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rev 54658 : refactored mask and shuffle creation methods, moved classes to top-level
rev 54660 : Javadoc changes

  25 package jdk.incubator.vector;
  27 import jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe;
  28 import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.ForceInline;
  29 import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.Stable;
  31 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
  32 import java.nio.ByteOrder;
  33 import java.util.Objects;
  34 import java.util.function.Function;
  35 import java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator;
  36 import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
  38 import jdk.incubator.vector.*;
  40 /**
  41  * A {@code Vector} is designed for use in computations that can be transformed
  42  * by a runtime compiler, on supported hardware, to Single Instruction Multiple
  43  * Data (SIMD) computations leveraging vector hardware registers and vector
  44  * hardware instructions.  Such SIMD computations exploit data parallelism to
  45  * perform the same operation on multiple data points simultaneously in a
  46  * faster time it would ordinarily take to perform the same operation
  47  * sequentially on each data point.
  48  * <p>
  49  * A Vector represents an ordered immutable sequence of values of the same
  50  * element type {@code e} that is one of the following primitive types
  51  * {@code byte}, {@code short}, {@code int}, {@code long}, {@code float}, or
  52  * {@code double}).  The type variable {@code E} corresponds to the boxed
  53  * element type, specifically the class that wraps a value of {@code e} in an
  54  * object (such the {@code Integer} class that wraps a value of {@code int}}.
  55  * A Vector has a {@link #shape() shape} {@code S}, extending type
  56  * {@link VectorShape}, that governs the total {@link #bitSize() size} in bits
  57  * of the sequence of values.

  58  * <p>
  59  * The number of values in the sequence is referred to as the Vector
  60  * {@link #length() length}.  The length also corresponds to the number of
  61  * Vector lanes.  The lane element at lane index {@code N} (from {@code 0},
  62  * inclusive, to length, exclusive) corresponds to the {@code N + 1}'th value in
  63  * the sequence.
  64  * Note: this arrangement
  65  * of Vector bit size, Vector length, element bit size, and lane element index
  66  * has no bearing on how a Vector instance and its sequence of elements may be
  67  * arranged in memory or represented as a value in a vector hardware register.
  68  * <p>
  69  * Vector declares a set of vector operations (methods) that are common to all
  70  * element types (such as addition).  Sub-classes of Vector with a concrete
  71  * boxed element type declare further operations that are specific to that
  72  * element type (such as access to element values in lanes, logical operations
  73  * on values of integral elements types, or transcendental operations on values
  74  * of floating point element types).
  75  * There are six sub-classes of Vector corresponding to the supported set
  76  * of element types, {@link ByteVector}, {@link ShortVector},
  77  * {@link IntVector} {@link LongVector}, {@link FloatVector}, and
  78  * {@link DoubleVector}.

  79  * <p>
  80  * Vector values, instances of Vector, are created from a special kind of
  81  * factory called a {@link VectorSpecies}.  A VectorSpecies has an
  82  * element type and shape and creates Vector values of the same element type
  83  * and shape.
  84  * A species can be {@link VectorSpecies#of(Class, VectorShape)} obtained} given an element
  85  * type and shape, or a preferred species can be
  86  * {@link VectorSpecies#ofPreferred(Class)}  obtained} given just an element type where the most
  87  * optimal shape is selected for the current platform.  It is recommended that
  88  * VectorSpecies instances be held in {@code static final} fields for optimal creation
  89  * and usage of Vector values by the runtime compiler.
  90  * <p>
  91  * Vector operations can be grouped into various categories and their behaviour
  92  * generally specified as follows:
  93  * <ul>
  94  * <li>
  95  * A vector unary operation (1-ary) operates on one input vector to produce a
  96  * result vector.
  97  * For each lane of the input vector the
  98  * lane element is operated on using the specified scalar unary operation and
  99  * the element result is placed into the vector result at the same lane.
 100  * The following pseudocode expresses the behaviour of this operation category,
 101  * where {@code e} is the element type and {@code EVector} corresponds to the
 102  * primitive Vector type:
 103  *
 104  * <pre>{@code
 105  * EVector<S> a = ...;
 106  * e[] ar = new e[a.length()];
 107  * for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++) {
 108  *     ar[i] = scalar_unary_op(a.get(i));
 109  * }
 110  * EVector<S> r = a.species().fromArray(ar, 0);
 111  * }</pre>
 112  *
 113  * Unless otherwise specified the input and result vectors will have the same
 114  * element type and shape.
 115  *
 116  * <li>
 117  * A vector binary operation (2-ary) operates on two input
 118  * vectors to produce a result vector.
 119  * For each lane of the two input vectors,
 120  * a and b say, the corresponding lane elements from a and b are operated on
 121  * using the specified scalar binary operation and the element result is placed
 122  * into the vector result at the same lane.
 123  * The following pseudocode expresses the behaviour of this operation category:
 124  *
 125  * <pre>{@code
 126  * EVector<S> a = ...;
 127  * EVector<S> b = ...;
 128  * e[] ar = new e[a.length()];
 129  * for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++) {
 130  *     ar[i] = scalar_binary_op(a.get(i), b.get(i));
 131  * }
 132  * EVector<S> r = a.species().fromArray(ar, 0);
 133  * }</pre>
 134  *
 135  * Unless otherwise specified the two input and result vectors will have the
 136  * same element type and shape.
 137  *
 138  * <li>
 139  * Generalizing from unary (1-ary) and binary (2-ary) operations, a vector n-ary
 140  * operation operates in n input vectors to produce a
 141  * result vector.
 142  * N lane elements from each input vector are operated on
 143  * using the specified n-ary scalar operation and the element result is placed
 144  * into the vector result at the same lane.
 145  * Unless otherwise specified the n input and result vectors will have the same
 146  * element type and shape.
 147  *
 148  * <li>
 149  * A vector reduction operation operates on all the lane
 150  * elements of an input vector.
 151  * An accumulation function is applied to all the
 152  * lane elements to produce a scalar result.
 153  * If the reduction operation is associative then the result may be accumulated
 154  * by operating on the lane elements in any order using a specified associative
 155  * scalar binary operation and identity value.  Otherwise, the reduction
 156  * operation specifies the behaviour of the accumulation function.
 157  * The following pseudocode expresses the behaviour of this operation category
 158  * if it is associative:
 159  * <pre>{@code
 160  * EVector<S> a = ...;
 161  * e r = <identity value>;
 162  * for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++) {
 163  *     r = assoc_scalar_binary_op(r, a.get(i));
 164  * }
 165  * }</pre>
 166  *
 167  * Unless otherwise specified the scalar result type and element type will be
 168  * the same.
 169  *
 170  * <li>
 171  * A vector binary test operation operates on two input vectors to produce a
 172  * result mask.  For each lane of the two input vectors, a and b say, the
 173  * the corresponding lane elements from a and b are operated on using the
 174  * specified scalar binary test operation and the boolean result is placed
 175  * into the mask at the same lane.
 176  * The following pseudocode expresses the behaviour of this operation category:
 177  * <pre>{@code
 178  * EVector<S> a = ...;
 179  * EVector<S> b = ...;
 180  * boolean[] ar = new boolean[a.length()];
 181  * for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++) {
 182  *     ar[i] = scalar_binary_test_op(a.get(i), b.get(i));
 183  * }
 184  * VectorMask<E> r = a.species().maskFromArray(ar, 0);
 185  * }</pre>
 186  *
 187  * Unless otherwise specified the two input vectors and result mask will have
 188  * the same element type and shape.
 189  *
 190  * <li>
 191  * The prior categories of operation can be said to operate within the vector
 192  * lanes, where lane access is uniformly applied to all vectors, specifically
 193  * the scalar operation is applied to elements taken from input vectors at the
 194  * same lane, and if appropriate applied to the result vector at the same lane.
 195  * A further category of operation is a cross-lane vector operation where lane
 196  * access is defined by the arguments to the operation.  Cross-lane operations
 197  * generally rearrange lane elements, for example by permutation (commonly
 198  * controlled by a {@link VectorShuffle}) or by blending (commonly controlled by a
 199  * {@link VectorMask}).  Such an operation explicitly specifies how it rearranges lane
 200  * elements.
 201  * </ul>
 202  *
 203  * If a vector operation is represented as an instance method then first input
 204  * vector corresponds to {@code this} vector and subsequent input vectors are
 205  * arguments of the method.  Otherwise, if the an operation is represented as a
 206  * static method then all input vectors are arguments of the method.
 207  * <p>
 208  * If a vector operation does not belong to one of the above categories then
 209  * the operation explicitly specifies how it processes the lane elements of
 210  * input vectors, and where appropriate expresses the behaviour using
 211  * pseudocode.
 212  *
 213  * <p>
 214  * Many vector operations provide an additional {@link VectorMask mask} accepting
 215  * variant.
 216  * The mask controls which lanes are selected for application of the scalar
 217  * operation.  Masks are a key component for the support of control flow in
 218  * vector computations.
 219  * <p>

