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rev 55090 : secret-sfac

1662             VerificationType::double2_type(),  CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1663           type = current_frame.pop_stack(
1664             VerificationType::double_type(), CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1665           verify_return_value(return_type, type, bci,
1666                               &current_frame, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1667           no_control_flow = true; break;
1668         case Bytecodes::_areturn :
1669           type = current_frame.pop_stack(
1670             VerificationType::nonscalar_check(), CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1671           verify_return_value(return_type, type, bci,
1672                               &current_frame, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1673           no_control_flow = true; break;
1674         case Bytecodes::_return :
1675           if (return_type != VerificationType::bogus_type()) {
1676             verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
1677                          "Method expects a return value");
1678             return;
1679           }
1680           // Make sure "this" has been initialized if current method is an
1681           // <init>.
1682           if (_method->name() == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name() &&
1683               current_frame.flag_this_uninit()) {
1684             verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
1685                          "Constructor must call super() or this() "
1686                          "before return");
1687             return;
1688           }
1689           no_control_flow = true; break;
1690         case Bytecodes::_getstatic :
1691         case Bytecodes::_putstatic :
1692           // pass TRUE, operand can be an array type for getstatic/putstatic.
1693           verify_field_instructions(
1694             &bcs, &current_frame, cp, true, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1695           no_control_flow = false; break;
1696         case Bytecodes::_getfield :
1697         case Bytecodes::_putfield :
1698           // pass FALSE, operand can't be an array type for getfield/putfield.
1699           verify_field_instructions(
1700             &bcs, &current_frame, cp, false, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1701           no_control_flow = false; break;
1702         case Bytecodes::_withfield :
1703           if (_klass->major_version() < VALUETYPE_MAJOR_VERSION) {
1704             class_format_error(
1705               "withfield not supported by this class file version (%d.%d), class %s",
1706               _klass->major_version(), _klass->minor_version(), _klass->external_name());
1707             return;
1708           }
1709           // pass FALSE, operand can't be an array type for withfield.
1710           verify_field_instructions(
1711             &bcs, &current_frame, cp, false, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1712           no_control_flow = false; break;
1713         case Bytecodes::_invokevirtual :
1714         case Bytecodes::_invokespecial :
1715         case Bytecodes::_invokestatic :
1716           verify_invoke_instructions(
1717             &bcs, code_length, &current_frame, (bci >= ex_min && bci < ex_max),
1718             &this_uninit, return_type, cp, &stackmap_table, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1719           no_control_flow = false; break;
1720         case Bytecodes::_invokeinterface :
1721         case Bytecodes::_invokedynamic :
1722           verify_invoke_instructions(
1723             &bcs, code_length, &current_frame, (bci >= ex_min && bci < ex_max),
1724             &this_uninit, return_type, cp, &stackmap_table, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1725           no_control_flow = false; break;
1726         case Bytecodes::_new :
1727         {
1728           index = bcs.get_index_u2();
1729           verify_cp_class_type(bci, index, cp, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1730           VerificationType new_class_type =
1731             cp_index_to_type(index, cp, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1732           if (!new_class_type.is_object()) {
1733             verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_type(bci,
1734                 TypeOrigin::cp(index, new_class_type)),
1735                 "Illegal new instruction");
1736             return;
1737           }
1738           type = VerificationType::uninitialized_type(bci);
1739           current_frame.push_stack(type, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1740           no_control_flow = false; break;
1741         }
1742         case Bytecodes::_defaultvalue :
1743         {
1744           if (_klass->major_version() < VALUETYPE_MAJOR_VERSION) {

2802 bool ClassVerifier::is_same_or_direct_interface(
2803     InstanceKlass* klass,
2804     VerificationType klass_type,
2805     VerificationType ref_class_type) {
2806   if (ref_class_type.equals(klass_type)) return true;
2807   Array<InstanceKlass*>* local_interfaces = klass->local_interfaces();
2808   if (local_interfaces != NULL) {
2809     for (int x = 0; x < local_interfaces->length(); x++) {
2810       InstanceKlass* k = local_interfaces->at(x);
2811       assert (k != NULL && k->is_interface(), "invalid interface");
2812       if (ref_class_type.equals(VerificationType::reference_type(k->name()))) {
2813         return true;
2814       }
2815     }
2816   }
2817   return false;
2818 }
2820 void ClassVerifier::verify_invoke_instructions(
2821     RawBytecodeStream* bcs, u4 code_length, StackMapFrame* current_frame,
2822     bool in_try_block, bool *this_uninit, VerificationType return_type,
2823     const constantPoolHandle& cp, StackMapTable* stackmap_table, TRAPS) {
2824   // Make sure the constant pool item is the right type
2825   u2 index = bcs->get_index_u2();
2826   Bytecodes::Code opcode = bcs->raw_code();
2827   unsigned int types = 0;
2828   switch (opcode) {
2829     case Bytecodes::_invokeinterface:
2830       types = 1 << JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref;
2831       break;
2832     case Bytecodes::_invokedynamic:
2833       types = 1 << JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic;
2834       break;
2835     case Bytecodes::_invokespecial:
2836     case Bytecodes::_invokestatic:
2837       types = (_klass->major_version() < STATIC_METHOD_IN_INTERFACE_MAJOR_VERSION) ?
2838         (1 << JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref) :
2839         ((1 << JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref) | (1 << JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref));
2840       break;
2841     default:
2842       types = 1 << JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref;

