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rev 54658 : refactored mask and shuffle creation methods, moved classes to top-level

  70     static final int VECTOR_OP_LOG = 112;
  71     static final int VECTOR_OP_LOG10 = 113;
  72     static final int VECTOR_OP_LOG1P = 114;
  73     static final int VECTOR_OP_POW = 115;
  74     static final int VECTOR_OP_EXP = 116;
  75     static final int VECTOR_OP_EXPM1 = 117;
  76     static final int VECTOR_OP_HYPOT = 118;
  78     // enum BoolTest
  79     static final int BT_eq = 0;
  80     static final int BT_ne = 4;
  81     static final int BT_le = 5;
  82     static final int BT_ge = 7;
  83     static final int BT_lt = 3;
  84     static final int BT_gt = 1;
  85     static final int BT_overflow = 2;
  86     static final int BT_no_overflow = 6;
  88     /* ============================================================================ */
  89     interface BroadcastOperation<V, E> {
  90         V broadcast(long l, Vector.Species<E> s);
  91     }
  93     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
  94     static
  95     <VM, E>
  96     VM broadcastCoerced(Class<VM> vmClass, Class<?> E, int length,
  97                                   long bits, Vector.Species<E> s,
  98                                   BroadcastOperation<VM, E> defaultImpl) {
  99         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 100         return defaultImpl.broadcast(bits, s);
 101     }
 103     /* ============================================================================ */
 105     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 106     static
 107     <V extends Vector<?>>
 108     long reductionCoerced(int oprId, Class<?> vectorClass, Class<?> elementType, int length,
 109                           V v,
 110                           Function<V,Long> defaultImpl) {
 111         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 112         return defaultImpl.apply(v);
 113     }
 115     /* ============================================================================ */
 117     interface VecExtractOp<V> {

 133     interface VecInsertOp<V> {
 134         V apply(V v1, int idx, long val);
 135     }
 137     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 138     static <V extends Vector<?>>
 139     V insert(Class<V> vectorClass, Class<?> elementType, int vlen,
 140                         V vec, int ix, long val,
 141                         VecInsertOp<V> defaultImpl) {
 142         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 143         return defaultImpl.apply(vec, ix, val);
 144     }
 146     /* ============================================================================ */
 148     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 149     static
 150     <VM>
 151     VM unaryOp(int oprId, Class<VM> vmClass, Class<?> elementType, int length,
 152                VM vm, /*Vector.Mask<E,S> m,*/
 153                Function<VM, VM> defaultImpl) {
 154         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 155         return defaultImpl.apply(vm);
 156     }
 158     /* ============================================================================ */
 160     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 161     static
 162     <VM>
 163     VM binaryOp(int oprId, Class<? extends VM> vmClass, Class<?> elementType, int length,
 164                 VM vm1, VM vm2, /*Vector.Mask<E,S> m,*/
 165                 BiFunction<VM, VM, VM> defaultImpl) {
 166         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 167         return defaultImpl.apply(vm1, vm2);
 168     }
 170     /* ============================================================================ */
 172     interface TernaryOperation<V> {
 173         V apply(V v1, V v2, V v3);
 174     }
 176     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 177     static
 178     <VM>
 179     VM ternaryOp(int oprId, Class<VM> vmClass, Class<?> elementType, int length,
 180                  VM vm1, VM vm2, VM vm3, /*Vector.Mask<E,S> m,*/
 181                  TernaryOperation<VM> defaultImpl) {
 182         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 183         return defaultImpl.apply(vm1, vm2, vm3);
 184     }
 186     /* ============================================================================ */
 188     // Memory operations
 190     interface LoadOperation<C, V, E> {
 191         V load(C container, int index, Vector.Species<E> s);
 192     }
 194     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 195     static
 196     <C, VM, E>
 197     VM load(Class<VM> vmClass, Class<?> E, int length,
 198            Object base, long offset,    // Unsafe addressing
 199            // Vector.Mask<E,S> m,
 200            C container, int index, Vector.Species<E> s,     // Arguments for default implementation
 201            LoadOperation<C, VM, E> defaultImpl) {
 202         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 203         return defaultImpl.load(container, index, s);
 204     }
 206     /* ============================================================================ */
 208     interface LoadVectorOperationWithMap<C, V extends Vector<?>, E> {
 209         V loadWithMap(C container, int index, int[] indexMap, int indexM, Vector.Species<E> s);
 210     }
 212     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 213     static
 214     <C, V extends Vector<?>, W extends IntVector, E>
 215     V loadWithMap(Class<?> vectorClass, Class<?> E, int length, Class<?> vectorIndexClass,
 216                   Object base, long offset, // Unsafe addressing
 217                   W index_vector,
 218                   C container, int index, int[] indexMap, int indexM, Vector.Species<E> s, // Arguments for default implementation
 219                   LoadVectorOperationWithMap<C, V, E> defaultImpl) {
 220         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 221         return defaultImpl.loadWithMap(container, index, indexMap, indexM, s);
 222     }
 224     /* ============================================================================ */
 226     interface StoreVectorOperation<C, V extends Vector<?>> {
 227         void store(C container, int index, V v);
 228     }
 230     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 231     static
 232     <C, V extends Vector<?>>
 233     void store(Class<?> vectorClass, Class<?> elementType, int length,
 234                Object base, long offset,    // Unsafe addressing
 235                V v,
 236                // Vector.Mask<E,S> m,
 237                C container, int index,      // Arguments for default implementation
 238                StoreVectorOperation<C, V> defaultImpl) {
 239         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 240         defaultImpl.store(container, index, v);
 241     }
 243     /* ============================================================================ */
 245     interface StoreVectorOperationWithMap<C, V extends Vector<?>> {
 246         void storeWithMap(C container, int index, V v, int[] indexMap, int indexM);
 247     }
 249     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 250     static
 251     <C, V extends Vector<?>, W extends IntVector>
 252     void storeWithMap(Class<?> vectorClass, Class<?> elementType, int length, Class<?> vectorIndexClass,
 253                       Object base, long offset,    // Unsafe addressing
 254                       W index_vector, V v,
 255                       C container, int index, int[] indexMap, int indexM, // Arguments for default implementation
 256                       StoreVectorOperationWithMap<C, V> defaultImpl) {

