1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 // no precompiled headers
  26 #include "classfile/classLoader.hpp"
  27 #include "classfile/systemDictionary.hpp"
  28 #include "classfile/vmSymbols.hpp"
  29 #include "code/icBuffer.hpp"
  30 #include "code/vtableStubs.hpp"
  31 #include "compiler/compileBroker.hpp"
  32 #include "compiler/disassembler.hpp"
  33 #include "interpreter/interpreter.hpp"
  34 #include "jvm_solaris.h"
  35 #include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
  36 #include "memory/filemap.hpp"
  37 #include "mutex_solaris.inline.hpp"
  38 #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
  39 #include "os_share_solaris.hpp"
  40 #include "prims/jniFastGetField.hpp"
  41 #include "prims/jvm.h"
  42 #include "prims/jvm_misc.hpp"
  43 #include "runtime/arguments.hpp"
  44 #include "runtime/extendedPC.hpp"
  45 #include "runtime/globals.hpp"
  46 #include "runtime/interfaceSupport.hpp"
  47 #include "runtime/java.hpp"
  48 #include "runtime/javaCalls.hpp"
  49 #include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp"
  50 #include "runtime/objectMonitor.hpp"
  51 #include "runtime/orderAccess.inline.hpp"
  52 #include "runtime/osThread.hpp"
  53 #include "runtime/perfMemory.hpp"
  54 #include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
  55 #include "runtime/statSampler.hpp"
  56 #include "runtime/stubRoutines.hpp"
  57 #include "runtime/thread.inline.hpp"
  58 #include "runtime/threadCritical.hpp"
  59 #include "runtime/timer.hpp"
  60 #include "services/attachListener.hpp"
  61 #include "services/memTracker.hpp"
  62 #include "services/runtimeService.hpp"
  63 #include "utilities/decoder.hpp"
  64 #include "utilities/defaultStream.hpp"
  65 #include "utilities/events.hpp"
  66 #include "utilities/growableArray.hpp"
  67 #include "utilities/vmError.hpp"
  69 // put OS-includes here
  70 # include <dlfcn.h>
  71 # include <errno.h>
  72 # include <exception>
  73 # include <link.h>
  74 # include <poll.h>
  75 # include <pthread.h>
  76 # include <pwd.h>
  77 # include <schedctl.h>
  78 # include <setjmp.h>
  79 # include <signal.h>
  80 # include <stdio.h>
  81 # include <alloca.h>
  82 # include <sys/filio.h>
  83 # include <sys/ipc.h>
  84 # include <sys/lwp.h>
  85 # include <sys/machelf.h>     // for elf Sym structure used by dladdr1
  86 # include <sys/mman.h>
  87 # include <sys/processor.h>
  88 # include <sys/procset.h>
  89 # include <sys/pset.h>
  90 # include <sys/resource.h>
  91 # include <sys/shm.h>
  92 # include <sys/socket.h>
  93 # include <sys/stat.h>
  94 # include <sys/systeminfo.h>
  95 # include <sys/time.h>
  96 # include <sys/times.h>
  97 # include <sys/types.h>
  98 # include <sys/wait.h>
  99 # include <sys/utsname.h>
 100 # include <thread.h>
 101 # include <unistd.h>
 102 # include <sys/priocntl.h>
 103 # include <sys/rtpriocntl.h>
 104 # include <sys/tspriocntl.h>
 105 # include <sys/iapriocntl.h>
 106 # include <sys/fxpriocntl.h>
 107 # include <sys/loadavg.h>
 108 # include <string.h>
 109 # include <stdio.h>
 111 # define _STRUCTURED_PROC 1  //  this gets us the new structured proc interfaces of 5.6 & later
 112 # include <sys/procfs.h>     //  see comment in <sys/procfs.h>
 114 #define MAX_PATH (2 * K)
 116 // for timer info max values which include all bits
 120 // Here are some liblgrp types from sys/lgrp_user.h to be able to
 121 // compile on older systems without this header file.
 123 #ifndef MADV_ACCESS_LWP
 124 # define  MADV_ACCESS_LWP         7       /* next LWP to access heavily */
 125 #endif
 126 #ifndef MADV_ACCESS_MANY
 127 # define  MADV_ACCESS_MANY        8       /* many processes to access heavily */
 128 #endif
 130 #ifndef LGRP_RSRC_CPU
 131 # define LGRP_RSRC_CPU           0       /* CPU resources */
 132 #endif
 133 #ifndef LGRP_RSRC_MEM
 134 # define LGRP_RSRC_MEM           1       /* memory resources */
 135 #endif
 137 // see thr_setprio(3T) for the basis of these numbers
 138 #define MinimumPriority 0
 139 #define NormalPriority  64
 140 #define MaximumPriority 127
 142 // Values for ThreadPriorityPolicy == 1
 143 int prio_policy1[CriticalPriority+1] = {
 144   -99999,  0, 16,  32,  48,  64,
 145           80, 96, 112, 124, 127, 127 };
 147 // System parameters used internally
 148 static clock_t clock_tics_per_sec = 100;
 150 // Track if we have called enable_extended_FILE_stdio (on Solaris 10u4+)
 151 static bool enabled_extended_FILE_stdio = false;
 153 // For diagnostics to print a message once. see run_periodic_checks
 154 static bool check_addr0_done = false;
 155 static sigset_t check_signal_done;
 156 static bool check_signals = true;
 158 address os::Solaris::handler_start;  // start pc of thr_sighndlrinfo
 159 address os::Solaris::handler_end;    // end pc of thr_sighndlrinfo
 161 address os::Solaris::_main_stack_base = NULL;  // 4352906 workaround
 164 // "default" initializers for missing libc APIs
 165 extern "C" {
 166   static int lwp_mutex_init(mutex_t *mx, int scope, void *arg) { memset(mx, 0, sizeof(mutex_t)); return 0; }
 167   static int lwp_mutex_destroy(mutex_t *mx)                 { return 0; }
 169   static int lwp_cond_init(cond_t *cv, int scope, void *arg){ memset(cv, 0, sizeof(cond_t)); return 0; }
 170   static int lwp_cond_destroy(cond_t *cv)                   { return 0; }
 171 }
 173 // "default" initializers for pthread-based synchronization
 174 extern "C" {
 175   static int pthread_mutex_default_init(mutex_t *mx, int scope, void *arg) { memset(mx, 0, sizeof(mutex_t)); return 0; }
 176   static int pthread_cond_default_init(cond_t *cv, int scope, void *arg){ memset(cv, 0, sizeof(cond_t)); return 0; }
 177 }
 179 static void unpackTime(timespec* absTime, bool isAbsolute, jlong time);
 181 static inline size_t adjust_stack_size(address base, size_t size) {
 182   if ((ssize_t)size < 0) {
 183     // 4759953: Compensate for ridiculous stack size.
 184     size = max_intx;
 185   }
 186   if (size > (size_t)base) {
 187     // 4812466: Make sure size doesn't allow the stack to wrap the address space.
 188     size = (size_t)base;
 189   }
 190   return size;
 191 }
 193 static inline stack_t get_stack_info() {
 194   stack_t st;
 195   int retval = thr_stksegment(&st);
 196   st.ss_size = adjust_stack_size((address)st.ss_sp, st.ss_size);
 197   assert(retval == 0, "incorrect return value from thr_stksegment");
 198   assert((address)&st < (address)st.ss_sp, "Invalid stack base returned");
 199   assert((address)&st > (address)st.ss_sp-st.ss_size, "Invalid stack size returned");
 200   return st;
 201 }
 203 address os::current_stack_base() {
 204   int r = thr_main() ;
 205   guarantee (r == 0 || r == 1, "CR6501650 or CR6493689") ;
 206   bool is_primordial_thread = r;
 208   // Workaround 4352906, avoid calls to thr_stksegment by
 209   // thr_main after the first one (it looks like we trash
 210   // some data, causing the value for ss_sp to be incorrect).
 211   if (!is_primordial_thread || os::Solaris::_main_stack_base == NULL) {
 212     stack_t st = get_stack_info();
 213     if (is_primordial_thread) {
 214       // cache initial value of stack base
 215       os::Solaris::_main_stack_base = (address)st.ss_sp;
 216     }
 217     return (address)st.ss_sp;
 218   } else {
 219     guarantee(os::Solaris::_main_stack_base != NULL, "Attempt to use null cached stack base");
 220     return os::Solaris::_main_stack_base;
 221   }
 222 }
 224 size_t os::current_stack_size() {
 225   size_t size;
 227   int r = thr_main() ;
 228   guarantee (r == 0 || r == 1, "CR6501650 or CR6493689") ;
 229   if(!r) {
 230     size = get_stack_info().ss_size;
 231   } else {
 232     struct rlimit limits;
 233     getrlimit(RLIMIT_STACK, &limits);
 234     size = adjust_stack_size(os::Solaris::_main_stack_base, (size_t)limits.rlim_cur);
 235   }
 236   // base may not be page aligned
 237   address base = current_stack_base();
 238   address bottom = (address)align_size_up((intptr_t)(base - size), os::vm_page_size());;
 239   return (size_t)(base - bottom);
 240 }
 242 struct tm* os::localtime_pd(const time_t* clock, struct tm*  res) {
 243   return localtime_r(clock, res);
 244 }
 246 // interruptible infrastructure
 248 // setup_interruptible saves the thread state before going into an
 249 // interruptible system call.
 250 // The saved state is used to restore the thread to
 251 // its former state whether or not an interrupt is received.
 252 // Used by classloader os::read
 253 // os::restartable_read calls skip this layer and stay in _thread_in_native
 255 void os::Solaris::setup_interruptible(JavaThread* thread) {
 257   JavaThreadState thread_state = thread->thread_state();
 259   assert(thread_state != _thread_blocked, "Coming from the wrong thread");
 260   assert(thread_state != _thread_in_native, "Native threads skip setup_interruptible");
 261   OSThread* osthread = thread->osthread();
 262   osthread->set_saved_interrupt_thread_state(thread_state);
 263   thread->frame_anchor()->make_walkable(thread);
 264   ThreadStateTransition::transition(thread, thread_state, _thread_blocked);
 265 }
 267 // Version of setup_interruptible() for threads that are already in
 268 // _thread_blocked. Used by os_sleep().
 269 void os::Solaris::setup_interruptible_already_blocked(JavaThread* thread) {
 270   thread->frame_anchor()->make_walkable(thread);
 271 }
 273 JavaThread* os::Solaris::setup_interruptible() {
 274   JavaThread* thread = (JavaThread*)ThreadLocalStorage::thread();
 275   setup_interruptible(thread);
 276   return thread;
 277 }
 279 void os::Solaris::try_enable_extended_io() {
 280   typedef int (*enable_extended_FILE_stdio_t)(int, int);
 282   if (!UseExtendedFileIO) {
 283     return;
 284   }
 286   enable_extended_FILE_stdio_t enabler =
 287     (enable_extended_FILE_stdio_t) dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT,
 288                                          "enable_extended_FILE_stdio");
 289   if (enabler) {
 290     enabler(-1, -1);
 291   }
 292 }
 295 #ifdef ASSERT
 297 JavaThread* os::Solaris::setup_interruptible_native() {
 298   JavaThread* thread = (JavaThread*)ThreadLocalStorage::thread();
 299   JavaThreadState thread_state = thread->thread_state();
 300   assert(thread_state == _thread_in_native, "Assumed thread_in_native");
 301   return thread;
 302 }
 304 void os::Solaris::cleanup_interruptible_native(JavaThread* thread) {
 305   JavaThreadState thread_state = thread->thread_state();
 306   assert(thread_state == _thread_in_native, "Assumed thread_in_native");
 307 }
 308 #endif
 310 // cleanup_interruptible reverses the effects of setup_interruptible
 311 // setup_interruptible_already_blocked() does not need any cleanup.
 313 void os::Solaris::cleanup_interruptible(JavaThread* thread) {
 314   OSThread* osthread = thread->osthread();
 316   ThreadStateTransition::transition(thread, _thread_blocked, osthread->saved_interrupt_thread_state());
 317 }
 319 // I/O interruption related counters called in _INTERRUPTIBLE
 321 void os::Solaris::bump_interrupted_before_count() {
 322   RuntimeService::record_interrupted_before_count();
 323 }
 325 void os::Solaris::bump_interrupted_during_count() {
 326   RuntimeService::record_interrupted_during_count();
 327 }
 329 static int _processors_online = 0;
 331          jint os::Solaris::_os_thread_limit = 0;
 332 volatile jint os::Solaris::_os_thread_count = 0;
 334 julong os::available_memory() {
 335   return Solaris::available_memory();
 336 }
 338 julong os::Solaris::available_memory() {
 339   return (julong)sysconf(_SC_AVPHYS_PAGES) * os::vm_page_size();
 340 }
 342 julong os::Solaris::_physical_memory = 0;
 344 julong os::physical_memory() {
 345    return Solaris::physical_memory();
 346 }
 348 static hrtime_t first_hrtime = 0;
 349 static const hrtime_t hrtime_hz = 1000*1000*1000;
 350 static volatile hrtime_t max_hrtime = 0;
 353 void os::Solaris::initialize_system_info() {
 354   set_processor_count(sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF));
 355   _processors_online = sysconf (_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
 356   _physical_memory = (julong)sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES) * (julong)sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
 357 }
 359 int os::active_processor_count() {
 360   int online_cpus = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
 361   pid_t pid = getpid();
 362   psetid_t pset = PS_NONE;
 363   // Are we running in a processor set or is there any processor set around?
 364   if (pset_bind(PS_QUERY, P_PID, pid, &pset) == 0) {
 365     uint_t pset_cpus;
 366     // Query the number of cpus available to us.
 367     if (pset_info(pset, NULL, &pset_cpus, NULL) == 0) {
 368       assert(pset_cpus > 0 && pset_cpus <= online_cpus, "sanity check");
 369       _processors_online = pset_cpus;
 370       return pset_cpus;
 371     }
 372   }
 373   // Otherwise return number of online cpus
 374   return online_cpus;
 375 }
 377 static bool find_processors_in_pset(psetid_t        pset,
 378                                     processorid_t** id_array,
 379                                     uint_t*         id_length) {
 380   bool result = false;
 381   // Find the number of processors in the processor set.
 382   if (pset_info(pset, NULL, id_length, NULL) == 0) {
 383     // Make up an array to hold their ids.
 384     *id_array = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(processorid_t, *id_length, mtInternal);
 385     // Fill in the array with their processor ids.
 386     if (pset_info(pset, NULL, id_length, *id_array) == 0) {
 387       result = true;
 388     }
 389   }
 390   return result;
 391 }
 393 // Callers of find_processors_online() must tolerate imprecise results --
 394 // the system configuration can change asynchronously because of DR
 395 // or explicit psradm operations.
 396 //
 397 // We also need to take care that the loop (below) terminates as the
 398 // number of processors online can change between the _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN
 399 // request and the loop that builds the list of processor ids.   Unfortunately
 400 // there's no reliable way to determine the maximum valid processor id,
 401 // so we use a manifest constant, MAX_PROCESSOR_ID, instead.  See p_online
 402 // man pages, which claim the processor id set is "sparse, but
 403 // not too sparse".  MAX_PROCESSOR_ID is used to ensure that we eventually
 404 // exit the loop.
 405 //
 406 // In the future we'll be able to use sysconf(_SC_CPUID_MAX), but that's
 407 // not available on S8.0.
 409 static bool find_processors_online(processorid_t** id_array,
 410                                    uint*           id_length) {
 411   const processorid_t MAX_PROCESSOR_ID = 100000 ;
 412   // Find the number of processors online.
 413   *id_length = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
 414   // Make up an array to hold their ids.
 415   *id_array = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(processorid_t, *id_length, mtInternal);
 416   // Processors need not be numbered consecutively.
 417   long found = 0;
 418   processorid_t next = 0;
 419   while (found < *id_length && next < MAX_PROCESSOR_ID) {
 420     processor_info_t info;
 421     if (processor_info(next, &info) == 0) {
 422       // NB, PI_NOINTR processors are effectively online ...
 423       if (info.pi_state == P_ONLINE || info.pi_state == P_NOINTR) {
 424         (*id_array)[found] = next;
 425         found += 1;
 426       }
 427     }
 428     next += 1;
 429   }
 430   if (found < *id_length) {
 431       // The loop above didn't identify the expected number of processors.
 432       // We could always retry the operation, calling sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
 433       // and re-running the loop, above, but there's no guarantee of progress
 434       // if the system configuration is in flux.  Instead, we just return what
 435       // we've got.  Note that in the worst case find_processors_online() could
 436       // return an empty set.  (As a fall-back in the case of the empty set we
 437       // could just return the ID of the current processor).
 438       *id_length = found ;
 439   }
 441   return true;
 442 }
 444 static bool assign_distribution(processorid_t* id_array,
 445                                 uint           id_length,
 446                                 uint*          distribution,
 447                                 uint           distribution_length) {
 448   // We assume we can assign processorid_t's to uint's.
 449   assert(sizeof(processorid_t) == sizeof(uint),
 450          "can't convert processorid_t to uint");
 451   // Quick check to see if we won't succeed.
 452   if (id_length < distribution_length) {
 453     return false;
 454   }
 455   // Assign processor ids to the distribution.
 456   // Try to shuffle processors to distribute work across boards,
 457   // assuming 4 processors per board.
 458   const uint processors_per_board = ProcessDistributionStride;
 459   // Find the maximum processor id.
 460   processorid_t max_id = 0;
 461   for (uint m = 0; m < id_length; m += 1) {
 462     max_id = MAX2(max_id, id_array[m]);
 463   }
 464   // The next id, to limit loops.
 465   const processorid_t limit_id = max_id + 1;
 466   // Make up markers for available processors.
 467   bool* available_id = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(bool, limit_id, mtInternal);
 468   for (uint c = 0; c < limit_id; c += 1) {
 469     available_id[c] = false;
 470   }
 471   for (uint a = 0; a < id_length; a += 1) {
 472     available_id[id_array[a]] = true;
 473   }
 474   // Step by "boards", then by "slot", copying to "assigned".
 475   // NEEDS_CLEANUP: The assignment of processors should be stateful,
 476   //                remembering which processors have been assigned by
 477   //                previous calls, etc., so as to distribute several
 478   //                independent calls of this method.  What we'd like is
 479   //                It would be nice to have an API that let us ask
 480   //                how many processes are bound to a processor,
 481   //                but we don't have that, either.
 482   //                In the short term, "board" is static so that
 483   //                subsequent distributions don't all start at board 0.
 484   static uint board = 0;
 485   uint assigned = 0;
 486   // Until we've found enough processors ....
 487   while (assigned < distribution_length) {
 488     // ... find the next available processor in the board.
 489     for (uint slot = 0; slot < processors_per_board; slot += 1) {
 490       uint try_id = board * processors_per_board + slot;
 491       if ((try_id < limit_id) && (available_id[try_id] == true)) {
 492         distribution[assigned] = try_id;
 493         available_id[try_id] = false;
 494         assigned += 1;
 495         break;
 496       }
 497     }
 498     board += 1;
 499     if (board * processors_per_board + 0 >= limit_id) {
 500       board = 0;
 501     }
 502   }
 503   if (available_id != NULL) {
 504     FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(bool, available_id, mtInternal);
 505   }
 506   return true;
 507 }
 509 void os::set_native_thread_name(const char *name) {
 510   // Not yet implemented.
 511   return;
 512 }
 514 bool os::distribute_processes(uint length, uint* distribution) {
 515   bool result = false;
 516   // Find the processor id's of all the available CPUs.
 517   processorid_t* id_array  = NULL;
 518   uint           id_length = 0;
 519   // There are some races between querying information and using it,
 520   // since processor sets can change dynamically.
 521   psetid_t pset = PS_NONE;
 522   // Are we running in a processor set?
 523   if ((pset_bind(PS_QUERY, P_PID, P_MYID, &pset) == 0) && pset != PS_NONE) {
 524     result = find_processors_in_pset(pset, &id_array, &id_length);
 525   } else {
 526     result = find_processors_online(&id_array, &id_length);
 527   }
 528   if (result == true) {
 529     if (id_length >= length) {
 530       result = assign_distribution(id_array, id_length, distribution, length);
 531     } else {
 532       result = false;
 533     }
 534   }
 535   if (id_array != NULL) {
 536     FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(processorid_t, id_array, mtInternal);
 537   }
 538   return result;
 539 }
 541 bool os::bind_to_processor(uint processor_id) {
 542   // We assume that a processorid_t can be stored in a uint.
 543   assert(sizeof(uint) == sizeof(processorid_t),
 544          "can't convert uint to processorid_t");
 545   int bind_result =
 546     processor_bind(P_LWPID,                       // bind LWP.
 547                    P_MYID,                        // bind current LWP.
 548                    (processorid_t) processor_id,  // id.
 549                    NULL);                         // don't return old binding.
 550   return (bind_result == 0);
 551 }
 553 bool os::getenv(const char* name, char* buffer, int len) {
 554   char* val = ::getenv( name );
 555   if ( val == NULL
 556   ||   strlen(val) + 1  >  len ) {
 557     if (len > 0)  buffer[0] = 0; // return a null string
 558     return false;
 559   }
 560   strcpy( buffer, val );
 561   return true;
 562 }
 565 // Return true if user is running as root.
 567 bool os::have_special_privileges() {
 568   static bool init = false;
 569   static bool privileges = false;
 570   if (!init) {
 571     privileges = (getuid() != geteuid()) || (getgid() != getegid());
 572     init = true;
 573   }
 574   return privileges;
 575 }
 578 void os::init_system_properties_values() {
 579   // The next steps are taken in the product version:
 580   //
 581   // Obtain the JAVA_HOME value from the location of libjvm.so.
 582   // This library should be located at:
 583   // <JAVA_HOME>/jre/lib/<arch>/{client|server}/libjvm.so.
 584   //
 585   // If "/jre/lib/" appears at the right place in the path, then we
 586   // assume libjvm.so is installed in a JDK and we use this path.
 587   //
 588   // Otherwise exit with message: "Could not create the Java virtual machine."
 589   //
 590   // The following extra steps are taken in the debugging version:
 591   //
 592   // If "/jre/lib/" does NOT appear at the right place in the path
 593   // instead of exit check for $JAVA_HOME environment variable.
 594   //
 595   // If it is defined and we are able to locate $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/<arch>,
 596   // then we append a fake suffix "hotspot/libjvm.so" to this path so
 597   // it looks like libjvm.so is installed there
 598   // <JAVA_HOME>/jre/lib/<arch>/hotspot/libjvm.so.
 599   //
 600   // Otherwise exit.
 601   //
 602   // Important note: if the location of libjvm.so changes this
 603   // code needs to be changed accordingly.
 605 // Base path of extensions installed on the system.
 606 #define SYS_EXT_DIR     "/usr/jdk/packages"
 607 #define EXTENSIONS_DIR  "/lib/ext"
 608 #define ENDORSED_DIR    "/lib/endorsed"
 610   char cpu_arch[12];
 611   // Buffer that fits several sprintfs.
 612   // Note that the space for the colon and the trailing null are provided
 613   // by the nulls included by the sizeof operator.
 614   const size_t bufsize =
 615     MAX4((size_t)MAXPATHLEN,  // For dll_dir & friends.
 616          sizeof(SYS_EXT_DIR) + sizeof("/lib/") + strlen(cpu_arch), // invariant ld_library_path
 617          (size_t)MAXPATHLEN + sizeof(EXTENSIONS_DIR) + sizeof(SYS_EXT_DIR) + sizeof(EXTENSIONS_DIR), // extensions dir
 618          (size_t)MAXPATHLEN + sizeof(ENDORSED_DIR)); // endorsed dir
 619   char *buf = (char *)NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, bufsize, mtInternal);
 621   // sysclasspath, java_home, dll_dir
 622   {
 623     char *pslash;
 624     os::jvm_path(buf, bufsize);
 626     // Found the full path to libjvm.so.
 627     // Now cut the path to <java_home>/jre if we can.
 628     *(strrchr(buf, '/')) = '\0'; // Get rid of /libjvm.so.
 629     pslash = strrchr(buf, '/');
 630     if (pslash != NULL) {
 631       *pslash = '\0';            // Get rid of /{client|server|hotspot}.
 632     }
 633     Arguments::set_dll_dir(buf);
 635     if (pslash != NULL) {
 636       pslash = strrchr(buf, '/');
 637       if (pslash != NULL) {
 638         *pslash = '\0';          // Get rid of /<arch>.
 639         pslash = strrchr(buf, '/');
 640         if (pslash != NULL) {
 641           *pslash = '\0';        // Get rid of /lib.
 642         }
 643       }
 644     }
 645     Arguments::set_java_home(buf);
 646     set_boot_path('/', ':');
 647   }
 649   // Where to look for native libraries.
 650   {
 651     // Use dlinfo() to determine the correct java.library.path.
 652     //
 653     // If we're launched by the Java launcher, and the user
 654     // does not set java.library.path explicitly on the commandline,
 655     // the Java launcher sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH for us and unsets
 656     // LD_LIBRARY_PATH_32 and LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64.  In this case
 657     // dlinfo returns LD_LIBRARY_PATH + crle settings (including
 658     // /usr/lib), which is exactly what we want.
 659     //
 660     // If the user does set java.library.path, it completely
 661     // overwrites this setting, and always has.
 662     //
 663     // If we're not launched by the Java launcher, we may
 664     // get here with any/all of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH[_32|64]
 665     // settings.  Again, dlinfo does exactly what we want.
 667     Dl_serinfo     info_sz, *info = &info_sz;
 668     Dl_serpath     *path;
 669     char           *library_path;
 670     char           *common_path = buf;
 672     // Determine search path count and required buffer size.
 673     if (dlinfo(RTLD_SELF, RTLD_DI_SERINFOSIZE, (void *)info) == -1) {
 674       FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, buf,  mtInternal);
 675       vm_exit_during_initialization("dlinfo SERINFOSIZE request", dlerror());
 676     }
 678     // Allocate new buffer and initialize.
 679     info = (Dl_serinfo*)NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, info_sz.dls_size, mtInternal);
 680     info->dls_size = info_sz.dls_size;
 681     info->dls_cnt = info_sz.dls_cnt;
 683     // Obtain search path information.
 684     if (dlinfo(RTLD_SELF, RTLD_DI_SERINFO, (void *)info) == -1) {
 685       FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, buf,  mtInternal);
 686       FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, info, mtInternal);
 687       vm_exit_during_initialization("dlinfo SERINFO request", dlerror());
 688     }
 690     path = &info->dls_serpath[0];
 692     // Note: Due to a legacy implementation, most of the library path
 693     // is set in the launcher. This was to accomodate linking restrictions
 694     // on legacy Solaris implementations (which are no longer supported).
 695     // Eventually, all the library path setting will be done here.
 696     //
 697     // However, to prevent the proliferation of improperly built native
 698     // libraries, the new path component /usr/jdk/packages is added here.
 700     // Determine the actual CPU architecture.
 701     sysinfo(SI_ARCHITECTURE, cpu_arch, sizeof(cpu_arch));
 702 #ifdef _LP64
 703     // If we are a 64-bit vm, perform the following translations:
 704     //   sparc   -> sparcv9
 705     //   i386    -> amd64
 706     if (strcmp(cpu_arch, "sparc") == 0) {
 707       strcat(cpu_arch, "v9");
 708     } else if (strcmp(cpu_arch, "i386") == 0) {
 709       strcpy(cpu_arch, "amd64");
 710     }
 711 #endif
 713     // Construct the invariant part of ld_library_path.
 714     sprintf(common_path, SYS_EXT_DIR "/lib/%s", cpu_arch);
 716     // Struct size is more than sufficient for the path components obtained
 717     // through the dlinfo() call, so only add additional space for the path
 718     // components explicitly added here.
 719     size_t library_path_size = info->dls_size + strlen(common_path);
 720     library_path = (char *)NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, library_path_size, mtInternal);
 721     library_path[0] = '\0';
 723     // Construct the desired Java library path from the linker's library
 724     // search path.
 725     //
 726     // For compatibility, it is optimal that we insert the additional path
 727     // components specific to the Java VM after those components specified
 728     // in LD_LIBRARY_PATH (if any) but before those added by the ld.so
 729     // infrastructure.
 730     if (info->dls_cnt == 0) { // Not sure this can happen, but allow for it.
 731       strcpy(library_path, common_path);
 732     } else {
 733       int inserted = 0;
 734       int i;
 735       for (i = 0; i < info->dls_cnt; i++, path++) {
 736         uint_t flags = path->dls_flags & LA_SER_MASK;
 737         if (((flags & LA_SER_LIBPATH) == 0) && !inserted) {
 738           strcat(library_path, common_path);
 739           strcat(library_path, os::path_separator());
 740           inserted = 1;
 741         }
 742         strcat(library_path, path->dls_name);
 743         strcat(library_path, os::path_separator());
 744       }
 745       // Eliminate trailing path separator.
 746       library_path[strlen(library_path)-1] = '\0';
 747     }
 749     // happens before argument parsing - can't use a trace flag
 750     // tty->print_raw("init_system_properties_values: native lib path: ");
 751     // tty->print_raw_cr(library_path);
 753     // Callee copies into its own buffer.
 754     Arguments::set_library_path(library_path);
 756     FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, library_path, mtInternal);
 757     FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, info, mtInternal);
 758   }
 760   // Extensions directories.
 761   sprintf(buf, "%s" EXTENSIONS_DIR ":" SYS_EXT_DIR EXTENSIONS_DIR, Arguments::get_java_home());
 762   Arguments::set_ext_dirs(buf);
 764   // Endorsed standards default directory.
 765   sprintf(buf, "%s" ENDORSED_DIR, Arguments::get_java_home());
 766   Arguments::set_endorsed_dirs(buf);
 768   FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, buf, mtInternal);
 770 #undef SYS_EXT_DIR
 771 #undef EXTENSIONS_DIR
 772 #undef ENDORSED_DIR
 773 }
 775 void os::breakpoint() {
 777 }
 779 bool os::obsolete_option(const JavaVMOption *option)
 780 {
 781   if (!strncmp(option->optionString, "-Xt", 3)) {
 782     return true;
 783   } else if (!strncmp(option->optionString, "-Xtm", 4)) {
 784     return true;
 785   } else if (!strncmp(option->optionString, "-Xverifyheap", 12)) {
 786     return true;
 787   } else if (!strncmp(option->optionString, "-Xmaxjitcodesize", 16)) {
 788     return true;
 789   }
 790   return false;
 791 }
 793 bool os::Solaris::valid_stack_address(Thread* thread, address sp) {
 794   address  stackStart  = (address)thread->stack_base();
 795   address  stackEnd    = (address)(stackStart - (address)thread->stack_size());
 796   if (sp < stackStart && sp >= stackEnd ) return true;
 797   return false;
 798 }
 800 extern "C" void breakpoint() {
 801   // use debugger to set breakpoint here
 802 }
 804 static thread_t main_thread;
 806 // Thread start routine for all new Java threads
 807 extern "C" void* java_start(void* thread_addr) {
 808   // Try to randomize the cache line index of hot stack frames.
 809   // This helps when threads of the same stack traces evict each other's
 810   // cache lines. The threads can be either from the same JVM instance, or
 811   // from different JVM instances. The benefit is especially true for
 812   // processors with hyperthreading technology.
 813   static int counter = 0;
 814   int pid = os::current_process_id();
 815   alloca(((pid ^ counter++) & 7) * 128);
 817   int prio;
 818   Thread* thread = (Thread*)thread_addr;
 819   OSThread* osthr = thread->osthread();
 821   osthr->set_lwp_id( _lwp_self() );  // Store lwp in case we are bound
 822   thread->_schedctl = (void *) schedctl_init () ;
 824   if (UseNUMA) {
 825     int lgrp_id = os::numa_get_group_id();
 826     if (lgrp_id != -1) {
 827       thread->set_lgrp_id(lgrp_id);
 828     }
 829   }
 831   // If the creator called set priority before we started,
 832   // we need to call set_native_priority now that we have an lwp.
 833   // We used to get the priority from thr_getprio (we called
 834   // thr_setprio way back in create_thread) and pass it to
 835   // set_native_priority, but Solaris scales the priority
 836   // in java_to_os_priority, so when we read it back here,
 837   // we pass trash to set_native_priority instead of what's
 838   // in java_to_os_priority. So we save the native priority
 839   // in the osThread and recall it here.
