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 447     public static final DoubleVector single(Species<Double> s, double e) {
 448         return zero(s).with(0, e);
 449     }
 451     /**
 452      * Returns a vector where each lane element is set to a randomly
 453      * generated primitive value.
 454      *
 455      * The semantics are equivalent to calling
 456      * {@link ThreadLocalRandom#nextDouble()}
 457      *
 458      * @param s species of the desired vector
 459      * @return a vector where each lane elements is set to a randomly
 460      * generated primitive value
 461      */
 462     public static DoubleVector random(Species<Double> s) {
 463         ThreadLocalRandom r = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
 464         return ((DoubleSpecies)s).op(i -> r.nextDouble());
 465     }
 467     /**
 468      * Returns a mask where each lane is set or unset according to given
 469      * {@code boolean} values
 470      * <p>
 471      * For each mask lane, where {@code N} is the mask lane index,
 472      * if the given {@code boolean} value at index {@code N} is {@code true}
 473      * then the mask lane at index {@code N} is set, otherwise it is unset.
 474      *
 475      * @param species mask species
 476      * @param bits the given {@code boolean} values
 477      * @return a mask where each lane is set or unset according to the given {@code boolean} value
 478      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code bits.length < species.length()}
 479      */
 480     @ForceInline
 481     public static Mask<Double> maskFromValues(Species<Double> species, boolean... bits) {
 482         if (species.boxType() == DoubleMaxVector.class)
 483             return new DoubleMaxVector.DoubleMaxMask(bits);
 484         switch (species.bitSize()) {
 485             case 64: return new Double64Vector.Double64Mask(bits);
 486             case 128: return new Double128Vector.Double128Mask(bits);
 487             case 256: return new Double256Vector.Double256Mask(bits);
 488             case 512: return new Double512Vector.Double512Mask(bits);
 489             default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(Integer.toString(species.bitSize()));
 490         }
 491     }
 493     // @@@ This is a bad implementation -- makes lambdas capturing -- fix this
 494     static Mask<Double> trueMask(Species<Double> species) {
 495         if (species.boxType() == DoubleMaxVector.class)
 496             return DoubleMaxVector.DoubleMaxMask.TRUE_MASK;
 497         switch (species.bitSize()) {
 498             case 64: return Double64Vector.Double64Mask.TRUE_MASK;
 499             case 128: return Double128Vector.Double128Mask.TRUE_MASK;
 500             case 256: return Double256Vector.Double256Mask.TRUE_MASK;
 501             case 512: return Double512Vector.Double512Mask.TRUE_MASK;
 502             default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(Integer.toString(species.bitSize()));
 503         }
 504     }
 506     static Mask<Double> falseMask(Species<Double> species) {
 507         if (species.boxType() == DoubleMaxVector.class)
 508             return DoubleMaxVector.DoubleMaxMask.FALSE_MASK;
 509         switch (species.bitSize()) {
 510             case 64: return Double64Vector.Double64Mask.FALSE_MASK;
 511             case 128: return Double128Vector.Double128Mask.FALSE_MASK;
 512             case 256: return Double256Vector.Double256Mask.FALSE_MASK;
 513             case 512: return Double512Vector.Double512Mask.FALSE_MASK;
 514             default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(Integer.toString(species.bitSize()));
 515         }
 516     }
 518     /**
 519      * Loads a mask from a {@code boolean} array starting at an offset.
 520      * <p>
 521      * For each mask lane, where {@code N} is the mask lane index,
 522      * if the array element at index {@code ix + N} is {@code true} then the
 523      * mask lane at index {@code N} is set, otherwise it is unset.
 524      *
 525      * @param species mask species
 526      * @param bits the {@code boolean} array
 527      * @param ix the offset into the array
 528      * @return the mask loaded from a {@code boolean} array
 529      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code ix < 0}, or
 530      * {@code ix > bits.length - species.length()}
 531      */
 532     @ForceInline
 533     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 534     public static Mask<Double> maskFromArray(Species<Double> species, boolean[] bits, int ix) {
 535         Objects.requireNonNull(bits);
 536         ix = VectorIntrinsics.checkIndex(ix, bits.length, species.length());
 537         return VectorIntrinsics.load((Class<Mask<Double>>) species.maskType(), long.class, species.length(),
 538                                      bits, (((long) ix) << ARRAY_SHIFT) + Unsafe.ARRAY_BOOLEAN_BASE_OFFSET,
 539                                      bits, ix, species,
 540                                      (c, idx, s) -> (Mask<Double>) ((DoubleSpecies)s).opm(n -> c[idx + n]));
 541     }
 543     /**
 544      * Returns a mask where all lanes are set.
 545      *
 546      * @param species mask species
 547      * @return a mask where all lanes are set
 548      */
 549     @ForceInline
 550     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 551     public static Mask<Double> maskAllTrue(Species<Double> species) {
 552         return VectorIntrinsics.broadcastCoerced((Class<Mask<Double>>) species.maskType(), long.class, species.length(),
 553                                                  (long)-1,  species,
 554                                                  ((z, s) -> trueMask(s)));
 555     }
 557     /**
 558      * Returns a mask where all lanes are unset.
 559      *
 560      * @param species mask species
 561      * @return a mask where all lanes are unset
 562      */
 563     @ForceInline
 564     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 565     public static Mask<Double> maskAllFalse(Species<Double> species) {
 566         return VectorIntrinsics.broadcastCoerced((Class<Mask<Double>>) species.maskType(), long.class, species.length(),
 567                                                  0, species, 
 568                                                  ((z, s) -> falseMask(s)));
 569     }
 571     /**
 572      * Returns a shuffle of mapped indexes where each lane element is
 573      * the result of applying a mapping function to the corresponding lane
