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  63 inline void Assembler::emit_long(int x) {
  64   check_delay();
  65   AbstractAssembler::emit_long(x);
  66 }
  68 inline void Assembler::emit_data(int x, relocInfo::relocType rtype) {
  69   relocate(rtype);
  70   emit_long(x);
  71 }
  73 inline void Assembler::emit_data(int x, RelocationHolder const& rspec) {
  74   relocate(rspec);
  75   emit_long(x);
  76 }
  79 inline void Assembler::add(Register s1, Register s2, Register d )                             { emit_long( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(add_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
  80 inline void Assembler::add(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d, relocInfo::relocType rtype ) { emit_data( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(add_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13), rtype ); }
  81 inline void Assembler::add(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d, RelocationHolder const& rspec ) { emit_data( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(add_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13), rspec ); }
  83 inline void Assembler::bpr( RCondition c, bool a, Predict p, Register s1, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v9_only();  emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(bpr_op2) | wdisp16(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc())) | predict(p) | rs1(s1), rt);  has_delay_slot(); }
  84 inline void Assembler::bpr( RCondition c, bool a, Predict p, Register s1, Label& L) { bpr( c, a, p, s1, target(L)); }
  86 inline void Assembler::fb( Condition c, bool a, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v9_dep();  emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(fb_op2) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 22), rt);  has_delay_slot(); }
  87 inline void Assembler::fb( Condition c, bool a, Label& L ) { fb(c, a, target(L)); }
  89 inline void Assembler::fbp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v9_only();  emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(fbp_op2) | branchcc(cc) | predict(p) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 19), rt);  has_delay_slot(); }
  90 inline void Assembler::fbp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, Label& L ) { fbp(c, a, cc, p, target(L)); }
  92 inline void Assembler::cb( Condition c, bool a, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v8_only();  emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(cb_op2) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 22), rt);  has_delay_slot(); }
  93 inline void Assembler::cb( Condition c, bool a, Label& L ) { cb(c, a, target(L)); }
  95 inline void Assembler::br( Condition c, bool a, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v9_dep();   emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(br_op2) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 22), rt);  has_delay_slot(); }
  96 inline void Assembler::br( Condition c, bool a, Label& L ) { br(c, a, target(L)); }
  98 inline void Assembler::bp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v9_only();  emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(bp_op2) | branchcc(cc) | predict(p) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 19), rt);  has_delay_slot(); }
  99 inline void Assembler::bp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, Label& L ) { bp(c, a, cc, p, target(L)); }
 101 inline void Assembler::call( address d,  relocInfo::relocType rt ) { emit_data( op(call_op) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 30), rt);  has_delay_slot(); assert(rt != relocInfo::virtual_call_type, "must use virtual_call_Relocation::spec"); }

 102 inline void Assembler::call( Label& L,   relocInfo::relocType rt ) { call( target(L), rt); }
 104 inline void Assembler::flush( Register s1, Register s2) { emit_long( op(arith_op) | op3(flush_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2)); }
 105 inline void Assembler::flush( Register s1, int simm13a) { emit_data( op(arith_op) | op3(flush_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
 107 inline void Assembler::jmpl( Register s1, Register s2, Register d                          ) { emit_long( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(jmpl_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));  has_delay_slot(); }
 108 inline void Assembler::jmpl( Register s1, int simm13a, Register d, RelocationHolder const& rspec ) { emit_data( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(jmpl_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13), rspec);  has_delay_slot(); }
 110 inline void Assembler::ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Register s1, RegisterOrConstant s2, FloatRegister d) {
 111   if (s2.is_register()) ldf(w, s1, s2.as_register(), d);