 261     /* ============================================================================ */
 263     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 264     static
 265     <VM>
 266     boolean test(int cond, Class<?> vmClass, Class<?> elementType, int length,
 267                  VM vm1, VM vm2,
 268                  BiFunction<VM, VM, Boolean> defaultImpl) {
 269         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 270         return defaultImpl.apply(vm1, vm2);
 271     }
 273     /* ============================================================================ */
 275     interface VectorCompareOp<V,M> {
 276         M apply(V v1, V v2);
 277     }
 279     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 280     static <V extends Vector<E>,
 281             M extends Vector.Mask<E>,
 282             E>
 283     M compare(int cond, Class<V> vectorClass, Class<M> maskClass, Class<?> elementType, int length,
 284               V v1, V v2,
 285               VectorCompareOp<V,M> defaultImpl) {
 286         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 287         return defaultImpl.apply(v1, v2);
 288     }
 290     /* ============================================================================ */
 292     interface VectorRearrangeOp<V extends Vector<E>,
 293             Sh extends Vector.Shuffle<E>,
 294             E> {
 295         V apply(V v1, Sh shuffle);
 296     }
 298     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 299     static
 300     <V extends Vector<E>,
 301             Sh extends Vector.Shuffle<E>,
 302             E>
 303     V rearrangeOp(Class<V> vectorClass, Class<Sh> shuffleClass, Class<?> elementType, int vlen,
 304             V v1, Sh sh,
 305             VectorRearrangeOp<V,Sh, E> defaultImpl) {
 306         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 307         return defaultImpl.apply(v1, sh);
 308     }
 310     /* ============================================================================ */
 312     interface VectorBlendOp<V extends Vector<E>,
 313             M extends Vector.Mask<E>,
 314             E> {
 315         V apply(V v1, V v2, M mask);
 316     }
 318     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 319     static
 320     <V extends Vector<E>,
 321      M extends Vector.Mask<E>,
 322      E>
 323     V blend(Class<V> vectorClass, Class<M> maskClass, Class<?> elementType, int length,
 324             V v1, V v2, M m,
 325             VectorBlendOp<V,M, E> defaultImpl) {
 326         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 327         return defaultImpl.apply(v1, v2, m);
 328     }
 330     /* ============================================================================ */
 332     interface VectorBroadcastIntOp<V extends Vector<?>> {
 333         V apply(V v, int i);
 334     }
 336     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 337     static
 338     <V extends Vector<?>>
 339     V broadcastInt(int opr, Class<V> vectorClass, Class<?> elementType, int length,
 340                    V v, int i,
 341                    VectorBroadcastIntOp<V> defaultImpl) {

