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rev 55594 : tests and benchmark changes

*** 23,32 **** --- 23,33 ---- package benchmark.jdk.incubator.vector; import jdk.incubator.vector.Vector; import jdk.incubator.vector.Vector.Shape; + import jdk.incubator.vector.Vector.Species; import jdk.incubator.vector.DoubleVector; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import java.util.function.IntFunction;
*** 39,49 **** @State(Scope.Benchmark) @Warmup(iterations = 3, time = 1) @Measurement(iterations = 5, time = 1) @Fork(value = 1, jvmArgsPrepend = {"--add-modules=jdk.incubator.vector"}) public class Double64Vector extends AbstractVectorBenchmark { ! static final DoubleVector.DoubleSpecies SPECIES = DoubleVector.species(Shape.S_64_BIT); static final int INVOC_COUNT = 1; // get rid of outer loop @Param("1024") int size; --- 40,50 ---- @State(Scope.Benchmark) @Warmup(iterations = 3, time = 1) @Measurement(iterations = 5, time = 1) @Fork(value = 1, jvmArgsPrepend = {"--add-modules=jdk.incubator.vector"}) public class Double64Vector extends AbstractVectorBenchmark { ! static final Species<Double> SPECIES = DoubleVector.SPECIES_64; static final int INVOC_COUNT = 1; // get rid of outer loop @Param("1024") int size;
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