import jdk.incubator.vector.*; import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.ForceInline; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles; import java.lang.invoke.VarHandle; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.IntFunction; import jdk.incubator.vector.Vector.Shape; import jdk.incubator.vector.Vector.Species; /** * @test * @modules jdk.incubator.vector * @modules java.base/jdk.internal.vm.annotation * @run testng/othervm --add-opens jdk.incubator.vector/jdk.incubator.vector=ALL-UNNAMED * VectorReshapeTests */ @Test public class VectorReshapeTests { static final int INVOC_COUNT = Integer.getInteger("jdk.incubator.vector.test.loop-iterations", 100); static final int NUM_ITER = 200 * INVOC_COUNT; static final Shape S_Max_BIT = getMaxBit(); static final Species ispec64 = IntVector.SPECIES_64; static final Species fspec64 = FloatVector.SPECIES_64; static final Species lspec64 = LongVector.SPECIES_64; static final Species dspec64 = DoubleVector.SPECIES_64; static final Species bspec64 = ByteVector.SPECIES_64; static final Species sspec64 = ShortVector.SPECIES_64; static final Species ispec128 = IntVector.SPECIES_128; static final Species fspec128 = FloatVector.SPECIES_128; static final Species lspec128 = LongVector.SPECIES_128; static final Species dspec128 = DoubleVector.SPECIES_128; static final Species bspec128 = ByteVector.SPECIES_128; static final Species sspec128 = ShortVector.SPECIES_128; static final Species ispec256 = IntVector.SPECIES_256; static final Species fspec256 = FloatVector.SPECIES_256; static final Species lspec256 = LongVector.SPECIES_256; static final Species dspec256 = DoubleVector.SPECIES_256; static final Species bspec256 = ByteVector.SPECIES_256; static final Species sspec256 = ShortVector.SPECIES_256; static final Species ispec512 = IntVector.SPECIES_512; static final Species fspec512 = FloatVector.SPECIES_512; static final Species lspec512 = LongVector.SPECIES_512; static final Species dspec512 = DoubleVector.SPECIES_512; static final Species bspec512 = ByteVector.SPECIES_512; static final Species sspec512 = ShortVector.SPECIES_512; static final Species ispecMax = IntVector.SPECIES_MAX; static final Species fspecMax = FloatVector.SPECIES_MAX; static final Species lspecMax = LongVector.SPECIES_MAX; static final Species dspecMax = DoubleVector.SPECIES_MAX; static final Species bspecMax = ByteVector.SPECIES_MAX; static final Species sspecMax = ShortVector.SPECIES_MAX; static Shape getMaxBit() { return Shape.S_Max_BIT; } static IntFunction withToString(String s, IntFunction f) { return new IntFunction() { @Override public T apply(int v) { return f.apply(v); } @Override public String toString() { return s; } }; } interface ToByteF { byte apply(int i); } static byte[] fill_byte(int s , ToByteF f) { return fill_byte(new byte[s], f); } static byte[] fill_byte(byte[] a, ToByteF f) { for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { a[i] = f.apply(i); } return a; } interface ToBoolF { boolean apply(int i); } static boolean[] fill_bool(int s , ToBoolF f) { return fill_bool(new boolean[s], f); } static boolean[] fill_bool(boolean[] a, ToBoolF f) { for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { a[i] = f.apply(i); } return a; } interface ToShortF { short apply(int i); } static short[] fill_short(int s , ToShortF f) { return fill_short(new short[s], f); } static short[] fill_short(short[] a, ToShortF f) { for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { a[i] = f.apply(i); } return a; } interface ToIntF { int apply(int i); } static int[] fill_int(int s , ToIntF f) { return fill_int(new int[s], f); } static int[] fill_int(int[] a, ToIntF f) { for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { a[i] = f.apply(i); } return a; } interface ToLongF { long apply(int i); } static long[] fill_long(int s , ToLongF f) { return fill_long(new long[s], f); } static long[] fill_long(long[] a, ToLongF f) { for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { a[i] = f.apply(i); } return a; } interface ToFloatF { float apply(int i); } static float[] fill_float(int s , ToFloatF f) { return fill_float(new float[s], f); } static float[] fill_float(float[] a, ToFloatF f) { for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { a[i] = f.apply(i); } return a; } interface ToDoubleF { double apply(int i); } static double[] fill_double(int s , ToDoubleF f) { return fill_double(new double[s], f); } static double[] fill_double(double[] a, ToDoubleF f) { for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { a[i] = f.apply(i); } return a; } static final List> BYTE_GENERATORS = List.of( withToString("byte(i)", (int s) -> { return fill_byte(s, i -> (byte)i); }) ); @DataProvider public Object[][] byteUnaryOpProvider() { return map(f -> new Object[]{f}). toArray(Object[][]::new); } static final List> BOOL_GENERATORS = List.of( withToString("boolean(i%3)", (int s) -> { return fill_bool(s, i -> i % 3 == 0); }) ); @DataProvider public Object[][] booleanUnaryOpProvider() { return map(f -> new Object[]{f}). toArray(Object[][]::new); } static final List> SHORT_GENERATORS = List.of( withToString("short(i)", (int s) -> { return fill_short(s, i -> (short)i); }) ); @DataProvider public Object[][] shortUnaryOpProvider() { return map(f -> new Object[]{f}). toArray(Object[][]::new); } static final List> INT_GENERATORS = List.of( withToString("int(i)", (int s) -> { return fill_int(s, i -> (int)i); }) ); @DataProvider public Object[][] intUnaryOpProvider() { return map(f -> new Object[]{f}). toArray(Object[][]::new); } static final List> LONG_GENERATORS = List.of( withToString("long(i)", (int s) -> { return fill_long(s, i -> (long)i); }) ); @DataProvider public Object[][] longUnaryOpProvider() { return map(f -> new Object[]{f}). toArray(Object[][]::new); } static final List> FLOAT_GENERATORS = List.of( withToString("float(i)", (int s) -> { return fill_float(s, i -> (float)i); }) ); @DataProvider public Object[][] floatUnaryOpProvider() { return map(f -> new Object[]{f}). toArray(Object[][]::new); } static final List> DOUBLE_GENERATORS = List.of( withToString("double(i)", (int s) -> { return fill_double(s, i -> (double)i); }) ); @DataProvider public Object[][] doubleUnaryOpProvider() { return map(f -> new Object[]{f}). toArray(Object[][]::new); } @ForceInline static void testVectorReshape(Vector.Species a, Vector.Species b, byte[] input, byte[] output) { Vector av; Class stype = a.elementType(); if (stype == byte.class) { av = (Vector) ByteVector.fromByteArray((Species)a, input, 0); } else if (stype == short.class) { av = (Vector) ShortVector.fromByteArray((Species)a, input, 0); } else if (stype == int.class) { av = (Vector) IntVector.fromByteArray((Species)a, input, 0); } else if (stype == long.class) { av = (Vector) LongVector.fromByteArray((Species)a, input, 0); } else if (stype == float.class) { av = (Vector) FloatVector.fromByteArray((Species)a, input, 0); } else if (stype == double.class) { av = (Vector) DoubleVector.fromByteArray((Species)a, input, 0); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Bad lane type"); } Vector bv = av.reshape(b); bv.intoByteArray(output, 0); byte[] expected = Arrays.copyOf(input, output.length); Assert.assertEquals(expected, output); } @Test(dataProvider = "byteUnaryOpProvider") static void testReshapeByte(IntFunction fa) { byte[] bin64 = fa.apply(64/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bin128 = fa.apply(128/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bin256 = fa.apply(256/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bin512 = fa.apply(512/Byte.SIZE); byte[] binMax = fa.apply(S_Max_BIT.bitSize()/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bout64 = new byte[bin64.length]; byte[] bout128 = new byte[bin128.length]; byte[] bout256 = new byte[bin256.length]; byte[] bout512 = new byte[bin512.length]; byte[] boutMax = new byte[binMax.length]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; i++) { testVectorReshape(bspec64, bspec64, bin64, bout64); testVectorReshape(bspec64, bspec128, bin64, bout128); testVectorReshape(bspec64, bspec256, bin64, bout256); testVectorReshape(bspec64, bspec512, bin64, bout512); testVectorReshape(bspec64, bspecMax, bin64, boutMax); testVectorReshape(bspec128, bspec64, bin128, bout64); testVectorReshape(bspec128, bspec128, bin128, bout128); testVectorReshape(bspec128, bspec256, bin128, bout256); testVectorReshape(bspec128, bspec512, bin128, bout512); testVectorReshape(bspec128, bspecMax, bin128, boutMax); testVectorReshape(bspec256, bspec64, bin256, bout64); testVectorReshape(bspec256, bspec128, bin256, bout128); testVectorReshape(bspec256, bspec256, bin256, bout256); testVectorReshape(bspec256, bspec512, bin256, bout512); testVectorReshape(bspec256, bspecMax, bin256, boutMax); testVectorReshape(bspec512, bspec64, bin512, bout64); testVectorReshape(bspec512, bspec128, bin512, bout128); testVectorReshape(bspec512, bspec256, bin512, bout256); testVectorReshape(bspec512, bspec512, bin512, bout512); testVectorReshape(bspec512, bspecMax, bin512, boutMax); testVectorReshape(bspecMax, bspec64, binMax, bout64); testVectorReshape(bspecMax, bspec128, binMax, bout128); testVectorReshape(bspecMax, bspec256, binMax, bout256); testVectorReshape(bspecMax, bspec512, binMax, bout512); testVectorReshape(bspecMax, bspecMax, binMax, boutMax); } } @Test(dataProvider = "byteUnaryOpProvider") static void testReshapeShort(IntFunction fa) { byte[] bin64 = fa.apply(64/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bin128 = fa.apply(128/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bin256 = fa.apply(256/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bin512 = fa.apply(512/Byte.SIZE); byte[] binMax = fa.apply(S_Max_BIT.bitSize()/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bout64 = new byte[bin64.length]; byte[] bout128 = new byte[bin128.length]; byte[] bout256 = new byte[bin256.length]; byte[] bout512 = new byte[bin512.length]; byte[] boutMax = new byte[binMax.length]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; i++) { testVectorReshape(sspec64, sspec64, bin64, bout64); testVectorReshape(sspec64, sspec128, bin64, bout128); testVectorReshape(sspec64, sspec256, bin64, bout256); testVectorReshape(sspec64, sspec512, bin64, bout512); testVectorReshape(sspec64, sspecMax, bin64, boutMax); testVectorReshape(sspec128, sspec64, bin128, bout64); testVectorReshape(sspec128, sspec128, bin128, bout128); testVectorReshape(sspec128, sspec256, bin128, bout256); testVectorReshape(sspec128, sspec512, bin128, bout512); testVectorReshape(sspec128, sspecMax, bin128, boutMax); testVectorReshape(sspec256, sspec64, bin256, bout64); testVectorReshape(sspec256, sspec128, bin256, bout128); testVectorReshape(sspec256, sspec256, bin256, bout256); testVectorReshape(sspec256, sspec512, bin256, bout512); testVectorReshape(sspec256, sspecMax, bin256, boutMax); testVectorReshape(sspec512, sspec64, bin512, bout64); testVectorReshape(sspec512, sspec128, bin512, bout128); testVectorReshape(sspec512, sspec256, bin512, bout256); testVectorReshape(sspec512, sspec512, bin512, bout512); testVectorReshape(sspec512, sspecMax, bin512, boutMax); testVectorReshape(sspecMax, sspec64, binMax, bout64); testVectorReshape(sspecMax, sspec128, binMax, bout128); testVectorReshape(sspecMax, sspec256, binMax, bout256); testVectorReshape(sspecMax, sspec512, binMax, bout512); testVectorReshape(sspecMax, sspecMax, binMax, boutMax); } } @Test(dataProvider = "byteUnaryOpProvider") static void testReshapeInt(IntFunction fa) { byte[] bin64 = fa.apply(64/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bin128 = fa.apply(128/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bin256 = fa.apply(256/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bin512 = fa.apply(512/Byte.SIZE); byte[] binMax = fa.apply(S_Max_BIT.bitSize()/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bout64 = new byte[bin64.length]; byte[] bout128 = new byte[bin128.length]; byte[] bout256 = new byte[bin256.length]; byte[] bout512 = new byte[bin512.length]; byte[] boutMax = new byte[binMax.length]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; i++) { testVectorReshape(ispec64, ispec64, bin64, bout64); testVectorReshape(ispec64, ispec128, bin64, bout128); testVectorReshape(ispec64, ispec256, bin64, bout256); testVectorReshape(ispec64, ispec512, bin64, bout512); testVectorReshape(ispec64, ispecMax, bin64, boutMax); testVectorReshape(ispec128, ispec64, bin128, bout64); testVectorReshape(ispec128, ispec128, bin128, bout128); testVectorReshape(ispec128, ispec256, bin128, bout256); testVectorReshape(ispec128, ispec512, bin128, bout512); testVectorReshape(ispec128, ispecMax, bin128, boutMax); testVectorReshape(ispec256, ispec64, bin256, bout64); testVectorReshape(ispec256, ispec128, bin256, bout128); testVectorReshape(ispec256, ispec256, bin256, bout256); testVectorReshape(ispec256, ispec512, bin256, bout512); testVectorReshape(ispec256, ispecMax, bin256, boutMax); testVectorReshape(ispec512, ispec64, bin512, bout64); testVectorReshape(ispec512, ispec128, bin512, bout128); testVectorReshape(ispec512, ispec256, bin512, bout256); testVectorReshape(ispec512, ispec512, bin512, bout512); testVectorReshape(ispec512, ispecMax, bin512, boutMax); testVectorReshape(ispecMax, ispec64, binMax, bout64); testVectorReshape(ispecMax, ispec128, binMax, bout128); testVectorReshape(ispecMax, ispec256, binMax, bout256); testVectorReshape(ispecMax, ispec512, binMax, bout512); testVectorReshape(ispecMax, ispecMax, binMax, boutMax); } } @Test(dataProvider = "byteUnaryOpProvider") static void testReshapeLong(IntFunction fa) { byte[] bin64 = fa.apply(64/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bin128 = fa.apply(128/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bin256 = fa.apply(256/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bin512 = fa.apply(512/Byte.SIZE); byte[] binMax = fa.apply(S_Max_BIT.bitSize()/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bout64 = new byte[bin64.length]; byte[] bout128 = new byte[bin128.length]; byte[] bout256 = new byte[bin256.length]; byte[] bout512 = new byte[bin512.length]; byte[] boutMax = new byte[binMax.length]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; i++) { testVectorReshape(lspec64, lspec64, bin64, bout64); testVectorReshape(lspec64, lspec128, bin64, bout128); testVectorReshape(lspec64, lspec256, bin64, bout256); testVectorReshape(lspec64, lspec512, bin64, bout512); testVectorReshape(lspec64, lspecMax, bin64, boutMax); testVectorReshape(lspec128, lspec64, bin128, bout64); testVectorReshape(lspec128, lspec128, bin128, bout128); testVectorReshape(lspec128, lspec256, bin128, bout256); testVectorReshape(lspec128, lspec512, bin128, bout512); testVectorReshape(lspec128, lspecMax, bin128, boutMax); testVectorReshape(lspec256, lspec64, bin256, bout64); testVectorReshape(lspec256, lspec128, bin256, bout128); testVectorReshape(lspec256, lspec256, bin256, bout256); testVectorReshape(lspec256, lspec512, bin256, bout512); testVectorReshape(lspec256, lspecMax, bin256, boutMax); testVectorReshape(lspec512, lspec64, bin512, bout64); testVectorReshape(lspec512, lspec128, bin512, bout128); testVectorReshape(lspec512, lspec256, bin512, bout256); testVectorReshape(lspec512, lspec512, bin512, bout512); testVectorReshape(lspec512, lspecMax, bin512, boutMax); testVectorReshape(lspecMax, lspec64, binMax, bout64); testVectorReshape(lspecMax, lspec128, binMax, bout128); testVectorReshape(lspecMax, lspec256, binMax, bout256); testVectorReshape(lspecMax, lspec512, binMax, bout512); testVectorReshape(lspecMax, lspecMax, binMax, boutMax); } } @Test(dataProvider = "byteUnaryOpProvider") static void testReshapeFloat(IntFunction fa) { byte[] bin64 = fa.apply(64/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bin128 = fa.apply(128/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bin256 = fa.apply(256/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bin512 = fa.apply(512/Byte.SIZE); byte[] binMax = fa.apply(S_Max_BIT.bitSize()/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bout64 = new byte[bin64.length]; byte[] bout128 = new