 574      * index.
 575      * <p>
 576      * Care should be taken to ensure Shuffle values produced from this
 577      * method are consumed as constants to ensure optimal generation of
 578      * code.  For example, values held in static final fields or values
 579      * held in loop constant local variables.
 580      * <p>
 581      * This method behaves as if a shuffle is created from an array of
 582      * mapped indexes as follows:
 583      * <pre>{@code
 584      *   int[] a = new int[species.length()];
 585      *   for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
 586      *       a[i] = f.applyAsInt(i);
 587      *   }
 588      *   return this.shuffleFromValues(a);
 589      * }</pre>
 590      *
 591      * @param species shuffle species
 592      * @param f the lane index mapping function
 593      * @return a shuffle of mapped indexes
 594      */
 595     @ForceInline
 596     public static Shuffle<Double> shuffle(Species<Double> species, IntUnaryOperator f) {
 597         if (species.boxType() == DoubleMaxVector.class)
 598             return new DoubleMaxVector.DoubleMaxShuffle(f);
 599         switch (species.bitSize()) {
 600             case 64: return new Double64Vector.Double64Shuffle(f);
 601             case 128: return new Double128Vector.Double128Shuffle(f);
 602             case 256: return new Double256Vector.Double256Shuffle(f);
 603             case 512: return new Double512Vector.Double512Shuffle(f);
 604             default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(Integer.toString(species.bitSize()));
 605         }
 606     }
 608     /**
 609      * Returns a shuffle where each lane element is the value of its
 610      * corresponding lane index.
 611      * <p>
 612      * This method behaves as if a shuffle is created from an identity
 613      * index mapping function as follows:
 614      * <pre>{@code
 615      *   return this.shuffle(i -> i);
 616      * }</pre>
 617      *
 618      * @param species shuffle species
 619      * @return a shuffle of lane indexes
 620      */
 621     @ForceInline
 622     public static Shuffle<Double> shuffleIota(Species<Double> species) {
 623         if (species.boxType() == DoubleMaxVector.class)
 624             return new DoubleMaxVector.DoubleMaxShuffle(AbstractShuffle.IDENTITY);
 625         switch (species.bitSize()) {
 626             case 64: return new Double64Vector.Double64Shuffle(AbstractShuffle.IDENTITY);
 627             case 128: return new Double128Vector.Double128Shuffle(AbstractShuffle.IDENTITY);
 628             case 256: return new Double256Vector.Double256Shuffle(AbstractShuffle.IDENTITY);
 629             case 512: return new Double512Vector.Double512Shuffle(AbstractShuffle.IDENTITY);
 630             default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(Integer.toString(species.bitSize()));
 631         }
 632     }
 634     /**
 635      * Returns a shuffle where each lane element is set to a given
 636      * {@code int} value logically AND'ed by the species length minus one.
 637      * <p>
 638      * For each shuffle lane, where {@code N} is the shuffle lane index, the
 639      * the {@code int} value at index {@code N} logically AND'ed by
 640      * {@code species.length() - 1} is placed into the resulting shuffle at
 641      * lane index {@code N}.
 642      *
 643      * @param species shuffle species
 644      * @param ixs the given {@code int} values
 645      * @return a shuffle where each lane element is set to a given
 646      * {@code int} value
 647      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the number of int values is
 648      * {@code < species.length()}
 649      */
 650     @ForceInline
 651     public static Shuffle<Double> shuffleFromValues(Species<Double> species, int... ixs) {
 652         if (species.boxType() == DoubleMaxVector.class)
 653             return new DoubleMaxVector.DoubleMaxShuffle(ixs);
 654         switch (species.bitSize()) {
 655             case 64: return new Double64Vector.Double64Shuffle(ixs);
 656             case 128: return new Double128Vector.Double128Shuffle(ixs);
 657             case 256: return new Double256Vector.Double256Shuffle(ixs);
 658             case 512: return new Double512Vector.Double512Shuffle(ixs);
 659             default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(Integer.toString(species.bitSize()));
 660         }
 661     }
 663     /**
 664      * Loads a shuffle from an {@code int} array starting at an offset.
 665      * <p>
 666      * For each shuffle lane, where {@code N} is the shuffle lane index, the
 667      * array element at index {@code i + N} logically AND'ed by
 668      * {@code species.length() - 1} is placed into the resulting shuffle at lane
 669      * index {@code N}.
 670      *
 671      * @param species shuffle species
 672      * @param ixs the {@code int} array
 673      * @param i the offset into the array
 674      * @return a shuffle loaded from the {@code int} array
 675      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code i < 0}, or
 676      * {@code i > a.length - species.length()}
 677      */
 678     @ForceInline
 679     public static Shuffle<Double> shuffleFromArray(Species<Double> species, int[] ixs, int i) {
 680         if (species.boxType() == DoubleMaxVector.class)
 681             return new DoubleMaxVector.DoubleMaxShuffle(ixs, i);
 682         switch (species.bitSize()) {
 683             case 64: return new Double64Vector.Double64Shuffle(ixs, i);
 684             case 128: return new Double128Vector.Double128Shuffle(ixs, i);
 685             case 256: return new Double256Vector.Double256Shuffle(ixs, i);
 686             case 512: return new Double512Vector.Double512Shuffle(ixs, i);
 687             default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(Integer.toString(species.bitSize()));
 688         }
 689     }
 691     // Ops
 693     @Override
 694     public abstract DoubleVector add(Vector<Double> v);
 696     /**
 697      * Adds this vector to the broadcast of an input scalar.
 698      * <p>
 699      * This is a vector binary operation where the primitive addition operation
 700      * ({@code +}) is applied to lane elements.
 701      *
 702      * @param s the input scalar
 703      * @return the result of adding this vector to the broadcast of an input
 704      * scalar
 705      */
 706     public abstract DoubleVector add(double s);
 708     @Override
 709     public abstract DoubleVector add(Vector<Double> v, Mask<Double> m);