 220  * For certain operation categories the mask accepting variants can be specified
 221  * in generic terms.  If a lane of the mask is set then the scalar operation is
 222  * applied to corresponding lane elements, otherwise if a lane of a mask is not
 223  * set then a default scalar operation is applied and its result is placed into
 224  * the vector result at the same lane. The default operation is specified for
 225  * the following operation categories:
 226  * <ul>
 227  * <li>
 228  * For a vector n-ary operation the default operation is a function that returns
 229  * it's first argument, specifically a lane element of the first input vector.
 230  * <li>
 231  * For an associative vector reduction operation the default operation is a
 232  * function that returns the identity value.
 233  * <li>
 234  * For vector binary test operation the default operation is a function that
 235  * returns false.
 236  *</ul>
 237  * Otherwise, the mask accepting variant of the operation explicitly specifies
 238  * how it processes the lane elements of input vectors, and where appropriate
 239  * expresses the behaviour using pseudocode.
 240  *
 241  * <p>
 242  * For convenience many vector operations, of arity greater than one, provide
 243  * an additional scalar accepting variant.  This variant accepts compatible

 244  * scalar values instead of vectors for the second and subsequent input vectors,
 245  * if any.
 246  * Unless otherwise specified the scalar variant behaves as if each scalar value
 247  * is transformed to a vector using the vector species
 248  * {@code broadcast} operation, and
 249  * then the vector accepting vector operation is applied using the transformed
 250  * values.
 251  *
 252  * <p>
 253  * This is a value-based
 254  * class; use of identity-sensitive operations (including reference equality
 255  * ({@code ==}), identity hash code, or synchronization) on instances of
 256  * {@code Vector} may have unpredictable results and should be avoided.
 257  *
 258  * @param <E> the boxed element type of elements in this vector
 259  */
 260 public abstract class Vector<E> {
 262     Vector() {}
 264     /**
 265      * Returns the species of this vector.
 266      *
 267      * @return the species of this vector
 268      */

