1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2001, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "gc/g1/g1BarrierSet.hpp"
  27 #include "gc/g1/g1ConcurrentRefine.hpp"
  28 #include "gc/g1/g1ConcurrentRefineThread.hpp"
  29 #include "gc/g1/g1DirtyCardQueue.hpp"
  30 #include "logging/log.hpp"
  31 #include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
  32 #include "runtime/java.hpp"
  33 #include "runtime/thread.hpp"
  34 #include "utilities/debug.hpp"
  35 #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
  36 #include "utilities/pair.hpp"
  37 #include <math.h>
  39 G1ConcurrentRefineThread* G1ConcurrentRefineThreadControl::create_refinement_thread(uint worker_id, bool initializing) {
  40   G1ConcurrentRefineThread* result = NULL;
  41   if (initializing || !InjectGCWorkerCreationFailure) {
  42     result = new G1ConcurrentRefineThread(_cr, worker_id);
  43   }
  44   if (result == NULL || result->osthread() == NULL) {
  45     log_warning(gc)("Failed to create refinement thread %u, no more %s",
  46                     worker_id,
  47                     result == NULL ? "memory" : "OS threads");
  48   }
  49   return result;
  50 }
  52 G1ConcurrentRefineThreadControl::G1ConcurrentRefineThreadControl() :
  53   _cr(NULL),
  54   _threads(NULL),
  55   _num_max_threads(0)
  56 {
  57 }
  59 G1ConcurrentRefineThreadControl::~G1ConcurrentRefineThreadControl() {
  60   for (uint i = 0; i < _num_max_threads; i++) {
  61     G1ConcurrentRefineThread* t = _threads[i];
  62     if (t != NULL) {
  63       delete t;
  64     }
  65   }
  66   FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(G1ConcurrentRefineThread*, _threads);
  67 }
  69 jint G1ConcurrentRefineThreadControl::initialize(G1ConcurrentRefine* cr, uint num_max_threads) {
  70   assert(cr != NULL, "G1ConcurrentRefine must not be NULL");
  71   _cr = cr;
  72   _num_max_threads = num_max_threads;
  74   _threads = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY_RETURN_NULL(G1ConcurrentRefineThread*, num_max_threads, mtGC);
  75   if (_threads == NULL) {
  76     vm_shutdown_during_initialization("Could not allocate thread holder array.");
  77     return JNI_ENOMEM;
  78   }
  80   for (uint i = 0; i < num_max_threads; i++) {
  81     if (UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads && i != 0 /* Always start first thread. */) {
  82       _threads[i] = NULL;
  83     } else {
  84       _threads[i] = create_refinement_thread(i, true);
  85       if (_threads[i] == NULL) {
  86         vm_shutdown_during_initialization("Could not allocate refinement threads.");
  87         return JNI_ENOMEM;
  88       }
  89     }
  90   }
  91   return JNI_OK;
  92 }
  94 void G1ConcurrentRefineThreadControl::maybe_activate_next(uint cur_worker_id) {
  95   assert(cur_worker_id < _num_max_threads,
  96          "Activating another thread from %u not allowed since there can be at most %u",
  97          cur_worker_id, _num_max_threads);
  98   if (cur_worker_id == (_num_max_threads - 1)) {
  99     // Already the last thread, there is no more thread to activate.
 100     return;
 101   }
 103   uint worker_id = cur_worker_id + 1;
 104   G1ConcurrentRefineThread* thread_to_activate = _threads[worker_id];
 105   if (thread_to_activate == NULL) {
 106     // Still need to create the thread...
 107     _threads[worker_id] = create_refinement_thread(worker_id, false);
 108     thread_to_activate = _threads[worker_id];
 109   }
 110   if (thread_to_activate != NULL && !thread_to_activate->is_active()) {
 111     thread_to_activate->activate();
 112   }
 113 }
 115 void G1ConcurrentRefineThreadControl::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
 116   for (uint i = 0; i < _num_max_threads; ++i) {
 117     if (_threads[i] != NULL) {
 118       _threads[i]->print_on(st);
 119       st->cr();
 120     }
 121   }
 122 }
 124 void G1ConcurrentRefineThreadControl::worker_threads_do(ThreadClosure* tc) {
 125   for (uint i = 0; i < _num_max_threads; i++) {
 126     if (_threads[i] != NULL) {
 127       tc->do_thread(_threads[i]);
 128     }
 129   }
 130 }
 132 void G1ConcurrentRefineThreadControl::stop() {
 133   for (uint i = 0; i < _num_max_threads; i++) {
 134     if (_threads[i] != NULL) {
 135       _threads[i]->stop();
 136     }
 137   }
 138 }
 140 // Arbitrary but large limits, to simplify some of the zone calculations.
