/* * Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have * questions. */ package jdk.incubator.vector; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; import jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe; import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.ForceInline; import static jdk.incubator.vector.VectorIntrinsics.*; /** * A specialized {@link Vector} representing an ordered immutable sequence of * {@code int} values. */ @SuppressWarnings("cast") public abstract class IntVector extends Vector { IntVector() {} private static final int ARRAY_SHIFT = 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(Unsafe.ARRAY_INT_INDEX_SCALE); // Unary operator interface FUnOp { int apply(int i, int a); } abstract IntVector uOp(FUnOp f); abstract IntVector uOp(VectorMask m, FUnOp f); // Binary operator interface FBinOp { int apply(int i, int a, int b); } abstract IntVector bOp(Vector v, FBinOp f); abstract IntVector bOp(Vector v, VectorMask m, FBinOp f); // Trinary operator interface FTriOp { int apply(int i, int a, int b, int c); } abstract IntVector tOp(Vector v1, Vector v2, FTriOp f); abstract IntVector tOp(Vector v1, Vector v2, VectorMask m, FTriOp f); // Reduction operator abstract int rOp(int v, FBinOp f); // Binary test interface FBinTest { boolean apply(int i, int a, int b); } abstract VectorMask bTest(Vector v, FBinTest f); // Foreach interface FUnCon { void apply(int i, int a); } abstract void forEach(FUnCon f); abstract void forEach(VectorMask m, FUnCon f); // Static factories /** * Returns a vector where all lane elements are set to the default * primitive value. * * @param species species of desired vector * @return a zero vector of given species */ @ForceInline @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static IntVector zero(VectorSpecies species) { return VectorIntrinsics.broadcastCoerced((Class) species.vectorType(), int.class, species.length(), 0, species, ((bits, s) -> ((IntSpecies)s).op(i -> (int)bits))); } /** * Loads a vector from a byte array starting at an offset. *

* Bytes are composed into primitive lane elements according to the * native byte order of the underlying platform *

* This method behaves as if it returns the result of calling the * byte buffer, offset, and mask accepting * {@link #fromByteBuffer(VectorSpecies, ByteBuffer, int, VectorMask) method} as follows: *

     * return fromByteBuffer(species, ByteBuffer.wrap(a), offset, VectorMask.allTrue());
     * }
* * @param species species of desired vector * @param a the byte array * @param offset the offset into the array * @return a vector loaded from a byte array * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code i < 0} or * {@code offset > a.length - (species.length() * species.elementSize() / Byte.SIZE)} */ @ForceInline @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static IntVector fromByteArray(VectorSpecies species, byte[] a, int offset) { Objects.requireNonNull(a); offset = VectorIntrinsics.checkIndex(offset, a.length, species.bitSize() / Byte.SIZE); return VectorIntrinsics.load((Class) species.vectorType(), int.class, species.length(), a, ((long) offset) + Unsafe.ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET, a, offset, species, (c, idx, s) -> { ByteBuffer bbc = ByteBuffer.wrap(c, idx, a.length - idx).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); IntBuffer tb = bbc.asIntBuffer(); return ((IntSpecies)s).op(i -> tb.get()); }); } /** * Loads a vector from a byte array starting at an offset and using a * mask. *

* Bytes are composed into primitive lane elements according to the * native byte order of the underlying platform. *

* This method behaves as if it returns the result of calling the * byte buffer, offset, and mask accepting * {@link #fromByteBuffer(VectorSpecies, ByteBuffer, int, VectorMask) method} as follows: *

     * return fromByteBuffer(species, ByteBuffer.wrap(a), offset, m);
     * }
* * @param species species of desired vector * @param a the byte array * @param offset the offset into the array * @param m the mask * @return a vector loaded from a byte array * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code offset < 0} or * for any vector lane index {@code N} where the mask at lane {@code N} * is set * {@code offset >= a.length - (N * species.elementSize() / Byte.SIZE)} */ @ForceInline public static IntVector fromByteArray(VectorSpecies species, byte[] a, int offset, VectorMask m) { return zero(species).blend(fromByteArray(species, a, offset), m); } /** * Loads a vector from an array starting at offset. *

* For each vector lane, where {@code N} is the vector lane index, the * array element at index {@code offset + N} is placed into the * resulting vector at lane index {@code N}. * * @param species species of desired vector * @param a the array * @param offset the offset into the array * @return the vector loaded from an array * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code offset < 0}, or * {@code offset > a.length - species.length()} */ @ForceInline @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static IntVector fromArray(VectorSpecies species, int[] a, int offset){ Objects.requireNonNull(a); offset = VectorIntrinsics.checkIndex(offset, a.length, species.length()); return VectorIntrinsics.load((Class) species.vectorType(), int.class, species.length(), a, (((long) offset) << ARRAY_SHIFT) + Unsafe.ARRAY_INT_BASE_OFFSET, a, offset, species, (c, idx, s) -> ((IntSpecies)s).op(n -> c[idx + n])); } /** * Loads a vector from an array starting at offset and using a mask. *

