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 258   // Returns the MachOper as determined by memory_operand(), for use, if
 259   // needed by the caller. If (MachOper *)-1 is returned, base and index
 260   // are set to NodeSentinel. If (MachOper *) NULL is returned, base and
 261   // index are set to NULL.
 262   const MachOper* memory_inputs(Node* &base, Node* &index) const;
 264   // Helper for memory_inputs:  Which operand carries the necessary info?
 265   // By default, returns NULL, which means there is no such operand.
 266   // If it returns (MachOper*)-1, this means there are multiple memories.
 267   virtual const MachOper* memory_operand() const { return NULL; }
 269   // Call "get_base_and_disp" to decide which category of memory is used here.
 270   virtual const class TypePtr *adr_type() const;
 272   // Negate conditional branches.  Error for non-branch Nodes
 273   virtual void negate();
 275   // Apply peephole rule(s) to this instruction
 276   virtual MachNode *peephole( Block *block, int block_index, PhaseRegAlloc *ra_, int &deleted, Compile* C );
 278   // Check for PC-Relative addressing
 279   bool is_pc_relative() const { return (flags() & Flag_is_pc_relative) != 0; }
 281   // Top-level ideal Opcode matched
 282   virtual int ideal_Opcode()     const { return Op_Node; }
 284   // Set the branch inside jump MachNodes.  Error for non-branch Nodes.
 285   virtual void label_set( Label* label, uint block_num );
 287   // Adds the label for the case
 288   virtual void add_case_label( int switch_val, Label* blockLabel);
 290   // Set the absolute address for methods
 291   virtual void method_set( intptr_t addr );
 293   // Should we clone rather than spill this instruction?
 294   bool rematerialize() const;
 296   // Get the pipeline info
 297   static const Pipeline *pipeline_class();
 298   virtual const Pipeline *pipeline() const;
 300 #ifndef PRODUCT

 508   virtual void emit(CodeBuffer &cbuf, PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const;
 509   virtual uint size(PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const;
 511 #ifndef PRODUCT
 512   virtual const char *Name() const { return "MachSpillCopy"; }
 513   virtual void format( PhaseRegAlloc *, outputStream *st ) const;
 514 #endif
 515 };
 517 //------------------------------MachNullChkNode--------------------------------
 518 // Machine-dependent null-pointer-check Node.  Points a real MachNode that is
 519 // also some kind of memory op.  Turns the indicated MachNode into a
 520 // conditional branch with good latency on the ptr-not-null path and awful
 521 // latency on the pointer-is-null path.
 523 class MachNullCheckNode : public MachIdealNode {
 524 public:
 525   const uint _vidx;             // Index of memop being tested
 526   MachNullCheckNode( Node *ctrl, Node *memop, uint vidx ) : MachIdealNode(), _vidx(vidx) {
 527     init_class_id(Class_MachNullCheck);
 528     init_flags(Flag_is_Branch | Flag_is_pc_relative);
 529     add_req(ctrl);
 530     add_req(memop);
 531   }
 533   virtual void emit(CodeBuffer &cbuf, PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const;
 534   virtual void label_set(Label* label, uint block_num);
 535   virtual bool pinned() const { return true; };
 536   virtual void negate() { }
 537   virtual const class Type *bottom_type() const { return TypeTuple::IFBOTH; }
 538   virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return NotAMachineReg; }
 539   virtual const RegMask &in_RegMask(uint) const;
 540   virtual const RegMask &out_RegMask() const { return RegMask::Empty; }
 541 #ifndef PRODUCT
 542   virtual const char *Name() const { return "NullCheck"; }
 543   virtual void format( PhaseRegAlloc *, outputStream *st ) const;
 544 #endif
 545 };
 547 //------------------------------MachProjNode----------------------------------
 548 // Machine-dependent Ideal projections (how is that for an oxymoron).  Really
 549 // just MachNodes made by the Ideal world that replicate simple projections
 550 // but with machine-dependent input & output register masks.  Generally
 551 // produced as part of calling conventions.  Normally I make MachNodes as part
 552 // of the Matcher process, but the Matcher is ill suited to issues involving
 553 // frame handling, so frame handling is all done in the Ideal world with
 554 // occasional callbacks to the machine model for important info.
 555 class MachProjNode : public ProjNode {
 556 public:
 557   MachProjNode( Node *multi, uint con, const RegMask &out, uint ideal_reg ) : ProjNode(multi,con), _rout(out), _ideal_reg(ideal_reg) {}