2085      * @param a the array
2086      * @param i the offset into the array, may be negative if relative
2087      * indexes in the index map compensate to produce a value within the
2088      * array bounds
2089      * @param m the mask
2090      * @param indexMap the index map
2091      * @param j the offset into the index map
2092      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code j < 0}, or
2093      * {@code j > indexMap.length - this.length()},
2094      * or for any vector lane index {@code N} where the mask at lane
2095      * {@code N} is set the result of {@code i + indexMap[j + N]} is
2096      * {@code < 0} or {@code >= a.length}
2097      */
2098     public abstract void intoArray(double[] a, int i, Mask<Double> m, int[] indexMap, int j);
2099     // Species
2101     @Override
2102     public abstract Species<Double> species();
2104     /**
2105      * Class representing {@link DoubleVector}'s of the same {@link Vector.Shape Shape}.
2106      */
2107     static final class DoubleSpecies extends Vector.AbstractSpecies<Double> {
2108         final Function<double[], DoubleVector> vectorFactory;
2109         final Function<boolean[], Vector.Mask<Double>> maskFactory;
2111         private DoubleSpecies(Vector.Shape shape,
2112                           Class<?> boxType,
2113                           Class<?> maskType,
2114                           Function<double[], DoubleVector> vectorFactory,
2115                           Function<boolean[], Vector.Mask<Double>> maskFactory) {
2116             super(shape, double.class, Double.SIZE, boxType, maskType);

