
Print this page

 102      *    b) forceStubUse is false.
 103      *
 104      * If the above criteria are satisfied, this method constructs a
 105      * dynamic proxy instance (that implements the remote interfaces of
 106      * implClass) constructed with a RemoteObjectInvocationHandler instance
 107      * constructed with the clientRef.
 108      *
 109      * Otherwise, this method loads the pregenerated stub class (which
 110      * extends RemoteStub and implements the remote interfaces of
 111      * implClass) and constructs an instance of the pregenerated stub
 112      * class with the clientRef.
 113      *
 114      * @param implClass the class to obtain remote interfaces from
 115      * @param clientRef the remote ref to use in the invocation handler
 116      * @param forceStubUse if true, forces creation of a RemoteStub
 117      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if implClass implements illegal
 118      * remote interfaces
 119      * @throws StubNotFoundException if problem locating/creating stub or
 120      * creating the dynamic proxy instance
 121      **/
 122     public static Remote createProxy(Class implClass,
 123                                      RemoteRef clientRef,
 124                                      boolean forceStubUse)
 125         throws StubNotFoundException
 126     {
 127         Class remoteClass;
 129         try {
 130             remoteClass = getRemoteClass(implClass);
 131         } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex ) {
 132             throw new StubNotFoundException(
 133                 "object does not implement a remote interface: " +
 134                 implClass.getName());
 135         }
 137         if (forceStubUse ||
 138             !(ignoreStubClasses || !stubClassExists(remoteClass)))
 139         {
 140             return createStub(remoteClass, clientRef);
 141         }
 143         ClassLoader loader = implClass.getClassLoader();
 144         Class[] interfaces = getRemoteInterfaces(implClass);
 145         InvocationHandler handler =
 146             new RemoteObjectInvocationHandler(clientRef);
 148         /* REMIND: private remote interfaces? */
 150         try {
 151             return (Remote) Proxy.newProxyInstance(loader,
 152                                                    interfaces,
 153                                                    handler);
 154         } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
 155             throw new StubNotFoundException("unable to create proxy", e);
 156         }
 157     }
 159     /**
 160      * Returns true if a stub class for the given impl class can be loaded,
 161      * otherwise returns false.
 162      *
 163      * @param remoteClass the class to obtain remote interfaces from
 164      */
 165     private static boolean stubClassExists(Class remoteClass) {
 166         if (!withoutStubs.containsKey(remoteClass)) {
 167             try {
 168                 Class.forName(remoteClass.getName() + "_Stub",
 169                               false,
 170                               remoteClass.getClassLoader());
 171                 return true;
 173             } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
 174                 withoutStubs.put(remoteClass, null);
 175             }
 176         }
 177         return false;
 178     }
 180     /*
 181      * Returns the class/superclass that implements the remote interface.
 182      * @throws ClassNotFoundException if no class is found to have a
 183      * remote interface
 184      */
 185     private static Class getRemoteClass(Class cl)
 186         throws ClassNotFoundException
 187     {
 188         while (cl != null) {
 189             Class[] interfaces = cl.getInterfaces();
 190             for (int i = interfaces.length -1; i >= 0; i--) {
 191                 if (Remote.class.isAssignableFrom(interfaces[i]))
 192                     return cl;          // this class implements remote object
 193             }
 194             cl = cl.getSuperclass();
 195         }
 196         throw new ClassNotFoundException(
 197                 "class does not implement java.rmi.Remote");
 198     }
 200     /**
 201      * Returns an array containing the remote interfaces implemented
 202      * by the given class.
 203      *
 204      * @param   remoteClass the class to obtain remote interfaces from
 205      * @throws  IllegalArgumentException if remoteClass implements
 206      *          any illegal remote interfaces
 207      * @throws  NullPointerException if remoteClass is null
 208      */
 209     private static Class[] getRemoteInterfaces(Class remoteClass) {
 210         ArrayList<Class<?>> list = new ArrayList<Class<?>>();
 211         getRemoteInterfaces(list, remoteClass);
 212         return list.toArray(new Class<?>[list.size()]);
 213     }
 215     /**
 216      * Fills the given array list with the remote interfaces implemented
 217      * by the given class.
