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1519     // Declare Node::methods that set operand Label's contents
1520     int label_position = instr->label_position();
1521     if( label_position != -1 ) {
1522       // Set the label, stored in labelOper::_branch_label
1523       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           label_set( Label* label, uint block_num );\n");
1524     }
1526     // If this instruction contains a methodOper
1527     // Declare Node::methods that set operand method's contents
1528     int method_position = instr->method_position();
1529     if( method_position != -1 ) {
1530       // Set the address method, stored in methodOper::_method
1531       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           method_set( intptr_t method );\n");
1532     }
1534     // virtual functions for attributes
1535     //
1536     // Each instruction attribute results in a virtual call of same name.
1537     // The ins_cost is not handled here.
1538     Attribute *attr = instr->_attribs;
1539     bool is_pc_relative = false;
1540     while (attr != NULL) {
1541       if (strcmp(attr->_ident,"ins_cost") &&
1542           strcmp(attr->_ident,"ins_pc_relative")) {
1543         fprintf(fp,"  int             %s() const { return %s; }\n",
1544                 attr->_ident, attr->_val);
1545       }
1546       // Check value for ins_pc_relative, and if it is true (1), set the flag
1547       if (!strcmp(attr->_ident,"ins_pc_relative") && attr->int_val(*this) != 0)
1548         is_pc_relative = true;
1549       attr = (Attribute *)attr->_next;
1550     }
1552     // virtual functions for encode and format
1554     // Virtual function for evaluating the constant.
1555     if (instr->is_mach_constant()) {
1556       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           eval_constant(Compile* C);\n");
1557     }
1559     // Output the opcode function and the encode function here using the
1560     // encoding class information in the _insencode slot.
1561     if ( instr->_insencode ) {
1562       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           emit(CodeBuffer &cbuf, PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const;\n");
1563     }
1565     // virtual function for getting the size of an instruction
1566     if ( instr->_size ) {
1567       fprintf(fp,"  virtual uint           size(PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const;\n");
1568     }

