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  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "asm/macroAssembler.hpp"
  27 #include "asm/macroAssembler.inline.hpp"
  28 #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
  29 #include "runtime/java.hpp"
  30 #include "runtime/os.hpp"
  31 #include "runtime/stubCodeGenerator.hpp"
  32 #include "vm_version_x86.hpp"
  35 int VM_Version::_cpu;
  36 int VM_Version::_model;
  37 int VM_Version::_stepping;
  38 int VM_Version::_cpuFeatures;
  39 const char*           VM_Version::_features_str = "";
  40 VM_Version::CpuidInfo VM_Version::_cpuid_info   = { 0, };
  42 // Address of instruction which causes SEGV
  43 address VM_Version::_cpuinfo_segv_addr = 0;
  44 // Address of instruction after the one which causes SEGV
  45 address VM_Version::_cpuinfo_cont_addr = 0;
  47 static BufferBlob* stub_blob;
  48 static const int stub_size = 600;
  50 extern "C" {
  51   typedef void (*get_cpu_info_stub_t)(void*);
  52 }
  53 static get_cpu_info_stub_t get_cpu_info_stub = NULL;
  56 class VM_Version_StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
  57  public:
  59   VM_Version_StubGenerator(CodeBuffer *c) : StubCodeGenerator(c) {}
  61   address generate_get_cpu_info() {
  62     // Flags to test CPU type.
  63     const uint32_t HS_EFL_AC           = 0x40000;
  64     const uint32_t HS_EFL_ID           = 0x200000;
  65     // Values for when we don't have a CPUID instruction.
  66     const int      CPU_FAMILY_SHIFT = 8;
  67     const uint32_t CPU_FAMILY_386   = (3 << CPU_FAMILY_SHIFT);
  68     const uint32_t CPU_FAMILY_486   = (4 << CPU_FAMILY_SHIFT);
  70     Label detect_486, cpu486, detect_586, std_cpuid1, std_cpuid4;
  71     Label sef_cpuid, ext_cpuid, ext_cpuid1, ext_cpuid5, ext_cpuid7, done;

  73     StubCodeMark mark(this, "VM_Version", "get_cpu_info_stub");
  74 #   define __ _masm->
  76     address start = __ pc();
  78     //
  79     // void get_cpu_info(VM_Version::CpuidInfo* cpuid_info);
  80     //
  81     // LP64: rcx and rdx are first and second argument registers on windows
  83     __ push(rbp);
  84 #ifdef _LP64
  85     __ mov(rbp, c_rarg0); // cpuid_info address
  86 #else
  87     __ movptr(rbp, Address(rsp, 8)); // cpuid_info address
  88 #endif
  89     __ push(rbx);
  90     __ push(rsi);
  91     __ pushf();          // preserve rbx, and flags

