 0;
5152   const bool is_protected    = (flags & JVM_ACC_PROTECTED)    != 0;
5153   const bool major_gte_15    = _major_version >= JAVA_1_5_VERSION;
5154   const bool major_gte_8     = _major_version >= JAVA_8_VERSION;
5155   const bool is_initializer  = (name == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name());
5157   bool is_illegal = false;

5159   if (is_interface) {
5160     if (major_gte_8) {
5161       // Class file version is JAVA_8_VERSION or later Methods of
5162       // interfaces may set any of the flags except ACC_PROTECTED,
5163       // ACC_FINAL, ACC_NATIVE, and ACC_SYNCHRONIZED; they must
5164       // have exactly one of the ACC_PUBLIC or ACC_PRIVATE flags set.
5165       if ((is_public == is_private) || /* Only one of private and public should be true - XNOR */
5166           (is_native || is_protected || is_final || is_synchronized) ||
5167           // If a specific method of a class or interface has its
5168           // ACC_ABSTRACT flag set, it must not have any of its
5170           // ACC_STRICT, or ACC_SYNCHRONIZED flags set.  No need to
5171           // check for ACC_FINAL, ACC_NATIVE or ACC_SYNCHRONIZED as
5172           // those flags are illegal irrespective of ACC_ABSTRACT being set or not.
5173           (is_abstract && (is_private || is_static || is_strict))) {
5174         is_illegal = true;
5175       }
5176     } else if (major_gte_15) {
5177       // Class file version in the interval [JAVA_1_5_VERSION, JAVA_8_VERSION)
5178       if (!is_public || is_private || is_protected || is_static || is_final ||
5179           is_synchronized || is_native || !is_abstract || is_strict) {
5180         is_illegal = true;
5181       }
5182     } else {
5183       // Class file version is pre-JAVA_1_5_VERSION
5184       if (!is_public || is_static || is_final || is_native || !is_abstract) {
5185         is_illegal = true;
5186       }
5187     }
5188   } else { // not interface
5189     if (has_illegal_visibility(flags)) {
5190       is_illegal = true;
5191     } else {
5192       if (is_initializer) {
5193         if (is_static || is_final || is_synchronized || is_native ||
5194             is_abstract || (major_gte_15 && is_bridge)) {
5195           is_illegal = true;
5196         }

5197       } else { // not initializer
5198         if (is_value_type && is_synchronized && !is_static) {
5199           is_illegal = true;

5200         } else {
5201           if (is_abstract) {
5202             if ((is_final || is_native || is_private || is_static ||
5203                 (major_gte_15 && (is_synchronized || is_strict)))) {
5204               is_illegal = true;
5205             }
5206           }
5207         }
5208       }
5209     }
5210   }
5212   if (is_illegal) {
5213     ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
5214     Exceptions::fthrow(
5216       vmSymbols::java_lang_ClassFormatError(),
5217       "Method %s in class %s has illegal modifiers: 0x%X",
5218       name->as_C_string(), _class_name->as_C_string(), flags);
5219     return;
5220   }
5221 }
5223 void ClassFileParser::verify_legal_utf8(const unsigned char* buffer,
5224                                         int length,
5225                                         TRAPS) const {
5226   assert(_need_verify, "only called when _need_verify is true");
5227   if (!UTF8::is_legal_utf8(buffer, length, _major_version <= 47)) {
5228     classfile_parse_error("Illegal UTF8 string in constant pool in class file %s", CHECK);
5229   }
5230 }
5232 // Unqualified names may not contain the characters '.', ';', '[', or '/'.
5233 // In class names, '/' separates unqualified names.  This is verified in this function also.
5234 // Method names also may not contain the characters '<' or '>', unless <init>
5235 // or <clinit>.  Note that method names may not be <init> or <clinit> in this
5236 // method.  Because these names have been checked as special cases before
5237 // calling this method in verify_legal_method_name.
5238 //