* For each vector lane, where {@code N} is the vector lane index, * if the mask lane at index {@code N} is set then the array element at * index {@code offset + N} is placed into the resulting vector at lane index * {@code N}, otherwise the default element value is placed into the * resulting vector at lane index {@code N}. * * @param species species of desired vector * @param a the array * @param offset the offset into the array * @param m the mask * @return the vector loaded from an array * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code offset < 0}, or * for any vector lane index {@code N} where the mask at lane {@code N} * is set {@code offset > a.length - N} */ @ForceInline public static IntVector fromArray(VectorSpecies species, int[] a, int offset, VectorMask m) { return zero(species).blend(fromArray(species, a, offset), m); } /** * Loads a vector from an array using indexes obtained from an index * map. *

* For each vector lane, where {@code N} is the vector lane index, the * array element at index {@code a_offset + indexMap[i_offset + N]} is placed into the * resulting vector at lane index {@code N}. * * @param species species of desired vector * @param a the array * @param a_offset the offset into the array, may be negative if relative * indexes in the index map compensate to produce a value within the * array bounds * @param indexMap the index map * @param i_offset the offset into the index map * @return the vector loaded from an array * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code i_offset < 0}, or * {@code i_offset > indexMap.length - species.length()}, * or for any vector lane index {@code N} the result of * {@code a_offset + indexMap[i_offset + N]} is {@code < 0} or {@code >= a.length} */ @ForceInline @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static IntVector fromArray(VectorSpecies species, int[] a, int a_offset, int[] indexMap, int i_offset) { Objects.requireNonNull(a); Objects.requireNonNull(indexMap); // Index vector: vix[0:n] = k -> a_offset + indexMap[i_offset + k] IntVector vix = IntVector.fromArray(IntVector.species(species.indexShape()), indexMap, i_offset).add(a_offset); vix = VectorIntrinsics.checkIndex(vix, a.length); return VectorIntrinsics.loadWithMap((Class) species.vectorType(), int.class, species.length(), IntVector.species(species.indexShape()).vectorType(), a, Unsafe.ARRAY_INT_BASE_OFFSET, vix, a, a_offset, indexMap, i_offset, species, (int[] c, int idx, int[] iMap, int idy, VectorSpecies s) -> ((IntSpecies)s).op(n -> c[idx + iMap[idy+n]])); } /** * Loads a vector from an array using indexes obtained from an index * map and using a mask. *

* For each vector lane, where {@code N} is the vector lane index, * if the mask lane at index {@code N} is set then the array element at * index {@code a_offset + indexMap[i_offset + N]} is placed into the resulting vector * at lane index {@code N}. * * @param species species of desired vector * @param a the array * @param a_offset the offset into the array, may be negative if relative * indexes in the index map compensate to produce a value within the * array bounds * @param m the mask * @param indexMap the index map * @param i_offset the offset into the index map * @return the vector loaded from an array * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code i_offset < 0}, or * {@code i_offset > indexMap.length - species.length()}, * or for any vector lane index {@code N} where the mask at lane * {@code N} is set the result of {@code a_offset + indexMap[i_offset + N]} is * {@code < 0} or {@code >= a.length} */ @ForceInline @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static IntVector fromArray(VectorSpecies species, int[] a, int a_offset, VectorMask m, int[] indexMap, int i_offset) { // @@@ This can result in out of bounds errors for unset mask lanes return zero(species).blend(fromArray(species, a, a_offset, indexMap, i_offset), m); } /** * Loads a vector from a {@link ByteBuffer byte buffer} starting at an * offset into the byte buffer. *

* Bytes are composed into primitive lane elements according to the * native byte order of the underlying platform. *

* This method behaves as if it returns the result of calling the * byte buffer, offset, and mask accepting * {@link #fromByteBuffer(VectorSpecies, ByteBuffer, int, VectorMask)} method} as follows: *

     *   return fromByteBuffer(b, offset, VectorMask.allTrue())
     * }
* * @param species species of desired vector * @param bb the byte buffer * @param offset the offset into the byte buffer * @return a vector loaded from a byte buffer * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the offset is {@code < 0}, * or {@code > b.limit()}, * or if there are fewer than * {@code species.length() * species.elementSize() / Byte.SIZE} bytes * remaining in the byte buffer from the given offset */ @ForceInline @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static IntVector fromByteBuffer(VectorSpecies species, ByteBuffer bb, int offset) { if (bb.order() != ByteOrder.nativeOrder()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } offset = VectorIntrinsics.checkIndex(offset, bb.limit(), species.bitSize() / Byte.SIZE); return VectorIntrinsics.load((Class) species.vectorType(), int.class, species.length(), U.getReference(bb, BYTE_BUFFER_HB), U.getLong(bb, BUFFER_ADDRESS) + offset, bb, offset, species, (c, idx, s) -> { ByteBuffer bbc = c.duplicate().position(idx).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); IntBuffer tb = bbc.asIntBuffer(); return ((IntSpecies)s).op(i -> tb.get()); }); } /** * Loads a vector from a {@link ByteBuffer byte buffer} starting at an * offset into the byte buffer and using a mask. *

* This method behaves as if the byte buffer is viewed as a primitive * {@link java.nio.Buffer buffer} for the primitive element type, * according to the native byte order of the underlying platform, and * the returned vector is loaded with a mask from a primitive array * obtained from the primitive buffer. * The following pseudocode expresses the behaviour, where * {@code EBuffer} is the primitive buffer type, {@code e} is the * primitive element type, and {@code ESpecies} is the primitive * species for {@code e}: *

