1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package com.sun.javafx.scene.control.skin;
  28 import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener;
  29 import javafx.beans.Observable;
  30 import javafx.beans.WeakInvalidationListener;
  31 import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
  32 import javafx.collections.MapChangeListener;
  33 import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
  34 import javafx.collections.ObservableMap;
  35 import javafx.event.EventHandler;
  36 import javafx.event.EventType;
  37 import javafx.event.WeakEventHandler;
  38 import javafx.scene.AccessibleAction;
  39 import javafx.scene.AccessibleAttribute;
  40 import javafx.scene.Node;
  41 import javafx.scene.control.*;
  42 import javafx.scene.control.TreeItem.TreeModificationEvent;
  43 import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
  44 import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
  45 import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
  46 import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
  47 import java.security.AccessController;
  48 import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
  49 import java.util.ArrayList;
  50 import java.util.List;
  52 import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.behavior.TreeViewBehavior;
  54 public class TreeViewSkin<T> extends VirtualContainerBase<TreeView<T>, TreeViewBehavior<T>, TreeCell<T>> {
  56     public static final String RECREATE = "treeRecreateKey";
  58     // RT-34744 : IS_PANNABLE will be false unless
  59     // com.sun.javafx.scene.control.skin.TreeViewSkin.pannable
  60     // is set to true. This is done in order to make TreeView functional
  61     // on embedded systems with touch screens which do not generate scroll
  62     // events for touch drag gestures.
  63     private static final boolean IS_PANNABLE =
  64             AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Boolean>) () -> Boolean.getBoolean("com.sun.javafx.scene.control.skin.TreeViewSkin.pannable"));
  67     public TreeViewSkin(final TreeView treeView) {
  68         super(treeView, new TreeViewBehavior(treeView));
  70         // init the VirtualFlow
  71         flow.setPannable(IS_PANNABLE);
  72         flow.setCreateCell(flow1 -> TreeViewSkin.this.createCell());
  73         flow.setFixedCellSize(treeView.getFixedCellSize());
  74         getChildren().add(flow);
  76         setRoot(getSkinnable().getRoot());
  78         EventHandler<MouseEvent> ml = event -> {
  79             // RT-15127: cancel editing on scroll. This is a bit extreme
  80             // (we are cancelling editing on touching the scrollbars).
  81             // This can be improved at a later date.
  82             if (treeView.getEditingItem() != null) {
  83                 treeView.edit(null);
  84             }
  86             // This ensures that the tree maintains the focus, even when the vbar
  87             // and hbar controls inside the flow are clicked. Without this, the
  88             // focus border will not be shown when the user interacts with the
  89             // scrollbars, and more importantly, keyboard navigation won't be
  90             // available to the user.
  91             if (treeView.isFocusTraversable()) {
  92                 treeView.requestFocus();
  93             }
  94         };
  95         flow.getVbar().addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, ml);
  96         flow.getHbar().addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, ml);
  98         final ObservableMap<Object, Object> properties = treeView.getProperties();
  99         properties.remove(RECREATE);
 100         properties.addListener(propertiesMapListener);
 102         // init the behavior 'closures'
 103         getBehavior().setOnFocusPreviousRow(() -> { onFocusPreviousCell(); });
 104         getBehavior().setOnFocusNextRow(() -> { onFocusNextCell(); });
 105         getBehavior().setOnMoveToFirstCell(() -> { onMoveToFirstCell(); });
 106         getBehavior().setOnMoveToLastCell(() -> { onMoveToLastCell(); });
 107         getBehavior().setOnScrollPageDown(isFocusDriven -> onScrollPageDown(isFocusDriven));
 108         getBehavior().setOnScrollPageUp(isFocusDriven -> onScrollPageUp(isFocusDriven));
 109         getBehavior().setOnSelectPreviousRow(() -> { onSelectPreviousCell(); });
 110         getBehavior().setOnSelectNextRow(() -> { onSelectNextCell(); });
 112         registerChangeListener(treeView.rootProperty(), "ROOT");
 113         registerChangeListener(treeView.showRootProperty(), "SHOW_ROOT");
 114         registerChangeListener(treeView.cellFactoryProperty(), "CELL_FACTORY");
 115         registerChangeListener(treeView.fixedCellSizeProperty(), "FIXED_CELL_SIZE");
 117         updateRowCount();
 118     }
 120     @Override protected void handleControlPropertyChanged(String p) {
 121         super.handleControlPropertyChanged(p);
 123         if ("ROOT".equals(p)) {
 124             setRoot(getSkinnable().getRoot());
 125         } else if ("SHOW_ROOT".equals(p)) {
 126             // if we turn off showing the root, then we must ensure the root
 127             // is expanded - otherwise we end up with no visible items in
 128             // the tree.