 841   if ( osthr->thread_id() != -1 ) {
 842     if ( UseThreadPriorities ) {
 843       int prio = osthr->native_priority();
 844       if (ThreadPriorityVerbose) {
 845         tty->print_cr("Starting Thread " INTPTR_FORMAT ", LWP is "
 846                       INTPTR_FORMAT ", setting priority: %d\n",
 847                       osthr->thread_id(), osthr->lwp_id(), prio);
 848       }
 849       os::set_native_priority(thread, prio);
 850     }
 851   } else if (ThreadPriorityVerbose) {
 852     warning("Can't set priority in _start routine, thread id hasn't been set\n");
 853   }
 855   assert(osthr->get_state() == RUNNABLE, "invalid os thread state");
 857   // initialize signal mask for this thread
 858   os::Solaris::hotspot_sigmask(thread);
 860   thread->run();
 862   // One less thread is executing
 863   // When the VMThread gets here, the main thread may have already exited
 864   // which frees the CodeHeap containing the Atomic::dec code
 865   if (thread != VMThread::vm_thread() && VMThread::vm_thread() != NULL) {
 866     Atomic::dec(&os::Solaris::_os_thread_count);
 867   }
 869   if (UseDetachedThreads) {
 870     thr_exit(NULL);
 871     ShouldNotReachHere();
 872   }
 873   return NULL;
 874 }
 876 static OSThread* create_os_thread(Thread* thread, thread_t thread_id) {
 877   // Allocate the OSThread object
 878   OSThread* osthread = new OSThread(NULL, NULL);
 879   if (osthread == NULL) return NULL;
 881   // Store info on the Solaris thread into the OSThread
 882   osthread->set_thread_id(thread_id);
 883   osthread->set_lwp_id(_lwp_self());
 884   thread->_schedctl = (void *) schedctl_init () ;
 886   if (UseNUMA) {
 887     int lgrp_id = os::numa_get_group_id();
 888     if (lgrp_id != -1) {
 889       thread->set_lgrp_id(lgrp_id);
 890     }
 891   }
 893   if ( ThreadPriorityVerbose ) {
 894     tty->print_cr("In create_os_thread, Thread " INTPTR_FORMAT ", LWP is " INTPTR_FORMAT "\n",
 895                   osthread->thread_id(), osthread->lwp_id() );
 896   }
 898   // Initial thread state is INITIALIZED, not SUSPENDED
 899   osthread->set_state(INITIALIZED);
 901   return osthread;
 902 }
 904 void os::Solaris::hotspot_sigmask(Thread* thread) {
 906   //Save caller's signal mask
 907   sigset_t sigmask;
 908   thr_sigsetmask(SIG_SETMASK, NULL, &sigmask);
 909   OSThread *osthread = thread->osthread();
 910   osthread->set_caller_sigmask(sigmask);
 912   thr_sigsetmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, os::Solaris::unblocked_signals(), NULL);
 913   if (!ReduceSignalUsage) {
 914     if (thread->is_VM_thread()) {
 915       // Only the VM thread handles BREAK_SIGNAL ...
 916       thr_sigsetmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, vm_signals(), NULL);
 917     } else {
 918       // ... all other threads block BREAK_SIGNAL
 919       assert(!sigismember(vm_signals(), SIGINT), "SIGINT should not be blocked");
 920       thr_sigsetmask(SIG_BLOCK, vm_signals(), NULL);
 921     }
 922   }
 923 }
 925 bool os::create_attached_thread(JavaThread* thread) {
 926 #ifdef ASSERT
 927   thread->verify_not_published();
 928 #endif
 929   OSThread* osthread = create_os_thread(thread, thr_self());
 930   if (osthread == NULL) {
 931      return false;
 932   }
 934   // Initial thread state is RUNNABLE
 935   osthread->set_state(RUNNABLE);
 936   thread->set_osthread(osthread);
 938   // initialize signal mask for this thread
 939   // and save the caller's signal mask
 940   os::Solaris::hotspot_sigmask(thread);
 942   return true;
 943 }
 945 bool os::create_main_thread(JavaThread* thread) {
 946 #ifdef ASSERT
 947   thread->verify_not_published();
 948 #endif
 949   if (_starting_thread == NULL) {
 950     _starting_thread = create_os_thread(thread, main_thread);
 951      if (_starting_thread == NULL) {
 952         return false;
 953      }
 954   }
 956   // The primodial thread is runnable from the start
 957   _starting_thread->set_state(RUNNABLE);
 959   thread->set_osthread(_starting_thread);
 961   // initialize signal mask for this thread
 962   // and save the caller's signal mask
 963   os::Solaris::hotspot_sigmask(thread);
 965   return true;
 966 }
 968 // _T2_libthread is true if we believe we are running with the newer
 969 // SunSoft lwp/libthread.so (2.8 patch, 2.9 default)
 970 bool os::Solaris::_T2_libthread = false;
 972 bool os::create_thread(Thread* thread, ThreadType thr_type, size_t stack_size) {
 973   // Allocate the OSThread object
 974   OSThread* osthread = new OSThread(NULL, NULL);
 975   if (osthread == NULL) {
 976     return false;
 977   }
 979   if ( ThreadPriorityVerbose ) {
 980     char *thrtyp;
 981     switch ( thr_type ) {
 982       case vm_thread:
 983         thrtyp = (char *)"vm";
 984         break;
 985       case cgc_thread:
 986         thrtyp = (char *)"cgc";
 987         break;
 988       case pgc_thread:
 989         thrtyp = (char *)"pgc";
 990         break;
 991       case java_thread:
 992         thrtyp = (char *)"java";
 993         break;
 994       case compiler_thread:
 995         thrtyp = (char *)"compiler";
 996         break;
 997       case watcher_thread:
 998         thrtyp = (char *)"watcher";
 999         break;
1000       default:
1001         thrtyp = (char *)"unknown";
1002         break;
1003     }
1004     tty->print_cr("In create_thread, creating a %s thread\n", thrtyp);
1005   }
1007   // Calculate stack size if it's not specified by caller.
1008   if (stack_size == 0) {
1009     // The default stack size 1M (2M for LP64).
1010     stack_size = (BytesPerWord >> 2) * K * K;
1012     switch (thr_type) {
1013     case os::java_thread:
1014       // Java threads use ThreadStackSize which default value can be changed with the flag -Xss
1015       if (JavaThread::stack_size_at_create() > 0) stack_size = JavaThread::stack_size_at_create();
1016       break;
1017     case os::compiler_thread:
1018       if (CompilerThreadStackSize > 0) {
1019         stack_size = (size_t)(CompilerThreadStackSize * K);
1020         break;
1021       } // else fall through:
1022         // use VMThreadStackSize if CompilerThreadStackSize is not defined
1023     case os::vm_thread:
1024     case os::pgc_thread:
1025     case os::cgc_thread:
1026     case os::watcher_thread:
1027       if (VMThreadStackSize > 0) stack_size = (size_t)(VMThreadStackSize * K);
1028       break;
1029     }
1030   }
1031   stack_size = MAX2(stack_size, os::Solaris::min_stack_allowed);
1033   // Initial state is ALLOCATED but not INITIALIZED
1034   osthread->set_state(ALLOCATED);
1036   if (os::Solaris::_os_thread_count > os::Solaris::_os_thread_limit) {
1037     // We got lots of threads. Check if we still have some address space left.
1038     // Need to be at least 5Mb of unreserved address space. We do check by
1039     // trying to reserve some.
1040     const size_t VirtualMemoryBangSize = 20*K*K;
1041     char* mem = os::reserve_memory(VirtualMemoryBangSize);
1042     if (mem == NULL) {
1043       delete osthread;
1044       return false;
1045     } else {
1046       // Release the memory again
1047       os::release_memory(mem, VirtualMemoryBangSize);
1048     }
1049   }
1051   // Setup osthread because the child thread may need it.
1052   thread->set_osthread(osthread);
1054   // Create the Solaris thread
1055   // explicit THR_BOUND for T2_libthread case in case
1056   // that assumption is not accurate, but our alternate signal stack
1057   // handling is based on it which must have bound threads
1058   thread_t tid = 0;
1059   long     flags = (UseDetachedThreads ? THR_DETACHED : 0) | THR_SUSPENDED
1060                    | ((UseBoundThreads || os::Solaris::T2_libthread() ||
1061                        (thr_type == vm_thread) ||
1062                        (thr_type == cgc_thread) ||
1063                        (thr_type == pgc_thread) ||
1064                        (thr_type == compiler_thread && BackgroundCompilation)) ?
1065                       THR_BOUND : 0);
1066   int      status;
1068   // 4376845 -- libthread/kernel don't provide enough LWPs to utilize all CPUs.
1069   //
1070   // On multiprocessors systems, libthread sometimes under-provisions our
1071   // process with LWPs.  On a 30-way systems, for instance, we could have
1072   // 50 user-level threads in ready state and only 2 or 3 LWPs assigned
1073   // to our process.  This can result in under utilization of PEs.
1074   // I suspect the problem is related to libthread's LWP
1075   // pool management and to the kernel's SIGBLOCKING "last LWP parked"
1076   // upcall policy.
1077   //
1078   // The following code is palliative -- it attempts to ensure that our
1079   // process has sufficient LWPs to take advantage of multiple PEs.
1080   // Proper long-term cures include using user-level threads bound to LWPs
1081   // (THR_BOUND) or using LWP-based synchronization.  Note that there is a
1082   // slight timing window with respect to sampling _os_thread_count, but
1083   // the race is benign.  Also, we should periodically recompute
1084   // _processors_online as the min of SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN and the
1085   // the number of PEs in our partition.  You might be tempted to use
1086   // THR_NEW_LWP here, but I'd recommend against it as that could
1087   // result in undesirable growth of the libthread's LWP pool.
1088   // The fix below isn't sufficient; for instance, it doesn't take into count
1089   // LWPs parked on IO.  It does, however, help certain CPU-bound benchmarks.
1090   //
1091   // Some pathologies this scheme doesn't handle:
1092   // *  Threads can block, releasing the LWPs.  The LWPs can age out.
1093   //    When a large number of threads become ready again there aren't
1094   //    enough LWPs available to service them.  This can occur when the
1095   //    number of ready threads oscillates.
1096   // *  LWPs/Threads park on IO, thus taking the LWP out of circulation.
1097   //
1098   // Finally, we should call thr_setconcurrency() periodically to refresh
1099   // the LWP pool and thwart the LWP age-out mechanism.
1100   // The "+3" term provides a little slop -- we want to slightly overprovision.
1102   if (AdjustConcurrency && os::Solaris::_os_thread_count < (_processors_online+3)) {
1103     if (!(flags & THR_BOUND)) {
1104       thr_setconcurrency (os::Solaris::_os_thread_count);       // avoid starvation
1105     }
1106   }
1107   // Although this doesn't hurt, we should warn of undefined behavior
1108   // when using unbound T1 threads with schedctl().  This should never
1109   // happen, as the compiler and VM threads are always created bound
1110   DEBUG_ONLY(
1111       if ((VMThreadHintNoPreempt || CompilerThreadHintNoPreempt) &&
1112           (!os::Solaris::T2_libthread() && (!(flags & THR_BOUND))) &&
1113           ((thr_type == vm_thread) || (thr_type == cgc_thread) ||
1114            (thr_type == pgc_thread) || (thr_type == compiler_thread && BackgroundCompilation))) {
1115          warning("schedctl behavior undefined when Compiler/VM/GC Threads are Unbound");
1116       }
1117   );
1120   // Mark that we don't have an lwp or thread id yet.
1121   // In case we attempt to set the priority before the thread starts.
1122   osthread->set_lwp_id(-1);
1123   osthread->set_thread_id(-1);
1125   status = thr_create(NULL, stack_size, java_start, thread, flags, &tid);
1126   if (status != 0) {
1127     if (PrintMiscellaneous && (Verbose || WizardMode)) {
1128       perror("os::create_thread");
1129     }
1130     thread->set_osthread(NULL);
1131     // Need to clean up stuff we've allocated so far
1132     delete osthread;
1133     return false;
1134   }
1136   Atomic::inc(&os::Solaris::_os_thread_count);
1138   // Store info on the Solaris thread into the OSThread
1139   osthread->set_thread_id(tid);
1141   // Remember that we created this thread so we can set priority on it
1142   osthread->set_vm_created();
1144   // Set the default thread priority.  If using bound threads, setting
1145   // lwp priority will be delayed until thread start.
1146   set_native_priority(thread,
1147                       DefaultThreadPriority == -1 ?
1148                         java_to_os_priority[NormPriority] :
1149                         DefaultThreadPriority);
1151   // Initial thread state is INITIALIZED, not SUSPENDED
1152   osthread->set_state(INITIALIZED);
1154   // The thread is returned suspended (in state INITIALIZED), and is started higher up in the call chain
1155   return true;
1156 }
1158 /* defined for >= Solaris 10. This allows builds on earlier versions
1159  *  of Solaris to take advantage of the newly reserved Solaris JVM signals
1161  *  and -XX:+UseAltSigs does nothing since these should have no conflict
1162  */
1163 #if !defined(SIGJVM1)
1164 #define SIGJVM1 39
1165 #define SIGJVM2 40
1166 #endif
1168 debug_only(static bool signal_sets_initialized = false);
1169 static sigset_t unblocked_sigs, vm_sigs, allowdebug_blocked_sigs;
1170 int os::Solaris::_SIGinterrupt = INTERRUPT_SIGNAL;
1171 int os::Solaris::_SIGasync = ASYNC_SIGNAL;
1173 bool os::Solaris::is_sig_ignored(int sig) {
1174       struct sigaction oact;
1175       sigaction(sig, (struct sigaction*)NULL, &oact);
1176       void* ohlr = oact.sa_sigaction ? CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(void*,  oact.sa_sigaction)
1177                                      : CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(void*,  oact.sa_handler);
1178       if (ohlr == CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(void*, SIG_IGN))
1179            return true;
1180       else
1181            return false;
1182 }
1184 // Note: SIGRTMIN is a macro that calls sysconf() so it will
1185 // dynamically detect SIGRTMIN value for the system at runtime, not buildtime
1186 static bool isJVM1available() {
1187   return SIGJVM1 < SIGRTMIN;
1188 }
1190 void os::Solaris::signal_sets_init() {
1191   // Should also have an assertion stating we are still single-threaded.
1192   assert(!signal_sets_initialized, "Already initialized");
1193   // Fill in signals that are necessarily unblocked for all threads in
1194   // the VM. Currently, we unblock the following signals:
1195   // SHUTDOWN{1,2,3}_SIGNAL: for shutdown hooks support (unless over-ridden
1196   //                         by -Xrs (=ReduceSignalUsage));
1197   // BREAK_SIGNAL which is unblocked only by the VM thread and blocked by all
1198   // other threads. The "ReduceSignalUsage" boolean tells us not to alter
1199   // the dispositions or masks wrt these signals.
1200   // Programs embedding the VM that want to use the above signals for their
1201   // own purposes must, at this time, use the "-Xrs" option to prevent
1202   // interference with shutdown hooks and BREAK_SIGNAL thread dumping.
1203   // (See bug 4345157, and other related bugs).
1204   // In reality, though, unblocking these signals is really a nop, since
1205   // these signals are not blocked by default.
1206   sigemptyset(&unblocked_sigs);
1207   sigemptyset(&allowdebug_blocked_sigs);
1208   sigaddset(&unblocked_sigs, SIGILL);
1209   sigaddset(&unblocked_sigs, SIGSEGV);
1210   sigaddset(&unblocked_sigs, SIGBUS);
1211   sigaddset(&unblocked_sigs, SIGFPE);
1213   if (isJVM1available) {
1214     os::Solaris::set_SIGinterrupt(SIGJVM1);
1215     os::Solaris::set_SIGasync(SIGJVM2);
1216   } else if (UseAltSigs) {
1217     os::Solaris::set_SIGinterrupt(ALT_INTERRUPT_SIGNAL);
1218     os::Solaris::set_SIGasync(ALT_ASYNC_SIGNAL);
1219   } else {
1220     os::Solaris::set_SIGinterrupt(INTERRUPT_SIGNAL);
1221     os::Solaris::set_SIGasync(ASYNC_SIGNAL);
1222   }
1224   sigaddset(&unblocked_sigs, os::Solaris::SIGinterrupt());
1225   sigaddset(&unblocked_sigs, os::Solaris::SIGasync());
1227   if (!ReduceSignalUsage) {
1228    if (!os::Solaris::is_sig_ignored(SHUTDOWN1_SIGNAL)) {
1229       sigaddset(&unblocked_sigs, SHUTDOWN1_SIGNAL);
1230       sigaddset(&allowdebug_blocked_sigs, SHUTDOWN1_SIGNAL);
1231    }
1232    if (!os::Solaris::is_sig_ignored(SHUTDOWN2_SIGNAL)) {
1233       sigaddset(&unblocked_sigs, SHUTDOWN2_SIGNAL);
1234       sigaddset(&allowdebug_blocked_sigs, SHUTDOWN2_SIGNAL);
1235    }
1236    if (!os::Solaris::is_sig_ignored(SHUTDOWN3_SIGNAL)) {
1237       sigaddset(&unblocked_sigs, SHUTDOWN3_SIGNAL);
1238       sigaddset(&allowdebug_blocked_sigs, SHUTDOWN3_SIGNAL);
1239    }
1240   }
1241   // Fill in signals that are blocked by all but the VM thread.
1242   sigemptyset(&vm_sigs);
1243   if (!ReduceSignalUsage)
1244     sigaddset(&vm_sigs, BREAK_SIGNAL);
1245   debug_only(signal_sets_initialized = true);
1247   // For diagnostics only used in run_periodic_checks
1248   sigemptyset(&check_signal_done);
1249 }
1251 // These are signals that are unblocked while a thread is running Java.
1252 // (For some reason, they get blocked by default.)
1253 sigset_t* os::Solaris::unblocked_signals() {
1254   assert(signal_sets_initialized, "Not initialized");
1255   return &unblocked_sigs;
1256 }
1258 // These are the signals that are blocked while a (non-VM) thread is
1259 // running Java. Only the VM thread handles these signals.
1260 sigset_t* os::Solaris::vm_signals() {
1261   assert(signal_sets_initialized, "Not initialized");
1262   return &vm_sigs;
1263 }
1265 // These are signals that are blocked during cond_wait to allow debugger in
1266 sigset_t* os::Solaris::allowdebug_blocked_signals() {
1267   assert(signal_sets_initialized, "Not initialized");
1268   return &allowdebug_blocked_sigs;
1269 }
1272 void _handle_uncaught_cxx_exception() {
1273   VMError err("An uncaught C++ exception");
1274   err.report_and_die();
1275 }
1278 // First crack at OS-specific initialization, from inside the new thread.
1279 void os::initialize_thread(Thread* thr) {
1280   int r = thr_main() ;
1281   guarantee (r == 0 || r == 1, "CR6501650 or CR6493689") ;
1282   if (r) {
1283     JavaThread* jt = (JavaThread *)thr;
1284     assert(jt != NULL,"Sanity check");
1285     size_t stack_size;
1286     address base = jt->stack_base();
1287     if (Arguments::created_by_java_launcher()) {
1288       // Use 2MB to allow for Solaris 7 64 bit mode.
1289       stack_size = JavaThread::stack_size_at_create() == 0
1290         ? 2048*K : JavaThread::stack_size_at_create();
1292       // There are rare cases when we may have already used more than
1293       // the basic stack size allotment before this method is invoked.
1294       // Attempt to allow for a normally sized java_stack.
1295       size_t current_stack_offset = (size_t)(base - (address)&stack_size);
1296       stack_size += ReservedSpace::page_align_size_down(current_stack_offset);
1297     } else {
1298       // 6269555: If we were not created by a Java launcher, i.e. if we are
1299       // running embedded in a native application, treat the primordial thread
1300       // as much like a native attached thread as possible.  This means using
1301       // the current stack size from thr_stksegment(), unless it is too large
1302       // to reliably setup guard pages.  A reasonable max size is 8MB.
1303       size_t current_size = current_stack_size();
1304       // This should never happen, but just in case....
1305       if (current_size == 0) current_size = 2 * K * K;
1306       stack_size = current_size > (8 * K * K) ? (8 * K * K) : current_size;
1307     }
1308     address bottom = (address)align_size_up((intptr_t)(base - stack_size), os::vm_page_size());;
1309     stack_size = (size_t)(base - bottom);
1311     assert(stack_size > 0, "Stack size calculation problem");
1313     if (stack_size > jt->stack_size()) {
1314       NOT_PRODUCT(
1315         struct rlimit limits;
1316         getrlimit(RLIMIT_STACK, &limits);
1317         size_t size = adjust_stack_size(base, (size_t)limits.rlim_cur);
1318         assert(size >= jt->stack_size(), "Stack size problem in main thread");
1319       )
1320       tty->print_cr(
1321         "Stack size of %d Kb exceeds current limit of %d Kb.\n"
1322         "(Stack sizes are rounded up to a multiple of the system page size.)\n"
1323         "See limit(1) to increase the stack size limit.",
1324         stack_size / K, jt->stack_size() / K);
1325       vm_exit(1);
1326     }
1327     assert(jt->stack_size() >= stack_size,
1328           "Attempt to map more stack than was allocated");
1329     jt->set_stack_size(stack_size);
1330   }
1332    // 5/22/01: Right now alternate signal stacks do not handle
1333    // throwing stack overflow exceptions, see bug 4463178
1334    // Until a fix is found for this, T2 will NOT imply alternate signal
1335    // stacks.
1336    // If using T2 libthread threads, install an alternate signal stack.
1337    // Because alternate stacks associate with LWPs on Solaris,
1338    // see sigaltstack(2), if using UNBOUND threads, or if UseBoundThreads
1339    // we prefer to explicitly stack bang.
1340    // If not using T2 libthread, but using UseBoundThreads any threads
1341    // (primordial thread, jni_attachCurrentThread) we do not create,
1342    // probably are not bound, therefore they can not have an alternate
1343    // signal stack. Since our stack banging code is generated and
1344    // is shared across threads, all threads must be bound to allow
1345    // using alternate signal stacks.  The alternative is to interpose
1346    // on _lwp_create to associate an alt sig stack with each LWP,
1347    // and this could be a problem when the JVM is embedded.
1348    // We would prefer to use alternate signal stacks with T2
1349    // Since there is currently no accurate way to detect T2
1350    // we do not. Assuming T2 when running T1 causes sig 11s or assertions
1351    // on installing alternate signal stacks
1354    // 05/09/03: removed alternate signal stack support for Solaris
1355    // The alternate signal stack mechanism is no longer needed to
1356    // handle stack overflow. This is now handled by allocating
1357    // guard pages (red zone) and stackbanging.
1358    // Initially the alternate signal stack mechanism was removed because
1359    // it did not work with T1 llibthread. Alternate
1360    // signal stacks MUST have all threads bound to lwps. Applications
1361    // can create their own threads and attach them without their being
1362    // bound under T1. This is frequently the case for the primordial thread.
1363    // If we were ever to reenable this mechanism we would need to
1364    // use the dynamic check for T2 libthread.
1366   os::Solaris::init_thread_fpu_state();
1367   std::set_terminate(_handle_uncaught_cxx_exception);
1368 }
1372 // Free Solaris resources related to the OSThread
1373 void os::free_thread(OSThread* osthread) {
1374   assert(osthread != NULL, "os::free_thread but osthread not set");
1377   // We are told to free resources of the argument thread,
1378   // but we can only really operate on the current thread.
1379   // The main thread must take the VMThread down synchronously
1380   // before the main thread exits and frees up CodeHeap
1381   guarantee((Thread::current()->osthread() == osthread
1382      || (osthread == VMThread::vm_thread()->osthread())), "os::free_thread but not current thread");
1383   if (Thread::current()->osthread() == osthread) {
1384     // Restore caller's signal mask
1385     sigset_t sigmask = osthread->caller_sigmask();
1386     thr_sigsetmask(SIG_SETMASK, &sigmask, NULL);
1387   }
1388   delete osthread;
1389 }
1391 void os::pd_start_thread(Thread* thread) {
1392   int status = thr_continue(thread->osthread()->thread_id());
1393   assert_status(status == 0, status, "thr_continue failed");
1394 }
1397 intx os::current_thread_id() {
1398   return (intx)thr_self();
1399 }
1401 static pid_t _initial_pid = 0;
1403 int os::current_process_id() {
1404   return (int)(_initial_pid ? _initial_pid : getpid());
1405 }
1407 // gethrtime() should be monotonic according to the documentation,
1408 // but some virtualized platforms are known to break this guarantee.
1409 // getTimeNanos() must be guaranteed not to move backwards, so we
1410 // are forced to add a check here.
1411 inline hrtime_t getTimeNanos() {
1412   const hrtime_t now = gethrtime();
1413   const hrtime_t prev = max_hrtime;
1414   if (now <= prev) {
1415     return prev;   // same or retrograde time;
1416   }
1417   const hrtime_t obsv = Atomic::cmpxchg(now, (volatile jlong*)&max_hrtime, prev);
1418   assert(obsv >= prev, "invariant");   // Monotonicity
1419   // If the CAS succeeded then we're done and return "now".
1420   // If the CAS failed and the observed value "obsv" is >= now then
1421   // we should return "obsv".  If the CAS failed and now > obsv > prv then
1422   // some other thread raced this thread and installed a new value, in which case
1423   // we could either (a) retry the entire operation, (b) retry trying to install now
1424   // or (c) just return obsv.  We use (c).   No loop is required although in some cases
1425   // we might discard a higher "now" value in deference to a slightly lower but freshly
1426   // installed obsv value.   That's entirely benign -- it admits no new orderings compared
1427   // to (a) or (b) -- and greatly reduces coherence traffic.
1428   // We might also condition (c) on the magnitude of the delta between obsv and now.
1429   // Avoiding excessive CAS operations to hot RW locations is critical.
1430   // See https://blogs.oracle.com/dave/entry/cas_and_cache_trivia_invalidate
1431   return (prev == obsv) ? now : obsv;
1432 }
1434 // Time since start-up in seconds to a fine granularity.
1435 // Used by VMSelfDestructTimer and the MemProfiler.
1436 double os::elapsedTime() {
1437   return (double)(getTimeNanos() - first_hrtime) / (double)hrtime_hz;
1438 }
1440 jlong os::elapsed_counter() {
1441   return (jlong)(getTimeNanos() - first_hrtime);
1442 }
1444 jlong os::elapsed_frequency() {
1445    return hrtime_hz;
1446 }
1448 // Return the real, user, and system times in seconds from an
1449 // arbitrary fixed point in the past.
1450 bool os::getTimesSecs(double* process_real_time,
1451                   double* process_user_time,
1452                   double* process_system_time) {
1453   struct tms ticks;
1454   clock_t real_ticks = times(&ticks);
1456   if (real_ticks == (clock_t) (-1)) {
1457     return false;
1458   } else {
1459     double ticks_per_second = (double) clock_tics_per_sec;
1460     *process_user_time = ((double) ticks.tms_utime) / ticks_per_second;
1461     *process_system_time = ((double) ticks.tms_stime) / ticks_per_second;
1462     // For consistency return the real time from getTimeNanos()
1463     // converted to seconds.
1464     *process_real_time = ((double) getTimeNanos()) / ((double) NANOUNITS);
1466     return true;
1467   }
1468 }
1470 bool os::supports_vtime() { return true; }
1472 bool os::enable_vtime() {
1473   int fd = ::open("/proc/self/ctl", O_WRONLY);
1474   if (fd == -1)
1475     return false;
1477   long cmd[] = { PCSET, PR_MSACCT };
1478   int res = ::write(fd, cmd, sizeof(long) * 2);
1479   ::close(fd);
1480   if (res != sizeof(long) * 2)
1481     return false;
1483   return true;
1484 }
1486 bool os::vtime_enabled() {
1487   int fd = ::open("/proc/self/status", O_RDONLY);
1488   if (fd == -1)
1489     return false;
1491   pstatus_t status;
1492   int res = os::read(fd, (void*) &status, sizeof(pstatus_t));
1493   ::close(fd);
1494   if (res != sizeof(pstatus_t))
1495     return false;
1497   return status.pr_flags & PR_MSACCT;
1498 }
1500 double os::elapsedVTime() {
1501   return (double)gethrvtime() / (double)hrtime_hz;
1502 }
1504 // Used internally for comparisons only
1505 // getTimeMillis guaranteed to not move backwards on Solaris
1506 jlong getTimeMillis() {
1507   jlong nanotime = getTimeNanos();
1508   return (jlong)(nanotime / NANOSECS_PER_MILLISEC);
1509 }
1511 // Must return millis since Jan 1 1970 for JVM_CurrentTimeMillis
1512 jlong os::javaTimeMillis() {
1513   timeval t;
1514   if (gettimeofday( &t, NULL) == -1)
1515     fatal(err_msg("os::javaTimeMillis: gettimeofday (%s)", strerror(errno)));
1516   return jlong(t.tv_sec) * 1000  +  jlong(t.tv_usec) / 1000;
1517 }
1519 jlong os::javaTimeNanos() {
1520   return (jlong)getTimeNanos();
1521 }
1523 void os::javaTimeNanos_info(jvmtiTimerInfo *info_ptr) {
1524   info_ptr->max_value = ALL_64_BITS;      // gethrtime() uses all 64 bits
1525   info_ptr->may_skip_backward = false;    // not subject to resetting or drifting
1526   info_ptr->may_skip_forward = false;     // not subject to resetting or drifting
1527   info_ptr->kind = JVMTI_TIMER_ELAPSED;   // elapsed not CPU time
1528 }
1530 char * os::local_time_string(char *buf, size_t buflen) {
1531   struct tm t;
1532   time_t long_time;
1533   time(&long_time);
1534   localtime_r(&long_time, &t);
1535   jio_snprintf(buf, buflen, "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
1536                t.tm_year + 1900, t.tm_mon + 1, t.tm_mday,
1537                t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec);
1538   return buf;
1539 }
1541 // Note: os::shutdown() might be called very early during initialization, or
1542 // called from signal handler. Before adding something to os::shutdown(), make
1543 // sure it is async-safe and can handle partially initialized VM.
1544 void os::shutdown() {
1546   // allow PerfMemory to attempt cleanup of any persistent resources
1547   perfMemory_exit();
1549   // needs to remove object in file system
1550   AttachListener::abort();
1552   // flush buffered output, finish log files
1553   ostream_abort();
1555   // Check for abort hook
1556   abort_hook_t abort_hook = Arguments::abort_hook();
1557   if (abort_hook != NULL) {
1558     abort_hook();
1559   }
1560 }
1562 // Note: os::abort() might be called very early during initialization, or
1563 // called from signal handler. Before adding something to os::abort(), make
1564 // sure it is async-safe and can handle partially initialized VM.
1565 void os::abort(bool dump_core) {
1566   os::shutdown();
1567   if (dump_core) {
1568 #ifndef PRODUCT
1569     fdStream out(defaultStream::output_fd());
1570     out.print_raw("Current thread is ");
1571     char buf[16];
1572     jio_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), UINTX_FORMAT, os::current_thread_id());
1573     out.print_raw_cr(buf);
1574     out.print_raw_cr("Dumping core ...");
1575 #endif
1576     ::abort(); // dump core (for debugging)
1577   }
1579   ::exit(1);
1580 }
1582 // Die immediately, no exit hook, no abort hook, no cleanup.
1583 void os::die() {
1584   ::abort(); // dump core (for debugging)
1585 }
1587 // DLL functions
1589 const char* os::dll_file_extension() { return ".so"; }
1591 // This must be hard coded because it's the system's temporary
1592 // directory not the java application's temp directory, ala java.io.tmpdir.
1593 const char* os::get_temp_directory() { return "/tmp"; }
1595 static bool file_exists(const char* filename) {
1596   struct stat statbuf;
1597   if (filename == NULL || strlen(filename) == 0) {
1598     return false;
1599   }
1600   return os::stat(filename, &statbuf) == 0;
1601 }
1603 bool os::dll_build_name(char* buffer, size_t buflen,
1604                         const char* pname, const char* fname) {
1605   bool retval = false;
1606   const size_t pnamelen = pname ? strlen(pname) : 0;
1608   // Return error on buffer overflow.