 292     /**
 293      * Returns the number of vector lanes (the length).
 294      *
 295      * @return the number of vector lanes
 296      */
 297     public int length() { return species().length(); }
 299     /**
 300      * Returns the total vector size, in bits.
 301      *
 302      * @return the total vector size, in bits
 303      */
 304     public int bitSize() { return species().bitSize(); }
 306     //Arithmetic
 308     /**
 309      * Adds this vector to an input vector.
 310      * <p>
 311      * This is a vector binary operation where the primitive addition operation
 312      * ({@code +}) is applied to lane elements.
 313      *
 314      * @param v the input vector
 315      * @return the result of adding this vector to the input vector
 316      */
 317     public abstract Vector<E> add(Vector<E> v);
 319     /**
 320      * Adds this vector to an input vector, selecting lane elements
 321      * controlled by a mask.
 322      * <p>
 323      * This is a vector binary operation where the primitive addition operation
 324      * ({@code +}) is applied to lane elements.
 325      *
 326      * @param v the input vector
 327      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
 328      * @return the result of adding this vector to the given vector
 329      */
 330     public abstract Vector<E> add(Vector<E> v, VectorMask<E> m);
 332     /**
 333      * Subtracts an input vector from this vector.
 334      * <p>
 335      * This is a vector binary operation where the primitive subtraction
 336      * operation ({@code -}) is applied to lane elements.
 337      *
 338      * @param v the input vector
 339      * @return the result of subtracting the input vector from this vector
 340      */
 341     public abstract Vector<E> sub(Vector<E> v);
 343     /**
 344      * Subtracts an input vector from this vector, selecting lane elements
 345      * controlled by a mask.
 346      * <p>
 347      * This is a vector binary operation where the primitive subtraction
 348      * operation ({@code -}) is applied to lane elements.
 349      *
 350      * @param v the input vector
 351      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
 352      * @return the result of subtracting the input vector from this vector
 353      */
 354     public abstract Vector<E> sub(Vector<E> v, VectorMask<E> m);
 356     /**
 357      * Multiplies this vector with an input vector.
 358      * <p>
 359      * This is a vector binary operation where the primitive multiplication
 360      * operation ({@code *}) is applied to lane elements.
 361      *
 362      * @param v the input vector
 363      * @return the result of multiplying this vector with the input vector
 364      */
 365     public abstract Vector<E> mul(Vector<E> v);
 367     /**
 368      * Multiplies this vector with an input vector, selecting lane elements
 369      * controlled by a mask.
 370      * <p>
 371      * This is a vector binary operation where the primitive multiplication
 372      * operation ({@code *}) is applied to lane elements.
 373      *
 374      * @param v the input vector
 375      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
 376      * @return the result of multiplying this vector with the input vector
 377      */
 378     public abstract Vector<E> mul(Vector<E> v, VectorMask<E> m);
 380     /**
 381      * Negates this vector.
 382      * <p>
 383      * This is a vector unary operation where the primitive negation operation
 384      * ({@code -}) is applied to lane elements.
 385      *
 386      * @return the negation this vector
 387      */
 388     public abstract Vector<E> neg();
 390     /**
 391      * Negates this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.
 392      * <p>
 393      * This is a vector unary operation where the primitive negation operation
 394      * ({@code -})is applied to lane elements.
 395      *
 396      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
 397      * @return the negation this vector
 398      */
 399     public abstract Vector<E> neg(VectorMask<E> m);
 401     // Maths from java.math
 403     /**
 404      * Returns the modulus of this vector.
 405      * <p>
 406      * This is a vector unary operation where the operation
 407      * {@code (a) -> (a < 0) ? -a : a} is applied to lane elements.
 408      *
 409      * @return the modulus this vector
 410      */
 411     public abstract Vector<E> abs();
 413     /**
 414      * Returns the modulus of this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by
 415      * a mask.
 416      * <p>
 417      * This is a vector unary operation where the operation
 418      * {@code (a) -> (a < 0) ? -a : a} is applied to lane elements.
 419      *
 420      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
 421      * @return the modulus this vector
 422      */
 423     public abstract Vector<E> abs(VectorMask<E> m);
 425     /**
 426      * Returns the minimum of this vector and an input vector.
 427      * <p>
 428      * This is a vector binary operation where the operation
 429      * {@code (a, b) -> a < b ? a : b}  is applied to lane elements.
 430      *
 431      * @param v the input vector
 432      * @return the minimum of this vector and the input vector
 433      */
 434     public abstract Vector<E> min(Vector<E> v);
 436     /**
 437      * Returns the minimum of this vector and an input vector,
 438      * selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.
 439      * <p>
 440      * This is a vector binary operation where the operation
 441      * {@code (a, b) -> a < b ? a : b}  is applied to lane elements.
 442      *
 443      * @param v the input vector
 444      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
 445      * @return the minimum of this vector and the input vector
 446      */
 447     public abstract Vector<E> min(Vector<E> v, VectorMask<E> m);
 449     /**
 450      * Returns the maximum of this vector and an input vector.
 451      * <p>
 452      * This is a vector binary operation where the operation
 453      * {@code (a, b) -> a > b ? a : b}  is applied to lane elements.
 454      *
 455      * @param v the input vector
 456      * @return the maximum of this vector and the input vector
 457      */
 458     public abstract Vector<E> max(Vector<E> v);
 460     /**
 461      * Returns the maximum of this vector and an input vector,
 462      * selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.
 463      * <p>
 464      * This is a vector binary operation where the operation
 465      * {@code (a, b) -> a > b ? a : b}  is applied to lane elements.
 466      *
 467      * @param v the input vector
 468      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
 469      * @return the maximum of this vector and the input vector
 470      */
 471     public abstract Vector<E> max(Vector<E> v, VectorMask<E> m);
 473     // Comparisons
 475     /**
 476      * Tests if this vector is equal to an input vector.
 477      * <p>
 478      * This is a vector binary test operation where the primitive equals
 479      * operation ({@code ==}) is applied to lane elements.
 480      *
 481      * @param v the input vector
 482      * @return the result mask of testing if this vector is equal to the input
 483      * vector
 484      */
 485     public abstract VectorMask<E> equal(Vector<E> v);
 487     /**
 488      * Tests if this vector is not equal to an input vector.
 489      * <p>
 490      * This is a vector binary test operation where the primitive not equals
 491      * operation ({@code !=}) is applied to lane elements.
 492      *
 493      * @param v the input vector
 494      * @return the result mask of testing if this vector is not equal to the
 495      * input vector
 496      */
 497     public abstract VectorMask<E> notEqual(Vector<E> v);
 499     /**
 500      * Tests if this vector is less than an input vector.
 501      * <p>
 502      * This is a vector binary test operation where the primitive less than
 503      * operation ({@code <}) is applied to lane elements.
 504      *
 505      * @param v the input vector
 506      * @return the mask result of testing if this vector is less than the input
 507      * vector
 508      */
 509     public abstract VectorMask<E> lessThan(Vector<E> v);
 511     /**
 512      * Tests if this vector is less or equal to an input vector.
 513      * <p>
 514      * This is a vector binary test operation where the primitive less than
 515      * or equal to operation ({@code <=}) is applied to lane elements.
 516      *
 517      * @param v the input vector
 518      * @return the mask result of testing if this vector is less than or equal
 519      * to the input vector
 520      */
 521     public abstract VectorMask<E> lessThanEq(Vector<E> v);
 523     /**
 524      * Tests if this vector is greater than an input vector.
 525      * <p>
 526      * This is a vector binary test operation where the primitive greater than
 527      * operation ({@code >}) is applied to lane elements.
 528      *
 529      * @param v the input vector
 530      * @return the mask result of testing if this vector is greater than the
 531      * input vector
 532      */
 533     public abstract VectorMask<E> greaterThan(Vector<E> v);
 535     /**
 536      * Tests if this vector is greater than or equal to an input vector.
 537      * <p>
 538      * This is a vector binary test operation where the primitive greater than
 539      * or equal to operation ({@code >=}) is applied to lane elements.
 540      *
 541      * @param v the input vector
 542      * @return the mask result of testing if this vector is greater than or
 543      * equal to the given vector
 544      */
 545     public abstract VectorMask<E> greaterThanEq(Vector<E> v);
 547     // Elemental shifting
 549     /**
 550      * Rotates left the lane elements of this vector by the given number of
 551      * lanes, {@code i}, modulus the vector length.
 552      * <p>
 553      * This is a cross-lane operation that permutes the lane elements of this
 554      * vector.
 555      * For each lane of the input vector, at lane index {@code N}, the lane
 556      * element is placed into to the result vector at lane index
 557      * {@code (i + N) % this.length()}.
 558      *
 559      * @param i the number of lanes to rotate left
 560      * @return the result of rotating left lane elements of this vector by the
 561      * given number of lanes
 562      */
 563     public abstract Vector<E> rotateEL(int i);
 565     /**
 566      * Rotates right the lane elements of this vector by the given number of
 567      * lanes, {@code i}, modulus the vector length.
 568      * <p>
 569      * This is a cross-lane operation that permutes the lane elements of this
 570      * vector and behaves as if rotating left the lane elements by
 571      * {@code this.length() - (i % this.length())} lanes.

