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rev 56969 : Javadoc corrections

 137     /**
 138      * Returns the number of lanes processed by this shuffle.
 139      * This is the same as the {@code VLENGTH} of any vector
 140      * it operates on.
 141      *
 142      * @return the number of shuffle lanes
 143      */
 144     @ForceInline
 145     public final int length() {
 146         AbstractSpecies<E> vspecies = (AbstractSpecies<E>) vectorSpecies();
 147         return vspecies.laneCount();
 148     }
 150     /**
 151      * Converts this shuffle to a shuffle of the given species of
 152      * element type {@code F}.
 153      *
 154      * The various lane source indexes are unmodified, except that any
 155      * index that fails to validate against a changed {@code VLENGTH}
 156      * is partially wrapped to an exceptional index, whether it was
 157      * originally normal or exception.
 158      *
 159      * @param species the species of desired shuffle
 160      * @param <F> the boxed element type of the species
 161      * @return a shuffle converted by shape and element type
 162      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if this shuffle length and the
 163      *         species length differ
 164      */
 165     public abstract <F> VectorShuffle<F> cast(VectorSpecies<F> species);
 167     /**
 168      * Checks that this shuffle has the given species,
 169      * and returns this shuffle unchanged.
 170      * The effect is similar to this pseudocode:
 171      * {@code species == vectorSpecies()
 172      *        ? this
 173      *        : throw new ClassCastException()}.
 174      *
 175      * @param species the required species
 176      * @param <F> the boxed element type of the required species
 177      * @return the same shuffle

 246      * Find all lanes containing valid indexes (non-negative values)
 247      * and return a mask where exactly those lanes are set.
 248      *
 249      * @return a mask of lanes containing valid source indexes
 250      * @see #checkIndexes()
 251      */
 252     public abstract VectorMask<E> laneIsValid();
 254     /**
 255      * Loads a shuffle for a given species from
 256      * a series of source indexes.
 257      *
 258      * <p> For each shuffle lane, where {@code N} is the shuffle lane
 259      * index, the {@code N}th index value is validated
 260      * against the species {@code VLENGTH}, and (if invalid)
 261      * is partially wrapped to an exceptional index in the
 262      * range {@code [-VLENGTH..-1]}.
 263      *
 264      * @param species shuffle species
 265      * @param sourceIndexes the source indexes which the shuffle will draw from
 266      * @param offset the offset into the array
 267      * @return a shuffle where each lane's source index is set to the given
 268      *         {@code int} value, partially wrapped if exceptional
 269      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code offset < 0}, or
 270      *         {@code offset > sourceIndexes.length - VLENGTH}
 271      * @see VectorSpecies#shuffleFromValues(int...)
 272      */
 273     @ForceInline
 274     public static <E> VectorShuffle<E> fromValues(VectorSpecies<E> species,
 275                                                   int... sourceIndexes) {
 276         AbstractSpecies<E> vsp = (AbstractSpecies<E>) species;
 277         VectorIntrinsics.requireLength(sourceIndexes.length, vsp.laneCount());
 278         return vsp.shuffleFromArray(sourceIndexes, 0);
 279     }
 281     /**
 282      * Loads a shuffle for a given species from
 283      * an {@code int} array starting at an offset.
 284      *
 285      * <p> For each shuffle lane, where {@code N} is the shuffle lane
 286      * index, the array element at index {@code i + N} is validated
 287      * against the species {@code VLENGTH}, and (if invalid)
 288      * is partially wrapped to an exceptional index in the
 289      * range {@code [-VLENGTH..-1]}.
 290      *
 291      * @param species shuffle species
 292      * @param sourceIndexes the source indexes which the shuffle will draw from
 293      * @param offset the offset into the array
 294      * @return a shuffle where each lane's source index is set to the given
 295      *         {@code int} value, partially wrapped if exceptional
 296      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code offset < 0}, or
 297      *         {@code offset > sourceIndexes.length - VLENGTH}
 298      * @see VectorSpecies#shuffleFromArray(int[], int)
 299      */
 300     @ForceInline
 301     public static <E> VectorShuffle<E> fromArray(VectorSpecies<E> species, int[] sourceIndexes, int offset) {
 302         AbstractSpecies<E> vsp = (AbstractSpecies<E>) species;
 303         return vsp.shuffleFromArray(sourceIndexes, offset);
 304     }
 306     /**
 307      * Loads a shuffle for a given species from
 308      * the successive values of an operator applied to
 309      * the range {@code [0..VLENGTH-1]}.
 310      *
 311      * <p> For each shuffle lane, where {@code N} is the shuffle lane
 312      * index, the {@code N}th index value is validated
 313      * against the species {@code VLENGTH}, and (if invalid)
 314      * is partially wrapped to an exceptional index in the
 315      * range {@code [-VLENGTH..-1]}.
 316      *
 317      * <p> Care should be taken to ensure {@code VectorShuffle} values
 318      * produced from this method are consumed as constants to ensure
 319      * optimal generation of code.  For example, shuffle values can be
 320      * held in {@code static final} fields or loop-invariant local variables.
 321      *
 322      * <p> This method behaves as if a shuffle is created from an array of
 323      * mapped indexes as follows:
 324      * <pre>{@code
 325      *   int[] a = new int[species.length()];
 326      *   for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
 327      *       a[i] = f.applyAsInt(i);
 328      *   }
 329      *   return VectorShuffle.fromArray(a, 0);
 330      * }</pre>
 331      *
 332      * @param species shuffle species
 333      * @param f the lane index mapping function
 334      * @return a shuffle of mapped indexes
 335      * @see VectorSpecies#shuffleFromOp(IntUnaryOperator)
 336      */
 337     @ForceInline
 338     public static <E> VectorShuffle<E> fromOp(VectorSpecies<E> species, IntUnaryOperator fn) {
 339         AbstractSpecies<E> vsp = (AbstractSpecies<E>) species;
 340         return vsp.shuffleFromOp(fn);
 341     }
 343     /**
 344      * Loads a shuffle using source indexes set to sequential
 345      * values starting from {@code start} and stepping
 346      * by the given {@code step}.
 347      * <p>
 348      * This method returns the value of the expression
 349      * {@code VectorShuffle.fromOp(species, i -> start + i * step)}.
 350      *
 351      * @param species shuffle species
 352      * @param start the starting value of the source index sequence
 353      * @param step the difference between adjacent source indexes 

