
Print this page

 150             }
 151         } catch ( InterruptedException e ) {
 152             throw new RuntimeException("Test failed - process interrupted");
 153         }
 154         System.out.println("Completed: " + cmdLine);
 155     }
 157     /*
 158      * Execute a process with an -agentpath or -agentlib command option
 159      *    plus any set of other java options.
 160      */
 161     public void runit(String class_name, String vm_options[])
 162     {
 163         String jre_home  = System.getProperty("java.home");
 164         String sdk_home  = (jre_home.endsWith("jre") ?
 165                             (jre_home + File.separator + "..") :
 166                             jre_home );
 167         String cdir      = System.getProperty("test.classes", ".");
 168         String os_arch   = System.getProperty("os.arch");
 169         String os_name   = System.getProperty("os.name");
 170         boolean d64      = os_name.equals("SunOS");
 171         String java      = jre_home
 172                              + File.separator + "bin"
 173                              + File.separator + "java";
 174         String jhat      = sdk_home + File.separator + "bin"
 175                            + File.separator + "jhat";
 176         /* Array of strings to be passed in for exec:
 177          *   1. java
 178          *   2. -Dtest.classes=.
 179          *   3. -d64                 (optional)
 180          *   4. -Xcheck:jni          (Just because it finds bugs)
 181          *   5. -Xverify:all         (Make sure verification is on full blast)
 182          *   6. -agent
 183          *       vm_options
 184          *   7+i. classname
 185          */
 186         int nvm_options = 0;
 187         if ( vm_options != null ) nvm_options = vm_options.length;
 188         String cmd[]     = new String[1 + (d64?1:0) + 7 + nvm_options];
 189         int i,j;
 191         i = 0;
 192         cmd[i++] = java;
 193         cmd[i++] = "-cp";
 194         cmd[i++] = cdir;
 195         cmd[i++] = "-Dtest.classes=" + cdir;
 196         if ( d64 ) {
 197             cmd[i++] = "-d64";
 198         }
 199         cmd[i++] = "-Xcheck:jni";
 200         cmd[i++] = "-Xverify:all";
 201         dumpfile= cdir + File.separator + class_name + ".hdump";
 202         cmd[i++] = "-agentlib:hprof=" + all_hprof_options
 203                     + ",format=b,file=" + dumpfile;
 204         /* Add any special VM options */
 205         for ( j = 0; j < nvm_options; j++ ) {
 206             cmd[i++] = vm_options[j];
 207         }
 208         /* Add classname */
 209         cmd[i++] = class_name;
 211         /* Execute process */
 212         execute(cmd);
 214         /* Run jhat */
 215         String jhat_cmd[] = new String[4];
 216         jhat_cmd[0] = jhat;
 217         jhat_cmd[1] = "-debug";
 218         jhat_cmd[2] = "2";

 150             }
 151         } catch ( InterruptedException e ) {
 152             throw new RuntimeException("Test failed - process interrupted");
 153         }
 154         System.out.println("Completed: " + cmdLine);
 155     }
 157     /*
 158      * Execute a process with an -agentpath or -agentlib command option
 159      *    plus any set of other java options.
 160      */
 161     public void runit(String class_name, String vm_options[])
 162     {
 163         String jre_home  = System.getProperty("java.home");
 164         String sdk_home  = (jre_home.endsWith("jre") ?
 165                             (jre_home + File.separator + "..") :
 166                             jre_home );
 167         String cdir      = System.getProperty("test.classes", ".");
 168         String os_arch   = System.getProperty("os.arch");
 169         String os_name   = System.getProperty("os.name");

 170         String java      = jre_home
 171                              + File.separator + "bin"
 172                              + File.separator + "java";
 173         String jhat      = sdk_home + File.separator + "bin"
 174                            + File.separator + "jhat";
 175         /* Array of strings to be passed in for exec:
 176          *   1. java
 177          *   2. -Dtest.classes=.
 178          *   3. -Xcheck:jni          (Just because it finds bugs)
 179          *   4. -Xverify:all         (Make sure verification is on full blast)
 180          *   5. -agent

 181          *       vm_options
 182          *   6+i. classname
 183          */
 184         int nvm_options = 0;
 185         if ( vm_options != null ) nvm_options = vm_options.length;
 186         String cmd[]     = new String[1 + 7 + nvm_options];
 187         int i,j;
 189         i = 0;
 190         cmd[i++] = java;
 191         cmd[i++] = "-cp";
 192         cmd[i++] = cdir;
 193         cmd[i++] = "-Dtest.classes=" + cdir;

 194         cmd[i++] = "-Xcheck:jni";
 195         cmd[i++] = "-Xverify:all";
 196         dumpfile= cdir + File.separator + class_name + ".hdump";
 197         cmd[i++] = "-agentlib:hprof=" + all_hprof_options
 198                     + ",format=b,file=" + dumpfile;
 199         /* Add any special VM options */
 200         for ( j = 0; j < nvm_options; j++ ) {
 201             cmd[i++] = vm_options[j];
 202         }
 203         /* Add classname */
 204         cmd[i++] = class_name;
 206         /* Execute process */
 207         execute(cmd);
 209         /* Run jhat */
 210         String jhat_cmd[] = new String[4];
 211         jhat_cmd[0] = jhat;
 212         jhat_cmd[1] = "-debug";
 213         jhat_cmd[2] = "2";