1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2003, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 #include <sys/types.h>
  27 #include <sys/stat.h>
  28 #include <fcntl.h>
  29 #include <stdio.h>
  30 #include <stdlib.h>
  31 #include <string.h>
  32 #include "jli_util.h"
  34 #include <zlib.h>
  35 #include "manifest_info.h"
  37 static char     *manifest;
  39 static const char       *manifest_name = "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF";
  41 /*
  42  * Inflate the manifest file (or any file for that matter).
  43  *
  44  *   fd:        File descriptor of the jar file.
  45  *   entry:     Contains the information necessary to perform the inflation
  46  *              (the compressed and uncompressed sizes and the offset in
  47  *              the file where the compressed data is located).
  48  *   size_out:  Returns the size of the inflated file.
  49  *
  50  * Upon success, it returns a pointer to a NUL-terminated malloc'd buffer
  51  * containing the inflated manifest file.  When the caller is done with it,
  52  * this buffer should be released by a call to free().  Upon failure,
  53  * returns NULL.
  54  */
  55 static char *
  56 inflate_file(int fd, zentry *entry, int *size_out)
  57 {
  58     char        *in;
  59     char        *out;
  60     z_stream    zs;
  62     if (entry->csize == (size_t) -1 || entry->isize == (size_t) -1 )
  63         return (NULL);
  64     if (JLI_Lseek(fd, entry->offset, SEEK_SET) < (jlong)0)
  65         return (NULL);
  66     if ((in = malloc(entry->csize + 1)) == NULL)
  67         return (NULL);
  68     if ((size_t)(read(fd, in, (unsigned int)entry->csize)) != entry->csize) {
  69         free(in);
  70         return (NULL);
  71     }
  72     if (entry->how == STORED) {
  73         *(char *)((size_t)in + entry->csize) = '\0';
  74         if (size_out) {
  75             *size_out = (int)entry->csize;
  76         }
  77         return (in);
  78     } else if (entry->how == DEFLATED) {
  79         zs.zalloc = (alloc_func)Z_NULL;
  80         zs.zfree = (free_func)Z_NULL;
  81         zs.opaque = (voidpf)Z_NULL;
  82         zs.next_in = (Byte*)in;
  83         zs.avail_in = (uInt)entry->csize;
  84         if (inflateInit2(&zs, -MAX_WBITS) < 0) {
  85             free(in);
  86             return (NULL);
  87         }
  88         if ((out = malloc(entry->isize + 1)) == NULL) {
  89             free(in);
  90             return (NULL);
  91         }
  92         zs.next_out = (Byte*)out;
  93         zs.avail_out = (uInt)entry->isize;
  94         if (inflate(&zs, Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH) < 0) {
  95             free(in);
  96             free(out);
  97             return (NULL);
  98         }
  99         *(char *)((size_t)out + entry->isize) = '\0';
 100         free(in);
 101         if (inflateEnd(&zs) < 0) {
 102             free(out);
 103             return (NULL);
 104         }
 105         if (size_out) {
 106             *size_out = (int)entry->isize;
 107         }
 108         return (out);
 109     }
 110     free(in);
 111     return (NULL);
 112 }
 114 static jboolean zip64_present = JNI_FALSE;
 116 /*
 117  * Checks to see if we have ZIP64 archive, and save
 118  * the check for later use
 119  */
 120 static int
 121 haveZIP64(Byte *p) {
 122     jlong cenlen, cenoff, centot;
 123     cenlen = ENDSIZ(p);
 124     cenoff = ENDOFF(p);
 125     centot = ENDTOT(p);
 126     zip64_present = (cenlen == ZIP64_MAGICVAL ||
 127                      cenoff == ZIP64_MAGICVAL ||
 128                      centot == ZIP64_MAGICCOUNT);
 129     return zip64_present;
 130 }
 132 static jlong
 133 find_end64(int fd, Byte *ep, jlong pos)
 134 {
 135     jlong end64pos;
 136     jlong bytes;
 137     if ((end64pos = JLI_Lseek(fd, pos - ZIP64_LOCHDR, SEEK_SET)) < (jlong)0)
 138         return -1;
 139     if ((bytes = read(fd, ep, ZIP64_LOCHDR)) < 0)
 140         return -1;
 141     if (GETSIG(ep) == ZIP64_LOCSIG)
 142        return end64pos;
 143     return -1;
 144 }
 146 /*
 147  * A very little used routine to handle the case that zip file has
 148  * a comment at the end. Believe it or not, the only way to find the
 149  * END record is to walk backwards, byte by bloody byte looking for
 150  * the END record signature.