 137     /**
 138      * Returns the number of lanes processed by this shuffle.
 139      * This is the same as the {@code VLENGTH} of any vector
 140      * it operates on.
 141      *
 142      * @return the number of shuffle lanes
 143      */
 144     @ForceInline
 145     public final int length() {
 146         AbstractSpecies<E> vspecies = (AbstractSpecies<E>) vectorSpecies();
 147         return vspecies.laneCount();
 148     }
 150     /**
 151      * Converts this shuffle to a shuffle of the given species of
 152      * element type {@code F}.
 153      *
 154      * The various lane source indexes are unmodified, except that any
 155      * index that fails to validate against a changed {@code VLENGTH}
 156      * is partially wrapped to an exceptional index, whether it was
 157      * originally normal or exceptional.
 158      *
 159      * @param species the species of desired shuffle
 160      * @param <F> the boxed element type of the species
 161      * @return a shuffle converted by shape and element type
 162      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if this shuffle length and the
 163      *         species length differ
 164      */
 165     public abstract <F> VectorShuffle<F> cast(VectorSpecies<F> species);
 167     /**
 168      * Checks that this shuffle has the given species,
 169      * and returns this shuffle unchanged.
 170      * The effect is similar to this pseudocode:
 171      * {@code species == vectorSpecies()
 172      *        ? this
 173      *        : throw new ClassCastException()}.
 174      *
 175      * @param species the required species
 176      * @param <F> the boxed element type of the required species
 177      * @return the same shuffle

 246      * Find all lanes containing valid indexes (non-negative values)
 247      * and return a mask where exactly those lanes are set.
 248      *
 249      * @return a mask of lanes containing valid source indexes
 250      * @see #checkIndexes()
 251      */
 252     public abstract VectorMask<E> laneIsValid();
 254     /**
 255      * Loads a shuffle for a given species from
 256      * a series of source indexes.
 257      *
 258      * <p> For each shuffle lane, where {@code N} is the shuffle lane
 259      * index, the {@code N}th index value is validated
 260      * against the species {@code VLENGTH}, and (if invalid)
 261      * is partially wrapped to an exceptional index in the
 262      * range {@code [-VLENGTH..-1]}.
 263      *
 264      * @param species shuffle species
 265      * @param sourceIndexes the source indexes which the shuffle will draw from