byte[bin128.length]; byte[] bout256 = new byte[bin256.length]; byte[] bout512 = new byte[bin512.length]; byte[] boutMax = new byte[binMax.length]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; i++) { testVectorReshape(fspec64, fspec64, bin64, bout64); testVectorReshape(fspec64, fspec128, bin64, bout128); testVectorReshape(fspec64, fspec256, bin64, bout256); testVectorReshape(fspec64, fspec512, bin64, bout512); testVectorReshape(fspec64, fspecMax, bin64, boutMax); testVectorReshape(fspec128, fspec64, bin128, bout64); testVectorReshape(fspec128, fspec128, bin128, bout128); testVectorReshape(fspec128, fspec256, bin128, bout256); testVectorReshape(fspec128, fspec512, bin128, bout512); testVectorReshape(fspec128, fspecMax, bin128, boutMax); testVectorReshape(fspec256, fspec64, bin256, bout64); testVectorReshape(fspec256, fspec128, bin256, bout128); testVectorReshape(fspec256, fspec256, bin256, bout256); testVectorReshape(fspec256, fspec512, bin256, bout512); testVectorReshape(fspec256, fspecMax, bin256, boutMax); testVectorReshape(fspec512, fspec64, bin512, bout64); testVectorReshape(fspec512, fspec128, bin512, bout128); testVectorReshape(fspec512, fspec256, bin512, bout256); testVectorReshape(fspec512, fspec512, bin512, bout512); testVectorReshape(fspec512, fspecMax, bin512, boutMax); testVectorReshape(fspecMax, fspec64, binMax, bout64); testVectorReshape(fspecMax, fspec128, binMax, bout128); testVectorReshape(fspecMax, fspec256, binMax, bout256); testVectorReshape(fspecMax, fspec512, binMax, bout512); testVectorReshape(fspecMax, fspecMax, binMax, boutMax); } } @Test(dataProvider = "byteUnaryOpProvider") static void testReshapeDouble(IntFunction fa) { byte[] bin64 = fa.apply(64/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bin128 = fa.apply(128/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bin256 = fa.apply(256/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bin512 = fa.apply(512/Byte.SIZE); byte[] binMax = fa.apply(S_Max_BIT.bitSize()/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bout64 = new byte[bin64.length]; byte[] bout128 = new byte[bin128.length]; byte[] bout256 = new byte[bin256.length]; byte[] bout512 = new byte[bin512.length]; byte[] boutMax = new byte[binMax.length]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; i++) { testVectorReshape(dspec64, dspec64, bin64, bout64); testVectorReshape(dspec64, dspec128, bin64, bout128); testVectorReshape(dspec64, dspec256, bin64, bout256); testVectorReshape(dspec64, dspec512, bin64, bout512); testVectorReshape(dspec64, dspecMax, bin64, boutMax); testVectorReshape(dspec128, dspec64, bin128, bout64); testVectorReshape(dspec128, dspec128, bin128, bout128); testVectorReshape(dspec128, dspec256, bin128, bout256); testVectorReshape(dspec128, dspec512, bin128, bout512); testVectorReshape(dspec128, dspecMax, bin128, boutMax); testVectorReshape(dspec256, dspec64, bin256, bout64); testVectorReshape(dspec256, dspec128, bin256, bout128); testVectorReshape(dspec256, dspec256, bin256, bout256); testVectorReshape(dspec256, dspec512, bin256, bout512); testVectorReshape(dspec256, dspecMax, bin256, boutMax); testVectorReshape(dspec512, dspec64, bin512, bout64); testVectorReshape(dspec512, dspec128, bin512, bout128); testVectorReshape(dspec512, dspec256, bin512, bout256); testVectorReshape(dspec512, dspec512, bin512, bout512); testVectorReshape(dspec512, dspecMax, bin512, boutMax); testVectorReshape(dspecMax, dspec64, binMax, bout64); testVectorReshape(dspecMax, dspec128, binMax, bout128); testVectorReshape(dspecMax, dspec256, binMax, bout256); testVectorReshape(dspecMax, dspec512, binMax, bout512); testVectorReshape(dspecMax, dspecMax, binMax, boutMax); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorRebracket(Vector.Species a, Vector.Species b, byte[] input, byte[] output) { assert(input.length == output.length); Vector av; Class stype = a.elementType(); if (stype == byte.class) { av = (Vector) ByteVector.fromByteArray((Species)a, input, 0); } else if (stype == short.class) { av = (Vector) ShortVector.fromByteArray((Species)a, input, 0); } else if (stype == int.class) { av = (Vector) IntVector.fromByteArray((Species)a, input, 0); } else if (stype == long.class) { av = (Vector) LongVector.fromByteArray((Species)a, input, 0); } else if (stype == float.class) { av = (Vector) FloatVector.fromByteArray((Species)a, input, 0); } else if (stype == double.class) { av = (Vector) DoubleVector.fromByteArray((Species)a, input, 0); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Bad lane type"); } Vector bv = av.reinterpret(b); bv.intoByteArray(output, 0); Assert.assertEquals(input, output); } @Test(dataProvider = "byteUnaryOpProvider") static void testRebracket64(IntFunction fa) { byte[] barr = fa.apply(64/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bout = new byte[barr.length]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; i++) { testVectorRebracket(bspec64, bspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(bspec64, sspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(bspec64, ispec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(bspec64, lspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(bspec64, fspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(bspec64, dspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspec64, bspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspec64, sspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspec64, ispec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspec64, lspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspec64, fspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspec64, dspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispec64, bspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispec64, sspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispec64, ispec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispec64, lspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispec64, fspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispec64, dspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspec64, bspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspec64, sspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspec64, ispec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspec64, lspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspec64, fspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspec64, dspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspec64, bspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspec64, sspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspec64, ispec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspec64, lspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspec64, fspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspec64, dspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspec64, bspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspec64, sspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspec64, ispec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspec64, lspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspec64, fspec64, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspec64, dspec64, barr, bout); } } @Test(dataProvider = "byteUnaryOpProvider") static void testRebracket128(IntFunction fa) { byte[] barr = fa.apply(128/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bout = new byte[barr.length]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; i++) { testVectorRebracket(bspec128, bspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(bspec128, sspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(bspec128, ispec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(bspec128, lspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(bspec128, fspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(bspec128, dspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspec128, bspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspec128, sspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspec128, ispec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspec128, lspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspec128, fspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspec128, dspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispec128, bspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispec128, sspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispec128, ispec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispec128, lspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispec128, fspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispec128, dspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspec128, bspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspec128, sspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspec128, ispec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspec128, lspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspec128, fspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspec128, dspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspec128, bspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspec128, sspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspec128, ispec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspec128, lspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspec128, fspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspec128, dspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspec128, bspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspec128, sspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspec128, ispec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspec128, lspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspec128, fspec128, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspec128, dspec128, barr, bout); } } @Test(dataProvider = "byteUnaryOpProvider") static void testRebracket256(IntFunction fa) { byte[] barr = fa.apply(256/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bout = new byte[barr.length]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; i++) { testVectorRebracket(bspec256, bspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(bspec256, sspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(bspec256, ispec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(bspec256, lspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(bspec256, fspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(bspec256, dspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspec256, bspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspec256, sspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspec256, ispec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspec256, lspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspec256, fspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspec256, dspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispec256, bspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispec256, sspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispec256, ispec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispec256, lspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispec256, fspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispec256, dspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspec256, bspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspec256, sspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspec256, ispec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspec256, lspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspec256, fspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspec256, dspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspec256, bspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspec256, sspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspec256, ispec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspec256, lspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspec256, fspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspec256, dspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspec256, bspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspec256, sspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspec256, ispec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspec256, lspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspec256, fspec256, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspec256, dspec256, barr, bout); } } @Test(dataProvider = "byteUnaryOpProvider") static void testRebracket512(IntFunction fa) { byte[] barr = fa.apply(512/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bout = new byte[barr.length]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; i++) { testVectorRebracket(bspec512, bspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(bspec512, sspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(bspec512, ispec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(bspec512, lspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(bspec512, fspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(bspec512, dspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspec512, bspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspec512, sspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspec512, ispec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspec512, lspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspec512, fspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspec512, dspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispec512, bspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispec512, sspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispec512, ispec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispec512, lspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispec512, fspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispec512, dspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspec512, bspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspec512, sspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspec512, ispec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspec512, lspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspec512, fspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspec512, dspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspec512, bspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspec512, sspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspec512, ispec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspec512, lspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspec512, fspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspec512, dspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspec512, bspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspec512, sspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspec512, ispec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspec512, lspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspec512, fspec512, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspec512, dspec512, barr, bout); } } @Test(dataProvider = "byteUnaryOpProvider") static void testRebracketMax(IntFunction fa) { byte[] barr = fa.apply(S_Max_BIT.bitSize()/Byte.SIZE); byte[] bout = new