 129             if (! getSkinnable().isShowRoot() && getRoot() != null) {
 130                  getRoot().setExpanded(true);
 131             }
 132             // update the item count in the flow and behavior instances
 133             updateRowCount();
 134         } else if ("CELL_FACTORY".equals(p)) {
 135             flow.recreateCells();
 136         } else if ("FIXED_CELL_SIZE".equals(p)) {
 137             flow.setFixedCellSize(getSkinnable().getFixedCellSize());
 138         }
 139     }
 141 //    private boolean needItemCountUpdate = false;
 142     private boolean needCellsRebuilt = true;
 143     private boolean needCellsReconfigured = false;
 145     private MapChangeListener<Object, Object> propertiesMapListener = c -> {
 146         if (! c.wasAdded()) return;
 147         if (RECREATE.equals(c.getKey())) {
 148             needCellsRebuilt = true;
 149             getSkinnable().requestLayout();
 150             getSkinnable().getProperties().remove(RECREATE);
 151         }
 152     };
 154     private EventHandler<TreeModificationEvent<T>> rootListener = e -> {
 155         if (e.wasAdded() && e.wasRemoved() && e.getAddedSize() == e.getRemovedSize()) {
 156             // Fix for RT-14842, where the children of a TreeItem were changing,
 157             // but because the overall item count was staying the same, there was
 158             // no event being fired to the skin to be informed that the items
 159             // had changed. So, here we just watch for the case where the number
 160             // of items being added is equal to the number of items being removed.
 161             rowCountDirty = true;
 162             getSkinnable().requestLayout();
 163         } else if (e.getEventType().equals(TreeItem.valueChangedEvent())) {
 164             // Fix for RT-14971 and RT-15338.
 165             needCellsRebuilt = true;
 166             getSkinnable().requestLayout();
 167         } else {
 168             // Fix for RT-20090. We are checking to see if the event coming
 169             // from the TreeItem root is an event where the count has changed.
 170             EventType<?> eventType = e.getEventType();
 171             while (eventType != null) {
 172                 if (eventType.equals(TreeItem.<T>expandedItemCountChangeEvent())) {
 173                     rowCountDirty = true;
 174                     getSkinnable().requestLayout();
 175                     break;
 176                 }
 177                 eventType = eventType.getSuperType();
 178             }
 179         }
 181         // fix for RT-37853
 182         getSkinnable().edit(null);
 183     };
 185     private WeakEventHandler<TreeModificationEvent<T>> weakRootListener;
 188     private WeakReference<TreeItem<T>> weakRoot;
 189     private TreeItem<T> getRoot() {
 190         return weakRoot == null ? null : weakRoot.get();
 191     }
 192     private void setRoot(TreeItem<T> newRoot) {
 193         if (getRoot() != null && weakRootListener != null) {
 194             getRoot().removeEventHandler(TreeItem.<T>treeNotificationEvent(), weakRootListener);
 195         }
 196         weakRoot = new WeakReference<>(newRoot);
 197         if (getRoot() != null) {
 198             weakRootListener = new WeakEventHandler<>(rootListener);
 199             getRoot().addEventHandler(TreeItem.<T>treeNotificationEvent(), weakRootListener);
 200         }
 202         updateRowCount();
 203     }
 205     @Override public int getItemCount() {
 206         return getSkinnable().getExpandedItemCount();
 207     }
 209     @Override protected void updateRowCount() {
 210 //        int oldCount = flow.getCellCount();
 211         int newCount = getItemCount();
 213         // if this is not called even when the count is the same, we get a 
 214         // memory leak in VirtualFlow.sheet.children. This can probably be 
 215         // optimised in the future when time permits.
 216         flow.setCellCount(newCount);
 218         // Ideally we would be more nuanced here, toggling a cheaper needs* 
 219         // field, but if we do we hit issues such as those identified in 
 220         // RT-27852, where the expended item count of the new root equals the
 221         // EIC of the old root, which would lead to the visuals not updating
 222         // properly. 