     * EBuffer eb = b.duplicate().
     *     order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).position(offset).
     *     asEBuffer();
     * e[] es = new e[species.length()];
     * for (int n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
     *     if (m.isSet(n))
     *         es[n] = eb.get(n);
     * }
     * EVector r = EVector.fromArray(es, 0, m);
     * }
* * @param species species of desired vector * @param bb the byte buffer * @param offset the offset into the byte buffer * @param m the mask * @return a vector loaded from a byte buffer * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the offset is {@code < 0}, * or {@code > b.limit()}, * for any vector lane index {@code N} where the mask at lane {@code N} * is set * {@code offset >= b.limit() - (N * species.elementSize() / Byte.SIZE)} */ @ForceInline public static IntVector fromByteBuffer(VectorSpecies species, ByteBuffer bb, int offset, VectorMask m) { return zero(species).blend(fromByteBuffer(species, bb, offset), m); } /** * Returns a vector where all lane elements are set to the primitive * value {@code e}. * * @param species species of the desired vector * @param e the value to be broadcasted * @return a vector of vector where all lane elements are set to * the primitive value {@code e} */ @ForceInline @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static IntVector broadcast(VectorSpecies species, int e) { return VectorIntrinsics.broadcastCoerced( (Class) species.vectorType(), int.class, species.length(), e, species, ((bits, sp) -> ((IntSpecies)sp).op(i -> (int)bits))); } /** * Returns a vector where each lane element is set to given * primitive values. *

* For each vector lane, where {@code N} is the vector lane index, the * the primitive value at index {@code N} is placed into the resulting * vector at lane index {@code N}. * * @param species species of the desired vector * @param es the given primitive values * @return a vector where each lane element is set to given primitive * values * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code es.length < species.length()} */ @ForceInline @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static IntVector scalars(VectorSpecies species, int... es) { Objects.requireNonNull(es); int ix = VectorIntrinsics.checkIndex(0, es.length, species.length()); return VectorIntrinsics.load((Class) species.vectorType(), int.class, species.length(), es, Unsafe.ARRAY_INT_BASE_OFFSET, es, ix, species, (c, idx, sp) -> ((IntSpecies)sp).op(n -> c[idx + n])); } /** * Returns a vector where the first lane element is set to the primtive * value {@code e}, all other lane elements are set to the default * value. * * @param species species of the desired vector * @param e the value * @return a vector where the first lane element is set to the primitive * value {@code e} */ @ForceInline public static final IntVector single(VectorSpecies species, int e) { return zero(species).with(0, e); } /** * Returns a vector where each lane element is set to a randomly * generated primitive value. * * The semantics are equivalent to calling * {@link ThreadLocalRandom#nextInt()} * * @param species species of the desired vector * @return a vector where each lane elements is set to a randomly * generated primitive value */ public static IntVector random(VectorSpecies species) { ThreadLocalRandom r = ThreadLocalRandom.current(); return ((IntSpecies)species).op(i -> r.nextInt()); } // Ops /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract IntVector add(Vector v); /** * Adds this vector to the broadcast of an input scalar. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive addition operation * ({@code +}) to each lane. * * @param s the input scalar * @return the result of adding this vector to the broadcast of an input * scalar */ public abstract IntVector add(int s); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract IntVector add(Vector v, VectorMask m); /** * Adds this vector to broadcast of an input scalar, * selecting lane elements controlled by a mask. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive addition operation * ({@code +}) to each lane. * * @param s the input scalar * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the result of adding this vector to the broadcast of an input * scalar */ public abstract IntVector add(int s, VectorMask m); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract IntVector sub(Vector v); /** * Subtracts the broadcast of an input scalar from this vector. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive subtraction * operation ({@code -}) to each lane. * * @param s the input scalar * @return the result of subtracting the broadcast of an input * scalar from this vector */ public abstract IntVector sub(int s); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract IntVector sub(Vector v, VectorMask m); /** * Subtracts the broadcast of an input scalar from this vector, selecting * lane elements controlled by a mask. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive subtraction * operation ({@code -}) to each lane. * * @param s the input scalar * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the result of subtracting the broadcast of an input * scalar from this vector */ public abstract IntVector sub(int s, VectorMask m); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract IntVector mul(Vector v); /** * Multiplies this vector with the broadcast of an input scalar. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive multiplication * operation ({@code *}) to each lane. * * @param s the input scalar * @return the result of multiplying this vector with the broadcast of an * input scalar */ public abstract IntVector mul(int s); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract IntVector mul(Vector v, VectorMask m); /** * Multiplies this vector with the broadcast of an input scalar, selecting * lane elements controlled by a mask. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive multiplication * operation ({@code *}) to each lane. * * @param s the input scalar * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the result of multiplying this vector with the broadcast of an * input scalar */ public abstract IntVector mul(int s, VectorMask m); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract IntVector neg(); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract IntVector neg(VectorMask m); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract IntVector abs(); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract IntVector abs(VectorMask m); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract IntVector min(Vector v); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract IntVector min(Vector v, VectorMask m); /** * Returns the minimum of this vector and the broadcast of an input scalar. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the operation * {@code (a, b) -> Math.min(a, b)} to each lane. * * @param s the input scalar * @return the minimum of this vector and the broadcast of an input scalar */ public abstract IntVector min(int s); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract IntVector max(Vector v); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract IntVector max(Vector v, VectorMask m); /** * Returns the maximum of this vector and the broadcast of an input scalar. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the operation * {@code (a, b) -> Math.max(a, b)} to each lane. * * @param s the input scalar * @return the maximum of this vector and the broadcast of an input scalar */ public abstract IntVector max(int s); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract VectorMask equal(Vector v); /** * Tests if this vector is equal to the broadcast of an input scalar. *