1609   if (pnamelen + strlen(fname) + 10 > (size_t) buflen) {
1610     return retval;
1611   }
1613   if (pnamelen == 0) {
1614     snprintf(buffer, buflen, "lib%s.so", fname);
1615     retval = true;
1616   } else if (strchr(pname, *os::path_separator()) != NULL) {
1617     int n;
1618     char** pelements = split_path(pname, &n);
1619     if (pelements == NULL) {
1620       return false;
1621     }
1622     for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
1623       // really shouldn't be NULL but what the heck, check can't hurt
1624       if (pelements[i] == NULL || strlen(pelements[i]) == 0) {
1625         continue; // skip the empty path values
1626       }
1627       snprintf(buffer, buflen, "%s/lib%s.so", pelements[i], fname);
1628       if (file_exists(buffer)) {
1629         retval = true;
1630         break;
1631       }
1632     }
1633     // release the storage
1634     for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
1635       if (pelements[i] != NULL) {
1636         FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, pelements[i], mtInternal);
1637       }
1638     }
1639     if (pelements != NULL) {
1640       FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char*, pelements, mtInternal);
1641     }
1642   } else {
1643     snprintf(buffer, buflen, "%s/lib%s.so", pname, fname);
1644     retval = true;
1645   }
1646   return retval;
1647 }
1649 // check if addr is inside libjvm.so
1650 bool os::address_is_in_vm(address addr) {
1651   static address libjvm_base_addr;
1652   Dl_info dlinfo;
1654   if (libjvm_base_addr == NULL) {
1655     if (dladdr(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(void *, os::address_is_in_vm), &dlinfo) != 0) {
1656       libjvm_base_addr = (address)dlinfo.dli_fbase;
1657     }
1658     assert(libjvm_base_addr !=NULL, "Cannot obtain base address for libjvm");
1659   }
1661   if (dladdr((void *)addr, &dlinfo) != 0) {
1662     if (libjvm_base_addr == (address)dlinfo.dli_fbase) return true;
1663   }
1665   return false;
1666 }
1668 typedef int (*dladdr1_func_type) (void *, Dl_info *, void **, int);
1669 static dladdr1_func_type dladdr1_func = NULL;
1671 bool os::dll_address_to_function_name(address addr, char *buf,
1672                                       int buflen, int * offset) {
1673   // buf is not optional, but offset is optional
1674   assert(buf != NULL, "sanity check");
1676   Dl_info dlinfo;
1678   // dladdr1_func was initialized in os::init()
1679   if (dladdr1_func != NULL) {
1680     // yes, we have dladdr1
1682     // Support for dladdr1 is checked at runtime; it may be
1683     // available even if the vm is built on a machine that does
1684     // not have dladdr1 support.  Make sure there is a value for
1685     // RTLD_DL_SYMENT.
1686     #ifndef RTLD_DL_SYMENT
1687     #define RTLD_DL_SYMENT 1
1688     #endif
1689 #ifdef _LP64
1690     Elf64_Sym * info;
1691 #else
1692     Elf32_Sym * info;
1693 #endif
1694     if (dladdr1_func((void *)addr, &dlinfo, (void **)&info,
1695                      RTLD_DL_SYMENT) != 0) {
1696       // see if we have a matching symbol that covers our address
1697       if (dlinfo.dli_saddr != NULL &&
1698           (char *)dlinfo.dli_saddr + info->st_size > (char *)addr) {
1699         if (dlinfo.dli_sname != NULL) {
1700           if (!Decoder::demangle(dlinfo.dli_sname, buf, buflen)) {
1701             jio_snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", dlinfo.dli_sname);
1702           }
1703           if (offset != NULL) *offset = addr - (address)dlinfo.dli_saddr;
1704           return true;
1705         }
1706       }
1707       // no matching symbol so try for just file info
1708       if (dlinfo.dli_fname != NULL && dlinfo.dli_fbase != NULL) {
1709         if (Decoder::decode((address)(addr - (address)dlinfo.dli_fbase),
1710                             buf, buflen, offset, dlinfo.dli_fname)) {
1711           return true;
1712         }
1713       }
1714     }
1715     buf[0] = '\0';
1716     if (offset != NULL) *offset  = -1;
1717     return false;
1718   }
1720   // no, only dladdr is available
1721   if (dladdr((void *)addr, &dlinfo) != 0) {
1722     // see if we have a matching symbol
1723     if (dlinfo.dli_saddr != NULL && dlinfo.dli_sname != NULL) {
1724       if (!Decoder::demangle(dlinfo.dli_sname, buf, buflen)) {
1725         jio_snprintf(buf, buflen, dlinfo.dli_sname);
1726       }
1727       if (offset != NULL) *offset = addr - (address)dlinfo.dli_saddr;
1728       return true;
1729     }
1730     // no matching symbol so try for just file info
1731     if (dlinfo.dli_fname != NULL && dlinfo.dli_fbase != NULL) {
1732       if (Decoder::decode((address)(addr - (address)dlinfo.dli_fbase),
1733                           buf, buflen, offset, dlinfo.dli_fname)) {
1734         return true;
1735       }
1736     }
1737   }
1738   buf[0] = '\0';
1739   if (offset != NULL) *offset  = -1;
1740   return false;
1741 }
1743 bool os::dll_address_to_library_name(address addr, char* buf,
1744                                      int buflen, int* offset) {
1745   // buf is not optional, but offset is optional
1746   assert(buf != NULL, "sanity check");
1748   Dl_info dlinfo;
1750   if (dladdr((void*)addr, &dlinfo) != 0) {
1751     if (dlinfo.dli_fname != NULL) {
1752       jio_snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", dlinfo.dli_fname);
1753     }
1754     if (dlinfo.dli_fbase != NULL && offset != NULL) {
1755       *offset = addr - (address)dlinfo.dli_fbase;
1756     }
1757     return true;
1758   }
1760   buf[0] = '\0';
1761   if (offset) *offset = -1;
1762   return false;
1763 }
1765 // Prints the names and full paths of all opened dynamic libraries
1766 // for current process
1767 void os::print_dll_info(outputStream * st) {
1768   Dl_info dli;
1769   void *handle;
1770   Link_map *map;
1771   Link_map *p;
1773   st->print_cr("Dynamic libraries:"); st->flush();
1775   if (dladdr(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(void *, os::print_dll_info), &dli) == 0 ||
1776       dli.dli_fname == NULL) {
1777     st->print_cr("Error: Cannot print dynamic libraries.");
1778     return;
1779   }
1780   handle = dlopen(dli.dli_fname, RTLD_LAZY);
1781   if (handle == NULL) {
1782     st->print_cr("Error: Cannot print dynamic libraries.");
1783     return;
1784   }
1785   dlinfo(handle, RTLD_DI_LINKMAP, &map);
1786   if (map == NULL) {
1787     st->print_cr("Error: Cannot print dynamic libraries.");
1788     return;
1789   }
1791   while (map->l_prev != NULL)
1792     map = map->l_prev;
1794   while (map != NULL) {
1795     st->print_cr(PTR_FORMAT " \t%s", map->l_addr, map->l_name);
1796     map = map->l_next;
1797   }
1799   dlclose(handle);
1800 }
1802   // Loads .dll/.so and
1803   // in case of error it checks if .dll/.so was built for the
1804   // same architecture as Hotspot is running on
1806 void * os::dll_load(const char *filename, char *ebuf, int ebuflen)
1807 {
1808   void * result= ::dlopen(filename, RTLD_LAZY);
1809   if (result != NULL) {
1810     // Successful loading
1811     return result;
1812   }
1814   Elf32_Ehdr elf_head;
1816   // Read system error message into ebuf
1817   // It may or may not be overwritten below
1818   ::strncpy(ebuf, ::dlerror(), ebuflen-1);
1819   ebuf[ebuflen-1]='\0';
1820   int diag_msg_max_length=ebuflen-strlen(ebuf);
1821   char* diag_msg_buf=ebuf+strlen(ebuf);
1823   if (diag_msg_max_length==0) {
1824     // No more space in ebuf for additional diagnostics message
1825     return NULL;
1826   }
1829   int file_descriptor= ::open(filename, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
1831   if (file_descriptor < 0) {
1832     // Can't open library, report dlerror() message
1833     return NULL;
1834   }
1836   bool failed_to_read_elf_head=
1837     (sizeof(elf_head)!=
1838         (::read(file_descriptor, &elf_head,sizeof(elf_head)))) ;
1840   ::close(file_descriptor);
1841   if (failed_to_read_elf_head) {
1842     // file i/o error - report dlerror() msg
1843     return NULL;
1844   }
1846   typedef struct {
1847     Elf32_Half  code;         // Actual value as defined in elf.h
1848     Elf32_Half  compat_class; // Compatibility of archs at VM's sense
1849     char        elf_class;    // 32 or 64 bit
1850     char        endianess;    // MSB or LSB
1851     char*       name;         // String representation
1852   } arch_t;
1854   static const arch_t arch_array[]={
1855     {EM_386,         EM_386,     ELFCLASS32, ELFDATA2LSB, (char*)"IA 32"},
1856     {EM_486,         EM_386,     ELFCLASS32, ELFDATA2LSB, (char*)"IA 32"},
1857     {EM_IA_64,       EM_IA_64,   ELFCLASS64, ELFDATA2LSB, (char*)"IA 64"},
1858     {EM_X86_64,      EM_X86_64,  ELFCLASS64, ELFDATA2LSB, (char*)"AMD 64"},
1859     {EM_SPARC,       EM_SPARC,   ELFCLASS32, ELFDATA2MSB, (char*)"Sparc 32"},
1860     {EM_SPARC32PLUS, EM_SPARC,   ELFCLASS32, ELFDATA2MSB, (char*)"Sparc 32"},
1861     {EM_SPARCV9,     EM_SPARCV9, ELFCLASS64, ELFDATA2MSB, (char*)"Sparc v9 64"},
1862     {EM_PPC,         EM_PPC,     ELFCLASS32, ELFDATA2MSB, (char*)"Power PC 32"},
1863     {EM_PPC64,       EM_PPC64,   ELFCLASS64, ELFDATA2MSB, (char*)"Power PC 64"},
1864     {EM_ARM,         EM_ARM,     ELFCLASS32, ELFDATA2LSB, (char*)"ARM 32"}
1865   };
1867   #if  (defined IA32)
1868     static  Elf32_Half running_arch_code=EM_386;
1869   #elif   (defined AMD64)
1870     static  Elf32_Half running_arch_code=EM_X86_64;
1871   #elif  (defined IA64)
1872     static  Elf32_Half running_arch_code=EM_IA_64;
1873   #elif  (defined __sparc) && (defined _LP64)
1874     static  Elf32_Half running_arch_code=EM_SPARCV9;
1875   #elif  (defined __sparc) && (!defined _LP64)
1876     static  Elf32_Half running_arch_code=EM_SPARC;
1877   #elif  (defined __powerpc64__)
1878     static  Elf32_Half running_arch_code=EM_PPC64;
1879   #elif  (defined __powerpc__)
1880     static  Elf32_Half running_arch_code=EM_PPC;
1881   #elif (defined ARM)
1882     static  Elf32_Half running_arch_code=EM_ARM;
1883   #else
1884     #error Method os::dll_load requires that one of following is defined:\
1885          IA32, AMD64, IA64, __sparc, __powerpc__, ARM, ARM
1886   #endif
1888   // Identify compatability class for VM's architecture and library's architecture
1889   // Obtain string descriptions for architectures
1891   arch_t lib_arch={elf_head.e_machine,0,elf_head.e_ident[EI_CLASS], elf_head.e_ident[EI_DATA], NULL};
1892   int running_arch_index=-1;
1894   for (unsigned int i=0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE(arch_array) ; i++ ) {
1895     if (running_arch_code == arch_array[i].code) {
1896       running_arch_index    = i;
1897     }
1898     if (lib_arch.code == arch_array[i].code) {
1899       lib_arch.compat_class = arch_array[i].compat_class;
1900       lib_arch.name         = arch_array[i].name;
1901     }
1902   }
1904   assert(running_arch_index != -1,
1905     "Didn't find running architecture code (running_arch_code) in arch_array");
1906   if (running_arch_index == -1) {
1907     // Even though running architecture detection failed
1908     // we may still continue with reporting dlerror() message
1909     return NULL;
1910   }
1912   if (lib_arch.endianess != arch_array[running_arch_index].endianess) {
1913     ::snprintf(diag_msg_buf, diag_msg_max_length-1," (Possible cause: endianness mismatch)");
1914     return NULL;
1915   }
1917   if (lib_arch.elf_class != arch_array[running_arch_index].elf_class) {
1918     ::snprintf(diag_msg_buf, diag_msg_max_length-1," (Possible cause: architecture word width mismatch)");
1919     return NULL;
1920   }
1922   if (lib_arch.compat_class != arch_array[running_arch_index].compat_class) {
1923     if ( lib_arch.name!=NULL ) {
1924       ::snprintf(diag_msg_buf, diag_msg_max_length-1,
1925         " (Possible cause: can't load %s-bit .so on a %s-bit platform)",
1926         lib_arch.name, arch_array[running_arch_index].name);
1927     } else {
1928       ::snprintf(diag_msg_buf, diag_msg_max_length-1,
1929       " (Possible cause: can't load this .so (machine code=0x%x) on a %s-bit platform)",
1930         lib_arch.code,
1931         arch_array[running_arch_index].name);
1932     }
1933   }
1935   return NULL;
1936 }
1938 void* os::dll_lookup(void* handle, const char* name) {
1939   return dlsym(handle, name);
1940 }
1942 void* os::get_default_process_handle() {
1943   return (void*)::dlopen(NULL, RTLD_LAZY);
1944 }
1946 int os::stat(const char *path, struct stat *sbuf) {
1947   char pathbuf[MAX_PATH];
1948   if (strlen(path) > MAX_PATH - 1) {
1949     errno = ENAMETOOLONG;
1950     return -1;
1951   }
1952   os::native_path(strcpy(pathbuf, path));
1953   return ::stat(pathbuf, sbuf);
1954 }
1956 static bool _print_ascii_file(const char* filename, outputStream* st) {
1957   int fd = ::open(filename, O_RDONLY);
1958   if (fd == -1) {
1959      return false;
1960   }
1962   char buf[32];
1963   int bytes;
1964   while ((bytes = ::read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) {
1965     st->print_raw(buf, bytes);
1966   }
1968   ::close(fd);
1970   return true;
1971 }
1973 void os::print_os_info_brief(outputStream* st) {
1974   os::Solaris::print_distro_info(st);
1976   os::Posix::print_uname_info(st);
1978   os::Solaris::print_libversion_info(st);
1979 }
1981 void os::print_os_info(outputStream* st) {
1982   st->print("OS:");
1984   os::Solaris::print_distro_info(st);
1986   os::Posix::print_uname_info(st);
1988   os::Solaris::print_libversion_info(st);
1990   os::Posix::print_rlimit_info(st);
1992   os::Posix::print_load_average(st);
1993 }
1995 void os::Solaris::print_distro_info(outputStream* st) {
1996   if (!_print_ascii_file("/etc/release", st)) {
1997       st->print("Solaris");
1998     }
1999     st->cr();
2000 }
2002 void os::Solaris::print_libversion_info(outputStream* st) {
2003   if (os::Solaris::T2_libthread()) {
2004     st->print("  (T2 libthread)");
2005   }
2006   else {
2007     st->print("  (T1 libthread)");
2008   }
2009   st->cr();
2010 }
2012 static bool check_addr0(outputStream* st) {
2013   jboolean status = false;
2014   int fd = ::open("/proc/self/map",O_RDONLY);
2015   if (fd >= 0) {
2016     prmap_t p;
2017     while(::read(fd, &p, sizeof(p)) > 0) {
2018       if (p.pr_vaddr == 0x0) {
2019         st->print("Warning: Address: 0x%x, Size: %dK, ",p.pr_vaddr, p.pr_size/1024, p.pr_mapname);
2020         st->print("Mapped file: %s, ", p.pr_mapname[0] == '\0' ? "None" : p.pr_mapname);
2021         st->print("Access:");
2022         st->print("%s",(p.pr_mflags & MA_READ)  ? "r" : "-");
2023         st->print("%s",(p.pr_mflags & MA_WRITE) ? "w" : "-");
2024         st->print("%s",(p.pr_mflags & MA_EXEC)  ? "x" : "-");
2025         st->cr();
2026         status = true;
2027       }
2028     }
2029     ::close(fd);
2030   }
2031   return status;
2032 }
2034 void os::pd_print_cpu_info(outputStream* st) {
2035   // Nothing to do for now.
2036 }
2038 void os::print_memory_info(outputStream* st) {
2039   st->print("Memory:");
2040   st->print(" %dk page", os::vm_page_size()>>10);
2041   st->print(", physical " UINT64_FORMAT "k", os::physical_memory()>>10);
2042   st->print("(" UINT64_FORMAT "k free)", os::available_memory() >> 10);
2043   st->cr();
2044   (void) check_addr0(st);
2045 }
2047 void os::print_siginfo(outputStream* st, void* siginfo) {
2048   const siginfo_t* si = (const siginfo_t*)siginfo;
2050   os::Posix::print_siginfo_brief(st, si);
2052   if (si && (si->si_signo == SIGBUS || si->si_signo == SIGSEGV) &&
2053       UseSharedSpaces) {
2054     FileMapInfo* mapinfo = FileMapInfo::current_info();
2055     if (mapinfo->is_in_shared_space(si->si_addr)) {
2056       st->print("\n\nError accessing class data sharing archive."   \
2057                 " Mapped file inaccessible during execution, "      \
2058                 " possible disk/network problem.");
2059     }
2060   }
2061   st->cr();
2062 }
2064 // Moved from whole group, because we need them here for diagnostic
2065 // prints.
2066 #define OLDMAXSIGNUM 32
2067 static int Maxsignum = 0;
2068 static int *ourSigFlags = NULL;
2070 extern "C" void sigINTRHandler(int, siginfo_t*, void*);
2072 int os::Solaris::get_our_sigflags(int sig) {
2073   assert(ourSigFlags!=NULL, "signal data structure not initialized");
2074   assert(sig > 0 && sig < Maxsignum, "vm signal out of expected range");
2075   return ourSigFlags[sig];
2076 }
2078 void os::Solaris::set_our_sigflags(int sig, int flags) {
2079   assert(ourSigFlags!=NULL, "signal data structure not initialized");
2080   assert(sig > 0 && sig < Maxsignum, "vm signal out of expected range");
2081   ourSigFlags[sig] = flags;
2082 }
2085 static const char* get_signal_handler_name(address handler,
2086                                            char* buf, int buflen) {
2087   int offset;
2088   bool found = os::dll_address_to_library_name(handler, buf, buflen, &offset);
2089   if (found) {
2090     // skip directory names
2091     const char *p1, *p2;
2092     p1 = buf;
2093     size_t len = strlen(os::file_separator());
2094     while ((p2 = strstr(p1, os::file_separator())) != NULL) p1 = p2 + len;
2095     jio_snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s+0x%x", p1, offset);
2096   } else {
2097     jio_snprintf(buf, buflen, PTR_FORMAT, handler);
2098   }
2099   return buf;
2100 }
2102 static void print_signal_handler(outputStream* st, int sig,
2103                                   char* buf, size_t buflen) {
2104   struct sigaction sa;
2106   sigaction(sig, NULL, &sa);
2108   st->print("%s: ", os::exception_name(sig, buf, buflen));
2110   address handler = (sa.sa_flags & SA_SIGINFO)
2111                   ? CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, sa.sa_sigaction)
2112                   : CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, sa.sa_handler);
2114   if (handler == CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, SIG_DFL)) {
2115     st->print("SIG_DFL");
2116   } else if (handler == CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, SIG_IGN)) {
2117     st->print("SIG_IGN");
2118   } else {
2119     st->print("[%s]", get_signal_handler_name(handler, buf, buflen));
2120   }
2122   st->print(", sa_mask[0]=");
2123   os::Posix::print_signal_set_short(st, &sa.sa_mask);
2125   address rh = VMError::get_resetted_sighandler(sig);
2126   // May be, handler was resetted by VMError?
2127   if(rh != NULL) {
2128     handler = rh;
2129     sa.sa_flags = VMError::get_resetted_sigflags(sig);
2130   }
2132   st->print(", sa_flags=");
2133   os::Posix::print_sa_flags(st, sa.sa_flags);
2135   // Check: is it our handler?
2136   if(handler == CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, signalHandler) ||
2137      handler == CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, sigINTRHandler)) {
2138     // It is our signal handler
2139     // check for flags
2140     if(sa.sa_flags != os::Solaris::get_our_sigflags(sig)) {
2141       st->print(
2142         ", flags was changed from " PTR32_FORMAT ", consider using jsig library",
2143         os::Solaris::get_our_sigflags(sig));
2144     }
2145   }
2146   st->cr();
2147 }
2149 void os::print_signal_handlers(outputStream* st, char* buf, size_t buflen) {
2150   st->print_cr("Signal Handlers:");
2151   print_signal_handler(st, SIGSEGV, buf, buflen);
2152   print_signal_handler(st, SIGBUS , buf, buflen);
2153   print_signal_handler(st, SIGFPE , buf, buflen);
2154   print_signal_handler(st, SIGPIPE, buf, buflen);
2155   print_signal_handler(st, SIGXFSZ, buf, buflen);
2156   print_signal_handler(st, SIGILL , buf, buflen);
2157   print_signal_handler(st, INTERRUPT_SIGNAL, buf, buflen);
2158   print_signal_handler(st, ASYNC_SIGNAL, buf, buflen);
2159   print_signal_handler(st, BREAK_SIGNAL, buf, buflen);
2160   print_signal_handler(st, SHUTDOWN1_SIGNAL , buf, buflen);
2161   print_signal_handler(st, SHUTDOWN2_SIGNAL , buf, buflen);
2162   print_signal_handler(st, SHUTDOWN3_SIGNAL, buf, buflen);
2163   print_signal_handler(st, os::Solaris::SIGinterrupt(), buf, buflen);
2164   print_signal_handler(st, os::Solaris::SIGasync(), buf, buflen);
2165 }
2167 static char saved_jvm_path[MAXPATHLEN] = { 0 };
2169 // Find the full path to the current module, libjvm.so
2170 void os::jvm_path(char *buf, jint buflen) {
2171   // Error checking.
2172   if (buflen < MAXPATHLEN) {
2173     assert(false, "must use a large-enough buffer");
2174     buf[0] = '\0';
2175     return;
2176   }
2177   // Lazy resolve the path to current module.
2178   if (saved_jvm_path[0] != 0) {
2179     strcpy(buf, saved_jvm_path);
2180     return;
2181   }
2183   Dl_info dlinfo;
2184   int ret = dladdr(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(void *, os::jvm_path), &dlinfo);
2185   assert(ret != 0, "cannot locate libjvm");
2186   if (ret != 0 && dlinfo.dli_fname != NULL) {
2187     realpath((char *)dlinfo.dli_fname, buf);
2188   } else {
2189     buf[0] = '\0';
2190     return;
2191   }
2193   if (Arguments::created_by_gamma_launcher()) {
2194     // Support for the gamma launcher.  Typical value for buf is
2195     // "<JAVA_HOME>/jre/lib/<arch>/<vmtype>/libjvm.so".  If "/jre/lib/" appears at
2196     // the right place in the string, then assume we are installed in a JDK and
2197     // we're done.  Otherwise, check for a JAVA_HOME environment variable and fix
2198     // up the path so it looks like libjvm.so is installed there (append a
2199     // fake suffix hotspot/libjvm.so).
2200     const char *p = buf + strlen(buf) - 1;
2201     for (int count = 0; p > buf && count < 5; ++count) {
2202       for (--p; p > buf && *p != '/'; --p)
2203         /* empty */ ;
2204     }
2206     if (strncmp(p, "/jre/lib/", 9) != 0) {
2207       // Look for JAVA_HOME in the environment.
2208       char* java_home_var = ::getenv("JAVA_HOME");
2209       if (java_home_var != NULL && java_home_var[0] != 0) {
2210         char cpu_arch[12];
2211         char* jrelib_p;
2212         int   len;
2213         sysinfo(SI_ARCHITECTURE, cpu_arch, sizeof(cpu_arch));
2214 #ifdef _LP64
2215         // If we are on sparc running a 64-bit vm, look in jre/lib/sparcv9.
2216         if (strcmp(cpu_arch, "sparc") == 0) {
2217           strcat(cpu_arch, "v9");
2218         } else if (strcmp(cpu_arch, "i386") == 0) {
2219           strcpy(cpu_arch, "amd64");
2220         }
2221 #endif
2222         // Check the current module name "libjvm.so".
2223         p = strrchr(buf, '/');
2224         assert(strstr(p, "/libjvm") == p, "invalid library name");
2226         realpath(java_home_var, buf);
2227         // determine if this is a legacy image or modules image
2228         // modules image doesn't have "jre" subdirectory
2229         len = strlen(buf);
2230         assert(len < buflen, "Ran out of buffer space");
2231         jrelib_p = buf + len;
2232         snprintf(jrelib_p, buflen-len, "/jre/lib/%s", cpu_arch);
2233         if (0 != access(buf, F_OK)) {
2234           snprintf(jrelib_p, buflen-len, "/lib/%s", cpu_arch);
2235         }
2237         if (0 == access(buf, F_OK)) {
2238           // Use current module name "libjvm.so"
2239           len = strlen(buf);
2240           snprintf(buf + len, buflen-len, "/hotspot/libjvm.so");
2241         } else {
2242           // Go back to path of .so
2243           realpath((char *)dlinfo.dli_fname, buf);
2244         }
2245       }
2246     }
2247   }
2249   strncpy(saved_jvm_path, buf, MAXPATHLEN);
2250 }
2253 void os::print_jni_name_prefix_on(outputStream* st, int args_size) {
2254   // no prefix required, not even "_"
2255 }
2258 void os::print_jni_name_suffix_on(outputStream* st, int args_size) {
2259   // no suffix required
2260 }
2262 // This method is a copy of JDK's sysGetLastErrorString
2263 // from src/solaris/hpi/src/system_md.c
2265 size_t os::lasterror(char *buf, size_t len) {
2267   if (errno == 0)  return 0;
2269   const char *s = ::strerror(errno);
2270   size_t n = ::strlen(s);
2271   if (n >= len) {
2272     n = len - 1;
2273   }
2274   ::strncpy(buf, s, n);
2275   buf[n] = '\0';
2276   return n;
2277 }
2280 // sun.misc.Signal
2282 extern "C" {
2283   static void UserHandler(int sig, void *siginfo, void *context) {
2284     // Ctrl-C is pressed during error reporting, likely because the error
2285     // handler fails to abort. Let VM die immediately.
2286     if (sig == SIGINT && is_error_reported()) {
2287        os::die();
2288     }
2290     os::signal_notify(sig);
2291     // We do not need to reinstate the signal handler each time...
2292   }
2293 }
2295 void* os::user_handler() {
2296   return CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(void*, UserHandler);
2297 }
2299 class Semaphore : public StackObj {
2300   public:
2301     Semaphore();
2302     ~Semaphore();
2303     void signal();
2304     void wait();
2305     bool trywait();
2306     bool timedwait(unsigned int sec, int nsec);
2307   private:
2308     sema_t _semaphore;
2309 };
2312 Semaphore::Semaphore() {
2313   sema_init(&_semaphore, 0, NULL, NULL);
2314 }
2316 Semaphore::~Semaphore() {
2317   sema_destroy(&_semaphore);
2318 }
2320 void Semaphore::signal() {
2321   sema_post(&_semaphore);
2322 }
2324 void Semaphore::wait() {
2325   sema_wait(&_semaphore);
2326 }
2328 bool Semaphore::trywait() {
2329   return sema_trywait(&_semaphore) == 0;
2330 }
2332 bool Semaphore::timedwait(unsigned int sec, int nsec) {
2333   struct timespec ts;
2334   unpackTime(&ts, false, (sec * NANOSECS_PER_SEC) + nsec);
2336   while (1) {
2337     int result = sema_timedwait(&_semaphore, &ts);
2338     if (result == 0) {
2339       return true;
2340     } else if (errno == EINTR) {
2341       continue;
2342     } else if (errno == ETIME) {
2343       return false;
2344     } else {
2345       return false;
2346     }
2347   }
2348 }
2350 extern "C" {
2351   typedef void (*sa_handler_t)(int);
2352   typedef void (*sa_sigaction_t)(int, siginfo_t *, void *);
2353 }
2355 void* os::signal(int signal_number, void* handler) {
2356   struct sigaction sigAct, oldSigAct;
2357   sigfillset(&(sigAct.sa_mask));
2358   sigAct.sa_flags = SA_RESTART & ~SA_RESETHAND;
2359   sigAct.sa_handler = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(sa_handler_t, handler);
2361   if (sigaction(signal_number, &sigAct, &oldSigAct))
2362     // -1 means registration failed
2363     return (void *)-1;
2365   return CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(void*, oldSigAct.sa_handler);
2366 }
2368 void os::signal_raise(int signal_number) {
2369   raise(signal_number);
2370 }
2372 /*
2373  * The following code is moved from os.cpp for making this
2374  * code platform specific, which it is by its very nature.
2375  */
2377 // a counter for each possible signal value
2378 static int Sigexit = 0;
2379 static int Maxlibjsigsigs;
2380 static jint *pending_signals = NULL;
2381 static int *preinstalled_sigs = NULL;
2382 static struct sigaction *chainedsigactions = NULL;
2383 static sema_t sig_sem;
2384 typedef int (*version_getting_t)();
2385 version_getting_t os::Solaris::get_libjsig_version = NULL;
2386 static int libjsigversion = NULL;
2388 int os::sigexitnum_pd() {
2389   assert(Sigexit > 0, "signal memory not yet initialized");
2390   return Sigexit;
2391 }
2393 void os::Solaris::init_signal_mem() {
2394   // Initialize signal structures
2395   Maxsignum = SIGRTMAX;
2396   Sigexit = Maxsignum+1;
2397   assert(Maxsignum >0, "Unable to obtain max signal number");
2399   Maxlibjsigsigs = Maxsignum;
2401   // pending_signals has one int per signal
2402   // The additional signal is for SIGEXIT - exit signal to signal_thread
2403   pending_signals = (jint *)os::malloc(sizeof(jint) * (Sigexit+1), mtInternal);
2404   memset(pending_signals, 0, (sizeof(jint) * (Sigexit+1)));
2406   if (UseSignalChaining) {
2407      chainedsigactions = (struct sigaction *)malloc(sizeof(struct sigaction)
2408        * (Maxsignum + 1), mtInternal);
2409      memset(chainedsigactions, 0, (sizeof(struct sigaction) * (Maxsignum + 1)));
2410      preinstalled_sigs = (int *)os::malloc(sizeof(int) * (Maxsignum + 1), mtInternal);
2411      memset(preinstalled_sigs, 0, (sizeof(int) * (Maxsignum + 1)));
2412   }
2413   ourSigFlags = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (Maxsignum + 1 ), mtInternal);
2414   memset(ourSigFlags, 0, sizeof(int) * (Maxsignum + 1));
2415 }
2417 void os::signal_init_pd() {
2418   int ret;
2420   ret = ::sema_init(&sig_sem, 0, NULL, NULL);
2421   assert(ret == 0, "sema_init() failed");
2422 }
2424 void os::signal_notify(int signal_number) {
2425   int ret;
2427   Atomic::inc(&pending_signals[signal_number]);
2428   ret = ::sema_post(&sig_sem);
2429   assert(ret == 0, "sema_post() failed");
2430 }
2432 static int check_pending_signals(bool wait_for_signal) {
2433   int ret;
2434   while (true) {
2435     for (int i = 0; i < Sigexit + 1; i++) {
2436       jint n = pending_signals[i];
2437       if (n > 0 && n == Atomic::cmpxchg(n - 1, &pending_signals[i], n)) {
2438         return i;
2439       }
2440     }
2441     if (!wait_for_signal) {
2442       return -1;
2443     }
2444     JavaThread *thread = JavaThread::current();
2445     ThreadBlockInVM tbivm(thread);
2447     bool threadIsSuspended;
2448     do {
2449       thread->set_suspend_equivalent();
2450       // cleared by handle_special_suspend_equivalent_condition() or java_suspend_self()
2451       while((ret = ::sema_wait(&sig_sem)) == EINTR)
2452           ;
2453       assert(ret == 0, "sema_wait() failed");
2455       // were we externally suspended while we were waiting?
2456       threadIsSuspended = thread->handle_special_suspend_equivalent_condition();
2457       if (threadIsSuspended) {
2458         //
2459         // The semaphore has been incremented, but while we were waiting
2460         // another thread suspended us. We don't want to continue running
2461         // while suspended because that would surprise the thread that
2462         // suspended us.
2463         //
2464         ret = ::sema_post(&sig_sem);
2465         assert(ret == 0, "sema_post() failed");
2467         thread->java_suspend_self();
2468       }
2469     } while (threadIsSuspended);
2470   }
2471 }
2473 int os::signal_lookup() {
2474   return check_pending_signals(false);
2475 }
2477 int os::signal_wait() {
2478   return check_pending_signals(true);
2479 }
2481 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2482 // Virtual Memory
2484 static int page_size = -1;
2486 // The mmap MAP_ALIGN flag is supported on Solaris 9 and later.  init_2() will
2487 // clear this var if support is not available.
2488 static bool has_map_align = true;
2490 int os::vm_page_size() {
2491   assert(page_size != -1, "must call os::init");
2492   return page_size;
2493 }
2495 // Solaris allocates memory by pages.