 223         needCellsRebuilt = true;
 224         getSkinnable().requestLayout();
 225     }
 227     @Override public TreeCell<T> createCell() {
 228         final TreeCell<T> cell;
 229         if (getSkinnable().getCellFactory() != null) {
 230             cell = getSkinnable().getCellFactory().call(getSkinnable());
 231         } else {
 232             cell = createDefaultCellImpl();
 233         }
 235         // If there is no disclosure node, then add one of my own
 236         if (cell.getDisclosureNode() == null) {
 237             final StackPane disclosureNode = new StackPane();
 239             /* This code is intentionally commented.
 240              * Currently as it stands it does provided any functionality and interferes
 241              * with TreeView. The VO cursor move over the DISCLOSURE_NODE instead of the 
 242              * tree item itself. This is possibly caused by the order of item's children 
 243              * (the Labeled and the disclosure node).
 244              */
 245 //            final StackPane disclosureNode = new StackPane() {
 246 //                @Override protected Object accGetAttribute(Attribute attribute, Object... parameters) {
 247 //                    switch (attribute) {
 248 //                        case ROLE: return Role.DISCLOSURE_NODE;
 249 //                        default: return super.accGetAttribute(attribute, parameters);
 250 //                    }
 251 //                }
 252 //            };
 253             disclosureNode.getStyleClass().setAll("tree-disclosure-node");
 255             final StackPane disclosureNodeArrow = new StackPane();
 256             disclosureNodeArrow.getStyleClass().setAll("arrow");
 257             disclosureNode.getChildren().add(disclosureNodeArrow);
 259             cell.setDisclosureNode(disclosureNode);
 260         }
 262         cell.updateTreeView(getSkinnable());
 264         return cell;
 265     }
 267     // Note: This is a copy/paste of javafx.scene.control.cell.DefaultTreeCell,
 268     // which is package-protected
 269     private TreeCell<T> createDefaultCellImpl() {
 270         return new TreeCell<T>() {
 271             private HBox hbox;
 273             private WeakReference<TreeItem<T>> treeItemRef;
 275             private InvalidationListener treeItemGraphicListener = observable -> {
 276                 updateDisplay(getItem(), isEmpty());
 277             };
 279             private InvalidationListener treeItemListener = new InvalidationListener() {
 280                 @Override public void invalidated(Observable observable) {
 281                     TreeItem<T> oldTreeItem = treeItemRef == null ? null : treeItemRef.get();
 282                     if (oldTreeItem != null) {
 283                         oldTreeItem.graphicProperty().removeListener(weakTreeItemGraphicListener);
 284                     }
 286                     TreeItem<T> newTreeItem = getTreeItem();
 287                     if (newTreeItem != null) {
 288                         newTreeItem.graphicProperty().addListener(weakTreeItemGraphicListener);
 289                         treeItemRef = new WeakReference<TreeItem<T>>(newTreeItem);
 290                     }
 291                 }
 292             };
 294             private WeakInvalidationListener weakTreeItemGraphicListener =
 295                     new WeakInvalidationListener(treeItemGraphicListener);
 297             private WeakInvalidationListener weakTreeItemListener =
 298                     new WeakInvalidationListener(treeItemListener);
 300             {
 301                 treeItemProperty().addListener(weakTreeItemListener);
 303                 if (getTreeItem() != null) {
 304                     getTreeItem().graphicProperty().addListener(weakTreeItemGraphicListener);
 305                 }
 306             }
 308             private void updateDisplay(T item, boolean empty) {
 309                 if (item == null || empty) {
 310                     hbox = null;
 311                     setText(null);
 312                     setGraphic(null);
 313                 } else {
 314                     // update the graphic if one is set in the TreeItem
 315                     TreeItem<T> treeItem = getTreeItem();
 316                     Node graphic = treeItem == null ? null : treeItem.getGraphic();
 317                     if (graphic != null) {
 318                         if (item instanceof Node) {
 319                             setText(null);
 321                             // the item is a Node, and the graphic exists, so 
 322                             // we must insert both into an HBox and present that
 323                             // to the user (see RT-15910)
 324                             if (hbox == null) {
 325                                 hbox = new HBox(3);
 326                             }
 327                             hbox.getChildren().setAll(graphic, (Node)item);
 328                             setGraphic(hbox);
 329                         } else {