2900           "Inconsistent args count operand in invokeinterface");
2901       return;
2902     }
2903     if (*(bcp+4) != 0) {
2904       verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
2905           "Fourth operand byte of invokeinterface must be zero");
2906       return;
2907     }
2908   }
2910   if (opcode == Bytecodes::_invokedynamic) {
2911     address bcp = bcs->bcp();
2912     if (*(bcp+3) != 0 || *(bcp+4) != 0) {
2913       verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
2914           "Third and fourth operand bytes of invokedynamic must be zero");
2915       return;
2916     }
2917   }
2919   if (method_name->char_at(0) == '<') {
2920     // Make sure <init> can only be invoked by invokespecial
2921     if (opcode != Bytecodes::_invokespecial ||

2922         method_name != vmSymbols::object_initializer_name()) {
2923       verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
2924           "Illegal call to internal method");
2925       return;
2926     }
2927   } else if (opcode == Bytecodes::_invokespecial
2928              && !is_same_or_direct_interface(current_class(), current_type(), ref_class_type)
2929              && !ref_class_type.equals(VerificationType::reference_type(
2930                   current_class()->super()->name()))) { // super() can never be a value_type.
2931     bool subtype = false;
2932     bool have_imr_indirect = cp->tag_at(index).value() == JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref;
2933     if (!current_class()->is_unsafe_anonymous()) {
2934       subtype = ref_class_type.is_assignable_from(
2935                  current_type(), this, false, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2936     } else {
2937       InstanceKlass* unsafe_host = current_class()->unsafe_anonymous_host();
2938       VerificationType unsafe_anonymous_host_type = reference_or_valuetype(unsafe_host);
2939       subtype = ref_class_type.is_assignable_from(unsafe_anonymous_host_type, this, false, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2941       // If invokespecial of IMR, need to recheck for same or

2955           "Bad invokespecial instruction: "
2956           "interface method reference is in an indirect superinterface.");
2957       return;
2958     }
2960   }
2962   // Get the verification types for the method's arguments.
2963   GrowableArray<VerificationType>* sig_verif_types = mth_sig_verif_types->sig_verif_types();
2964   assert(sig_verif_types != NULL, "Missing signature's array of verification types");
2965   // Match method descriptor with operand stack
2966   // The arguments are on the stack in descending order.
2967   for (int i = nargs - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // Run backwards
2968     current_frame->pop_stack(sig_verif_types->at(i), CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2969   }
2971   // Check objectref on operand stack
2972   if (opcode != Bytecodes::_invokestatic &&
2973       opcode != Bytecodes::_invokedynamic) {
2974     if (method_name == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name()) {  // <init> method

2975       verify_invoke_init(bcs, index, ref_class_type, current_frame,
2976         code_length, in_try_block, this_uninit, cp, stackmap_table,
2977         CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2978       if (was_recursively_verified()) return;
2979     } else {   // other methods
2980       // Ensures that target class is assignable to method class.
2981       if (opcode == Bytecodes::_invokespecial) {
2982         if (!current_class()->is_unsafe_anonymous()) {
2983           current_frame->pop_stack(current_type(), CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2984         } else {
2985           // anonymous class invokespecial calls: check if the
2986           // objectref is a subtype of the unsafe_anonymous_host of the current class
2987           // to allow an anonymous class to reference methods in the unsafe_anonymous_host
2988           VerificationType top = current_frame->pop_stack(CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2990           InstanceKlass* unsafe_host = current_class()->unsafe_anonymous_host();
2991           VerificationType host_type = reference_or_valuetype(unsafe_host);
2992           bool subtype = host_type.is_assignable_from(top, this, false, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2993           if (!subtype) {
2994             verify_error( ErrorContext::bad_type(current_frame->offset(),