 112   else                  ldf(w, s1, s2.as_constant(), d);
 113 }
 115 inline void Assembler::ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Register s1, Register s2, FloatRegister d) { emit_long( op(ldst_op) | fd(d, w) | alt_op3(ldf_op3, w) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
 116 inline void Assembler::ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Register s1, int simm13a, FloatRegister d, RelocationHolder const& rspec) { emit_data( op(ldst_op) | fd(d, w) | alt_op3(ldf_op3, w) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13), rspec); }
 118 inline void Assembler::ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, const Address& a, FloatRegister d, int offset) { relocate(a.rspec(offset)); ldf( w, a.base(), a.disp() + offset, d); }
 120 inline void Assembler::ldfsr(  Register s1, Register s2) { v9_dep();   emit_long( op(ldst_op) |             op3(ldfsr_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
 121 inline void Assembler::ldfsr(  Register s1, int simm13a) { v9_dep();   emit_data( op(ldst_op) |             op3(ldfsr_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
 122 inline void Assembler::ldxfsr( Register s1, Register s2) { v9_only();  emit_long( op(ldst_op) | rd(G1)    | op3(ldfsr_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
 123 inline void Assembler::ldxfsr( Register s1, int simm13a) { v9_only();  emit_data( op(ldst_op) | rd(G1)    | op3(ldfsr_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
 125 inline void Assembler::ldc(   Register s1, Register s2, int crd) { v8_only();  emit_long( op(ldst_op) | fcn(crd) | op3(ldc_op3  ) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
 126 inline void Assembler::ldc(   Register s1, int simm13a, int crd) { v8_only();  emit_data( op(ldst_op) | fcn(crd) | op3(ldc_op3  ) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
 127 inline void Assembler::lddc(  Register s1, Register s2, int crd) { v8_only();  emit_long( op(ldst_op) | fcn(crd) | op3(lddc_op3 ) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
 128 inline void Assembler::lddc(  Register s1, int simm13a, int crd) { v8_only();  emit_data( op(ldst_op) | fcn(crd) | op3(lddc_op3 ) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }

 223   if (s2.is_register())  add(s1, s2.as_register(),          d);
 224   else                 { add(s1, s2.as_constant() + offset, d); offset = 0; }
 225   if (offset != 0)       add(d,  offset,                    d);
 226 }
 228 inline void Assembler::andn(Register s1, RegisterOrConstant s2, Register d) {
 229   if (s2.is_register())  andn(s1, s2.as_register(), d);
 230   else                   andn(s1, s2.as_constant(), d);
 231 }
 233 inline void Assembler::ldstub(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d) { emit_long( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldstub_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
 234 inline void Assembler::ldstub(  Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) { emit_data( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldstub_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
 237 inline void Assembler::prefetch(Register s1, Register s2, PrefetchFcn f) { v9_only();  emit_long( op(ldst_op) | fcn(f) | op3(prefetch_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
 238 inline void Assembler::prefetch(Register s1, int simm13a, PrefetchFcn f) { v9_only();  emit_data( op(ldst_op) | fcn(f) | op3(prefetch_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
 240 inline void Assembler::prefetch(const Address& a, PrefetchFcn f, int offset) { v9_only(); relocate(a.rspec(offset)); prefetch(a.base(), a.disp() + offset, f); }
 243 inline void Assembler::rett( Register s1, Register s2                         ) { emit_long( op(arith_op) | op3(rett_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));  has_delay_slot(); }
 244 inline void Assembler::rett( Register s1, int simm13a, relocInfo::relocType rt) { emit_data( op(arith_op) | op3(rett_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13), rt);  has_delay_slot(); }
 246 inline void Assembler::sethi( int imm22a, Register d, RelocationHolder const& rspec ) { emit_data( op(branch_op) | rd(d) | op2(sethi_op2) | hi22(imm22a), rspec); }
 248   // pp 222
 250 inline void Assembler::stf(    FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d, Register s1, RegisterOrConstant s2) {
 251   if (s2.is_register()) stf(w, d, s1, s2.as_register());
 252   else                  stf(w, d, s1, s2.as_constant());
 253 }
 255 inline void Assembler::stf(    FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d, Register s1, Register s2) { emit_long( op(ldst_op) | fd(d, w) | alt_op3(stf_op3, w) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