2117             this.vectorFactory = vectorFactory;
2118             this.maskFactory = maskFactory;
2119         }
2121         interface FOp {
2122             double apply(int i);
2123         }
2125         interface FOpm {
2126             boolean apply(int i);
2127         }
2129         DoubleVector op(FOp f) {
2130             double[] res = new double[length()];
2131             for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) {
2132                 res[i] = f.apply(i);
2133             }
2134             return vectorFactory.apply(res);
2135         }
2137         DoubleVector op(Vector.Mask<Double> o, FOp f) {
2138             double[] res = new double[length()];
2139             boolean[] mbits = ((AbstractMask<Double>)o).getBits();
2140             for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) {
2141                 if (mbits[i]) {
2142                     res[i] = f.apply(i);
2143                 }
2144             }
2145             return vectorFactory.apply(res);
2146         }
2148         Vector.Mask<Double> opm(IntVector.IntSpecies.FOpm f) {
2149             boolean[] res = new boolean[length()];
2150             for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) {
2151                 res[i] = (boolean)f.apply(i);
2152             }
2153             return maskFactory.apply(res);
2154         }
2155     }
2157     /**
2158      * Finds the preferred species for an element type of {@code double}.
2159      * <p>
2160      * A preferred species is a species chosen by the platform that has a
2161      * shape of maximal bit size.  A preferred species for different element
2162      * types will have the same shape, and therefore vectors, masks, and
2163      * shuffles created from such species will be shape compatible.
2164      *
2165      * @return the preferred species for an element type of {@code double}
2166      */
2167     private static DoubleSpecies preferredSpecies() {
2168         return (DoubleSpecies) Species.ofPreferred(double.class);
2169     }
2171     /**
2172      * Finds a species for an element type of {@code double} and shape.
2173      *
2174      * @param s the shape
2175      * @return a species for an element type of {@code double} and shape
2176      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if no such species exists for the shape
2177      */
2178     static DoubleSpecies species(Vector.Shape s) {
2179         Objects.requireNonNull(s);
2180         switch (s) {
2181             case S_64_BIT: return (DoubleSpecies) SPECIES_64;
2182             case S_128_BIT: return (DoubleSpecies) SPECIES_128;
2183             case S_256_BIT: return (DoubleSpecies) SPECIES_256;
2184             case S_512_BIT: return (DoubleSpecies) SPECIES_512;
2185             case S_Max_BIT: return (DoubleSpecies) SPECIES_MAX;
2186             default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad shape: " + s);
2187         }
2188     }
2190     /** Species representing {@link DoubleVector}s of {@link Vector.Shape#S_64_BIT Shape.S_64_BIT}. */
2191     public static final Species<Double> SPECIES_64 = new DoubleSpecies(Shape.S_64_BIT, Double64Vector.class, Double64Vector.Double64Mask.class,
2192                                                                      Double64Vector::new, Double64Vector.Double64Mask::new);