2496 int os::vm_allocation_granularity() {
2497   assert(page_size != -1, "must call os::init");
2498   return page_size;
2499 }
2501 static bool recoverable_mmap_error(int err) {
2502   // See if the error is one we can let the caller handle. This
2503   // list of errno values comes from the Solaris mmap(2) man page.
2504   switch (err) {
2505   case EBADF:
2506   case EINVAL:
2507   case ENOTSUP:
2508     // let the caller deal with these errors
2509     return true;
2511   default:
2512     // Any remaining errors on this OS can cause our reserved mapping
2513     // to be lost. That can cause confusion where different data
2514     // structures think they have the same memory mapped. The worst
2515     // scenario is if both the VM and a library think they have the
2516     // same memory mapped.
2517     return false;
2518   }
2519 }
2521 static void warn_fail_commit_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes, bool exec,
2522                                     int err) {
2523   warning("INFO: os::commit_memory(" PTR_FORMAT ", " SIZE_FORMAT
2524           ", %d) failed; error='%s' (errno=%d)", addr, bytes, exec,
2525           strerror(err), err);
2526 }
2528 static void warn_fail_commit_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes,
2529                                     size_t alignment_hint, bool exec,
2530                                     int err) {
2531   warning("INFO: os::commit_memory(" PTR_FORMAT ", " SIZE_FORMAT
2532           ", " SIZE_FORMAT ", %d) failed; error='%s' (errno=%d)", addr, bytes,
2533           alignment_hint, exec, strerror(err), err);
2534 }
2536 int os::Solaris::commit_memory_impl(char* addr, size_t bytes, bool exec) {
2538   size_t size = bytes;
2539   char *res = Solaris::mmap_chunk(addr, size, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED, prot);
2540   if (res != NULL) {
2541     if (UseNUMAInterleaving) {
2542       numa_make_global(addr, bytes);
2543     }
2544     return 0;
2545   }
2547   int err = errno;  // save errno from mmap() call in mmap_chunk()
2549   if (!recoverable_mmap_error(err)) {
2550     warn_fail_commit_memory(addr, bytes, exec, err);
2551     vm_exit_out_of_memory(bytes, OOM_MMAP_ERROR, "committing reserved memory.");
2552   }
2554   return err;
2555 }
2557 bool os::pd_commit_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes, bool exec) {
2558   return Solaris::commit_memory_impl(addr, bytes, exec) == 0;
2559 }
2561 void os::pd_commit_memory_or_exit(char* addr, size_t bytes, bool exec,
2562                                   const char* mesg) {
2563   assert(mesg != NULL, "mesg must be specified");
2564   int err = os::Solaris::commit_memory_impl(addr, bytes, exec);
2565   if (err != 0) {
2566     // the caller wants all commit errors to exit with the specified mesg:
2567     warn_fail_commit_memory(addr, bytes, exec, err);
2568     vm_exit_out_of_memory(bytes, OOM_MMAP_ERROR, mesg);
2569   }
2570 }
2572 size_t os::Solaris::page_size_for_alignment(size_t alignment) {
2573   assert(is_size_aligned(alignment, (size_t) vm_page_size()),
2574          err_msg(SIZE_FORMAT " is not aligned to " SIZE_FORMAT,
2575                  alignment, (size_t) vm_page_size()));
2577   for (int i = 0; _page_sizes[i] != 0; i++) {
2578     if (is_size_aligned(alignment, _page_sizes[i])) {
2579       return _page_sizes[i];
2580     }
2581   }
2583   return (size_t) vm_page_size();
2584 }
2586 int os::Solaris::commit_memory_impl(char* addr, size_t bytes,
2587                                     size_t alignment_hint, bool exec) {
2588   int err = Solaris::commit_memory_impl(addr, bytes, exec);
2589   if (err == 0 && UseLargePages && alignment_hint > 0) {
2590     assert(is_size_aligned(bytes, alignment_hint),
2591            err_msg(SIZE_FORMAT " is not aligned to " SIZE_FORMAT, bytes, alignment_hint));
2593     // The syscall memcntl requires an exact page size (see man memcntl for details).
2594     size_t page_size = page_size_for_alignment(alignment_hint);
2595     if (page_size > (size_t) vm_page_size()) {
2596       (void)Solaris::setup_large_pages(addr, bytes, page_size);
2597     }
2598   }
2599   return err;
2600 }
2602 bool os::pd_commit_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes, size_t alignment_hint,
2603                           bool exec) {
2604   return Solaris::commit_memory_impl(addr, bytes, alignment_hint, exec) == 0;
2605 }
2607 void os::pd_commit_memory_or_exit(char* addr, size_t bytes,
2608                                   size_t alignment_hint, bool exec,
2609                                   const char* mesg) {
2610   assert(mesg != NULL, "mesg must be specified");
2611   int err = os::Solaris::commit_memory_impl(addr, bytes, alignment_hint, exec);
2612   if (err != 0) {
2613     // the caller wants all commit errors to exit with the specified mesg:
2614     warn_fail_commit_memory(addr, bytes, alignment_hint, exec, err);
2615     vm_exit_out_of_memory(bytes, OOM_MMAP_ERROR, mesg);
2616   }
2617 }
2619 // Uncommit the pages in a specified region.
2620 void os::pd_free_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes, size_t alignment_hint) {
2621   if (madvise(addr, bytes, MADV_FREE) < 0) {
2622     debug_only(warning("MADV_FREE failed."));
2623     return;
2624   }
2625 }
2627 bool os::pd_create_stack_guard_pages(char* addr, size_t size) {
2628   return os::commit_memory(addr, size, !ExecMem);
2629 }
2631 bool os::remove_stack_guard_pages(char* addr, size_t size) {
2632   return os::uncommit_memory(addr, size);
2633 }
2635 // Change the page size in a given range.
2636 void os::pd_realign_memory(char *addr, size_t bytes, size_t alignment_hint) {
2637   assert((intptr_t)addr % alignment_hint == 0, "Address should be aligned.");
2638   assert((intptr_t)(addr + bytes) % alignment_hint == 0, "End should be aligned.");
2639   if (UseLargePages) {
2640     Solaris::setup_large_pages(addr, bytes, alignment_hint);
2641   }
2642 }
2644 // Tell the OS to make the range local to the first-touching LWP
2645 void os::numa_make_local(char *addr, size_t bytes, int lgrp_hint) {
2646   assert((intptr_t)addr % os::vm_page_size() == 0, "Address should be page-aligned.");
2647   if (madvise(addr, bytes, MADV_ACCESS_LWP) < 0) {
2648     debug_only(warning("MADV_ACCESS_LWP failed."));
2649   }
2650 }
2652 // Tell the OS that this range would be accessed from different LWPs.
2653 void os::numa_make_global(char *addr, size_t bytes) {
2654   assert((intptr_t)addr % os::vm_page_size() == 0, "Address should be page-aligned.");
2655   if (madvise(addr, bytes, MADV_ACCESS_MANY) < 0) {
2656     debug_only(warning("MADV_ACCESS_MANY failed."));
2657   }
2658 }
2660 // Get the number of the locality groups.
2661 size_t os::numa_get_groups_num() {
2662   size_t n = Solaris::lgrp_nlgrps(Solaris::lgrp_cookie());
2663   return n != -1 ? n : 1;
2664 }
2666 // Get a list of leaf locality groups. A leaf lgroup is group that
2667 // doesn't have any children. Typical leaf group is a CPU or a CPU/memory
2668 // board. An LWP is assigned to one of these groups upon creation.
2669 size_t os::numa_get_leaf_groups(int *ids, size_t size) {
2670    if ((ids[0] = Solaris::lgrp_root(Solaris::lgrp_cookie())) == -1) {
2671      ids[0] = 0;
2672      return 1;
2673    }
2674    int result_size = 0, top = 1, bottom = 0, cur = 0;
2675    for (int k = 0; k < size; k++) {
2676      int r = Solaris::lgrp_children(Solaris::lgrp_cookie(), ids[cur],
2677                                     (Solaris::lgrp_id_t*)&ids[top], size - top);
2678      if (r == -1) {
2679        ids[0] = 0;
2680        return 1;
2681      }
2682      if (!r) {
2683        // That's a leaf node.
2684        assert (bottom <= cur, "Sanity check");
2685        // Check if the node has memory
2686        if (Solaris::lgrp_resources(Solaris::lgrp_cookie(), ids[cur],
2687                                    NULL, 0, LGRP_RSRC_MEM) > 0) {
2688          ids[bottom++] = ids[cur];
2689        }
2690      }
2691      top += r;
2692      cur++;
2693    }
2694    if (bottom == 0) {
2695      // Handle a situation, when the OS reports no memory available.
2696      // Assume UMA architecture.
2697      ids[0] = 0;
2698      return 1;
2699    }
2700    return bottom;
2701 }
2703 // Detect the topology change. Typically happens during CPU plugging-unplugging.
2704 bool os::numa_topology_changed() {
2705   int is_stale = Solaris::lgrp_cookie_stale(Solaris::lgrp_cookie());
2706   if (is_stale != -1 && is_stale) {
2707     Solaris::lgrp_fini(Solaris::lgrp_cookie());
2708     Solaris::lgrp_cookie_t c = Solaris::lgrp_init(Solaris::LGRP_VIEW_CALLER);
2709     assert(c != 0, "Failure to initialize LGRP API");
2710     Solaris::set_lgrp_cookie(c);
2711     return true;
2712   }
2713   return false;
2714 }
2716 // Get the group id of the current LWP.
2717 int os::numa_get_group_id() {
2718   int lgrp_id = Solaris::lgrp_home(P_LWPID, P_MYID);
2719   if (lgrp_id == -1) {
2720     return 0;
2721   }
2722   const int size = os::numa_get_groups_num();
2723   int *ids = (int*)alloca(size * sizeof(int));
2725   // Get the ids of all lgroups with memory; r is the count.
2726   int r = Solaris::lgrp_resources(Solaris::lgrp_cookie(), lgrp_id,
2727                                   (Solaris::lgrp_id_t*)ids, size, LGRP_RSRC_MEM);
2728   if (r <= 0) {
2729     return 0;
2730   }
2731   return ids[os::random() % r];
2732 }
2734 // Request information about the page.
2735 bool os::get_page_info(char *start, page_info* info) {
2736   const uint_t info_types[] = { MEMINFO_VLGRP, MEMINFO_VPAGESIZE };
2737   uint64_t addr = (uintptr_t)start;
2738   uint64_t outdata[2];
2739   uint_t validity = 0;
2741   if (os::Solaris::meminfo(&addr, 1, info_types, 2, outdata, &validity) < 0) {
2742     return false;
2743   }
2745   info->size = 0;
2746   info->lgrp_id = -1;
2748   if ((validity & 1) != 0) {
2749     if ((validity & 2) != 0) {
2750       info->lgrp_id = outdata[0];
2751     }
2752     if ((validity & 4) != 0) {
2753       info->size = outdata[1];
2754     }
2755     return true;
2756   }
2757   return false;
2758 }
2760 // Scan the pages from start to end until a page different than
2761 // the one described in the info parameter is encountered.
2762 char *os::scan_pages(char *start, char* end, page_info* page_expected, page_info* page_found) {
2763   const uint_t info_types[] = { MEMINFO_VLGRP, MEMINFO_VPAGESIZE };
2764   const size_t types = sizeof(info_types) / sizeof(info_types[0]);
2765   uint64_t addrs[MAX_MEMINFO_CNT], outdata[types * MAX_MEMINFO_CNT + 1];
2766   uint_t validity[MAX_MEMINFO_CNT];
2768   size_t page_size = MAX2((size_t)os::vm_page_size(), page_expected->size);
2769   uint64_t p = (uint64_t)start;
2770   while (p < (uint64_t)end) {
2771     addrs[0] = p;
2772     size_t addrs_count = 1;
2773     while (addrs_count < MAX_MEMINFO_CNT && addrs[addrs_count - 1] + page_size < (uint64_t)end) {
2774       addrs[addrs_count] = addrs[addrs_count - 1] + page_size;
2775       addrs_count++;
2776     }
2778     if (os::Solaris::meminfo(addrs, addrs_count, info_types, types, outdata, validity) < 0) {
2779       return NULL;
2780     }
2782     size_t i = 0;
2783     for (; i < addrs_count; i++) {
2784       if ((validity[i] & 1) != 0) {
2785         if ((validity[i] & 4) != 0) {
2786           if (outdata[types * i + 1] != page_expected->size) {
2787             break;
2788           }
2789         } else
2790           if (page_expected->size != 0) {
2791             break;
2792           }
2794         if ((validity[i] & 2) != 0 && page_expected->lgrp_id > 0) {
2795           if (outdata[types * i] != page_expected->lgrp_id) {
2796             break;
2797           }
2798         }
2799       } else {
2800         return NULL;
2801       }
2802     }
2804     if (i < addrs_count) {
2805       if ((validity[i] & 2) != 0) {
2806         page_found->lgrp_id = outdata[types * i];
2807       } else {
2808         page_found->lgrp_id = -1;
2809       }
2810       if ((validity[i] & 4) != 0) {
2811         page_found->size = outdata[types * i + 1];
2812       } else {
2813         page_found->size = 0;
2814       }
2815       return (char*)addrs[i];
2816     }
2818     p = addrs[addrs_count - 1] + page_size;
2819   }
2820   return end;
2821 }
2823 bool os::pd_uncommit_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes) {
2824   size_t size = bytes;
2825   // Map uncommitted pages PROT_NONE so we fail early if we touch an
2826   // uncommitted page. Otherwise, the read/write might succeed if we
2827   // have enough swap space to back the physical page.
2828   return
2829     NULL != Solaris::mmap_chunk(addr, size,
2830                                 MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_NORESERVE,
2831                                 PROT_NONE);
2832 }
2834 char* os::Solaris::mmap_chunk(char *addr, size_t size, int flags, int prot) {
2835   char *b = (char *)mmap(addr, size, prot, flags, os::Solaris::_dev_zero_fd, 0);
2837   if (b == MAP_FAILED) {
2838     return NULL;
2839   }
2840   return b;
2841 }
2843 char* os::Solaris::anon_mmap(char* requested_addr, size_t bytes, size_t alignment_hint, bool fixed) {
2844   char* addr = requested_addr;
2845   int flags = MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_NORESERVE;
2847   assert(!(fixed && (alignment_hint > 0)), "alignment hint meaningless with fixed mmap");
2849   if (fixed) {
2850     flags |= MAP_FIXED;
2851   } else if (has_map_align && (alignment_hint > (size_t) vm_page_size())) {
2852     flags |= MAP_ALIGN;
2853     addr = (char*) alignment_hint;
2854   }
2856   // Map uncommitted pages PROT_NONE so we fail early if we touch an
2857   // uncommitted page. Otherwise, the read/write might succeed if we
2858   // have enough swap space to back the physical page.
2859   return mmap_chunk(addr, bytes, flags, PROT_NONE);
2860 }
2862 char* os::pd_reserve_memory(size_t bytes, char* requested_addr, size_t alignment_hint) {
2863   char* addr = Solaris::anon_mmap(requested_addr, bytes, alignment_hint, (requested_addr != NULL));
2865   guarantee(requested_addr == NULL || requested_addr == addr,
2866             "OS failed to return requested mmap address.");
2867   return addr;
2868 }
2870 // Reserve memory at an arbitrary address, only if that area is
2871 // available (and not reserved for something else).
2873 char* os::pd_attempt_reserve_memory_at(size_t bytes, char* requested_addr) {
2874   const int max_tries = 10;
2875   char* base[max_tries];
2876   size_t size[max_tries];
2878   // Solaris adds a gap between mmap'ed regions.  The size of the gap
2879   // is dependent on the requested size and the MMU.  Our initial gap
2880   // value here is just a guess and will be corrected later.
2881   bool had_top_overlap = false;
2882   bool have_adjusted_gap = false;
2883   size_t gap = 0x400000;
2885   // Assert only that the size is a multiple of the page size, since
2886   // that's all that mmap requires, and since that's all we really know
2887   // about at this low abstraction level.  If we need higher alignment,
2888   // we can either pass an alignment to this method or verify alignment
2889   // in one of the methods further up the call chain.  See bug 5044738.
2890   assert(bytes % os::vm_page_size() == 0, "reserving unexpected size block");
2892   // Since snv_84, Solaris attempts to honor the address hint - see 5003415.
2893   // Give it a try, if the kernel honors the hint we can return immediately.
2894   char* addr = Solaris::anon_mmap(requested_addr, bytes, 0, false);
2896   volatile int err = errno;
2897   if (addr == requested_addr) {
2898     return addr;
2899   } else if (addr != NULL) {
2900     pd_unmap_memory(addr, bytes);
2901   }
2903   if (PrintMiscellaneous && Verbose) {
2904     char buf[256];
2905     buf[0] = '\0';
2906     if (addr == NULL) {
2907       jio_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), ": %s", strerror(err));
2908     }
2909     warning("attempt_reserve_memory_at: couldn't reserve " SIZE_FORMAT " bytes at "
2910             PTR_FORMAT ": reserve_memory_helper returned " PTR_FORMAT
2911             "%s", bytes, requested_addr, addr, buf);
2912   }
2914   // Address hint method didn't work.  Fall back to the old method.
2915   // In theory, once SNV becomes our oldest supported platform, this
2916   // code will no longer be needed.
2917   //
2918   // Repeatedly allocate blocks until the block is allocated at the
2919   // right spot. Give up after max_tries.
2920   int i;
2921   for (i = 0; i < max_tries; ++i) {
2922     base[i] = reserve_memory(bytes);
2924     if (base[i] != NULL) {
2925       // Is this the block we wanted?
2926       if (base[i] == requested_addr) {
2927         size[i] = bytes;
2928         break;
2929       }
2931       // check that the gap value is right
2932       if (had_top_overlap && !have_adjusted_gap) {
2933         size_t actual_gap = base[i-1] - base[i] - bytes;
2934         if (gap != actual_gap) {
2935           // adjust the gap value and retry the last 2 allocations
2936           assert(i > 0, "gap adjustment code problem");
2937           have_adjusted_gap = true;  // adjust the gap only once, just in case
2938           gap = actual_gap;
2939           if (PrintMiscellaneous && Verbose) {
2940             warning("attempt_reserve_memory_at: adjusted gap to 0x%lx", gap);
2941           }
2942           unmap_memory(base[i], bytes);
2943           unmap_memory(base[i-1], size[i-1]);
2944           i-=2;
2945           continue;
2946         }
2947       }
2949       // Does this overlap the block we wanted? Give back the overlapped
2950       // parts and try again.
2951       //
2952       // There is still a bug in this code: if top_overlap == bytes,
2953       // the overlap is offset from requested region by the value of gap.
2954       // In this case giving back the overlapped part will not work,
2955       // because we'll give back the entire block at base[i] and
2956       // therefore the subsequent allocation will not generate a new gap.
2957       // This could be fixed with a new algorithm that used larger
2958       // or variable size chunks to find the requested region -
2959       // but such a change would introduce additional complications.
2960       // It's rare enough that the planets align for this bug,
2961       // so we'll just wait for a fix for 6204603/5003415 which
2962       // will provide a mmap flag to allow us to avoid this business.
2964       size_t top_overlap = requested_addr + (bytes + gap) - base[i];
2965       if (top_overlap >= 0 && top_overlap < bytes) {
2966         had_top_overlap = true;
2967         unmap_memory(base[i], top_overlap);
2968         base[i] += top_overlap;
2969         size[i] = bytes - top_overlap;
2970       } else {
2971         size_t bottom_overlap = base[i] + bytes - requested_addr;
2972         if (bottom_overlap >= 0 && bottom_overlap < bytes) {
2973           if (PrintMiscellaneous && Verbose && bottom_overlap == 0) {
2974             warning("attempt_reserve_memory_at: possible alignment bug");
2975           }
2976           unmap_memory(requested_addr, bottom_overlap);
2977           size[i] = bytes - bottom_overlap;
2978         } else {
2979           size[i] = bytes;
2980         }
2981       }
2982     }
2983   }
2985   // Give back the unused reserved pieces.
2987   for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
2988     if (base[j] != NULL) {
2989       unmap_memory(base[j], size[j]);
2990     }
2991   }
2993   return (i < max_tries) ? requested_addr : NULL;
2994 }
2996 bool os::pd_release_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes) {
2997   size_t size = bytes;
2998   return munmap(addr, size) == 0;
2999 }
3001 static bool solaris_mprotect(char* addr, size_t bytes, int prot) {
3002   assert(addr == (char*)align_size_down((uintptr_t)addr, os::vm_page_size()),
3003          "addr must be page aligned");
3004   int retVal = mprotect(addr, bytes, prot);
3005   return retVal == 0;
3006 }
3008 // Protect memory (Used to pass readonly pages through
3009 // JNI GetArray<type>Elements with empty arrays.)
3010 // Also, used for serialization page and for compressed oops null pointer
3011 // checking.
3012 bool os::protect_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes, ProtType prot,
3013                         bool is_committed) {
3014   unsigned int p = 0;
3015   switch (prot) {
3016   case MEM_PROT_NONE: p = PROT_NONE; break;
3017   case MEM_PROT_READ: p = PROT_READ; break;
3018   case MEM_PROT_RW:   p = PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE; break;
3020   default:
3021     ShouldNotReachHere();
3022   }
3023   // is_committed is unused.
3024   return solaris_mprotect(addr, bytes, p);
3025 }
3027 // guard_memory and unguard_memory only happens within stack guard pages.
3028 // Since ISM pertains only to the heap, guard and unguard memory should not
3029 /// happen with an ISM region.
3030 bool os::guard_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes) {
3031   return solaris_mprotect(addr, bytes, PROT_NONE);
3032 }
3034 bool os::unguard_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes) {
3035   return solaris_mprotect(addr, bytes, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE);
3036 }
3038 // Large page support
3039 static size_t _large_page_size = 0;
3041 // Insertion sort for small arrays (descending order).
3042 static void insertion_sort_descending(size_t* array, int len) {
3043   for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
3044     size_t val = array[i];
3045     for (size_t key = i; key > 0 && array[key - 1] < val; --key) {
3046       size_t tmp = array[key];
3047       array[key] = array[key - 1];
3048       array[key - 1] = tmp;
3049     }
3050   }
3051 }
3053 bool os::Solaris::mpss_sanity_check(bool warn, size_t* page_size) {
3054   const unsigned int usable_count = VM_Version::page_size_count();
3055   if (usable_count == 1) {
3056     return false;
3057   }
3059   // Find the right getpagesizes interface.  When solaris 11 is the minimum
3060   // build platform, getpagesizes() (without the '2') can be called directly.
3061   typedef int (*gps_t)(size_t[], int);
3062   gps_t gps_func = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(gps_t, dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "getpagesizes2"));
3063   if (gps_func == NULL) {
3064     gps_func = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(gps_t, dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "getpagesizes"));
3065     if (gps_func == NULL) {
3066       if (warn) {
3067         warning("MPSS is not supported by the operating system.");
3068       }
3069       return false;
3070     }
3071   }
3073   // Fill the array of page sizes.
3074   int n = (*gps_func)(_page_sizes, page_sizes_max);
3075   assert(n > 0, "Solaris bug?");
3077   if (n == page_sizes_max) {
3078     // Add a sentinel value (necessary only if the array was completely filled
3079     // since it is static (zeroed at initialization)).
3080     _page_sizes[--n] = 0;
3081     DEBUG_ONLY(warning("increase the size of the os::_page_sizes array.");)
3082   }
3083   assert(_page_sizes[n] == 0, "missing sentinel");
3084   trace_page_sizes("available page sizes", _page_sizes, n);
3086   if (n == 1) return false;     // Only one page size available.
3088   // Skip sizes larger than 4M (or LargePageSizeInBytes if it was set) and
3089   // select up to usable_count elements.  First sort the array, find the first
3090   // acceptable value, then copy the usable sizes to the top of the array and
3091   // trim the rest.  Make sure to include the default page size :-).
3092   //
3093   // A better policy could get rid of the 4M limit by taking the sizes of the
3094   // important VM memory regions (java heap and possibly the code cache) into
3095   // account.
3096   insertion_sort_descending(_page_sizes, n);
3097   const size_t size_limit =
3098     FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(LargePageSizeInBytes) ? 4 * M : LargePageSizeInBytes;
3099   int beg;
3100   for (beg = 0; beg < n && _page_sizes[beg] > size_limit; ++beg) /* empty */ ;
3101   const int end = MIN2((int)usable_count, n) - 1;
3102   for (int cur = 0; cur < end; ++cur, ++beg) {
3103     _page_sizes[cur] = _page_sizes[beg];
3104   }
3105   _page_sizes[end] = vm_page_size();
3106   _page_sizes[end + 1] = 0;
3108   if (_page_sizes[end] > _page_sizes[end - 1]) {
3109     // Default page size is not the smallest; sort again.
3110     insertion_sort_descending(_page_sizes, end + 1);
3111   }
3112   *page_size = _page_sizes[0];
3114   trace_page_sizes("usable page sizes", _page_sizes, end + 1);
3115   return true;
3116 }
3118 void os::large_page_init() {
3119   if (UseLargePages) {
3120     // print a warning if any large page related flag is specified on command line
3121     bool warn_on_failure = !FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseLargePages)        ||
3122                            !FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(LargePageSizeInBytes);
3124     UseLargePages = Solaris::mpss_sanity_check(warn_on_failure, &_large_page_size);
3125   }
3126 }
3128 bool os::Solaris::is_valid_page_size(size_t bytes) {
3129   for (int i = 0; _page_sizes[i] != 0; i++) {
3130     if (_page_sizes[i] == bytes) {
3131       return true;
3132     }
3133   }
3134   return false;
3135 }
3137 bool os::Solaris::setup_large_pages(caddr_t start, size_t bytes, size_t align) {
3138   assert(is_valid_page_size(align), err_msg(SIZE_FORMAT " is not a valid page size", align));
3139   assert(is_ptr_aligned((void*) start, align),
3140          err_msg(PTR_FORMAT " is not aligned to " SIZE_FORMAT, p2i((void*) start), align));
3141   assert(is_size_aligned(bytes, align),
3142          err_msg(SIZE_FORMAT " is not aligned to " SIZE_FORMAT, bytes, align));
3144   // Signal to OS that we want large pages for addresses
3145   // from addr, addr + bytes
3146   struct memcntl_mha mpss_struct;
3147   mpss_struct.mha_cmd = MHA_MAPSIZE_VA;
3148   mpss_struct.mha_pagesize = align;
3149   mpss_struct.mha_flags = 0;
3150   // Upon successful completion, memcntl() returns 0
3151   if (memcntl(start, bytes, MC_HAT_ADVISE, (caddr_t) &mpss_struct, 0, 0)) {
3152     debug_only(warning("Attempt to use MPSS failed."));
3153     return false;
3154   }
3155   return true;
3156 }
3158 char* os::reserve_memory_special(size_t size, size_t alignment, char* addr, bool exec) {
3159   fatal("os::reserve_memory_special should not be called on Solaris.");
3160   return NULL;
3161 }
3163 bool os::release_memory_special(char* base, size_t bytes) {
3164   fatal("os::release_memory_special should not be called on Solaris.");
3165   return false;
3166 }
3168 size_t os::large_page_size() {
3169   return _large_page_size;
3170 }
3172 // MPSS allows application to commit large page memory on demand; with ISM
3173 // the entire memory region must be allocated as shared memory.
3174 bool os::can_commit_large_page_memory() {
3175   return true;
3176 }
3178 bool os::can_execute_large_page_memory() {
3179   return true;
3180 }
3182 static int os_sleep(jlong millis, bool interruptible) {
3183   const jlong limit = INT_MAX;
3184   jlong prevtime;
3185   int res;
3187   while (millis > limit) {
3188     if ((res = os_sleep(limit, interruptible)) != OS_OK)
3189       return res;
3190     millis -= limit;
3191   }
3193   // Restart interrupted polls with new parameters until the proper delay
3194   // has been completed.
3196   prevtime = getTimeMillis();
3198   while (millis > 0) {
3199     jlong newtime;
3201     if (!interruptible) {
3202       // Following assert fails for os::yield_all:
3203       // assert(!thread->is_Java_thread(), "must not be java thread");
3204       res = poll(NULL, 0, millis);
3205     } else {
3206       JavaThread *jt = JavaThread::current();
3208       INTERRUPTIBLE_NORESTART_VM_ALWAYS(poll(NULL, 0, millis), res, jt,
3209         os::Solaris::clear_interrupted);
3210     }
3213     // thread.Interrupt.
3215     // See c/r 6751923. Poll can return 0 before time
3216     // has elapsed if time is set via clock_settime (as NTP does).
3217     // res == 0 if poll timed out (see man poll RETURN VALUES)
3218     // using the logic below checks that we really did
3219     // sleep at least "millis" if not we'll sleep again.
3220     if( ( res == 0 ) || ((res == OS_ERR) && (errno == EINTR))) {
3221       newtime = getTimeMillis();
3222       assert(newtime >= prevtime, "time moving backwards");
3223     /* Doing prevtime and newtime in microseconds doesn't help precision,
3224        and trying to round up to avoid lost milliseconds can result in a
3225        too-short delay. */
3226       millis -= newtime - prevtime;
3227       if(millis <= 0)
3228         return OS_OK;
3229       prevtime = newtime;
3230     } else
3231       return res;
3232   }
3234   return OS_OK;
3235 }
3237 // Read calls from inside the vm need to perform state transitions
3238 size_t os::read(int fd, void *buf, unsigned int nBytes) {
3239   INTERRUPTIBLE_RETURN_INT_VM(::read(fd, buf, nBytes), os::Solaris::clear_interrupted);
3240 }
3242 size_t os::restartable_read(int fd, void *buf, unsigned int nBytes) {
3243   INTERRUPTIBLE_RETURN_INT(::read(fd, buf, nBytes), os::Solaris::clear_interrupted);
3244 }
3246 int os::sleep(Thread* thread, jlong millis, bool interruptible) {
3247   assert(thread == Thread::current(),  "thread consistency check");
3249   // TODO-FIXME: this should be removed.
3250   // On Solaris machines (especially 2.5.1) we found that sometimes the VM gets into a live lock
3251   // situation with a JavaThread being starved out of a lwp. The kernel doesn't seem to generate
3252   // a SIGWAITING signal which would enable the threads library to create a new lwp for the starving
3253   // thread. We suspect that because the Watcher thread keeps waking up at periodic intervals the kernel
3254   // is fooled into believing that the system is making progress. In the code below we block the
3255   // the watcher thread while safepoint is in progress so that it would not appear as though the
3256   // system is making progress.
3257   if (!Solaris::T2_libthread() &&
3258       thread->is_Watcher_thread() && SafepointSynchronize::is_synchronizing() && !Arguments::has_profile()) {
3259     // We now try to acquire the threads lock. Since this lock is held by the VM thread during
3260     // the entire safepoint, the watcher thread will  line up here during the safepoint.
3261     Threads_lock->lock_without_safepoint_check();
3262     Threads_lock->unlock();
3263   }
3265   if (thread->is_Java_thread()) {
3266     // This is a JavaThread so we honor the _thread_blocked protocol
3267     // even for sleeps of 0 milliseconds. This was originally done
3268     // as a workaround for bug 4338139. However, now we also do it
3269     // to honor the suspend-equivalent protocol.
3271     JavaThread *jt = (JavaThread *) thread;
3272     ThreadBlockInVM tbivm(jt);
3274     jt->set_suspend_equivalent();
3275     // cleared by handle_special_suspend_equivalent_condition() or
3276     // java_suspend_self() via check_and_wait_while_suspended()
3278     int ret_code;
3279     if (millis <= 0) {
3280       thr_yield();
3281       ret_code = 0;
3282     } else {
3283       // The original sleep() implementation did not create an
3284       // OSThreadWaitState helper for sleeps of 0 milliseconds.
3285       // I'm preserving that decision for now.
3286       OSThreadWaitState osts(jt->osthread(), false /* not Object.wait() */);
3288       ret_code = os_sleep(millis, interruptible);
3289     }
3291     // were we externally suspended while we were waiting?
3292     jt->check_and_wait_while_suspended();
3294     return ret_code;
3295   }
3297   // non-JavaThread from this point on:
3299   if (millis <= 0) {
3300     thr_yield();
3301     return 0;
3302   }
3304   OSThreadWaitState osts(thread->osthread(), false /* not Object.wait() */);
3306   return os_sleep(millis, interruptible);
3307 }
3309 void os::naked_short_sleep(jlong ms) {
3310   assert(ms < 1000, "Un-interruptable sleep, short time use only");
3312   // usleep is deprecated and removed from POSIX, in favour of nanosleep, but
3313   // Solaris requires -lrt for this.
3314   usleep((ms * 1000));
3316   return;
3317 }
3319 // Sleep forever; naked call to OS-specific sleep; use with CAUTION
3320 void os::infinite_sleep() {
3321   while (true) {    // sleep forever ...