 572      *
 573      * @param i the number of lanes to rotate left
 574      * @return the result of rotating right lane elements of this vector by the
 575      * given number of lanes
 576      */
 577     public abstract Vector<E> rotateER(int i);
 579     /**
 580      * Shift left the lane elements of this vector by the given number of
 581      * lanes, {@code i}, modulus the vector length.
 582      * <p>
 583      * This is a cross-lane operation that permutes the lane elements of this
 584      * vector and behaves as if rotating left the lane elements by {@code i},
 585      * and then the zero value is placed into the result vector at lane indexes
 586      * less than {@code i % this.length()}.
 587      *
 588      * @param i the number of lanes to shift left
 589      * @return the result of shifting left lane elements of this vector by the
 590      * given number of lanes
 591      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code i} is {@code < 0}.
 592      */
 593     public abstract Vector<E> shiftEL(int i);
 595     /**
 596      * Shift right the lane elements of this vector by the given number of
 597      * lanes, {@code i}, modulus the vector length.
 598      * <p>
 599      * This is a cross-lane operation that permutes the lane elements of this
 600      * vector and behaves as if rotating right the lane elements by {@code i},
 601      * and then the zero value is placed into the result vector at lane indexes
 602      * greater or equal to {@code this.length() - (i % this.length())}.
 603      *
 604      * @param i the number of lanes to shift left
 605      * @return the result of shifting left lane elements of this vector by the
 606      * given number of lanes
 607      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code i} is {@code < 0}.
 608      */
 609     public abstract Vector<E> shiftER(int i);
 611     /**
 612      * Blends the lane elements of this vector with those of an input vector,
 613      * selecting lanes controlled by a mask.
 614      * <p>
 615      * For each lane of the mask, at lane index {@code N}, if the mask lane
 616      * is set then the lane element at {@code N} from the input vector is
 617      * selected and placed into the resulting vector at {@code N},
 618      * otherwise the the lane element at {@code N} from this input vector is
 619      * selected and placed into the resulting vector at {@code N}.
 620      *
 621      * @param v the input vector
 622      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
 623      * @return the result of blending the lane elements of this vector with
 624      * those of an input vector
 625      */
 626     public abstract Vector<E> blend(Vector<E> v, VectorMask<E> m);
 628     /**
 629      * Rearranges the lane elements of this vector and those of an input vector,
 630      * selecting lane indexes controlled by shuffles and a mask.
 631      * <p>
 632      * This is a cross-lane operation that rearranges the lane elements of this
 633      * vector and the input vector.  This method behaves as if it rearranges
 634      * each vector with the corresponding shuffle and then blends the two
 635      * results with the mask:
 636      * <pre>{@code
 637      * return this.rearrange(s1).blend(v.rearrange(s2), m);
 638      * }</pre>

 695      * Transforms this vector to a vector of the given species of element type {@code F}.
 696      * <p>
 697      * The underlying bits of this vector are copied to the resulting
 698      * vector without modification, but those bits, before copying, may be
 699      * truncated if the this vector's bit size is greater than desired vector's bit
 700      * size, or appended to with zero bits if this vector's bit size is less
 701      * than desired vector's bit size.
 702      * <p>
 703      * The method behaves as if this vector is stored into a byte buffer
 704      * and then the desired vector is loaded from the byte buffer using
 705      * native byte ordering. The implication is that ByteBuffer reads bytes
 706      * and then composes them based on the byte ordering so the result
 707      * depends on this composition.
 708      * <p>
 709      * For example, on a system with ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN, loading from
 710      * byte array with values {0,1,2,3} and reshaping to int, leads to bytes
 711      * being composed in order 0x3 0x2 0x1 0x0 which is decimal value 50462976.
 712      * On a system with ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN, the value is instead 66051 because
 713      * bytes are composed in order 0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3.
 714      * <p>
 715      * The following pseudocode expresses the behaviour:
 716      * <pre>{@code
 717      * int blen = Math.max(this.bitSize(), s.bitSize()) / Byte.SIZE;
 718      * ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(blen).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
 719      * this.intoByteBuffer(bb, 0);
 720      * return $type$Vector.fromByteBuffer(s, bb, 0);
 721      * }</pre>
 722      *
 723      * @param s species of desired vector
 724      * @param <F> the boxed element type of the species
 725      * @return a vector transformed, by shape and element type, from this vector
 726      */
 727     @ForceInline
 728     public abstract <F> Vector<F> reinterpret(VectorSpecies<F> s);
 730     @ForceInline
 731     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 732     <F> Vector<F> defaultReinterpret(VectorSpecies<F> s) {
 733         int blen = Math.max(s.bitSize(), this.species().bitSize()) / Byte.SIZE;
 734         ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(blen).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
 735         this.intoByteBuffer(bb, 0);

 746         } else if (stype == float.class) {
 747            return (Vector) FloatVector.fromByteBuffer((FloatVector.FloatSpecies)s, bb, 0);
 748         } else if (stype == double.class) {
 749            return (Vector) DoubleVector.fromByteBuffer((DoubleVector.DoubleSpecies)s, bb, 0);
 750         } else {
 751             throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Bad lane type for reinterpret.");
 752         }
 753     }
 755     /**
 756      * Transforms this vector to a vector of same element type but different shape identified by species.
 757      * <p>
 758      * The lane elements of this vector are copied without
 759      * modification to the resulting vector, but those lane elements, before
 760      * copying, may be truncated if this vector's length is greater than the desired
 761      * vector's length, or appended to with default element values if this
 762      * vector's length is less than desired vector's length.
 763      * <p>
 764      * The method behaves as if this vector is stored into a byte array
 765      * and then the returned vector is loaded from the byte array.
 766      * The following pseudocode expresses the behaviour:
 767      * <pre>{@code
 768      * int alen = Math.max(this.bitSize(), s.bitSize()) / Byte.SIZE;
 769      * byte[] a = new byte[alen];
 770      * this.intoByteArray(a, 0);
 771      * return $type$Vector.fromByteArray(s, a, 0);
 772      * }</pre>
 773      *
 774      * @param s species of the desired vector
 775      * @return a vector transformed, by shape, from this vector
 776      */
 777     public abstract Vector<E> reshape(VectorSpecies<E> s);
 779     // Cast
 781     /**
 782      * Converts this vector to a vector of the given species element type {@code F}.
 783      * <p>
 784      * For each vector lane up to the length of this vector or
 785      * desired vector, which ever is the minimum, and where {@code N} is the
 786      * vector lane index, the element at index {@code N} of primitive type

 860      *
 861      * @param b the byte buffer
 862      * @param i the offset into the byte buffer
 863      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the offset is {@code < 0},
 864      * or {@code > b.limit()},
 865      * or if there are fewer than
 866      * {@code this.length() * this.elementSize() / Byte.SIZE} bytes
 867      * remaining in the byte buffer from the given offset
 868      */
 869     public abstract void intoByteBuffer(ByteBuffer b, int i);
 871     /**
 872      * Stores this vector into a {@link ByteBuffer byte buffer} starting at an
 873      * offset into the byte buffer and using a mask.
 874      * <p>
 875      * This method behaves as if the byte buffer is viewed as a primitive
 876      * {@link java.nio.Buffer buffer} for the primitive element type,
 877      * according to the native byte order of the underlying platform, and
 878      * the lane elements of this vector are put into the buffer if the
 879      * corresponding mask lane is set.
 880      * The following pseudocode expresses the behaviour, where
 881      * {@coce EBuffer} is the primitive buffer type, {@code e} is the
 882      * primitive element type, and {@code EVector<S>} is the primitive
 883      * vector type for this vector:
 884      * <pre>{@code
 885      * EBuffer eb = b.duplicate().
 886      *     order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).position(i).
 887      *     asEBuffer();
 888      * e[] es = ((EVector<S>)this).toArray();
 889      * for (int n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
 890      *     if (m.isSet(n)) {
 891      *         eb.put(n, es[n]);
 892      *     }
 893      * }
 894      * }</pre>
 895      *
 896      * @param b the byte buffer
 897      * @param i the offset into the byte buffer
 898      * @param m the mask
 899      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the offset is {@code < 0},
 900      * or {@code > b.limit()},
 901      * for any vector lane index {@code N} where the mask at lane {@code N}
 902      * is set
 903      * {@code i >= b.limit() - (N * this.elementSize() / Byte.SIZE)} bytes
 904      */
 905     public abstract void intoByteBuffer(ByteBuffer b, int i, VectorMask<E> m);
 907     /**
 908      * Find bit size based on element type and number of elements.