1640       fprintf(fp,"  virtual uint           oper_input_base() const { return %d; }\n",
1641             instr->oper_input_base(_globalNames));
1642     }
1644     // Make the constructor and following methods 'public:'
1645     fprintf(fp,"public:\n");
1647     // Constructor
1648     if ( instr->is_ideal_jump() ) {
1649       fprintf(fp,"  %sNode() : _index2label(MinJumpTableSize*2) { ", instr->_ident);
1650     } else {
1651       fprintf(fp,"  %sNode() { ", instr->_ident);
1652       if( can_cisc_spill() && (instr->cisc_spill_alternate() != NULL) ) {
1653         fprintf(fp,"_cisc_RegMask = NULL; ");
1654       }
1655     }
1657     fprintf(fp," _num_opnds = %d; _opnds = _opnd_array; ", instr->num_opnds());
1659     bool node_flags_set = false;
1660     // flag: if this instruction matches an ideal 'Goto' node
1661     if ( instr->is_ideal_goto() ) {
1662       fprintf(fp,"init_flags(Flag_is_Goto");
1663       node_flags_set = true;
1664     }
1666     // flag: if this instruction matches an ideal 'Copy*' node
1667     if ( instr->is_ideal_copy() != 0 ) {
1668       if ( node_flags_set ) {
1669         fprintf(fp," | Flag_is_Copy");
1670       } else {
1671         fprintf(fp,"init_flags(Flag_is_Copy");
1672         node_flags_set = true;
1673       }
1674     }
1676     // Is an instruction is a constant?  If so, get its type
1677     Form::DataType  data_type;
1678     const char     *opType = NULL;
1679     const char     *result = NULL;
1680     data_type    = instr->is_chain_of_constant(_globalNames, opType, result);
1681     // Check if this instruction is a constant
1682     if ( data_type != Form::none ) {
1683       if ( node_flags_set ) {
1684         fprintf(fp," | Flag_is_Con");
1685       } else {
1686         fprintf(fp,"init_flags(Flag_is_Con");
1687         node_flags_set = true;
1688       }
1689     }
1691     // flag: if instruction matches 'If' | 'Goto' | 'CountedLoopEnd | 'Jump'
1692     if ( instr->is_ideal_branch() ) {
1693       if ( node_flags_set ) {
1694         fprintf(fp," | Flag_is_Branch");
1695       } else {
1696         fprintf(fp,"init_flags(Flag_is_Branch");
1697         node_flags_set = true;
1698       }
1699     }
1701     // flag: if this instruction is cisc alternate
1702     if ( can_cisc_spill() && instr->is_cisc_alternate() ) {
1703       if ( node_flags_set ) {
1704         fprintf(fp," | Flag_is_cisc_alternate");
1705       } else {
1706         fprintf(fp,"init_flags(Flag_is_cisc_alternate");
1707         node_flags_set = true;
1708       }
1709     }
1711     // flag: if this instruction is pc relative
1712     if ( is_pc_relative ) {
1713       if ( node_flags_set ) {
1714         fprintf(fp," | Flag_is_pc_relative");
1715       } else {
1716         fprintf(fp,"init_flags(Flag_is_pc_relative");
1717         node_flags_set = true;
1718       }
1719     }
1721     // flag: if this instruction has short branch form
1722     if ( instr->has_short_branch_form() ) {
1723       if ( node_flags_set ) {
1724         fprintf(fp," | Flag_may_be_short_branch");
1725       } else {
1726         fprintf(fp,"init_flags(Flag_may_be_short_branch");
1727         node_flags_set = true;
1728       }
1729     }
1731     // Check if machine instructions that USE memory, but do not DEF memory,
1732     // depend upon a node that defines memory in machine-independent graph.
1733     if ( instr->needs_anti_dependence_check(_globalNames) ) {
1734       if ( node_flags_set ) {
1735         fprintf(fp," | Flag_needs_anti_dependence_check");
1736       } else {
1737         fprintf(fp,"init_flags(Flag_needs_anti_dependence_check");
1738         node_flags_set = true;
1739       }
1740     }
1742     if ( node_flags_set ) {
1743       fprintf(fp,"); ");
1744     }
1746     if (instr->is_ideal_unlock() || instr->is_ideal_call_leaf()) {
1747       fprintf(fp,"clear_flag(Flag_is_safepoint_node); ");
1748     }
1750     fprintf(fp,"}\n");
1752     // size_of, used by base class's clone to obtain the correct size.
1753     fprintf(fp,"  virtual uint           size_of() const {");
1754     fprintf(fp,   " return sizeof(%sNode);", instr->_ident);
1755     fprintf(fp, " }\n");
1757     // Virtual methods which are only generated to override base class
1758     if( instr->expands() || instr->needs_projections() ||
1759         instr->has_temps() ||
1760         instr->is_mach_constant() ||
1761         instr->_matrule != NULL &&
1762         instr->num_opnds() != instr->num_unique_opnds() ) {
1763       fprintf(fp,"  virtual MachNode      *Expand(State *state, Node_List &proj_list, Node* mem);\n");
1764     }
1766     if (instr->is_pinned(_globalNames)) {
1767       fprintf(fp,"  virtual bool           pinned() const { return ");
1768       if (instr->is_parm(_globalNames)) {
1769         fprintf(fp,"_in[0]->pinned();");

1519     // Declare Node::methods that set operand Label's contents
1520     int label_position = instr->label_position();
1521     if( label_position != -1 ) {
1522       // Set the label, stored in labelOper::_branch_label
1523       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           label_set( Label* label, uint block_num );\n");
1524     }
1526     // If this instruction contains a methodOper
1527     // Declare Node::methods that set operand method's contents
1528     int method_position = instr->method_position();
1529     if( method_position != -1 ) {
1530       // Set the address method, stored in methodOper::_method
1531       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           method_set( intptr_t method );\n");
1532     }
1534     // virtual functions for attributes
1535     //
1536     // Each instruction attribute results in a virtual call of same name.
1537     // The ins_cost is not handled here.
1538     Attribute *attr = instr->_attribs;

1539     while (attr != NULL) {
1540       if (strcmp(attr->_ident,"ins_cost") &&
1541           strcmp(attr->_ident,"ins_short_branch")) {
1542         fprintf(fp,"  int             %s() const { return %s; }\n",
1543                 attr->_ident, attr->_val);
1544       }

1545       attr = (Attribute *)attr->_next;
1546     }
1548     // virtual functions for encode and format
1550     // Virtual function for evaluating the constant.
1551     if (instr->is_mach_constant()) {
1552       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           eval_constant(Compile* C);\n");
1553     }
1555     // Output the opcode function and the encode function here using the
1556     // encoding class information in the _insencode slot.
1557     if ( instr->_insencode ) {
1558       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           emit(CodeBuffer &cbuf, PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const;\n");
1559     }
1561     // virtual function for getting the size of an instruction
1562     if ( instr->_size ) {
1563       fprintf(fp,"  virtual uint           size(PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const;\n");
1564     }

