1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 /*
  25  * @test
  26  * @modules jdk.incubator.vector
  27  * @run testng/othervm --add-opens jdk.incubator.vector/jdk.incubator.vector=ALL-UNNAMED
  28  *      LongMaxVectorLoadStoreTests
  29  *
  30  */
  32 import jdk.incubator.vector.Vector.Shape;
  33 import jdk.incubator.vector.Vector.Species;
  34 import jdk.incubator.vector.Vector;
  36 import jdk.incubator.vector.LongVector;
  38 import org.testng.Assert;
  39 import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
  40 import org.testng.annotations.Test;
  42 import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
  43 import java.lang.invoke.VarHandle;
  44 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
  45 import java.nio.LongBuffer;
  46 import java.nio.ByteOrder;
  47 import java.util.List;
  48 import java.util.function.IntFunction;
  50 @Test
  51 public class LongMaxVectorLoadStoreTests extends AbstractVectorTest {
  52     static final Species<Long> SPECIES =
  53                 LongVector.SPECIES_MAX;
  55     static final int INVOC_COUNT = Integer.getInteger("jdk.incubator.vector.test.loop-iterations", 10);
  57     static Shape getMaxBit() {
  58         return Shape.S_Max_BIT;
  59     }
  61     static void assertArraysEquals(long[] a, long[] r, boolean[] mask) {
  62         int i = 0;
  63         try {
  64             for (; i < a.length; i++) {
  65                 Assert.assertEquals(mask[i % SPECIES.length()] ? a[i] : (long) 0, r[i]);
  66             }
  67         } catch (AssertionError e) {
  68             Assert.assertEquals(mask[i % SPECIES.length()] ? a[i] : (long) 0, r[i], "at index #" + i);
  69         }
  70     }
  72     static void assertArraysEquals(long[] a, long[] r, int[] im) {
  73         int i = 0;
  74         try {
  75             for (; i < a.length; i++) {
  76                 Assert.assertEquals(a[im[i]], r[i]);
  77             }
  78         } catch (AssertionError e) {
  79             Assert.assertEquals(a[im[i]], r[i], "at index #" + i);
  80         }
  81     }
  83     static void assertArraysEquals(long[] a, long[] r, int[] im, boolean[] mask) {
  84         int i = 0;
  85         try {
  86             for (; i < a.length; i++) {
  87                 Assert.assertEquals(mask[i % SPECIES.length()] ? a[im[i]] : (long) 0, r[i]);
  88             }
  89         } catch (AssertionError e) {
  90             Assert.assertEquals(mask[i % SPECIES.length()] ? a[im[i]] : (long) 0, r[i], "at index #" + i);
  91         }
  92     }
  94     static final List<IntFunction<long[]>> LONG_GENERATORS = List.of(
  95             withToString("long[i * 5]", (int s) -> {
  96                 return fill(s * 1000,
  97                             i -> (long)(i * 5));
  98             }),
  99             withToString("long[i + 1]", (int s) -> {
 100                 return fill(s * 1000,
 101                             i -> (((long)(i + 1) == 0) ? 1 : (long)(i + 1)));
 102             })
 103     );
 105     @DataProvider
 106     public Object[][] longProvider() {
 107         return LONG_GENERATORS.stream().
 108                 map(f -> new Object[]{f}).
 109                 toArray(Object[][]::new);
 110     }
 112     @DataProvider
 113     public Object[][] longMaskProvider() {
 114         return BOOLEAN_MASK_GENERATORS.stream().
 115                 flatMap(fm -> LONG_GENERATORS.stream().map(fa -> {
 116                     return new Object[] {fa, fm};
 117                 })).
 118                 toArray(Object[][]::new);
 119     }
 121     @DataProvider
 122     public Object[][] longIndexMapProvider() {
 123         return INDEX_GENERATORS.stream().
 124                 flatMap(fim -> LONG_GENERATORS.stream().map(fa -> {
 125                     return new Object[] {fa, fim};
 126                 })).
 127                 toArray(Object[][]::new);
 128     }
 130     @DataProvider
 131     public Object[][] longIndexMapMaskProvider() {
 132         return BOOLEAN_MASK_GENERATORS.stream().
 133                 flatMap(fm -> INDEX_GENERATORS.stream().
 134                     flatMap(fim -> LONG_GENERATORS.stream().map(fa -> {
 135                         return new Object[] {fa, fim, fm};
 136                 }))).
 137                 toArray(Object[][]::new);
 138     }
 140     @DataProvider
 141     public Object[][] longByteBufferProvider() {
 142         return LONG_GENERATORS.stream().
 143                 flatMap(fa -> BYTE_BUFFER_GENERATORS.stream().map(fb -> {
 144                     return new Object[]{fa, fb};
 145                 })).