  25 package jdk.incubator.vector;
  27 import jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe;
  28 import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.ForceInline;
  29 import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.Stable;
  31 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
  32 import java.nio.ByteOrder;
  33 import java.util.Objects;
  34 import java.util.function.Function;
  35 import java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator;
  36 import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
  38 import jdk.incubator.vector.*;
  40 /**
  41  * A {@code Vector} is designed for use in computations that can be transformed
  42  * by a runtime compiler, on supported hardware, to Single Instruction Multiple
  43  * Data (SIMD) computations leveraging vector hardware registers and vector
  44  * hardware instructions.  Such SIMD computations exploit data parallelism to
  45  * perform the same operation on multiple data points simultaneously in
  46  * less time than it would ordinarily take to perform the same operation
  47  * sequentially on each data point.
  48  * <p>
  49  * A Vector represents an ordered immutable sequence of values of the same
  50  * element type {@code e} that is one of the following primitive types
  51  * {@code byte}, {@code short}, {@code int}, {@code long}, {@code float}, or
  52  * {@code double}).  The type variable {@code E} corresponds to the boxed
  53  * element type, specifically the class that wraps a value of {@code e} in an
  54  * object (such the {@code Integer} class that wraps a value of {@code int}}.
  55  * A Vector has a {@link #shape() shape} {@code S}, extending type {@link VectorShape},
  56  * that governs the total {@link #bitSize() size} in bits of the sequence of values.
  57  * The combination of element type and shape determines a <em>vector species</em>,
  58  * represented by {@link jdk.incubator.vector.VectorSpecies}.
  59  * <p>
  60  * The number of values in the sequence is referred to as the Vector
  61  * {@link #length() length}.  The length also corresponds to the number of
  62  * Vector lanes.  The lane element at lane index {@code N} (from {@code 0},
  63  * inclusive, to length, exclusive) corresponds to the {@code N + 1}'th value in
  64  * the sequence.
  65  * Note: this arrangement
  66  * of Vector bit size, Vector length, element bit size, and lane element index
  67  * has no bearing on how a Vector instance and its sequence of elements may be
  68  * arranged in memory or represented as a value in a vector hardware register.
  69  * <p>
  70  * Vector declares a set of vector operations (methods) that are common to all
  71  * element types (such as addition).  Sub-classes of Vector with a concrete
  72  * boxed element type declare further operations that are specific to that
  73  * element type (such as access to element values in lanes, logical operations
  74  * on values of integral elements types, or transcendental operations on values
  75  * of floating point element types).
  76  * There are six abstract sub-classes of Vector corresponding to the supported set
  77  * of element types, {@link ByteVector}, {@link ShortVector},
  78  * {@link IntVector} {@link LongVector}, {@link FloatVector}, and
  79  * {@link DoubleVector}. Along with type-specific operations these classes
  80  * support creation of vector values (instances of Vector).
  81  * They expose static constants corresponding to the supported species,
  82  * and static methods on these types generally take a species as a parameter.
  83  * For example,
  84  * {@link jdk.incubator.vector.FloatVector#fromArray(VectorSpecies, float[], int) FloatVector.fromArray()}
  85  * creates and returns a float vector of the specified species, with elements
  86  * loaded from the specified float array.
  87  * <p>
  88  * It is recommended that Species instances be held in {@code static final}
  89  * fields for optimal creation and usage of Vector values by the runtime compiler.

  90  * <p>
  91  * Vector operations can be grouped into various categories and their behavior
  92  * generally specified as follows:
  93  * <ul>
  94  * <li>
  95  * A lane-wise unary operation operates on one input vector and produces a
  96  * result vector.
  97  * For each lane of the input vector the
  98  * lane element is operated on using the specified scalar unary operation and
  99  * the element result is placed into the vector result at the same lane.
 100  * The following pseudocode expresses the behavior of this operation category,
 101  * where {@code e} is the element type and {@code EVector} corresponds to the
 102  * primitive Vector type:
 103  *
 104  * <pre>{@code
 105  * EVector a = ...;
 106  * e[] ar = new e[a.length()];
 107  * for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++) {
 108  *     ar[i] = scalar_unary_op(a.get(i));
 109  * }
 110  * EVector r = EVector.fromArray(a.species(), ar, 0);
 111  * }</pre>
 112  *
 113  * Unless otherwise specified the input and result vectors will have the same
 114  * element type and shape.
 115  *
 116  * <li>
 117  * A lane-wise binary operation operates on two input
 118  * vectors and produces a result vector.
 119  * For each lane of the two input vectors a and b,
 120  * the corresponding lane elements from a and b are operated on
 121  * using the specified scalar binary operation and the element result is placed
 122  * into the vector result at the same lane.
 123  * The following pseudocode expresses the behavior of this operation category:
 124  *
 125  * <pre>{@code
 126  * EVector a = ...;
 127  * EVector b = ...;
 128  * e[] ar = new e[a.length()];
 129  * for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++) {
 130  *     ar[i] = scalar_binary_op(a.get(i), b.get(i));
 131  * }
 132  * EVector r = EVector.fromArray(a.species(), ar, 0);
 133  * }</pre>
 134  *
 135  * Unless otherwise specified the two input and result vectors will have the
 136  * same element type and shape.
 137  *
 138  * <li>
 139  * Generalizing from unary and binary operations, a lane-wise n-ary
 140  * operation operates on n input vectors and produces a result vector.

 141  * N lane elements from each input vector are operated on
 142  * using the specified n-ary scalar operation and the element result is placed
 143  * into the vector result at the same lane.
 144  * Unless otherwise specified the n input and result vectors will have the same
 145  * element type and shape.
 146  *
 147  * <li>
 148  * A cross-lane vector reduction operation operates on all the lane
 149  * elements of an input vector.
 150  * An accumulation function is applied to all the
 151  * lane elements to produce a scalar result.
 152  * If the reduction operation is associative then the result may be accumulated
 153  * by operating on the lane elements in any order using a specified associative
 154  * scalar binary operation and identity value.  Otherwise, the reduction
 155  * operation specifies the behavior of the accumulation function.
 156  * The following pseudocode expresses the behavior of this operation category
 157  * if it is associative:
 158  * <pre>{@code
 159  * EVector a = ...;
 160  * e r = <identity value>;
 161  * for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++) {
 162  *     r = assoc_scalar_binary_op(r, a.get(i));
 163  * }
 164  * }</pre>
 165  *
 166  * Unless otherwise specified the scalar result type and element type will be
 167  * the same.
 168  *
 169  * <li>
 170  * A lane-wise binary test operation operates on two input vectors and produces a
 171  * result mask.  For each lane of the two input vectors, a and b say, the
 172  * the corresponding lane elements from a and b are operated on using the
 173  * specified scalar binary test operation and the boolean result is placed
 174  * into the mask at the same lane.
 175  * The following pseudocode expresses the behavior of this operation category:
 176  * <pre>{@code
 177  * EVector a = ...;
 178  * EVector b = ...;
 179  * boolean[] ar = new boolean[a.length()];
 180  * for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++) {
 181  *     ar[i] = scalar_binary_test_op(a.get(i), b.get(i));
 182  * }
 183  * VectorMask r = VectorMask.fromArray(a.species(), ar, 0);
 184  * }</pre>
 185  *
 186  * Unless otherwise specified the two input vectors and result mask will have
 187  * the same element type and shape.
 188  *
 189  * <li>
 190  * The prior categories of operation can be said to operate within the vector
 191  * lanes, where lane access is uniformly applied to all vectors, specifically
 192  * the scalar operation is applied to elements taken from input vectors at the
 193  * same lane, and if appropriate applied to the result vector at the same lane.
 194  * A further category of operation is a cross-lane vector operation where lane
 195  * access is defined by the arguments to the operation.  Cross-lane operations
 196  * generally rearrange lane elements, for example by permutation (commonly
 197  * controlled by a {@link jdk.incubator.vector.VectorShuffle}) or by blending (commonly controlled by a
 198  * {@link jdk.incubator.vector.VectorMask}). Such an operation explicitly specifies how it rearranges lane
 199  * elements.
 200  * </ul>
 201  *

