1 ##
   2 ## @test @(#)test6941923.sh
   3 ## @bug 6941923 
   4 ## @summary test new added flags for gc log rotation 
   5 ## @author yqi 
   6 ## @run shell test6941923.sh
   7 ##
   9 ## skip on windows
  10 OS=`uname -s`
  11 case "$OS" in
  12   SunOS | Linux )
  13     NULL=/dev/null
  14     PS=":"
  15     FS="/"
  16     ;;
  17   Windows_* )
  18     echo "Test skipped for Windows"
  19     exit 0 
  20     ;;
  21   * )
  22     echo "Unrecognized system!"
  23     exit 1;
  24     ;;
  25 esac
  27 if [ "${JAVA_HOME}" = "" ]
  28 then
  29   echo "JAVA_HOME not set"
  30   exit 0
  31 fi
  33 $JAVA_HOME/bin/java ${TESTVMOPTS} -version > $NULL 2>&1
  35 if [ $? != 0 ]; then
  36   echo "Wrong JAVA_HOME? JAVA_HOME: $JAVA_HOME"
  37   exit $?
  38 fi
  40 # create a small test case
  41 testname="Test"
  42 if [ -e ${testname}.java ]; then
  43   rm -rf ${testname}.*
  44 fi
  46 cat >> ${testname}.java << __EOF__
  47 import java.util.Vector;
  49 public class Test implements Runnable
  50 {
  51   private boolean _should_stop = false;
  53   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  55     long limit = Long.parseLong(args[0]) * 60L * 1000L;   // minutes
  56     Test t = new Test();
  57     t.set_stop(false);
  58     Thread thr = new Thread(t);
  59     thr.start();
  61     long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
  62     long time2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
  63     while (time2 - time1 < limit) {
  64       try {
  65         Thread.sleep(2000); // 2 seconds
  66       }
  67       catch(Exception e) {}
  68       time2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
  69       System.out.print("\r... " + (time2 - time1)/1000 + " seconds");
  70     }
  71     System.out.println();
  72     t.set_stop(true);
  73   }
  74   public void set_stop(boolean value) { _should_stop = value; }
  75   public void run() {
  76     int cap = 20000;
  77     int fix_size = 2048;
  78     int loop = 0;
  79     Vector< byte[] > v = new Vector< byte[] >(cap);
  80     while(!_should_stop) {
  81       byte[] g = new byte[fix_size];
  82       v.add(g);
  83       loop++;
  84       if (loop > cap) {
  85          v = null;
  86          cap *= 2;
  87          if (cap > 80000) cap = 80000;
  88          v = new Vector< byte[] >(cap);
  89       }
  90     }
  91   }
  92 }
  93 __EOF__
  95 msgsuccess="succeeded"
  96 msgfail="failed"
  97 gclogsize="16K"
  98 filesize=$((16*1024))
  99 $JAVA_HOME/bin/javac ${testname}.java > $NULL 2>&1
 101 if [ $? != 0 ]; then
 102   echo "$JAVA_HOME/bin/javac ${testname}.java $fail"
 103   exit -1
 104 fi
 106 # test for 2 minutes, it will complete circulation of gc log rotation
 107 tts=2
 108 logfile="test.log"
 109 hotspotlog="hotspot.log"
 111 if [ -e $logfile  ]; then
 112   rm -rf $logfile
 113 fi
 115 #also delete $hotspotlog if it exists
 116 if [ -f $hotspotlog ]; then 
 117   rm -rf $hotspotlog
 118 fi
 120 options="-Xloggc:$logfile -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+PrintGC -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation  -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=1 -XX:GCLogFileSize=$gclogsize"
 121 echo "Test gc log rotation in same file, wait for $tts minutes ...."
 122 $JAVA_HOME/bin/java ${TESTVMOPTS} $options $testname $tts
 123 if [ $? != 0 ]; then
 124   echo "$msgfail"
 125   exit -1
 126 fi
 128 # rotation file will be $logfile.0 
 129 if [ -f $logfile.0 ]; then
 130   outfilesize=`ls -l $logfile.0 | awk '{print $5 }'`
 131   if [ $((outfilesize)) -ge $((filesize)) ]; then
 132     echo $msgsuccess
 133   else
 134     echo $msgfail
 135   fi
 136 else 
 137   echo $msgfail
 138   exit -1
 139 fi
 141 # delete log file 
 142 rm -rf $logfile.0
 143 if [ -f $hotspotlog ]; then
 144   rm -rf $hotspotlog
 145 fi
 147 #multiple log files
 148 numoffiles=3
 149 options="-Xloggc:$logfile -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+PrintGC -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation  -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=$numoffiles -XX:GCLogFileSize=$gclogsize"
 150 echo "Test gc log rotation in $numoffiles files, wait for $tts minutes ...."
 151 $JAVA_HOME/bin/java ${TESTVMOPTS} $options $testname $tts
 152 if [ $? != 0 ]; then
 153   echo "$msgfail"
 154   exit -1
 155 fi
 157 atleast=0    # at least size of numoffile-1 files >= $gclogsize
 158 tk=0
 159 while [ $(($tk)) -lt $(($numoffiles)) ]
 160 do
 161   if [ -f $logfile.$tk ]; then
 162     outfilesize=`ls -l $logfile.$tk | awk '{ print $5 }'`
 163     if [ $(($outfilesize)) -ge $(($filesize)) ]; then
 164       atleast=$((atleast+1))
 165     fi
 166   fi
 167   tk=$((tk+1))
 168 done
 170 rm -rf $logfile.*
 171 rm -rf $testname.*
 172 rm -rf $hotspotlog
 174 if [ $(($atleast)) -ge $(($numoffiles-1)) ]; then
 175   echo $msgsuccess
 176 else
 177   echo $msgfail
 178   exit -1
 179 fi