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@@ -123,28 +123,26 @@
         String os_arch   = System.getProperty("os.arch");
         String os_name   = System.getProperty("os.name");
         String libprefix = os_name.contains("Windows")?"":"lib";
         String libsuffix = os_name.contains("Windows")?".dll":
                                 os_name.contains("OS X")?".dylib":".so";
-        boolean d64      = os_name.contains("Solaris");
         boolean hprof    = demo_name.equals("hprof");
         String java      = jre_home
                              + File.separator + "bin"
                              + File.separator + "java";
         /* Array of strings to be passed in for exec:
          *   1. java
          *   2. -Dtest.classes=.
-         *   3. -d64                 (optional)
-         *   4. -Xcheck:jni          (Just because it finds bugs)
-         *   5. -Xverify:all         (Make sure verification is on full blast)
-         *   6. -agent
+         *   3. -Xcheck:jni          (Just because it finds bugs)
+         *   4. -Xverify:all         (Make sure verification is on full blast)
+         *   5. -agent
          *       vm_options
-         *   7+i. classname
+         *   6+i. classname
         int nvm_options = 0;
         if ( vm_options != null ) nvm_options = vm_options.length;
-        String cmd[]     = new String[1 + (d64?1:0) + 7 + nvm_options];
+        String cmd[]     = new String[1 + 7 + nvm_options];
         String cmdLine;
         int exitStatus;
         int i,j;
         i = 0;

@@ -154,15 +152,11 @@
         cmdLine += (cmd[i++] = "-cp");
         cmdLine += " ";
         cmdLine += (cmd[i++] = cdir);
         cmdLine += " ";
         cmdLine += (cmd[i++] = "-Dtest.classes=" + cdir);
-        if ( d64 ) {
             cmdLine += " ";
-            cmdLine += (cmd[i++] = "-d64");
-        }
-        cmdLine += " ";
         cmdLine += (cmd[i++] = "-Xcheck:jni");
         cmdLine += " ";
         cmdLine += (cmd[i++] = "-Xverify:all");
         if ( hprof ) {
             /* Load hprof with -agentlib since it's part of jre */