 558   RegMask _rout;
 559   const uint  _ideal_reg;
 560   enum projType {
 561     unmatched_proj = 0,         // Projs for Control, I/O, memory not matched
 562     fat_proj       = 999        // Projs killing many regs, defined by _rout
 563   };
 564   virtual int   Opcode() const;
 565   virtual const Type *bottom_type() const;
 566   virtual const TypePtr *adr_type() const;
 567   virtual const RegMask &in_RegMask(uint) const { return RegMask::Empty; }
 568   virtual const RegMask &out_RegMask() const { return _rout; }
 569   virtual uint  ideal_reg() const { return _ideal_reg; }
 570   // Need size_of() for virtual ProjNode::clone()
 571   virtual uint  size_of() const { return sizeof(MachProjNode); }
 572 #ifndef PRODUCT
 573   virtual void dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;
 574 #endif
 575 };
 577 //------------------------------MachIfNode-------------------------------------
 578 // Machine-specific versions of IfNodes
 579 class MachIfNode : public MachNode {
 580   virtual uint size_of() const { return sizeof(*this); } // Size is bigger
 581 public:
 582   float _prob;                  // Probability branch goes either way
 583   float _fcnt;                  // Frequency counter
 584   MachIfNode() : MachNode() {
 585     init_class_id(Class_MachIf);
 586   }
 587 #ifndef PRODUCT
 588   virtual void dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;
 589 #endif
 590 };

 592 //------------------------------MachFastLockNode-------------------------------------
 593 // Machine-specific versions of FastLockNodes
 594 class MachFastLockNode : public MachNode {
 595   virtual uint size_of() const { return sizeof(*this); } // Size is bigger
 596 public:
 597   BiasedLockingCounters* _counters;
 599   MachFastLockNode() : MachNode() {}
 600 };
 602 //------------------------------MachReturnNode--------------------------------
 603 // Machine-specific versions of subroutine returns
 604 class MachReturnNode : public MachNode {
 605   virtual uint size_of() const; // Size is bigger
 606 public:
 607   RegMask *_in_rms;             // Input register masks, set during allocation
 608   ReallocMark _nesting;         // assertion check for reallocations
 609   const TypePtr* _adr_type;     // memory effects of call or return
 610   MachReturnNode() : MachNode() {
 611     init_class_id(Class_MachReturn);

 615   void set_adr_type(const TypePtr* atp) { _adr_type = atp; }
 617   virtual const RegMask &in_RegMask(uint) const;
 618   virtual bool pinned() const { return true; };
 619   virtual const TypePtr *adr_type() const;
 620 };
 622 //------------------------------MachSafePointNode-----------------------------
 623 // Machine-specific versions of safepoints
 624 class MachSafePointNode : public MachReturnNode {
 625 public:
 626   OopMap*         _oop_map;     // Array of OopMap info (8-bit char) for GC
 627   JVMState*       _jvms;        // Pointer to list of JVM State Objects
 628   uint            _jvmadj;      // Extra delta to jvms indexes (mach. args)
 629   OopMap*         oop_map() const { return _oop_map; }
 630   void            set_oop_map(OopMap* om) { _oop_map = om; }
 632   MachSafePointNode() : MachReturnNode(), _oop_map(NULL), _jvms(NULL), _jvmadj(0) {
 633     init_class_id(Class_MachSafePoint);
 634     init_flags(Flag_is_safepoint_node);
 635   }
 637   virtual JVMState* jvms() const { return _jvms; }
 638   void set_jvms(JVMState* s) {
 639     _jvms = s;
 640   }
 641   bool is_safepoint_node() const { return (flags() & Flag_is_safepoint_node) != 0; }
 642   virtual const Type    *bottom_type() const;
 644   virtual const RegMask &in_RegMask(uint) const;
 646   // Functionality from old debug nodes
 647   Node *returnadr() const { return in(TypeFunc::ReturnAdr); }
 648   Node *frameptr () const { return in(TypeFunc::FramePtr); }
 650   Node *local(const JVMState* jvms, uint idx) const {
 651     assert(verify_jvms(jvms), "jvms must match");
 652     return in(_jvmadj + jvms->locoff() + idx);
 653   }
 654   Node *stack(const JVMState* jvms, uint idx) const {
 655     assert(verify_jvms(jvms), "jvms must match");
 656     return in(_jvmadj + jvms->stkoff() + idx);
 657  }
 658   Node *monitor_obj(const JVMState* jvms, uint idx) const {
 659     assert(verify_jvms(jvms), "jvms must match");
 660     return in(_jvmadj + jvms->monitor_obj_offset(idx));
 661   }