 218      *
 219      * @throws  IllegalArgumentException if the specified class implements
 220      *          any illegal remote interfaces
 221      * @throws  NullPointerException if the specified class or list is null
 222      */
 223     private static void getRemoteInterfaces(ArrayList<Class<?>> list, Class cl) {
 224         Class superclass = cl.getSuperclass();
 225         if (superclass != null) {
 226             getRemoteInterfaces(list, superclass);
 227         }
 229         Class[] interfaces = cl.getInterfaces();
 230         for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) {
 231             Class intf = interfaces[i];
 232             /*
 233              * If it is a remote interface (if it extends from
 234              * java.rmi.Remote) and is not already in the list,
 235              * then add the interface to the list.
 236              */
 237             if (Remote.class.isAssignableFrom(intf)) {
 238                 if (!(list.contains(intf))) {
 239                     Method[] methods = intf.getMethods();
 240                     for (int j = 0; j < methods.length; j++) {
 241                         checkMethod(methods[j]);
 242                     }
 243                     list.add(intf);
 244                 }
 245             }
 246         }
 247     }
 249     /**
 250      * Verifies that the supplied method has at least one declared exception
 251      * type that is RemoteException or one of its superclasses.  If not,

 255      */
 256     private static void checkMethod(Method m) {
 257         Class<?>[] ex = m.getExceptionTypes();
 258         for (int i = 0; i < ex.length; i++) {
 259             if (ex[i].isAssignableFrom(RemoteException.class))
 260                 return;
 261         }
 262         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
 263             "illegal remote method encountered: " + m);
 264     }
 266     /**
 267      * Creates a RemoteStub instance for the specified class, constructed
 268      * with the specified RemoteRef.  The supplied class must be the most
 269      * derived class in the remote object's superclass chain that
 270      * implements a remote interface.  The stub class name is the name of
 271      * the specified remoteClass with the suffix "_Stub".  The loading of
 272      * the stub class is initiated from class loader of the specified class
 273      * (which may be the bootstrap class loader).
 274      **/
 275     private static RemoteStub createStub(Class remoteClass, RemoteRef ref)
 276         throws StubNotFoundException
 277     {
 278         String stubname = remoteClass.getName() + "_Stub";
 280         /* Make sure to use the local stub loader for the stub classes.
 281          * When loaded by the local loader the load path can be
 282          * propagated to remote clients, by the MarshalOutputStream/InStream
 283          * pickle methods
 284          */
 285         try {
 286             Class<?> stubcl =
 287                 Class.forName(stubname, false, remoteClass.getClassLoader());
 288             Constructor cons = stubcl.getConstructor(stubConsParamTypes);
 289             return (RemoteStub) cons.newInstance(new Object[] { ref });
 291         } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
 292             throw new StubNotFoundException(
 293                 "Stub class not found: " + stubname, e);
 294         } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
 295             throw new StubNotFoundException(
 296                 "Stub class missing constructor: " + stubname, e);
 297         } catch (InstantiationException e) {
 298             throw new StubNotFoundException(
 299                 "Can't create instance of stub class: " + stubname, e);
 300         } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
 301             throw new StubNotFoundException(
 302                 "Stub class constructor not public: " + stubname, e);
 303         } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
 304             throw new StubNotFoundException(
 305                 "Exception creating instance of stub class: " + stubname, e);
 306         } catch (ClassCastException e) {
 307             throw new StubNotFoundException(
 308                 "Stub class not instance of RemoteStub: " + stubname, e);
 309         }
 310     }
 312     /**
 313      * Locate and return the Skeleton for the specified remote object
 314      */
 315     static Skeleton createSkeleton(Remote object)
 316         throws SkeletonNotFoundException
 317     {
 318         Class cl;
 319         try {
 320             cl = getRemoteClass(object.getClass());
 321         } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex ) {
 322             throw new SkeletonNotFoundException(
 323                 "object does not implement a remote interface: " +
 324                 object.getClass().getName());
 325         }