5581   const char* nextp;
5583   // The first character must be a '('
5584   if ((length > 0) && (*p++ == JVM_SIGNATURE_FUNC)) {
5585     length--;
5586     // Skip over legal field signatures
5587     nextp = skip_over_field_signature(p, false, length, CHECK_0);
5588     while ((length > 0) && (nextp != NULL)) {
5589       args_size++;
5590       if (p[0] == 'J' || p[0] == 'D') {
5591         args_size++;
5592       }
5593       length -= nextp - p;
5594       p = nextp;
5595       nextp = skip_over_field_signature(p, false, length, CHECK_0);
5596     }
5597     // The first non-signature thing better be a ')'
5598     if ((length > 0) && (*p++ == JVM_SIGNATURE_ENDFUNC)) {
5599       length--;
5600       if (name->utf8_length() > 0 && name->char_at(0) == '<') {
5601         // All internal methods must return void
5602         if ((length == 1) && (p[0] == JVM_SIGNATURE_VOID)) {
5603           return args_size;
5604         }

5605       } else {
5606         // Now we better just have a return value
5607         nextp = skip_over_field_signature(p, true, length, CHECK_0);
5608         if (nextp && ((int)length == (nextp - p))) {
5609           return args_size;
5610         }
5611       }
5612     }
5613   }
5614   // Report error
5615   throwIllegalSignature("Method", name, signature, CHECK_0);
5616   return 0;
5617 }
5619 int ClassFileParser::static_field_size() const {
5620   assert(_field_info != NULL, "invariant");
5621   return _field_info->static_field_size;
5622 }
5624 int ClassFileParser::total_oop_map_count() const {

 745             classfile_parse_error(
 746               "Bad method name at constant pool index %u in class file %s",
 747               name_ref_index, CHECK);
 748           }
 749         }
 750         break;
 751       }
 752       case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle: {
 753         const int ref_index = cp->method_handle_index_at(index);
 754         const int ref_kind = cp->method_handle_ref_kind_at(index);
 755         switch (ref_kind) {
 756           case JVM_REF_invokeVirtual:
 757           case JVM_REF_invokeStatic:
 758           case JVM_REF_invokeSpecial:
 759           case JVM_REF_newInvokeSpecial: {
 760             const int name_and_type_ref_index =
 761               cp->name_and_type_ref_index_at(ref_index);
 762             const int name_ref_index =
 763               cp->name_ref_index_at(name_and_type_ref_index);
 764             const Symbol* const name = cp->symbol_at(name_ref_index);

 765             if (name != vmSymbols::object_initializer_name()) {
 766               if (ref_kind == JVM_REF_newInvokeSpecial) {
 767                 classfile_parse_error(
 768                   "Bad constructor name at constant pool index %u in class file %s",
 769                     name_ref_index, CHECK);
 770               }
 771             } else {
 772               // The allowed invocation mode of <init> depends on its signature.
 773               // This test corresponds to verify_invoke_instructions in the verifier.
 774               const int signature_ref_index =
 775                 cp->signature_ref_index_at(name_and_type_ref_index);
 776               const Symbol* const signature = cp->symbol_at(signature_ref_index);
 777               if (signature->is_void_method_signature()
 778                   && ref_kind == JVM_REF_newInvokeSpecial) {
 779                 // OK, could be a constructor call
 780               } else if (!signature->is_void_method_signature()
 781                          && ref_kind == JVM_REF_invokeStatic) {
 782                 // also OK, could be a static factory call
 783               } else {
 784                 classfile_parse_error(
 785                   "Bad method name at constant pool index %u in class file %s",
 786                   name_ref_index, CHECK);
 787               }
 788             }
 789             break;
 790           }
 791           // Other ref_kinds are already fully checked in previous pass.
 792         } // switch(ref_kind)
 793         break;
 794       }
 795       case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType: {
 796         const Symbol* const no_name = vmSymbols::type_name(); // place holder
 797         const Symbol* const signature = cp->method_type_signature_at(index);
 798         verify_legal_method_signature(no_name, signature, CHECK);
 799         break;
 800       }
 801       case JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8: {
 802         assert(cp->symbol_at(index)->refcount() != 0, "count corrupted");
 803       }