 685   virtual uint cmp( const Node &n ) const;
 686   virtual uint size_of() const = 0; // Size is bigger
 687 public:
 688   const TypeFunc *_tf;        // Function type
 689   address      _entry_point;  // Address of the method being called
 690   float        _cnt;          // Estimate of number of times called
 691   uint         _argsize;      // Size of argument block on stack
 693   const TypeFunc* tf()        const { return _tf; }
 694   const address entry_point() const { return _entry_point; }
 695   const float   cnt()         const { return _cnt; }
 696   uint argsize()              const { return _argsize; }
 698   void set_tf(const TypeFunc* tf) { _tf = tf; }
 699   void set_entry_point(address p) { _entry_point = p; }
 700   void set_cnt(float c)           { _cnt = c; }
 701   void set_argsize(int s)         { _argsize = s; }
 703   MachCallNode() : MachSafePointNode() {
 704     init_class_id(Class_MachCall);
 705     init_flags(Flag_is_Call);
 706   }
 708   virtual const Type *bottom_type() const;
 709   virtual bool  pinned() const { return false; }
 710   virtual const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
 711   virtual const RegMask &in_RegMask(uint) const;
 712   virtual int ret_addr_offset() { return 0; }
 714   bool returns_long() const { return tf()->return_type() == T_LONG; }
 715   bool return_value_is_used() const;
 716 #ifndef PRODUCT
 717   virtual void dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;
 718 #endif
 719 };
 721 //------------------------------MachCallJavaNode------------------------------
 722 // "Base" class for machine-specific versions of subroutine calls
 723 class MachCallJavaNode : public MachCallNode {
 724 protected:
 725   virtual uint cmp( const Node &n ) const;

 258   // Returns the MachOper as determined by memory_operand(), for use, if
 259   // needed by the caller. If (MachOper *)-1 is returned, base and index
 260   // are set to NodeSentinel. If (MachOper *) NULL is returned, base and
 261   // index are set to NULL.
 262   const MachOper* memory_inputs(Node* &base, Node* &index) const;
 264   // Helper for memory_inputs:  Which operand carries the necessary info?
 265   // By default, returns NULL, which means there is no such operand.
 266   // If it returns (MachOper*)-1, this means there are multiple memories.
 267   virtual const MachOper* memory_operand() const { return NULL; }
 269   // Call "get_base_and_disp" to decide which category of memory is used here.
 270   virtual const class TypePtr *adr_type() const;
 272   // Negate conditional branches.  Error for non-branch Nodes
 273   virtual void negate();
 275   // Apply peephole rule(s) to this instruction
 276   virtual MachNode *peephole( Block *block, int block_index, PhaseRegAlloc *ra_, int &deleted, Compile* C );

 278   // Top-level ideal Opcode matched
 279   virtual int ideal_Opcode()     const { return Op_Node; }
 281   // Set the branch inside jump MachNodes.  Error for non-branch Nodes.
 282   virtual void label_set( Label* label, uint block_num );
 284   // Adds the label for the case
 285   virtual void add_case_label( int switch_val, Label* blockLabel);
 287   // Set the absolute address for methods
 288   virtual void method_set( intptr_t addr );
 290   // Should we clone rather than spill this instruction?
 291   bool rematerialize() const;
 293   // Get the pipeline info
 294   static const Pipeline *pipeline_class();
 295   virtual const Pipeline *pipeline() const;
 297 #ifndef PRODUCT