2194     /** Species representing {@link DoubleVector}s of {@link Vector.Shape#S_128_BIT Shape.S_128_BIT}. */
2195     public static final Species<Double> SPECIES_128 = new DoubleSpecies(Shape.S_128_BIT, Double128Vector.class, Double128Vector.Double128Mask.class,
2196                                                                       Double128Vector::new, Double128Vector.Double128Mask::new);

2198     /** Species representing {@link DoubleVector}s of {@link Vector.Shape#S_256_BIT Shape.S_256_BIT}. */
2199     public static final Species<Double> SPECIES_256 = new DoubleSpecies(Shape.S_256_BIT, Double256Vector.class, Double256Vector.Double256Mask.class,
2200                                                                       Double256Vector::new, Double256Vector.Double256Mask::new);

2202     /** Species representing {@link DoubleVector}s of {@link Vector.Shape#S_512_BIT Shape.S_512_BIT}. */
2203     public static final Species<Double> SPECIES_512 = new DoubleSpecies(Shape.S_512_BIT, Double512Vector.class, Double512Vector.Double512Mask.class,
2204                                                                       Double512Vector::new, Double512Vector.Double512Mask::new);

2206     /** Species representing {@link DoubleVector}s of {@link Vector.Shape#S_Max_BIT Shape.S_Max_BIT}. */
2207     public static final Species<Double> SPECIES_MAX = new DoubleSpecies(Shape.S_Max_BIT, DoubleMaxVector.class, DoubleMaxVector.DoubleMaxMask.class,
2208                                                                       DoubleMaxVector::new, DoubleMaxVector.DoubleMaxMask::new);

2210     /**
2211      * Preferred species for {@link DoubleVector}s.
2212      * A preferred species is a species of maximal bit size for the platform.
2213      */
2214     public static final Species<Double> SPECIES_PREFERRED = (Species<Double>) preferredSpecies();
2215 }

 447     public static final DoubleVector single(Species<Double> s, double e) {
 448         return zero(s).with(0, e);
 449     }
 451     /**
 452      * Returns a vector where each lane element is set to a randomly
 453      * generated primitive value.
 454      *
 455      * The semantics are equivalent to calling
 456      * {@link ThreadLocalRandom#nextDouble()}
 457      *
 458      * @param s species of the desired vector
 459      * @return a vector where each lane elements is set to a randomly
 460      * generated primitive value
 461      */
 462     public static DoubleVector random(Species<Double> s) {
 463         ThreadLocalRandom r = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
 464         return ((DoubleSpecies)s).op(i -> r.nextDouble());
 465     }

 467     // Ops
 469     @Override
 470     public abstract DoubleVector add(Vector<Double> v);
 472     /**
 473      * Adds this vector to the broadcast of an input scalar.
 474      * <p>
 475      * This is a vector binary operation where the primitive addition operation
 476      * ({@code +}) is applied to lane elements.
 477      *
 478      * @param s the input scalar
 479      * @return the result of adding this vector to the broadcast of an input
 480      * scalar
 481      */
 482     public abstract DoubleVector add(double s);
 484     @Override
 485     public abstract DoubleVector add(Vector<Double> v, Mask<Double> m);

1861      * @param a the array
1862      * @param i the offset into the array, may be negative if relative
1863      * indexes in the index map compensate to produce a value within the
1864      * array bounds
1865      * @param m the mask
1866      * @param indexMap the index map
1867      * @param j the offset into the index map
1868      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code j < 0}, or
1869      * {@code j > indexMap.length - this.length()},
1870      * or for any vector lane index {@code N} where the mask at lane
1871      * {@code N} is set the result of {@code i + indexMap[j + N]} is
1872      * {@code < 0} or {@code >= a.length}
1873      */
1874     public abstract void intoArray(double[] a, int i, Mask<Double> m, int[] indexMap, int j);
1875     // Species
1877     @Override
1878     public abstract Species<Double> species();
1880     /**
1881      * Class representing {@link DoubleVector}'s of the same {@link Shape Shape}.
1882      */
1883     static final class DoubleSpecies extends AbstractSpecies<Double> {
1884         final Function<double[], DoubleVector> vectorFactory;

1886         private DoubleSpecies(Shape shape,
1887                           Class<?> boxType,
1888                           Class<?> maskType,
1889                           Function<double[], DoubleVector> vectorFactory,
1890                           Function<boolean[], Mask<Double>> maskFactory,
1891                           Function<IntUnaryOperator, Shuffle<Double>> shuffleFromArrayFactory,
1892                           fShuffleFromArray<Double> shuffleFromOpFactory) {
1893             super(shape, double.class, Double.SIZE, boxType, maskType, maskFactory,
1894                   shuffleFromArrayFactory, shuffleFromOpFactory);
1895             this.vectorFactory = vectorFactory;

1896         }
1898         interface FOp {
1899             double apply(int i);
1900         }
1902         interface FOpm {
1903             boolean apply(int i);
1904         }
1906         DoubleVector op(FOp f) {
1907             double[] res = new double[length()];
1908             for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) {
1909                 res[i] = f.apply(i);
1910             }
1911             return vectorFactory.apply(res);
1912         }
1914         DoubleVector op(Mask<Double> o, FOp f) {
1915             double[] res = new double[length()];
1916             boolean[] mbits = ((AbstractMask<Double>)o).getBits();
1917             for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) {
1918                 if (mbits[i]) {
1919                     res[i] = f.apply(i);
1920                 }
1921             }
1922             return vectorFactory.apply(res);
1923         }