 330                             hbox = null;
 331                             setText(item.toString());
 332                             setGraphic(graphic);
 333                         }
 334                     } else {
 335                         hbox = null;
 336                         if (item instanceof Node) {
 337                             setText(null);
 338                             setGraphic((Node)item);
 339                         } else {
 340                             setText(item.toString());
 341                             setGraphic(null);
 342                         }
 343                     }
 344                 }                
 345             }
 347             @Override public void updateItem(T item, boolean empty) {
 348                 super.updateItem(item, empty);
 349                 updateDisplay(item, empty);
 350             }
 351         };
 352     }
 354     @Override protected double computePrefWidth(double height, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) {
 355         return computePrefHeight(-1, topInset, rightInset, bottomInset, leftInset) * 0.618033987;
 356     }
 358     @Override protected double computePrefHeight(double width, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) {
 359         return 400;
 360     }
 362     @Override
 363     protected void layoutChildren(final double x, final double y,
 364             final double w, final double h) {
 365         super.layoutChildren(x, y, w, h);
 367         if (needCellsRebuilt) {
 368             flow.rebuildCells();
 369         } else if (needCellsReconfigured) {
 370             flow.reconfigureCells();
 371         } 
 373         needCellsRebuilt = false;
 374         needCellsReconfigured = false;
 376         flow.resizeRelocate(x, y, w, h);
 377     }
 379     private void onFocusPreviousCell() {
 380         FocusModel<TreeItem<T>> fm = getSkinnable().getFocusModel();
 381         if (fm == null) return;
 382         flow.show(fm.getFocusedIndex());
 383     }
 385     private void onFocusNextCell() {
 386         FocusModel<TreeItem<T>> fm = getSkinnable().getFocusModel();
 387         if (fm == null) return;
 388         flow.show(fm.getFocusedIndex());
 389     }
 391     private void onSelectPreviousCell() {
 392         int row = getSkinnable().getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex();
 393         flow.show(row);
 394     }
 396     private void onSelectNextCell() {
 397         int row = getSkinnable().getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex();
 398         flow.show(row);
 399     }
 401     private void onMoveToFirstCell() {
 402         flow.show(0);
 403         flow.setPosition(0);
 404     }
 406     private void onMoveToLastCell() {
 407         flow.show(getItemCount());
 408         flow.setPosition(1);
 409     }
 411     /**
 412      * Function used to scroll the container down by one 'page'.
 413      */
 414     public int onScrollPageDown(boolean isFocusDriven) {
 415         TreeCell<T> lastVisibleCell = flow.getLastVisibleCellWithinViewPort();
 416         if (lastVisibleCell == null) return -1;
 418         final SelectionModel<TreeItem<T>> sm = getSkinnable().getSelectionModel();
 419         final FocusModel<TreeItem<T>> fm = getSkinnable().getFocusModel();
 420         if (sm == null || fm == null) return -1;
 422         int lastVisibleCellIndex = lastVisibleCell.getIndex();
 424         // isSelected represents focus OR selection
 425         boolean isSelected = false;
 426         if (isFocusDriven) {
 427             isSelected = lastVisibleCell.isFocused() || fm.isFocused(lastVisibleCellIndex);
 428         } else {
 429             isSelected = lastVisibleCell.isSelected() || sm.isSelected(lastVisibleCellIndex);
 430         }
 432         if (isSelected) {
 433             boolean isLeadIndex = (isFocusDriven && fm.getFocusedIndex() == lastVisibleCellIndex)
 434                     || (! isFocusDriven && sm.getSelectedIndex() == lastVisibleCellIndex);
 436             if (isLeadIndex) {
 437                 // if the last visible cell is selected, we want to shift that cell up
 438                 // to be the top-most cell, or at least as far to the top as we can go.
 439                 flow.showAsFirst(lastVisibleCell);
 441                 TreeCell<T> newLastVisibleCell = flow.getLastVisibleCellWithinViewPort();
 442                 lastVisibleCell = newLastVisibleCell == null ? lastVisibleCell : newLastVisibleCell;
 443             }
 444         } else {
 445             // if the selection is not on the 'bottom' most cell, we firstly move
 446             // the selection down to that, without scrolling the contents, so
 447             // this is a no-op
 448         }
 450         int newSelectionIndex = lastVisibleCell.getIndex();
 451         flow.show(lastVisibleCell);
 452         return newSelectionIndex;
 453     }
 455     /**
 456      * Function used to scroll the container up by one 'page'.