 202  * <p>
 203  * If a vector operation does not belong to one of the above categories then
 204  * the operation explicitly specifies how it processes the lane elements of
 205  * input vectors, and where appropriate expresses the behavior using
 206  * pseudocode.
 207  *
 208  * <p>
 209  * Many vector operations provide an additional {@link VectorMask mask} accepting
 210  * variant.
 211  * The mask controls which lanes are selected for application of the scalar
 212  * operation.  Masks are a key component for the support of control flow in
 213  * vector computations.
 214  * <p>
 215  * Many vector operations provide an additional {@link jdk.incubator.vector.VectorMask mask}-accepting
 216  * variant.
 217  * The mask controls which lanes are selected for application of the scalar
 218  * operation.  Masks are a key component for the support of control flow in
 219  * vector computations.
 220  * <p>
 221  * For certain operation categories the mask accepting variants can be specified
 222  * in generic terms.  If a lane of the mask is set then the scalar operation is
 223  * applied to corresponding lane elements, otherwise if a lane of a mask is not
 224  * set then a default scalar operation is applied and its result is placed into
 225  * the vector result at the same lane. The default operation is specified as follows:

 226  * <ul>
 227  * <li>
 228  * For a lane-wise n-ary operation the default operation is a function that returns
 229  * it's first argument, specifically the lane element of the first input vector.
 230  * <li>
 231  * For an associative vector reduction operation the default operation is a
 232  * function that returns the identity value.
 233  * <li>
 234  * For lane-wise binary test operation the default operation is a function that
 235  * returns false.
 236  * </ul>
 237  * Otherwise, the mask accepting variant of the operation explicitly specifies
 238  * how it processes the lane elements of input vectors, and where appropriate
 239  * expresses the behavior using pseudocode.
 240  *
 241  * <p>
 242  * For convenience, many vector operations of arity greater than one provide
 243  * an additional scalar-accepting variant (such as adding a constant scalar
 244  * value to all lanes of a vector).  This variant accepts compatible
 245  * scalar values instead of vectors for the second and subsequent input vectors,
 246  * if any.
 247  * Unless otherwise specified the scalar variant behaves as if each scalar value
 248  * is transformed to a vector using the appropriate vector {@code broadcast} operation, and

 249  * then the vector accepting vector operation is applied using the transformed
 250  * values.
 251  *
 252  * <p>
 253  * This is a value-based
 254  * class; use of identity-sensitive operations (including reference equality
 255  * ({@code ==}), identity hash code, or synchronization) on instances of
 256  * {@code Vector} may have unpredictable results and should be avoided.
 257  *
 258  * @param <E> the boxed element type of elements in this vector
 259  */
 260 public abstract class Vector<E> {
 262     Vector() {}
 264     /**
 265      * Returns the species of this vector.
 266      *
 267      * @return the species of this vector
 268      */