 256 inline void Assembler::stf(    FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d, Register s1, int simm13a) { emit_data( op(ldst_op) | fd(d, w) | alt_op3(stf_op3, w) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
 258 inline void Assembler::stf(    FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d, const Address& a, int offset) {
 259   relocate(a.rspec(offset));
 260   if (a.has_index()) { assert(offset == 0, ""); stf(w, d, a.base(), a.index()        ); }
 261   else               {                          stf(w, d, a.base(), a.disp() + offset); }
 262 }
 264 inline void Assembler::stfsr(  Register s1, Register s2) { v9_dep();   emit_long( op(ldst_op) |             op3(stfsr_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }

 541 inline void MacroAssembler::br( Condition c, bool a, Predict p, Label& L ) {
 542   br(c, a, p, target(L));
 543 }
 546 // Branch that tests either xcc or icc depending on the
 547 // architecture compiled (LP64 or not)
 548 inline void MacroAssembler::brx( Condition c, bool a, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) {
 549 #ifdef _LP64
 550     Assembler::bp(c, a, xcc, p, d, rt);
 551 #else
 552     MacroAssembler::br(c, a, p, d, rt);
 553 #endif
 554 }
 556 inline void MacroAssembler::brx( Condition c, bool a, Predict p, Label& L ) {
 557   brx(c, a, p, target(L));
 558 }
 560 inline void MacroAssembler::ba( bool a, Label& L ) {
 561   br(always, a, pt, L);
 562 }
 564 // Warning: V9 only functions
 565 inline void MacroAssembler::bp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) {
 566   Assembler::bp(c, a, cc, p, d, rt);
 567 }
 569 inline void MacroAssembler::bp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, Label& L ) {
 570   Assembler::bp(c, a, cc, p, L);
 571 }
 573 inline void MacroAssembler::fb( Condition c, bool a, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) {
 574   if (VM_Version::v9_instructions_work())
 575     fbp(c, a, fcc0, p, d, rt);
 576   else
 577     Assembler::fb(c, a, d, rt);
 578 }
 580 inline void MacroAssembler::fb( Condition c, bool a, Predict p, Label& L ) {
 581   fb(c, a, p, target(L));

  63 inline void Assembler::emit_long(int x) {
  64   check_delay();
  65   AbstractAssembler::emit_long(x);
  66 }
  68 inline void Assembler::emit_data(int x, relocInfo::relocType rtype) {
  69   relocate(rtype);
  70   emit_long(x);
  71 }
  73 inline void Assembler::emit_data(int x, RelocationHolder const& rspec) {
  74   relocate(rspec);
  75   emit_long(x);
  76 }
  79 inline void Assembler::add(Register s1, Register s2, Register d )                             { emit_long( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(add_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
  80 inline void Assembler::add(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d, relocInfo::relocType rtype ) { emit_data( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(add_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13), rtype ); }
  81 inline void Assembler::add(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d, RelocationHolder const& rspec ) { emit_data( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(add_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13), rspec ); }
  83 inline void Assembler::bpr( RCondition c, bool a, Predict p, Register s1, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v9_only();  cti();  emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(bpr_op2) | wdisp16(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc())) | predict(p) | rs1(s1), rt);  has_delay_slot(); }
  84 inline void Assembler::bpr( RCondition c, bool a, Predict p, Register s1, Label& L) { bpr( c, a, p, s1, target(L)); }
  86 inline void Assembler::fb( Condition c, bool a, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v9_dep();  cti();  emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(fb_op2) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 22), rt);  has_delay_slot(); }
  87 inline void Assembler::fb( Condition c, bool a, Label& L ) { fb(c, a, target(L)); }
  89 inline void Assembler::fbp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v9_only();  cti();  emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(fbp_op2) | branchcc(cc) | predict(p) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 19), rt);  has_delay_slot(); }
  90 inline void Assembler::fbp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, Label& L ) { fbp(c, a, cc, p, target(L)); }
  92 inline void Assembler::cb( Condition c, bool a, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v8_only();  cti();  emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(cb_op2) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 22), rt);  has_delay_slot(); }
  93 inline void Assembler::cb( Condition c, bool a, Label& L ) { cb(c, a, target(L)); }