 224     __ movl(Address(rsi, 8), rcx);
 225     __ movl(Address(rsi,12), rdx);
 227     //
 228     // Check if OS has enabled XGETBV instruction to access XCR0
 229     // (OSXSAVE feature flag) and CPU supports AVX
 230     //
 231     __ andl(rcx, 0x18000000); // cpuid1 bits osxsave | avx
 232     __ cmpl(rcx, 0x18000000);
 233     __ jccb(Assembler::notEqual, sef_cpuid); // jump if AVX is not supported
 235     //
 236     // XCR0, XFEATURE_ENABLED_MASK register
 237     //
 238     __ xorl(rcx, rcx);   // zero for XCR0 register
 239     __ xgetbv();
 240     __ lea(rsi, Address(rbp, in_bytes(VM_Version::xem_xcr0_offset())));
 241     __ movl(Address(rsi, 0), rax);
 242     __ movl(Address(rsi, 4), rdx);
 244     __ andl(rax, 0x6); // xcr0 bits sse | ymm
 245     __ cmpl(rax, 0x6);
 246     __ jccb(Assembler::notEqual, sef_cpuid); // jump if AVX is not supported
 248     //
 249     // Some OSs have a bug when upper 128bits of YMM
 250     // registers are not restored after a signal processing.
 251     // Generate SEGV here (reference through NULL)
 252     // and check upper YMM bits after it.
 253     //
 254     VM_Version::set_avx_cpuFeatures(); // Enable temporary to pass asserts
 255     intx saved_useavx = UseAVX;
 256     intx saved_usesse = UseSSE;
 257     UseAVX = 1;
 258     UseSSE = 2;
 260     // load value into all 32 bytes of ymm7 register
 261     __ movl(rcx, VM_Version::ymm_test_value());
 263     __ movdl(xmm0, rcx);
 264     __ pshufd(xmm0, xmm0, 0x00);
 265     __ vinsertf128h(xmm0, xmm0, xmm0);
 266     __ vmovdqu(xmm7, xmm0);
 267 #ifdef _LP64
 268     __ vmovdqu(xmm8,  xmm0);
 269     __ vmovdqu(xmm15, xmm0);
 270 #endif
 272     __ xorl(rsi, rsi);
 273     VM_Version::set_cpuinfo_segv_addr( __ pc() );
 274     // Generate SEGV
 275     __ movl(rax, Address(rsi, 0));
 277     VM_Version::set_cpuinfo_cont_addr( __ pc() );
 278     // Returns here after signal. Save xmm0 to check it later.
 279     __ lea(rsi, Address(rbp, in_bytes(VM_Version::ymm_save_offset())));
 280     __ vmovdqu(Address(rsi,  0), xmm0);
 281     __ vmovdqu(Address(rsi, 32), xmm7);
 282 #ifdef _LP64
 283     __ vmovdqu(Address(rsi, 64), xmm8);
 284     __ vmovdqu(Address(rsi, 96), xmm15);
 285 #endif
 287     VM_Version::clean_cpuFeatures();
 288     UseAVX = saved_useavx;
 289     UseSSE = saved_usesse;
 291     //
 292     // cpuid(0x7) Structured Extended Features
 293     //
 294     __ bind(sef_cpuid);
 295     __ movl(rax, 7);
 296     __ cmpl(rax, Address(rbp, in_bytes(VM_Version::std_cpuid0_offset()))); // Is cpuid(0x7) supported?
 297     __ jccb(Assembler::greater, ext_cpuid);
 299     __ xorl(rcx, rcx);
 300     __ cpuid();
 301     __ lea(rsi, Address(rbp, in_bytes(VM_Version::sef_cpuid7_offset())));
 302     __ movl(Address(rsi, 0), rax);
 303     __ movl(Address(rsi, 4), rbx);
 305     //
 306     // Extended cpuid(0x80000000)
 307     //
 308     __ bind(ext_cpuid);
 309     __ movl(rax, 0x80000000);
 310     __ cpuid();

 347     __ cpuid();
 348     __ lea(rsi, Address(rbp, in_bytes(VM_Version::ext_cpuid5_offset())));
 349     __ movl(Address(rsi, 0), rax);
 350     __ movl(Address(rsi, 4), rbx);
 351     __ movl(Address(rsi, 8), rcx);
 352     __ movl(Address(rsi,12), rdx);
 354     //
 355     // Extended cpuid(0x80000001)
 356     //
 357     __ bind(ext_cpuid1);
 358     __ movl(rax, 0x80000001);
 359     __ cpuid();
 360     __ lea(rsi, Address(rbp, in_bytes(VM_Version::ext_cpuid1_offset())));
 361     __ movl(Address(rsi, 0), rax);
 362     __ movl(Address(rsi, 4), rbx);
 363     __ movl(Address(rsi, 8), rcx);
 364     __ movl(Address(rsi,12), rdx);
 366     //
 367     // return

 368     //

 369     __ bind(done);

 370     __ popf();
 371     __ pop(rsi);
 372     __ pop(rbx);
 373     __ pop(rbp);
 374     __ ret(0);
 376 #   undef __
 378     return start;
 379   };
 380 };
 383 void VM_Version::get_cpu_info_wrapper() {
 384   get_cpu_info_stub(&_cpuid_info);
 385 }
 389 #endif

 453   if (!os::supports_sse())
 454     _cpuFeatures &= ~(CPU_SSE|CPU_SSE2|CPU_SSE3|CPU_SSSE3|CPU_SSE4A|CPU_SSE4_1|CPU_SSE4_2);
 456   if (UseSSE < 4) {
 457     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_SSE4_1;
 458     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_SSE4_2;
 459   }
 461   if (UseSSE < 3) {
 462     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_SSE3;
 463     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_SSSE3;
 464     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_SSE4A;
 465   }
 467   if (UseSSE < 2)
 468     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_SSE2;
 470   if (UseSSE < 1)
 471     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_SSE;