 292     /**
 293      * Returns the number of vector lanes (the length).
 294      *
 295      * @return the number of vector lanes
 296      */
 297     public int length() { return species().length(); }
 299     /**
 300      * Returns the total vector size, in bits.
 301      *
 302      * @return the total vector size, in bits
 303      */
 304     public int bitSize() { return species().bitSize(); }
 306     //Arithmetic
 308     /**
 309      * Adds this vector to an input vector.
 310      * <p>
 311      * This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive addition operation
 312      * ({@code +}) to each lane.
 313      *
 314      * @param v the input vector
 315      * @return the result of adding this vector to the input vector
 316      */
 317     public abstract Vector<E> add(Vector<E> v);
 319     /**
 320      * Adds this vector to an input vector, selecting lane elements
 321      * controlled by a mask.
 322      * <p>
 323      * This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive addition operation
 324      * ({@code +}) to each lane.
 325      *
 326      * @param v the input vector
 327      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
 328      * @return the result of adding this vector to the given vector
 329      */
 330     public abstract Vector<E> add(Vector<E> v, VectorMask<E> m);
 332     /**
 333      * Subtracts an input vector from this vector.
 334      * <p>
 335      * This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive subtraction
 336      * operation ({@code -}) to each lane.
 337      *
 338      * @param v the input vector
 339      * @return the result of subtracting the input vector from this vector
 340      */
 341     public abstract Vector<E> sub(Vector<E> v);
 343     /**
 344      * Subtracts an input vector from this vector, selecting lane elements
 345      * controlled by a mask.
 346      * <p>
 347      * This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive subtraction
 348      * operation ({@code -}) to each lane.
 349      *
 350      * @param v the input vector
 351      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
 352      * @return the result of subtracting the input vector from this vector
 353      */
 354     public abstract Vector<E> sub(Vector<E> v, VectorMask<E> m);
 356     /**
 357      * Multiplies this vector with an input vector.
 358      * <p>
 359      * This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive multiplication
 360      * operation ({@code *}) to each lane.
 361      *
 362      * @param v the input vector
 363      * @return the result of multiplying this vector with the input vector
 364      */
 365     public abstract Vector<E> mul(Vector<E> v);
 367     /**
 368      * Multiplies this vector with an input vector, selecting lane elements
 369      * controlled by a mask.
 370      * <p>
 371      * This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive multiplication
 372      * operation ({@code *}) to each lane.
 373      *
 374      * @param v the input vector
 375      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
 376      * @return the result of multiplying this vector with the input vector
 377      */
 378     public abstract Vector<E> mul(Vector<E> v, VectorMask<E> m);
 380     /**
 381      * Negates this vector.
 382      * <p>
 383      * This is a lane-wise unary operation which applies the primitive negation operation
 384      * ({@code -}) to each lane.
 385      *
 386      * @return the negation this vector
 387      */
 388     public abstract Vector<E> neg();
 390     /**
 391      * Negates this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.
 392      * <p>
 393      * This is a lane-wise unary operation which applies the primitive negation operation
 394      * ({@code -})to each lane.
 395      *
 396      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
 397      * @return the negation this vector
 398      */
 399     public abstract Vector<E> neg(VectorMask<E> m);
 401     // Maths from java.math
 403     /**
 404      * Returns the modulus of this vector.
 405      * <p>
 406      * This is a lane-wise unary operation which applies the operation
 407      * {@code (a) -> (a < 0) ? -a : a} to each lane.
 408      *
 409      * @return the modulus this vector
 410      */
 411     public abstract Vector<E> abs();
 413     /**
 414      * Returns the modulus of this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by
 415      * a mask.
 416      * <p>
 417      * This is a lane-wise unary operation which applies the operation
 418      * {@code (a) -> (a < 0) ? -a : a} to each lane.
 419      *
 420      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
 421      * @return the modulus this vector
 422      */
 423     public abstract Vector<E> abs(VectorMask<E> m);
 425     /**
 426      * Returns the minimum of this vector and an input vector.
 427      * <p>
 428      * This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the operation
 429      * {@code (a, b) -> a < b ? a : b}  to each lane.
 430      *
 431      * @param v the input vector
 432      * @return the minimum of this vector and the input vector
 433      */
 434     public abstract Vector<E> min(Vector<E> v);
 436     /**
 437      * Returns the minimum of this vector and an input vector,
 438      * selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.
 439      * <p>
 440      * This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the operation
 441      * {@code (a, b) -> a < b ? a : b}  to each lane.
 442      *
 443      * @param v the input vector
 444      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
 445      * @return the minimum of this vector and the input vector
 446      */
 447     public abstract Vector<E> min(Vector<E> v, VectorMask<E> m);
 449     /**
 450      * Returns the maximum of this vector and an input vector.
 451      * <p>
 452      * This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the operation
 453      * {@code (a, b) -> a > b ? a : b}  to each lane.
 454      *
 455      * @param v the input vector
 456      * @return the maximum of this vector and the input vector
 457      */
 458     public abstract Vector<E> max(Vector<E> v);
 460     /**
 461      * Returns the maximum of this vector and an input vector,
 462      * selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.
 463      * <p>
 464      * This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the operation
 465      * {@code (a, b) -> a > b ? a : b}  to each lane.
 466      *
 467      * @param v the input vector
 468      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
 469      * @return the maximum of this vector and the input vector
 470      */
 471     public abstract Vector<E> max(Vector<E> v, VectorMask<E> m);
 473     // Comparisons
 475     /**
 476      * Tests if this vector is equal to an input vector.
 477      * <p>
 478      * This is a lane-wise binary test operation where the primitive equals
 479      * operation ({@code ==}) to each lane.
 480      *
 481      * @param v the input vector
 482      * @return the result mask of testing if this vector is equal to the input
 483      * vector
 484      */
 485     public abstract VectorMask<E> equal(Vector<E> v);
 487     /**
 488      * Tests if this vector is not equal to an input vector.
 489      * <p>
 490      * This is a lane-wise binary test operation where the primitive not equals
 491      * operation ({@code !=}) to each lane.
 492      *
 493      * @param v the input vector
 494      * @return the result mask of testing if this vector is not equal to the
 495      * input vector
 496      */
 497     public abstract VectorMask<E> notEqual(Vector<E> v);
 499     /**
 500      * Tests if this vector is less than an input vector.
 501      * <p>
 502      * This is a lane-wise binary test operation where the primitive less than
 503      * operation ({@code <}) to each lane.
 504      *
 505      * @param v the input vector
 506      * @return the mask result of testing if this vector is less than the input
 507      * vector
 508      */
 509     public abstract VectorMask<E> lessThan(Vector<E> v);
 511     /**
 512      * Tests if this vector is less or equal to an input vector.
 513      * <p>
 514      * This is a lane-wise binary test operation where the primitive less than
 515      * or equal to operation ({@code <=}) to each lane.
 516      *
 517      * @param v the input vector
 518      * @return the mask result of testing if this vector is less than or equal
 519      * to the input vector
 520      */
 521     public abstract VectorMask<E> lessThanEq(Vector<E> v);
 523     /**
 524      * Tests if this vector is greater than an input vector.
 525      * <p>
 526      * This is a lane-wise binary test operation where the primitive greater than
 527      * operation ({@code >}) to each lane.
 528      *
 529      * @param v the input vector
 530      * @return the mask result of testing if this vector is greater than the
 531      * input vector
 532      */
 533     public abstract VectorMask<E> greaterThan(Vector<E> v);
 535     /**
 536      * Tests if this vector is greater than or equal to an input vector.
 537      * <p>
 538      * This is a lane-wise binary test operation where the primitive greater than
 539      * or equal to operation ({@code >=}) to each lane.
 540      *
 541      * @param v the input vector
 542      * @return the mask result of testing if this vector is greater than or
 543      * equal to the given vector
 544      */
 545     public abstract VectorMask<E> greaterThanEq(Vector<E> v);
 547     // Elemental shifting
 549     /**
 550      * Rotates left the lane elements of this vector by the given number of
 551      * lanes, {@code i}, modulus the vector length.
 552      * <p>
 553      * This is a cross-lane operation that permutes the lane elements of this
 554      * vector.
 555      * For each lane of the input vector, at lane index {@code N}, the lane
 556      * element is placed into the result vector at lane index
 557      * {@code (N + i) % length()}.
 558      *
 559      * @param i the number of lanes to rotate left
 560      * @return the result of rotating left lane elements of this vector by the
 561      * given number of lanes
 562      */
 563     public abstract Vector<E> rotateEL(int i);
 565     /**
 566      * Rotates right the lane elements of this vector by the given number of
 567      * lanes, {@code i}, modulus the vector length.
 568      * <p>
 569      * This is a cross-lane operation that permutes the lane elements of this
 570      * vector.
 571      * For each lane of the input vector, at lane index {@code N}, the lane
 572      * element is placed into the result vector at lane index
 573      * {@code (N + length() - (i % length())) % length()}
 574      *
 575      * @param i the number of lanes to rotate left
 576      * @return the result of rotating right lane elements of this vector by the
 577      * given number of lanes
 578      */
 579     public abstract Vector<E> rotateER(int i);
 581     /**
 582      * Shift left the lane elements of this vector by the given number of
 583      * lanes, {@code i}, modulus the vector length.
 584      * <p>
 585      * This is a cross-lane operation that permutes the lane elements of this
 586      * vector and behaves as if rotating left the lane elements by {@code i},
 587      * and then the zero value is placed into the result vector at lane indexes
 588      * less than {@code i % length()}.
 589      *
 590      * @param i the number of lanes to shift left
 591      * @return the result of shifting left lane elements of this vector by the
 592      * given number of lanes
 593      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code i} is {@code < 0}.
 594      */
 595     public abstract Vector<E> shiftEL(int i);
 597     /**
 598      * Shift right the lane elements of this vector by the given number of
 599      * lanes, {@code i}, modulus the vector length.
 600      * <p>
 601      * This is a cross-lane operation that permutes the lane elements of this
 602      * vector and behaves as if rotating right the lane elements by {@code i},
 603      * and then the zero value is placed into the result vector at lane indexes
 604      * greater or equal to {@code length() - (i % length())}.
 605      *
 606      * @param i the number of lanes to shift right
 607      * @return the result of shifting right lane elements of this vector by the
 608      * given number of lanes
 609      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code i} is {@code < 0}.
 610      */
 611     public abstract Vector<E> shiftER(int i);
 613     /**
 614      * Blends the lane elements of this vector with those of an input vector,
 615      * selecting lanes controlled by a mask.
 616      * <p>
 617      * For each lane of the mask, at lane index {@code N}, if the mask lane
 618      * is set then the lane element at {@code N} from the input vector is
 619      * selected and placed into the resulting vector at {@code N},
 620      * otherwise the lane element at {@code N} from this input vector is
 621      * selected and placed into the resulting vector at {@code N}.
 622      *
 623      * @param v the input vector
 624      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
 625      * @return the result of blending the lane elements of this vector with
 626      * those of an input vector
 627      */
 628     public abstract Vector<E> blend(Vector<E> v, VectorMask<E> m);
 630     /**
 631      * Rearranges the lane elements of this vector and those of an input vector,
 632      * selecting lane indexes controlled by shuffles and a mask.
 633      * <p>
 634      * This is a cross-lane operation that rearranges the lane elements of this
 635      * vector and the input vector.  This method behaves as if it rearranges
 636      * each vector with the corresponding shuffle and then blends the two
 637      * results with the mask:
 638      * <pre>{@code
 639      * return this.rearrange(s1).blend(v.rearrange(s2), m);
 640      * }</pre>