 151  *
 152  *      fd:     File descriptor of the jar file.
 153  *      eb:     Pointer to a buffer to receive a copy of the END header.
 154  *
 155  * Returns the offset of the END record in the file on success,
 156  * -1 on failure.
 157  */
 158 static jlong
 159 find_end(int fd, Byte *eb)
 160 {
 161     jlong   len;
 162     jlong   pos;
 163     jlong   flen;
 164     int     bytes;
 165     Byte    *cp;
 166     Byte    *endpos;
 167     Byte    *buffer;
 169     /*
 170      * 99.44% (or more) of the time, there will be no comment at the
 171      * end of the zip file.  Try reading just enough to read the END
 172      * record from the end of the file, at this time we should also
 173      * check to see if we have a ZIP64 archive.
 174      */
 175     if ((pos = JLI_Lseek(fd, -ENDHDR, SEEK_END)) < (jlong)0)
 176         return (-1);
 177     if ((bytes = read(fd, eb, ENDHDR)) < 0)
 178         return (-1);
 179     if (GETSIG(eb) == ENDSIG) {
 180         return haveZIP64(eb) ? find_end64(fd, eb, pos) : pos;
 181     }
 183     /*
 184      * Shucky-Darn,... There is a comment at the end of the zip file.
 185      *
 186      * Allocate and fill a buffer with enough of the zip file
 187      * to meet the specification for a maximal comment length.
 188      */
 189     if ((flen = JLI_Lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END)) < (jlong)0)
 190         return (-1);
 191     len = (flen < END_MAXLEN) ? flen : END_MAXLEN;
 192     if (JLI_Lseek(fd, -len, SEEK_END) < (jlong)0)
 193         return (-1);
 194     if ((buffer = malloc(END_MAXLEN)) == NULL)
 195         return (-1);
 196     if ((bytes = read(fd, buffer, len)) < 0) {
 197         free(buffer);
 198         return (-1);
 199     }
 201     /*
 202      * Search backwards from the end of file stopping when the END header
 203      * signature is found. (The first condition of the "if" is just a
 204      * fast fail, because the GETSIG macro isn't always cheap.  The
 205      * final condition protects against false positives.)
 206      */
 207     endpos = &buffer[bytes];
 208     for (cp = &buffer[bytes - ENDHDR]; cp >= &buffer[0]; cp--)
 209         if ((*cp == (ENDSIG & 0xFF)) && (GETSIG(cp) == ENDSIG) &&
 210           (cp + ENDHDR + ENDCOM(cp) == endpos)) {
 211             (void) memcpy(eb, cp, ENDHDR);
 212             free(buffer);
 213             pos = flen - (endpos - cp);
 214             return haveZIP64(eb) ? find_end64(fd, eb, pos) : pos;
 215         }
 216     free(buffer);
 217     return (-1);
 218 }
 220 #define BUFSIZE (3 * 65536 + CENHDR + SIGSIZ)
 221 #define MINREAD 1024
 223 /*
 224  * Computes and positions at the start of the CEN header, ie. the central
 225  * directory, this will also return the offset if there is a zip file comment
 226  * at the end of the archive, for most cases this would be 0.
 227  */
 228 static jlong
 229 compute_cen(int fd, Byte *bp)
 230 {
 231     int bytes;
 232     Byte *p;
 233     jlong base_offset;
 234     jlong offset;
 235     char buffer[MINREAD];
 236     p = (Byte*) buffer;
 237     /*
 238      * Read the END Header, which is the starting point for ZIP files.
 239      * (Clearly designed to make writing a zip file easier than reading
 240      * one. Now isn't that precious...)