byte[barr.length]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; i++) { testVectorRebracket(bspecMax, bspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(bspecMax, sspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(bspecMax, ispecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(bspecMax, lspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(bspecMax, fspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(bspecMax, dspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspecMax, bspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspecMax, sspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspecMax, ispecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspecMax, lspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspecMax, fspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(sspecMax, dspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispecMax, bspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispecMax, sspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispecMax, ispecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispecMax, lspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispecMax, fspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(ispecMax, dspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspecMax, bspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspecMax, sspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspecMax, ispecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspecMax, lspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspecMax, fspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(lspecMax, dspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspecMax, bspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspecMax, sspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspecMax, ispecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspecMax, lspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspecMax, fspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(fspecMax, dspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspecMax, bspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspecMax, sspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspecMax, ispecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspecMax, lspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspecMax, fspecMax, barr, bout); testVectorRebracket(dspecMax, dspecMax, barr, bout); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastByteToFloat(Species a, Species b, byte[] input, float[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); ByteVector av = ByteVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); FloatVector bv = (FloatVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (float)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (float)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastByteToFloatFail(Species a, Species b, byte[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); ByteVector av = ByteVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastShortToFloat(Species a, Species b, short[] input, float[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); ShortVector av = ShortVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); FloatVector bv = (FloatVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (float)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (float)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastShortToFloatFail(Species a, Species b, short[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); ShortVector av = ShortVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastIntToFloat(Species a, Species b, int[] input, float[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); IntVector av = IntVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); FloatVector bv = (FloatVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (float)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (float)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastIntToFloatFail(Species a, Species b, int[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); IntVector av = IntVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastLongToFloat(Species a, Species b, long[] input, float[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); LongVector av = LongVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); FloatVector bv = (FloatVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (float)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (float)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastLongToFloatFail(Species a, Species b, long[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); LongVector av = LongVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastFloatToFloat(Species a, Species b, float[] input, float[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); FloatVector av = FloatVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); FloatVector bv = (FloatVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (float)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (float)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastFloatToFloatFail(Species a, Species b, float[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); FloatVector av = FloatVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastDoubleToFloat(Species a, Species b, double[] input, float[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); DoubleVector av = DoubleVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); FloatVector bv = (FloatVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (float)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (float)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastDoubleToFloatFail(Species a, Species b, double[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); DoubleVector av = DoubleVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastByteToByte(Species a, Species b, byte[] input, byte[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); ByteVector av = ByteVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); ByteVector bv = (ByteVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (byte)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (byte)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastByteToByteFail(Species a, Species b, byte[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); ByteVector av = ByteVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastShortToByte(Species a, Species b, short[] input, byte[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); ShortVector av = ShortVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); ByteVector bv = (ByteVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (byte)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (byte)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastShortToByteFail(Species a, Species b, short[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); ShortVector av = ShortVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastIntToByte(Species a, Species b, int[] input, byte[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); IntVector av = IntVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); ByteVector bv = (ByteVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (byte)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (byte)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastIntToByteFail(Species a, Species b, int[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); IntVector av = IntVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastLongToByte(Species a, Species b, long[] input, byte[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); LongVector av = LongVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); ByteVector bv = (ByteVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (byte)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (byte)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastLongToByteFail(Species a, Species b, long[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); LongVector av = LongVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastFloatToByte(Species a, Species b, float[] input, byte[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); FloatVector av = FloatVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); ByteVector bv = (ByteVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (byte)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (byte)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastFloatToByteFail(Species a, Species b, float[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); FloatVector av = FloatVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastDoubleToByte(Species a, Species b, double[] input, byte[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); DoubleVector av = DoubleVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); ByteVector bv = (ByteVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (byte)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (byte)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastDoubleToByteFail(Species a, Species b, double[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); DoubleVector av = DoubleVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastByteToShort(Species a, Species b, byte[] input, short[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); ByteVector av = ByteVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); ShortVector bv = (ShortVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (short)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (short)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastByteToShortFail(Species a, Species b, byte[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); ByteVector av = ByteVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastShortToShort(Species a, Species b, short[] input, short[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); ShortVector av = ShortVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); ShortVector bv = (ShortVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (short)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (short)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastShortToShortFail(Species a, Species b, short[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); ShortVector av = ShortVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastIntToShort(Species a, Species b, int[] input, short[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); IntVector av = IntVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); ShortVector bv = (ShortVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (short)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (short)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastIntToShortFail(Species a, Species b, int[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); IntVector av = IntVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastLongToShort(Species a, Species b, long[] input, short[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); LongVector av = LongVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); ShortVector bv = (ShortVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (short)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (short)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastLongToShortFail(Species a, Species b, long[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); LongVector av = LongVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastFloatToShort(Species a, Species b, float[] input, short[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); FloatVector av = FloatVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); ShortVector bv = (ShortVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (short)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (short)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastFloatToShortFail(Species a, Species b, float[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); FloatVector av = FloatVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastDoubleToShort(Species a, Species b, double[] input, short[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); DoubleVector av = DoubleVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); ShortVector bv = (ShortVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (short)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (short)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastDoubleToShortFail(Species a, Species b, double[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); DoubleVector av = DoubleVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastByteToInt(Species a, Species b, byte[] input, int[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); ByteVector av = ByteVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); IntVector bv = (IntVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (int)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (int)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastByteToIntFail(Species a, Species b, byte[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); ByteVector av = ByteVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastShortToInt(Species a, Species b, short[] input, int[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); ShortVector av = ShortVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); IntVector bv = (IntVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (int)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (int)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastShortToIntFail(Species a, Species b, short[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); ShortVector av = ShortVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastIntToInt(Species a, Species b, int[] input, int[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); IntVector av = IntVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); IntVector bv = (IntVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (int)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (int)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastIntToIntFail(Species a, Species b, int[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); IntVector av = IntVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastLongToInt(Species a, Species b, long[] input, int[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); LongVector av = LongVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); IntVector bv = (IntVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (int)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (int)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastLongToIntFail(Species a, Species b, long[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); LongVector av = LongVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastFloatToInt(Species a, Species b, float[] input, int[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); FloatVector av = FloatVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); IntVector bv = (IntVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (int)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (int)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastFloatToIntFail(Species a, Species b, float[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); FloatVector av = FloatVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastDoubleToInt(Species a, Species b, double[] input, int[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); DoubleVector av = DoubleVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); IntVector bv = (IntVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (int)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (int)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastDoubleToIntFail(Species a, Species b, double[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); DoubleVector av = DoubleVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastByteToLong(Species a, Species b, byte[] input, long[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); ByteVector av = ByteVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); LongVector bv = (LongVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (long)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (long)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastByteToLongFail(Species a, Species b, byte[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); ByteVector av = ByteVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastShortToLong(Species a, Species b, short[] input, long[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); ShortVector av = ShortVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); LongVector bv = (LongVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (long)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (long)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastShortToLongFail(Species a, Species b, short[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); ShortVector av = ShortVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastIntToLong(Species a, Species b, int[] input, long[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); IntVector av = IntVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); LongVector bv = (LongVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (long)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (long)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastIntToLongFail(Species a, Species b, int[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); IntVector av = IntVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastLongToLong(Species a, Species b, long[] input, long[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); LongVector av = LongVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); LongVector bv = (LongVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (long)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (long)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastLongToLongFail(Species a, Species b, long[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); LongVector av = LongVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastFloatToLong(Species a, Species b, float[] input, long[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); FloatVector av = FloatVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); LongVector bv = (LongVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (long)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (long)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastFloatToLongFail(Species a, Species b, float[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); FloatVector av = FloatVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastDoubleToLong(Species a, Species b, double[] input, long[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); DoubleVector av = DoubleVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); LongVector bv = (LongVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (long)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (long)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastDoubleToLongFail(Species a, Species b, double[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); DoubleVector av = DoubleVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastByteToDouble(Species a, Species b, byte[] input, double[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); ByteVector av = ByteVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); DoubleVector bv = (DoubleVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (double)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (double)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastByteToDoubleFail(Species a, Species b, byte[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); ByteVector av = ByteVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastShortToDouble(Species a, Species b, short[] input, double[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); ShortVector av = ShortVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); DoubleVector bv = (DoubleVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (double)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (double)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastShortToDoubleFail(Species a, Species b, short[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); ShortVector av = ShortVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastIntToDouble(Species a, Species b, int[] input, double[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); IntVector av = IntVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); DoubleVector bv = (DoubleVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (double)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (double)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastIntToDoubleFail(Species a, Species b, int[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); IntVector av = IntVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastLongToDouble(Species a, Species b, long[] input, double[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); LongVector av = LongVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); DoubleVector bv = (DoubleVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (double)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (double)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastLongToDoubleFail(Species a, Species b, long[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); LongVector av = LongVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastFloatToDouble(Species a, Species b, float[] input, double[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); FloatVector av = FloatVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); DoubleVector bv = (DoubleVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (double)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (double)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastFloatToDoubleFail(Species a, Species b, float[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); FloatVector av = FloatVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastDoubleToDouble(Species a, Species b, double[] input, double[] output) { assert(input.length == a.length()); assert(output.length == b.length()); DoubleVector av = DoubleVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); DoubleVector bv = (DoubleVector) av.cast(b); bv.intoArray(output, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(input.length, output.length); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (double)input[i]); } for(int i = input.length; i < output.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(output[i], (double)0); } } @ForceInline static void testVectorCastDoubleToDoubleFail(Species a, Species b, double[] input) { assert(input.length == a.length()); DoubleVector av = DoubleVector.fromArray(a, input, 0); try { av.cast(b); "Cast failed to throw IllegalArgumentException for differing species lengths for %s and %s", a, b)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @Test(dataProvider = "byteUnaryOpProvider") static void testCastFromByte(IntFunction fa) { byte[] bin64 = fa.apply(bspec64.length()); byte[] bin128 = fa.apply(bspec128.length()); byte[] bin256 = fa.apply(bspec256.length()); byte[] bin512 = fa.apply(bspec512.length()); byte[] bout64 = new byte[bspec64.length()]; byte[] bout128 = new byte[bspec128.length()]; byte[] bout256 = new byte[bspec256.length()]; byte[] bout512 = new byte[bspec512.length()]; short[] sout128 = new short[sspec128.length()]; short[] sout256 = new short[sspec256.length()]; short[] sout512 = new short[sspec512.length()]; int[] iout256 = new int[ispec256.length()]; int[] iout512 = new int[ispec512.length()]; long[] lout512 = new long[lspec512.length()]; float[] fout256 = new float[fspec256.length()]; float[] fout512 = new float[fspec512.length()]; double[] dout512 = new double[dspec512.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; i++) { testVectorCastByteToByte(bspec64, bspec64, bin64, bout64); testVectorCastByteToByte(bspec128, bspec128, bin128, bout128); testVectorCastByteToByte(bspec256, bspec256, bin256, bout256); testVectorCastByteToByte(bspec512, bspec512, bin512, bout512); testVectorCastByteToShort(bspec64, sspec128, bin64, sout128); testVectorCastByteToShort(bspec128, sspec256, bin128, sout256); testVectorCastByteToShort(bspec256, sspec512, bin256, sout512); testVectorCastByteToInt(bspec64, ispec256, bin64, iout256); testVectorCastByteToInt(bspec128, ispec512, bin128, iout512); testVectorCastByteToLong(bspec64, lspec512, bin64, lout512); testVectorCastByteToFloat(bspec64, fspec256, bin64, fout256); testVectorCastByteToFloat(bspec128, fspec512, bin128, fout512); testVectorCastByteToDouble(bspec64, dspec512, bin64, dout512); } } @Test static void testCastFromByteFail() { byte[] bin64 = new byte[bspec64.length()]; byte[] bin128 = new byte[bspec128.length()]; byte[] bin256 = new byte[bspec256.length()]; byte[] bin512 = new byte[bspec512.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < INVOC_COUNT; i++) { testVectorCastByteToByteFail(bspec64, bspec128, bin64); testVectorCastByteToByteFail(bspec64, bspec256, bin64); testVectorCastByteToByteFail(bspec64, bspec512, bin64); testVectorCastByteToByteFail(bspec128, bspec64, bin128); testVectorCastByteToByteFail(bspec128, bspec256, bin128); testVectorCastByteToByteFail(bspec128, bspec512, bin128); testVectorCastByteToByteFail(bspec256, bspec64, bin256); testVectorCastByteToByteFail(bspec256, bspec128, bin256); testVectorCastByteToByteFail(bspec256, bspec512, bin256); testVectorCastByteToByteFail(bspec512, bspec64, bin512); testVectorCastByteToByteFail(bspec512, bspec128, bin512); testVectorCastByteToByteFail(bspec512, bspec256, bin512); testVectorCastByteToShortFail(bspec64, sspec64, bin64); testVectorCastByteToShortFail(bspec64, sspec256, bin64); testVectorCastByteToShortFail(bspec64, sspec512, bin64); testVectorCastByteToShortFail(bspec128, sspec64, bin128); testVectorCastByteToShortFail(bspec128, sspec128, bin128); testVectorCastByteToShortFail(bspec128, sspec512, bin128); testVectorCastByteToShortFail(bspec256, sspec64, bin256); testVectorCastByteToShortFail(bspec256, sspec128, bin256); testVectorCastByteToShortFail(bspec256, sspec256, bin256); testVectorCastByteToShortFail(bspec512, sspec64, bin512); testVectorCastByteToShortFail(bspec512, sspec128, bin512); testVectorCastByteToShortFail(bspec512, sspec256, bin512); testVectorCastByteToShortFail(bspec512, sspec512, bin512); testVectorCastByteToIntFail(bspec64, ispec64, bin64); testVectorCastByteToIntFail(bspec64, ispec128, bin64); testVectorCastByteToIntFail(bspec64, ispec512, bin64); testVectorCastByteToIntFail(bspec128, ispec64, bin128); testVectorCastByteToIntFail(bspec128, ispec128, bin128); testVectorCastByteToIntFail(bspec128, ispec256, bin128); testVectorCastByteToIntFail(bspec256, ispec64, bin256); testVectorCastByteToIntFail(bspec256, ispec128, bin256); testVectorCastByteToIntFail(bspec256, ispec256, bin256); testVectorCastByteToIntFail(bspec256, ispec512, bin256); testVectorCastByteToIntFail(bspec512, ispec64, bin512); testVectorCastByteToIntFail(bspec512, ispec128, bin512); testVectorCastByteToIntFail(bspec512, ispec256, bin512); testVectorCastByteToIntFail(bspec512, ispec512, bin512); testVectorCastByteToLongFail(bspec64, lspec64, bin64); testVectorCastByteToLongFail(bspec64, lspec128, bin64); testVectorCastByteToLongFail(bspec64, lspec256, bin64); testVectorCastByteToLongFail(bspec128, lspec64, bin128); testVectorCastByteToLongFail(bspec128, lspec128, bin128); testVectorCastByteToLongFail(bspec128, lspec256, bin128); testVectorCastByteToLongFail(bspec128, lspec512, bin128); testVectorCastByteToLongFail(bspec256, lspec64, bin256); testVectorCastByteToLongFail(bspec256, lspec128, bin256); testVectorCastByteToLongFail(bspec256, lspec256, bin256); testVectorCastByteToLongFail(bspec256, lspec512, bin256); testVectorCastByteToLongFail(bspec512, lspec64, bin512); testVectorCastByteToLongFail(bspec512, lspec128, bin512); testVectorCastByteToLongFail(bspec512, lspec256, bin512); testVectorCastByteToLongFail(bspec512, lspec512, bin512); testVectorCastByteToFloatFail(bspec64, fspec64, bin64); testVectorCastByteToFloatFail(bspec64, fspec128, bin64); testVectorCastByteToFloatFail(bspec64, fspec512, bin64); testVectorCastByteToFloatFail(bspec128, fspec64, bin128); testVectorCastByteToFloatFail(bspec128, fspec128, bin128); testVectorCastByteToFloatFail(bspec128, fspec256, bin128); testVectorCastByteToFloatFail(bspec256, fspec64, bin256); testVectorCastByteToFloatFail(bspec256, fspec128, bin256); testVectorCastByteToFloatFail(bspec256, fspec256, bin256); testVectorCastByteToFloatFail(bspec256, fspec512, bin256); testVectorCastByteToFloatFail(bspec512, fspec64, bin512); testVectorCastByteToFloatFail(bspec512, fspec128, bin512); testVectorCastByteToFloatFail(bspec512, fspec256, bin512); testVectorCastByteToFloatFail(bspec512, fspec512, bin512); testVectorCastByteToDoubleFail(bspec64, dspec64, bin64); testVectorCastByteToDoubleFail(bspec64, dspec128, bin64); testVectorCastByteToDoubleFail(bspec64, dspec256, bin64); testVectorCastByteToDoubleFail(bspec128, dspec64, bin128); testVectorCastByteToDoubleFail(bspec128, dspec128, bin128); testVectorCastByteToDoubleFail(bspec128, dspec256, bin128); testVectorCastByteToDoubleFail(bspec128, dspec512, bin128); testVectorCastByteToDoubleFail(bspec256, dspec64, bin256); testVectorCastByteToDoubleFail(bspec256, dspec128, bin256); testVectorCastByteToDoubleFail(bspec256, dspec256, bin256); testVectorCastByteToDoubleFail(bspec256, dspec512, bin256); testVectorCastByteToDoubleFail(bspec512, dspec64, bin512); testVectorCastByteToDoubleFail(bspec512, dspec128, bin512); testVectorCastByteToDoubleFail(bspec512, dspec256, bin512); testVectorCastByteToDoubleFail(bspec512, dspec512, bin512); } } @Test(dataProvider = "shortUnaryOpProvider") static void testCastFromShort(IntFunction fa) { short[] sin64 = fa.apply(sspec64.length()); short[] sin128 = fa.apply(sspec128.length()); short[] sin256 = fa.apply(sspec256.length()); short[] sin512 = fa.apply(sspec512.length()); byte[] bout64 = new byte[bspec64.length()]; byte[] bout128 = new byte[bspec128.length()]; byte[] bout256 = new byte[bspec256.length()]; short[] sout64 = new short[sspec64.length()]; short[] sout128 = new short[sspec128.length()]; short[] sout256 = new short[sspec256.length()]; short[] sout512 = new short[sspec512.length()]; int[] iout128 = new int[ispec128.length()]; int[] iout256 = new int[ispec256.length()]; int[] iout512 = new int[ispec512.length()]; long[] lout256 = new long[lspec256.length()]; long[] lout512 = new long[lspec512.length()]; float[] fout128 = new float[fspec128.length()]; float[] fout256 = new float[fspec256.length()]; float[] fout512 = new float[fspec512.length()]; double[] dout256 = new double[dspec256.length()]; double[] dout512 = new double[dspec512.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; i++) { testVectorCastShortToByte(sspec128, bspec64, sin128, bout64); testVectorCastShortToByte(sspec256, bspec128, sin256, bout128); testVectorCastShortToByte(sspec512, bspec256, sin512, bout256); testVectorCastShortToShort(sspec64, sspec64, sin64, sout64); testVectorCastShortToShort(sspec128, sspec128, sin128, sout128); testVectorCastShortToShort(sspec256, sspec256, sin256, sout256); testVectorCastShortToShort(sspec512, sspec512, sin512, sout512); testVectorCastShortToInt(sspec64, ispec128, sin64, iout128); testVectorCastShortToInt(sspec128, ispec256, sin128, iout256); testVectorCastShortToInt(sspec256, ispec512, sin256, iout512); testVectorCastShortToLong(sspec64, lspec256, sin64, lout256); testVectorCastShortToLong(sspec128, lspec512, sin128, lout512); testVectorCastShortToFloat(sspec64, fspec128, sin64, fout128); testVectorCastShortToFloat(sspec128, fspec256, sin128, fout256); testVectorCastShortToFloat(sspec256, fspec512, sin256, fout512); testVectorCastShortToDouble(sspec64, dspec256, sin64, dout256); testVectorCastShortToDouble(sspec128, dspec512, sin128, dout512); } } @Test() static void testCastFromShortFail() { short[] sin64 = new short[sspec64.length()]; short[] sin128 = new short[sspec128.length()]; short[] sin256 = new short[sspec256.length()]; short[] sin512 = new short[sspec512.