* This is a lane-wise binary test operation which applies the primitive equals * operation ({@code ==}) each lane. * * @param s the input scalar * @return the result mask of testing if this vector is equal to the * broadcast of an input scalar */ public abstract VectorMask equal(int s); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract VectorMask notEqual(Vector v); /** * Tests if this vector is not equal to the broadcast of an input scalar. *

* This is a lane-wise binary test operation which applies the primitive not equals * operation ({@code !=}) to each lane. * * @param s the input scalar * @return the result mask of testing if this vector is not equal to the * broadcast of an input scalar */ public abstract VectorMask notEqual(int s); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract VectorMask lessThan(Vector v); /** * Tests if this vector is less than the broadcast of an input scalar. *

* This is a lane-wise binary test operation which applies the primitive less than * operation ({@code <}) to each lane. * * @param s the input scalar * @return the mask result of testing if this vector is less than the * broadcast of an input scalar */ public abstract VectorMask lessThan(int s); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract VectorMask lessThanEq(Vector v); /** * Tests if this vector is less or equal to the broadcast of an input scalar. *

* This is a lane-wise binary test operation which applies the primitive less than * or equal to operation ({@code <=}) to each lane. * * @param s the input scalar * @return the mask result of testing if this vector is less than or equal * to the broadcast of an input scalar */ public abstract VectorMask lessThanEq(int s); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract VectorMask greaterThan(Vector v); /** * Tests if this vector is greater than the broadcast of an input scalar. *

* This is a lane-wise binary test operation which applies the primitive greater than * operation ({@code >}) to each lane. * * @param s the input scalar * @return the mask result of testing if this vector is greater than the * broadcast of an input scalar */ public abstract VectorMask greaterThan(int s); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract VectorMask greaterThanEq(Vector v); /** * Tests if this vector is greater than or equal to the broadcast of an * input scalar. *

* This is a lane-wise binary test operation which applies the primitive greater than * or equal to operation ({@code >=}) to each lane. * * @param s the input scalar * @return the mask result of testing if this vector is greater than or * equal to the broadcast of an input scalar */ public abstract VectorMask greaterThanEq(int s); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract IntVector blend(Vector v, VectorMask m); /** * Blends the lane elements of this vector with those of the broadcast of an * input scalar, selecting lanes controlled by a mask. *

* For each lane of the mask, at lane index {@code N}, if the mask lane * is set then the lane element at {@code N} from the input vector is * selected and placed into the resulting vector at {@code N}, * otherwise the the lane element at {@code N} from this input vector is * selected and placed into the resulting vector at {@code N}. * * @param s the input scalar * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the result of blending the lane elements of this vector with * those of the broadcast of an input scalar */ public abstract IntVector blend(int s, VectorMask m); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract IntVector rearrange(Vector v, VectorShuffle s, VectorMask m); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract IntVector rearrange(VectorShuffle m); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract IntVector reshape(VectorSpecies s); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract IntVector rotateLanesLeft(int i); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract IntVector rotateLanesRight(int i); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract IntVector shiftLanesLeft(int i); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract IntVector shiftLanesRight(int i); /** * Bitwise ANDs this vector with an input vector. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive bitwise AND * operation ({@code &}) to each lane. * * @param v the input vector * @return the bitwise AND of this vector with the input vector */ public abstract IntVector and(Vector v); /** * Bitwise ANDs this vector with the broadcast of an input scalar. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive bitwise AND * operation ({@code &}) to each lane. * * @param s the input scalar * @return the bitwise AND of this vector with the broadcast of an input * scalar */ public abstract IntVector and(int s); /** * Bitwise ANDs this vector with an input vector, selecting lane elements * controlled by a mask. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive bitwise AND * operation ({@code &}) to each lane. * * @param v the input vector * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the bitwise AND of this vector with the input vector */ public abstract IntVector and(Vector v, VectorMask m); /** * Bitwise ANDs this vector with the broadcast of an input scalar, selecting * lane elements controlled by a mask. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive bitwise AND * operation ({@code &}) to each lane. * * @param s the input scalar * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the bitwise AND of this vector with the broadcast of an input * scalar */ public abstract IntVector and(int s, VectorMask m); /** * Bitwise ORs this vector with an input vector. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive bitwise OR * operation ({@code |}) to each lane. * * @param v the input vector * @return the bitwise OR of this vector with the input vector */ public abstract IntVector or(Vector v); /** * Bitwise ORs this vector with the broadcast of an input scalar. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive bitwise OR * operation ({@code |}) to each lane. * * @param s the input scalar * @return the bitwise OR of this vector with the broadcast of an input * scalar */ public abstract IntVector or(int s); /** * Bitwise ORs this vector with an input vector, selecting lane elements * controlled by a mask. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive bitwise OR * operation ({@code |}) to each lane. * * @param v the input vector * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the bitwise OR of this vector with the input vector */ public abstract IntVector or(Vector v, VectorMask m); /** * Bitwise ORs this vector with the broadcast of an input scalar, selecting * lane elements controlled by a mask. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive bitwise OR * operation ({@code |}) to each lane. * * @param s the input scalar * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the bitwise OR of this vector with the broadcast of an input * scalar */ public abstract IntVector or(int s, VectorMask m); /** * Bitwise XORs this vector with an input vector. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive bitwise XOR * operation ({@code ^}) to each lane. * * @param v the input vector * @return the bitwise XOR of this vector with the input vector */ public abstract IntVector xor(Vector v); /** * Bitwise XORs this vector with the broadcast of an input scalar. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive bitwise XOR * operation ({@code ^}) to each lane. * * @param s the input scalar * @return the bitwise XOR of this vector with the broadcast of an input * scalar */ public abstract IntVector xor(int s); /** * Bitwise XORs this vector with an input vector, selecting lane elements * controlled by a mask. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive bitwise XOR * operation ({@code ^}) to each lane. * * @param v the input vector * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the bitwise XOR of this vector with the input vector */ public abstract IntVector xor(Vector v, VectorMask m); /** * Bitwise XORs this vector with the broadcast of an input scalar, selecting * lane elements controlled by a mask. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive bitwise XOR * operation ({@code ^}) to each lane. * * @param s the input scalar * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the bitwise XOR of this vector with the broadcast of an input * scalar */ public abstract IntVector xor(int s, VectorMask m); /** * Bitwise NOTs this vector. *