 697      * Transforms this vector to a vector of the given species of element type {@code F}.
 698      * <p>
 699      * The underlying bits of this vector are copied to the resulting
 700      * vector without modification, but those bits, before copying, may be
 701      * truncated if the this vector's bit size is greater than desired vector's bit
 702      * size, or appended to with zero bits if this vector's bit size is less
 703      * than desired vector's bit size.
 704      * <p>
 705      * The method behaves as if this vector is stored into a byte buffer
 706      * and then the desired vector is loaded from the byte buffer using
 707      * native byte ordering. The implication is that ByteBuffer reads bytes
 708      * and then composes them based on the byte ordering so the result
 709      * depends on this composition.
 710      * <p>
 711      * For example, on a system with ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN, loading from
 712      * byte array with values {0,1,2,3} and reshaping to int, leads to bytes
 713      * being composed in order 0x3 0x2 0x1 0x0 which is decimal value 50462976.
 714      * On a system with ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN, the value is instead 66051 because
 715      * bytes are composed in order 0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3.
 716      * <p>
 717      * The following pseudocode expresses the behavior:
 718      * <pre>{@code
 719      * int blen = Math.max(this.bitSize(), s.bitSize()) / Byte.SIZE;
 720      * ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(blen).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
 721      * this.intoByteBuffer(bb, 0);
 722      * return $type$Vector.fromByteBuffer(s, bb, 0);
 723      * }</pre>
 724      *
 725      * @param s species of desired vector
 726      * @param <F> the boxed element type of the species
 727      * @return a vector transformed, by shape and element type, from this vector
 728      */
 729     @ForceInline
 730     public abstract <F> Vector<F> reinterpret(VectorSpecies<F> s);
 732     @ForceInline
 733     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 734     <F> Vector<F> defaultReinterpret(VectorSpecies<F> s) {
 735         int blen = Math.max(s.bitSize(), this.species().bitSize()) / Byte.SIZE;
 736         ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(blen).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
 737         this.intoByteBuffer(bb, 0);

 748         } else if (stype == float.class) {
 749            return (Vector) FloatVector.fromByteBuffer((FloatVector.FloatSpecies)s, bb, 0);
 750         } else if (stype == double.class) {
 751            return (Vector) DoubleVector.fromByteBuffer((DoubleVector.DoubleSpecies)s, bb, 0);
 752         } else {
 753             throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Bad lane type for reinterpret.");
 754         }
 755     }
 757     /**
 758      * Transforms this vector to a vector of same element type but different shape identified by species.
 759      * <p>
 760      * The lane elements of this vector are copied without
 761      * modification to the resulting vector, but those lane elements, before
 762      * copying, may be truncated if this vector's length is greater than the desired
 763      * vector's length, or appended to with default element values if this
 764      * vector's length is less than desired vector's length.
 765      * <p>
 766      * The method behaves as if this vector is stored into a byte array
 767      * and then the returned vector is loaded from the byte array.
 768      * The following pseudocode expresses the behavior:
 769      * <pre>{@code
 770      * int alen = Math.max(this.bitSize(), s.bitSize()) / Byte.SIZE;
 771      * byte[] a = new byte[alen];
 772      * this.intoByteArray(a, 0);
 773      * return $type$Vector.fromByteArray(s, a, 0);
 774      * }</pre>
 775      *
 776      * @param s species of the desired vector
 777      * @return a vector transformed, by shape, from this vector
 778      */
 779     public abstract Vector<E> reshape(VectorSpecies<E> s);
 781     // Cast
 783     /**
 784      * Converts this vector to a vector of the given species element type {@code F}.
 785      * <p>
 786      * For each vector lane up to the length of this vector or
 787      * desired vector, which ever is the minimum, and where {@code N} is the
 788      * vector lane index, the element at index {@code N} of primitive type

 862      *
 863      * @param b the byte buffer
 864      * @param i the offset into the byte buffer
 865      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the offset is {@code < 0},
 866      * or {@code > b.limit()},
 867      * or if there are fewer than
 868      * {@code this.length() * this.elementSize() / Byte.SIZE} bytes
 869      * remaining in the byte buffer from the given offset
 870      */
 871     public abstract void intoByteBuffer(ByteBuffer b, int i);
 873     /**
 874      * Stores this vector into a {@link ByteBuffer byte buffer} starting at an
 875      * offset into the byte buffer and using a mask.
 876      * <p>
 877      * This method behaves as if the byte buffer is viewed as a primitive
 878      * {@link java.nio.Buffer buffer} for the primitive element type,
 879      * according to the native byte order of the underlying platform, and
 880      * the lane elements of this vector are put into the buffer if the
 881      * corresponding mask lane is set.
 882      * The following pseudocode expresses the behavior, where
 883      * {@coce EBuffer} is the primitive buffer type, {@code e} is the
 884      * primitive element type, and {@code EVector} is the primitive
 885      * vector type for this vector:
 886      * <pre>{@code
 887      * EBuffer eb = b.duplicate().
 888      *     order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).position(i).
 889      *     asEBuffer();
 890      * e[] es = ((EVector)this).toArray();
 891      * for (int n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
 892      *     if (m.isSet(n)) {
 893      *         eb.put(n, es[n]);
 894      *     }
 895      * }
 896      * }</pre>
 897      *
 898      * @param b the byte buffer
 899      * @param i the offset into the byte buffer
 900      * @param m the mask
 901      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the offset is {@code < 0},
 902      * or {@code > b.limit()},
 903      * for any vector lane index {@code N} where the mask at lane {@code N}
 904      * is set
 905      * {@code i >= b.limit() - (N * this.elementSize() / Byte.SIZE)} bytes
 906      */
 907     public abstract void intoByteBuffer(ByteBuffer b, int i, VectorMask<E> m);
 909     /**
 910      * Find bit size based on element type and number of elements.

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