 505   virtual void emit(CodeBuffer &cbuf, PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const;
 506   virtual uint size(PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const;
 508 #ifndef PRODUCT
 509   virtual const char *Name() const { return "MachSpillCopy"; }
 510   virtual void format( PhaseRegAlloc *, outputStream *st ) const;
 511 #endif
 512 };
 514 //------------------------------MachNullChkNode--------------------------------
 515 // Machine-dependent null-pointer-check Node.  Points a real MachNode that is
 516 // also some kind of memory op.  Turns the indicated MachNode into a
 517 // conditional branch with good latency on the ptr-not-null path and awful
 518 // latency on the pointer-is-null path.
 520 class MachNullCheckNode : public MachIdealNode {
 521 public:
 522   const uint _vidx;             // Index of memop being tested
 523   MachNullCheckNode( Node *ctrl, Node *memop, uint vidx ) : MachIdealNode(), _vidx(vidx) {
 524     init_class_id(Class_MachNullCheck);
 525     init_flags(Flag_is_Branch);
 526     add_req(ctrl);
 527     add_req(memop);
 528   }
 530   virtual void emit(CodeBuffer &cbuf, PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const;
 531   virtual void label_set(Label* label, uint block_num);
 532   virtual bool pinned() const { return true; };
 533   virtual void negate() { }
 534   virtual const class Type *bottom_type() const { return TypeTuple::IFBOTH; }
 535   virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return NotAMachineReg; }
 536   virtual const RegMask &in_RegMask(uint) const;
 537   virtual const RegMask &out_RegMask() const { return RegMask::Empty; }
 538 #ifndef PRODUCT
 539   virtual const char *Name() const { return "NullCheck"; }
 540   virtual void format( PhaseRegAlloc *, outputStream *st ) const;
 541 #endif
 542 };
 544 //------------------------------MachProjNode----------------------------------
 545 // Machine-dependent Ideal projections (how is that for an oxymoron).  Really
 546 // just MachNodes made by the Ideal world that replicate simple projections
 547 // but with machine-dependent input & output register masks.  Generally
 548 // produced as part of calling conventions.  Normally I make MachNodes as part
 549 // of the Matcher process, but the Matcher is ill suited to issues involving
 550 // frame handling, so frame handling is all done in the Ideal world with
 551 // occasional callbacks to the machine model for important info.
 552 class MachProjNode : public ProjNode {
 553 public:
 554   MachProjNode( Node *multi, uint con, const RegMask &out, uint ideal_reg ) : ProjNode(multi,con), _rout(out), _ideal_reg(ideal_reg) {
 555     init_class_id(Class_MachProj);
 556   }
 557   RegMask _rout;
 558   const uint  _ideal_reg;
 559   enum projType {
 560     unmatched_proj = 0,         // Projs for Control, I/O, memory not matched
 561     fat_proj       = 999        // Projs killing many regs, defined by _rout
 562   };
 563   virtual int   Opcode() const;
 564   virtual const Type *bottom_type() const;
 565   virtual const TypePtr *adr_type() const;
 566   virtual const RegMask &in_RegMask(uint) const { return RegMask::Empty; }
 567   virtual const RegMask &out_RegMask() const { return _rout; }
 568   virtual uint  ideal_reg() const { return _ideal_reg; }
 569   // Need size_of() for virtual ProjNode::clone()
 570   virtual uint  size_of() const { return sizeof(MachProjNode); }
 571 #ifndef PRODUCT
 572   virtual void dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;
 573 #endif
 574 };
 576 //------------------------------MachIfNode-------------------------------------
 577 // Machine-specific versions of IfNodes
 578 class MachIfNode : public MachNode {
 579   virtual uint size_of() const { return sizeof(*this); } // Size is bigger
 580 public:
 581   float _prob;                  // Probability branch goes either way
 582   float _fcnt;                  // Frequency counter
 583   MachIfNode() : MachNode() {
 584     init_class_id(Class_MachIf);
 585   }
 586 #ifndef PRODUCT
 587   virtual void dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;
 588 #endif
 589 };
 591 //------------------------------MachGotoNode-----------------------------------
 592 // Machine-specific versions of GotoNodes
 593 class MachGotoNode : public MachNode {
 594 public:
 595   MachGotoNode() : MachNode() {
 596     init_class_id(Class_MachGoto);
 597   }
 598 };
 600 //------------------------------MachFastLockNode-------------------------------------
 601 // Machine-specific versions of FastLockNodes
 602 class MachFastLockNode : public MachNode {
 603   virtual uint size_of() const { return sizeof(*this); } // Size is bigger
 604 public:
 605   BiasedLockingCounters* _counters;
 607   MachFastLockNode() : MachNode() {}
 608 };
 610 //------------------------------MachReturnNode--------------------------------
 611 // Machine-specific versions of subroutine returns
 612 class MachReturnNode : public MachNode {
 613   virtual uint size_of() const; // Size is bigger
 614 public:
 615   RegMask *_in_rms;             // Input register masks, set during allocation
 616   ReallocMark _nesting;         // assertion check for reallocations
 617   const TypePtr* _adr_type;     // memory effects of call or return
 618   MachReturnNode() : MachNode() {
 619     init_class_id(Class_MachReturn);