2087         "Exception name has bad type at constant pool %u in class file %s",
2088         checked_exception, CHECK_NULL);
2089     }
2090   }
2091   // check exceptions attribute length
2092   if (_need_verify) {
2093     guarantee_property(method_attribute_length == (sizeof(*checked_exceptions_length) +
2094                                                    sizeof(u2) * size),
2095                       "Exceptions attribute has wrong length in class file %s", CHECK_NULL);
2096   }
2097   return checked_exceptions_start;
2098 }
2100 void ClassFileParser::throwIllegalSignature(const char* type,
2101                                             const Symbol* name,
2102                                             const Symbol* sig,
2103                                             TRAPS) const {
2104   assert(name != NULL, "invariant");
2105   assert(sig != NULL, "invariant");
2107   const char* class_note = "";
2108   if (is_value_type() && name == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name()) {
2109     class_note = " (an inline class)";
2110   }
2112   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
2113   Exceptions::fthrow(THREAD_AND_LOCATION,
2114       vmSymbols::java_lang_ClassFormatError(),
2115       "%s \"%s\" in class %s%s has illegal signature \"%s\"", type,
2116       name->as_C_string(), _class_name->as_C_string(), class_note, sig->as_C_string());
2117 }
2119 AnnotationCollector::ID
2120 AnnotationCollector::annotation_index(const ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
2121                                       const Symbol* name) {
2122   const vmSymbols::SID sid = vmSymbols::find_sid(name);
2123   // Privileged code can use all annotations.  Other code silently drops some.
2124   const bool privileged = loader_data->is_the_null_class_loader_data() ||
2125                           loader_data->is_platform_class_loader_data() ||
2126                           loader_data->is_unsafe_anonymous();
2127   switch (sid) {
2128     case vmSymbols::VM_SYMBOL_ENUM_NAME(reflect_CallerSensitive_signature): {
2129       if (_location != _in_method)  break;  // only allow for methods
2130       if (!privileged)              break;  // only allow in privileged code
2131       return _method_CallerSensitive;
2132     }
2133     case vmSymbols::VM_SYMBOL_ENUM_NAME(jdk_internal_vm_annotation_ForceInline_signature): {
2134       if (_location != _in_method)  break;  // only allow for methods
2135       if (!privileged)              break;  // only allow in privileged code
2136       return _method_ForceInline;