1924     }
1926     /**
1927      * Finds the preferred species for an element type of {@code double}.
1928      * <p>
1929      * A preferred species is a species chosen by the platform that has a
1930      * shape of maximal bit size.  A preferred species for different element
1931      * types will have the same shape, and therefore vectors, masks, and
1932      * shuffles created from such species will be shape compatible.
1933      *
1934      * @return the preferred species for an element type of {@code double}
1935      */
1936     private static DoubleSpecies preferredSpecies() {
1937         return (DoubleSpecies) Species.ofPreferred(double.class);
1938     }
1940     /**
1941      * Finds a species for an element type of {@code double} and shape.
1942      *
1943      * @param s the shape
1944      * @return a species for an element type of {@code double} and shape
1945      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if no such species exists for the shape
1946      */
1947     static DoubleSpecies species(Shape s) {
1948         Objects.requireNonNull(s);
1949         switch (s) {
1950             case S_64_BIT: return (DoubleSpecies) SPECIES_64;
1951             case S_128_BIT: return (DoubleSpecies) SPECIES_128;
1952             case S_256_BIT: return (DoubleSpecies) SPECIES_256;
1953             case S_512_BIT: return (DoubleSpecies) SPECIES_512;
1954             case S_Max_BIT: return (DoubleSpecies) SPECIES_MAX;
1955             default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad shape: " + s);
1956         }
1957     }
1959     /** Species representing {@link DoubleVector}s of {@link Shape#S_64_BIT Shape.S_64_BIT}. */
1960     public static final Species<Double> SPECIES_64 = new DoubleSpecies(Shape.S_64_BIT, Double64Vector.class, Double64Vector.Double64Mask.class,
1961                                                                      Double64Vector::new, Double64Vector.Double64Mask::new,
1962                                                                      Double64Vector.Double64Shuffle::new, Double64Vector.Double64Shuffle::new);
1964     /** Species representing {@link DoubleVector}s of {@link Shape#S_128_BIT Shape.S_128_BIT}. */
1965     public static final Species<Double> SPECIES_128 = new DoubleSpecies(Shape.S_128_BIT, Double128Vector.class, Double128Vector.Double128Mask.class,
1966                                                                       Double128Vector::new, Double128Vector.Double128Mask::new,
1967                                                                       Double128Vector.Double128Shuffle::new, Double128Vector.Double128Shuffle::new);
1969     /** Species representing {@link DoubleVector}s of {@link Shape#S_256_BIT Shape.S_256_BIT}. */
1970     public static final Species<Double> SPECIES_256 = new DoubleSpecies(Shape.S_256_BIT, Double256Vector.class, Double256Vector.Double256Mask.class,
1971                                                                       Double256Vector::new, Double256Vector.Double256Mask::new,
1972                                                                       Double256Vector.Double256Shuffle::new, Double256Vector.Double256Shuffle::new);
1974     /** Species representing {@link DoubleVector}s of {@link Shape#S_512_BIT Shape.S_512_BIT}. */
1975     public static final Species<Double> SPECIES_512 = new DoubleSpecies(Shape.S_512_BIT, Double512Vector.class, Double512Vector.Double512Mask.class,
1976                                                                       Double512Vector::new, Double512Vector.Double512Mask::new,
1977                                                                       Double512Vector.Double512Shuffle::new, Double512Vector.Double512Shuffle::new);
1979     /** Species representing {@link DoubleVector}s of {@link Shape#S_Max_BIT Shape.S_Max_BIT}. */
1980     public static final Species<Double> SPECIES_MAX = new DoubleSpecies(Shape.S_Max_BIT, DoubleMaxVector.class, DoubleMaxVector.DoubleMaxMask.class,
1981                                                                       DoubleMaxVector::new, DoubleMaxVector.DoubleMaxMask::new,
1982                                                                       DoubleMaxVector.DoubleMaxShuffle::new, DoubleMaxVector.DoubleMaxShuffle::new);
1984     /**
1985      * Preferred species for {@link DoubleVector}s.
1986      * A preferred species is a species of maximal bit size for the platform.
1987      */
1988     public static final Species<Double> SPECIES_PREFERRED = (Species<Double>) preferredSpecies();
1989 }
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