1636       fprintf(fp,"  virtual uint           oper_input_base() const { return %d; }\n",
1637             instr->oper_input_base(_globalNames));
1638     }
1640     // Make the constructor and following methods 'public:'
1641     fprintf(fp,"public:\n");
1643     // Constructor
1644     if ( instr->is_ideal_jump() ) {
1645       fprintf(fp,"  %sNode() : _index2label(MinJumpTableSize*2) { ", instr->_ident);
1646     } else {
1647       fprintf(fp,"  %sNode() { ", instr->_ident);
1648       if( can_cisc_spill() && (instr->cisc_spill_alternate() != NULL) ) {
1649         fprintf(fp,"_cisc_RegMask = NULL; ");
1650       }
1651     }
1653     fprintf(fp," _num_opnds = %d; _opnds = _opnd_array; ", instr->num_opnds());
1655     bool node_flags_set = false;

1656     // flag: if this instruction matches an ideal 'Copy*' node
1657     if ( instr->is_ideal_copy() != 0 ) {

1658       fprintf(fp,"init_flags(Flag_is_Copy");
1659       node_flags_set = true;
1660     }

1662     // Is an instruction is a constant?  If so, get its type
1663     Form::DataType  data_type;
1664     const char     *opType = NULL;
1665     const char     *result = NULL;
1666     data_type    = instr->is_chain_of_constant(_globalNames, opType, result);
1667     // Check if this instruction is a constant
1668     if ( data_type != Form::none ) {
1669       if ( node_flags_set ) {
1670         fprintf(fp," | Flag_is_Con");
1671       } else {
1672         fprintf(fp,"init_flags(Flag_is_Con");
1673         node_flags_set = true;
1674       }
1675     }
1677     // flag: if instruction matches 'If' | 'Goto' | 'CountedLoopEnd | 'Jump'
1678     if ( instr->is_ideal_branch() ) {
1679       if ( node_flags_set ) {
1680         fprintf(fp," | Flag_is_Branch");
1681       } else {
1682         fprintf(fp,"init_flags(Flag_is_Branch");
1683         node_flags_set = true;
1684       }
1685     }
1687     // flag: if this instruction is cisc alternate
1688     if ( can_cisc_spill() && instr->is_cisc_alternate() ) {
1689       if ( node_flags_set ) {
1690         fprintf(fp," | Flag_is_cisc_alternate");
1691       } else {
1692         fprintf(fp,"init_flags(Flag_is_cisc_alternate");
1693         node_flags_set = true;
1694       }
1695     }

1697     // flag: if this instruction has short branch form
1698     if ( instr->has_short_branch_form() ) {
1699       if ( node_flags_set ) {
1700         fprintf(fp," | Flag_may_be_short_branch");
1701       } else {
1702         fprintf(fp,"init_flags(Flag_may_be_short_branch");
1703         node_flags_set = true;
1704       }
1705     }
1707     // Check if machine instructions that USE memory, but do not DEF memory,
1708     // depend upon a node that defines memory in machine-independent graph.
1709     if ( instr->needs_anti_dependence_check(_globalNames) ) {
1710       if ( node_flags_set ) {
1711         fprintf(fp," | Flag_needs_anti_dependence_check");
1712       } else {
1713         fprintf(fp,"init_flags(Flag_needs_anti_dependence_check");
1714         node_flags_set = true;
1715       }
1716     }
1718     if ( node_flags_set ) {
1719       fprintf(fp,"); ");
1720     }

1722     fprintf(fp,"}\n");
1724     // size_of, used by base class's clone to obtain the correct size.
1725     fprintf(fp,"  virtual uint           size_of() const {");
1726     fprintf(fp,   " return sizeof(%sNode);", instr->_ident);
1727     fprintf(fp, " }\n");
1729     // Virtual methods which are only generated to override base class
1730     if( instr->expands() || instr->needs_projections() ||
1731         instr->has_temps() ||
1732         instr->is_mach_constant() ||
1733         instr->_matrule != NULL &&
1734         instr->num_opnds() != instr->num_unique_opnds() ) {
1735       fprintf(fp,"  virtual MachNode      *Expand(State *state, Node_List &proj_list, Node* mem);\n");
1736     }
1738     if (instr->is_pinned(_globalNames)) {
1739       fprintf(fp,"  virtual bool           pinned() const { return ");
1740       if (instr->is_parm(_globalNames)) {
1741         fprintf(fp,"_in[0]->pinned();");

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