  70     static final int VECTOR_OP_LOG = 112;
  71     static final int VECTOR_OP_LOG10 = 113;
  72     static final int VECTOR_OP_LOG1P = 114;
  73     static final int VECTOR_OP_POW = 115;
  74     static final int VECTOR_OP_EXP = 116;
  75     static final int VECTOR_OP_EXPM1 = 117;
  76     static final int VECTOR_OP_HYPOT = 118;
  78     // enum BoolTest
  79     static final int BT_eq = 0;
  80     static final int BT_ne = 4;
  81     static final int BT_le = 5;
  82     static final int BT_ge = 7;
  83     static final int BT_lt = 3;
  84     static final int BT_gt = 1;
  85     static final int BT_overflow = 2;
  86     static final int BT_no_overflow = 6;
  88     /* ============================================================================ */
  89     interface BroadcastOperation<V, E> {
  90         V broadcast(long l, VectorSpecies<E> s);
  91     }
  93     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
  94     static
  95     <VM, E>
  96     VM broadcastCoerced(Class<VM> vmClass, Class<?> E, int length,
  97                                   long bits, VectorSpecies<E> s,
  98                                   BroadcastOperation<VM, E> defaultImpl) {
  99         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 100         return defaultImpl.broadcast(bits, s);
 101     }
 103     /* ============================================================================ */
 105     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 106     static
 107     <V extends Vector<?>>
 108     long reductionCoerced(int oprId, Class<?> vectorClass, Class<?> elementType, int length,
 109                           V v,
 110                           Function<V,Long> defaultImpl) {
 111         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 112         return defaultImpl.apply(v);
 113     }
 115     /* ============================================================================ */
 117     interface VecExtractOp<V> {

 133     interface VecInsertOp<V> {
 134         V apply(V v1, int idx, long val);
 135     }
 137     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 138     static <V extends Vector<?>>
 139     V insert(Class<V> vectorClass, Class<?> elementType, int vlen,
 140                         V vec, int ix, long val,
 141                         VecInsertOp<V> defaultImpl) {
 142         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 143         return defaultImpl.apply(vec, ix, val);
 144     }
 146     /* ============================================================================ */
 148     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 149     static
 150     <VM>
 151     VM unaryOp(int oprId, Class<VM> vmClass, Class<?> elementType, int length,
 152                VM vm,
 153                Function<VM, VM> defaultImpl) {
 154         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 155         return defaultImpl.apply(vm);
 156     }
 158     /* ============================================================================ */
 160     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 161     static
 162     <VM>
 163     VM binaryOp(int oprId, Class<? extends VM> vmClass, Class<?> elementType, int length,
 164                 VM vm1, VM vm2,
 165                 BiFunction<VM, VM, VM> defaultImpl) {
 166         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 167         return defaultImpl.apply(vm1, vm2);
 168     }
 170     /* ============================================================================ */
 172     interface TernaryOperation<V> {
 173         V apply(V v1, V v2, V v3);
 174     }
 176     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 177     static
 178     <VM>
 179     VM ternaryOp(int oprId, Class<VM> vmClass, Class<?> elementType, int length,
 180                  VM vm1, VM vm2, VM vm3,
 181                  TernaryOperation<VM> defaultImpl) {
 182         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 183         return defaultImpl.apply(vm1, vm2, vm3);
 184     }
 186     /* ============================================================================ */
 188     // Memory operations
 190     interface LoadOperation<C, V, E> {
 191         V load(C container, int index, VectorSpecies<E> s);
 192     }
 194     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 195     static
 196     <C, VM, E>
 197     VM load(Class<VM> vmClass, Class<?> E, int length,
 198            Object base, long offset,    // Unsafe addressing
 199            C container, int index, VectorSpecies<E> s,     // Arguments for default implementation