* This is a lane-wise unary operation which applies the primitive bitwise NOT * operation ({@code ~}) to each lane. * * @return the bitwise NOT of this vector */ public abstract IntVector not(); /** * Bitwise NOTs this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask. *

* This is a lane-wise unary operation which applies the primitive bitwise NOT * operation ({@code ~}) to each lane. * * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the bitwise NOT of this vector */ public abstract IntVector not(VectorMask m); /** * Logically left shifts this vector by the broadcast of an input scalar. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive logical left shift * operation ({@code <<}) to each lane to left shift the * element by shift value as specified by the input scalar. * * @param s the input scalar; the number of the bits to left shift * @return the result of logically left shifting this vector by the * broadcast of an input scalar */ public abstract IntVector shiftLeft(int s); /** * Logically left shifts this vector by the broadcast of an input scalar, * selecting lane elements controlled by a mask. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive logical left shift * operation ({@code <<}) to each lane to left shift the * element by shift value as specified by the input scalar. * * @param s the input scalar; the number of the bits to left shift * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the result of logically left shifting this vector by the * broadcast of an input scalar */ public abstract IntVector shiftLeft(int s, VectorMask m); /** * Logically left shifts this vector by an input vector. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive logical left shift * operation ({@code <<}) to each lane. For each lane of this vector, the * shift value is the corresponding lane of input vector. * * @param v the input vector * @return the result of logically left shifting this vector by the input * vector */ public abstract IntVector shiftLeft(Vector v); /** * Logically left shifts this vector by an input vector, selecting lane * elements controlled by a mask. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive logical left shift * operation ({@code <<}) to each lane. For each lane of this vector, the * shift value is the corresponding lane of input vector. * * @param v the input vector * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the result of logically left shifting this vector by the input * vector */ public IntVector shiftLeft(Vector v, VectorMask m) { return blend(shiftLeft(v), m); } // logical, or unsigned, shift right /** * Logically right shifts (or unsigned right shifts) this vector by the * broadcast of an input scalar. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive logical right shift * operation ({@code >>>}) to each lane to logically right shift the * element by shift value as specified by the input scalar. * * @param s the input scalar; the number of the bits to right shift * @return the result of logically right shifting this vector by the * broadcast of an input scalar */ public abstract IntVector shiftRight(int s); /** * Logically right shifts (or unsigned right shifts) this vector by the * broadcast of an input scalar, selecting lane elements controlled by a * mask. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive logical right shift * operation ({@code >>}) to each lane to logically right shift the * element by shift value as specified by the input scalar. * * @param s the input scalar; the number of the bits to right shift * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the result of logically right shifting this vector by the * broadcast of an input scalar */ public abstract IntVector shiftRight(int s, VectorMask m); /** * Logically right shifts (or unsigned right shifts) this vector by an * input vector. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive logical right shift * operation ({@code >>>}) to each lane. For each lane of this vector, the * shift value is the corresponding lane of input vector. * * @param v the input vector * @return the result of logically right shifting this vector by the * input vector */ public abstract IntVector shiftRight(Vector v); /** * Logically right shifts (or unsigned right shifts) this vector by an * input vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive logical right shift * operation ({@code >>>}) to each lane. For each lane of this vector, the * shift value is the corresponding lane of input vector. * * @param v the input vector * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the result of logically right shifting this vector by the * input vector */ public IntVector shiftRight(Vector v, VectorMask m) { return blend(shiftRight(v), m); } /** * Arithmetically right shifts (or signed right shifts) this vector by the * broadcast of an input scalar. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive arithmetic right * shift operation ({@code >>}) to each lane to arithmetically * right shift the element by shift value as specified by the input scalar. * * @param s the input scalar; the number of the bits to right shift * @return the result of arithmetically right shifting this vector by the * broadcast of an input scalar */ public abstract IntVector shiftArithmeticRight(int s); /** * Arithmetically right shifts (or signed right shifts) this vector by the * broadcast of an input scalar, selecting lane elements controlled by a * mask. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive arithmetic right * shift operation ({@code >>}) to each lane to arithmetically * right shift the element by shift value as specified by the input scalar. * * @param s the input scalar; the number of the bits to right shift * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the result of arithmetically right shifting this vector by the * broadcast of an input scalar */ public abstract IntVector shiftArithmeticRight(int s, VectorMask m); /** * Arithmetically right shifts (or signed right shifts) this vector by an * input vector. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive arithmetic right * shift operation ({@code >>}) to each lane. For each lane of this vector, the * shift value is the corresponding lane of input vector. * * @param v the input vector * @return the result of arithmetically right shifting this vector by the * input vector */ public abstract IntVector shiftArithmeticRight(Vector v); /** * Arithmetically right shifts (or signed right shifts) this vector by an * input vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive arithmetic right * shift operation ({@code >>}) to each lane. For each lane of this vector, the * shift value is the corresponding lane of input vector. * * @param v the input vector * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the result of arithmetically right shifting this vector by the * input vector */ public IntVector shiftArithmeticRight(Vector v, VectorMask m) { return blend(shiftArithmeticRight(v), m); } /** * Rotates left this vector by the broadcast of an input scalar. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the operation * {@link Integer#rotateLeft} to each lane and where * lane elements of this vector apply to the first argument, and lane * elements of the broadcast vector apply to the second argument (the * rotation distance). * * @param s the input scalar; the number of the bits to rotate left * @return the result of rotating left this vector by the broadcast of an * input scalar */ @ForceInline public final IntVector rotateLeft(int s) { return shiftLeft(s).or(shiftRight(-s)); } /** * Rotates left this vector by the broadcast of an input scalar, selecting * lane elements controlled by a mask. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the operation * {@link Integer#rotateLeft} to each lane and where * lane elements of this vector apply to the first argument, and lane * elements of the broadcast vector apply to the second argument (the * rotation distance). * * @param s the input scalar; the number of the bits to rotate left * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the result of rotating left this vector by the broadcast of an * input scalar */ @ForceInline public final IntVector rotateLeft(int s, VectorMask m) { return shiftLeft(s, m).or(shiftRight(-s, m), m); } /** * Rotates right this vector by the broadcast of an input scalar. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the operation * {@link Integer#rotateRight} to each lane and where * lane elements of this vector apply to the first argument, and lane * elements of the broadcast vector apply to the second argument (the * rotation distance). * * @param s the input scalar; the number of the bits to rotate right * @return the result of rotating right this vector by the broadcast of an * input scalar */ @ForceInline public final IntVector rotateRight(int s) { return shiftRight(s).or(shiftLeft(-s)); } /** * Rotates right this vector by the broadcast of an input scalar, selecting * lane elements controlled by a mask. *