 623   void set_adr_type(const TypePtr* atp) { _adr_type = atp; }
 625   virtual const RegMask &in_RegMask(uint) const;
 626   virtual bool pinned() const { return true; };
 627   virtual const TypePtr *adr_type() const;
 628 };
 630 //------------------------------MachSafePointNode-----------------------------
 631 // Machine-specific versions of safepoints
 632 class MachSafePointNode : public MachReturnNode {
 633 public:
 634   OopMap*         _oop_map;     // Array of OopMap info (8-bit char) for GC
 635   JVMState*       _jvms;        // Pointer to list of JVM State Objects
 636   uint            _jvmadj;      // Extra delta to jvms indexes (mach. args)
 637   OopMap*         oop_map() const { return _oop_map; }
 638   void            set_oop_map(OopMap* om) { _oop_map = om; }
 640   MachSafePointNode() : MachReturnNode(), _oop_map(NULL), _jvms(NULL), _jvmadj(0) {
 641     init_class_id(Class_MachSafePoint);

 642   }
 644   virtual JVMState* jvms() const { return _jvms; }
 645   void set_jvms(JVMState* s) {
 646     _jvms = s;
 647   }

 648   virtual const Type    *bottom_type() const;
 650   virtual const RegMask &in_RegMask(uint) const;
 652   // Functionality from old debug nodes
 653   Node *returnadr() const { return in(TypeFunc::ReturnAdr); }
 654   Node *frameptr () const { return in(TypeFunc::FramePtr); }
 656   Node *local(const JVMState* jvms, uint idx) const {
 657     assert(verify_jvms(jvms), "jvms must match");
 658     return in(_jvmadj + jvms->locoff() + idx);
 659   }
 660   Node *stack(const JVMState* jvms, uint idx) const {
 661     assert(verify_jvms(jvms), "jvms must match");
 662     return in(_jvmadj + jvms->stkoff() + idx);
 663  }
 664   Node *monitor_obj(const JVMState* jvms, uint idx) const {
 665     assert(verify_jvms(jvms), "jvms must match");
 666     return in(_jvmadj + jvms->monitor_obj_offset(idx));
 667   }

 691   virtual uint cmp( const Node &n ) const;
 692   virtual uint size_of() const = 0; // Size is bigger
 693 public:
 694   const TypeFunc *_tf;        // Function type
 695   address      _entry_point;  // Address of the method being called
 696   float        _cnt;          // Estimate of number of times called
 697   uint         _argsize;      // Size of argument block on stack
 699   const TypeFunc* tf()        const { return _tf; }
 700   const address entry_point() const { return _entry_point; }
 701   const float   cnt()         const { return _cnt; }
 702   uint argsize()              const { return _argsize; }
 704   void set_tf(const TypeFunc* tf) { _tf = tf; }
 705   void set_entry_point(address p) { _entry_point = p; }
 706   void set_cnt(float c)           { _cnt = c; }
 707   void set_argsize(int s)         { _argsize = s; }
 709   MachCallNode() : MachSafePointNode() {
 710     init_class_id(Class_MachCall);

 711   }
 713   virtual const Type *bottom_type() const;
 714   virtual bool  pinned() const { return false; }
 715   virtual const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
 716   virtual const RegMask &in_RegMask(uint) const;
 717   virtual int ret_addr_offset() { return 0; }
 719   bool returns_long() const { return tf()->return_type() == T_LONG; }
 720   bool return_value_is_used() const;
 721 #ifndef PRODUCT
 722   virtual void dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;
 723 #endif
 724 };
 726 //------------------------------MachCallJavaNode------------------------------
 727 // "Base" class for machine-specific versions of subroutine calls
 728 class MachCallJavaNode : public MachCallNode {
 729 protected:
 730   virtual uint cmp( const Node &n ) const;

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