3322     ::sleep(100);   // ... 100 seconds at a time
3323   }
3324 }
3326 // Used to convert frequent JVM_Yield() to nops
3327 bool os::dont_yield() {
3328   if (DontYieldALot) {
3329     static hrtime_t last_time = 0;
3330     hrtime_t diff = getTimeNanos() - last_time;
3332     if (diff < DontYieldALotInterval * 1000000)
3333       return true;
3335     last_time += diff;
3337     return false;
3338   }
3339   else {
3340     return false;
3341   }
3342 }
3344 // Caveat: Solaris os::yield() causes a thread-state transition whereas
3345 // the linux and win32 implementations do not.  This should be checked.
3347 void os::yield() {
3348   // Yields to all threads with same or greater priority
3349   os::sleep(Thread::current(), 0, false);
3350 }
3352 // Note that yield semantics are defined by the scheduling class to which
3353 // the thread currently belongs.  Typically, yield will _not yield to
3354 // other equal or higher priority threads that reside on the dispatch queues
3355 // of other CPUs.
3357 os::YieldResult os::NakedYield() { thr_yield(); return os::YIELD_UNKNOWN; }
3360 // On Solaris we found that yield_all doesn't always yield to all other threads.
3361 // There have been cases where there is a thread ready to execute but it doesn't
3362 // get an lwp as the VM thread continues to spin with sleeps of 1 millisecond.
3363 // The 1 millisecond wait doesn't seem long enough for the kernel to issue a
3364 // SIGWAITING signal which will cause a new lwp to be created. So we count the
3365 // number of times yield_all is called in the one loop and increase the sleep
3366 // time after 8 attempts. If this fails too we increase the concurrency level
3367 // so that the starving thread would get an lwp
3369 void os::yield_all(int attempts) {
3370   // Yields to all threads, including threads with lower priorities
3371   if (attempts == 0) {
3372     os::sleep(Thread::current(), 1, false);
3373   } else {
3374     int iterations = attempts % 30;
3375     if (iterations == 0 && !os::Solaris::T2_libthread()) {
3376       // thr_setconcurrency and _getconcurrency make sense only under T1.
3377       int noofLWPS = thr_getconcurrency();
3378       if (noofLWPS < (Threads::number_of_threads() + 2)) {
3379         thr_setconcurrency(thr_getconcurrency() + 1);
3380       }
3381     } else if (iterations < 25) {
3382       os::sleep(Thread::current(), 1, false);
3383     } else {
3384       os::sleep(Thread::current(), 10, false);
3385     }
3386   }
3387 }
3389 // Called from the tight loops to possibly influence time-sharing heuristics
3390 void os::loop_breaker(int attempts) {
3391   os::yield_all(attempts);
3392 }
3395 // Interface for setting lwp priorities.  If we are using T2 libthread,
3396 // which forces the use of BoundThreads or we manually set UseBoundThreads,
3397 // all of our threads will be assigned to real lwp's.  Using the thr_setprio
3398 // function is meaningless in this mode so we must adjust the real lwp's priority
3399 // The routines below implement the getting and setting of lwp priorities.
3400 //
3401 // Note: There are three priority scales used on Solaris.  Java priotities
3402 //       which range from 1 to 10, libthread "thr_setprio" scale which range
3403 //       from 0 to 127, and the current scheduling class of the process we
3404 //       are running in.  This is typically from -60 to +60.
3405 //       The setting of the lwp priorities in done after a call to thr_setprio
3406 //       so Java priorities are mapped to libthread priorities and we map from
3407 //       the latter to lwp priorities.  We don't keep priorities stored in
3408 //       Java priorities since some of our worker threads want to set priorities
3409 //       higher than all Java threads.
3410 //
3411 // For related information:
3412 // (1)  man -s 2 priocntl
3413 // (2)  man -s 4 priocntl
3414 // (3)  man dispadmin
3415 // =    librt.so
3416 // =    libthread/common/rtsched.c - thrp_setlwpprio().
3417 // =    ps -cL <pid> ... to validate priority.
3418 // =    sched_get_priority_min and _max
3419 //              pthread_create
3420 //              sched_setparam
3421 //              pthread_setschedparam
3422 //
3423 // Assumptions:
3424 // +    We assume that all threads in the process belong to the same
3425 //              scheduling class.   IE. an homogenous process.
3426 // +    Must be root or in IA group to change change "interactive" attribute.
3427 //              Priocntl() will fail silently.  The only indication of failure is when
3428 //              we read-back the value and notice that it hasn't changed.
3429 // +    Interactive threads enter the runq at the head, non-interactive at the tail.
3430 // +    For RT, change timeslice as well.  Invariant:
3431 //              constant "priority integral"
3432 //              Konst == TimeSlice * (60-Priority)
3433 //              Given a priority, compute appropriate timeslice.
3434 // +    Higher numerical values have higher priority.
3436 // sched class attributes
3437 typedef struct {
3438         int   schedPolicy;              // classID
3439         int   maxPrio;
3440         int   minPrio;
3441 } SchedInfo;
3444 static SchedInfo tsLimits, iaLimits, rtLimits, fxLimits;
3446 #ifdef ASSERT
3447 static int  ReadBackValidate = 1;
3448 #endif
3449 static int  myClass     = 0;
3450 static int  myMin       = 0;
3451 static int  myMax       = 0;
3452 static int  myCur       = 0;
3453 static bool priocntl_enable = false;
3455 static const int criticalPrio = 60; // FX/60 is critical thread class/priority on T4
3456 static int java_MaxPriority_to_os_priority = 0; // Saved mapping
3459 // lwp_priocntl_init
3460 //
3461 // Try to determine the priority scale for our process.
3462 //
3463 // Return errno or 0 if OK.
3464 //
3465 static int lwp_priocntl_init () {
3466   int rslt;
3467   pcinfo_t ClassInfo;
3468   pcparms_t ParmInfo;
3469   int i;
3471   if (!UseThreadPriorities) return 0;
3473   // We are using Bound threads, we need to determine our priority ranges
3474   if (os::Solaris::T2_libthread() || UseBoundThreads) {
3475     // If ThreadPriorityPolicy is 1, switch tables
3476     if (ThreadPriorityPolicy == 1) {
3477       for (i = 0 ; i < CriticalPriority+1; i++)
3478         os::java_to_os_priority[i] = prio_policy1[i];
3479     }
3480     if (UseCriticalJavaThreadPriority) {
3481       // MaxPriority always maps to the FX scheduling class and criticalPrio.
3482       // See set_native_priority() and set_lwp_class_and_priority().
3483       // Save original MaxPriority mapping in case attempt to
3484       // use critical priority fails.
3485       java_MaxPriority_to_os_priority = os::java_to_os_priority[MaxPriority];
3486       // Set negative to distinguish from other priorities
3487       os::java_to_os_priority[MaxPriority] = -criticalPrio;
3488     }
3489   }
3490   // Not using Bound Threads, set to ThreadPolicy 1
3491   else {
3492     for ( i = 0 ; i < CriticalPriority+1; i++ ) {
3493       os::java_to_os_priority[i] = prio_policy1[i];
3494     }
3495     return 0;
3496   }
3498   // Get IDs for a set of well-known scheduling classes.
3499   // TODO-FIXME: GETCLINFO returns the current # of classes in the
3500   // the system.  We should have a loop that iterates over the
3501   // classID values, which are known to be "small" integers.
3503   strcpy(ClassInfo.pc_clname, "TS");
3504   ClassInfo.pc_cid = -1;
3505   rslt = priocntl(P_ALL, 0, PC_GETCID, (caddr_t)&ClassInfo);
3506   if (rslt < 0) return errno;
3507   assert(ClassInfo.pc_cid != -1, "cid for TS class is -1");
3508   tsLimits.schedPolicy = ClassInfo.pc_cid;
3509   tsLimits.maxPrio = ((tsinfo_t*)ClassInfo.pc_clinfo)->ts_maxupri;
3510   tsLimits.minPrio = -tsLimits.maxPrio;
3512   strcpy(ClassInfo.pc_clname, "IA");
3513   ClassInfo.pc_cid = -1;
3514   rslt = priocntl(P_ALL, 0, PC_GETCID, (caddr_t)&ClassInfo);
3515   if (rslt < 0) return errno;
3516   assert(ClassInfo.pc_cid != -1, "cid for IA class is -1");
3517   iaLimits.schedPolicy = ClassInfo.pc_cid;
3518   iaLimits.maxPrio = ((iainfo_t*)ClassInfo.pc_clinfo)->ia_maxupri;
3519   iaLimits.minPrio = -iaLimits.maxPrio;
3521   strcpy(ClassInfo.pc_clname, "RT");
3522   ClassInfo.pc_cid = -1;
3523   rslt = priocntl(P_ALL, 0, PC_GETCID, (caddr_t)&ClassInfo);
3524   if (rslt < 0) return errno;
3525   assert(ClassInfo.pc_cid != -1, "cid for RT class is -1");
3526   rtLimits.schedPolicy = ClassInfo.pc_cid;
3527   rtLimits.maxPrio = ((rtinfo_t*)ClassInfo.pc_clinfo)->rt_maxpri;
3528   rtLimits.minPrio = 0;
3530   strcpy(ClassInfo.pc_clname, "FX");
3531   ClassInfo.pc_cid = -1;
3532   rslt = priocntl(P_ALL, 0, PC_GETCID, (caddr_t)&ClassInfo);
3533   if (rslt < 0) return errno;
3534   assert(ClassInfo.pc_cid != -1, "cid for FX class is -1");
3535   fxLimits.schedPolicy = ClassInfo.pc_cid;
3536   fxLimits.maxPrio = ((fxinfo_t*)ClassInfo.pc_clinfo)->fx_maxupri;
3537   fxLimits.minPrio = 0;
3539   // Query our "current" scheduling class.
3540   // This will normally be IA, TS or, rarely, FX or RT.
3541   memset(&ParmInfo, 0, sizeof(ParmInfo));
3542   ParmInfo.pc_cid = PC_CLNULL;
3543   rslt = priocntl(P_PID, P_MYID, PC_GETPARMS, (caddr_t)&ParmInfo);
3544   if (rslt < 0) return errno;
3545   myClass = ParmInfo.pc_cid;
3547   // We now know our scheduling classId, get specific information
3548   // about the class.
3549   ClassInfo.pc_cid = myClass;
3550   ClassInfo.pc_clname[0] = 0;
3551   rslt = priocntl((idtype)0, 0, PC_GETCLINFO, (caddr_t)&ClassInfo);
3552   if (rslt < 0) return errno;
3554   if (ThreadPriorityVerbose) {
3555     tty->print_cr("lwp_priocntl_init: Class=%d(%s)...", myClass, ClassInfo.pc_clname);
3556   }
3558   memset(&ParmInfo, 0, sizeof(pcparms_t));
3559   ParmInfo.pc_cid = PC_CLNULL;
3560   rslt = priocntl(P_PID, P_MYID, PC_GETPARMS, (caddr_t)&ParmInfo);
3561   if (rslt < 0) return errno;
3563   if (ParmInfo.pc_cid == rtLimits.schedPolicy) {
3564     myMin = rtLimits.minPrio;
3565     myMax = rtLimits.maxPrio;
3566   } else if (ParmInfo.pc_cid == iaLimits.schedPolicy) {
3567     iaparms_t *iaInfo  = (iaparms_t*)ParmInfo.pc_clparms;
3568     myMin = iaLimits.minPrio;
3569     myMax = iaLimits.maxPrio;
3570     myMax = MIN2(myMax, (int)iaInfo->ia_uprilim);       // clamp - restrict
3571   } else if (ParmInfo.pc_cid == tsLimits.schedPolicy) {
3572     tsparms_t *tsInfo  = (tsparms_t*)ParmInfo.pc_clparms;
3573     myMin = tsLimits.minPrio;
3574     myMax = tsLimits.maxPrio;
3575     myMax = MIN2(myMax, (int)tsInfo->ts_uprilim);       // clamp - restrict
3576   } else if (ParmInfo.pc_cid == fxLimits.schedPolicy) {
3577     fxparms_t *fxInfo = (fxparms_t*)ParmInfo.pc_clparms;
3578     myMin = fxLimits.minPrio;
3579     myMax = fxLimits.maxPrio;
3580     myMax = MIN2(myMax, (int)fxInfo->fx_uprilim);       // clamp - restrict
3581   } else {
3582     // No clue - punt
3583     if (ThreadPriorityVerbose)
3584       tty->print_cr ("Unknown scheduling class: %s ... \n", ClassInfo.pc_clname);
3585     return EINVAL;      // no clue, punt
3586   }
3588   if (ThreadPriorityVerbose) {
3589     tty->print_cr ("Thread priority Range: [%d..%d]\n", myMin, myMax);
3590   }
3592   priocntl_enable = true;  // Enable changing priorities
3593   return 0;
3594 }
3596 #define IAPRI(x)        ((iaparms_t *)((x).pc_clparms))
3597 #define RTPRI(x)        ((rtparms_t *)((x).pc_clparms))
3598 #define TSPRI(x)        ((tsparms_t *)((x).pc_clparms))
3599 #define FXPRI(x)        ((fxparms_t *)((x).pc_clparms))
3602 // scale_to_lwp_priority
3603 //
3604 // Convert from the libthread "thr_setprio" scale to our current
3605 // lwp scheduling class scale.
3606 //
3607 static
3608 int     scale_to_lwp_priority (int rMin, int rMax, int x)
3609 {
3610   int v;
3612   if (x == 127) return rMax;            // avoid round-down
3613     v = (((x*(rMax-rMin)))/128)+rMin;
3614   return v;
3615 }
3618 // set_lwp_class_and_priority
3619 //
3620 // Set the class and priority of the lwp.  This call should only
3621 // be made when using bound threads (T2 threads are bound by default).
3622 //
3623 int set_lwp_class_and_priority(int ThreadID, int lwpid,
3624                                int newPrio, int new_class, bool scale) {
3625   int rslt;
3626   int Actual, Expected, prv;
3627   pcparms_t ParmInfo;                   // for GET-SET
3628 #ifdef ASSERT
3629   pcparms_t ReadBack;                   // for readback
3630 #endif
3632   // Set priority via PC_GETPARMS, update, PC_SETPARMS
3633   // Query current values.
3634   // TODO: accelerate this by eliminating the PC_GETPARMS call.
3635   // Cache "pcparms_t" in global ParmCache.
3636   // TODO: elide set-to-same-value
3638   // If something went wrong on init, don't change priorities.
3639   if ( !priocntl_enable ) {
3640     if (ThreadPriorityVerbose)
3641       tty->print_cr("Trying to set priority but init failed, ignoring");
3642     return EINVAL;
3643   }
3645   // If lwp hasn't started yet, just return
3646   // the _start routine will call us again.
3647   if ( lwpid <= 0 ) {
3648     if (ThreadPriorityVerbose) {
3649       tty->print_cr ("deferring the set_lwp_class_and_priority of thread "
3650                      INTPTR_FORMAT " to %d, lwpid not set",
3651                      ThreadID, newPrio);
3652     }
3653     return 0;
3654   }
3656   if (ThreadPriorityVerbose) {
3657     tty->print_cr ("set_lwp_class_and_priority("
3658                    INTPTR_FORMAT "@" INTPTR_FORMAT " %d) ",
3659                    ThreadID, lwpid, newPrio);
3660   }
3662   memset(&ParmInfo, 0, sizeof(pcparms_t));
3663   ParmInfo.pc_cid = PC_CLNULL;
3664   rslt = priocntl(P_LWPID, lwpid, PC_GETPARMS, (caddr_t)&ParmInfo);
3665   if (rslt < 0) return errno;
3667   int cur_class = ParmInfo.pc_cid;
3668   ParmInfo.pc_cid = (id_t)new_class;
3670   if (new_class == rtLimits.schedPolicy) {
3671     rtparms_t *rtInfo  = (rtparms_t*)ParmInfo.pc_clparms;
3672     rtInfo->rt_pri     = scale ? scale_to_lwp_priority(rtLimits.minPrio,
3673                                                        rtLimits.maxPrio, newPrio)
3674                                : newPrio;
3675     rtInfo->rt_tqsecs  = RT_NOCHANGE;
3676     rtInfo->rt_tqnsecs = RT_NOCHANGE;
3677     if (ThreadPriorityVerbose) {
3678       tty->print_cr("RT: %d->%d\n", newPrio, rtInfo->rt_pri);
3679     }
3680   } else if (new_class == iaLimits.schedPolicy) {
3681     iaparms_t* iaInfo  = (iaparms_t*)ParmInfo.pc_clparms;
3682     int maxClamped     = MIN2(iaLimits.maxPrio,
3683                               cur_class == new_class
3684                                 ? (int)iaInfo->ia_uprilim : iaLimits.maxPrio);
3685     iaInfo->ia_upri    = scale ? scale_to_lwp_priority(iaLimits.minPrio,
3686                                                        maxClamped, newPrio)
3687                                : newPrio;
3688     iaInfo->ia_uprilim = cur_class == new_class
3689                            ? IA_NOCHANGE : (pri_t)iaLimits.maxPrio;
3690     iaInfo->ia_mode    = IA_NOCHANGE;
3691     if (ThreadPriorityVerbose) {
3692       tty->print_cr("IA: [%d...%d] %d->%d\n",
3693                     iaLimits.minPrio, maxClamped, newPrio, iaInfo->ia_upri);
3694     }
3695   } else if (new_class == tsLimits.schedPolicy) {
3696     tsparms_t* tsInfo  = (tsparms_t*)ParmInfo.pc_clparms;
3697     int maxClamped     = MIN2(tsLimits.maxPrio,
3698                               cur_class == new_class
3699                                 ? (int)tsInfo->ts_uprilim : tsLimits.maxPrio);
3700     tsInfo->ts_upri    = scale ? scale_to_lwp_priority(tsLimits.minPrio,
3701                                                        maxClamped, newPrio)
3702                                : newPrio;
3703     tsInfo->ts_uprilim = cur_class == new_class
3704                            ? TS_NOCHANGE : (pri_t)tsLimits.maxPrio;
3705     if (ThreadPriorityVerbose) {
3706       tty->print_cr("TS: [%d...%d] %d->%d\n",
3707                     tsLimits.minPrio, maxClamped, newPrio, tsInfo->ts_upri);
3708     }
3709   } else if (new_class == fxLimits.schedPolicy) {
3710     fxparms_t* fxInfo  = (fxparms_t*)ParmInfo.pc_clparms;
3711     int maxClamped     = MIN2(fxLimits.maxPrio,
3712                               cur_class == new_class
3713                                 ? (int)fxInfo->fx_uprilim : fxLimits.maxPrio);
3714     fxInfo->fx_upri    = scale ? scale_to_lwp_priority(fxLimits.minPrio,
3715                                                        maxClamped, newPrio)
3716                                : newPrio;
3717     fxInfo->fx_uprilim = cur_class == new_class
3718                            ? FX_NOCHANGE : (pri_t)fxLimits.maxPrio;
3719     fxInfo->fx_tqsecs  = FX_NOCHANGE;
3720     fxInfo->fx_tqnsecs = FX_NOCHANGE;
3721     if (ThreadPriorityVerbose) {
3722       tty->print_cr("FX: [%d...%d] %d->%d\n",
3723                     fxLimits.minPrio, maxClamped, newPrio, fxInfo->fx_upri);
3724     }
3725   } else {
3726     if (ThreadPriorityVerbose) {
3727       tty->print_cr("Unknown new scheduling class %d\n", new_class);
3728     }
3729     return EINVAL;    // no clue, punt
3730   }
3732   rslt = priocntl(P_LWPID, lwpid, PC_SETPARMS, (caddr_t)&ParmInfo);
3733   if (ThreadPriorityVerbose && rslt) {
3734     tty->print_cr ("PC_SETPARMS ->%d %d\n", rslt, errno);
3735   }
3736   if (rslt < 0) return errno;
3738 #ifdef ASSERT
3739   // Sanity check: read back what we just attempted to set.
3740   // In theory it could have changed in the interim ...
3741   //
3742   // The priocntl system call is tricky.
3743   // Sometimes it'll validate the priority value argument and
3744   // return EINVAL if unhappy.  At other times it fails silently.
3745   // Readbacks are prudent.
3747   if (!ReadBackValidate) return 0;
3749   memset(&ReadBack, 0, sizeof(pcparms_t));
3750   ReadBack.pc_cid = PC_CLNULL;
3751   rslt = priocntl(P_LWPID, lwpid, PC_GETPARMS, (caddr_t)&ReadBack);
3752   assert(rslt >= 0, "priocntl failed");
3753   Actual = Expected = 0xBAD;
3754   assert(ParmInfo.pc_cid == ReadBack.pc_cid, "cid's don't match");
3755   if (ParmInfo.pc_cid == rtLimits.schedPolicy) {
3756     Actual   = RTPRI(ReadBack)->rt_pri;
3757     Expected = RTPRI(ParmInfo)->rt_pri;
3758   } else if (ParmInfo.pc_cid == iaLimits.schedPolicy) {
3759     Actual   = IAPRI(ReadBack)->ia_upri;
3760     Expected = IAPRI(ParmInfo)->ia_upri;
3761   } else if (ParmInfo.pc_cid == tsLimits.schedPolicy) {
3762     Actual   = TSPRI(ReadBack)->ts_upri;
3763     Expected = TSPRI(ParmInfo)->ts_upri;
3764   } else if (ParmInfo.pc_cid == fxLimits.schedPolicy) {
3765     Actual   = FXPRI(ReadBack)->fx_upri;
3766     Expected = FXPRI(ParmInfo)->fx_upri;
3767   } else {
3768     if (ThreadPriorityVerbose) {
3769       tty->print_cr("set_lwp_class_and_priority: unexpected class in readback: %d\n",
3770                     ParmInfo.pc_cid);
3771     }
3772   }
3774   if (Actual != Expected) {
3775     if (ThreadPriorityVerbose) {
3776       tty->print_cr ("set_lwp_class_and_priority(%d %d) Class=%d: actual=%d vs expected=%d\n",
3777                      lwpid, newPrio, ReadBack.pc_cid, Actual, Expected);
3778     }
3779   }
3780 #endif
3782   return 0;
3783 }
3785 // Solaris only gives access to 128 real priorities at a time,
3786 // so we expand Java's ten to fill this range.  This would be better
3787 // if we dynamically adjusted relative priorities.
3788 //
3789 // The ThreadPriorityPolicy option allows us to select 2 different
3790 // priority scales.
3791 //
3792 // ThreadPriorityPolicy=0
3793 // Since the Solaris' default priority is MaximumPriority, we do not
3794 // set a priority lower than Max unless a priority lower than
3795 // NormPriority is requested.
3796 //
3797 // ThreadPriorityPolicy=1
3798 // This mode causes the priority table to get filled with
3799 // linear values.  NormPriority get's mapped to 50% of the
3800 // Maximum priority an so on.  This will cause VM threads
3801 // to get unfair treatment against other Solaris processes
3802 // which do not explicitly alter their thread priorities.
3803 //
3805 int os::java_to_os_priority[CriticalPriority + 1] = {
3806   -99999,         // 0 Entry should never be used
3808   0,              // 1 MinPriority
3809   32,             // 2
3810   64,             // 3
3812   96,             // 4
3813   127,            // 5 NormPriority
3814   127,            // 6
3816   127,            // 7
3817   127,            // 8
3818   127,            // 9 NearMaxPriority
3820   127,            // 10 MaxPriority
3822   -criticalPrio   // 11 CriticalPriority
3823 };
3825 OSReturn os::set_native_priority(Thread* thread, int newpri) {
3826   OSThread* osthread = thread->osthread();
3828   // Save requested priority in case the thread hasn't been started
3829   osthread->set_native_priority(newpri);
3831   // Check for critical priority request
3832   bool fxcritical = false;
3833   if (newpri == -criticalPrio) {
3834     fxcritical = true;
3835     newpri = criticalPrio;
3836   }
3838   assert(newpri >= MinimumPriority && newpri <= MaximumPriority, "bad priority mapping");
3839   if (!UseThreadPriorities) return OS_OK;
3841   int status = 0;
3843   if (!fxcritical) {
3844     // Use thr_setprio only if we have a priority that thr_setprio understands
3845     status = thr_setprio(thread->osthread()->thread_id(), newpri);
3846   }
3848   if (os::Solaris::T2_libthread() ||
3849       (UseBoundThreads && osthread->is_vm_created())) {
3850     int lwp_status =
3851       set_lwp_class_and_priority(osthread->thread_id(),
3852                                  osthread->lwp_id(),
3853                                  newpri,
3854                                  fxcritical ? fxLimits.schedPolicy : myClass,
3855                                  !fxcritical);
3856     if (lwp_status != 0 && fxcritical) {
3857       // Try again, this time without changing the scheduling class
3858       newpri = java_MaxPriority_to_os_priority;
3859       lwp_status = set_lwp_class_and_priority(osthread->thread_id(),
3860                                               osthread->lwp_id(),
3861                                               newpri, myClass, false);
3862     }
3863     status |= lwp_status;
3864   }
3865   return (status == 0) ? OS_OK : OS_ERR;
3866 }
3869 OSReturn os::get_native_priority(const Thread* const thread, int *priority_ptr) {
3870   int p;
3871   if ( !UseThreadPriorities ) {
3872     *priority_ptr = NormalPriority;
3873     return OS_OK;
3874   }
3875   int status = thr_getprio(thread->osthread()->thread_id(), &p);
3876   if (status != 0) {
3877     return OS_ERR;
3878   }
3879   *priority_ptr = p;
3880   return OS_OK;
3881 }
3884 // Hint to the underlying OS that a task switch would not be good.
3885 // Void return because it's a hint and can fail.
3886 void os::hint_no_preempt() {
3887   schedctl_start(schedctl_init());
3888 }
3890 static void resume_clear_context(OSThread *osthread) {
3891   osthread->set_ucontext(NULL);
3892 }
3894 static void suspend_save_context(OSThread *osthread, ucontext_t* context) {
3895   osthread->set_ucontext(context);
3896 }
3898 static Semaphore sr_semaphore;
3900 void os::Solaris::SR_handler(Thread* thread, ucontext_t* uc) {
3901   // Save and restore errno to avoid confusing native code with EINTR
3902   // after sigsuspend.
3903   int old_errno = errno;
3905   OSThread* osthread = thread->osthread();
3906   assert(thread->is_VM_thread() || thread->is_Java_thread(), "Must be VMThread or JavaThread");
3908   os::SuspendResume::State current = osthread->sr.state();
3909   if (current == os::SuspendResume::SR_SUSPEND_REQUEST) {
3910     suspend_save_context(osthread, uc);
3912     // attempt to switch the state, we assume we had a SUSPEND_REQUEST
3913     os::SuspendResume::State state = osthread->sr.suspended();
3914     if (state == os::SuspendResume::SR_SUSPENDED) {
3915       sigset_t suspend_set;  // signals for sigsuspend()
3917       // get current set of blocked signals and unblock resume signal
3918       thr_sigsetmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, &suspend_set);
3919       sigdelset(&suspend_set, os::Solaris::SIGasync());
3921       sr_semaphore.signal();
3922       // wait here until we are resumed
3923       while (1) {
3924         sigsuspend(&suspend_set);
3926         os::SuspendResume::State result = osthread->sr.running();
3927         if (result == os::SuspendResume::SR_RUNNING) {
3928           sr_semaphore.signal();
3929           break;
3930         }
3931       }
3933     } else if (state == os::SuspendResume::SR_RUNNING) {
3934       // request was cancelled, continue
3935     } else {
3936       ShouldNotReachHere();
3937     }
3939     resume_clear_context(osthread);
3940   } else if (current == os::SuspendResume::SR_RUNNING) {
3941     // request was cancelled, continue
3942   } else if (current == os::SuspendResume::SR_WAKEUP_REQUEST) {
3943     // ignore
3944   } else {
3945     // ignore
3946   }
3948   errno = old_errno;
3949 }
3952 void os::interrupt(Thread* thread) {
3953   assert(Thread::current() == thread || Threads_lock->owned_by_self(), "possibility of dangling Thread pointer");
3955   OSThread* osthread = thread->osthread();
3957   int isInterrupted = osthread->interrupted();
3958   if (!isInterrupted) {
3959       osthread->set_interrupted(true);
3960       OrderAccess::fence();
3961       // os::sleep() is implemented with either poll (NULL,0,timeout) or
3962       // by parking on _SleepEvent.  If the former, thr_kill will unwedge
3963       // the sleeper by SIGINTR, otherwise the unpark() will wake the sleeper.
3964       ParkEvent * const slp = thread->_SleepEvent ;
3965       if (slp != NULL) slp->unpark() ;
3966   }
3968   // For JSR166:  unpark after setting status but before thr_kill -dl
3969   if (thread->is_Java_thread()) {
3970     ((JavaThread*)thread)->parker()->unpark();
3971   }
3973   // Handle interruptible wait() ...
3974   ParkEvent * const ev = thread->_ParkEvent ;
3975   if (ev != NULL) ev->unpark() ;
3977   // When events are used everywhere for os::sleep, then this thr_kill
3978   // will only be needed if UseVMInterruptibleIO is true.
3980   if (!isInterrupted) {
3981     int status = thr_kill(osthread->thread_id(), os::Solaris::SIGinterrupt());
3982     assert_status(status == 0, status, "thr_kill");
3984     // Bump thread interruption counter
3985     RuntimeService::record_thread_interrupt_signaled_count();
3986   }
3987 }
3990 bool os::is_interrupted(Thread* thread, bool clear_interrupted) {
3991   assert(Thread::current() == thread || Threads_lock->owned_by_self(), "possibility of dangling Thread pointer");
3993   OSThread* osthread = thread->osthread();
3995   bool res = osthread->interrupted();
3997   // NOTE that since there is no "lock" around these two operations,
3998   // there is the possibility that the interrupted flag will be
3999   // "false" but that the interrupt event will be set. This is
4000   // intentional. The effect of this is that Object.wait() will appear
4001   // to have a spurious wakeup, which is not harmful, and the
4002   // possibility is so rare that it is not worth the added complexity
4003   // to add yet another lock. It has also been recommended not to put
4004   // the interrupted flag into the os::Solaris::Event structure,
4005   // because it hides the issue.
4006   if (res && clear_interrupted) {
4007     osthread->set_interrupted(false);
4008   }
4009   return res;
4010 }
4013 void os::print_statistics() {
4014 }
4016 int os::message_box(const char* title, const char* message) {
4017   int i;
4018   fdStream err(defaultStream::error_fd());
4019   for (i = 0; i < 78; i++) err.print_raw("=");
4020   err.cr();
4021   err.print_raw_cr(title);
4022   for (i = 0; i < 78; i++) err.print_raw("-");
4023   err.cr();
4024   err.print_raw_cr(message);
4025   for (i = 0; i < 78; i++) err.print_raw("=");
4026   err.cr();
4028   char buf[16];
4029   // Prevent process from exiting upon "read error" without consuming all CPU
4030   while (::read(0, buf, sizeof(buf)) <= 0) { ::sleep(100); }
4032   return buf[0] == 'y' || buf[0] == 'Y';
4033 }
4035 static int sr_notify(OSThread* osthread) {
4036   int status = thr_kill(osthread->thread_id(), os::Solaris::SIGasync());
4037   assert_status(status == 0, status, "thr_kill");
4038   return status;
4039 }
4041 // "Randomly" selected value for how long we want to spin
4042 // before bailing out on suspending a thread, also how often
4043 // we send a signal to a thread we want to resume
4044 static const int RANDOMLY_LARGE_INTEGER = 1000000;
4045 static const int RANDOMLY_LARGE_INTEGER2 = 100;
4047 static bool do_suspend(OSThread* osthread) {
4048   assert(osthread->sr.is_running(), "thread should be running");
4049   assert(!sr_semaphore.trywait(), "semaphore has invalid state");
4051   // mark as suspended and send signal
4052   if (osthread->sr.request_suspend() != os::SuspendResume::SR_SUSPEND_REQUEST) {
4053     // failed to switch, state wasn't running?