 241      */
 242     if ((base_offset = find_end(fd, bp)) == -1) {
 243         return (-1);
 244     }
 245     p = bp;
 246     /*
 247      * There is a historical, but undocumented, ability to allow for
 248      * additional "stuff" to be prepended to the zip/jar file. It seems
 249      * that this has been used to prepend an actual java launcher
 250      * executable to the jar on Windows.  Although this is just another
 251      * form of statically linking a small piece of the JVM to the
 252      * application, we choose to continue to support it.  Note that no
 253      * guarantees have been made (or should be made) to the customer that
 254      * this will continue to work.
 255      *
 256      * Therefore, calculate the base offset of the zip file (within the
 257      * expanded file) by assuming that the central directory is followed
 258      * immediately by the end record.
 259      */
 260     if (zip64_present) {
 261         if ((offset = ZIP64_LOCOFF(p)) < (jlong)0) {
 262             return -1;
 263         }
 264         if (JLI_Lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_SET) < (jlong) 0) {
 265             return (-1);
 266         }
 267         if ((bytes = read(fd, buffer, MINREAD)) < 0) {
 268             return (-1);
 269         }
 270         if (GETSIG(buffer) != ZIP64_ENDSIG) {
 271             return -1;
 272         }
 273         if ((offset = ZIP64_ENDOFF(buffer)) < (jlong)0) {
 274             return -1;
 275         }
 276         if (JLI_Lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_SET) < (jlong)0) {
 277             return (-1);
 278         }
 279         p = (Byte*) buffer;
 280         base_offset = base_offset - ZIP64_ENDSIZ(p) - ZIP64_ENDOFF(p) - ZIP64_ENDHDR;
 281     } else {
 282         base_offset = base_offset - ENDSIZ(p) - ENDOFF(p);
 283         /*
 284          * The END Header indicates the start of the Central Directory
 285          * Headers. Remember that the desired Central Directory Header (CEN)
 286          * will almost always be the second one and the first one is a small
 287          * directory entry ("META-INF/"). Keep the code optimized for
 288          * that case.
 289          *
 290          * Seek to the beginning of the Central Directory.
 291          */
 292         if (JLI_Lseek(fd, base_offset + ENDOFF(p), SEEK_SET) < (jlong) 0) {
 293             return (-1);
 294         }
 295     }
 296     return base_offset;
 297 }
 299 /*
 300  * Locate the manifest file with the zip/jar file.
 301  *
 302  *      fd:     File descriptor of the jar file.
 303  *      entry:  To be populated with the information necessary to perform
 304  *              the inflation (the compressed and uncompressed sizes and
 305  *              the offset in the file where the compressed data is located).
 306  *
 307  * Returns zero upon success. Returns a negative value upon failure.
 308  *
 309  * The buffer for reading the Central Directory if the zip/jar file needs
 310  * to be large enough to accommodate the largest possible single record
 311  * and the signature of the next record which is:
 312  *
 313  *      3*2**16 + CENHDR + SIGSIZ
 314  *
 315  * Each of the three variable sized fields (name, comment and extension)
 316  * has a maximum possible size of 64k.
 317  *
 318  * Typically, only a small bit of this buffer is used with bytes shuffled
 319  * down to the beginning of the buffer.  It is one thing to allocate such
 320  * a large buffer and another thing to actually start faulting it in.
 321  *
 322  * In most cases, all that needs to be read are the first two entries in
 323  * a typical jar file (META-INF and META-INF/MANIFEST.MF). Keep this factoid
 324  * in mind when optimizing this code.
 325  */
 326 static int
 327 find_file(int fd, zentry *entry, const char *file_name)
 328 {
 329     int     bytes;
 330     int     res;
 331     int     entry_size;
 332     int     read_size;
 333     jlong   base_offset;
 334     Byte    *p;
 335     Byte    *bp;
 336     Byte    *buffer;
 337     Byte    locbuf[LOCHDR];
 339     if ((buffer = (Byte*)malloc(BUFSIZE)) == NULL) {
 340         return(-1);
 341     }
 343     bp = buffer;
 344     base_offset = compute_cen(fd, bp);
 345     if (base_offset == -1) {
 346         free(buffer);
 347         return -1;
 348     }
 350     if ((bytes = read(fd, bp, MINREAD)) < 0) {
 351         free(buffer);
 352         return (-1);
 353     }
 354     p = bp;
 355     /*
 356      * Loop through the Central Directory Headers. Note that a valid zip/jar
 357      * must have an ENDHDR (with ENDSIG) after the Central Directory.