 146                 toArray(Object[][]::new);
 147     }
 149     @DataProvider
 150     public Object[][] longByteBufferMaskProvider() {
 151         return BOOLEAN_MASK_GENERATORS.stream().
 152                 flatMap(fm -> LONG_GENERATORS.stream().
 153                         flatMap(fa -> BYTE_BUFFER_GENERATORS.stream().map(fb -> {
 154                             return new Object[]{fa, fb, fm};
 155                         }))).
 156                 toArray(Object[][]::new);
 157     }
 159     static ByteBuffer toBuffer(long[] a, IntFunction<ByteBuffer> fb) {
 160         ByteBuffer bb = fb.apply(a.length * SPECIES.elementSize() / 8);
 161         for (long v : a) {
 162             bb.putLong(v);
 163         }
 164         return bb.clear();
 165     }
 167     static long[] bufferToArray(ByteBuffer bb) {
 168         LongBuffer db = bb.asLongBuffer();
 169         long[] d = new long[db.capacity()];
 170         db.get(d);
 171         return d;
 172     }
 174     interface ToLongF {
 175         long apply(int i);
 176     }
 178     static long[] fill(int s , ToLongF f) {
 179         return fill(new long[s], f);
 180     }
 182     static long[] fill(long[] a, ToLongF f) {
 183         for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
 184             a[i] = f.apply(i);
 185         }
 186         return a;
 187     }
 189     @Test(dataProvider = "longProvider")
 190     static void loadStoreArray(IntFunction<long[]> fa) {
 191         long[] a = fa.apply(SPECIES.length());
 192         long[] r = new long[a.length];
 194         for (int ic = 0; ic < INVOC_COUNT; ic++) {
 195             for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i += SPECIES.length()) {
 196                 LongVector av = LongVector.fromArray(SPECIES, a, i);
 197                 av.intoArray(r, i);
 198             }
 199         }
 200         Assert.assertEquals(a, r);
 201     }
 203     @Test(dataProvider = "longMaskProvider")
 204     static void loadStoreMaskArray(IntFunction<long[]> fa,
 205                                    IntFunction<boolean[]> fm) {
 206         long[] a = fa.apply(SPECIES.length());
 207         long[] r = new long[a.length];
 208         boolean[] mask = fm.apply(SPECIES.length());
 209         Vector.Mask<Long> vmask = LongVector.maskFromValues(SPECIES, mask);
 211         for (int ic = 0; ic < INVOC_COUNT; ic++) {
 212             for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i += SPECIES.length()) {
 213                 LongVector av = LongVector.fromArray(SPECIES, a, i, vmask);
 214                 av.intoArray(r, i);
 215             }
 216         }
 217         assertArraysEquals(a, r, mask);
 219         r = new long[a.length];
 220         for (int ic = 0; ic < INVOC_COUNT; ic++) {
 221             for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i += SPECIES.length()) {
 222                 LongVector av = LongVector.fromArray(SPECIES, a, i);
 223                 av.intoArray(r, i, vmask);
 224             }
 225         }
 227         assertArraysEquals(a, r, mask);
 228     }
 231     @Test(dataProvider = "longByteBufferProvider")
 232     static void loadStoreByteBuffer(IntFunction<long[]> fa,
 233                                     IntFunction<ByteBuffer> fb) {
 234         ByteBuffer a = toBuffer(fa.apply(SPECIES.length()), fb);
 235         ByteBuffer r = fb.apply(a.limit());
 237         int l = a.limit();
 238         int s = SPECIES.length() * SPECIES.elementSize() / 8;
 240         for (int ic = 0; ic < INVOC_COUNT; ic++) {
 241             for (int i = 0; i < l; i += s) {
 242                 LongVector av = LongVector.fromByteBuffer(SPECIES, a, i);
 243                 av.intoByteBuffer(r, i);
 244             }
 245         }
 246         Assert.assertEquals(a.position(), 0, "Input buffer position changed");
 247         Assert.assertEquals(a.limit(), l, "Input buffer limit changed");
 248         Assert.assertEquals(r.position(), 0, "Result buffer position changed");
 249         Assert.assertEquals(r.limit(), l, "Result buffer limit changed");
 250         Assert.assertEquals(a, r, "Buffers not equal");
 251     }
 253     @Test(dataProvider = "longByteBufferProvider")
 254     static void loadReadOnlyStoreByteBuffer(IntFunction<long[]> fa,
 255                                             IntFunction<ByteBuffer> fb) {