  95 inline void Assembler::br( Condition c, bool a, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v9_dep();  cti();   emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(br_op2) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 22), rt);  has_delay_slot(); }
  96 inline void Assembler::br( Condition c, bool a, Label& L ) { br(c, a, target(L)); }
  98 inline void Assembler::bp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v9_only();  cti();  emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(bp_op2) | branchcc(cc) | predict(p) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 19), rt);  has_delay_slot(); }
  99 inline void Assembler::bp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, Label& L ) { bp(c, a, cc, p, target(L)); }
 101 // compare and branch
 102 inline void Assembler::cbcond(Condition c, CC cc, Register s1, Register s2, Label& L) { cti();  no_cbcond_before();  emit_data(op(branch_op) | cond_cbcond(c) | op2(bpr_op2) | branchcc(cc) | wdisp10(intptr_t(target(L)), intptr_t(pc())) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2)); }
 103 inline void Assembler::cbcond(Condition c, CC cc, Register s1, int simm5, Label& L)   { cti();  no_cbcond_before();  emit_data(op(branch_op) | cond_cbcond(c) | op2(bpr_op2) | branchcc(cc) | wdisp10(intptr_t(target(L)), intptr_t(pc())) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm5, 5)); }
 105 inline void Assembler::call( address d,  relocInfo::relocType rt ) { cti();  emit_data( op(call_op) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 30), rt);  has_delay_slot(); assert(rt != relocInfo::virtual_call_type, "must use virtual_call_Relocation::spec"); }
 106 inline void Assembler::call( Label& L,   relocInfo::relocType rt ) { call( target(L), rt); }
 108 inline void Assembler::flush( Register s1, Register s2) { emit_long( op(arith_op) | op3(flush_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2)); }
 109 inline void Assembler::flush( Register s1, int simm13a) { emit_data( op(arith_op) | op3(flush_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
 111 inline void Assembler::jmpl( Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { cti();  emit_long( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(jmpl_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));  has_delay_slot(); }
 112 inline void Assembler::jmpl( Register s1, int simm13a, Register d, RelocationHolder const& rspec ) { cti();  emit_data( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(jmpl_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13), rspec);  has_delay_slot(); }
 114 inline void Assembler::ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Register s1, RegisterOrConstant s2, FloatRegister d) {
 115   if (s2.is_register()) ldf(w, s1, s2.as_register(), d);
 116   else                  ldf(w, s1, s2.as_constant(), d);
 117 }
 119 inline void Assembler::ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Register s1, Register s2, FloatRegister d) { emit_long( op(ldst_op) | fd(d, w) | alt_op3(ldf_op3, w) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
 120 inline void Assembler::ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Register s1, int simm13a, FloatRegister d, RelocationHolder const& rspec) { emit_data( op(ldst_op) | fd(d, w) | alt_op3(ldf_op3, w) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13), rspec); }
 122 inline void Assembler::ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, const Address& a, FloatRegister d, int offset) { relocate(a.rspec(offset)); ldf( w, a.base(), a.disp() + offset, d); }
 124 inline void Assembler::ldfsr(  Register s1, Register s2) { v9_dep();   emit_long( op(ldst_op) |             op3(ldfsr_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
 125 inline void Assembler::ldfsr(  Register s1, int simm13a) { v9_dep();   emit_data( op(ldst_op) |             op3(ldfsr_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
 126 inline void Assembler::ldxfsr( Register s1, Register s2) { v9_only();  emit_long( op(ldst_op) | rd(G1)    | op3(ldfsr_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
 127 inline void Assembler::ldxfsr( Register s1, int simm13a) { v9_only();  emit_data( op(ldst_op) | rd(G1)    | op3(ldfsr_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
 129 inline void Assembler::ldc(   Register s1, Register s2, int crd) { v8_only();  emit_long( op(ldst_op) | fcn(crd) | op3(ldc_op3  ) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
 130 inline void Assembler::ldc(   Register s1, int simm13a, int crd) { v8_only();  emit_data( op(ldst_op) | fcn(crd) | op3(ldc_op3  ) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
 131 inline void Assembler::lddc(  Register s1, Register s2, int crd) { v8_only();  emit_long( op(ldst_op) | fcn(crd) | op3(lddc_op3 ) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