4054     ShouldNotReachHere();
4055     return false;
4056   }
4058   if (sr_notify(osthread) != 0) {
4059     ShouldNotReachHere();
4060   }
4062   // managed to send the signal and switch to SUSPEND_REQUEST, now wait for SUSPENDED
4063   while (true) {
4064     if (sr_semaphore.timedwait(0, 2000 * NANOSECS_PER_MILLISEC)) {
4065       break;
4066     } else {
4067       // timeout
4068       os::SuspendResume::State cancelled = osthread->sr.cancel_suspend();
4069       if (cancelled == os::SuspendResume::SR_RUNNING) {
4070         return false;
4071       } else if (cancelled == os::SuspendResume::SR_SUSPENDED) {
4072         // make sure that we consume the signal on the semaphore as well
4073         sr_semaphore.wait();
4074         break;
4075       } else {
4076         ShouldNotReachHere();
4077         return false;
4078       }
4079     }
4080   }
4082   guarantee(osthread->sr.is_suspended(), "Must be suspended");
4083   return true;
4084 }
4086 static void do_resume(OSThread* osthread) {
4087   assert(osthread->sr.is_suspended(), "thread should be suspended");
4088   assert(!sr_semaphore.trywait(), "invalid semaphore state");
4090   if (osthread->sr.request_wakeup() != os::SuspendResume::SR_WAKEUP_REQUEST) {
4091     // failed to switch to WAKEUP_REQUEST
4092     ShouldNotReachHere();
4093     return;
4094   }
4096   while (true) {
4097     if (sr_notify(osthread) == 0) {
4098       if (sr_semaphore.timedwait(0, 2 * NANOSECS_PER_MILLISEC)) {
4099         if (osthread->sr.is_running()) {
4100           return;
4101         }
4102       }
4103     } else {
4104       ShouldNotReachHere();
4105     }
4106   }
4108   guarantee(osthread->sr.is_running(), "Must be running!");
4109 }
4111 void os::SuspendedThreadTask::internal_do_task() {
4112   if (do_suspend(_thread->osthread())) {
4113     SuspendedThreadTaskContext context(_thread, _thread->osthread()->ucontext());
4114     do_task(context);
4115     do_resume(_thread->osthread());
4116   }
4117 }
4119 class PcFetcher : public os::SuspendedThreadTask {
4120 public:
4121   PcFetcher(Thread* thread) : os::SuspendedThreadTask(thread) {}
4122   ExtendedPC result();
4123 protected:
4124   void do_task(const os::SuspendedThreadTaskContext& context);
4125 private:
4126   ExtendedPC _epc;
4127 };
4129 ExtendedPC PcFetcher::result() {
4130   guarantee(is_done(), "task is not done yet.");
4131   return _epc;
4132 }
4134 void PcFetcher::do_task(const os::SuspendedThreadTaskContext& context) {
4135   Thread* thread = context.thread();
4136   OSThread* osthread = thread->osthread();
4137   if (osthread->ucontext() != NULL) {
4138     _epc = os::Solaris::ucontext_get_pc((ucontext_t *) context.ucontext());
4139   } else {
4140     // NULL context is unexpected, double-check this is the VMThread
4141     guarantee(thread->is_VM_thread(), "can only be called for VMThread");
4142   }
4143 }
4145 // A lightweight implementation that does not suspend the target thread and
4146 // thus returns only a hint. Used for profiling only!
4147 ExtendedPC os::get_thread_pc(Thread* thread) {
4148   // Make sure that it is called by the watcher and the Threads lock is owned.
4149   assert(Thread::current()->is_Watcher_thread(), "Must be watcher and own Threads_lock");
4150   // For now, is only used to profile the VM Thread
4151   assert(thread->is_VM_thread(), "Can only be called for VMThread");
4152   PcFetcher fetcher(thread);
4153   fetcher.run();
4154   return fetcher.result();
4155 }
4158 // This does not do anything on Solaris. This is basically a hook for being
4159 // able to use structured exception handling (thread-local exception filters) on, e.g., Win32.
4160 void os::os_exception_wrapper(java_call_t f, JavaValue* value, methodHandle* method, JavaCallArguments* args, Thread* thread) {
4161   f(value, method, args, thread);
4162 }
4164 // This routine may be used by user applications as a "hook" to catch signals.
4165 // The user-defined signal handler must pass unrecognized signals to this
4166 // routine, and if it returns true (non-zero), then the signal handler must
4167 // return immediately.  If the flag "abort_if_unrecognized" is true, then this
4168 // routine will never retun false (zero), but instead will execute a VM panic
4169 // routine kill the process.
4170 //
4171 // If this routine returns false, it is OK to call it again.  This allows
4172 // the user-defined signal handler to perform checks either before or after
4173 // the VM performs its own checks.  Naturally, the user code would be making
4174 // a serious error if it tried to handle an exception (such as a null check
4175 // or breakpoint) that the VM was generating for its own correct operation.
4176 //
4177 // This routine may recognize any of the following kinds of signals:
4179 // os::Solaris::SIGasync
4180 // It should be consulted by handlers for any of those signals.
4181 // It explicitly does not recognize os::Solaris::SIGinterrupt
4182 //
4183 // The caller of this routine must pass in the three arguments supplied
4184 // to the function referred to in the "sa_sigaction" (not the "sa_handler")
4185 // field of the structure passed to sigaction().  This routine assumes that
4186 // the sa_flags field passed to sigaction() includes SA_SIGINFO and SA_RESTART.
4187 //
4188 // Note that the VM will print warnings if it detects conflicting signal
4189 // handlers, unless invoked with the option "-XX:+AllowUserSignalHandlers".
4190 //
4191 extern "C" JNIEXPORT int
4192 JVM_handle_solaris_signal(int signo, siginfo_t* siginfo, void* ucontext,
4193                           int abort_if_unrecognized);
4196 void signalHandler(int sig, siginfo_t* info, void* ucVoid) {
4197   int orig_errno = errno;  // Preserve errno value over signal handler.
4198   JVM_handle_solaris_signal(sig, info, ucVoid, true);
4199   errno = orig_errno;
4200 }
4202 /* Do not delete - if guarantee is ever removed,  a signal handler (even empty)
4203    is needed to provoke threads blocked on IO to return an EINTR
4204    Note: this explicitly does NOT call JVM_handle_solaris_signal and
4205    does NOT participate in signal chaining due to requirement for
4206    NOT setting SA_RESTART to make EINTR work. */
4207 extern "C" void sigINTRHandler(int sig, siginfo_t* info, void* ucVoid) {
4208    if (UseSignalChaining) {
4209       struct sigaction *actp = os::Solaris::get_chained_signal_action(sig);
4210       if (actp && actp->sa_handler) {
4211         vm_exit_during_initialization("Signal chaining detected for VM interrupt signal, try -XX:+UseAltSigs");
4212       }
4213    }
4214 }
4216 // This boolean allows users to forward their own non-matching signals
4217 // to JVM_handle_solaris_signal, harmlessly.
4218 bool os::Solaris::signal_handlers_are_installed = false;
4220 // For signal-chaining
4221 bool os::Solaris::libjsig_is_loaded = false;
4222 typedef struct sigaction *(*get_signal_t)(int);
4223 get_signal_t os::Solaris::get_signal_action = NULL;
4225 struct sigaction* os::Solaris::get_chained_signal_action(int sig) {
4226   struct sigaction *actp = NULL;
4228   if ((libjsig_is_loaded)  && (sig <= Maxlibjsigsigs)) {
4229     // Retrieve the old signal handler from libjsig
4230     actp = (*get_signal_action)(sig);
4231   }
4232   if (actp == NULL) {
4233     // Retrieve the preinstalled signal handler from jvm
4234     actp = get_preinstalled_handler(sig);
4235   }
4237   return actp;
4238 }
4240 static bool call_chained_handler(struct sigaction *actp, int sig,
4241                                  siginfo_t *siginfo, void *context) {
4242   // Call the old signal handler
4243   if (actp->sa_handler == SIG_DFL) {
4244     // It's more reasonable to let jvm treat it as an unexpected exception
4245     // instead of taking the default action.
4246     return false;
4247   } else if (actp->sa_handler != SIG_IGN) {
4248     if ((actp->sa_flags & SA_NODEFER) == 0) {
4249       // automaticlly block the signal
4250       sigaddset(&(actp->sa_mask), sig);
4251     }
4253     sa_handler_t hand;
4254     sa_sigaction_t sa;
4255     bool siginfo_flag_set = (actp->sa_flags & SA_SIGINFO) != 0;
4256     // retrieve the chained handler
4257     if (siginfo_flag_set) {
4258       sa = actp->sa_sigaction;
4259     } else {
4260       hand = actp->sa_handler;
4261     }
4263     if ((actp->sa_flags & SA_RESETHAND) != 0) {
4264       actp->sa_handler = SIG_DFL;
4265     }
4267     // try to honor the signal mask
4268     sigset_t oset;
4269     thr_sigsetmask(SIG_SETMASK, &(actp->sa_mask), &oset);
4271     // call into the chained handler
4272     if (siginfo_flag_set) {
4273       (*sa)(sig, siginfo, context);
4274     } else {
4275       (*hand)(sig);
4276     }
4278     // restore the signal mask
4279     thr_sigsetmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oset, 0);
4280   }
4281   // Tell jvm's signal handler the signal is taken care of.
4282   return true;
4283 }
4285 bool os::Solaris::chained_handler(int sig, siginfo_t* siginfo, void* context) {
4286   bool chained = false;
4287   // signal-chaining
4288   if (UseSignalChaining) {
4289     struct sigaction *actp = get_chained_signal_action(sig);
4290     if (actp != NULL) {
4291       chained = call_chained_handler(actp, sig, siginfo, context);
4292     }
4293   }
4294   return chained;
4295 }
4297 struct sigaction* os::Solaris::get_preinstalled_handler(int sig) {
4298   assert((chainedsigactions != (struct sigaction *)NULL) && (preinstalled_sigs != (int *)NULL) , "signals not yet initialized");
4299   if (preinstalled_sigs[sig] != 0) {
4300     return &chainedsigactions[sig];
4301   }
4302   return NULL;
4303 }
4305 void os::Solaris::save_preinstalled_handler(int sig, struct sigaction& oldAct) {
4307   assert(sig > 0 && sig <= Maxsignum, "vm signal out of expected range");
4308   assert((chainedsigactions != (struct sigaction *)NULL) && (preinstalled_sigs != (int *)NULL) , "signals not yet initialized");
4309   chainedsigactions[sig] = oldAct;
4310   preinstalled_sigs[sig] = 1;
4311 }
4313 void os::Solaris::set_signal_handler(int sig, bool set_installed, bool oktochain) {
4314   // Check for overwrite.
4315   struct sigaction oldAct;
4316   sigaction(sig, (struct sigaction*)NULL, &oldAct);
4317   void* oldhand = oldAct.sa_sigaction ? CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(void*,  oldAct.sa_sigaction)
4318                                       : CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(void*,  oldAct.sa_handler);
4319   if (oldhand != CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(void*, SIG_DFL) &&
4320       oldhand != CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(void*, SIG_IGN) &&
4321       oldhand != CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(void*, signalHandler)) {
4322     if (AllowUserSignalHandlers || !set_installed) {
4323       // Do not overwrite; user takes responsibility to forward to us.
4324       return;
4325     } else if (UseSignalChaining) {
4326       if (oktochain) {
4327         // save the old handler in jvm
4328         save_preinstalled_handler(sig, oldAct);
4329       } else {
4330         vm_exit_during_initialization("Signal chaining not allowed for VM interrupt signal, try -XX:+UseAltSigs.");
4331       }
4332       // libjsig also interposes the sigaction() call below and saves the
4333       // old sigaction on it own.
4334     } else {
4335       fatal(err_msg("Encountered unexpected pre-existing sigaction handler "
4336                     "%#lx for signal %d.", (long)oldhand, sig));
4337     }
4338   }
4340   struct sigaction sigAct;
4341   sigfillset(&(sigAct.sa_mask));
4342   sigAct.sa_handler = SIG_DFL;
4344   sigAct.sa_sigaction = signalHandler;
4345   // Handle SIGSEGV on alternate signal stack if
4346   // not using stack banging
4347   if (!UseStackBanging && sig == SIGSEGV) {
4348     sigAct.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO | SA_RESTART | SA_ONSTACK;
4349   // Interruptible i/o requires SA_RESTART cleared so EINTR
4350   // is returned instead of restarting system calls
4351   } else if (sig == os::Solaris::SIGinterrupt()) {
4352     sigemptyset(&sigAct.sa_mask);
4353     sigAct.sa_handler = NULL;
4354     sigAct.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
4355     sigAct.sa_sigaction = sigINTRHandler;
4356   } else {
4357     sigAct.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO | SA_RESTART;
4358   }
4359   os::Solaris::set_our_sigflags(sig, sigAct.sa_flags);
4361   sigaction(sig, &sigAct, &oldAct);
4363   void* oldhand2 = oldAct.sa_sigaction ? CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(void*, oldAct.sa_sigaction)
4364                                        : CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(void*, oldAct.sa_handler);
4365   assert(oldhand2 == oldhand, "no concurrent signal handler installation");
4366 }
4369 #define DO_SIGNAL_CHECK(sig) \
4370   if (!sigismember(&check_signal_done, sig)) \
4371     os::Solaris::check_signal_handler(sig)
4373 // This method is a periodic task to check for misbehaving JNI applications
4374 // under CheckJNI, we can add any periodic checks here
4376 void os::run_periodic_checks() {
4377   // A big source of grief is hijacking virt. addr 0x0 on Solaris,
4378   // thereby preventing a NULL checks.
4379   if(!check_addr0_done) check_addr0_done = check_addr0(tty);
4381   if (check_signals == false) return;
4383   // SEGV and BUS if overridden could potentially prevent
4384   // generation of hs*.log in the event of a crash, debugging
4385   // such a case can be very challenging, so we absolutely
4386   // check for the following for a good measure:
4394   // ReduceSignalUsage allows the user to override these handlers
4395   // see comments at the very top and jvm_solaris.h
4396   if (!ReduceSignalUsage) {
4401   }
4403   // See comments above for using JVM1/JVM2 and UseAltSigs
4404   DO_SIGNAL_CHECK(os::Solaris::SIGinterrupt());
4405   DO_SIGNAL_CHECK(os::Solaris::SIGasync());
4407 }
4409 typedef int (*os_sigaction_t)(int, const struct sigaction *, struct sigaction *);
4411 static os_sigaction_t os_sigaction = NULL;
4413 void os::Solaris::check_signal_handler(int sig) {
4414   char buf[O_BUFLEN];
4415   address jvmHandler = NULL;
4417   struct sigaction act;
4418   if (os_sigaction == NULL) {
4419     // only trust the default sigaction, in case it has been interposed
4420     os_sigaction = (os_sigaction_t)dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "sigaction");
4421     if (os_sigaction == NULL) return;
4422   }
4424   os_sigaction(sig, (struct sigaction*)NULL, &act);
4426   address thisHandler = (act.sa_flags & SA_SIGINFO)
4427     ? CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, act.sa_sigaction)
4428     : CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, act.sa_handler) ;
4431   switch(sig) {
4432     case SIGSEGV:
4433     case SIGBUS:
4434     case SIGFPE:
4435     case SIGPIPE:
4436     case SIGXFSZ:
4437     case SIGILL:
4438       jvmHandler = CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, signalHandler);
4439       break;
4441     case SHUTDOWN1_SIGNAL:
4442     case SHUTDOWN2_SIGNAL:
4443     case SHUTDOWN3_SIGNAL:
4444     case BREAK_SIGNAL:
4445       jvmHandler = (address)user_handler();
4446       break;
4448     default:
4449       int intrsig = os::Solaris::SIGinterrupt();
4450       int asynsig = os::Solaris::SIGasync();
4452       if (sig == intrsig) {
4453         jvmHandler = CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, sigINTRHandler);
4454       } else if (sig == asynsig) {
4455         jvmHandler = CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, signalHandler);
4456       } else {
4457         return;
4458       }
4459       break;
4460   }
4463   if (thisHandler != jvmHandler) {
4464     tty->print("Warning: %s handler ", exception_name(sig, buf, O_BUFLEN));
4465     tty->print("expected:%s", get_signal_handler_name(jvmHandler, buf, O_BUFLEN));
4466     tty->print_cr("  found:%s", get_signal_handler_name(thisHandler, buf, O_BUFLEN));
4467     // No need to check this sig any longer
4468     sigaddset(&check_signal_done, sig);
4469     // Running under non-interactive shell, SHUTDOWN2_SIGNAL will be reassigned SIG_IGN
4470     if (sig == SHUTDOWN2_SIGNAL && !isatty(fileno(stdin))) {
4471       tty->print_cr("Running in non-interactive shell, %s handler is replaced by shell",
4472                     exception_name(sig, buf, O_BUFLEN));
4473     }
4474   } else if(os::Solaris::get_our_sigflags(sig) != 0 && act.sa_flags != os::Solaris::get_our_sigflags(sig)) {
4475     tty->print("Warning: %s handler flags ", exception_name(sig, buf, O_BUFLEN));
4476     tty->print("expected:" PTR32_FORMAT, os::Solaris::get_our_sigflags(sig));
4477     tty->print_cr("  found:" PTR32_FORMAT, act.sa_flags);
4478     // No need to check this sig any longer
4479     sigaddset(&check_signal_done, sig);
4480   }
4482   // Print all the signal handler state
4483   if (sigismember(&check_signal_done, sig)) {
4484     print_signal_handlers(tty, buf, O_BUFLEN);
4485   }
4487 }
4489 void os::Solaris::install_signal_handlers() {
4490   bool libjsigdone = false;
4491   signal_handlers_are_installed = true;
4493   // signal-chaining
4494   typedef void (*signal_setting_t)();
4495   signal_setting_t begin_signal_setting = NULL;
4496   signal_setting_t end_signal_setting = NULL;
4497   begin_signal_setting = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(signal_setting_t,
4498                                         dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "JVM_begin_signal_setting"));
4499   if (begin_signal_setting != NULL) {
4500     end_signal_setting = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(signal_setting_t,
4501                                         dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "JVM_end_signal_setting"));
4502     get_signal_action = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(get_signal_t,
4503                                        dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "JVM_get_signal_action"));
4504     get_libjsig_version = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(version_getting_t,
4505                                          dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "JVM_get_libjsig_version"));
4506     libjsig_is_loaded = true;
4507     if (os::Solaris::get_libjsig_version != NULL) {
4508       libjsigversion =  (*os::Solaris::get_libjsig_version)();
4509     }
4510     assert(UseSignalChaining, "should enable signal-chaining");
4511   }
4512   if (libjsig_is_loaded) {
4513     // Tell libjsig jvm is setting signal handlers
4514     (*begin_signal_setting)();
4515   }
4517   set_signal_handler(SIGSEGV, true, true);
4518   set_signal_handler(SIGPIPE, true, true);
4519   set_signal_handler(SIGXFSZ, true, true);
4520   set_signal_handler(SIGBUS, true, true);
4521   set_signal_handler(SIGILL, true, true);
4522   set_signal_handler(SIGFPE, true, true);
4525   if (os::Solaris::SIGinterrupt() > OLDMAXSIGNUM || os::Solaris::SIGasync() > OLDMAXSIGNUM) {
4527     // Pre-1.4.1 Libjsig limited to signal chaining signals <= 32 so
4528     // can not register overridable signals which might be > 32
4529     if (libjsig_is_loaded && libjsigversion <= JSIG_VERSION_1_4_1) {
4530     // Tell libjsig jvm has finished setting signal handlers
4531       (*end_signal_setting)();
4532       libjsigdone = true;
4533     }
4534   }
4536   // Never ok to chain our SIGinterrupt
4537   set_signal_handler(os::Solaris::SIGinterrupt(), true, false);
4538   set_signal_handler(os::Solaris::SIGasync(), true, true);
4540   if (libjsig_is_loaded && !libjsigdone) {
4541     // Tell libjsig jvm finishes setting signal handlers
4542     (*end_signal_setting)();
4543   }
4545   // We don't activate signal checker if libjsig is in place, we trust ourselves
4546   // and if UserSignalHandler is installed all bets are off.
4547   // Log that signal checking is off only if -verbose:jni is specified.
4548   if (CheckJNICalls) {
4549     if (libjsig_is_loaded) {
4550       if (PrintJNIResolving) {
4551         tty->print_cr("Info: libjsig is activated, all active signal checking is disabled");
4552       }
4553       check_signals = false;
4554     }
4555     if (AllowUserSignalHandlers) {
4556       if (PrintJNIResolving) {
4557         tty->print_cr("Info: AllowUserSignalHandlers is activated, all active signal checking is disabled");
4558       }
4559       check_signals = false;
4560     }
4561   }
4562 }
4565 void report_error(const char* file_name, int line_no, const char* title, const char* format, ...);
4567 const char * signames[] = {
4568   "SIG0",
4577 };
4579 const char* os::exception_name(int exception_code, char* buf, size_t size) {
4580   if (0 < exception_code && exception_code <= SIGRTMAX) {
4581     // signal
4582     if (exception_code < sizeof(signames)/sizeof(const char*)) {
4583        jio_snprintf(buf, size, "%s", signames[exception_code]);
4584     } else {
4585        jio_snprintf(buf, size, "SIG%d", exception_code);
4586     }
4587     return buf;
4588   } else {
4589     return NULL;
4590   }
4591 }
4593 // (Static) wrappers for the new libthread API
4594 int_fnP_thread_t_iP_uP_stack_tP_gregset_t os::Solaris::_thr_getstate;
4595 int_fnP_thread_t_i_gregset_t os::Solaris::_thr_setstate;
4596 int_fnP_thread_t_i os::Solaris::_thr_setmutator;
4597 int_fnP_thread_t os::Solaris::_thr_suspend_mutator;
4598 int_fnP_thread_t os::Solaris::_thr_continue_mutator;
4600 // (Static) wrapper for getisax(2) call.
4601 os::Solaris::getisax_func_t os::Solaris::_getisax = 0;
4603 // (Static) wrappers for the liblgrp API
4604 os::Solaris::lgrp_home_func_t os::Solaris::_lgrp_home;
4605 os::Solaris::lgrp_init_func_t os::Solaris::_lgrp_init;
4606 os::Solaris::lgrp_fini_func_t os::Solaris::_lgrp_fini;
4607 os::Solaris::lgrp_root_func_t os::Solaris::_lgrp_root;
4608 os::Solaris::lgrp_children_func_t os::Solaris::_lgrp_children;
4609 os::Solaris::lgrp_resources_func_t os::Solaris::_lgrp_resources;
4610 os::Solaris::lgrp_nlgrps_func_t os::Solaris::_lgrp_nlgrps;
4611 os::Solaris::lgrp_cookie_stale_func_t os::Solaris::_lgrp_cookie_stale;
4612 os::Solaris::lgrp_cookie_t os::Solaris::_lgrp_cookie = 0;
4614 // (Static) wrapper for meminfo() call.
4615 os::Solaris::meminfo_func_t os::Solaris::_meminfo = 0;
4617 static address resolve_symbol_lazy(const char* name) {
4618   address addr = (address) dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, name);
4619   if(addr == NULL) {
4620     // RTLD_DEFAULT was not defined on some early versions of 2.5.1
4621     addr = (address) dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, name);
4622   }
4623   return addr;
4624 }
4626 static address resolve_symbol(const char* name) {
4627   address addr = resolve_symbol_lazy(name);
4628   if(addr == NULL) {
4629     fatal(dlerror());
4630   }
4631   return addr;
4632 }
4636 // isT2_libthread()
4637 //
4638 // Routine to determine if we are currently using the new T2 libthread.
4639 //
4640 // We determine if we are using T2 by reading /proc/self/lstatus and
4641 // looking for a thread with the ASLWP bit set.  If we find this status
4642 // bit set, we must assume that we are NOT using T2.  The T2 team
4643 // has approved this algorithm.
4644 //
4645 // We need to determine if we are running with the new T2 libthread
4646 // since setting native thread priorities is handled differently
4647 // when using this library.  All threads created using T2 are bound
4648 // threads. Calling thr_setprio is meaningless in this case.
4649 //
4650 bool isT2_libthread() {
4651   static prheader_t * lwpArray = NULL;
4652   static int lwpSize = 0;
4653   static int lwpFile = -1;
4654   lwpstatus_t * that;
4655   char lwpName [128];
4656   bool isT2 = false;
4658 #define ADR(x)  ((uintptr_t)(x))
4659 #define LWPINDEX(ary,ix)   ((lwpstatus_t *)(((ary)->pr_entsize * (ix)) + (ADR((ary) + 1))))
4661   lwpFile = ::open("/proc/self/lstatus", O_RDONLY, 0);
4662   if (lwpFile < 0) {
4663       if (ThreadPriorityVerbose) warning ("Couldn't open /proc/self/lstatus\n");
4664       return false;
4665   }
4666   lwpSize = 16*1024;
4667   for (;;) {
4668     ::lseek64 (lwpFile, 0, SEEK_SET);
4669     lwpArray = (prheader_t *)NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, lwpSize, mtInternal);
4670     if (::read(lwpFile, lwpArray, lwpSize) < 0) {
4671       if (ThreadPriorityVerbose) warning("Error reading /proc/self/lstatus\n");
4672       break;
4673     }
4674     if ((lwpArray->pr_nent * lwpArray->pr_entsize) <= lwpSize) {
4675        // We got a good snapshot - now iterate over the list.
4676       int aslwpcount = 0;
4677       for (int i = 0; i < lwpArray->pr_nent; i++ ) {
4678         that = LWPINDEX(lwpArray,i);
4679         if (that->pr_flags & PR_ASLWP) {
4680           aslwpcount++;
4681         }
4682       }
4683       if (aslwpcount == 0) isT2 = true;
4684       break;
4685     }
4686     lwpSize = lwpArray->pr_nent * lwpArray->pr_entsize;
4687     FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, lwpArray, mtInternal);  // retry.
4688   }
4690   FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, lwpArray, mtInternal);
4691   ::close (lwpFile);
4692   if (ThreadPriorityVerbose) {
4693     if (isT2) tty->print_cr("We are running with a T2 libthread\n");
4694     else tty->print_cr("We are not running with a T2 libthread\n");
4695   }
4696   return isT2;
4697 }
4700 void os::Solaris::libthread_init() {
4701   address func = (address)dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "_thr_suspend_allmutators");
4703   // Determine if we are running with the new T2 libthread
4704   os::Solaris::set_T2_libthread(isT2_libthread());
4706   lwp_priocntl_init();
4708   // RTLD_DEFAULT was not defined on some early versions of 5.5.1
4709   if(func == NULL) {
4710     func = (address) dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "_thr_suspend_allmutators");
4711     // Guarantee that this VM is running on an new enough OS (5.6 or
4712     // later) that it will have a new enough libthread.so.
4713     guarantee(func != NULL, "libthread.so is too old.");
4714   }
4716   // Initialize the new libthread getstate API wrappers
4717   func = resolve_symbol("thr_getstate");
4718   os::Solaris::set_thr_getstate(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_thread_t_iP_uP_stack_tP_gregset_t, func));
4720   func = resolve_symbol("thr_setstate");
4721   os::Solaris::set_thr_setstate(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_thread_t_i_gregset_t, func));
4723   func = resolve_symbol("thr_setmutator");
4724   os::Solaris::set_thr_setmutator(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_thread_t_i, func));
4726   func = resolve_symbol("thr_suspend_mutator");
4727   os::Solaris::set_thr_suspend_mutator(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_thread_t, func));
4729   func = resolve_symbol("thr_continue_mutator");
4730   os::Solaris::set_thr_continue_mutator(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_thread_t, func));
4732   int size;
4733   void (*handler_info_func)(address *, int *);
4734   handler_info_func = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(void (*)(address *, int *), resolve_symbol("thr_sighndlrinfo"));
4735   handler_info_func(&handler_start, &size);
4736   handler_end = handler_start + size;
4737 }
4740 int_fnP_mutex_tP os::Solaris::_mutex_lock;
4741 int_fnP_mutex_tP os::Solaris::_mutex_trylock;
4742 int_fnP_mutex_tP os::Solaris::_mutex_unlock;
4743 int_fnP_mutex_tP_i_vP os::Solaris::_mutex_init;
4744 int_fnP_mutex_tP os::Solaris::_mutex_destroy;
4745 int os::Solaris::_mutex_scope = USYNC_THREAD;
4747 int_fnP_cond_tP_mutex_tP_timestruc_tP os::Solaris::_cond_timedwait;
4748 int_fnP_cond_tP_mutex_tP os::Solaris::_cond_wait;
4749 int_fnP_cond_tP os::Solaris::_cond_signal;
4750 int_fnP_cond_tP os::Solaris::_cond_broadcast;
4751 int_fnP_cond_tP_i_vP os::Solaris::_cond_init;
4752 int_fnP_cond_tP os::Solaris::_cond_destroy;
4753 int os::Solaris::_cond_scope = USYNC_THREAD;
4755 void os::Solaris::synchronization_init() {
4756   if(UseLWPSynchronization) {
4757     os::Solaris::set_mutex_lock(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_mutex_tP, resolve_symbol("_lwp_mutex_lock")));
4758     os::Solaris::set_mutex_trylock(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_mutex_tP, resolve_symbol("_lwp_mutex_trylock")));
4759     os::Solaris::set_mutex_unlock(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_mutex_tP, resolve_symbol("_lwp_mutex_unlock")));
4760     os::Solaris::set_mutex_init(lwp_mutex_init);
4761     os::Solaris::set_mutex_destroy(lwp_mutex_destroy);
4762     os::Solaris::set_mutex_scope(USYNC_THREAD);
4764     os::Solaris::set_cond_timedwait(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_cond_tP_mutex_tP_timestruc_tP, resolve_symbol("_lwp_cond_timedwait")));
4765     os::Solaris::set_cond_wait(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_cond_tP_mutex_tP, resolve_symbol("_lwp_cond_wait")));
4766     os::Solaris::set_cond_signal(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_cond_tP, resolve_symbol("_lwp_cond_signal")));
4767     os::Solaris::set_cond_broadcast(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_cond_tP, resolve_symbol("_lwp_cond_broadcast")));
4768     os::Solaris::set_cond_init(lwp_cond_init);
4769     os::Solaris::set_cond_destroy(lwp_cond_destroy);
4770     os::Solaris::set_cond_scope(USYNC_THREAD);
4771   }
4772   else {
4773     os::Solaris::set_mutex_scope(USYNC_THREAD);
4774     os::Solaris::set_cond_scope(USYNC_THREAD);
4776     if(UsePthreads) {
4777       os::Solaris::set_mutex_lock(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_mutex_tP, resolve_symbol("pthread_mutex_lock")));
4778       os::Solaris::set_mutex_trylock(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_mutex_tP, resolve_symbol("pthread_mutex_trylock")));
4779       os::Solaris::set_mutex_unlock(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_mutex_tP, resolve_symbol("pthread_mutex_unlock")));
4780       os::Solaris::set_mutex_init(pthread_mutex_default_init);
4781       os::Solaris::set_mutex_destroy(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_mutex_tP, resolve_symbol("pthread_mutex_destroy")));
4783       os::Solaris::set_cond_timedwait(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_cond_tP_mutex_tP_timestruc_tP, resolve_symbol("pthread_cond_timedwait")));
4784       os::Solaris::set_cond_wait(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_cond_tP_mutex_tP, resolve_symbol("pthread_cond_wait")));
4785       os::Solaris::set_cond_signal(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_cond_tP, resolve_symbol("pthread_cond_signal")));
4786       os::Solaris::set_cond_broadcast(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_cond_tP, resolve_symbol("pthread_cond_broadcast")));
4787       os::Solaris::set_cond_init(pthread_cond_default_init);
4788       os::Solaris::set_cond_destroy(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_cond_tP, resolve_symbol("pthread_cond_destroy")));
4789     }
4790     else {
4791       os::Solaris::set_mutex_lock(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_mutex_tP, resolve_symbol("mutex_lock")));
4792       os::Solaris::set_mutex_trylock(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_mutex_tP, resolve_symbol("mutex_trylock")));
4793       os::Solaris::set_mutex_unlock(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_mutex_tP, resolve_symbol("mutex_unlock")));
4794       os::Solaris::set_mutex_init(::mutex_init);
4795       os::Solaris::set_mutex_destroy(::mutex_destroy);
4797       os::Solaris::set_cond_timedwait(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_cond_tP_mutex_tP_timestruc_tP, resolve_symbol("cond_timedwait")));
4798       os::Solaris::set_cond_wait(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_cond_tP_mutex_tP, resolve_symbol("cond_wait")));
4799       os::Solaris::set_cond_signal(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_cond_tP, resolve_symbol("cond_signal")));
4800       os::Solaris::set_cond_broadcast(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(int_fnP_cond_tP, resolve_symbol("cond_broadcast")));
4801       os::Solaris::set_cond_init(::cond_init);
4802       os::Solaris::set_cond_destroy(::cond_destroy);
4803     }
4804   }
4805 }
4807 bool os::Solaris::liblgrp_init() {
4808   void *handle = dlopen("liblgrp.so.1", RTLD_LAZY);
4809   if (handle != NULL) {
4810     os::Solaris::set_lgrp_home(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(lgrp_home_func_t, dlsym(handle, "lgrp_home")));
4811     os::Solaris::set_lgrp_init(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(lgrp_init_func_t, dlsym(handle, "lgrp_init")));
4812     os::Solaris::set_lgrp_fini(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(lgrp_fini_func_t, dlsym(handle, "lgrp_fini")));
4813     os::Solaris::set_lgrp_root(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(lgrp_root_func_t, dlsym(handle, "lgrp_root")));
4814     os::Solaris::set_lgrp_children(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(lgrp_children_func_t, dlsym(handle, "lgrp_children")));
4815     os::Solaris::set_lgrp_resources(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(lgrp_resources_func_t, dlsym(handle, "lgrp_resources")));
4816     os::Solaris::set_lgrp_nlgrps(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(lgrp_nlgrps_func_t, dlsym(handle, "lgrp_nlgrps")));
4817     os::Solaris::set_lgrp_cookie_stale(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(lgrp_cookie_stale_func_t,
4818                                        dlsym(handle, "lgrp_cookie_stale")));
4820     lgrp_cookie_t c = lgrp_init(LGRP_VIEW_CALLER);
4821     set_lgrp_cookie(c);
4822     return true;
4823   }
4824   return false;
4825 }
4827 void os::Solaris::misc_sym_init() {
4828   address func;
4830   // getisax
4831   func = resolve_symbol_lazy("getisax");
4832   if (func != NULL) {
4833     os::Solaris::_getisax = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(getisax_func_t, func);
4834   }
4836   // meminfo
4837   func = resolve_symbol_lazy("meminfo");
4838   if (func != NULL) {
4839     os::Solaris::set_meminfo(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(meminfo_func_t, func));
4840   }
4841 }
4843 uint_t os::Solaris::getisax(uint32_t* array, uint_t n) {
4844   assert(_getisax != NULL, "_getisax not set");
4845   return _getisax(array, n);
4846 }
4848 // int pset_getloadavg(psetid_t pset, double loadavg[], int nelem);
4849 typedef long (*pset_getloadavg_type)(psetid_t pset, double loadavg[], int nelem);
4850 static pset_getloadavg_type pset_getloadavg_ptr = NULL;
4852 void init_pset_getloadavg_ptr(void) {
4853   pset_getloadavg_ptr =
4854     (pset_getloadavg_type)dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "pset_getloadavg");
4855   if (PrintMiscellaneous && Verbose && pset_getloadavg_ptr == NULL) {
4856     warning("pset_getloadavg function not found");
4857   }
4858 }
4860 int os::Solaris::_dev_zero_fd = -1;
4862 // this is called _before_ the global arguments have been parsed
4863 void os::init(void) {
4864   _initial_pid = getpid();
4866   max_hrtime = first_hrtime = gethrtime();
4868   init_random(1234567);
4870   page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
4871   if (page_size == -1)
4872     fatal(err_msg("os_solaris.cpp: os::init: sysconf failed (%s)",
4873                   strerror(errno)));
4874   init_page_sizes((size_t) page_size);
4876   Solaris::initialize_system_info();
4878   // Initialize misc. symbols as soon as possible, so we can use them
4879   // if we need them.