 473   if (UseAVX < 2)
 474     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_AVX2;
 476   if (UseAVX < 1)
 477     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_AVX;
 479   if (!UseAES && !FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAES))
 480     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_AES;
 482   if (logical_processors_per_package() == 1) {
 483     // HT processor could be installed on a system which doesn't support HT.
 484     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_HT;
 485   }
 487   char buf[256];
 488   jio_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "(%u cores per cpu, %u threads per core) family %d model %d stepping %d%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
 489                cores_per_cpu(), threads_per_core(),
 490                cpu_family(), _model, _stepping,
 491                (supports_cmov() ? ", cmov" : ""),
 492                (supports_cmpxchg8() ? ", cx8" : ""),
 493                (supports_fxsr() ? ", fxsr" : ""),
 494                (supports_mmx()  ? ", mmx"  : ""),
 495                (supports_sse()  ? ", sse"  : ""),
 496                (supports_sse2() ? ", sse2" : ""),
 497                (supports_sse3() ? ", sse3" : ""),
 498                (supports_ssse3()? ", ssse3": ""),
 499                (supports_sse4_1() ? ", sse4.1" : ""),
 500                (supports_sse4_2() ? ", sse4.2" : ""),
 501                (supports_popcnt() ? ", popcnt" : ""),
 502                (supports_avx()    ? ", avx" : ""),
 503                (supports_avx2()   ? ", avx2" : ""),
 504                (supports_aes()    ? ", aes" : ""),
 505                (supports_clmul()  ? ", clmul" : ""),
 506                (supports_erms()   ? ", erms" : ""),
 507                (supports_rtm()    ? ", rtm" : ""),
 508                (supports_mmx_ext() ? ", mmxext" : ""),
 509                (supports_3dnow_prefetch() ? ", 3dnowpref" : ""),
 510                (supports_lzcnt()   ? ", lzcnt": ""),
 511                (supports_sse4a()   ? ", sse4a": ""),
 512                (supports_ht() ? ", ht": ""),
 513                (supports_tsc() ? ", tsc": ""),
 514                (supports_tscinv_bit() ? ", tscinvbit": ""),
 515                (supports_tscinv() ? ", tscinv": ""),
 516                (supports_bmi1() ? ", bmi1" : ""),
 517                (supports_bmi2() ? ", bmi2" : ""),
 518                (supports_adx() ? ", adx" : ""));

 519   _features_str = os::strdup(buf);
 521   // UseSSE is set to the smaller of what hardware supports and what
 522   // the command line requires.  I.e., you cannot set UseSSE to 2 on
 523   // older Pentiums which do not support it.
 524   if (UseSSE > 4) UseSSE=4;
 525   if (UseSSE < 0) UseSSE=0;
 526   if (!supports_sse4_1()) // Drop to 3 if no SSE4 support
 527     UseSSE = MIN2((intx)3,UseSSE);
 528   if (!supports_sse3()) // Drop to 2 if no SSE3 support
 529     UseSSE = MIN2((intx)2,UseSSE);
 530   if (!supports_sse2()) // Drop to 1 if no SSE2 support
 531     UseSSE = MIN2((intx)1,UseSSE);
 532   if (!supports_sse ()) // Drop to 0 if no SSE  support
 533     UseSSE = 0;
 535   if (UseAVX > 2) UseAVX=2;
 536   if (UseAVX < 0) UseAVX=0;
 537   if (!supports_avx2()) // Drop to 1 if no AVX2 support
 538     UseAVX = MIN2((intx)1,UseAVX);
 539   if (!supports_avx ()) // Drop to 0 if no AVX  support
 540     UseAVX = 0;
 542   // Use AES instructions if available.
 543   if (supports_aes()) {
 544     if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAES)) {
 545       UseAES = true;
 546     }
 547   } else if (UseAES) {
 548     if (!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAES))
 549       warning("AES instructions are not available on this CPU");
 550     FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseAES, false);
 551   }
 553   // Use CLMUL instructions if available.
 554   if (supports_clmul()) {
 555     if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseCLMUL)) {
 556       UseCLMUL = true;
 557     }
 558   } else if (UseCLMUL) {
 559     if (!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseCLMUL))
 560       warning("CLMUL instructions not available on this CPU (AVX may also be required)");
 561     FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseCLMUL, false);