* This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the operation * {@link Integer#rotateRight} to each lane and where * lane elements of this vector apply to the first argument, and lane * elements of the broadcast vector apply to the second argument (the * rotation distance). * * @param s the input scalar; the number of the bits to rotate right * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the result of rotating right this vector by the broadcast of an * input scalar */ @ForceInline public final IntVector rotateRight(int s, VectorMask m) { return shiftRight(s, m).or(shiftLeft(-s, m), m); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract void intoByteArray(byte[] a, int ix); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract void intoByteArray(byte[] a, int ix, VectorMask m); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract void intoByteBuffer(ByteBuffer bb, int ix); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract void intoByteBuffer(ByteBuffer bb, int ix, VectorMask m); // Type specific horizontal reductions /** * Adds all lane elements of this vector. *

* This is an associative cross-lane reduction operation which applies the addition * operation ({@code +}) to lane elements, * and the identity value is {@code 0}. * * @return the addition of all the lane elements of this vector */ public abstract int addLanes(); /** * Adds all lane elements of this vector, selecting lane elements * controlled by a mask. *

* This is an associative cross-lane reduction operation which applies the addition * operation ({@code +}) to lane elements, * and the identity value is {@code 0}. * * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the addition of the selected lane elements of this vector */ public abstract int addLanes(VectorMask m); /** * Multiplies all lane elements of this vector. *

* This is an associative cross-lane reduction operation which applies the * multiplication operation ({@code *}) to lane elements, * and the identity value is {@code 1}. * * @return the multiplication of all the lane elements of this vector */ public abstract int mulLanes(); /** * Multiplies all lane elements of this vector, selecting lane elements * controlled by a mask. *

* This is an associative cross-lane reduction operation which applies the * multiplication operation ({@code *}) to lane elements, * and the identity value is {@code 1}. * * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the multiplication of all the lane elements of this vector */ public abstract int mulLanes(VectorMask m); /** * Returns the minimum lane element of this vector. *

* This is an associative cross-lane reduction operation which applies the operation * {@code (a, b) -> Math.min(a, b)} to lane elements, * and the identity value is * {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}. * * @return the minimum lane element of this vector */ public abstract int minLanes(); /** * Returns the minimum lane element of this vector, selecting lane elements * controlled by a mask. *

* This is an associative cross-lane reduction operation which applies the operation * {@code (a, b) -> Math.min(a, b)} to lane elements, * and the identity value is * {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}. * * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the minimum lane element of this vector */ public abstract int minLanes(VectorMask m); /** * Returns the maximum lane element of this vector. *