 141 // The general idea is to allow expressions like
 142 //   MIN2(x OP y, max_XXX_zone)
 143 // without needing to check for overflow in "x OP y", because the
 144 // ranges for x and y have been restricted.
 145 STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(LP64_ONLY(jint) NOT_LP64(jshort)) <= (sizeof(size_t)/2));
 146 const size_t max_yellow_zone = LP64_ONLY(max_jint) NOT_LP64(max_jshort);
 147 const size_t max_green_zone = max_yellow_zone / 2;
 148 const size_t max_red_zone = INT_MAX; // For dcqs.set_max_completed_buffers.
 149 STATIC_ASSERT(max_yellow_zone <= max_red_zone);
 151 // Range check assertions for green zone values.
 152 #define assert_zone_constraints_g(green)                        \
 153   do {                                                          \
 154     size_t azc_g_green = (green);                               \
 155     assert(azc_g_green <= max_green_zone,                       \
 156            "green exceeds max: " SIZE_FORMAT, azc_g_green);     \
 157   } while (0)
 159 // Range check assertions for green and yellow zone values.
 160 #define assert_zone_constraints_gy(green, yellow)                       \
 161   do {                                                                  \
 162     size_t azc_gy_green = (green);                                      \
 163     size_t azc_gy_yellow = (yellow);                                    \
 164     assert_zone_constraints_g(azc_gy_green);                            \
 165     assert(azc_gy_yellow <= max_yellow_zone,                            \
 166            "yellow exceeds max: " SIZE_FORMAT, azc_gy_yellow);          \
 167     assert(azc_gy_green <= azc_gy_yellow,                               \
 168            "green (" SIZE_FORMAT ") exceeds yellow (" SIZE_FORMAT ")",  \
 169            azc_gy_green, azc_gy_yellow);                                \
 170   } while (0)
 172 // Range check assertions for green, yellow, and red zone values.
 173 #define assert_zone_constraints_gyr(green, yellow, red)                 \
 174   do {                                                                  \
 175     size_t azc_gyr_green = (green);                                     \
 176     size_t azc_gyr_yellow = (yellow);                                   \
 177     size_t azc_gyr_red = (red);                                         \
 178     assert_zone_constraints_gy(azc_gyr_green, azc_gyr_yellow);          \
 179     assert(azc_gyr_red <= max_red_zone,                                 \
 180            "red exceeds max: " SIZE_FORMAT, azc_gyr_red);               \
 181     assert(azc_gyr_yellow <= azc_gyr_red,                               \
 182            "yellow (" SIZE_FORMAT ") exceeds red (" SIZE_FORMAT ")",    \
 183            azc_gyr_yellow, azc_gyr_red);                                \
 184   } while (0)
 186 // Logging tag sequence for refinement control updates.
 187 #define CTRL_TAGS gc, ergo, refine
 189 // For logging zone values, ensuring consistency of level and tags.
 190 #define LOG_ZONES(...) log_debug( CTRL_TAGS )(__VA_ARGS__)
 192 // Package for pair of refinement thread activation and deactivation
 193 // thresholds.  The activation and deactivation levels are resp. the first
 194 // and second values of the pair.
 195 typedef Pair<size_t, size_t> Thresholds;
 196 inline size_t activation_level(const Thresholds& t) { return t.first; }
 197 inline size_t deactivation_level(const Thresholds& t) { return t.second; }
 199 static Thresholds calc_thresholds(size_t green_zone,
 200                                   size_t yellow_zone,
 201                                   uint worker_i) {
 202   double yellow_size = yellow_zone - green_zone;
 203   double step = yellow_size / G1ConcurrentRefine::max_num_threads();
 204   if (worker_i == 0) {
 205     // Potentially activate worker 0 more aggressively, to keep
 206     // available buffers near green_zone value.  When yellow_size is
 207     // large we don't want to allow a full step to accumulate before
 208     // doing any processing, as that might lead to significantly more
 209     // than green_zone buffers to be processed by update_rs.