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < INVOC_COUNT; i++) { testVectorCastShortToByteFail(sspec64, bspec64, sin64); testVectorCastShortToByteFail(sspec64, bspec128, sin64); testVectorCastShortToByteFail(sspec64, bspec256, sin64); testVectorCastShortToByteFail(sspec64, bspec512, sin64); testVectorCastShortToByteFail(sspec128, bspec128, sin128); testVectorCastShortToByteFail(sspec128, bspec256, sin128); testVectorCastShortToByteFail(sspec128, bspec512, sin128); testVectorCastShortToByteFail(sspec256, bspec64, sin256); testVectorCastShortToByteFail(sspec256, bspec256, sin256); testVectorCastShortToByteFail(sspec256, bspec512, sin256); testVectorCastShortToByteFail(sspec512, bspec64, sin512); testVectorCastShortToByteFail(sspec512, bspec128, sin512); testVectorCastShortToByteFail(sspec512, bspec512, sin512); testVectorCastShortToShortFail(sspec64, sspec128, sin64); testVectorCastShortToShortFail(sspec64, sspec256, sin64); testVectorCastShortToShortFail(sspec64, sspec512, sin64); testVectorCastShortToShortFail(sspec128, sspec64, sin128); testVectorCastShortToShortFail(sspec128, sspec256, sin128); testVectorCastShortToShortFail(sspec128, sspec512, sin128); testVectorCastShortToShortFail(sspec256, sspec64, sin256); testVectorCastShortToShortFail(sspec256, sspec128, sin256); testVectorCastShortToShortFail(sspec256, sspec512, sin256); testVectorCastShortToShortFail(sspec512, sspec64, sin512); testVectorCastShortToShortFail(sspec512, sspec128, sin512); testVectorCastShortToShortFail(sspec512, sspec256, sin512); testVectorCastShortToIntFail(sspec64, ispec64, sin64); testVectorCastShortToIntFail(sspec64, ispec256, sin64); testVectorCastShortToIntFail(sspec64, ispec512, sin64); testVectorCastShortToIntFail(sspec128, ispec64, sin128); testVectorCastShortToIntFail(sspec128, ispec128, sin128); testVectorCastShortToIntFail(sspec128, ispec512, sin128); testVectorCastShortToIntFail(sspec256, ispec64, sin256); testVectorCastShortToIntFail(sspec256, ispec128, sin256); testVectorCastShortToIntFail(sspec256, ispec256, sin256); testVectorCastShortToIntFail(sspec512, ispec64, sin512); testVectorCastShortToIntFail(sspec512, ispec128, sin512); testVectorCastShortToIntFail(sspec512, ispec256, sin512); testVectorCastShortToIntFail(sspec512, ispec512, sin512); testVectorCastShortToLongFail(sspec64, lspec64, sin64); testVectorCastShortToLongFail(sspec64, lspec128, sin64); testVectorCastShortToLongFail(sspec64, lspec512, sin64); testVectorCastShortToLongFail(sspec128, lspec64, sin128); testVectorCastShortToLongFail(sspec128, lspec128, sin128); testVectorCastShortToLongFail(sspec128, lspec256, sin128); testVectorCastShortToLongFail(sspec256, lspec64, sin256); testVectorCastShortToLongFail(sspec256, lspec128, sin256); testVectorCastShortToLongFail(sspec256, lspec256, sin256); testVectorCastShortToLongFail(sspec256, lspec512, sin256); testVectorCastShortToLongFail(sspec512, lspec64, sin512); testVectorCastShortToLongFail(sspec512, lspec128, sin512); testVectorCastShortToLongFail(sspec512, lspec256, sin512); testVectorCastShortToLongFail(sspec512, lspec512, sin512); testVectorCastShortToFloatFail(sspec64, fspec64, sin64); testVectorCastShortToFloatFail(sspec64, fspec256, sin64); testVectorCastShortToFloatFail(sspec64, fspec512, sin64); testVectorCastShortToFloatFail(sspec128, fspec64, sin128); testVectorCastShortToFloatFail(sspec128, fspec128, sin128); testVectorCastShortToFloatFail(sspec128, fspec512, sin128); testVectorCastShortToFloatFail(sspec256, fspec64, sin256); testVectorCastShortToFloatFail(sspec256, fspec128, sin256); testVectorCastShortToFloatFail(sspec256, fspec256, sin256); testVectorCastShortToFloatFail(sspec512, fspec64, sin512); testVectorCastShortToFloatFail(sspec512, fspec128, sin512); testVectorCastShortToFloatFail(sspec512, fspec256, sin512); testVectorCastShortToFloatFail(sspec512, fspec512, sin512); testVectorCastShortToDoubleFail(sspec64, dspec64, sin64); testVectorCastShortToDoubleFail(sspec64, dspec128, sin64); testVectorCastShortToDoubleFail(sspec64, dspec512, sin64); testVectorCastShortToDoubleFail(sspec128, dspec64, sin128); testVectorCastShortToDoubleFail(sspec128, dspec128, sin128); testVectorCastShortToDoubleFail(sspec128, dspec256, sin128); testVectorCastShortToDoubleFail(sspec256, dspec64, sin256); testVectorCastShortToDoubleFail(sspec256, dspec128, sin256); testVectorCastShortToDoubleFail(sspec256, dspec256, sin256); testVectorCastShortToDoubleFail(sspec256, dspec512, sin256); testVectorCastShortToDoubleFail(sspec512, dspec64, sin512); testVectorCastShortToDoubleFail(sspec512, dspec128, sin512); testVectorCastShortToDoubleFail(sspec512, dspec256, sin512); testVectorCastShortToDoubleFail(sspec512, dspec512, sin512); } } @Test(dataProvider = "intUnaryOpProvider") static void testCastFromInt(IntFunction fa) { int[] iin64 = fa.apply(ispec64.length()); int[] iin128 = fa.apply(ispec128.length()); int[] iin256 = fa.apply(ispec256.length()); int[] iin512 = fa.apply(ispec512.length()); byte[] bout64 = new byte[bspec64.length()]; byte[] bout128 = new byte[bspec128.length()]; short[] sout64 = new short[sspec64.length()]; short[] sout128 = new short[sspec128.length()]; short[] sout256 = new short[sspec256.length()]; int[] iout64 = new int[ispec64.length()]; int[] iout128 = new int[ispec128.length()]; int[] iout256 = new int[ispec256.length()]; int[] iout512 = new int[ispec512.length()]; long[] lout128 = new long[lspec128.length()]; long[] lout256 = new long[lspec256.length()]; long[] lout512 = new long[lspec512.length()]; float[] fout64 = new float[fspec64.length()]; float[] fout128 = new float[fspec128.length()]; float[] fout256 = new float[fspec256.length()]; float[] fout512 = new float[fspec512.length()]; double[] dout128 = new double[dspec128.length()]; double[] dout256 = new double[dspec256.length()]; double[] dout512 = new double[dspec512.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; i++) { testVectorCastIntToByte(ispec256, bspec64, iin256, bout64); testVectorCastIntToByte(ispec512, bspec128, iin512, bout128); testVectorCastIntToShort(ispec128, sspec64, iin128, sout64); testVectorCastIntToShort(ispec256, sspec128, iin256, sout128); testVectorCastIntToShort(ispec512, sspec256, iin512, sout256); testVectorCastIntToInt(ispec64, ispec64, iin64, iout64); testVectorCastIntToInt(ispec128, ispec128, iin128, iout128); testVectorCastIntToInt(ispec256, ispec256, iin256, iout256); testVectorCastIntToInt(ispec512, ispec512, iin512, iout512); testVectorCastIntToLong(ispec64, lspec128, iin64, lout128); testVectorCastIntToLong(ispec128, lspec256, iin128, lout256); testVectorCastIntToLong(ispec256, lspec512, iin256, lout512); testVectorCastIntToFloat(ispec64, fspec64, iin64, fout64); testVectorCastIntToFloat(ispec128, fspec128, iin128, fout128); testVectorCastIntToFloat(ispec256, fspec256, iin256, fout256); testVectorCastIntToFloat(ispec512, fspec512, iin512, fout512); testVectorCastIntToDouble(ispec64, dspec128, iin64, dout128); testVectorCastIntToDouble(ispec128, dspec256, iin128, dout256); testVectorCastIntToDouble(ispec256, dspec512, iin256, dout512); } } @Test static void testCastFromIntFail() { int[] iin64 = new int[ispec64.length()]; int[] iin128 = new int[ispec128.length()]; int[] iin256 = new int[ispec256.length()]; int[] iin512 = new int[ispec512.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < INVOC_COUNT; i++) { testVectorCastIntToByteFail(ispec64, bspec64, iin64); testVectorCastIntToByteFail(ispec64, bspec128, iin64); testVectorCastIntToByteFail(ispec64, bspec256, iin64); testVectorCastIntToByteFail(ispec64, bspec512, iin64); testVectorCastIntToByteFail(ispec128, bspec64, iin128); testVectorCastIntToByteFail(ispec128, bspec128, iin128); testVectorCastIntToByteFail(ispec128, bspec256, iin128); testVectorCastIntToByteFail(ispec128, bspec512, iin128); testVectorCastIntToByteFail(ispec256, bspec128, iin256); testVectorCastIntToByteFail(ispec256, bspec256, iin256); testVectorCastIntToByteFail(ispec256, bspec512, iin256); testVectorCastIntToByteFail(ispec512, bspec64, iin512); testVectorCastIntToByteFail(ispec512, bspec256, iin512); testVectorCastIntToByteFail(ispec512, bspec512, iin512); testVectorCastIntToShortFail(ispec64, sspec64, iin64); testVectorCastIntToShortFail(ispec64, sspec128, iin64); testVectorCastIntToShortFail(ispec64, sspec256, iin64); testVectorCastIntToShortFail(ispec64, sspec512, iin64); testVectorCastIntToShortFail(ispec128, sspec128, iin128); testVectorCastIntToShortFail(ispec128, sspec256, iin128); testVectorCastIntToShortFail(ispec128, sspec512, iin128); testVectorCastIntToShortFail(ispec256, sspec64, iin256); testVectorCastIntToShortFail(ispec256, sspec256, iin256); testVectorCastIntToShortFail(ispec256, sspec512, iin256); testVectorCastIntToShortFail(ispec512, sspec64, iin512); testVectorCastIntToShortFail(ispec512, sspec128, iin512); testVectorCastIntToShortFail(ispec512, sspec512, iin512); testVectorCastIntToIntFail(ispec64, ispec128, iin64); testVectorCastIntToIntFail(ispec64, ispec256, iin64); testVectorCastIntToIntFail(ispec64, ispec512, iin64); testVectorCastIntToIntFail(ispec128, ispec64, iin128); testVectorCastIntToIntFail(ispec128, ispec256, iin128); testVectorCastIntToIntFail(ispec128, ispec512, iin128); testVectorCastIntToIntFail(ispec256, ispec64, iin256); testVectorCastIntToIntFail(ispec256, ispec128, iin256); testVectorCastIntToIntFail(ispec256, ispec512, iin256); testVectorCastIntToIntFail(ispec512, ispec64, iin512); testVectorCastIntToIntFail(ispec512, ispec128, iin512); testVectorCastIntToIntFail(ispec512, ispec256, iin512); testVectorCastIntToLongFail(ispec64, lspec64, iin64); testVectorCastIntToLongFail(ispec64, lspec256, iin64); testVectorCastIntToLongFail(ispec64, lspec512, iin64); testVectorCastIntToLongFail(ispec128, lspec64, iin128); testVectorCastIntToLongFail(ispec128, lspec128, iin128); testVectorCastIntToLongFail(ispec128, lspec512, iin128); testVectorCastIntToLongFail(ispec256, lspec64, iin256); testVectorCastIntToLongFail(ispec256, lspec128, iin256); testVectorCastIntToLongFail(ispec256, lspec256, iin256); testVectorCastIntToLongFail(ispec512, lspec64, iin512); testVectorCastIntToLongFail(ispec512, lspec128, iin512); testVectorCastIntToLongFail(ispec512, lspec256, iin512); testVectorCastIntToLongFail(ispec512, lspec512, iin512); testVectorCastIntToFloatFail(ispec64, fspec128, iin64); testVectorCastIntToFloatFail(ispec64, fspec256, iin64); testVectorCastIntToFloatFail(ispec64, fspec512, iin64); testVectorCastIntToFloatFail(ispec128, fspec64, iin128); testVectorCastIntToFloatFail(ispec128, fspec256, iin128); testVectorCastIntToFloatFail(ispec128, fspec512, iin128); testVectorCastIntToFloatFail(ispec256, fspec64, iin256); testVectorCastIntToFloatFail(ispec256, fspec128, iin256); testVectorCastIntToFloatFail(ispec256, fspec512, iin256); testVectorCastIntToFloatFail(ispec512, fspec64, iin512); testVectorCastIntToFloatFail(ispec512, fspec128, iin512); testVectorCastIntToFloatFail(ispec512, fspec256, iin512); testVectorCastIntToDoubleFail(ispec64, dspec64, iin64); testVectorCastIntToDoubleFail(ispec64, dspec256, iin64); testVectorCastIntToDoubleFail(ispec64, dspec512, iin64); testVectorCastIntToDoubleFail(ispec128, dspec64, iin128); testVectorCastIntToDoubleFail(ispec128, dspec128, iin128); testVectorCastIntToDoubleFail(ispec128, dspec512, iin128); testVectorCastIntToDoubleFail(ispec256, dspec64, iin256); testVectorCastIntToDoubleFail(ispec256, dspec128, iin256); testVectorCastIntToDoubleFail(ispec256, dspec256, iin256); testVectorCastIntToDoubleFail(ispec512, dspec64, iin512); testVectorCastIntToDoubleFail(ispec512, dspec128, iin512); testVectorCastIntToDoubleFail(ispec512, dspec256, iin512); testVectorCastIntToDoubleFail(ispec512, dspec512, iin512); } } @Test(dataProvider = "longUnaryOpProvider") static void testCastFromLong(IntFunction fa) { long[] lin64 = fa.apply(lspec64.length()); long[] lin128 = fa.apply(lspec128.length()); long[] lin256 = fa.apply(lspec256.length()); long[] lin512 = fa.apply(lspec512.length()); byte[] bout64 = new byte[bspec64.length()]; short[] sout64 = new short[sspec64.length()]; short[] sout128 = new short[sspec128.length()]; int[] iout64 = new int[ispec64.length()]; int[] iout128 = new int[ispec128.length()]; int[] iout256 = new int[ispec256.length()]; long[] lout64 = new long[lspec64.length()]; long[] lout128 = new long[lspec128.length()]; long[] lout256 = new long[lspec256.length()]; long[] lout512 = new long[lspec512.length()]; float[] fout64 = new float[fspec64.length()]; float[] fout128 = new float[fspec128.length()]; float[] fout256 = new float[fspec256.length()]; double[] dout64 = new double[dspec64.length()]; double[] dout128 = new double[dspec128.length()]; double[] dout256 = new double[dspec256.length()]; double[] dout512 = new double[dspec512.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; i++) { testVectorCastLongToByte(lspec512, bspec64, lin512, bout64); testVectorCastLongToShort(lspec256, sspec64, lin256, sout64); testVectorCastLongToShort(lspec512, sspec128, lin512, sout128); testVectorCastLongToInt(lspec128, ispec64, lin128, iout64); testVectorCastLongToInt(lspec256, ispec128, lin256, iout128); testVectorCastLongToInt(lspec512, ispec256, lin512, iout256); testVectorCastLongToLong(lspec64, lspec64, lin64, lout64); testVectorCastLongToLong(lspec128, lspec128, lin128, lout128); testVectorCastLongToLong(lspec256, lspec256, lin256, lout256); testVectorCastLongToLong(lspec512, lspec512, lin512, lout512); testVectorCastLongToFloat(lspec128, fspec64, lin128, fout64); testVectorCastLongToFloat(lspec256, fspec128, lin256, fout128); testVectorCastLongToFloat(lspec512, fspec256, lin512, fout256); testVectorCastLongToDouble(lspec64, dspec64, lin64, dout64); testVectorCastLongToDouble(lspec128, dspec128, lin128, dout128); testVectorCastLongToDouble(lspec256, dspec256, lin256, dout256); testVectorCastLongToDouble(lspec512, dspec512, lin512, dout512); } } @Test static void testCastFromLongFail() { long[] lin64 = new long[lspec64.length()]; long[] lin128 = new long[lspec128.length()]; long[] lin256 = new long[lspec256.length()]; long[] lin512 = new long[lspec512.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < INVOC_COUNT; i++) { testVectorCastLongToByteFail(lspec64, bspec64, lin64); testVectorCastLongToByteFail(lspec64, bspec128, lin64); testVectorCastLongToByteFail(lspec64, bspec256, lin64); testVectorCastLongToByteFail(lspec64, bspec512, lin64); testVectorCastLongToByteFail(lspec128, bspec64, lin128); testVectorCastLongToByteFail(lspec128, bspec128, lin128); testVectorCastLongToByteFail(lspec128, bspec256, lin128); testVectorCastLongToByteFail(lspec128, bspec512, lin128); testVectorCastLongToByteFail(lspec256, bspec64, lin256); testVectorCastLongToByteFail(lspec256, bspec128, lin256); testVectorCastLongToByteFail(lspec256, bspec256, lin256); testVectorCastLongToByteFail(lspec256, bspec512, lin256); testVectorCastLongToByteFail(lspec512, bspec128, lin512); testVectorCastLongToByteFail(lspec512, bspec256, lin512); testVectorCastLongToByteFail(lspec512, bspec512, lin512); testVectorCastLongToShortFail(lspec64, sspec64, lin64); testVectorCastLongToShortFail(lspec64, sspec128, lin64); testVectorCastLongToShortFail(lspec64, sspec256, lin64); testVectorCastLongToShortFail(lspec64, sspec512, lin64); testVectorCastLongToShortFail(lspec128, sspec64, lin128); testVectorCastLongToShortFail(lspec128, sspec128, lin128); testVectorCastLongToShortFail(lspec128, sspec256, lin128); testVectorCastLongToShortFail(lspec128, sspec512, lin128); testVectorCastLongToShortFail(lspec256, sspec128, lin256); testVectorCastLongToShortFail(lspec256, sspec256, lin256); testVectorCastLongToShortFail(lspec256, sspec512, lin256); testVectorCastLongToShortFail(lspec512, sspec64, lin512); testVectorCastLongToShortFail(lspec512, sspec256, lin512); testVectorCastLongToShortFail(lspec512, sspec512, lin512); testVectorCastLongToIntFail(lspec64, ispec64, lin64); testVectorCastLongToIntFail(lspec64, ispec128, lin64); testVectorCastLongToIntFail(lspec64, ispec256, lin64); testVectorCastLongToIntFail(lspec64, ispec512, lin64); testVectorCastLongToIntFail(lspec128, ispec128, lin128); testVectorCastLongToIntFail(lspec128, ispec256, lin128); testVectorCastLongToIntFail(lspec128, ispec512, lin128); testVectorCastLongToIntFail(lspec256, ispec64, lin256); testVectorCastLongToIntFail(lspec256, ispec256, lin256); testVectorCastLongToIntFail(lspec256, ispec512, lin256); testVectorCastLongToIntFail(lspec512, ispec64, lin512); testVectorCastLongToIntFail(lspec512, ispec128, lin512); testVectorCastLongToIntFail(lspec512, ispec512, lin512); testVectorCastLongToLongFail(lspec64, lspec128, lin64); testVectorCastLongToLongFail(lspec64, lspec256, lin64); testVectorCastLongToLongFail(lspec64, lspec512, lin64); testVectorCastLongToLongFail(lspec128, lspec64, lin128); testVectorCastLongToLongFail(lspec128, lspec256, lin128); testVectorCastLongToLongFail(lspec128, lspec512, lin128); testVectorCastLongToLongFail(lspec256, lspec64, lin256); testVectorCastLongToLongFail(lspec256, lspec128, lin256); testVectorCastLongToLongFail(lspec256, lspec512, lin256); testVectorCastLongToLongFail(lspec512, lspec64, lin512); testVectorCastLongToLongFail(lspec512, lspec128, lin512); testVectorCastLongToLongFail(lspec512, lspec256, lin512); testVectorCastLongToFloatFail(lspec64, fspec64, lin64); testVectorCastLongToFloatFail(lspec64, fspec128, lin64); testVectorCastLongToFloatFail(lspec64, fspec256, lin64); testVectorCastLongToFloatFail(lspec64, fspec512, lin64); testVectorCastLongToFloatFail(lspec128, fspec128, lin128); testVectorCastLongToFloatFail(lspec128, fspec256, lin128); testVectorCastLongToFloatFail(lspec128, fspec512, lin128); testVectorCastLongToFloatFail(lspec256, fspec64, lin256); testVectorCastLongToFloatFail(lspec256, fspec256, lin256); testVectorCastLongToFloatFail(lspec256, fspec512, lin256); testVectorCastLongToFloatFail(lspec512, fspec64, lin512); testVectorCastLongToFloatFail(lspec512, fspec128, lin512); testVectorCastLongToFloatFail(lspec512, fspec512, lin512); testVectorCastLongToDoubleFail(lspec64, dspec128, lin64); testVectorCastLongToDoubleFail(lspec64, dspec256, lin64); testVectorCastLongToDoubleFail(lspec64, dspec512, lin64); testVectorCastLongToDoubleFail(lspec128, dspec64, lin128); testVectorCastLongToDoubleFail(lspec128, dspec256, lin128); testVectorCastLongToDoubleFail(lspec128, dspec512, lin128); testVectorCastLongToDoubleFail(lspec256, dspec64, lin256); testVectorCastLongToDoubleFail(lspec256, dspec128, lin256); testVectorCastLongToDoubleFail(lspec256, dspec512, lin256); testVectorCastLongToDoubleFail(lspec512, dspec64, lin512); testVectorCastLongToDoubleFail(lspec512, dspec128, lin512); testVectorCastLongToDoubleFail(lspec512, dspec256, lin512); } } @Test(dataProvider = "floatUnaryOpProvider") static void testCastFromFloat(IntFunction fa) { float[] fin64 = fa.apply(fspec64.length()); float[] fin128 = fa.apply(fspec128.length()); float[] fin256 = fa.apply(fspec256.length()); float[] fin512 = fa.apply(fspec512.length()); byte[] bout64 = new byte[bspec64.length()]; byte[] bout128 = new byte[bspec128.length()]; short[] sout64 = new short[sspec64.length()]; short[] sout128 = new short[sspec128.length()]; short[] sout256 = new short[sspec256.length()]; int[] iout64 = new int[ispec64.length()]; int[] iout128 = new int[ispec128.length()]; int[] iout256 = new int[ispec256.length()]; int[] iout512 = new int[ispec512.length()]; long[] lout128 = new long[lspec128.length()]; long[] lout256 = new long[lspec256.length()]; long[] lout512 = new long[lspec512.length()]; float[] fout64 = new float[fspec64.length()]; float[] fout128 = new float[fspec128.length()]; float[] fout256 = new float[fspec256.length()]; float[] fout512 = new float[fspec512.length()]; double[] dout128 = new double[dspec128.length()]; double[] dout256 = new double[dspec256.length()]; double[] dout512 = new double[dspec512.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; i++) { testVectorCastFloatToByte(fspec256, bspec64, fin256, bout64); testVectorCastFloatToByte(fspec512, bspec128, fin512, bout128); testVectorCastFloatToShort(fspec128, sspec64, fin128, sout64); testVectorCastFloatToShort(fspec256, sspec128, fin256, sout128); testVectorCastFloatToShort(fspec512, sspec256, fin512, sout256); testVectorCastFloatToInt(fspec64, ispec64, fin64, iout64); testVectorCastFloatToInt(fspec128, ispec128, fin128, iout128); testVectorCastFloatToInt(fspec256, ispec256, fin256, iout256); testVectorCastFloatToInt(fspec512, ispec512, fin512, iout512); testVectorCastFloatToLong(fspec64, lspec128, fin64, lout128); testVectorCastFloatToLong(fspec128, lspec256, fin128, lout256); testVectorCastFloatToLong(fspec256, lspec512, fin256, lout512); testVectorCastFloatToFloat(fspec64, fspec64, fin64, fout64); testVectorCastFloatToFloat(fspec128, fspec128, fin128, fout128); testVectorCastFloatToFloat(fspec256, fspec256, fin256, fout256); testVectorCastFloatToFloat(fspec512, fspec512, fin512, fout512); testVectorCastFloatToDouble(fspec64, dspec128, fin64, dout128); testVectorCastFloatToDouble(fspec128, dspec256, fin128, dout256); testVectorCastFloatToDouble(fspec256, dspec512, fin256, dout512); } } @Test static void testCastFromFloatFail() { float[] fin64 = new float[fspec64.length()]; float[] fin128 = new float[fspec128.length()]; float[] fin256 = new float[fspec256.length()]; float[] fin512 = new float[fspec512.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < INVOC_COUNT; i++) { testVectorCastFloatToByteFail(fspec64, bspec64, fin64); testVectorCastFloatToByteFail(fspec64, bspec128, fin64); testVectorCastFloatToByteFail(fspec64, bspec256, fin64); testVectorCastFloatToByteFail(fspec64, bspec512, fin64); testVectorCastFloatToByteFail(fspec128, bspec64, fin128); testVectorCastFloatToByteFail(fspec128, bspec128, fin128); testVectorCastFloatToByteFail(fspec128, bspec256, fin128); testVectorCastFloatToByteFail(fspec128, bspec512, fin128); testVectorCastFloatToByteFail(fspec256, bspec128, fin256); testVectorCastFloatToByteFail(fspec256, bspec256, fin256); testVectorCastFloatToByteFail(fspec256, bspec512, fin256); testVectorCastFloatToByteFail(fspec512, bspec64, fin512); testVectorCastFloatToByteFail(fspec512, bspec256, fin512); testVectorCastFloatToByteFail(fspec512, bspec512, fin512); testVectorCastFloatToShortFail(fspec64, sspec64, fin64); testVectorCastFloatToShortFail(fspec64, sspec128, fin64); testVectorCastFloatToShortFail(fspec64, sspec256, fin64); testVectorCastFloatToShortFail(fspec64, sspec512, fin64); testVectorCastFloatToShortFail(fspec128, sspec128, fin128); testVectorCastFloatToShortFail(fspec128, sspec256, fin128); testVectorCastFloatToShortFail(fspec128, sspec512, fin128); testVectorCastFloatToShortFail(fspec256, sspec64, fin256); testVectorCastFloatToShortFail(fspec256, sspec256, fin256); testVectorCastFloatToShortFail(fspec256, sspec512, fin256); testVectorCastFloatToShortFail(fspec512, sspec64, fin512); testVectorCastFloatToShortFail(fspec512, sspec128, fin512); testVectorCastFloatToShortFail(fspec512, sspec512, fin512); testVectorCastFloatToIntFail(fspec64, ispec128, fin64); testVectorCastFloatToIntFail(fspec64, ispec256, fin64); testVectorCastFloatToIntFail(fspec64, ispec512, fin64); testVectorCastFloatToIntFail(fspec128, ispec64, fin128); testVectorCastFloatToIntFail(fspec128, ispec256, fin128); testVectorCastFloatToIntFail(fspec128, ispec512, fin128); testVectorCastFloatToIntFail(fspec256, ispec64, fin256); testVectorCastFloatToIntFail(fspec256, ispec128, fin256); testVectorCastFloatToIntFail(fspec256, ispec512, fin256); testVectorCastFloatToIntFail(fspec512, ispec64, fin512); testVectorCastFloatToIntFail(fspec512, ispec128, fin512); testVectorCastFloatToIntFail(fspec512, ispec256, fin512); testVectorCastFloatToLongFail(fspec64, lspec64, fin64); testVectorCastFloatToLongFail(fspec64, lspec256, fin64); testVectorCastFloatToLongFail(fspec64, lspec512, fin64); testVectorCastFloatToLongFail(fspec128, lspec64, fin128); testVectorCastFloatToLongFail(fspec128, lspec128, fin128); testVectorCastFloatToLongFail(fspec128, lspec512, fin128); testVectorCastFloatToLongFail(fspec256, lspec64, fin256); testVectorCastFloatToLongFail(fspec256, lspec128, fin256); testVectorCastFloatToLongFail(fspec256, lspec256, fin256); testVectorCastFloatToLongFail(fspec512, lspec64, fin512); testVectorCastFloatToLongFail(fspec512, lspec128, fin512); testVectorCastFloatToLongFail(fspec512, lspec256, fin512); testVectorCastFloatToLongFail(fspec512, lspec512, fin512); testVectorCastFloatToFloatFail(fspec64, fspec128, fin64); testVectorCastFloatToFloatFail(fspec64, fspec256, fin64); testVectorCastFloatToFloatFail(fspec64, fspec512, fin64); testVectorCastFloatToFloatFail(fspec128, fspec64, fin128); testVectorCastFloatToFloatFail(fspec128, fspec256, fin128); testVectorCastFloatToFloatFail(fspec128, fspec512, fin128); testVectorCastFloatToFloatFail(fspec256, fspec64, fin256); testVectorCastFloatToFloatFail(fspec256, fspec128, fin256); testVectorCastFloatToFloatFail(fspec256, fspec512, fin256); testVectorCastFloatToFloatFail(fspec512, fspec64, fin512); testVectorCastFloatToFloatFail(fspec512, fspec128, fin512); testVectorCastFloatToFloatFail(fspec512, fspec256, fin512); testVectorCastFloatToDoubleFail(fspec64, dspec64, fin64); testVectorCastFloatToDoubleFail(fspec64, dspec256, fin64); testVectorCastFloatToDoubleFail(fspec64, dspec512, fin64); testVectorCastFloatToDoubleFail(fspec128, dspec64, fin128); testVectorCastFloatToDoubleFail(fspec128, dspec128, fin128); testVectorCastFloatToDoubleFail(fspec128, dspec512, fin128); testVectorCastFloatToDoubleFail(fspec256, dspec64, fin256); testVectorCastFloatToDoubleFail(fspec256, dspec128, fin256); testVectorCastFloatToDoubleFail(fspec256, dspec256, fin256); testVectorCastFloatToDoubleFail(fspec512, dspec64, fin512); testVectorCastFloatToDoubleFail(fspec512, dspec128, fin512); testVectorCastFloatToDoubleFail(fspec512, dspec256, fin512); testVectorCastFloatToDoubleFail(fspec512, dspec512, fin512); } } @Test(dataProvider = "doubleUnaryOpProvider") static void testCastFromDouble(IntFunction fa) { double[] din64 = fa.apply(dspec64.length()); double[] din128 = fa.apply(dspec128.length()); double[] din256 = fa.apply(dspec256.length()); double[] din512 = fa.apply(dspec512.length()); byte[] bout64 = new byte[bspec64.length()]; short[] sout64 = new short[sspec64.length()]; short[] sout128 = new short[sspec128.length()]; int[] iout64 = new int[ispec64.length()]; int[] iout128 = new int[ispec128.length()]; int[] iout256 = new int[ispec256.length()]; long[] lout64 = new long[lspec64.length()]; long[] lout128 = new long[lspec128.length()]; long[] lout256 = new long[lspec256.length()]; long[] lout512 = new long[lspec512.length()]; float[] fout64 = new float[fspec64.length()]; float[] fout128 = new float[fspec128.length()]; float[] fout256 = new float[fspec256.length()]; double[] dout64 = new double[dspec64.length()]; double[] dout128 = new double[dspec128.length()]; double[] dout256 = new double[dspec256.length()]; double[] dout512 = new double[dspec512.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; i++) { testVectorCastDoubleToByte(dspec512, bspec64, din512, bout64); testVectorCastDoubleToShort(dspec256, sspec64, din256, sout64); testVectorCastDoubleToShort(dspec512, sspec128, din512, sout128); testVectorCastDoubleToInt(dspec128, ispec64, din128, iout64); testVectorCastDoubleToInt(dspec256, ispec128, din256, iout128); testVectorCastDoubleToInt(dspec512, ispec256, din512, iout256); testVectorCastDoubleToLong(dspec64, lspec64, din64, lout64); testVectorCastDoubleToLong(dspec128, lspec128, din128, lout128); testVectorCastDoubleToLong(dspec256, lspec256, din256, lout256); testVectorCastDoubleToLong(dspec512, lspec512, din512, lout512); testVectorCastDoubleToFloat(dspec128, fspec64, din128, fout64); testVectorCastDoubleToFloat(dspec256, fspec128, din256, fout128); testVectorCastDoubleToFloat(dspec512, fspec256, din512, fout256); testVectorCastDoubleToDouble(dspec64, dspec64, din64, dout64); testVectorCastDoubleToDouble(dspec128, dspec128, din128, dout128); testVectorCastDoubleToDouble(dspec256, dspec256, din256, dout256); testVectorCastDoubleToDouble(dspec512, dspec512, din512, dout512); } } @Test static void testCastFromDoubleFail() { double[] din64 = new double[dspec64.length()]; double[] din128 = new double[dspec128.length()]; double[] din256 = new double[dspec256.length()]; double[] din512 = new double[dspec512.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < INVOC_COUNT; i++) { testVectorCastDoubleToByteFail(dspec64, bspec64, din64); testVectorCastDoubleToByteFail(dspec64, bspec128, din64); testVectorCastDoubleToByteFail(dspec64, bspec256, din64); testVectorCastDoubleToByteFail(dspec64, bspec512, din64); testVectorCastDoubleToByteFail(dspec128, bspec64, din128); testVectorCastDoubleToByteFail(dspec128, bspec128, din128); testVectorCastDoubleToByteFail(dspec128, bspec256, din128); testVectorCastDoubleToByteFail(dspec128, bspec512, din128); testVectorCastDoubleToByteFail(dspec256, bspec64, din256); testVectorCastDoubleToByteFail(dspec256, bspec128, din256); testVectorCastDoubleToByteFail(dspec256, bspec256, din256); testVectorCastDoubleToByteFail(dspec256, bspec512, din256); testVectorCastDoubleToByteFail(dspec512, bspec128, din512); testVectorCastDoubleToByteFail(dspec512, bspec256, din512); testVectorCastDoubleToByteFail(dspec512, bspec512, din512); testVectorCastDoubleToShortFail(dspec64, sspec64, din64); testVectorCastDoubleToShortFail(dspec64, sspec128, din64); testVectorCastDoubleToShortFail(dspec64, sspec256, din64); testVectorCastDoubleToShortFail(dspec64, sspec512, din64); testVectorCastDoubleToShortFail(dspec128, sspec64, din128); testVectorCastDoubleToShortFail(dspec128, sspec128, din128); testVectorCastDoubleToShortFail(dspec128, sspec256, din128); testVectorCastDoubleToShortFail(dspec128, sspec512, din128); testVectorCastDoubleToShortFail(dspec256, sspec128, din256); testVectorCastDoubleToShortFail(dspec256, sspec256, din256); testVectorCastDoubleToShortFail(dspec256, sspec512, din256); testVectorCastDoubleToShortFail(dspec512, sspec64, din512); testVectorCastDoubleToShortFail(dspec512, sspec256, din512); testVectorCastDoubleToShortFail(dspec512, sspec512, din512); testVectorCastDoubleToIntFail(dspec64, ispec64, din64); testVectorCastDoubleToIntFail(dspec64, ispec128, din64); testVectorCastDoubleToIntFail(dspec64, ispec256, din64); testVectorCastDoubleToIntFail(dspec64, ispec512, din64); testVectorCastDoubleToIntFail(dspec128, ispec128, din128); testVectorCastDoubleToIntFail(dspec128, ispec256, din128); testVectorCastDoubleToIntFail(dspec128, ispec512, din128); testVectorCastDoubleToIntFail(dspec256, ispec64, din256); testVectorCastDoubleToIntFail(dspec256, ispec256, din256); testVectorCastDoubleToIntFail(dspec256, ispec512, din256); testVectorCastDoubleToIntFail(dspec512, ispec64, din512); testVectorCastDoubleToIntFail(dspec512, ispec128, din512); testVectorCastDoubleToIntFail(dspec512, ispec512, din512); testVectorCastDoubleToLongFail(dspec64, lspec128, din64); testVectorCastDoubleToLongFail(dspec64, lspec256, din64); testVectorCastDoubleToLongFail(dspec64, lspec512, din64); testVectorCastDoubleToLongFail(dspec128, lspec64, din128); testVectorCastDoubleToLongFail(dspec128, lspec256, din128); testVectorCastDoubleToLongFail(dspec128, lspec512, din128); testVectorCastDoubleToLongFail(dspec256, lspec64, din256); testVectorCastDoubleToLongFail(dspec256, lspec128, din256); testVectorCastDoubleToLongFail(dspec256, lspec512, din256); testVectorCastDoubleToLongFail(dspec512, lspec64, din512); testVectorCastDoubleToLongFail(dspec512, lspec128, din512); testVectorCastDoubleToLongFail(dspec512, lspec256, din512); testVectorCastDoubleToFloatFail(dspec64, fspec64, din64); testVectorCastDoubleToFloatFail(dspec64, fspec128, din64); testVectorCastDoubleToFloatFail(dspec64, fspec256, din64); testVectorCastDoubleToFloatFail(dspec64, fspec512, din64); testVectorCastDoubleToFloatFail(dspec128, fspec128, din128); testVectorCastDoubleToFloatFail(dspec128, fspec256, din128); testVectorCastDoubleToFloatFail(dspec128, fspec512, din128); testVectorCastDoubleToFloatFail(dspec256, fspec64, din256); testVectorCastDoubleToFloatFail(dspec256, fspec256, din256); testVectorCastDoubleToFloatFail(dspec256, fspec512, din256); testVectorCastDoubleToFloatFail(dspec512, fspec64, din512); testVectorCastDoubleToFloatFail(dspec512, fspec128, din512); testVectorCastDoubleToFloatFail(dspec512, fspec512, din512); testVectorCastDoubleToDoubleFail(dspec64, dspec128, din64); testVectorCastDoubleToDoubleFail(dspec64, dspec256, din64); testVectorCastDoubleToDoubleFail(dspec64, dspec512, din64); testVectorCastDoubleToDoubleFail(dspec128, dspec64, din128); testVectorCastDoubleToDoubleFail(dspec128, dspec256, din128); testVectorCastDoubleToDoubleFail(dspec128, dspec512, din128); testVectorCastDoubleToDoubleFail(dspec256, dspec64, din256); testVectorCastDoubleToDoubleFail(dspec256, dspec128, din256); testVectorCastDoubleToDoubleFail(dspec256, dspec512, din256); testVectorCastDoubleToDoubleFail(dspec512, dspec64, din512); testVectorCastDoubleToDoubleFail(dspec512, dspec128, din512); testVectorCastDoubleToDoubleFail(dspec512, dspec256, din512); } } static