 132 inline void Assembler::lddc(  Register s1, int simm13a, int crd) { v8_only();  emit_data( op(ldst_op) | fcn(crd) | op3(lddc_op3 ) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }

 227   if (s2.is_register())  add(s1, s2.as_register(),          d);
 228   else                 { add(s1, s2.as_constant() + offset, d); offset = 0; }
 229   if (offset != 0)       add(d,  offset,                    d);
 230 }
 232 inline void Assembler::andn(Register s1, RegisterOrConstant s2, Register d) {
 233   if (s2.is_register())  andn(s1, s2.as_register(), d);
 234   else                   andn(s1, s2.as_constant(), d);
 235 }
 237 inline void Assembler::ldstub(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d) { emit_long( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldstub_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
 238 inline void Assembler::ldstub(  Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) { emit_data( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldstub_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
 241 inline void Assembler::prefetch(Register s1, Register s2, PrefetchFcn f) { v9_only();  emit_long( op(ldst_op) | fcn(f) | op3(prefetch_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
 242 inline void Assembler::prefetch(Register s1, int simm13a, PrefetchFcn f) { v9_only();  emit_data( op(ldst_op) | fcn(f) | op3(prefetch_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
 244 inline void Assembler::prefetch(const Address& a, PrefetchFcn f, int offset) { v9_only(); relocate(a.rspec(offset)); prefetch(a.base(), a.disp() + offset, f); }
 247 inline void Assembler::rett( Register s1, Register s2                         ) { cti();  emit_long( op(arith_op) | op3(rett_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));  has_delay_slot(); }
 248 inline void Assembler::rett( Register s1, int simm13a, relocInfo::relocType rt) { cti();  emit_data( op(arith_op) | op3(rett_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13), rt);  has_delay_slot(); }
 250 inline void Assembler::sethi( int imm22a, Register d, RelocationHolder const& rspec ) { emit_data( op(branch_op) | rd(d) | op2(sethi_op2) | hi22(imm22a), rspec); }
 252   // pp 222
 254 inline void Assembler::stf(    FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d, Register s1, RegisterOrConstant s2) {
 255   if (s2.is_register()) stf(w, d, s1, s2.as_register());
 256   else                  stf(w, d, s1, s2.as_constant());
 257 }
 259 inline void Assembler::stf(    FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d, Register s1, Register s2) { emit_long( op(ldst_op) | fd(d, w) | alt_op3(stf_op3, w) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
 260 inline void Assembler::stf(    FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d, Register s1, int simm13a) { emit_data( op(ldst_op) | fd(d, w) | alt_op3(stf_op3, w) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
 262 inline void Assembler::stf(    FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d, const Address& a, int offset) {
 263   relocate(a.rspec(offset));
 264   if (a.has_index()) { assert(offset == 0, ""); stf(w, d, a.base(), a.index()        ); }
 265   else               {                          stf(w, d, a.base(), a.disp() + offset); }
 266 }
 268 inline void Assembler::stfsr(  Register s1, Register s2) { v9_dep();   emit_long( op(ldst_op) |             op3(stfsr_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }

 545 inline void MacroAssembler::br( Condition c, bool a, Predict p, Label& L ) {
 546   br(c, a, p, target(L));
 547 }
 550 // Branch that tests either xcc or icc depending on the
 551 // architecture compiled (LP64 or not)
 552 inline void MacroAssembler::brx( Condition c, bool a, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) {
 553 #ifdef _LP64
 554     Assembler::bp(c, a, xcc, p, d, rt);
 555 #else
 556     MacroAssembler::br(c, a, p, d, rt);
 557 #endif
 558 }
 560 inline void MacroAssembler::brx( Condition c, bool a, Predict p, Label& L ) {
 561   brx(c, a, p, target(L));
 562 }
 564 inline void MacroAssembler::ba( Label& L ) {
 565   br(always, false, pt, L);
 566 }
 568 // Warning: V9 only functions
 569 inline void MacroAssembler::bp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) {
 570   Assembler::bp(c, a, cc, p, d, rt);
 571 }
 573 inline void MacroAssembler::bp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, Label& L ) {
 574   Assembler::bp(c, a, cc, p, L);
 575 }
 577 inline void MacroAssembler::fb( Condition c, bool a, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) {
 578   if (VM_Version::v9_instructions_work())
 579     fbp(c, a, fcc0, p, d, rt);
 580   else
 581     Assembler::fb(c, a, d, rt);
 582 }
 584 inline void MacroAssembler::fb( Condition c, bool a, Predict p, Label& L ) {
 585   fb(c, a, p, target(L));

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