 210     step = MIN2(step, ParallelGCThreads / 2.0);
 211   }
 212   size_t activate_offset = static_cast<size_t>(ceil(step * (worker_i + 1)));
 213   size_t deactivate_offset = static_cast<size_t>(floor(step * worker_i));
 214   return Thresholds(green_zone + activate_offset,
 215                     green_zone + deactivate_offset);
 216 }
 218 G1ConcurrentRefine::G1ConcurrentRefine(size_t green_zone,
 219                                        size_t yellow_zone,
 220                                        size_t red_zone,
 221                                        size_t min_yellow_zone_size) :
 222   _thread_control(),
 223   _green_zone(green_zone),
 224   _yellow_zone(yellow_zone),
 225   _red_zone(red_zone),
 226   _min_yellow_zone_size(min_yellow_zone_size)
 227 {
 228   assert_zone_constraints_gyr(green_zone, yellow_zone, red_zone);
 229 }
 231 jint G1ConcurrentRefine::initialize() {
 232   return _thread_control.initialize(this, max_num_threads());
 233 }
 235 static size_t calc_min_yellow_zone_size() {
 236   size_t step = G1ConcRefinementThresholdStep;
 237   uint n_workers = G1ConcurrentRefine::max_num_threads();
 238   if ((max_yellow_zone / step) < n_workers) {
 239     return max_yellow_zone;
 240   } else {
 241     return step * n_workers;
 242   }
 243 }
 245 static size_t calc_init_green_zone() {
 246   size_t green = G1ConcRefinementGreenZone;
 247   if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(G1ConcRefinementGreenZone)) {
 248     green = ParallelGCThreads;
 249   }
 250   return MIN2(green, max_green_zone);
 251 }
 253 static size_t calc_init_yellow_zone(size_t green, size_t min_size) {
 254   size_t config = G1ConcRefinementYellowZone;
 255   size_t size = 0;
 256   if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(G1ConcRefinementYellowZone)) {
 257     size = green * 2;
 258   } else if (green < config) {
 259     size = config - green;
 260   }
 261   size = MAX2(size, min_size);
 262   size = MIN2(size, max_yellow_zone);
 263   return MIN2(green + size, max_yellow_zone);
 264 }
 266 static size_t calc_init_red_zone(size_t green, size_t yellow) {
 267   size_t size = yellow - green;
 268   if (!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(G1ConcRefinementRedZone)) {
 269     size_t config = G1ConcRefinementRedZone;
 270     if (yellow < config) {
 271       size = MAX2(size, config - yellow);
 272     }
 273   }
 274   return MIN2(yellow + size, max_red_zone);
 275 }
 277 G1ConcurrentRefine* G1ConcurrentRefine::create(jint* ecode) {
 278   size_t min_yellow_zone_size = calc_min_yellow_zone_size();
 279   size_t green_zone = calc_init_green_zone();
 280   size_t yellow_zone = calc_init_yellow_zone(green_zone, min_yellow_zone_size);
 281   size_t red_zone = calc_init_red_zone(green_zone, yellow_zone);
 283   LOG_ZONES("Initial Refinement Zones: "
 284             "green: " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
 285             "yellow: " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
 286             "red: " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
 287             "min yellow size: " SIZE_FORMAT,
 288             green_zone, yellow_zone, red_zone, min_yellow_zone_size);
 290   G1ConcurrentRefine* cr = new G1ConcurrentRefine(green_zone,
 291                                                   yellow_zone,
 292                                                   red_zone,
 293                                                   min_yellow_zone_size);
 295   if (cr == NULL) {
 296     *ecode = JNI_ENOMEM;
 297     vm_shutdown_during_initialization("Could not create G1ConcurrentRefine");
 298     return NULL;
 299   }
 301   *ecode = cr->initialize();
 302   return cr;
 303 }
 305 void G1ConcurrentRefine::stop() {
 306   _thread_control.stop();
 307 }
 309 G1ConcurrentRefine::~G1ConcurrentRefine() {
 310 }
 312 void G1ConcurrentRefine::threads_do(ThreadClosure *tc) {
 313   _thread_control.worker_threads_do(tc);
 314 }
 316 uint G1ConcurrentRefine::max_num_threads() {
 317   return G1ConcRefinementThreads;
 318 }
 320 void G1ConcurrentRefine::print_threads_on(outputStream* st) const {
 321   _thread_control.print_on(st);
 322 }
 324 static size_t calc_new_green_zone(size_t green,
 325                                   double update_rs_time,
 326                                   size_t update_rs_processed_buffers,
 327                                   double goal_ms) {
 328   // Adjust green zone based on whether we're meeting the time goal.
 329   // Limit to max_green_zone.