 457      */
 458     public int onScrollPageUp(boolean isFocusDriven) {
 459         TreeCell<T> firstVisibleCell = flow.getFirstVisibleCellWithinViewPort();
 460         if (firstVisibleCell == null) return -1;
 462         final SelectionModel<TreeItem<T>> sm = getSkinnable().getSelectionModel();
 463         final FocusModel<TreeItem<T>> fm = getSkinnable().getFocusModel();
 464         if (sm == null || fm == null) return -1;
 466         int firstVisibleCellIndex = firstVisibleCell.getIndex();
 468         // isSelected represents focus OR selection
 469         boolean isSelected = false;
 470         if (isFocusDriven) {
 471             isSelected = firstVisibleCell.isFocused() || fm.isFocused(firstVisibleCellIndex);
 472         } else {
 473             isSelected = firstVisibleCell.isSelected() || sm.isSelected(firstVisibleCellIndex);
 474         }
 476         if (isSelected) {
 477             boolean isLeadIndex = (isFocusDriven && fm.getFocusedIndex() == firstVisibleCellIndex)
 478                     || (! isFocusDriven && sm.getSelectedIndex() == firstVisibleCellIndex);
 480             if (isLeadIndex) {
 481                 // if the first visible cell is selected, we want to shift that cell down
 482                 // to be the bottom-most cell, or at least as far to the bottom as we can go.
 483                 flow.showAsLast(firstVisibleCell);
 485                 TreeCell<T> newFirstVisibleCell = flow.getFirstVisibleCellWithinViewPort();
 486                 firstVisibleCell = newFirstVisibleCell == null ? firstVisibleCell : newFirstVisibleCell;
 487             }
 488         } else {
 489             // if the selection is not on the 'top' most cell, we firstly move
 490             // the selection up to that, without scrolling the contents, so
 491             // this is a no-op
 492         }
 494         int newSelectionIndex = firstVisibleCell.getIndex();
 495         flow.show(firstVisibleCell);
 496         return newSelectionIndex;
 497     }
 499     @Override
 500     protected Object queryAccessibleAttribute(AccessibleAttribute attribute, Object... parameters) {
 501         switch (attribute) {
 502             case FOCUS_ITEM: {
 503                 FocusModel<?> fm = getSkinnable().getFocusModel();
 504                 int focusedIndex = fm.getFocusedIndex();
 505                 if (focusedIndex == -1) {
 506                     if (getItemCount() > 0) {
 507                         focusedIndex = 0;
 508                     } else {
 509                         return null;
 510                     }
 511                 }
 512                 return flow.getPrivateCell(focusedIndex);
 513             }
 514             case ROW_AT_INDEX: {
 515                 final int rowIndex = (Integer)parameters[0];
 516                 return rowIndex < 0 ? null : flow.getPrivateCell(rowIndex);
 517             }
 518             case SELECTED_ITEMS: {
 519                 MultipleSelectionModel<TreeItem<T>> sm = getSkinnable().getSelectionModel();
 520                 ObservableList<Integer> indices = sm.getSelectedIndices();
 521                 List<Node> selection = new ArrayList<>(indices.size());
 522                 for (int i : indices) {
 523                     TreeCell<T> row = flow.getPrivateCell(i);
 524                     if (row != null) selection.add(row);
 525                 }
 526                 return FXCollections.observableArrayList(selection);
 527             }
 528             case VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR: return flow.getVbar();
 529             case HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR: return flow.getHbar();
 530             default: return super.queryAccessibleAttribute(attribute, parameters);
 531         }
 532     }
 534     @Override
 535     protected void executeAccessibleAction(AccessibleAction action, Object... parameters) {
 536         switch (action) {
 537             case SHOW_ITEM: {
 538                 Node item = (Node)parameters[0];
 539                 if (item instanceof TreeCell) {
 540                     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 541                     TreeCell<T> cell = (TreeCell<T>)item;
 542                     flow.show(cell.getIndex());
 543                 }
 544                 break;
 545             }
 546             case SET_SELECTED_ITEMS: {
 547                 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 548                 ObservableList<Node> items = (ObservableList<Node>)parameters[0];
 549                 if (items != null) {
 550                     MultipleSelectionModel<TreeItem<T>> sm = getSkinnable().getSelectionModel();
 551                     if (sm != null) {
 552                         sm.clearSelection();
 553                         for (Node item : items) {
 554                             if (item instanceof TreeCell) {
 555                                 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 556                                 TreeCell<T> cell = (TreeCell<T>)item;
 557                                 sm.select(cell.getIndex());
 558                             }
 559                         }
 560                     }
 561                 }
 562                 break;
 563             }
 564             default: super.executeAccessibleAction(action, parameters);
 565         }
 566     }
 567 }