2407     signature_index, CHECK_NULL);
2408   const Symbol* const signature = cp->symbol_at(signature_index);
2410   if (name == vmSymbols::class_initializer_name()) {
2411     // We ignore the other access flags for a valid class initializer.
2412     // (JVM Spec 2nd ed., chapter 4.6)
2413     if (_major_version < 51) { // backward compatibility
2414       flags = JVM_ACC_STATIC;
2415     } else if ((flags & JVM_ACC_STATIC) == JVM_ACC_STATIC) {
2416       flags &= JVM_ACC_STATIC | JVM_ACC_STRICT;
2417     } else {
2418       classfile_parse_error("Method <clinit> is not static in class file %s", CHECK_NULL);
2419     }
2420   } else {
2421     verify_legal_method_modifiers(flags, is_interface, is_value_type, name, CHECK_NULL);
2422   }
2424   if (name == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name()) {
2425     if (is_interface) {
2426       classfile_parse_error("Interface cannot have a method named <init>, class file %s", CHECK_NULL);
2427     } else if (!is_value_type && signature->is_void_method_signature()) {
2428       // OK, a constructor
2429     } else if (is_value_type && !signature->is_void_method_signature()) {
2430       // also OK, a static factory, as long as the return value is good
2431       bool ok = false;
2432       SignatureStream ss((Symbol*) signature, true);
2433       while (!ss.at_return_type())  ss.next();
2434       if (ss.is_object()) {
2435         TempNewSymbol ret = ss.as_symbol_or_null();
2436         const Symbol* required = class_name();
2437         if (is_unsafe_anonymous()) {
2438           // nobody can mention such a class name
2439           required = vmSymbols::java_lang_Object();
2440         }
2441         ok = (ret == required);
2442       }
2443       if (!ok) {
2444         throwIllegalSignature("Method", name, signature, CHECK_0);
2445       }
2446     } else {
2447       // not OK, so throw the same error as in verify_legal_method_signature.
2448       throwIllegalSignature("Method", name, signature, CHECK_0);
2449     }
2450     // A declared <init> method must always be either a non-static
2451     // object constructor, with a void return, or else it must be a
2452     // static factory method, with a non-void return.  No other
2453     // definition of <init> is possible.
2454     //
2455     // The verifier (in verify_invoke_instructions) will inspect the
2456     // signature of any attempt to invoke <init>, and ensures that it
2457     // returns non-void if and only if it is being invoked by
2458     // invokestatic, and void if and only if it is being invoked by
2459     // invokespecial.
2460     //
2461     // When a symbolic reference to <init> is resolved for a
2462     // particular invocation mode (special or static), the mode is
2463     // matched to the JVM_ACC_STATIC modifier of the <init> method.
2464     // Thus, it is impossible to statically invoke a constructor, and
2465     // impossible to "new + invokespecial" a static factory, either
2466     // through bytecode or through reflection.
2467   }
2469   int args_size = -1;  // only used when _need_verify is true
2470   if (_need_verify) {
2471     args_size = ((flags & JVM_ACC_STATIC) ? 0 : 1) +
2472                  verify_legal_method_signature(name, signature, CHECK_NULL);
2473     if (args_size > MAX_ARGS_SIZE) {
2474       classfile_parse_error("Too many arguments in method signature in class file %s", CHECK_NULL);
2475     }
2476   }
2478   AccessFlags access_flags(flags & JVM_RECOGNIZED_METHOD_MODIFIERS);
2480   // Default values for code and exceptions attribute elements
2481   u2 max_stack = 0;
2482   u2 max_locals = 0;
2483   u4 code_length = 0;
2484   const u1* code_start = 0;
2485   u2 exception_table_length = 0;
2486   const unsafe_u2* exception_table_start = NULL; // (potentially unaligned) pointer to array of u2 elements

5043       _class_name->as_C_string()
5044     );
5045   }
5047   if (!_need_verify) { return; }
5049   const bool is_interface  = (flags & JVM_ACC_INTERFACE)  != 0;
5050   const bool is_abstract   = (flags & JVM_ACC_ABSTRACT)   != 0;
5051   const bool is_final      = (flags & JVM_ACC_FINAL)      != 0;
5052   const bool is_super      = (flags & JVM_ACC_SUPER)      != 0;
5053   const bool is_enum       = (flags & JVM_ACC_ENUM)       != 0;
5054   const bool is_annotation = (flags & JVM_ACC_ANNOTATION) != 0;
5055   const bool major_gte_15  = _major_version >= JAVA_1_5_VERSION;
5057   if ((is_abstract && is_final) ||
5058       (is_interface && !is_abstract) ||
5059       (is_interface && major_gte_15 && (is_super || is_enum)) ||
5060       (!is_interface && major_gte_15 && is_annotation) ||
5061       (is_value_type && (is_interface || is_abstract || is_enum || !is_final))) {
5062     ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
5063     const char* class_note = "";
5064     if (is_value_type)  class_note = " (an inline class)";
5065     Exceptions::fthrow(
5067       vmSymbols::java_lang_ClassFormatError(),
5068       "Illegal class modifiers in class %s%s: 0x%X",
5069       _class_name->as_C_string(), class_note, flags
5070     );
5071     return;
5072   }
5073 }
5075 static bool has_illegal_visibility(jint flags) {
5076   const bool is_public    = (flags & JVM_ACC_PUBLIC)    != 0;
5077   const bool is_protected = (flags & JVM_ACC_PROTECTED) != 0;
5078   const bool is_private   = (flags & JVM_ACC_PRIVATE)   != 0;
5080   return ((is_public && is_protected) ||
5081           (is_public && is_private) ||
5082           (is_protected && is_private));
5083 }
5085 // A legal major_version.minor_version must be one of the following:
5086 //
5087 //   Major_version = 45, any minor_version.
5088 //   Major_version >= 46 and major_version <= current_major_version and minor_version = 0.
5089 //   Major_version = current_major_version and minor_version = 65535 and --enable-preview is present.