 327         // now try to load the skeleton based ont he name of the class
 328         String skelname = cl.getName() + "_Skel";
 329         try {
 330             Class skelcl = Class.forName(skelname, false, cl.getClassLoader());
 332             return (Skeleton)skelcl.newInstance();
 333         } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
 334             throw new SkeletonNotFoundException("Skeleton class not found: " +
 335                                                 skelname, ex);
 336         } catch (InstantiationException ex) {
 337             throw new SkeletonNotFoundException("Can't create skeleton: " +
 338                                                 skelname, ex);
 339         } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
 340             throw new SkeletonNotFoundException("No public constructor: " +
 341                                                 skelname, ex);
 342         } catch (ClassCastException ex) {
 343             throw new SkeletonNotFoundException(
 344                 "Skeleton not of correct class: " + skelname, ex);
 345         }
 346     }
 348     /**
 349      * Compute the "method hash" of a remote method.  The method hash
 350      * is a long containing the first 64 bits of the SHA digest from

 374         } catch (IOException ignore) {
 375             /* can't happen, but be deterministic anyway. */
 376             hash = -1;
 377         } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException complain) {
 378             throw new SecurityException(complain.getMessage());
 379         }
 380         return hash;
 381     }
 383     /**
 384      * Return a string consisting of the given method's name followed by
 385      * its "method descriptor", as appropriate for use in the computation
 386      * of the "method hash".
 387      *
 388      * See section 4.3.3 of The Java Virtual Machine Specification for
 389      * the definition of a "method descriptor".
 390      */
 391     private static String getMethodNameAndDescriptor(Method m) {
 392         StringBuffer desc = new StringBuffer(m.getName());
 393         desc.append('(');
 394         Class[] paramTypes = m.getParameterTypes();
 395         for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) {
 396             desc.append(getTypeDescriptor(paramTypes[i]));
 397         }
 398         desc.append(')');
 399         Class returnType = m.getReturnType();
 400         if (returnType == void.class) { // optimization: handle void here
 401             desc.append('V');
 402         } else {
 403             desc.append(getTypeDescriptor(returnType));
 404         }
 405         return desc.toString();
 406     }
 408     /**
 409      * Get the descriptor of a particular type, as appropriate for either
 410      * a parameter or return type in a method descriptor.
 411      */
 412     private static String getTypeDescriptor(Class type) {
 413         if (type.isPrimitive()) {
 414             if (type == int.class) {
 415                 return "I";
 416             } else if (type == boolean.class) {
 417                 return "Z";
 418             } else if (type == byte.class) {
 419                 return "B";
 420             } else if (type == char.class) {
 421                 return "C";
 422             } else if (type == short.class) {
 423                 return "S";
 424             } else if (type == long.class) {
 425                 return "J";
 426             } else if (type == float.class) {
 427                 return "F";
 428             } else if (type == double.class) {
 429                 return "D";
 430             } else if (type == void.class) {
 431                 return "V";
 432             } else {

 437              * According to JLS 20.3.2, the getName() method on Class does
 438              * return the VM type descriptor format for array classes (only);
 439              * using that should be quicker than the otherwise obvious code:
 440              *
 441              *     return "[" + getTypeDescriptor(type.getComponentType());
 442              */
 443             return type.getName().replace('.', '/');
 444         } else {
 445             return "L" + type.getName().replace('.', '/') + ";";
 446         }
 447     }
 449     /**
 450      * Returns the binary name of the given type without package
 451      * qualification.  Nested types are treated no differently from
 452      * top-level types, so for a nested type, the returned name will
 453      * still be qualified with the simple name of its enclosing
 454      * top-level type (and perhaps other enclosing types), the
 455      * separator will be '$', etc.
 456      **/
 457     public static String getUnqualifiedName(Class c) {
 458         String binaryName = c.getName();
 459         return binaryName.substring(binaryName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
 460     }
 461 }

 102      *    b) forceStubUse is false.