3025                 } else {
3026                   verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_type(bci,
3027                       current_frame->stack_top_ctx(),
3028                       TypeOrigin::implicit(current_type())),
3029                       "Bad access to protected data in invokevirtual");
3030                   return;
3031                 }
3032               }
3033             }
3034           }
3035         }
3036       } else {
3037         assert(opcode == Bytecodes::_invokeinterface, "Unexpected opcode encountered");
3038         current_frame->pop_stack(ref_class_type, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
3039       }
3040     }
3041   }
3042   // Push the result type.
3043   int sig_verif_types_len = sig_verif_types->length();
3044   if (sig_verif_types_len > nargs) {  // There's a return type
3045     if (method_name == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name()) {
3046       // <init> method must have a void return type
3047       /* Unreachable?  Class file parser verifies that methods with '<' have
3048        * void return */
3049       verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
3050           "Return type must be void in <init> method");
3051       return;
3052     }
3054     assert(sig_verif_types_len <= nargs + 2,
3055            "Signature verification types array return type is bogus");
3056     for (int i = nargs; i < sig_verif_types_len; i++) {
3057       assert(i == nargs || sig_verif_types->at(i).is_long2() ||
3058              sig_verif_types->at(i).is_double2(), "Unexpected return verificationType");
3059       current_frame->push_stack(sig_verif_types->at(i), CHECK_VERIFY(this));
3060     }

3061   }
3062 }
3064 VerificationType ClassVerifier::get_newarray_type(
3065     u2 index, u2 bci, TRAPS) {
3066   const char* from_bt[] = {
3067     NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "[Z", "[C", "[F", "[D", "[B", "[S", "[I", "[J",
3068   };
3069   if (index < T_BOOLEAN || index > T_LONG) {
3070     verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci), "Illegal newarray instruction");
3071     return VerificationType::bogus_type();
3072   }
3074   // from_bt[index] contains the array signature which has a length of 2
3075   Symbol* sig = create_temporary_symbol(
3076     from_bt[index], 2, CHECK_(VerificationType::bogus_type()));
3077   return VerificationType::reference_type(sig);
3078 }
3080 void ClassVerifier::verify_anewarray(

1662             VerificationType::double2_type(),  CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1663           type = current_frame.pop_stack(
1664             VerificationType::double_type(), CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1665           verify_return_value(return_type, type, bci,
1666                               &current_frame, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1667           no_control_flow = true; break;
1668         case Bytecodes::_areturn :
1669           type = current_frame.pop_stack(
1670             VerificationType::nonscalar_check(), CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1671           verify_return_value(return_type, type, bci,
1672                               &current_frame, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1673           no_control_flow = true; break;
1674         case Bytecodes::_return :
1675           if (return_type != VerificationType::bogus_type()) {
1676             verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
1677                          "Method expects a return value");
1678             return;
1679           }
1680           // Make sure "this" has been initialized if current method is an
1681           // <init>.
1682           if (_method->is_object_constructor() &&
1683               current_frame.flag_this_uninit()) {
1684             verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
1685                          "Constructor must call super() or this() "
1686                          "before return");
1687             return;
1688           }
1689           no_control_flow = true; break;
1690         case Bytecodes::_getstatic :
1691         case Bytecodes::_putstatic :
1692           // pass TRUE, operand can be an array type for getstatic/putstatic.
1693           verify_field_instructions(
1694             &bcs, &current_frame, cp, true, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1695           no_control_flow = false; break;
1696         case Bytecodes::_getfield :
1697         case Bytecodes::_putfield :
1698           // pass FALSE, operand can't be an array type for getfield/putfield.
1699           verify_field_instructions(
1700             &bcs, &current_frame, cp, false, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1701           no_control_flow = false; break;
1702         case Bytecodes::_withfield :
1703           if (_klass->major_version() < VALUETYPE_MAJOR_VERSION) {
1704             class_format_error(
1705               "withfield not supported by this class file version (%d.%d), class %s",
1706               _klass->major_version(), _klass->minor_version(), _klass->external_name());
1707             return;
1708           }
1709           // pass FALSE, operand can't be an array type for withfield.
1710           verify_field_instructions(
1711             &bcs, &current_frame, cp, false, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1712           no_control_flow = false; break;
1713         case Bytecodes::_invokevirtual :
1714         case Bytecodes::_invokespecial :
1715         case Bytecodes::_invokestatic :
1716           verify_invoke_instructions(
1717             &bcs, code_length, &current_frame, (bci >= ex_min && bci < ex_max),
1718             &this_uninit, cp, &stackmap_table, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1719           no_control_flow = false; break;
1720         case Bytecodes::_invokeinterface :
1721         case Bytecodes::_invokedynamic :
1722           verify_invoke_instructions(
1723             &bcs, code_length, &current_frame, (bci >= ex_min && bci < ex_max),
1724             &this_uninit, cp, &stackmap_table, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1725           no_control_flow = false; break;
1726         case Bytecodes::_new :
1727         {
1728           index = bcs.get_index_u2();
1729           verify_cp_class_type(bci, index, cp, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1730           VerificationType new_class_type =
1731             cp_index_to_type(index, cp, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1732           if (!new_class_type.is_object()) {
1733             verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_type(bci,
1734                 TypeOrigin::cp(index, new_class_type)),
1735                 "Illegal new instruction");
1736             return;
1737           }
1738           type = VerificationType::uninitialized_type(bci);
1739           current_frame.push_stack(type, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1740           no_control_flow = false; break;
1741         }
1742         case Bytecodes::_defaultvalue :
1743         {
1744           if (_klass->major_version() < VALUETYPE_MAJOR_VERSION) {