 330   const double inc_k = 1.1, dec_k = 0.9;
 331   if (update_rs_time > goal_ms) {
 332     if (green > 0) {
 333       green = static_cast<size_t>(green * dec_k);
 334     }
 335   } else if (update_rs_time < goal_ms &&
 336              update_rs_processed_buffers > green) {
 337     green = static_cast<size_t>(MAX2(green * inc_k, green + 1.0));
 338     green = MIN2(green, max_green_zone);
 339   }
 340   return green;
 341 }
 343 static size_t calc_new_yellow_zone(size_t green, size_t min_yellow_size) {
 344   size_t size = green * 2;
 345   size = MAX2(size, min_yellow_size);
 346   return MIN2(green + size, max_yellow_zone);
 347 }
 349 static size_t calc_new_red_zone(size_t green, size_t yellow) {
 350   return MIN2(yellow + (yellow - green), max_red_zone);
 351 }
 353 void G1ConcurrentRefine::update_zones(double update_rs_time,
 354                                       size_t update_rs_processed_buffers,
 355                                       double goal_ms) {
 356   log_trace( CTRL_TAGS )("Updating Refinement Zones: "
 357                          "update_rs time: %.3fms, "
 358                          "update_rs buffers: " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
 359                          "update_rs goal time: %.3fms",
 360                          update_rs_time,
 361                          update_rs_processed_buffers,
 362                          goal_ms);
 364   _green_zone = calc_new_green_zone(_green_zone,
 365                                     update_rs_time,
 366                                     update_rs_processed_buffers,
 367                                     goal_ms);
 368   _yellow_zone = calc_new_yellow_zone(_green_zone, _min_yellow_zone_size);
 369   _red_zone = calc_new_red_zone(_green_zone, _yellow_zone);
 371   assert_zone_constraints_gyr(_green_zone, _yellow_zone, _red_zone);
 372   LOG_ZONES("Updated Refinement Zones: "
 373             "green: " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
 374             "yellow: " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
 375             "red: " SIZE_FORMAT,
 376             _green_zone, _yellow_zone, _red_zone);
 377 }
 379 void G1ConcurrentRefine::adjust(double update_rs_time,
 380                                 size_t update_rs_processed_buffers,
 381                                 double goal_ms) {
 382   G1DirtyCardQueueSet& dcqs = G1BarrierSet::dirty_card_queue_set();
 384   if (G1UseAdaptiveConcRefinement) {
 385     update_zones(update_rs_time, update_rs_processed_buffers, goal_ms);
 387     // Change the barrier params
 388     if (max_num_threads() == 0) {
 389       // Disable dcqs notification when there are no threads to notify.
 390       dcqs.set_process_completed_buffers_threshold(G1DirtyCardQueueSet::ProcessCompletedBuffersThresholdNever);
 391     } else {
 392       // Worker 0 is the primary; wakeup is via dcqs notification.
 393       STATIC_ASSERT(max_yellow_zone <= INT_MAX);
 394       size_t activate = activation_threshold(0);
 395       dcqs.set_process_completed_buffers_threshold(activate);
 396     }
 397     dcqs.set_max_completed_buffers(red_zone());
 398   }
 400   size_t curr_queue_size = dcqs.completed_buffers_num();
 401   if ((dcqs.max_completed_buffers() > 0) &&
 402       (curr_queue_size >= yellow_zone())) {
 403     dcqs.set_completed_buffers_padding(curr_queue_size);
 404   } else {
 405     dcqs.set_completed_buffers_padding(0);
 406   }
 407   dcqs.notify_if_necessary();
 408 }
 410 size_t G1ConcurrentRefine::activation_threshold(uint worker_id) const {
 411   Thresholds thresholds = calc_thresholds(_green_zone, _yellow_zone, worker_id);
 412   return activation_level(thresholds);
 413 }
 415 size_t G1ConcurrentRefine::deactivation_threshold(uint worker_id) const {
 416   Thresholds thresholds = calc_thresholds(_green_zone, _yellow_zone, worker_id);
 417   return deactivation_level(thresholds);
 418 }
 420 uint G1ConcurrentRefine::worker_id_offset() {
 421   return G1DirtyCardQueueSet::num_par_ids();
 422 }
 424 void G1ConcurrentRefine::maybe_activate_more_threads(uint worker_id, size_t num_cur_buffers) {
 425   if (num_cur_buffers > activation_threshold(worker_id + 1)) {
 426     _thread_control.maybe_activate_next(worker_id);
 427   }
 428 }
 430 bool G1ConcurrentRefine::do_refinement_step(uint worker_id) {
 431   G1DirtyCardQueueSet& dcqs = G1BarrierSet::dirty_card_queue_set();
 433   size_t curr_buffer_num = dcqs.completed_buffers_num();
 434   // If the number of the buffers falls down into the yellow zone,
 435   // that means that the transition period after the evacuation pause has ended.
 436   // Since the value written to the DCQS is the same for all threads, there is no
 437   // need to synchronize.
 438   if (dcqs.completed_buffers_padding() > 0 && curr_buffer_num <= yellow_zone()) {
 439     dcqs.set_completed_buffers_padding(0);
 440   }
 442   maybe_activate_more_threads(worker_id, curr_buffer_num);
 444   // Process the next buffer, if there are enough left.
 445   return dcqs.refine_completed_buffer_concurrently(worker_id + worker_id_offset(),
 446                                                    deactivation_threshold(worker_id));
 447 }