 103      *
 104      * If the above criteria are satisfied, this method constructs a
 105      * dynamic proxy instance (that implements the remote interfaces of
 106      * implClass) constructed with a RemoteObjectInvocationHandler instance
 107      * constructed with the clientRef.
 108      *
 109      * Otherwise, this method loads the pregenerated stub class (which
 110      * extends RemoteStub and implements the remote interfaces of
 111      * implClass) and constructs an instance of the pregenerated stub
 112      * class with the clientRef.
 113      *
 114      * @param implClass the class to obtain remote interfaces from
 115      * @param clientRef the remote ref to use in the invocation handler
 116      * @param forceStubUse if true, forces creation of a RemoteStub
 117      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if implClass implements illegal
 118      * remote interfaces
 119      * @throws StubNotFoundException if problem locating/creating stub or
 120      * creating the dynamic proxy instance
 121      **/
 122     public static Remote createProxy(Class<?> implClass,
 123                                      RemoteRef clientRef,
 124                                      boolean forceStubUse)
 125         throws StubNotFoundException
 126     {
 127         Class<?> remoteClass;
 129         try {
 130             remoteClass = getRemoteClass(implClass);
 131         } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex ) {
 132             throw new StubNotFoundException(
 133                 "object does not implement a remote interface: " +
 134                 implClass.getName());
 135         }
 137         if (forceStubUse ||
 138             !(ignoreStubClasses || !stubClassExists(remoteClass)))
 139         {
 140             return createStub(remoteClass, clientRef);
 141         }
 143         ClassLoader loader = implClass.getClassLoader();
 144         Class[] interfaces = getRemoteInterfaces(implClass);
 145         InvocationHandler handler =
 146             new RemoteObjectInvocationHandler(clientRef);
 148         /* REMIND: private remote interfaces? */
 150         try {
 151             return (Remote) Proxy.newProxyInstance(loader,
 152                                                    interfaces,
 153                                                    handler);
 154         } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
 155             throw new StubNotFoundException("unable to create proxy", e);
 156         }
 157     }
 159     /**
 160      * Returns true if a stub class for the given impl class can be loaded,
 161      * otherwise returns false.
 162      *
 163      * @param remoteClass the class to obtain remote interfaces from
 164      */
 165     private static boolean stubClassExists(Class<?> remoteClass) {
 166         if (!withoutStubs.containsKey(remoteClass)) {
 167             try {
 168                 Class.forName(remoteClass.getName() + "_Stub",
 169                               false,
 170                               remoteClass.getClassLoader());
 171                 return true;
 173             } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
 174                 withoutStubs.put(remoteClass, null);
 175             }
 176         }
 177         return false;
 178     }
 180     /*
 181      * Returns the class/superclass that implements the remote interface.
 182      * @throws ClassNotFoundException if no class is found to have a
 183      * remote interface
 184      */
 185     private static Class<?> getRemoteClass(Class<?> cl)
 186         throws ClassNotFoundException
 187     {
 188         while (cl != null) {
 189             Class<?>[] interfaces = cl.getInterfaces();
 190             for (int i = interfaces.length -1; i >= 0; i--) {
 191                 if (Remote.class.isAssignableFrom(interfaces[i]))
 192                     return cl;          // this class implements remote object
 193             }
 194             cl = cl.getSuperclass();
 195         }
 196         throw new ClassNotFoundException(
 197                 "class does not implement java.rmi.Remote");
 198     }
 200     /**
 201      * Returns an array containing the remote interfaces implemented
 202      * by the given class.
 203      *
 204      * @param   remoteClass the class to obtain remote interfaces from
 205      * @throws  IllegalArgumentException if remoteClass implements
 206      *          any illegal remote interfaces
 207      * @throws  NullPointerException if remoteClass is null
 208      */
 209     private static Class<?>[] getRemoteInterfaces(Class<?> remoteClass) {
 210         ArrayList<Class<?>> list = new ArrayList<>();
 211         getRemoteInterfaces(list, remoteClass);
 212         return list.toArray(new Class<?>[list.size()]);
 213     }
 215     /**
 216      * Fills the given array list with the remote interfaces implemented
 217      * by the given class.