2802 bool ClassVerifier::is_same_or_direct_interface(
2803     InstanceKlass* klass,
2804     VerificationType klass_type,
2805     VerificationType ref_class_type) {
2806   if (ref_class_type.equals(klass_type)) return true;
2807   Array<InstanceKlass*>* local_interfaces = klass->local_interfaces();
2808   if (local_interfaces != NULL) {
2809     for (int x = 0; x < local_interfaces->length(); x++) {
2810       InstanceKlass* k = local_interfaces->at(x);
2811       assert (k != NULL && k->is_interface(), "invalid interface");
2812       if (ref_class_type.equals(VerificationType::reference_type(k->name()))) {
2813         return true;
2814       }
2815     }
2816   }
2817   return false;
2818 }
2820 void ClassVerifier::verify_invoke_instructions(
2821     RawBytecodeStream* bcs, u4 code_length, StackMapFrame* current_frame,
2822     bool in_try_block, bool *this_uninit,
2823     const constantPoolHandle& cp, StackMapTable* stackmap_table, TRAPS) {
2824   // Make sure the constant pool item is the right type
2825   u2 index = bcs->get_index_u2();
2826   Bytecodes::Code opcode = bcs->raw_code();
2827   unsigned int types = 0;
2828   switch (opcode) {
2829     case Bytecodes::_invokeinterface:
2830       types = 1 << JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref;
2831       break;
2832     case Bytecodes::_invokedynamic:
2833       types = 1 << JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic;
2834       break;
2835     case Bytecodes::_invokespecial:
2836     case Bytecodes::_invokestatic:
2837       types = (_klass->major_version() < STATIC_METHOD_IN_INTERFACE_MAJOR_VERSION) ?
2838         (1 << JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref) :
2839         ((1 << JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref) | (1 << JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref));
2840       break;
2841     default:
2842       types = 1 << JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref;

2900           "Inconsistent args count operand in invokeinterface");
2901       return;
2902     }
2903     if (*(bcp+4) != 0) {
2904       verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
2905           "Fourth operand byte of invokeinterface must be zero");
2906       return;
2907     }
2908   }
2910   if (opcode == Bytecodes::_invokedynamic) {
2911     address bcp = bcs->bcp();
2912     if (*(bcp+3) != 0 || *(bcp+4) != 0) {
2913       verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
2914           "Third and fourth operand bytes of invokedynamic must be zero");
2915       return;
2916     }
2917   }
2919   if (method_name->char_at(0) == '<') {
2920     // Make sure <init> can only be invoked by invokespecial or invokestatic.
2921     // The allowed invocation mode of <init> depends on its signature.
2922     if ((opcode != Bytecodes::_invokespecial &&
2923          opcode != Bytecodes::_invokestatic) ||
2924         method_name != vmSymbols::object_initializer_name()) {
2925       verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
2926           "Illegal call to internal method");
2927       return;
2928     }
2929   } else if (opcode == Bytecodes::_invokespecial
2930              && !is_same_or_direct_interface(current_class(), current_type(), ref_class_type)
2931              && !ref_class_type.equals(VerificationType::reference_type(
2932                   current_class()->super()->name()))) { // super() can never be a value_type.
2933     bool subtype = false;
2934     bool have_imr_indirect = cp->tag_at(index).value() == JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref;
2935     if (!current_class()->is_unsafe_anonymous()) {
2936       subtype = ref_class_type.is_assignable_from(
2937                  current_type(), this, false, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2938     } else {
2939       InstanceKlass* unsafe_host = current_class()->unsafe_anonymous_host();
2940       VerificationType unsafe_anonymous_host_type = reference_or_valuetype(unsafe_host);
2941       subtype = ref_class_type.is_assignable_from(unsafe_anonymous_host_type, this, false, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2943       // If invokespecial of IMR, need to recheck for same or