 266      * @return a shuffle where each lane's source index is set to the given
 267      *         {@code int} value, partially wrapped if exceptional
 268      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code sourceIndexes.length != VLENGTH}

 269      * @see VectorSpecies#shuffleFromValues(int...)
 270      */
 271     @ForceInline
 272     public static <E> VectorShuffle<E> fromValues(VectorSpecies<E> species,
 273                                                   int... sourceIndexes) {
 274         AbstractSpecies<E> vsp = (AbstractSpecies<E>) species;
 275         VectorIntrinsics.requireLength(sourceIndexes.length, vsp.laneCount());
 276         return vsp.shuffleFromArray(sourceIndexes, 0);
 277     }
 279     /**
 280      * Loads a shuffle for a given species from
 281      * an {@code int} array starting at an offset.
 282      *
 283      * <p> For each shuffle lane, where {@code N} is the shuffle lane
 284      * index, the array element at index {@code offset + N} is validated
 285      * against the species {@code VLENGTH}, and (if invalid)
 286      * is partially wrapped to an exceptional index in the
 287      * range {@code [-VLENGTH..-1]}.
 288      *
 289      * @param species shuffle species
 290      * @param sourceIndexes the source indexes which the shuffle will draw from
 291      * @param offset the offset into the array
 292      * @return a shuffle where each lane's source index is set to the given
 293      *         {@code int} value, partially wrapped if exceptional
 294      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code offset < 0}, or
 295      *         {@code offset > sourceIndexes.length - VLENGTH}
 296      * @see VectorSpecies#shuffleFromArray(int[], int)
 297      */
 298     @ForceInline
 299     public static <E> VectorShuffle<E> fromArray(VectorSpecies<E> species, int[] sourceIndexes, int offset) {
 300         AbstractSpecies<E> vsp = (AbstractSpecies<E>) species;
 301         return vsp.shuffleFromArray(sourceIndexes, offset);
 302     }
 304     /**
 305      * Loads a shuffle for a given species from
 306      * the successive values of an operator applied to
 307      * the range {@code [0..VLENGTH-1]}.
 308      *
 309      * <p> For each shuffle lane, where {@code N} is the shuffle lane
 310      * index, the {@code N}th index value is validated
 311      * against the species {@code VLENGTH}, and (if invalid)
 312      * is partially wrapped to an exceptional index in the
 313      * range {@code [-VLENGTH..-1]}.
 314      *
 315      * <p> Care should be taken to ensure {@code VectorShuffle} values
 316      * produced from this method are consumed as constants to ensure
 317      * optimal generation of code.  For example, shuffle values can be
 318      * held in {@code static final} fields or loop-invariant local variables.
 319      *
 320      * <p> This method behaves as if a shuffle is created from an array of
 321      * mapped indexes as follows:
 322      * <pre>{@code
 323      *   int[] a = new int[species.length()];
 324      *   for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
 325      *       a[i] = fn.applyAsInt(i);
 326      *   }
 327      *   return VectorShuffle.fromArray(a, 0);
 328      * }</pre>
 329      *
 330      * @param species shuffle species
 331      * @param fn the lane index mapping function
 332      * @return a shuffle of mapped indexes
 333      * @see VectorSpecies#shuffleFromOp(IntUnaryOperator)
 334      */
 335     @ForceInline
 336     public static <E> VectorShuffle<E> fromOp(VectorSpecies<E> species, IntUnaryOperator fn) {
 337         AbstractSpecies<E> vsp = (AbstractSpecies<E>) species;
 338         return vsp.shuffleFromOp(fn);
 339     }
 341     /**
 342      * Loads a shuffle using source indexes set to sequential
 343      * values starting from {@code start} and stepping
 344      * by the given {@code step}.
 345      * <p>
 346      * This method returns the value of the expression
 347      * {@code VectorShuffle.fromOp(species, i -> start + i * step)}.
 348      *
 349      * @param species shuffle species
 350      * @param start the starting value of the source index sequence
 351      * @param step the difference between adjacent source indexes 

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