* This is an associative cross-lane reduction operation which applies the operation * {@code (a, b) -> Math.max(a, b)} to lane elements, * and the identity value is * {@link Integer#MIN_VALUE}. * * @return the maximum lane element of this vector */ public abstract int maxLanes(); /** * Returns the maximum lane element of this vector, selecting lane elements * controlled by a mask. *

* This is an associative cross-lane reduction operation which applies the operation * {@code (a, b) -> Math.max(a, b)} to lane elements, * and the identity value is * {@link Integer#MIN_VALUE}. * * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the maximum lane element of this vector */ public abstract int maxLanes(VectorMask m); /** * Logically ORs all lane elements of this vector. *

* This is an associative cross-lane reduction operation which applies the logical OR * operation ({@code |}) to lane elements, * and the identity value is {@code 0}. * * @return the logical OR all the lane elements of this vector */ public abstract int orLanes(); /** * Logically ORs all lane elements of this vector, selecting lane elements * controlled by a mask. *

* This is an associative cross-lane reduction operation which applies the logical OR * operation ({@code |}) to lane elements, * and the identity value is {@code 0}. * * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the logical OR all the lane elements of this vector */ public abstract int orLanes(VectorMask m); /** * Logically ANDs all lane elements of this vector. *

* This is an associative cross-lane reduction operation which applies the logical AND * operation ({@code |}) to lane elements, * and the identity value is {@code -1}. * * @return the logical AND all the lane elements of this vector */ public abstract int andLanes(); /** * Logically ANDs all lane elements of this vector, selecting lane elements * controlled by a mask. *

* This is an associative cross-lane reduction operation which applies the logical AND * operation ({@code |}) to lane elements, * and the identity value is {@code -1}. * * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the logical AND all the lane elements of this vector */ public abstract int andLanes(VectorMask m); /** * Logically XORs all lane elements of this vector. *

* This is an associative cross-lane reduction operation which applies the logical XOR * operation ({@code ^}) to lane elements, * and the identity value is {@code 0}. * * @return the logical XOR all the lane elements of this vector */ public abstract int xorLanes(); /** * Logically XORs all lane elements of this vector, selecting lane elements * controlled by a mask. *

* This is an associative cross-lane reduction operation which applies the logical XOR * operation ({@code ^}) to lane elements, * and the identity value is {@code 0}. * * @param m the mask controlling lane selection * @return the logical XOR all the lane elements of this vector */ public abstract int xorLanes(VectorMask m); // Type specific accessors /** * Gets the lane element at lane index {@code i} * * @param i the lane index * @return the lane element at lane index {@code i} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the index is is out of range * ({@code < 0 || >= length()}) */ public abstract int lane(int i); /** * Replaces the lane element of this vector at lane index {@code i} with * value {@code e}. *

* This is a cross-lane operation and behaves as if it returns the result * of blending this vector with an input vector that is the result of * broadcasting {@code e} and a mask that has only one lane set at lane * index {@code i}. * * @param i the lane index of the lane element to be replaced * @param e the value to be placed * @return the result of replacing the lane element of this vector at lane * index {@code i} with value {@code e}. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the index is is out of range * ({@code < 0 || >= length()}) */ public abstract IntVector with(int i, int e); // Type specific extractors /** * Returns an array containing the lane elements of this vector. *

* This method behaves as if it {@link #intoArray(int[], int)} stores} * this vector into an allocated array and returns the array as follows: *

     *   int[] a = new int[this.length()];
     *   this.intoArray(a, 0);
     *   return a;
     * }
* * @return an array containing the the lane elements of this vector */ @ForceInline public final int[] toArray() { int[] a = new int[species().length()]; intoArray(a, 0); return a; } /** * Stores this vector into an array starting at offset. *

* For each vector lane, where {@code N} is the vector lane index, * the lane element at index {@code N} is stored into the array at index * {@code offset + N}. * * @param a the array * @param offset the offset into the array * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code offset < 0}, or * {@code offset > a.length - this.length()} */ public abstract void intoArray(int[] a, int offset); /** * Stores this vector into an array starting at offset and using a mask. *

* For each vector lane, where {@code N} is the vector lane index, * if the mask lane at index {@code N} is set then the lane element at * index {@code N} is stored into the array index {@code offset + N}. * * @param a the array * @param offset the offset into the array * @param m the mask * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code offset < 0}, or * for any vector lane index {@code N} where the mask at lane {@code N} * is set {@code offset >= a.length - N} */ public abstract void intoArray(int[] a, int offset, VectorMask m); /** * Stores this vector into an array using indexes obtained from an index * map. *

* For each vector lane, where {@code N} is the vector lane index, the * lane element at index {@code N} is stored into the array at index * {@code a_offset + indexMap[i_offset + N]}. * * @param a the array * @param a_offset the offset into the array, may be negative if relative * indexes in the index map compensate to produce a value within the * array bounds * @param indexMap the index map * @param i_offset the offset into the index map * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code i_offset < 0}, or * {@code i_offset > indexMap.length - this.length()}, * or for any vector lane index {@code N} the result of * {@code a_offset + indexMap[i_offset + N]} is {@code < 0} or {@code >= a.length} */ public abstract void intoArray(int[] a, int a_offset, int[] indexMap, int i_offset); /** * Stores this vector into an array using indexes obtained from an index * map and using a mask. *