 358      */
 359     while (GETSIG(p) == CENSIG) {
 361         /*
 362          * If a complete header isn't in the buffer, shift the contents
 363          * of the buffer down and refill the buffer.  Note that the check
 364          * for "bytes < CENHDR" must be made before the test for the entire
 365          * size of the header, because if bytes is less than CENHDR, the
 366          * actual size of the header can't be determined. The addition of
 367          * SIGSIZ guarantees that the next signature is also in the buffer
 368          * for proper loop termination.
 369          */
 370         if (bytes < CENHDR) {
 371             p = memmove(bp, p, bytes);
 372             if ((res = read(fd, bp + bytes, MINREAD)) <= 0) {
 373                 free(buffer);
 374                 return (-1);
 375             }
 376             bytes += res;
 377         }
 378         entry_size = CENHDR + CENNAM(p) + CENEXT(p) + CENCOM(p);
 379         if (bytes < entry_size + SIGSIZ) {
 380             if (p != bp)
 381                 p = memmove(bp, p, bytes);
 382             read_size = entry_size - bytes + SIGSIZ;
 383             read_size = (read_size < MINREAD) ? MINREAD : read_size;
 384             if ((res = read(fd, bp + bytes,  read_size)) <= 0) {
 385                 free(buffer);
 386                 return (-1);
 387             }
 388             bytes += res;
 389         }
 391         /*
 392          * Check if the name is the droid we are looking for; the jar file
 393          * manifest.  If so, build the entry record from the data found in
 394          * the header located and return success.
 395          */
 396         if ((size_t)CENNAM(p) == JLI_StrLen(file_name) &&
 397           memcmp((p + CENHDR), file_name, JLI_StrLen(file_name)) == 0) {
 398             if (JLI_Lseek(fd, base_offset + CENOFF(p), SEEK_SET) < (jlong)0) {
 399                 free(buffer);
 400                 return (-1);
 401             }
 402             if (read(fd, locbuf, LOCHDR) < 0) {
 403                 free(buffer);
 404                 return (-1);
 405             }
 406             if (GETSIG(locbuf) != LOCSIG) {
 407                 free(buffer);
 408                 return (-1);
 409             }
 410             entry->isize = CENLEN(p);
 411             entry->csize = CENSIZ(p);
 412             entry->offset = base_offset + CENOFF(p) + LOCHDR +
 413                 LOCNAM(locbuf) + LOCEXT(locbuf);
 414             entry->how = CENHOW(p);
 415             free(buffer);
 416             return (0);
 417         }
 419         /*
 420          * Point to the next entry and decrement the count of valid remaining
 421          * bytes.
 422          */
 423         bytes -= entry_size;
 424         p += entry_size;
 425     }
 426     free(buffer);
 427     return (-1);        /* Fell off the end the loop without a Manifest */
 428 }
 430 /*
 431  * Parse a Manifest file header entry into a distinct "name" and "value".
 432  * Continuation lines are joined into a single "value". The documented
 433  * syntax for a header entry is:
 434  *
 435  *      header: name ":" value
 436  *
 437  *      name: alphanum *headerchar
 438  *
 439  *      value: SPACE *otherchar newline *continuation
 440  *
 441  *      continuation: SPACE *otherchar newline
 442  *
 443  *      newline: CR LF | LF | CR (not followed by LF)
 444  *
 445  *      alphanum: {"A"-"Z"} | {"a"-"z"} | {"0"-"9"}
 446  *
 447  *      headerchar: alphanum | "-" | "_"
 448  *
 449  *      otherchar: any UTF-8 character except NUL, CR and LF
 450  *
 451  * Note that a manifest file may be composed of multiple sections,
 452  * each of which may contain multiple headers.
 453  *
 454  *      section: *header +newline
 455  *
 456  *      nonempty-section: +header +newline
 457  *
 458  * (Note that the point of "nonempty-section" is unclear, because it isn't
 459  * referenced elsewhere in the full specification for the Manifest file.)