5192                                                     const Symbol* name,
5193                                                     TRAPS) const {
5194   if (!_need_verify) { return; }
5196   const bool is_public       = (flags & JVM_ACC_PUBLIC)       != 0;
5197   const bool is_private      = (flags & JVM_ACC_PRIVATE)      != 0;
5198   const bool is_static       = (flags & JVM_ACC_STATIC)       != 0;
5199   const bool is_final        = (flags & JVM_ACC_FINAL)        != 0;
5200   const bool is_native       = (flags & JVM_ACC_NATIVE)       != 0;
5201   const bool is_abstract     = (flags & JVM_ACC_ABSTRACT)     != 0;
5202   const bool is_bridge       = (flags & JVM_ACC_BRIDGE)       != 0;
5203   const bool is_strict       = (flags & JVM_ACC_STRICT)       != 0;
5204   const bool is_synchronized = (flags & JVM_ACC_SYNCHRONIZED) != 0;
5205   const bool is_protected    = (flags & JVM_ACC_PROTECTED)    != 0;
5206   const bool major_gte_15    = _major_version >= JAVA_1_5_VERSION;
5207   const bool major_gte_8     = _major_version >= JAVA_8_VERSION;
5208   const bool is_initializer  = (name == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name());
5210   bool is_illegal = false;
5212   const char* class_note = "";
5214   if (is_interface) {
5215     if (major_gte_8) {
5216       // Class file version is JAVA_8_VERSION or later Methods of
5217       // interfaces may set any of the flags except ACC_PROTECTED,
5218       // ACC_FINAL, ACC_NATIVE, and ACC_SYNCHRONIZED; they must
5219       // have exactly one of the ACC_PUBLIC or ACC_PRIVATE flags set.
5220       if ((is_public == is_private) || /* Only one of private and public should be true - XNOR */
5221           (is_native || is_protected || is_final || is_synchronized) ||
5222           // If a specific method of a class or interface has its
5223           // ACC_ABSTRACT flag set, it must not have any of its
5225           // ACC_STRICT, or ACC_SYNCHRONIZED flags set.  No need to
5226           // check for ACC_FINAL, ACC_NATIVE or ACC_SYNCHRONIZED as
5227           // those flags are illegal irrespective of ACC_ABSTRACT being set or not.
5228           (is_abstract && (is_private || is_static || is_strict))) {
5229         is_illegal = true;
5230       }
5231     } else if (major_gte_15) {
5232       // Class file version in the interval [JAVA_1_5_VERSION, JAVA_8_VERSION)
5233       if (!is_public || is_private || is_protected || is_static || is_final ||
5234           is_synchronized || is_native || !is_abstract || is_strict) {
5235         is_illegal = true;
5236       }
5237     } else {
5238       // Class file version is pre-JAVA_1_5_VERSION
5239       if (!is_public || is_static || is_final || is_native || !is_abstract) {
5240         is_illegal = true;
5241       }
5242     }
5243   } else { // not interface
5244     if (has_illegal_visibility(flags)) {
5245       is_illegal = true;
5246     } else {
5247       if (is_initializer) {
5248         if (is_final || is_synchronized || is_native ||
5249             is_abstract || (major_gte_15 && is_bridge)) {
5250           is_illegal = true;
5251         }
5252         if (!is_static && !is_value_type) {
5253           // OK, an object constructor in a regular class
5254         } else if (is_static && is_value_type) {
5255           // OK, a static init factory in an inline class
5256         } else {
5257           // but no other combinations are allowed
5258           is_illegal = true;
5259           class_note = (is_value_type ? " (an inline class)" : " (not an inline class)");
5260         }
5261       } else { // not initializer
5262         if (is_value_type && is_synchronized && !is_static) {
5263           is_illegal = true;
5264           class_note = " (an inline class)";
5265         } else {
5266           if (is_abstract) {
5267             if ((is_final || is_native || is_private || is_static ||
5268                 (major_gte_15 && (is_synchronized || is_strict)))) {
5269               is_illegal = true;
5270             }
5271           }
5272         }
5273       }
5274     }
5275   }
5277   if (is_illegal) {
5278     ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
5279     Exceptions::fthrow(
5281       vmSymbols::java_lang_ClassFormatError(),
5282       "Method %s in class %s%s has illegal modifiers: 0x%X",
5283       name->as_C_string(), _class_name->as_C_string(), class_note, flags);
5284     return;
5285   }
5286 }
5288 void ClassFileParser::verify_legal_utf8(const unsigned char* buffer,
5289                                         int length,
5290                                         TRAPS) const {
5291   assert(_need_verify, "only called when _need_verify is true");
5292   if (!UTF8::is_legal_utf8(buffer, length, _major_version <= 47)) {
5293     classfile_parse_error("Illegal UTF8 string in constant pool in class file %s", CHECK);
5294   }
5295 }
5297 // Unqualified names may not contain the characters '.', ';', '[', or '/'.
5298 // In class names, '/' separates unqualified names.  This is verified in this function also.
5299 // Method names also may not contain the characters '<' or '>', unless <init>
5300 // or <clinit>.  Note that method names may not be <init> or <clinit> in this
5301 // method.  Because these names have been checked as special cases before
5302 // calling this method in verify_legal_method_name.
5303 //