* For each vector lane, where {@code N} is the vector lane index, * if the mask lane at index {@code N} is set then the lane element at * index {@code N} is stored into the array at index * {@code a_offset + indexMap[i_offset + N]}. * * @param a the array * @param a_offset the offset into the array, may be negative if relative * indexes in the index map compensate to produce a value within the * array bounds * @param m the mask * @param indexMap the index map * @param i_offset the offset into the index map * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code j < 0}, or * {@code i_offset > indexMap.length - this.length()}, * or for any vector lane index {@code N} where the mask at lane * {@code N} is set the result of {@code a_offset + indexMap[i_offset + N]} is * {@code < 0} or {@code >= a.length} */ public abstract void intoArray(int[] a, int a_offset, VectorMask m, int[] indexMap, int i_offset); // Species /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract VectorSpecies species(); /** * Class representing {@link IntVector}'s of the same {@link VectorShape VectorShape}. */ static final class IntSpecies extends AbstractSpecies { final Function vectorFactory; private IntSpecies(VectorShape shape, Class vectorType, Class maskType, Function vectorFactory, Function> maskFactory, Function> shuffleFromArrayFactory, fShuffleFromArray shuffleFromOpFactory) { super(shape, int.class, Integer.SIZE, vectorType, maskType, maskFactory, shuffleFromArrayFactory, shuffleFromOpFactory); this.vectorFactory = vectorFactory; } interface FOp { int apply(int i); } IntVector op(FOp f) { int[] res = new int[length()]; for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) { res[i] = f.apply(i); } return vectorFactory.apply(res); } IntVector op(VectorMask o, FOp f) { int[] res = new int[length()]; boolean[] mbits = ((AbstractMask)o).getBits(); for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) { if (mbits[i]) { res[i] = f.apply(i); } } return vectorFactory.apply(res); } } /** * Finds the preferred species for an element type of {@code int}. *

* A preferred species is a species chosen by the platform that has a * shape of maximal bit size. A preferred species for different element * types will have the same shape, and therefore vectors, masks, and * shuffles created from such species will be shape compatible. * * @return the preferred species for an element type of {@code int} */ private static IntSpecies preferredSpecies() { return (IntSpecies) VectorSpecies.ofPreferred(int.class); } /** * Finds a species for an element type of {@code int} and shape. * * @param s the shape * @return a species for an element type of {@code int} and shape * @throws IllegalArgumentException if no such species exists for the shape */ static IntSpecies species(VectorShape s) { Objects.requireNonNull(s); switch (s) { case S_64_BIT: return (IntSpecies) SPECIES_64; case S_128_BIT: return (IntSpecies) SPECIES_128; case S_256_BIT: return (IntSpecies) SPECIES_256; case S_512_BIT: return (IntSpecies) SPECIES_512; case S_Max_BIT: return (IntSpecies) SPECIES_MAX; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad shape: " + s); } } /** Species representing {@link IntVector}s of {@link VectorShape#S_64_BIT VectorShape.S_64_BIT}. */ public static final VectorSpecies SPECIES_64 = new IntSpecies(VectorShape.S_64_BIT, Int64Vector.class, Int64Vector.Int64Mask.class, Int64Vector::new, Int64Vector.Int64Mask::new, Int64Vector.Int64Shuffle::new, Int64Vector.Int64Shuffle::new); /** Species representing {@link IntVector}s of {@link VectorShape#S_128_BIT VectorShape.S_128_BIT}. */ public static final VectorSpecies SPECIES_128 = new IntSpecies(VectorShape.S_128_BIT, Int128Vector.class, Int128Vector.Int128Mask.class, Int128Vector::new, Int128Vector.Int128Mask::new, Int128Vector.Int128Shuffle::new, Int128Vector.Int128Shuffle::new); /** Species representing {@link IntVector}s of {@link VectorShape#S_256_BIT VectorShape.S_256_BIT}. */ public static final VectorSpecies SPECIES_256 = new IntSpecies(VectorShape.S_256_BIT, Int256Vector.class, Int256Vector.Int256Mask.class, Int256Vector::new, Int256Vector.Int256Mask::new, Int256Vector.Int256Shuffle::new, Int256Vector.Int256Shuffle::new); /** Species representing {@link IntVector}s of {@link VectorShape#S_512_BIT VectorShape.S_512_BIT}. */ public static final VectorSpecies SPECIES_512 = new IntSpecies(VectorShape.S_512_BIT, Int512Vector.class, Int512Vector.Int512Mask.class, Int512Vector::new, Int512Vector.Int512Mask::new, Int512Vector.Int512Shuffle::new, Int512Vector.Int512Shuffle::new); /** Species representing {@link IntVector}s of {@link VectorShape#S_Max_BIT VectorShape.S_Max_BIT}. */ public static final VectorSpecies SPECIES_MAX = new IntSpecies(VectorShape.S_Max_BIT, IntMaxVector.class, IntMaxVector.IntMaxMask.class, IntMaxVector::new, IntMaxVector.IntMaxMask::new, IntMaxVector.IntMaxShuffle::new, IntMaxVector.IntMaxShuffle::new); /** * Preferred species for {@link IntVector}s. * A preferred species is a species of maximal bit size for the platform. */ public static final VectorSpecies SPECIES_PREFERRED = (VectorSpecies) preferredSpecies(); }