 460  *
 461  * Arguments:
 462  *      lp      pointer to a character pointer which points to the start
 463  *              of a valid header.
 464  *      name    pointer to a character pointer which will be set to point
 465  *              to the name portion of the header (nul terminated).
 466  *      value   pointer to a character pointer which will be set to point
 467  *              to the value portion of the header (nul terminated).
 468  *
 469  * Returns:
 470  *    1 Successful parsing of an NV pair.  lp is updated to point to the
 471  *      next character after the terminating newline in the string
 472  *      representing the Manifest file. name and value are updated to
 473  *      point to the strings parsed.
 474  *    0 A valid end of section indicator was encountered.  lp, name, and
 475  *      value are not modified.
 476  *   -1 lp does not point to a valid header. Upon return, the values of
 477  *      lp, name, and value are undefined.
 478  */
 479 static int
 480 parse_nv_pair(char **lp, char **name, char **value)
 481 {
 482     char    *nl;
 483     char    *cp;
 485     /*
 486      * End of the section - return 0. The end of section condition is
 487      * indicated by either encountering a blank line or the end of the
 488      * Manifest "string" (EOF).
 489      */
 490     if (**lp == '\0' || **lp == '\n' || **lp == '\r')
 491         return (0);
 493     /*
 494      * Getting to here, indicates that *lp points to an "otherchar".
 495      * Turn the "header" into a string on its own.
 496      */
 497     nl = JLI_StrPBrk(*lp, "\n\r");
 498     if (nl == NULL) {
 499         nl = JLI_StrChr(*lp, (int)'\0');
 500     } else {
 501         cp = nl;                        /* For merging continuation lines */
 502         if (*nl == '\r' && *(nl+1) == '\n')
 503             *nl++ = '\0';
 504         *nl++ = '\0';
 506         /*
 507          * Process any "continuation" line(s), by making them part of the
 508          * "header" line. Yes, I know that we are "undoing" the NULs we
 509          * just placed here, but continuation lines are the fairly rare
 510          * case, so we shouldn't unnecessarily complicate the code above.
 511          *
 512          * Note that an entire continuation line is processed each iteration
 513          * through the outer while loop.
 514          */
 515         while (*nl == ' ') {
 516             nl++;                       /* First character to be moved */
 517             while (*nl != '\n' && *nl != '\r' && *nl != '\0')
 518                 *cp++ = *nl++;          /* Shift string */
 519             if (*nl == '\0')
 520                 return (-1);            /* Error: newline required */
 521             *cp = '\0';
 522             if (*nl == '\r' && *(nl+1) == '\n')
 523                 *nl++ = '\0';
 524             *nl++ = '\0';
 525         }
 526     }
 528     /*
 529      * Separate the name from the value;
 530      */
 531     cp = JLI_StrChr(*lp, (int)':');
 532     if (cp == NULL)
 533         return (-1);
 534     *cp++ = '\0';               /* The colon terminates the name */
 535     if (*cp != ' ')
 536         return (-1);
 537     *cp++ = '\0';               /* Eat the required space */
 538     *name = *lp;
 539     *value = cp;
 540     *lp = nl;
 541     return (1);
 542 }
 544 /*
 545  * Read the manifest from the specified jar file and fill in the manifest_info
 546  * structure with the information found within.
 547  *
 548  * Error returns are as follows:
 549  *    0 Success
 550  *   -1 Unable to open jarfile
 551  *   -2 Error accessing the manifest from within the jarfile (most likely
 552  *      a manifest is not present, or this isn't a valid zip/jar file).