4880   Solaris::misc_sym_init();
4882   int fd = ::open("/dev/zero", O_RDWR);
4883   if (fd < 0) {
4884     fatal(err_msg("os::init: cannot open /dev/zero (%s)", strerror(errno)));
4885   } else {
4886     Solaris::set_dev_zero_fd(fd);
4888     // Close on exec, child won't inherit.
4889     fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
4890   }
4892   clock_tics_per_sec = CLK_TCK;
4894   // check if dladdr1() exists; dladdr1 can provide more information than
4895   // dladdr for os::dll_address_to_function_name. It comes with SunOS 5.9
4896   // and is available on linker patches for 5.7 and 5.8.
4897   // libdl.so must have been loaded, this call is just an entry lookup
4898   void * hdl = dlopen("libdl.so", RTLD_NOW);
4899   if (hdl)
4900     dladdr1_func = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(dladdr1_func_type, dlsym(hdl, "dladdr1"));
4902   // (Solaris only) this switches to calls that actually do locking.
4903   ThreadCritical::initialize();
4905   main_thread = thr_self();
4907   // Constant minimum stack size allowed. It must be at least
4908   // the minimum of what the OS supports (thr_min_stack()), and
4909   // enough to allow the thread to get to user bytecode execution.
4910   Solaris::min_stack_allowed = MAX2(thr_min_stack(), Solaris::min_stack_allowed);
4911   // If the pagesize of the VM is greater than 8K determine the appropriate
4912   // number of initial guard pages.  The user can change this with the
4913   // command line arguments, if needed.
4914   if (vm_page_size() > 8*K) {
4915     StackYellowPages = 1;
4916     StackRedPages = 1;
4917     StackShadowPages = round_to((StackShadowPages*8*K), vm_page_size()) / vm_page_size();
4918   }
4919 }
4921 // To install functions for atexit system call
4922 extern "C" {
4923   static void perfMemory_exit_helper() {
4924     perfMemory_exit();
4925   }
4926 }
4928 // this is called _after_ the global arguments have been parsed
4929 jint os::init_2(void) {
4930   // try to enable extended file IO ASAP, see 6431278
4931   os::Solaris::try_enable_extended_io();
4933   // Allocate a single page and mark it as readable for safepoint polling.  Also
4934   // use this first mmap call to check support for MAP_ALIGN.
4935   address polling_page = (address)Solaris::mmap_chunk((char*)page_size,
4936                                                       page_size,
4937                                                       MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ALIGN,
4938                                                       PROT_READ);
4939   if (polling_page == NULL) {
4940     has_map_align = false;
4941     polling_page = (address)Solaris::mmap_chunk(NULL, page_size, MAP_PRIVATE,
4942                                                 PROT_READ);
4943   }
4945   os::set_polling_page(polling_page);
4947 #ifndef PRODUCT
4948   if( Verbose && PrintMiscellaneous )
4949     tty->print("[SafePoint Polling address: " INTPTR_FORMAT "]\n", (intptr_t)polling_page);
4950 #endif
4952   if (!UseMembar) {
4953     address mem_serialize_page = (address)Solaris::mmap_chunk( NULL, page_size, MAP_PRIVATE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE );
4954     guarantee( mem_serialize_page != NULL, "mmap Failed for memory serialize page");
4955     os::set_memory_serialize_page( mem_serialize_page );
4957 #ifndef PRODUCT
4958     if(Verbose && PrintMiscellaneous)
4959       tty->print("[Memory Serialize  Page address: " INTPTR_FORMAT "]\n", (intptr_t)mem_serialize_page);
4960 #endif
4961   }
4963   // Check minimum allowable stack size for thread creation and to initialize
4964   // the java system classes, including StackOverflowError - depends on page
4965   // size.  Add a page for compiler2 recursion in main thread.
4966   // Add in 2*BytesPerWord times page size to account for VM stack during
4967   // class initialization depending on 32 or 64 bit VM.
4968   os::Solaris::min_stack_allowed = MAX2(os::Solaris::min_stack_allowed,
4969             (size_t)(StackYellowPages+StackRedPages+StackShadowPages+
4970                     2*BytesPerWord COMPILER2_PRESENT(+1)) * page_size);
4972   size_t threadStackSizeInBytes = ThreadStackSize * K;
4973   if (threadStackSizeInBytes != 0 &&
4974     threadStackSizeInBytes < os::Solaris::min_stack_allowed) {
4975     tty->print_cr("\nThe stack size specified is too small, Specify at least %dk",
4976                   os::Solaris::min_stack_allowed/K);
4977     return JNI_ERR;
4978   }
4980   // For 64kbps there will be a 64kb page size, which makes
4981   // the usable default stack size quite a bit less.  Increase the
4982   // stack for 64kb (or any > than 8kb) pages, this increases
4983   // virtual memory fragmentation (since we're not creating the
4984   // stack on a power of 2 boundary.  The real fix for this
4985   // should be to fix the guard page mechanism.
4987   if (vm_page_size() > 8*K) {
4988       threadStackSizeInBytes = (threadStackSizeInBytes != 0)
4989          ? threadStackSizeInBytes +
4990            ((StackYellowPages + StackRedPages) * vm_page_size())
4991          : 0;
4992       ThreadStackSize = threadStackSizeInBytes/K;
4993   }
4995   // Make the stack size a multiple of the page size so that
4996   // the yellow/red zones can be guarded.
4997   JavaThread::set_stack_size_at_create(round_to(threadStackSizeInBytes,
4998         vm_page_size()));
5000   Solaris::libthread_init();
5002   if (UseNUMA) {
5003     if (!Solaris::liblgrp_init()) {
5004       UseNUMA = false;
5005     } else {
5006       size_t lgrp_limit = os::numa_get_groups_num();
5007       int *lgrp_ids = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(int, lgrp_limit, mtInternal);
5008       size_t lgrp_num = os::numa_get_leaf_groups(lgrp_ids, lgrp_limit);
5009       FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(int, lgrp_ids, mtInternal);
5010       if (lgrp_num < 2) {
5011         // There's only one locality group, disable NUMA.
5012         UseNUMA = false;
5013       }
5014     }
5015     if (!UseNUMA && ForceNUMA) {
5016       UseNUMA = true;
5017     }
5018   }
5020   Solaris::signal_sets_init();
5021   Solaris::init_signal_mem();
5022   Solaris::install_signal_handlers();
5024   if (libjsigversion < JSIG_VERSION_1_4_1) {
5025     Maxlibjsigsigs = OLDMAXSIGNUM;
5026   }
5028   // initialize synchronization primitives to use either thread or
5029   // lwp synchronization (controlled by UseLWPSynchronization)
5030   Solaris::synchronization_init();
5032   if (MaxFDLimit) {
5033     // set the number of file descriptors to max. print out error
5034     // if getrlimit/setrlimit fails but continue regardless.
5035     struct rlimit nbr_files;
5036     int status = getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &nbr_files);
5037     if (status != 0) {
5038       if (PrintMiscellaneous && (Verbose || WizardMode))
5039         perror("os::init_2 getrlimit failed");
5040     } else {
5041       nbr_files.rlim_cur = nbr_files.rlim_max;
5042       status = setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &nbr_files);
5043       if (status != 0) {
5044         if (PrintMiscellaneous && (Verbose || WizardMode))
5045           perror("os::init_2 setrlimit failed");
5046       }
5047     }
5048   }
5050   // Calculate theoretical max. size of Threads to guard gainst
5051   // artifical out-of-memory situations, where all available address-
5052   // space has been reserved by thread stacks. Default stack size is 1Mb.
5053   size_t pre_thread_stack_size = (JavaThread::stack_size_at_create()) ?
5054     JavaThread::stack_size_at_create() : (1*K*K);
5055   assert(pre_thread_stack_size != 0, "Must have a stack");
5056   // Solaris has a maximum of 4Gb of user programs. Calculate the thread limit when
5057   // we should start doing Virtual Memory banging. Currently when the threads will
5058   // have used all but 200Mb of space.
5059   size_t max_address_space = ((unsigned int)4 * K * K * K) - (200 * K * K);
5060   Solaris::_os_thread_limit = max_address_space / pre_thread_stack_size;
5062   // at-exit methods are called in the reverse order of their registration.
5063   // In Solaris 7 and earlier, atexit functions are called on return from
5064   // main or as a result of a call to exit(3C). There can be only 32 of
5065   // these functions registered and atexit() does not set errno. In Solaris
5066   // 8 and later, there is no limit to the number of functions registered
5067   // and atexit() sets errno. In addition, in Solaris 8 and later, atexit
5068   // functions are called upon dlclose(3DL) in addition to return from main
5069   // and exit(3C).
5071   if (PerfAllowAtExitRegistration) {
5072     // only register atexit functions if PerfAllowAtExitRegistration is set.
5073     // atexit functions can be delayed until process exit time, which
5074     // can be problematic for embedded VM situations. Embedded VMs should
5075     // call DestroyJavaVM() to assure that VM resources are released.
5077     // note: perfMemory_exit_helper atexit function may be removed in
5078     // the future if the appropriate cleanup code can be added to the
5079     // VM_Exit VMOperation's doit method.
5080     if (atexit(perfMemory_exit_helper) != 0) {
5081       warning("os::init2 atexit(perfMemory_exit_helper) failed");
5082     }
5083   }
5085   // Init pset_loadavg function pointer
5086   init_pset_getloadavg_ptr();
5088   return JNI_OK;
5089 }
5091 // Mark the polling page as unreadable
5092 void os::make_polling_page_unreadable(void) {
5093   if( mprotect((char *)_polling_page, page_size, PROT_NONE) != 0 )
5094     fatal("Could not disable polling page");
5095 };
5097 // Mark the polling page as readable
5098 void os::make_polling_page_readable(void) {
5099   if( mprotect((char *)_polling_page, page_size, PROT_READ) != 0 )
5100     fatal("Could not enable polling page");
5101 };
5103 // OS interface.
5105 bool os::check_heap(bool force) { return true; }
5107 typedef int (*vsnprintf_t)(char* buf, size_t count, const char* fmt, va_list argptr);
5108 static vsnprintf_t sol_vsnprintf = NULL;
5110 int local_vsnprintf(char* buf, size_t count, const char* fmt, va_list argptr) {
5111   if (!sol_vsnprintf) {
5112     //search  for the named symbol in the objects that were loaded after libjvm
5113     void* where = RTLD_NEXT;
5114     if ((sol_vsnprintf = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(vsnprintf_t, dlsym(where, "__vsnprintf"))) == NULL)
5115         sol_vsnprintf = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(vsnprintf_t, dlsym(where, "vsnprintf"));
5116     if (!sol_vsnprintf){
5117       //search  for the named symbol in the objects that were loaded before libjvm
5118       where = RTLD_DEFAULT;
5119       if ((sol_vsnprintf = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(vsnprintf_t, dlsym(where, "__vsnprintf"))) == NULL)
5120         sol_vsnprintf = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(vsnprintf_t, dlsym(where, "vsnprintf"));
5121       assert(sol_vsnprintf != NULL, "vsnprintf not found");
5122     }
5123   }
5124   return (*sol_vsnprintf)(buf, count, fmt, argptr);
5125 }
5128 // Is a (classpath) directory empty?
5129 bool os::dir_is_empty(const char* path) {
5130   DIR *dir = NULL;
5131   struct dirent *ptr;
5133   dir = opendir(path);
5134   if (dir == NULL) return true;
5136   /* Scan the directory */
5137   bool result = true;
5138   char buf[sizeof(struct dirent) + MAX_PATH];
5139   struct dirent *dbuf = (struct dirent *) buf;
5140   while (result && (ptr = readdir(dir, dbuf)) != NULL) {
5141     if (strcmp(ptr->d_name, ".") != 0 && strcmp(ptr->d_name, "..") != 0) {
5142       result = false;
5143     }
5144   }
5145   closedir(dir);
5146   return result;
5147 }
5149 // This code originates from JDK's sysOpen and open64_w
5150 // from src/solaris/hpi/src/system_md.c
5152 #ifndef O_DELETE
5153 #define O_DELETE 0x10000
5154 #endif
5156 // Open a file. Unlink the file immediately after open returns
5157 // if the specified oflag has the O_DELETE flag set.
5158 // O_DELETE is used only in j2se/src/share/native/java/util/zip/ZipFile.c
5160 int os::open(const char *path, int oflag, int mode) {
5161   if (strlen(path) > MAX_PATH - 1) {
5162     errno = ENAMETOOLONG;
5163     return -1;
5164   }
5165   int fd;
5166   int o_delete = (oflag & O_DELETE);
5167   oflag = oflag & ~O_DELETE;
5169   fd = ::open64(path, oflag, mode);
5170   if (fd == -1) return -1;
5172   //If the open succeeded, the file might still be a directory
5173   {
5174     struct stat64 buf64;
5175     int ret = ::fstat64(fd, &buf64);
5176     int st_mode = buf64.st_mode;
5178     if (ret != -1) {
5179       if ((st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) {
5180         errno = EISDIR;
5181         ::close(fd);
5182         return -1;
5183       }
5184     } else {
5185       ::close(fd);
5186       return -1;
5187     }
5188   }
5189     /*
5190      * 32-bit Solaris systems suffer from:
5191      *
5192      * - an historical default soft limit of 256 per-process file
5193      *   descriptors that is too low for many Java programs.
5194      *
5195      * - a design flaw where file descriptors created using stdio
5196      *   fopen must be less than 256, _even_ when the first limit above
5197      *   has been raised.  This can cause calls to fopen (but not calls to
5198      *   open, for example) to fail mysteriously, perhaps in 3rd party
5199      *   native code (although the JDK itself uses fopen).  One can hardly
5200      *   criticize them for using this most standard of all functions.
5201      *
5202      * We attempt to make everything work anyways by:
5203      *
5204      * - raising the soft limit on per-process file descriptors beyond
5205      *   256
5206      *
5207      * - As of Solaris 10u4, we can request that Solaris raise the 256
5208      *   stdio fopen limit by calling function enable_extended_FILE_stdio.
5209      *   This is done in init_2 and recorded in enabled_extended_FILE_stdio
5210      *
5211      * - If we are stuck on an old (pre 10u4) Solaris system, we can
5212      *   workaround the bug by remapping non-stdio file descriptors below
5213      *   256 to ones beyond 256, which is done below.
5214      *
5215      * See:
5216      * 1085341: 32-bit stdio routines should support file descriptors >255
5217      * 6533291: Work around 32-bit Solaris stdio limit of 256 open files
5218      * 6431278: Netbeans crash on 32 bit Solaris: need to call
5219      *          enable_extended_FILE_stdio() in VM initialisation
5220      * Giri Mandalika's blog
5221      * http://technopark02.blogspot.com/2005_05_01_archive.html
5222      */
5223 #ifndef  _LP64
5224      if ((!enabled_extended_FILE_stdio) && fd < 256) {
5225          int newfd = ::fcntl(fd, F_DUPFD, 256);
5226          if (newfd != -1) {
5227              ::close(fd);
5228              fd = newfd;
5229          }
5230      }
5231 #endif // 32-bit Solaris
5232     /*
5233      * All file descriptors that are opened in the JVM and not
5234      * specifically destined for a subprocess should have the
5235      * close-on-exec flag set.  If we don't set it, then careless 3rd
5236      * party native code might fork and exec without closing all
5237      * appropriate file descriptors (e.g. as we do in closeDescriptors in
5238      * UNIXProcess.c), and this in turn might:
5239      *
5240      * - cause end-of-file to fail to be detected on some file
5241      *   descriptors, resulting in mysterious hangs, or
5242      *
5243      * - might cause an fopen in the subprocess to fail on a system
5244      *   suffering from bug 1085341.
5245      *
5246      * (Yes, the default setting of the close-on-exec flag is a Unix
5247      * design flaw)
5248      *
5249      * See:
5250      * 1085341: 32-bit stdio routines should support file descriptors >255
5251      * 4843136: (process) pipe file descriptor from Runtime.exec not being closed
5252      * 6339493: (process) Runtime.exec does not close all file descriptors on Solaris 9
5253      */
5254 #ifdef FD_CLOEXEC
5255     {
5256         int flags = ::fcntl(fd, F_GETFD);
5257         if (flags != -1)
5258             ::fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, flags | FD_CLOEXEC);
5259     }
5260 #endif
5262   if (o_delete != 0) {
5263     ::unlink(path);
5264   }
5265   return fd;
5266 }
5268 // create binary file, rewriting existing file if required
5269 int os::create_binary_file(const char* path, bool rewrite_existing) {
5270   int oflags = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT;
5271   if (!rewrite_existing) {
5272     oflags |= O_EXCL;
5273   }
5274   return ::open64(path, oflags, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);
5275 }
5277 // return current position of file pointer
5278 jlong os::current_file_offset(int fd) {
5279   return (jlong)::lseek64(fd, (off64_t)0, SEEK_CUR);
5280 }
5282 // move file pointer to the specified offset
5283 jlong os::seek_to_file_offset(int fd, jlong offset) {
5284   return (jlong)::lseek64(fd, (off64_t)offset, SEEK_SET);
5285 }
5287 jlong os::lseek(int fd, jlong offset, int whence) {
5288   return (jlong) ::lseek64(fd, offset, whence);
5289 }
5291 char * os::native_path(char *path) {
5292   return path;
5293 }
5295 int os::ftruncate(int fd, jlong length) {
5296   return ::ftruncate64(fd, length);
5297 }
5299 int os::fsync(int fd)  {
5300   RESTARTABLE_RETURN_INT(::fsync(fd));
5301 }
5303 int os::available(int fd, jlong *bytes) {
5304   jlong cur, end;
5305   int mode;
5306   struct stat64 buf64;
5308   if (::fstat64(fd, &buf64) >= 0) {
5309     mode = buf64.st_mode;
5310     if (S_ISCHR(mode) || S_ISFIFO(mode) || S_ISSOCK(mode)) {
5311       /*
5312       * XXX: is the following call interruptible? If so, this might
5313       * need to go through the INTERRUPT_IO() wrapper as for other
5314       * blocking, interruptible calls in this file.
5315       */
5316       int n,ioctl_return;
5318       INTERRUPTIBLE(::ioctl(fd, FIONREAD, &n),ioctl_return,os::Solaris::clear_interrupted);
5319       if (ioctl_return>= 0) {
5320           *bytes = n;
5321         return 1;
5322       }
5323     }
5324   }
5325   if ((cur = ::lseek64(fd, 0L, SEEK_CUR)) == -1) {
5326     return 0;
5327   } else if ((end = ::lseek64(fd, 0L, SEEK_END)) == -1) {
5328     return 0;
5329   } else if (::lseek64(fd, cur, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
5330     return 0;
5331   }
5332   *bytes = end - cur;
5333   return 1;
5334 }
5336 // Map a block of memory.
5337 char* os::pd_map_memory(int fd, const char* file_name, size_t file_offset,
5338                      char *addr, size_t bytes, bool read_only,
5339                      bool allow_exec) {
5340   int prot;
5341   int flags;
5343   if (read_only) {
5344     prot = PROT_READ;
5345     flags = MAP_SHARED;
5346   } else {
5347     prot = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE;
5348     flags = MAP_PRIVATE;
5349   }
5351   if (allow_exec) {
5352     prot |= PROT_EXEC;
5353   }
5355   if (addr != NULL) {
5356     flags |= MAP_FIXED;
5357   }
5359   char* mapped_address = (char*)mmap(addr, (size_t)bytes, prot, flags,
5360                                      fd, file_offset);
5361   if (mapped_address == MAP_FAILED) {
5362     return NULL;
5363   }
5364   return mapped_address;
5365 }
5368 // Remap a block of memory.
5369 char* os::pd_remap_memory(int fd, const char* file_name, size_t file_offset,
5370                        char *addr, size_t bytes, bool read_only,
5371                        bool allow_exec) {
5372   // same as map_memory() on this OS
5373   return os::map_memory(fd, file_name, file_offset, addr, bytes, read_only,
5374                         allow_exec);
5375 }
5378 // Unmap a block of memory.
5379 bool os::pd_unmap_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes) {
5380   return munmap(addr, bytes) == 0;
5381 }
5383 void os::pause() {
5384   char filename[MAX_PATH];
5385   if (PauseAtStartupFile && PauseAtStartupFile[0]) {
5386     jio_snprintf(filename, MAX_PATH, PauseAtStartupFile);
5387   } else {
5388     jio_snprintf(filename, MAX_PATH, "./vm.paused.%d", current_process_id());
5389   }
5391   int fd = ::open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666);
5392   if (fd != -1) {
5393     struct stat buf;
5394     ::close(fd);
5395     while (::stat(filename, &buf) == 0) {
5396       (void)::poll(NULL, 0, 100);
5397     }
5398   } else {
5399     jio_fprintf(stderr,
5400       "Could not open pause file '%s', continuing immediately.\n", filename);
5401   }
5402 }
5404 #ifndef PRODUCT
5406 // Turn this on if you need to trace synch operations.
5407 // Set RECORD_SYNCH_LIMIT to a large-enough value,
5408 // and call record_synch_enable and record_synch_disable
5409 // around the computation of interest.
5411 void record_synch(char* name, bool returning);  // defined below
5413 class RecordSynch {
5414   char* _name;
5415  public:
5416   RecordSynch(char* name) :_name(name)
5417                  { record_synch(_name, false); }
5418   ~RecordSynch() { record_synch(_name,   true);  }
5419 };
5421 #define CHECK_SYNCH_OP(ret, name, params, args, inner)          \
5422 extern "C" ret name params {                                    \
5423   typedef ret name##_t params;                                  \
5424   static name##_t* implem = NULL;                               \
5425   static int callcount = 0;                                     \
5426   if (implem == NULL) {                                         \
5427     implem = (name##_t*) dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, #name);               \
5428     if (implem == NULL)  fatal(dlerror());                      \
5429   }                                                             \
5430   ++callcount;                                                  \
5431   RecordSynch _rs(#name);                                       \
5432   inner;                                                        \
5433   return implem args;                                           \
5434 }
5435 // in dbx, examine callcounts this way:
5436 // for n in $(eval whereis callcount | awk '{print $2}'); do print $n; done
5438 #define CHECK_POINTER_OK(p) \
5439   (!Universe::is_fully_initialized() || !Universe::is_reserved_heap((oop)(p)))
5440 #define CHECK_MU \
5441   if (!CHECK_POINTER_OK(mu)) fatal("Mutex must be in C heap only.");
5442 #define CHECK_CV \
5443   if (!CHECK_POINTER_OK(cv)) fatal("Condvar must be in C heap only.");
5444 #define CHECK_P(p) \
5445   if (!CHECK_POINTER_OK(p))  fatal(false,  "Pointer must be in C heap only.");
5447 #define CHECK_MUTEX(mutex_op) \
5448 CHECK_SYNCH_OP(int, mutex_op, (mutex_t *mu), (mu), CHECK_MU);
5450 CHECK_MUTEX(   mutex_lock)
5451 CHECK_MUTEX(  _mutex_lock)
5452 CHECK_MUTEX( mutex_unlock)
5453 CHECK_MUTEX(_mutex_unlock)
5454 CHECK_MUTEX( mutex_trylock)
5455 CHECK_MUTEX(_mutex_trylock)
5457 #define CHECK_COND(cond_op) \
5458 CHECK_SYNCH_OP(int, cond_op, (cond_t *cv, mutex_t *mu), (cv, mu), CHECK_MU;CHECK_CV);
5460 CHECK_COND( cond_wait);
5461 CHECK_COND(_cond_wait);
5462 CHECK_COND(_cond_wait_cancel);
5464 #define CHECK_COND2(cond_op) \
5465 CHECK_SYNCH_OP(int, cond_op, (cond_t *cv, mutex_t *mu, timestruc_t* ts), (cv, mu, ts), CHECK_MU;CHECK_CV);
5467 CHECK_COND2( cond_timedwait);
5468 CHECK_COND2(_cond_timedwait);
5469 CHECK_COND2(_cond_timedwait_cancel);
5471 // do the _lwp_* versions too
5472 #define mutex_t lwp_mutex_t
5473 #define cond_t  lwp_cond_t
5474 CHECK_MUTEX(  _lwp_mutex_lock)
5475 CHECK_MUTEX(  _lwp_mutex_unlock)
5476 CHECK_MUTEX(  _lwp_mutex_trylock)
5477 CHECK_MUTEX( __lwp_mutex_lock)
5478 CHECK_MUTEX( __lwp_mutex_unlock)
5479 CHECK_MUTEX( __lwp_mutex_trylock)
5480 CHECK_MUTEX(___lwp_mutex_lock)
5481 CHECK_MUTEX(___lwp_mutex_unlock)
5483 CHECK_COND(  _lwp_cond_wait);
5484 CHECK_COND( __lwp_cond_wait);
5485 CHECK_COND(___lwp_cond_wait);
5487 CHECK_COND2(  _lwp_cond_timedwait);
5488 CHECK_COND2( __lwp_cond_timedwait);
5489 #undef mutex_t
5490 #undef cond_t
5492 CHECK_SYNCH_OP(int, _lwp_suspend2,       (int lwp, int *n), (lwp, n), 0);
5493 CHECK_SYNCH_OP(int,__lwp_suspend2,       (int lwp, int *n), (lwp, n), 0);
5494 CHECK_SYNCH_OP(int, _lwp_kill,           (int lwp, int n),  (lwp, n), 0);
5495 CHECK_SYNCH_OP(int,__lwp_kill,           (int lwp, int n),  (lwp, n), 0);
5496 CHECK_SYNCH_OP(int, _lwp_sema_wait,      (lwp_sema_t* p),   (p),  CHECK_P(p));
5497 CHECK_SYNCH_OP(int,__lwp_sema_wait,      (lwp_sema_t* p),   (p),  CHECK_P(p));
5498 CHECK_SYNCH_OP(int, _lwp_cond_broadcast, (lwp_cond_t* cv),  (cv), CHECK_CV);
5499 CHECK_SYNCH_OP(int,__lwp_cond_broadcast, (lwp_cond_t* cv),  (cv), CHECK_CV);
5502 // recording machinery:
5504 enum { RECORD_SYNCH_LIMIT = 200 };
5505 char* record_synch_name[RECORD_SYNCH_LIMIT];
5506 void* record_synch_arg0ptr[RECORD_SYNCH_LIMIT];
5507 bool record_synch_returning[RECORD_SYNCH_LIMIT];
5508 thread_t record_synch_thread[RECORD_SYNCH_LIMIT];
5509 int record_synch_count = 0;
5510 bool record_synch_enabled = false;
5512 // in dbx, examine recorded data this way:
5513 // for n in name arg0ptr returning thread; do print record_synch_$n[0..record_synch_count-1]; done
5515 void record_synch(char* name, bool returning) {
5516   if (record_synch_enabled) {
5517     if (record_synch_count < RECORD_SYNCH_LIMIT) {
5518       record_synch_name[record_synch_count] = name;
5519       record_synch_returning[record_synch_count] = returning;
5520       record_synch_thread[record_synch_count] = thr_self();
5521       record_synch_arg0ptr[record_synch_count] = &name;
5522       record_synch_count++;
5523     }
5524     // put more checking code here:
5525     // ...
5526   }
5527 }
5529 void record_synch_enable() {
5530   // start collecting trace data, if not already doing so
5531   if (!record_synch_enabled)  record_synch_count = 0;
5532   record_synch_enabled = true;
5533 }
5535 void record_synch_disable() {
5536   // stop collecting trace data
5537   record_synch_enabled = false;
5538 }
5541 #endif // PRODUCT
5543 const intptr_t thr_time_off  = (intptr_t)(&((prusage_t *)(NULL))->pr_utime);
5544 const intptr_t thr_time_size = (intptr_t)(&((prusage_t *)(NULL))->pr_ttime) -
5545                                (intptr_t)(&((prusage_t *)(NULL))->pr_utime);
5548 // JVMTI & JVM monitoring and management support
5549 // The thread_cpu_time() and current_thread_cpu_time() are only
5550 // supported if is_thread_cpu_time_supported() returns true.
5551 // They are not supported on Solaris T1.
5553 // current_thread_cpu_time(bool) and thread_cpu_time(Thread*, bool)
5554 // are used by JVM M&M and JVMTI to get user+sys or user CPU time
5555 // of a thread.
5556 //
5557 // current_thread_cpu_time() and thread_cpu_time(Thread *)
5558 // returns the fast estimate available on the platform.
5560 // hrtime_t gethrvtime() return value includes
5561 // user time but does not include system time
5562 jlong os::current_thread_cpu_time() {
5563   return (jlong) gethrvtime();
5564 }
5566 jlong os::thread_cpu_time(Thread *thread) {
5567   // return user level CPU time only to be consistent with
5568   // what current_thread_cpu_time returns.