 256         ByteBuffer a = toBuffer(fa.apply(SPECIES.length()), fb);
 257         a = a.asReadOnlyBuffer().order(a.order());
 258         ByteBuffer r = fb.apply(a.limit());
 260         int l = a.limit();
 261         int s = SPECIES.length() * SPECIES.elementSize() / 8;
 263         for (int ic = 0; ic < INVOC_COUNT; ic++) {
 264             for (int i = 0; i < l; i += s) {
 265                 LongVector av = LongVector.fromByteBuffer(SPECIES, a, i);
 266                 av.intoByteBuffer(r, i);
 267             }
 268         }
 269         Assert.assertEquals(a.position(), 0, "Input buffer position changed");
 270         Assert.assertEquals(a.limit(), l, "Input buffer limit changed");
 271         Assert.assertEquals(r.position(), 0, "Result buffer position changed");
 272         Assert.assertEquals(r.limit(), l, "Result buffer limit changed");
 273         Assert.assertEquals(a, r, "Buffers not equal");
 274     }
 276     @Test(dataProvider = "longByteBufferMaskProvider")
 277     static void loadStoreByteBufferMask(IntFunction<long[]> fa,
 278                                         IntFunction<ByteBuffer> fb,
 279                                         IntFunction<boolean[]> fm) {
 280         ByteBuffer a = toBuffer(fa.apply(SPECIES.length()), fb);
 281         ByteBuffer r = fb.apply(a.limit());
 282         boolean[] mask = fm.apply(SPECIES.length());
 283         Vector.Mask<Long> vmask = LongVector.maskFromValues(SPECIES, mask);
 285         int l = a.limit();
 286         int s = SPECIES.length() * SPECIES.elementSize() / 8;
 288         for (int ic = 0; ic < INVOC_COUNT; ic++) {
 289             for (int i = 0; i < l; i += s) {
 290                 LongVector av = LongVector.fromByteBuffer(SPECIES, a, i, vmask);
 291                 av.intoByteBuffer(r, i);
 292             }
 293         }
 294         Assert.assertEquals(a.position(), 0, "Input buffer position changed");
 295         Assert.assertEquals(a.limit(), l, "Input buffer limit changed");
 296         Assert.assertEquals(r.position(), 0, "Result buffer position changed");
 297         Assert.assertEquals(r.limit(), l, "Result buffer limit changed");
 298         assertArraysEquals(bufferToArray(a), bufferToArray(r), mask);
 300         a = toBuffer(fa.apply(SPECIES.length()), fb);
 301         r = fb.apply(a.limit());
 302         for (int ic = 0; ic < INVOC_COUNT; ic++) {
 303             for (int i = 0; i < l; i += s) {
 304                 LongVector av = LongVector.fromByteBuffer(SPECIES, a, i);
 305                 av.intoByteBuffer(r, i, vmask);
 306             }
 307         }
 308         Assert.assertEquals(a.position(), 0, "Input buffer position changed");
 309         Assert.assertEquals(a.limit(), l, "Input buffer limit changed");
 310         Assert.assertEquals(r.position(), 0, "Result buffer position changed");
 311         Assert.assertEquals(r.limit(), l, "Result buffer limit changed");
 312         assertArraysEquals(bufferToArray(a), bufferToArray(r), mask);
 313     }
 315     @Test(dataProvider = "longByteBufferMaskProvider")
 316     static void loadReadOnlyStoreByteBufferMask(IntFunction<long[]> fa,
 317                                                 IntFunction<ByteBuffer> fb,
 318                                                 IntFunction<boolean[]> fm) {
 319         ByteBuffer a = toBuffer(fa.apply(SPECIES.length()), fb);
 320         a = a.asReadOnlyBuffer().order(a.order());
 321         ByteBuffer r = fb.apply(a.limit());
 322         boolean[] mask = fm.apply(SPECIES.length());
 323         Vector.Mask<Long> vmask = LongVector.maskFromValues(SPECIES, mask);
 325         int l = a.limit();
 326         int s = SPECIES.length() * SPECIES.elementSize() / 8;
 328         for (int ic = 0; ic < INVOC_COUNT; ic++) {
 329             for (int i = 0; i < l; i += s) {
 330                 LongVector av = LongVector.fromByteBuffer(SPECIES, a, i, vmask);
 331                 av.intoByteBuffer(r, i);
 332             }
 333         }
 334         Assert.assertEquals(a.position(), 0, "Input buffer position changed");
 335         Assert.assertEquals(a.limit(), l, "Input buffer limit changed");
 336         Assert.assertEquals(r.position(), 0, "Result buffer position changed");
 337         Assert.assertEquals(r.limit(), l, "Result buffer limit changed");
 338         assertArraysEquals(bufferToArray(a), bufferToArray(r), mask);
 339     }
 340 }