5646   const char* nextp;
5648   // The first character must be a '('
5649   if ((length > 0) && (*p++ == JVM_SIGNATURE_FUNC)) {
5650     length--;
5651     // Skip over legal field signatures
5652     nextp = skip_over_field_signature(p, false, length, CHECK_0);
5653     while ((length > 0) && (nextp != NULL)) {
5654       args_size++;
5655       if (p[0] == 'J' || p[0] == 'D') {
5656         args_size++;
5657       }
5658       length -= nextp - p;
5659       p = nextp;
5660       nextp = skip_over_field_signature(p, false, length, CHECK_0);
5661     }
5662     // The first non-signature thing better be a ')'
5663     if ((length > 0) && (*p++ == JVM_SIGNATURE_ENDFUNC)) {
5664       length--;
5665       if (name->utf8_length() > 0 && name->char_at(0) == '<') {
5666         // All constructor methods must return void
5667         if ((length == 1) && (p[0] == JVM_SIGNATURE_VOID)) {
5668           return args_size;
5669         }
5670         // All static init methods must return the current class
5671         if ((length >= 3) && (p[length-1] == JVM_SIGNATURE_ENDCLASS)
5672             && name == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name()) {
5673           nextp = skip_over_field_signature(p, true, length, CHECK_0);
5674           if (nextp && ((int)length == (nextp - p))) {
5675             // The actual class will be checked against current class
5676             // when the method is defined (see parse_method).
5677             // A reference to a static init with a bad return type
5678             // will load and verify OK, but will fail to link.
5679             return args_size;
5680           }
5681         }
5682         // The distinction between static factory methods and
5683         // constructors depends on the JVM_ACC_STATIC modifier.
5684         // This distinction must be reflected in a void or non-void
5685         // return. For declared methods, the check is in parse_method.
5686       } else {
5687         // Now we better just have a return value
5688         nextp = skip_over_field_signature(p, true, length, CHECK_0);
5689         if (nextp && ((int)length == (nextp - p))) {
5690           return args_size;
5691         }
5692       }
5693     }
5694   }
5695   // Report error
5696   throwIllegalSignature("Method", name, signature, CHECK_0);
5697   return 0;
5698 }
5700 int ClassFileParser::static_field_size() const {
5701   assert(_field_info != NULL, "invariant");
5702   return _field_info->static_field_size;
5703 }
5705 int ClassFileParser::total_oop_map_count() const {

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