5569   // thread_cpu_time_info() must be changed if this changes
5570   return os::thread_cpu_time(thread, false /* user time only */);
5571 }
5573 jlong os::current_thread_cpu_time(bool user_sys_cpu_time) {
5574   if (user_sys_cpu_time) {
5575     return os::thread_cpu_time(Thread::current(), user_sys_cpu_time);
5576   } else {
5577     return os::current_thread_cpu_time();
5578   }
5579 }
5581 jlong os::thread_cpu_time(Thread *thread, bool user_sys_cpu_time) {
5582   char proc_name[64];
5583   int count;
5584   prusage_t prusage;
5585   jlong lwp_time;
5586   int fd;
5588   sprintf(proc_name, "/proc/%d/lwp/%d/lwpusage",
5589                      getpid(),
5590                      thread->osthread()->lwp_id());
5591   fd = ::open(proc_name, O_RDONLY);
5592   if ( fd == -1 ) return -1;
5594   do {
5595     count = ::pread(fd,
5596                   (void *)&prusage.pr_utime,
5597                   thr_time_size,
5598                   thr_time_off);
5599   } while (count < 0 && errno == EINTR);
5600   ::close(fd);
5601   if ( count < 0 ) return -1;
5603   if (user_sys_cpu_time) {
5604     // user + system CPU time
5605     lwp_time = (((jlong)prusage.pr_stime.tv_sec +
5606                  (jlong)prusage.pr_utime.tv_sec) * (jlong)1000000000) +
5607                  (jlong)prusage.pr_stime.tv_nsec +
5608                  (jlong)prusage.pr_utime.tv_nsec;
5609   } else {
5610     // user level CPU time only
5611     lwp_time = ((jlong)prusage.pr_utime.tv_sec * (jlong)1000000000) +
5612                 (jlong)prusage.pr_utime.tv_nsec;
5613   }
5615   return(lwp_time);
5616 }
5618 void os::current_thread_cpu_time_info(jvmtiTimerInfo *info_ptr) {
5619   info_ptr->max_value = ALL_64_BITS;      // will not wrap in less than 64 bits
5620   info_ptr->may_skip_backward = false;    // elapsed time not wall time
5621   info_ptr->may_skip_forward = false;     // elapsed time not wall time
5622   info_ptr->kind = JVMTI_TIMER_USER_CPU;  // only user time is returned
5623 }
5625 void os::thread_cpu_time_info(jvmtiTimerInfo *info_ptr) {
5626   info_ptr->max_value = ALL_64_BITS;      // will not wrap in less than 64 bits
5627   info_ptr->may_skip_backward = false;    // elapsed time not wall time
5628   info_ptr->may_skip_forward = false;     // elapsed time not wall time
5629   info_ptr->kind = JVMTI_TIMER_USER_CPU;  // only user time is returned
5630 }
5632 bool os::is_thread_cpu_time_supported() {
5633   if ( os::Solaris::T2_libthread() || UseBoundThreads ) {
5634     return true;
5635   } else {
5636     return false;
5637   }
5638 }
5640 // System loadavg support.  Returns -1 if load average cannot be obtained.
5641 // Return the load average for our processor set if the primitive exists
5642 // (Solaris 9 and later).  Otherwise just return system wide loadavg.
5643 int os::loadavg(double loadavg[], int nelem) {
5644   if (pset_getloadavg_ptr != NULL) {
5645     return (*pset_getloadavg_ptr)(PS_MYID, loadavg, nelem);
5646   } else {
5647     return ::getloadavg(loadavg, nelem);
5648   }
5649 }
5651 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5653 bool os::find(address addr, outputStream* st) {
5654   Dl_info dlinfo;
5655   memset(&dlinfo, 0, sizeof(dlinfo));
5656   if (dladdr(addr, &dlinfo) != 0) {
5657     st->print(PTR_FORMAT ": ", addr);
5658     if (dlinfo.dli_sname != NULL && dlinfo.dli_saddr != NULL) {
5659       st->print("%s+%#lx", dlinfo.dli_sname, addr-(intptr_t)dlinfo.dli_saddr);
5660     } else if (dlinfo.dli_fbase != NULL)
5661       st->print("<offset %#lx>", addr-(intptr_t)dlinfo.dli_fbase);
5662     else
5663       st->print("<absolute address>");
5664     if (dlinfo.dli_fname != NULL) {
5665       st->print(" in %s", dlinfo.dli_fname);
5666     }
5667     if (dlinfo.dli_fbase != NULL) {
5668       st->print(" at " PTR_FORMAT, dlinfo.dli_fbase);
5669     }
5670     st->cr();
5672     if (Verbose) {
5673       // decode some bytes around the PC
5674       address begin = clamp_address_in_page(addr-40, addr, os::vm_page_size());
5675       address end   = clamp_address_in_page(addr+40, addr, os::vm_page_size());
5676       address       lowest = (address) dlinfo.dli_sname;
5677       if (!lowest)  lowest = (address) dlinfo.dli_fbase;
5678       if (begin < lowest)  begin = lowest;
5679       Dl_info dlinfo2;
5680       if (dladdr(end, &dlinfo2) != 0 && dlinfo2.dli_saddr != dlinfo.dli_saddr
5681           && end > dlinfo2.dli_saddr && dlinfo2.dli_saddr > begin)
5682         end = (address) dlinfo2.dli_saddr;
5683       Disassembler::decode(begin, end, st);
5684     }
5685     return true;
5686   }
5687   return false;
5688 }
5690 // Following function has been added to support HotSparc's libjvm.so running
5691 // under Solaris production JDK 1.2.2 / 1.3.0.  These came from
5692 // src/solaris/hpi/native_threads in the EVM codebase.
5693 //
5694 // NOTE: This is no longer needed in the 1.3.1 and 1.4 production release
5695 // libraries and should thus be removed. We will leave it behind for a while
5696 // until we no longer want to able to run on top of 1.3.0 Solaris production
5697 // JDK. See 4341971.
5699 #define STACK_SLACK 0x800
5701 extern "C" {
5702   intptr_t sysThreadAvailableStackWithSlack() {
5703     stack_t st;
5704     intptr_t retval, stack_top;
5705     retval = thr_stksegment(&st);
5706     assert(retval == 0, "incorrect return value from thr_stksegment");
5707     assert((address)&st < (address)st.ss_sp, "Invalid stack base returned");
5708     assert((address)&st > (address)st.ss_sp-st.ss_size, "Invalid stack size returned");
5709     stack_top=(intptr_t)st.ss_sp-st.ss_size;
5710     return ((intptr_t)&stack_top - stack_top - STACK_SLACK);
5711   }
5712 }
5714 // ObjectMonitor park-unpark infrastructure ...
5715 //
5716 // We implement Solaris and Linux PlatformEvents with the
5717 // obvious condvar-mutex-flag triple.
5718 // Another alternative that works quite well is pipes:
5719 // Each PlatformEvent consists of a pipe-pair.
5720 // The thread associated with the PlatformEvent
5721 // calls park(), which reads from the input end of the pipe.
5722 // Unpark() writes into the other end of the pipe.
5723 // The write-side of the pipe must be set NDELAY.
5724 // Unfortunately pipes consume a large # of handles.
5725 // Native solaris lwp_park() and lwp_unpark() work nicely, too.
5726 // Using pipes for the 1st few threads might be workable, however.
5727 //
5728 // park() is permitted to return spuriously.
5729 // Callers of park() should wrap the call to park() in
5730 // an appropriate loop.  A litmus test for the correct
5731 // usage of park is the following: if park() were modified
5732 // to immediately return 0 your code should still work,
5733 // albeit degenerating to a spin loop.
5734 //
5735 // An interesting optimization for park() is to use a trylock()
5736 // to attempt to acquire the mutex.  If the trylock() fails
5737 // then we know that a concurrent unpark() operation is in-progress.
5738 // in that case the park() code could simply set _count to 0
5739 // and return immediately.  The subsequent park() operation *might*
5740 // return immediately.  That's harmless as the caller of park() is
5741 // expected to loop.  By using trylock() we will have avoided a
5742 // avoided a context switch caused by contention on the per-thread mutex.
5743 //
5744 // TODO-FIXME:
5745 // 1.  Reconcile Doug's JSR166 j.u.c park-unpark with the
5746 //     objectmonitor implementation.
5747 // 2.  Collapse the JSR166 parker event, and the
5748 //     objectmonitor ParkEvent into a single "Event" construct.
5749 // 3.  In park() and unpark() add:
5750 //     assert (Thread::current() == AssociatedWith).
5751 // 4.  add spurious wakeup injection on a -XX:EarlyParkReturn=N switch.
5752 //     1-out-of-N park() operations will return immediately.
5753 //
5754 // _Event transitions in park()
5755 //   -1 => -1 : illegal
5756 //    1 =>  0 : pass - return immediately
5757 //    0 => -1 : block
5758 //
5759 // _Event serves as a restricted-range semaphore.
5760 //
5761 // Another possible encoding of _Event would be with
5762 // explicit "PARKED" == 01b and "SIGNALED" == 10b bits.
5763 //
5764 // TODO-FIXME: add DTRACE probes for:
5765 // 1.   Tx parks
5766 // 2.   Ty unparks Tx
5767 // 3.   Tx resumes from park
5770 // value determined through experimentation
5771 #define ROUNDINGFIX 11
5773 // utility to compute the abstime argument to timedwait.
5774 // TODO-FIXME: switch from compute_abstime() to unpackTime().
5776 static timestruc_t* compute_abstime(timestruc_t* abstime, jlong millis) {
5777   // millis is the relative timeout time
5778   // abstime will be the absolute timeout time
5779   if (millis < 0)  millis = 0;
5780   struct timeval now;
5781   int status = gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
5782   assert(status == 0, "gettimeofday");
5783   jlong seconds = millis / 1000;
5784   jlong max_wait_period;
5786   if (UseLWPSynchronization) {
5787     // forward port of fix for 4275818 (not sleeping long enough)
5788     // There was a bug in Solaris 6, 7 and pre-patch 5 of 8 where
5789     // _lwp_cond_timedwait() used a round_down algorithm rather
5790     // than a round_up. For millis less than our roundfactor
5791     // it rounded down to 0 which doesn't meet the spec.
5792     // For millis > roundfactor we may return a bit sooner, but
5793     // since we can not accurately identify the patch level and
5794     // this has already been fixed in Solaris 9 and 8 we will
5795     // leave it alone rather than always rounding down.
5797     if (millis > 0 && millis < ROUNDINGFIX) millis = ROUNDINGFIX;
5798        // It appears that when we go directly through Solaris _lwp_cond_timedwait()
5799            // the acceptable max time threshold is smaller than for libthread on 2.5.1 and 2.6
5800            max_wait_period = 21000000;
5801   } else {
5802     max_wait_period = 50000000;
5803   }
5804   millis %= 1000;
5805   if (seconds > max_wait_period) {      // see man cond_timedwait(3T)
5806      seconds = max_wait_period;
5807   }
5808   abstime->tv_sec = now.tv_sec  + seconds;
5809   long       usec = now.tv_usec + millis * 1000;
5810   if (usec >= 1000000) {
5811     abstime->tv_sec += 1;
5812     usec -= 1000000;
5813   }
5814   abstime->tv_nsec = usec * 1000;
5815   return abstime;
5816 }
5818 // Test-and-clear _Event, always leaves _Event set to 0, returns immediately.
5819 // Conceptually TryPark() should be equivalent to park(0).
5821 int os::PlatformEvent::TryPark() {
5822   for (;;) {
5823     const int v = _Event ;
5824     guarantee ((v == 0) || (v == 1), "invariant") ;
5825     if (Atomic::cmpxchg (0, &_Event, v) == v) return v  ;
5826   }
5827 }
5829 void os::PlatformEvent::park() {           // AKA: down()
5830   // Invariant: Only the thread associated with the Event/PlatformEvent
5831   // may call park().
5832   int v ;
5833   for (;;) {
5834       v = _Event ;
5835       if (Atomic::cmpxchg (v-1, &_Event, v) == v) break ;
5836   }
5837   guarantee (v >= 0, "invariant") ;
5838   if (v == 0) {
5839      // Do this the hard way by blocking ...
5840      // See http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsf?cr=5094058.
5841      // TODO-FIXME: for Solaris SPARC set fprs.FEF=0 prior to parking.
5842      // Only for SPARC >= V8PlusA
5843 #if defined(__sparc) && defined(COMPILER2)
5844      if (ClearFPUAtPark) { _mark_fpu_nosave() ; }
5845 #endif
5846      int status = os::Solaris::mutex_lock(_mutex);
5847      assert_status(status == 0, status,  "mutex_lock");
5848      guarantee (_nParked == 0, "invariant") ;
5849      ++ _nParked ;
5850      while (_Event < 0) {
5851         // for some reason, under 2.7 lwp_cond_wait() may return ETIME ...
5852         // Treat this the same as if the wait was interrupted
5853         // With usr/lib/lwp going to kernel, always handle ETIME
5854         status = os::Solaris::cond_wait(_cond, _mutex);
5855         if (status == ETIME) status = EINTR ;
5856         assert_status(status == 0 || status == EINTR, status, "cond_wait");
5857      }
5858      -- _nParked ;
5859      _Event = 0 ;
5860      status = os::Solaris::mutex_unlock(_mutex);
5861      assert_status(status == 0, status, "mutex_unlock");
5862     // Paranoia to ensure our locked and lock-free paths interact
5863     // correctly with each other.
5864     OrderAccess::fence();
5865   }
5866 }
5868 int os::PlatformEvent::park(jlong millis) {
5869   guarantee (_nParked == 0, "invariant") ;
5870   int v ;
5871   for (;;) {
5872       v = _Event ;
5873       if (Atomic::cmpxchg (v-1, &_Event, v) == v) break ;
5874   }
5875   guarantee (v >= 0, "invariant") ;
5876   if (v != 0) return OS_OK ;
5878   int ret = OS_TIMEOUT;
5879   timestruc_t abst;
5880   compute_abstime (&abst, millis);
5882   // See http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsf?cr=5094058.
5883   // For Solaris SPARC set fprs.FEF=0 prior to parking.
5884   // Only for SPARC >= V8PlusA
5885 #if defined(__sparc) && defined(COMPILER2)
5886  if (ClearFPUAtPark) { _mark_fpu_nosave() ; }
5887 #endif
5888   int status = os::Solaris::mutex_lock(_mutex);
5889   assert_status(status == 0, status, "mutex_lock");
5890   guarantee (_nParked == 0, "invariant") ;
5891   ++ _nParked ;
5892   while (_Event < 0) {
5893      int status = os::Solaris::cond_timedwait(_cond, _mutex, &abst);
5894      assert_status(status == 0 || status == EINTR ||
5895                    status == ETIME || status == ETIMEDOUT,
5896                    status, "cond_timedwait");
5897      if (!FilterSpuriousWakeups) break ;                // previous semantics
5898      if (status == ETIME || status == ETIMEDOUT) break ;
5899      // We consume and ignore EINTR and spurious wakeups.
5900   }
5901   -- _nParked ;
5902   if (_Event >= 0) ret = OS_OK ;
5903   _Event = 0 ;
5904   status = os::Solaris::mutex_unlock(_mutex);
5905   assert_status(status == 0, status, "mutex_unlock");
5906   // Paranoia to ensure our locked and lock-free paths interact
5907   // correctly with each other.
5908   OrderAccess::fence();
5909   return ret;
5910 }
5912 void os::PlatformEvent::unpark() {
5913   // Transitions for _Event:
5914   //    0 :=> 1
5915   //    1 :=> 1
5916   //   -1 :=> either 0 or 1; must signal target thread
5917   //          That is, we can safely transition _Event from -1 to either
5918   //          0 or 1. Forcing 1 is slightly more efficient for back-to-back
5919   //          unpark() calls.
5920   // See also: "Semaphores in Plan 9" by Mullender & Cox
5921   //
5922   // Note: Forcing a transition from "-1" to "1" on an unpark() means
5923   // that it will take two back-to-back park() calls for the owning
5924   // thread to block. This has the benefit of forcing a spurious return
5925   // from the first park() call after an unpark() call which will help
5926   // shake out uses of park() and unpark() without condition variables.
5928   if (Atomic::xchg(1, &_Event) >= 0) return;
5930   // If the thread associated with the event was parked, wake it.
5931   // Wait for the thread assoc with the PlatformEvent to vacate.
5932   int status = os::Solaris::mutex_lock(_mutex);
5933   assert_status(status == 0, status, "mutex_lock");
5934   int AnyWaiters = _nParked;
5935   status = os::Solaris::mutex_unlock(_mutex);
5936   assert_status(status == 0, status, "mutex_unlock");
5937   guarantee(AnyWaiters == 0 || AnyWaiters == 1, "invariant");
5938   if (AnyWaiters != 0) {
5939     // We intentional signal *after* dropping the lock
5940     // to avoid a common class of futile wakeups.
5941     status = os::Solaris::cond_signal(_cond);
5942     assert_status(status == 0, status, "cond_signal");
5943   }
5944 }
5946 // JSR166
5947 // -------------------------------------------------------
5949 /*
5950  * The solaris and linux implementations of park/unpark are fairly
5951  * conservative for now, but can be improved. They currently use a
5952  * mutex/condvar pair, plus _counter.
5953  * Park decrements _counter if > 0, else does a condvar wait.  Unpark
5954  * sets count to 1 and signals condvar.  Only one thread ever waits
5955  * on the condvar. Contention seen when trying to park implies that someone
5956  * is unparking you, so don't wait. And spurious returns are fine, so there
5957  * is no need to track notifications.
5958  */
5960 #define MAX_SECS 100000000
5961 /*
5962  * This code is common to linux and solaris and will be moved to a
5963  * common place in dolphin.
5964  *
5965  * The passed in time value is either a relative time in nanoseconds
5966  * or an absolute time in milliseconds. Either way it has to be unpacked
5967  * into suitable seconds and nanoseconds components and stored in the
5968  * given timespec structure.
5969  * Given time is a 64-bit value and the time_t used in the timespec is only
5970  * a signed-32-bit value (except on 64-bit Linux) we have to watch for
5971  * overflow if times way in the future are given. Further on Solaris versions
5972  * prior to 10 there is a restriction (see cond_timedwait) that the specified
5973  * number of seconds, in abstime, is less than current_time  + 100,000,000.
5974  * As it will be 28 years before "now + 100000000" will overflow we can
5975  * ignore overflow and just impose a hard-limit on seconds using the value
5976  * of "now + 100,000,000". This places a limit on the timeout of about 3.17
5977  * years from "now".
5978  */
5979 static void unpackTime(timespec* absTime, bool isAbsolute, jlong time) {
5980   assert (time > 0, "convertTime");
5982   struct timeval now;
5983   int status = gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
5984   assert(status == 0, "gettimeofday");
5986   time_t max_secs = now.tv_sec + MAX_SECS;
5988   if (isAbsolute) {
5989     jlong secs = time / 1000;
5990     if (secs > max_secs) {
5991       absTime->tv_sec = max_secs;
5992     }
5993     else {
5994       absTime->tv_sec = secs;
5995     }
5996     absTime->tv_nsec = (time % 1000) * NANOSECS_PER_MILLISEC;
5997   }
5998   else {
5999     jlong secs = time / NANOSECS_PER_SEC;
6000     if (secs >= MAX_SECS) {
6001       absTime->tv_sec = max_secs;
6002       absTime->tv_nsec = 0;
6003     }
6004     else {
6005       absTime->tv_sec = now.tv_sec + secs;
6006       absTime->tv_nsec = (time % NANOSECS_PER_SEC) + now.tv_usec*1000;
6007       if (absTime->tv_nsec >= NANOSECS_PER_SEC) {
6008         absTime->tv_nsec -= NANOSECS_PER_SEC;
6009         ++absTime->tv_sec; // note: this must be <= max_secs
6010       }
6011     }
6012   }
6013   assert(absTime->tv_sec >= 0, "tv_sec < 0");
6014   assert(absTime->tv_sec <= max_secs, "tv_sec > max_secs");
6015   assert(absTime->tv_nsec >= 0, "tv_nsec < 0");
6016   assert(absTime->tv_nsec < NANOSECS_PER_SEC, "tv_nsec >= nanos_per_sec");
6017 }
6019 void Parker::park(bool isAbsolute, jlong time) {
6020   // Ideally we'd do something useful while spinning, such
6021   // as calling unpackTime().
6023   // Optional fast-path check:
6024   // Return immediately if a permit is available.
6025   // We depend on Atomic::xchg() having full barrier semantics
6026   // since we are doing a lock-free update to _counter.
6027   if (Atomic::xchg(0, &_counter) > 0) return;
6029   // Optional fast-exit: Check interrupt before trying to wait
6030   Thread* thread = Thread::current();
6031   assert(thread->is_Java_thread(), "Must be JavaThread");
6032   JavaThread *jt = (JavaThread *)thread;
6033   if (Thread::is_interrupted(thread, false)) {
6034     return;
6035   }
6037   // First, demultiplex/decode time arguments
6038   timespec absTime;
6039   if (time < 0 || (isAbsolute && time == 0) ) { // don't wait at all
6040     return;
6041   }
6042   if (time > 0) {
6043     // Warning: this code might be exposed to the old Solaris time
6044     // round-down bugs.  Grep "roundingFix" for details.
6045     unpackTime(&absTime, isAbsolute, time);
6046   }
6048   // Enter safepoint region
6049   // Beware of deadlocks such as 6317397.
6050   // The per-thread Parker:: _mutex is a classic leaf-lock.
6051   // In particular a thread must never block on the Threads_lock while
6052   // holding the Parker:: mutex.  If safepoints are pending both the
6053   // the ThreadBlockInVM() CTOR and DTOR may grab Threads_lock.
6054   ThreadBlockInVM tbivm(jt);
6056   // Don't wait if cannot get lock since interference arises from
6057   // unblocking.  Also. check interrupt before trying wait
6058   if (Thread::is_interrupted(thread, false) ||
6059       os::Solaris::mutex_trylock(_mutex) != 0) {
6060     return;
6061   }
6063   int status ;
6065   if (_counter > 0)  { // no wait needed
6066     _counter = 0;
6067     status = os::Solaris::mutex_unlock(_mutex);
6068     assert (status == 0, "invariant") ;
6069     // Paranoia to ensure our locked and lock-free paths interact
6070     // correctly with each other and Java-level accesses.
6071     OrderAccess::fence();
6072     return;
6073   }
6075 #ifdef ASSERT
6076   // Don't catch signals while blocked; let the running threads have the signals.
6077   // (This allows a debugger to break into the running thread.)
6078   sigset_t oldsigs;
6079   sigset_t* allowdebug_blocked = os::Solaris::allowdebug_blocked_signals();
6080   thr_sigsetmask(SIG_BLOCK, allowdebug_blocked, &oldsigs);
6081 #endif
6083   OSThreadWaitState osts(thread->osthread(), false /* not Object.wait() */);
6084   jt->set_suspend_equivalent();
6085   // cleared by handle_special_suspend_equivalent_condition() or java_suspend_self()
6087   // Do this the hard way by blocking ...
6088   // See http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsf?cr=5094058.
6089   // TODO-FIXME: for Solaris SPARC set fprs.FEF=0 prior to parking.
6090   // Only for SPARC >= V8PlusA
6091 #if defined(__sparc) && defined(COMPILER2)
6092   if (ClearFPUAtPark) { _mark_fpu_nosave() ; }
6093 #endif
6095   if (time == 0) {
6096     status = os::Solaris::cond_wait (_cond, _mutex) ;
6097   } else {
6098     status = os::Solaris::cond_timedwait (_cond, _mutex, &absTime);
6099   }
6100   // Note that an untimed cond_wait() can sometimes return ETIME on older
6101   // versions of the Solaris.
6102   assert_status(status == 0 || status == EINTR ||
6103                 status == ETIME || status == ETIMEDOUT,
6104                 status, "cond_timedwait");
6106 #ifdef ASSERT
6107   thr_sigsetmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oldsigs, NULL);
6108 #endif
6109   _counter = 0 ;
6110   status = os::Solaris::mutex_unlock(_mutex);
6111   assert_status(status == 0, status, "mutex_unlock") ;
6112   // Paranoia to ensure our locked and lock-free paths interact
6113   // correctly with each other and Java-level accesses.
6114   OrderAccess::fence();
6116   // If externally suspended while waiting, re-suspend
6117   if (jt->handle_special_suspend_equivalent_condition()) {
6118     jt->java_suspend_self();
6119   }
6120 }
6122 void Parker::unpark() {
6123   int s, status ;
6124   status = os::Solaris::mutex_lock (_mutex) ;
6125   assert (status == 0, "invariant") ;
6126   s = _counter;
6127   _counter = 1;
6128   status = os::Solaris::mutex_unlock (_mutex) ;
6129   assert (status == 0, "invariant") ;
6131   if (s < 1) {
6132     status = os::Solaris::cond_signal (_cond) ;
6133     assert (status == 0, "invariant") ;
6134   }
6135 }
6137 extern char** environ;
6139 // Run the specified command in a separate process. Return its exit value,
6140 // or -1 on failure (e.g. can't fork a new process).
6141 // Unlike system(), this function can be called from signal handler. It
6142 // doesn't block SIGINT et al.
6143 int os::fork_and_exec(char* cmd) {
6144   char * argv[4];
6145   argv[0] = (char *)"sh";
6146   argv[1] = (char *)"-c";
6147   argv[2] = cmd;
6148   argv[3] = NULL;
6150   // fork is async-safe, fork1 is not so can't use in signal handler
6151   pid_t pid;
6152   Thread* t = ThreadLocalStorage::get_thread_slow();
6153   if (t != NULL && t->is_inside_signal_handler()) {
6154     pid = fork();
6155   } else {
6156     pid = fork1();
6157   }
6159   if (pid < 0) {
6160     // fork failed
6161     warning("fork failed: %s", strerror(errno));
6162     return -1;
6164   } else if (pid == 0) {
6165     // child process
6167     // try to be consistent with system(), which uses "/usr/bin/sh" on Solaris
6168     execve("/usr/bin/sh", argv, environ);
6170     // execve failed
6171     _exit(-1);
6173   } else  {
6174     // copied from J2SE ..._waitForProcessExit() in UNIXProcess_md.c; we don't
6175     // care about the actual exit code, for now.
6177     int status;
6179     // Wait for the child process to exit.  This returns immediately if
6180     // the child has already exited. */
6181     while (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) < 0) {
6182         switch (errno) {
6183         case ECHILD: return 0;
6184         case EINTR: break;
6185         default: return -1;
6186         }
6187     }
6189     if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
6190        // The child exited normally; get its exit code.
6191        return WEXITSTATUS(status);
6192     } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
6193        // The child exited because of a signal
6194        // The best value to return is 0x80 + signal number,
6195        // because that is what all Unix shells do, and because
6196        // it allows callers to distinguish between process exit and
6197        // process death by signal.
6198        return 0x80 + WTERMSIG(status);
6199     } else {
6200        // Unknown exit code; pass it through
6201        return status;
6202     }
6203   }
6204 }
6206 // is_headless_jre()
6207 //
6208 // Test for the existence of xawt/libmawt.so or libawt_xawt.so
6209 // in order to report if we are running in a headless jre
6210 //
6211 // Since JDK8 xawt/libmawt.so was moved into the same directory
6212 // as libawt.so, and renamed libawt_xawt.so
6213 //
6214 bool os::is_headless_jre() {
6215     struct stat statbuf;
6216     char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
6217     char libmawtpath[MAXPATHLEN];
6218     const char *xawtstr  = "/xawt/libmawt.so";
6219     const char *new_xawtstr = "/libawt_xawt.so";
6220     char *p;
6222     // Get path to libjvm.so
6223     os::jvm_path(buf, sizeof(buf));
6225     // Get rid of libjvm.so
6226     p = strrchr(buf, '/');
6227     if (p == NULL) return false;
6228     else *p = '\0';
6230     // Get rid of client or server
6231     p = strrchr(buf, '/');
6232     if (p == NULL) return false;
6233     else *p = '\0';
6235     // check xawt/libmawt.so
6236     strcpy(libmawtpath, buf);
6237     strcat(libmawtpath, xawtstr);
6238     if (::stat(libmawtpath, &statbuf) == 0) return false;
6240     // check libawt_xawt.so
6241     strcpy(libmawtpath, buf);
6242     strcat(libmawtpath, new_xawtstr);
6243     if (::stat(libmawtpath, &statbuf) == 0) return false;
6245     return true;
6246 }
6248 size_t os::write(int fd, const void *buf, unsigned int nBytes) {
6249   INTERRUPTIBLE_RETURN_INT(::write(fd, buf, nBytes), os::Solaris::clear_interrupted);
6250 }
6252 int os::close(int fd) {
6253   return ::close(fd);
6254 }
6256 int os::socket_close(int fd) {
6257   return ::close(fd);
6258 }
6260 int os::recv(int fd, char* buf, size_t nBytes, uint flags) {
6261   INTERRUPTIBLE_RETURN_INT((int)::recv(fd, buf, nBytes, flags), os::Solaris::clear_interrupted);
6262 }
6264 int os::send(int fd, char* buf, size_t nBytes, uint flags) {
6265   INTERRUPTIBLE_RETURN_INT((int)::send(fd, buf, nBytes, flags), os::Solaris::clear_interrupted);
6266 }
6268 int os::raw_send(int fd, char* buf, size_t nBytes, uint flags) {
6269   RESTARTABLE_RETURN_INT((int)::send(fd, buf, nBytes, flags));
6270 }
6272 // As both poll and select can be interrupted by signals, we have to be
6273 // prepared to restart the system call after updating the timeout, unless
6274 // a poll() is done with timeout == -1, in which case we repeat with this
6275 // "wait forever" value.
6277 int os::timeout(int fd, long timeout) {
6278   int res;
6279   struct timeval t;
6280   julong prevtime, newtime;
6281   static const char* aNull = 0;
6282   struct pollfd pfd;
6283   pfd.fd = fd;
6284   pfd.events = POLLIN;
6286   gettimeofday(&t, &aNull);
6287   prevtime = ((julong)t.tv_sec * 1000)  +  t.tv_usec / 1000;
6289   for(;;) {
6290     INTERRUPTIBLE_NORESTART(::poll(&pfd, 1, timeout), res, os::Solaris::clear_interrupted);
6291     if(res == OS_ERR && errno == EINTR) {
6292         if(timeout != -1) {
6293           gettimeofday(&t, &aNull);
6294           newtime = ((julong)t.tv_sec * 1000)  +  t.tv_usec /1000;
6295           timeout -= newtime - prevtime;
6296           if(timeout <= 0)
6297             return OS_OK;
6298           prevtime = newtime;
6299         }
6300     } else return res;
6301   }
6302 }
6304 int os::connect(int fd, struct sockaddr *him, socklen_t len) {
6305   int _result;
6306   INTERRUPTIBLE_NORESTART(::connect(fd, him, len), _result,\
6307                           os::Solaris::clear_interrupted);
6309   // Depending on when thread interruption is reset, _result could be
6310   // one of two values when errno == EINTR
6312   if (((_result == OS_INTRPT) || (_result == OS_ERR))
6313       && (errno == EINTR)) {
6314      /* restarting a connect() changes its errno semantics */
6315      INTERRUPTIBLE(::connect(fd, him, len), _result,\
6316                    os::Solaris::clear_interrupted);
6317      /* undo these changes */
6318      if (_result == OS_ERR) {
6319        if (errno == EALREADY) {
6320          errno = EINPROGRESS; /* fall through */
6321        } else if (errno == EISCONN) {
6322          errno = 0;
6323          return OS_OK;
6324        }
6325      }
6326    }
6327    return _result;
6328  }
6330 int os::accept(int fd, struct sockaddr* him, socklen_t* len) {
6331   if (fd < 0) {
6332     return OS_ERR;
6333   }
6334   INTERRUPTIBLE_RETURN_INT((int)::accept(fd, him, len),\
6335                            os::Solaris::clear_interrupted);
6336 }
6338 int os::recvfrom(int fd, char* buf, size_t nBytes, uint flags,
6339                  sockaddr* from, socklen_t* fromlen) {
6340   INTERRUPTIBLE_RETURN_INT((int)::recvfrom(fd, buf, nBytes, flags, from, fromlen),\
6341                            os::Solaris::clear_interrupted);
6342 }
6344 int os::sendto(int fd, char* buf, size_t len, uint flags,
6345                struct sockaddr* to, socklen_t tolen) {
6346   INTERRUPTIBLE_RETURN_INT((int)::sendto(fd, buf, len, flags, to, tolen),\
6347                            os::Solaris::clear_interrupted);
6348 }
6350 int os::socket_available(int fd, jint *pbytes) {
6351   if (fd < 0) {
6352     return OS_OK;
6353   }
6354   int ret;
6355   RESTARTABLE(::ioctl(fd, FIONREAD, pbytes), ret);
6356   // note: ioctl can return 0 when successful, JVM_SocketAvailable
6357   // is expected to return 0 on failure and 1 on success to the jdk.
6358   return (ret == OS_ERR) ? 0 : 1;
6359 }
6361 int os::bind(int fd, struct sockaddr* him, socklen_t len) {
6362    INTERRUPTIBLE_RETURN_INT_NORESTART(::bind(fd, him, len),\
6363                                       os::Solaris::clear_interrupted);
6364 }
6366 // Get the default path to the core file
6367 // Returns the length of the string
6368 int os::get_core_path(char* buffer, size_t bufferSize) {
6369   const char* p = get_current_directory(buffer, bufferSize);
6371   if (p == NULL) {
6372     assert(p != NULL, "failed to get current directory");
6373     return 0;
6374   }
6376   return strlen(buffer);
6377 }
6379 #ifndef PRODUCT
6380 void TestReserveMemorySpecial_test() {
6381   // No tests available for this platform
6382 }
6383 #endif