 553  */
 554 int
 555 JLI_ParseManifest(char *jarfile, manifest_info *info)
 556 {
 557     int     fd;
 558     zentry  entry;
 559     char    *lp;
 560     char    *name;
 561     char    *value;
 562     int     rc;
 563     char    *splashscreen_name = NULL;
 565     if ((fd = open(jarfile, O_RDONLY
 566 #ifdef O_LARGEFILE
 567         | O_LARGEFILE /* large file mode */
 568 #endif
 569 #ifdef O_BINARY
 570         | O_BINARY /* use binary mode on windows */
 571 #endif
 572         )) == -1) {
 573         return (-1);
 574     }
 575     info->manifest_version = NULL;
 576     info->main_class = NULL;
 577     info->jre_version = NULL;
 578     info->jre_restrict_search = 0;
 579     info->splashscreen_image_file_name = NULL;
 580     if (rc = find_file(fd, &entry, manifest_name) != 0) {
 581         close(fd);
 582         return (-2);
 583     }
 584     manifest = inflate_file(fd, &entry, NULL);
 585     if (manifest == NULL) {
 586         close(fd);
 587         return (-2);
 588     }
 589     lp = manifest;
 590     while ((rc = parse_nv_pair(&lp, &name, &value)) > 0) {
 591         if (JLI_StrCaseCmp(name, "Manifest-Version") == 0)
 592             info->manifest_version = value;
 593         else if (JLI_StrCaseCmp(name, "Main-Class") == 0)
 594             info->main_class = value;
 595         else if (JLI_StrCaseCmp(name, "JRE-Version") == 0)
 596             info->jre_version = value;
 597         else if (JLI_StrCaseCmp(name, "JRE-Restrict-Search") == 0) {
 598             if (JLI_StrCaseCmp(value, "true") == 0)
 599                 info->jre_restrict_search = 1;
 600         } else if (JLI_StrCaseCmp(name, "Splashscreen-Image") == 0) {
 601             info->splashscreen_image_file_name = value;
 602         }
 603     }
 604     close(fd);
 605     if (rc == 0)
 606         return (0);
 607     else
 608         return (-2);
 609 }
 611 /*
 612  * Opens the jar file and unpacks the specified file from its contents.
 613  * Returns NULL on failure.
 614  */
 615 void *
 616 JLI_JarUnpackFile(const char *jarfile, const char *filename, int *size) {
 617     int     fd;
 618     zentry  entry;
 619     void    *data = NULL;
 621     if ((fd = open(jarfile, O_RDONLY
 622 #ifdef O_LARGEFILE
 623         | O_LARGEFILE /* large file mode */
 624 #endif
 625 #ifdef O_BINARY
 626         | O_BINARY /* use binary mode on windows */
 627 #endif
 628         )) == -1) {
 629         return NULL;
 630     }
 631     if (find_file(fd, &entry, filename) == 0) {
 632         data = inflate_file(fd, &entry, size);
 633     }
 634     close(fd);
 635     return (data);
 636 }
 638 /*
 639  * Specialized "free" function.
 640  */
 641 void
 642 JLI_FreeManifest()
 643 {
 644     if (manifest)
 645         free(manifest);
 646 }
 648 /*
 649  * Iterate over the manifest of the specified jar file and invoke the provided
 650  * closure function for each attribute encountered.
 651  *
 652  * Error returns are as follows:
 653  *    0 Success
 654  *   -1 Unable to open jarfile
 655  *   -2 Error accessing the manifest from within the jarfile (most likely
 656  *      this means a manifest is not present, or it isn't a valid zip/jar file).
 657  */
 658 int
 659 JLI_ManifestIterate(const char *jarfile, attribute_closure ac, void *user_data)
 660 {
 661     int     fd;
 662     zentry  entry;
 663     char    *mp;        /* manifest pointer */
 664     char    *lp;        /* pointer into manifest, updated during iteration */
 665     char    *name;
 666     char    *value;
 667     int     rc;
 669     if ((fd = open(jarfile, O_RDONLY
 670 #ifdef O_LARGEFILE
 671         | O_LARGEFILE /* large file mode */
 672 #endif
 673 #ifdef O_BINARY
 674         | O_BINARY /* use binary mode on windows */
 675 #endif
 676         )) == -1) {
 677         return (-1);
 678     }
 680     if (rc = find_file(fd, &entry, manifest_name) != 0) {
 681         close(fd);
 682         return (-2);
 683     }
 685     mp = inflate_file(fd, &entry, NULL);
 686     if (mp == NULL) {
 687         close(fd);
 688         return (-2);
 689     }
 691     lp = mp;
 692     while ((rc = parse_nv_pair(&lp, &name, &value)) > 0) {
 693         (*ac)(name, value, user_data);
 694     }
 695     free(mp);
 696     close(fd);
 697     return (rc == 0) ? 0 : -2;
 698 }