 218      *
 219      * @throws  IllegalArgumentException if the specified class implements
 220      *          any illegal remote interfaces
 221      * @throws  NullPointerException if the specified class or list is null
 222      */
 223     private static void getRemoteInterfaces(ArrayList<Class<?>> list, Class<?> cl) {
 224         Class<?> superclass = cl.getSuperclass();
 225         if (superclass != null) {
 226             getRemoteInterfaces(list, superclass);
 227         }
 229         Class<?>[] interfaces = cl.getInterfaces();
 230         for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) {
 231             Class<?> intf = interfaces[i];
 232             /*
 233              * If it is a remote interface (if it extends from
 234              * java.rmi.Remote) and is not already in the list,
 235              * then add the interface to the list.
 236              */
 237             if (Remote.class.isAssignableFrom(intf)) {
 238                 if (!(list.contains(intf))) {
 239                     Method[] methods = intf.getMethods();
 240                     for (int j = 0; j < methods.length; j++) {
 241                         checkMethod(methods[j]);
 242                     }
 243                     list.add(intf);
 244                 }
 245             }
 246         }
 247     }
 249     /**
 250      * Verifies that the supplied method has at least one declared exception
 251      * type that is RemoteException or one of its superclasses.  If not,

 255      */
 256     private static void checkMethod(Method m) {
 257         Class<?>[] ex = m.getExceptionTypes();
 258         for (int i = 0; i < ex.length; i++) {
 259             if (ex[i].isAssignableFrom(RemoteException.class))
 260                 return;
 261         }
 262         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
 263             "illegal remote method encountered: " + m);
 264     }
 266     /**
 267      * Creates a RemoteStub instance for the specified class, constructed
 268      * with the specified RemoteRef.  The supplied class must be the most
 269      * derived class in the remote object's superclass chain that
 270      * implements a remote interface.  The stub class name is the name of
 271      * the specified remoteClass with the suffix "_Stub".  The loading of
 272      * the stub class is initiated from class loader of the specified class
 273      * (which may be the bootstrap class loader).
 274      **/
 275     private static RemoteStub createStub(Class<?> remoteClass, RemoteRef ref)
 276         throws StubNotFoundException
 277     {
 278         String stubname = remoteClass.getName() + "_Stub";
 280         /* Make sure to use the local stub loader for the stub classes.
 281          * When loaded by the local loader the load path can be
 282          * propagated to remote clients, by the MarshalOutputStream/InStream
 283          * pickle methods
 284          */
 285         try {
 286             Class<?> stubcl =
 287                 Class.forName(stubname, false, remoteClass.getClassLoader());
 288             Constructor<?> cons = stubcl.getConstructor(stubConsParamTypes);
 289             return (RemoteStub) cons.newInstance(new Object[] { ref });
 291         } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
 292             throw new StubNotFoundException(
 293                 "Stub class not found: " + stubname, e);
 294         } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
 295             throw new StubNotFoundException(
 296                 "Stub class missing constructor: " + stubname, e);
 297         } catch (InstantiationException e) {
 298             throw new StubNotFoundException(
 299                 "Can't create instance of stub class: " + stubname, e);
 300         } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
 301             throw new StubNotFoundException(
 302                 "Stub class constructor not public: " + stubname, e);
 303         } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
 304             throw new StubNotFoundException(
 305                 "Exception creating instance of stub class: " + stubname, e);
 306         } catch (ClassCastException e) {
 307             throw new StubNotFoundException(
 308                 "Stub class not instance of RemoteStub: " + stubname, e);
 309         }
 310     }
 312     /**
 313      * Locate and return the Skeleton for the specified remote object
 314      */
 315     static Skeleton createSkeleton(Remote object)
 316         throws SkeletonNotFoundException
 317     {
 318         Class<?> cl;
 319         try {
 320             cl = getRemoteClass(object.getClass());
 321         } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex ) {
 322             throw new SkeletonNotFoundException(
 323                 "object does not implement a remote interface: " +
 324                 object.getClass().getName());
 325         }