 200            LoadOperation<C, VM, E> defaultImpl) {
 201         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 202         return defaultImpl.load(container, index, s);
 203     }
 205     /* ============================================================================ */
 207     interface LoadVectorOperationWithMap<C, V extends Vector<?>, E> {
 208         V loadWithMap(C container, int index, int[] indexMap, int indexM, VectorSpecies<E> s);
 209     }
 211     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 212     static
 213     <C, V extends Vector<?>, W extends IntVector, E>
 214     V loadWithMap(Class<?> vectorClass, Class<?> E, int length, Class<?> vectorIndexClass,
 215                   Object base, long offset, // Unsafe addressing
 216                   W index_vector,
 217                   C container, int index, int[] indexMap, int indexM, VectorSpecies<E> s, // Arguments for default implementation
 218                   LoadVectorOperationWithMap<C, V, E> defaultImpl) {
 219         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 220         return defaultImpl.loadWithMap(container, index, indexMap, indexM, s);
 221     }
 223     /* ============================================================================ */
 225     interface StoreVectorOperation<C, V extends Vector<?>> {
 226         void store(C container, int index, V v);
 227     }
 229     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 230     static
 231     <C, V extends Vector<?>>
 232     void store(Class<?> vectorClass, Class<?> elementType, int length,
 233                Object base, long offset,    // Unsafe addressing
 234                V v,

 235                C container, int index,      // Arguments for default implementation
 236                StoreVectorOperation<C, V> defaultImpl) {
 237         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 238         defaultImpl.store(container, index, v);
 239     }
 241     /* ============================================================================ */
 243     interface StoreVectorOperationWithMap<C, V extends Vector<?>> {
 244         void storeWithMap(C container, int index, V v, int[] indexMap, int indexM);
 245     }
 247     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 248     static
 249     <C, V extends Vector<?>, W extends IntVector>
 250     void storeWithMap(Class<?> vectorClass, Class<?> elementType, int length, Class<?> vectorIndexClass,
 251                       Object base, long offset,    // Unsafe addressing
 252                       W index_vector, V v,
 253                       C container, int index, int[] indexMap, int indexM, // Arguments for default implementation
 254                       StoreVectorOperationWithMap<C, V> defaultImpl) {

 259     /* ============================================================================ */
 261     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 262     static
 263     <VM>
 264     boolean test(int cond, Class<?> vmClass, Class<?> elementType, int length,
 265                  VM vm1, VM vm2,
 266                  BiFunction<VM, VM, Boolean> defaultImpl) {
 267         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 268         return defaultImpl.apply(vm1, vm2);
 269     }
 271     /* ============================================================================ */
 273     interface VectorCompareOp<V,M> {
 274         M apply(V v1, V v2);
 275     }
 277     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 278     static <V extends Vector<E>,
 279             M extends VectorMask<E>,
 280             E>
 281     M compare(int cond, Class<V> vectorClass, Class<M> maskClass, Class<?> elementType, int length,
 282               V v1, V v2,
 283               VectorCompareOp<V,M> defaultImpl) {
 284         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 285         return defaultImpl.apply(v1, v2);
 286     }
 288     /* ============================================================================ */
 290     interface VectorRearrangeOp<V extends Vector<E>,
 291             Sh extends VectorShuffle<E>,
 292             E> {
 293         V apply(V v1, Sh shuffle);
 294     }
 296     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 297     static
 298     <V extends Vector<E>,
 299             Sh extends VectorShuffle<E>,
 300             E>
 301     V rearrangeOp(Class<V> vectorClass, Class<Sh> shuffleClass, Class<?> elementType, int vlen,
 302             V v1, Sh sh,
 303             VectorRearrangeOp<V,Sh, E> defaultImpl) {
 304         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 305         return defaultImpl.apply(v1, sh);
 306     }
 308     /* ============================================================================ */
 310     interface VectorBlendOp<V extends Vector<E>,
 311             M extends VectorMask<E>,
 312             E> {
 313         V apply(V v1, V v2, M mask);
 314     }
 316     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 317     static
 318     <V extends Vector<E>,
 319      M extends VectorMask<E>,
 320      E>
 321     V blend(Class<V> vectorClass, Class<M> maskClass, Class<?> elementType, int length,
 322             V v1, V v2, M m,
 323             VectorBlendOp<V,M, E> defaultImpl) {
 324         assert isNonCapturingLambda(defaultImpl) : defaultImpl;
 325         return defaultImpl.apply(v1, v2, m);
 326     }
 328     /* ============================================================================ */
 330     interface VectorBroadcastIntOp<V extends Vector<?>> {
 331         V apply(V v, int i);
 332     }
 334     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 335     static
 336     <V extends Vector<?>>
 337     V broadcastInt(int opr, Class<V> vectorClass, Class<?> elementType, int length,
 338                    V v, int i,
 339                    VectorBroadcastIntOp<V> defaultImpl) {

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