2957           "Bad invokespecial instruction: "
2958           "interface method reference is in an indirect superinterface.");
2959       return;
2960     }
2962   }
2964   // Get the verification types for the method's arguments.
2965   GrowableArray<VerificationType>* sig_verif_types = mth_sig_verif_types->sig_verif_types();
2966   assert(sig_verif_types != NULL, "Missing signature's array of verification types");
2967   // Match method descriptor with operand stack
2968   // The arguments are on the stack in descending order.
2969   for (int i = nargs - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // Run backwards
2970     current_frame->pop_stack(sig_verif_types->at(i), CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2971   }
2973   // Check objectref on operand stack
2974   if (opcode != Bytecodes::_invokestatic &&
2975       opcode != Bytecodes::_invokedynamic) {
2976     if (method_name == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name()) {  // <init> method
2977       // (use of <init> as a static factory is handled under invokestatic)
2978       verify_invoke_init(bcs, index, ref_class_type, current_frame,
2979         code_length, in_try_block, this_uninit, cp, stackmap_table,
2980         CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2981       if (was_recursively_verified()) return;
2982     } else {   // other methods
2983       // Ensures that target class is assignable to method class.
2984       if (opcode == Bytecodes::_invokespecial) {
2985         if (!current_class()->is_unsafe_anonymous()) {
2986           current_frame->pop_stack(current_type(), CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2987         } else {
2988           // anonymous class invokespecial calls: check if the
2989           // objectref is a subtype of the unsafe_anonymous_host of the current class
2990           // to allow an anonymous class to reference methods in the unsafe_anonymous_host
2991           VerificationType top = current_frame->pop_stack(CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2993           InstanceKlass* unsafe_host = current_class()->unsafe_anonymous_host();
2994           VerificationType host_type = reference_or_valuetype(unsafe_host);
2995           bool subtype = host_type.is_assignable_from(top, this, false, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2996           if (!subtype) {
2997             verify_error( ErrorContext::bad_type(current_frame->offset(),

3028                 } else {
3029                   verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_type(bci,
3030                       current_frame->stack_top_ctx(),
3031                       TypeOrigin::implicit(current_type())),
3032                       "Bad access to protected data in invokevirtual");
3033                   return;
3034                 }
3035               }
3036             }
3037           }
3038         }
3039       } else {
3040         assert(opcode == Bytecodes::_invokeinterface, "Unexpected opcode encountered");
3041         current_frame->pop_stack(ref_class_type, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
3042       }
3043     }
3044   }
3045   // Push the result type.
3046   int sig_verif_types_len = sig_verif_types->length();
3047   if (sig_verif_types_len > nargs) {  // There's a return type
3048     if (method_name == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name() &&
3049         opcode != Bytecodes::_invokestatic) {
3050       // an <init> method must have a void return type, unless it's a static factory

3051       verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
3052           "Return type must be void in <init> method");
3053       return;
3054     }
3056     assert(sig_verif_types_len <= nargs + 2,
3057            "Signature verification types array return type is bogus");
3058     for (int i = nargs; i < sig_verif_types_len; i++) {
3059       assert(i == nargs || sig_verif_types->at(i).is_long2() ||
3060              sig_verif_types->at(i).is_double2(), "Unexpected return verificationType");
3061       current_frame->push_stack(sig_verif_types->at(i), CHECK_VERIFY(this));
3062     }
3063   } else {
3064     // an <init> method may not have a void return type, if it's a static factory
3065     if (method_name == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name() &&
3066         opcode != Bytecodes::_invokespecial) {
3067       verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
3068           "Return type must be non-void in <init> static factory method");
3069       return;
3070     }
3071   }
3072 }
3074 VerificationType ClassVerifier::get_newarray_type(
3075     u2 index, u2 bci, TRAPS) {
3076   const char* from_bt[] = {
3077     NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "[Z", "[C", "[F", "[D", "[B", "[S", "[I", "[J",
3078   };
3079   if (index < T_BOOLEAN || index > T_LONG) {
3080     verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci), "Illegal newarray instruction");
3081     return VerificationType::bogus_type();
3082   }
3084   // from_bt[index] contains the array signature which has a length of 2
3085   Symbol* sig = create_temporary_symbol(
3086     from_bt[index], 2, CHECK_(VerificationType::bogus_type()));
3087   return VerificationType::reference_type(sig);
3088 }
3090 void ClassVerifier::verify_anewarray(

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