 327         // now try to load the skeleton based ont he name of the class
 328         String skelname = cl.getName() + "_Skel";
 329         try {
 330             Class<?> skelcl = Class.forName(skelname, false, cl.getClassLoader());
 332             return (Skeleton)skelcl.newInstance();
 333         } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
 334             throw new SkeletonNotFoundException("Skeleton class not found: " +
 335                                                 skelname, ex);
 336         } catch (InstantiationException ex) {
 337             throw new SkeletonNotFoundException("Can't create skeleton: " +
 338                                                 skelname, ex);
 339         } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
 340             throw new SkeletonNotFoundException("No public constructor: " +
 341                                                 skelname, ex);
 342         } catch (ClassCastException ex) {
 343             throw new SkeletonNotFoundException(
 344                 "Skeleton not of correct class: " + skelname, ex);
 345         }
 346     }
 348     /**
 349      * Compute the "method hash" of a remote method.  The method hash
 350      * is a long containing the first 64 bits of the SHA digest from

 374         } catch (IOException ignore) {
 375             /* can't happen, but be deterministic anyway. */
 376             hash = -1;
 377         } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException complain) {
 378             throw new SecurityException(complain.getMessage());
 379         }
 380         return hash;
 381     }
 383     /**
 384      * Return a string consisting of the given method's name followed by
 385      * its "method descriptor", as appropriate for use in the computation
 386      * of the "method hash".
 387      *
 388      * See section 4.3.3 of The Java Virtual Machine Specification for
 389      * the definition of a "method descriptor".
 390      */
 391     private static String getMethodNameAndDescriptor(Method m) {
 392         StringBuffer desc = new StringBuffer(m.getName());
 393         desc.append('(');
 394         Class<?>[] paramTypes = m.getParameterTypes();
 395         for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) {
 396             desc.append(getTypeDescriptor(paramTypes[i]));
 397         }
 398         desc.append(')');
 399         Class<?> returnType = m.getReturnType();
 400         if (returnType == void.class) { // optimization: handle void here
 401             desc.append('V');
 402         } else {
 403             desc.append(getTypeDescriptor(returnType));
 404         }
 405         return desc.toString();
 406     }
 408     /**
 409      * Get the descriptor of a particular type, as appropriate for either
 410      * a parameter or return type in a method descriptor.
 411      */
 412     private static String getTypeDescriptor(Class<?> type) {
 413         if (type.isPrimitive()) {
 414             if (type == int.class) {
 415                 return "I";
 416             } else if (type == boolean.class) {
 417                 return "Z";
 418             } else if (type == byte.class) {
 419                 return "B";
 420             } else if (type == char.class) {
 421                 return "C";
 422             } else if (type == short.class) {
 423                 return "S";
 424             } else if (type == long.class) {
 425                 return "J";
 426             } else if (type == float.class) {
 427                 return "F";
 428             } else if (type == double.class) {
 429                 return "D";
 430             } else if (type == void.class) {
 431                 return "V";
 432             } else {

 437              * According to JLS 20.3.2, the getName() method on Class does
 438              * return the VM type descriptor format for array classes (only);
 439              * using that should be quicker than the otherwise obvious code:
 440              *
 441              *     return "[" + getTypeDescriptor(type.getComponentType());
 442              */
 443             return type.getName().replace('.', '/');
 444         } else {
 445             return "L" + type.getName().replace('.', '/') + ";";
 446         }
 447     }
 449     /**
 450      * Returns the binary name of the given type without package
 451      * qualification.  Nested types are treated no differently from
 452      * top-level types, so for a nested type, the returned name will
 453      * still be qualified with the simple name of its enclosing
 454      * top-level type (and perhaps other enclosing types), the
 455      * separator will be '$', etc.
 456      **/
 457     public static String getUnqualifiedName(Class<?> c) {
 458         String binaryName = c.getName();
 459         return binaryName.substring(binaryName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
 460     }
 461 }