void testVectorCastByteMaxToByte(Species a, Species b, byte[] input, byte[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Byte.SIZE) { testVectorCastByteToByte(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastByteToByteFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastByteMaxToShort(Species a, Species b, byte[] input, short[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Byte.SIZE) { testVectorCastByteToShort(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastByteToShortFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastByteMaxToInt(Species a, Species b, byte[] input, int[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Byte.SIZE) { testVectorCastByteToInt(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastByteToIntFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastByteMaxToLong(Species a, Species b, byte[] input, long[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Byte.SIZE) { testVectorCastByteToLong(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastByteToLongFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastByteMaxToFloat(Species a, Species b, byte[] input, float[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Byte.SIZE) { testVectorCastByteToFloat(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastByteToFloatFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastByteMaxToDouble(Species a, Species b, byte[] input, double[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Byte.SIZE) { testVectorCastByteToDouble(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastByteToDoubleFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastShortMaxToByte(Species a, Species b, short[] input, byte[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Short.SIZE) { testVectorCastShortToByte(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastShortToByteFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastShortMaxToShort(Species a, Species b, short[] input, short[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Short.SIZE) { testVectorCastShortToShort(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastShortToShortFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastShortMaxToInt(Species a, Species b, short[] input, int[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Short.SIZE) { testVectorCastShortToInt(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastShortToIntFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastShortMaxToLong(Species a, Species b, short[] input, long[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Short.SIZE) { testVectorCastShortToLong(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastShortToLongFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastShortMaxToFloat(Species a, Species b, short[] input, float[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Short.SIZE) { testVectorCastShortToFloat(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastShortToFloatFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastShortMaxToDouble(Species a, Species b, short[] input, double[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Short.SIZE) { testVectorCastShortToDouble(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastShortToDoubleFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastIntMaxToByte(Species a, Species b, int[] input, byte[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Integer.SIZE) { testVectorCastIntToByte(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastIntToByteFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastIntMaxToShort(Species a, Species b, int[] input, short[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Integer.SIZE) { testVectorCastIntToShort(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastIntToShortFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastIntMaxToInt(Species a, Species b, int[] input, int[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Integer.SIZE) { testVectorCastIntToInt(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastIntToIntFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastIntMaxToLong(Species a, Species b, int[] input, long[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Integer.SIZE) { testVectorCastIntToLong(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastIntToLongFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastIntMaxToFloat(Species a, Species b, int[] input, float[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Integer.SIZE) { testVectorCastIntToFloat(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastIntToFloatFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastIntMaxToDouble(Species a, Species b, int[] input, double[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Integer.SIZE) { testVectorCastIntToDouble(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastIntToDoubleFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastLongMaxToByte(Species a, Species b, long[] input, byte[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Long.SIZE) { testVectorCastLongToByte(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastLongToByteFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastLongMaxToShort(Species a, Species b, long[] input, short[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Long.SIZE) { testVectorCastLongToShort(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastLongToShortFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastLongMaxToInt(Species a, Species b, long[] input, int[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Long.SIZE) { testVectorCastLongToInt(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastLongToIntFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastLongMaxToLong(Species a, Species b, long[] input, long[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Long.SIZE) { testVectorCastLongToLong(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastLongToLongFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastLongMaxToFloat(Species a, Species b, long[] input, float[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Long.SIZE) { testVectorCastLongToFloat(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastLongToFloatFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastLongMaxToDouble(Species a, Species b, long[] input, double[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Long.SIZE) { testVectorCastLongToDouble(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastLongToDoubleFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastFloatMaxToByte(Species a, Species b, float[] input, byte[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Float.SIZE) { testVectorCastFloatToByte(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastFloatToByteFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastFloatMaxToShort(Species a, Species b, float[] input, short[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Float.SIZE) { testVectorCastFloatToShort(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastFloatToShortFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastFloatMaxToInt(Species a, Species b, float[] input, int[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Float.SIZE) { testVectorCastFloatToInt(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastFloatToIntFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastFloatMaxToLong(Species a, Species b, float[] input, long[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Float.SIZE) { testVectorCastFloatToLong(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastFloatToLongFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastFloatMaxToFloat(Species a, Species b, float[] input, float[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Float.SIZE) { testVectorCastFloatToFloat(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastFloatToFloatFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastFloatMaxToDouble(Species a, Species b, float[] input, double[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Float.SIZE) { testVectorCastFloatToDouble(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastFloatToDoubleFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastDoubleMaxToByte(Species a, Species b, double[] input, byte[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Double.SIZE) { testVectorCastDoubleToByte(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastDoubleToByteFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastDoubleMaxToShort(Species a, Species b, double[] input, short[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Double.SIZE) { testVectorCastDoubleToShort(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastDoubleToShortFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastDoubleMaxToInt(Species a, Species b, double[] input, int[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Double.SIZE) { testVectorCastDoubleToInt(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastDoubleToIntFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastDoubleMaxToLong(Species a, Species b, double[] input, long[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Double.SIZE) { testVectorCastDoubleToLong(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastDoubleToLongFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastDoubleMaxToFloat(Species a, Species b, double[] input, float[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Double.SIZE) { testVectorCastDoubleToFloat(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastDoubleToFloatFail(a, b, input); } } static void testVectorCastDoubleMaxToDouble(Species a, Species b, double[] input, double[] output) { if (S_Max_BIT.bitSize() == b.length() * Double.SIZE) { testVectorCastDoubleToDouble(a, b, input, output); } else { testVectorCastDoubleToDoubleFail(a, b, input); } } @Test(dataProvider = "byteUnaryOpProvider") static void testCastFromByteMax(IntFunction fa) { byte[] binMax = fa.apply(bspecMax.length()); byte[] bout64 = new byte[bspec64.length()]; byte[] bout128 = new byte[bspec128.length()]; byte[] bout256 = new byte[bspec256.length()]; byte[] bout512 = new byte[bspec512.length()]; byte[] boutMax = new byte[bspecMax.length()]; short[] sout64 = new short[sspec64.length()]; short[] sout128 = new short[sspec128.length()]; short[] sout256 = new short[sspec256.length()]; short[] sout512 = new short[sspec512.length()]; short[] soutMax = new short[sspecMax.length()]; int[] iout64 = new int[ispec64.length()]; int[] iout128 = new int[ispec128.length()]; int[] iout256 = new int[ispec256.length()]; int[] iout512 = new int[ispec512.length()]; int[] ioutMax = new int[ispecMax.length()]; long[] lout64 = new long[lspec64.length()]; long[] lout128 = new long[lspec128.length()]; long[] lout256 = new long[lspec256.length()]; long[] lout512 = new long[lspec512.length()]; long[] loutMax = new long[lspecMax.length()]; float[] fout64 = new float[fspec64.length()]; float[] fout128 = new float[fspec128.length()]; float[] fout256 = new float[fspec256.length()]; float[] fout512 = new float[fspec512.length()]; float[] foutMax = new float[fspecMax.length()]; double[] dout64 = new double[dspec64.length()]; double[] dout128 = new double[dspec128.length()]; double[] dout256 = new double[dspec256.length()]; double[] dout512 = new double[dspec512.length()]; double[] doutMax = new double[dspecMax.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; i++) { testVectorCastByteMaxToByte(bspecMax, bspec64, binMax, bout64); testVectorCastByteMaxToByte(bspecMax, bspec128, binMax, bout128); testVectorCastByteMaxToByte(bspecMax, bspec256, binMax, bout256); testVectorCastByteMaxToByte(bspecMax, bspec512, binMax, bout512); testVectorCastByteMaxToByte(bspecMax, bspecMax, binMax, boutMax); testVectorCastByteMaxToShort(bspecMax, sspec64, binMax, sout64); testVectorCastByteMaxToShort(bspecMax, sspec128, binMax, sout128); testVectorCastByteMaxToShort(bspecMax, sspec256, binMax, sout256); testVectorCastByteMaxToShort(bspecMax, sspec512, binMax, sout512); testVectorCastByteMaxToShort(bspecMax, sspecMax, binMax, soutMax); testVectorCastByteMaxToInt(bspecMax, ispec64, binMax, iout64); testVectorCastByteMaxToInt(bspecMax, ispec128, binMax, iout128); testVectorCastByteMaxToInt(bspecMax, ispec256, binMax, iout256); testVectorCastByteMaxToInt(bspecMax, ispec512, binMax, iout512); testVectorCastByteMaxToInt(bspecMax, ispecMax, binMax, ioutMax); testVectorCastByteMaxToLong(bspecMax, lspec64, binMax, lout64); testVectorCastByteMaxToLong(bspecMax, lspec128, binMax, lout128); testVectorCastByteMaxToLong(bspecMax, lspec256, binMax, lout256); testVectorCastByteMaxToLong(bspecMax, lspec512, binMax, lout512); testVectorCastByteMaxToLong(bspecMax, lspecMax, binMax, loutMax); testVectorCastByteMaxToFloat(bspecMax, fspec64, binMax, fout64); testVectorCastByteMaxToFloat(bspecMax, fspec128, binMax, fout128); testVectorCastByteMaxToFloat(bspecMax, fspec256, binMax, fout256); testVectorCastByteMaxToFloat(bspecMax, fspec512, binMax, fout512); testVectorCastByteMaxToFloat(bspecMax, fspecMax, binMax, foutMax); testVectorCastByteMaxToDouble(bspecMax, dspec64, binMax, dout64); testVectorCastByteMaxToDouble(bspecMax, dspec128, binMax, dout128); testVectorCastByteMaxToDouble(bspecMax, dspec256, binMax, dout256); testVectorCastByteMaxToDouble(bspecMax, dspec512, binMax, dout512); testVectorCastByteMaxToDouble(bspecMax, dspecMax, binMax, doutMax); } } @Test(dataProvider = "shortUnaryOpProvider") static void testCastFromShortMax(IntFunction fa) { short[] sinMax = fa.apply(sspecMax.length()); byte[] bout64 = new byte[bspec64.length()]; byte[] bout128 = new byte[bspec128.length()]; byte[] bout256 = new byte[bspec256.length()]; byte[] bout512 = new byte[bspec512.length()]; byte[] boutMax = new byte[bspecMax.length()]; short[] sout64 = new short[sspec64.length()]; short[] sout128 = new short[sspec128.length()]; short[] sout256 = new short[sspec256.length()]; short[] sout512 = new short[sspec512.length()]; short[] soutMax = new short[sspecMax.length()]; int[] iout64 = new int[ispec64.length()]; int[] iout128 = new int[ispec128.length()]; int[] iout256 = new int[ispec256.length()]; int[] iout512 = new int[ispec512.length()]; int[] ioutMax = new int[ispecMax.length()]; long[] lout64 = new long[lspec64.length()]; long[] lout128 = new long[lspec128.length()]; long[] lout256 = new long[lspec256.length()]; long[] lout512 = new long[lspec512.length()]; long[] loutMax = new long[lspecMax.length()]; float[] fout64 = new float[fspec64.length()]; float[] fout128 = new float[fspec128.length()]; float[] fout256 = new float[fspec256.length()]; float[] fout512 = new float[fspec512.length()]; float[] foutMax = new float[fspecMax.length()]; double[] dout64 = new double[dspec64.length()]; double[] dout128 = new double[dspec128.length()]; double[] dout256 = new double[dspec256.length()]; double[] dout512 = new double[dspec512.length()]; double[] doutMax = new double[dspecMax.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; i++) { testVectorCastShortMaxToByte(sspecMax, bspec64, sinMax, bout64); testVectorCastShortMaxToByte(sspecMax, bspec128, sinMax, bout128); testVectorCastShortMaxToByte(sspecMax, bspec256, sinMax, bout256); testVectorCastShortMaxToByte(sspecMax, bspec512, sinMax, bout512); testVectorCastShortMaxToByte(sspecMax, bspecMax, sinMax, boutMax); testVectorCastShortMaxToShort(sspecMax, sspec64, sinMax, sout64); testVectorCastShortMaxToShort(sspecMax, sspec128, sinMax, sout128); testVectorCastShortMaxToShort(sspecMax, sspec256, sinMax, sout256); testVectorCastShortMaxToShort(sspecMax, sspec512, sinMax, sout512); testVectorCastShortMaxToShort(sspecMax, sspecMax, sinMax, soutMax); testVectorCastShortMaxToInt(sspecMax, ispec64, sinMax, iout64); testVectorCastShortMaxToInt(sspecMax, ispec128, sinMax, iout128); testVectorCastShortMaxToInt(sspecMax, ispec256, sinMax, iout256); testVectorCastShortMaxToInt(sspecMax, ispec512, sinMax, iout512); testVectorCastShortMaxToInt(sspecMax, ispecMax, sinMax, ioutMax); testVectorCastShortMaxToLong(sspecMax, lspec64, sinMax, lout64); testVectorCastShortMaxToLong(sspecMax, lspec128, sinMax, lout128); testVectorCastShortMaxToLong(sspecMax, lspec256, sinMax, lout256); testVectorCastShortMaxToLong(sspecMax, lspec512, sinMax, lout512); testVectorCastShortMaxToLong(sspecMax, lspecMax, sinMax, loutMax); testVectorCastShortMaxToFloat(sspecMax, fspec64, sinMax, fout64); testVectorCastShortMaxToFloat(sspecMax, fspec128, sinMax, fout128); testVectorCastShortMaxToFloat(sspecMax, fspec256, sinMax, fout256); testVectorCastShortMaxToFloat(sspecMax, fspec512, sinMax, fout512); testVectorCastShortMaxToFloat(sspecMax, fspecMax, sinMax, foutMax); testVectorCastShortMaxToDouble(sspecMax, dspec64, sinMax, dout64); testVectorCastShortMaxToDouble(sspecMax, dspec128, sinMax, dout128); testVectorCastShortMaxToDouble(sspecMax, dspec256, sinMax, dout256); testVectorCastShortMaxToDouble(sspecMax, dspec512, sinMax, dout512); testVectorCastShortMaxToDouble(sspecMax, dspecMax, sinMax, doutMax); } } @Test(dataProvider = "intUnaryOpProvider") static void testCastFromIntMax(IntFunction fa) { int[] iinMax = fa.apply(ispecMax.length()); byte[] bout64 = new byte[bspec64.length()]; byte[] bout128 = new byte[bspec128.length()]; byte[] bout256 = new byte[bspec256.length()]; byte[] bout512 = new byte[bspec512.length()]; byte[] boutMax = new byte[bspecMax.length()]; short[] sout64 = new short[sspec64.length()]; short[] sout128 = new short[sspec128.length()]; short[] sout256 = new short[sspec256.length()]; short[] sout512 = new short[sspec512.length()]; short[] soutMax = new short[sspecMax.length()]; int[] iout64 = new int[ispec64.length()]; int[] iout128 = new int[ispec128.length()]; int[] iout256 = new int[ispec256.length()]; int[] iout512 = new int[ispec512.length()]; int[] ioutMax = new int[ispecMax.length()]; long[] lout64 = new long[lspec64.length()]; long[] lout128 = new long[lspec128.length()]; long[] lout256 = new long[lspec256.length()]; long[] lout512 = new long[lspec512.length()]; long[] loutMax = new long[lspecMax.length()]; float[] fout64 = new float[fspec64.length()]; float[] fout128 = new float[fspec128.length()]; float[] fout256 = new float[fspec256.length()]; float[] fout512 = new float[fspec512.length()]; float[] foutMax = new float[fspecMax.length()]; double[] dout64 = new double[dspec64.length()]; double[] dout128 = new double[dspec128.length()]; double[] dout256 = new double[dspec256.length()]; double[] dout512 = new double[dspec512.length()]; double[] doutMax = new double[dspecMax.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; i++) { testVectorCastIntMaxToByte(ispecMax, bspec64, iinMax, bout64); testVectorCastIntMaxToByte(ispecMax, bspec128, iinMax, bout128); testVectorCastIntMaxToByte(ispecMax, bspec256, iinMax, bout256); testVectorCastIntMaxToByte(ispecMax, bspec512, iinMax, bout512); testVectorCastIntMaxToByte(ispecMax, bspecMax, iinMax, boutMax); testVectorCastIntMaxToShort(ispecMax, sspec64, iinMax, sout64); testVectorCastIntMaxToShort(ispecMax, sspec128, iinMax, sout128); testVectorCastIntMaxToShort(ispecMax, sspec256, iinMax, sout256); testVectorCastIntMaxToShort(ispecMax, sspec512, iinMax, sout512); testVectorCastIntMaxToShort(ispecMax, sspecMax, iinMax, soutMax); testVectorCastIntMaxToInt(ispecMax, ispec64, iinMax, iout64); testVectorCastIntMaxToInt(ispecMax, ispec128, iinMax, iout128); testVectorCastIntMaxToInt(ispecMax, ispec256, iinMax, iout256); testVectorCastIntMaxToInt(ispecMax, ispec512, iinMax, iout512); testVectorCastIntMaxToInt(ispecMax, ispecMax, iinMax, ioutMax); testVectorCastIntMaxToLong(ispecMax, lspec64, iinMax, lout64); testVectorCastIntMaxToLong(ispecMax, lspec128, iinMax, lout128); testVectorCastIntMaxToLong(ispecMax, lspec256, iinMax, lout256); testVectorCastIntMaxToLong(ispecMax, lspec512, iinMax, lout512); testVectorCastIntMaxToLong(ispecMax, lspecMax, iinMax, loutMax); testVectorCastIntMaxToFloat(ispecMax, fspec64, iinMax, fout64); testVectorCastIntMaxToFloat(ispecMax, fspec128, iinMax, fout128); testVectorCastIntMaxToFloat(ispecMax, fspec256, iinMax, fout256); testVectorCastIntMaxToFloat(ispecMax, fspec512, iinMax, fout512); testVectorCastIntMaxToFloat(ispecMax, fspecMax, iinMax, foutMax); testVectorCastIntMaxToDouble(ispecMax, dspec64, iinMax, dout64); testVectorCastIntMaxToDouble(ispecMax, dspec128, iinMax, dout128); testVectorCastIntMaxToDouble(ispecMax, dspec256, iinMax, dout256); testVectorCastIntMaxToDouble(ispecMax, dspec512, iinMax, dout512); testVectorCastIntMaxToDouble(ispecMax, dspecMax, iinMax, doutMax); } } @Test(dataProvider = "longUnaryOpProvider") static void testCastFromLongMax(IntFunction fa) { long[] linMax = fa.apply(lspecMax.length()); byte[] bout64 = new byte[bspec64.length()]; byte[] bout128 = new byte[bspec128.length()]; byte[] bout256 = new byte[bspec256.length()]; byte[] bout512 = new byte[bspec512.length()]; byte[] boutMax = new byte[bspecMax.length()]; short[] sout64 = new short[sspec64.length()]; short[] sout128 = new short[sspec128.length()]; short[] sout256 = new short[sspec256.length()]; short[] sout512 = new short[sspec512.length()]; short[] soutMax = new short[sspecMax.length()]; int[] iout64 = new int[ispec64.length()]; int[] iout128 = new int[ispec128.length()]; int[] iout256 = new int[ispec256.length()]; int[] iout512 = new int[ispec512.length()]; int[] ioutMax = new int[ispecMax.length()]; long[] lout64 = new long[lspec64.length()]; long[] lout128 = new long[lspec128.length()]; long[] lout256 = new long[lspec256.length()]; long[] lout512 = new long[lspec512.length()]; long[] loutMax = new long[lspecMax.length()]; float[] fout64 = new float[fspec64.length()]; float[] fout128 = new float[fspec128.length()]; float[] fout256 = new float[fspec256.length()]; float[] fout512 = new float[fspec512.length()]; float[] foutMax = new float[fspecMax.length()]; double[] dout64 = new double[dspec64.length()]; double[] dout128 = new double[dspec128.length()]; double[] dout256 = new double[dspec256.length()]; double[] dout512 = new double[dspec512.length()]; double[] doutMax = new double[dspecMax.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; i++) { testVectorCastLongMaxToByte(lspecMax, bspec64, linMax, bout64); testVectorCastLongMaxToByte(lspecMax, bspec128, linMax, bout128); testVectorCastLongMaxToByte(lspecMax, bspec256, linMax, bout256); testVectorCastLongMaxToByte(lspecMax, bspec512, linMax, bout512); testVectorCastLongMaxToByte(lspecMax, bspecMax, linMax, boutMax); testVectorCastLongMaxToShort(lspecMax, sspec64, linMax, sout64); testVectorCastLongMaxToShort(lspecMax, sspec128, linMax, sout128); testVectorCastLongMaxToShort(lspecMax, sspec256, linMax, sout256); testVectorCastLongMaxToShort(lspecMax, sspec512, linMax, sout512); testVectorCastLongMaxToShort(lspecMax, sspecMax, linMax, soutMax); testVectorCastLongMaxToInt(lspecMax, ispec64, linMax, iout64); testVectorCastLongMaxToInt(lspecMax, ispec128, linMax, iout128); testVectorCastLongMaxToInt(lspecMax, ispec256, linMax, iout256); testVectorCastLongMaxToInt(lspecMax, ispec512, linMax, iout512); testVectorCastLongMaxToInt(lspecMax, ispecMax, linMax, ioutMax); testVectorCastLongMaxToLong(lspecMax, lspec64, linMax, lout64); testVectorCastLongMaxToLong(lspecMax, lspec128, linMax, lout128); testVectorCastLongMaxToLong(lspecMax, lspec256, linMax, lout256); testVectorCastLongMaxToLong(lspecMax, lspec512, linMax, lout512); testVectorCastLongMaxToLong(lspecMax, lspecMax, linMax, loutMax); testVectorCastLongMaxToFloat(lspecMax, fspec64, linMax, fout64); testVectorCastLongMaxToFloat(lspecMax, fspec128, linMax, fout128); testVectorCastLongMaxToFloat(lspecMax, fspec256, linMax, fout256); testVectorCastLongMaxToFloat(lspecMax, fspec512, linMax, fout512); testVectorCastLongMaxToFloat(lspecMax, fspecMax, linMax, foutMax); testVectorCastLongMaxToDouble(lspecMax, dspec64, linMax, dout64); testVectorCastLongMaxToDouble(lspecMax, dspec128, linMax, dout128); testVectorCastLongMaxToDouble(lspecMax, dspec256, linMax, dout256); testVectorCastLongMaxToDouble(lspecMax, dspec512, linMax, dout512); testVectorCastLongMaxToDouble(lspecMax, dspecMax, linMax, doutMax); } } @Test(dataProvider = "floatUnaryOpProvider") static void testCastFromFloatMax(IntFunction fa) { float[] finMax = fa.apply(fspecMax.length()); byte[] bout64 = new byte[bspec64.length()]; byte[] bout128 = new byte[bspec128.length()]; byte[] bout256 = new byte[bspec256.length()]; byte[] bout512 = new byte[bspec512.length()]; byte[] boutMax = new byte[bspecMax.length()]; short[] sout64 = new short[sspec64.length()]; short[] sout128 = new short[sspec128.length()]; short[] sout256 = new short[sspec256.length()]; short[] sout512 = new short[sspec512.length()]; short[] soutMax = new short[sspecMax.length()]; int[] iout64 = new int[ispec64.length()]; int[] iout128 = new int[ispec128.length()]; int[] iout256 = new int[ispec256.length()]; int[] iout512 = new int[ispec512.length()]; int[] ioutMax = new int[ispecMax.length()]; long[] lout64 = new long[lspec64.length()]; long[] lout128 = new long[lspec128.length()]; long[] lout256 = new long[lspec256.length()]; long[] lout512 = new long[lspec512.length()]; long[] loutMax = new long[lspecMax.length()]; float[] fout64 = new float[fspec64.length()]; float[] fout128 = new float[fspec128.length()]; float[] fout256 = new float[fspec256.length()]; float[] fout512 = new float[fspec512.length()]; float[] foutMax = new float[fspecMax.length()]; double[] dout64 = new double[dspec64.length()]; double[] dout128 = new double[dspec128.length()]; double[] dout256 = new double[dspec256.length()]; double[] dout512 = new double[dspec512.length()]; double[] doutMax = new double[dspecMax.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; i++) { testVectorCastFloatMaxToByte(fspecMax, bspec64, finMax, bout64); testVectorCastFloatMaxToByte(fspecMax, bspec128, finMax, bout128); testVectorCastFloatMaxToByte(fspecMax, bspec256, finMax, bout256); testVectorCastFloatMaxToByte(fspecMax, bspec512, finMax, bout512); testVectorCastFloatMaxToByte(fspecMax, bspecMax, finMax, boutMax); testVectorCastFloatMaxToShort(fspecMax, sspec64, finMax, sout64); testVectorCastFloatMaxToShort(fspecMax, sspec128, finMax, sout128); testVectorCastFloatMaxToShort(fspecMax, sspec256, finMax, sout256); testVectorCastFloatMaxToShort(fspecMax, sspec512, finMax, sout512); testVectorCastFloatMaxToShort(fspecMax, sspecMax, finMax, soutMax); testVectorCastFloatMaxToInt(fspecMax, ispec64, finMax, iout64); testVectorCastFloatMaxToInt(fspecMax, ispec128, finMax, iout128); testVectorCastFloatMaxToInt(fspecMax, ispec256, finMax, iout256); testVectorCastFloatMaxToInt(fspecMax, ispec512, finMax, iout512); testVectorCastFloatMaxToInt(fspecMax, ispecMax, finMax, ioutMax); testVectorCastFloatMaxToLong(fspecMax, lspec64, finMax, lout64); testVectorCastFloatMaxToLong(fspecMax, lspec128, finMax, lout128); testVectorCastFloatMaxToLong(fspecMax, lspec256, finMax, lout256); testVectorCastFloatMaxToLong(fspecMax, lspec512, finMax, lout512); testVectorCastFloatMaxToLong(fspecMax, lspecMax, finMax, loutMax); testVectorCastFloatMaxToFloat(fspecMax, fspec64, finMax, fout64); testVectorCastFloatMaxToFloat(fspecMax, fspec128, finMax, fout128); testVectorCastFloatMaxToFloat(fspecMax, fspec256, finMax, fout256); testVectorCastFloatMaxToFloat(fspecMax, fspec512, finMax, fout512); testVectorCastFloatMaxToFloat(fspecMax, fspecMax, finMax, foutMax); testVectorCastFloatMaxToDouble(fspecMax, dspec64, finMax, dout64); testVectorCastFloatMaxToDouble(fspecMax, dspec128, finMax, dout128); testVectorCastFloatMaxToDouble(fspecMax, dspec256, finMax, dout256); testVectorCastFloatMaxToDouble(fspecMax, dspec512, finMax, dout512); testVectorCastFloatMaxToDouble(fspecMax, dspecMax, finMax, doutMax); } } @Test(dataProvider = "doubleUnaryOpProvider") static void testCastFromDoubleMax(IntFunction fa) { double[] dinMax = fa.apply(dspecMax.length()); byte[] bout64 = new byte[bspec64.length()]; byte[] bout128 = new byte[bspec128.length()]; byte[] bout256 = new byte[bspec256.length()]; byte[] bout512 = new byte[bspec512.length()]; byte[] boutMax = new byte[bspecMax.length()]; short[] sout64 = new short[sspec64.length()]; short[] sout128 = new short[sspec128.length()]; short[] sout256 = new short[sspec256.length()]; short[] sout512 = new short[sspec512.length()]; short[] soutMax = new short[sspecMax.length()]; int[] iout64 = new int[ispec64.length()]; int[] iout128 = new int[ispec128.length()]; int[] iout256 = new int[ispec256.length()]; int[] iout512 = new int[ispec512.length()]; int[] ioutMax = new int[ispecMax.length()]; long[] lout64 = new long[lspec64.length()]; long[] lout128 = new long[lspec128.length()]; long[] lout256 = new long[lspec256.length()]; long[] lout512 = new long[lspec512.length()]; long[] loutMax = new long[lspecMax.length()]; float[] fout64 = new float[fspec64.length()]; float[] fout128 = new float[fspec128.length()]; float[] fout256 = new float[fspec256.length()]; float[] fout512 = new float[fspec512.length()]; float[] foutMax = new float[fspecMax.length()]; double[] dout64 = new double[dspec64.length()]; double[] dout128 = new double[dspec128.length()]; double[] dout256 = new double[dspec256.length()]; double[] dout512 = new double[dspec512.length()]; double[] doutMax = new double[dspecMax.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; i++) { testVectorCastDoubleMaxToByte(dspecMax, bspec64, dinMax, bout64); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToByte(dspecMax, bspec128, dinMax, bout128); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToByte(dspecMax, bspec256, dinMax, bout256); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToByte(dspecMax, bspec512, dinMax, bout512); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToByte(dspecMax, bspecMax, dinMax, boutMax); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToShort(dspecMax, sspec64, dinMax, sout64); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToShort(dspecMax, sspec128, dinMax, sout128); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToShort(dspecMax, sspec256, dinMax, sout256); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToShort(dspecMax, sspec512, dinMax, sout512); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToShort(dspecMax, sspecMax, dinMax, soutMax); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToInt(dspecMax, ispec64, dinMax, iout64); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToInt(dspecMax, ispec128, dinMax, iout128); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToInt(dspecMax, ispec256, dinMax, iout256); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToInt(dspecMax, ispec512, dinMax, iout512); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToInt(dspecMax, ispecMax, dinMax, ioutMax); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToLong(dspecMax, lspec64, dinMax, lout64); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToLong(dspecMax, lspec128, dinMax, lout128); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToLong(dspecMax, lspec256, dinMax, lout256); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToLong(dspecMax, lspec512, dinMax, lout512); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToLong(dspecMax, lspecMax, dinMax, loutMax); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToFloat(dspecMax, fspec64, dinMax, fout64); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToFloat(dspecMax, fspec128, dinMax, fout128); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToFloat(dspecMax, fspec256, dinMax, fout256); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToFloat(dspecMax, fspec512, dinMax, fout512); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToFloat(dspecMax, fspecMax, dinMax, foutMax); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToDouble(dspecMax, dspec64, dinMax, dout64); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToDouble(dspecMax, dspec128, dinMax, dout128); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToDouble(dspecMax, dspec256, dinMax, dout256); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToDouble(dspecMax, dspec512, dinMax, dout512); testVectorCastDoubleMaxToDouble(dspecMax, dspecMax, dinMax, doutMax); } } }