 592     FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSHA1Intrinsics, false);
 593     FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSHA256Intrinsics, false);
 594     FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSHA512Intrinsics, false);
 595   }
 597   // Adjust RTM (Restricted Transactional Memory) flags
 598   if (!supports_rtm() && UseRTMLocking) {
 599     // Can't continue because UseRTMLocking affects UseBiasedLocking flag
 600     // setting during arguments processing. See use_biased_locking().
 601     // VM_Version_init() is executed after UseBiasedLocking is used
 602     // in Thread::allocate().
 603     vm_exit_during_initialization("RTM instructions are not available on this CPU");
 604   }
 607   if (UseRTMLocking) {
 608     if (is_intel_family_core()) {
 609       if ((_model == CPU_MODEL_HASWELL_E3) ||
 610           (_model == CPU_MODEL_HASWELL_E7 && _stepping < 3) ||
 611           (_model == CPU_MODEL_BROADWELL  && _stepping < 4)) {
 612         if (!UnlockExperimentalVMOptions) {

 613           vm_exit_during_initialization("UseRTMLocking is only available as experimental option on this platform. It must be enabled via -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions flag.");
 614         } else {
 615           warning("UseRTMLocking is only available as experimental option on this platform.");
 616         }
 617       }
 618     }
 619     if (!FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(UseRTMLocking)) {
 620       // RTM locking should be used only for applications with
 621       // high lock contention. For now we do not use it by default.
 622       vm_exit_during_initialization("UseRTMLocking flag should be only set on command line");
 623     }
 624     if (!is_power_of_2(RTMTotalCountIncrRate)) {
 625       warning("RTMTotalCountIncrRate must be a power of 2, resetting it to 64");
 626       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(RTMTotalCountIncrRate, 64);
 627     }
 628     if (RTMAbortRatio < 0 || RTMAbortRatio > 100) {
 629       warning("RTMAbortRatio must be in the range 0 to 100, resetting it to 50");
 630       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(RTMAbortRatio, 50);
 631     }
 632   } else { // !UseRTMLocking

 645   }
 646 #else
 647   if (UseRTMLocking) {
 648     // Only C2 does RTM locking optimization.
 649     // Can't continue because UseRTMLocking affects UseBiasedLocking flag
 650     // setting during arguments processing. See use_biased_locking().
 651     vm_exit_during_initialization("RTM locking optimization is not supported in this VM");
 652   }
 653 #endif
 655 #ifdef COMPILER2
 656   if (UseFPUForSpilling) {
 657     if (UseSSE < 2) {
 658       // Only supported with SSE2+
 659       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseFPUForSpilling, false);
 660     }
 661   }
 662   if (MaxVectorSize > 0) {
 663     if (!is_power_of_2(MaxVectorSize)) {
 664       warning("MaxVectorSize must be a power of 2");
 665       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(MaxVectorSize, 32);
 666     }
 667     if (MaxVectorSize > 32) {
 668       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(MaxVectorSize, 32);
 669     }
 670     if (MaxVectorSize > 16 && (UseAVX == 0 || !os_supports_avx_vectors())) {
 671       // 32 bytes vectors (in YMM) are only supported with AVX+
 672       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(MaxVectorSize, 16);
 673     }
 674     if (UseSSE < 2) {
 675       // Vectors (in XMM) are only supported with SSE2+
 676       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(MaxVectorSize, 0);
 677     }
 678 #ifdef ASSERT
 679     if (supports_avx() && PrintMiscellaneous && Verbose && TraceNewVectors) {
 680       tty->print_cr("State of YMM registers after signal handle:");
 681       int nreg = 2 LP64_ONLY(+2);
 682       const char* ymm_name[4] = {"0", "7", "8", "15"};
 683       for (int i = 0; i < nreg; i++) {
 684         tty->print("YMM%s:", ymm_name[i]);
 685         for (int j = 7; j >=0; j--) {
 686           tty->print(" %x", _cpuid_info.ymm_save[i*8 + j]);
 687         }
 688         tty->cr();

  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "asm/macroAssembler.hpp"
  27 #include "asm/macroAssembler.inline.hpp"
  28 #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
  29 #include "runtime/java.hpp"
  30 #include "runtime/os.hpp"
  31 #include "runtime/stubCodeGenerator.hpp"
  32 #include "vm_version_x86.hpp"
  35 int VM_Version::_cpu;
  36 int VM_Version::_model;
  37 int VM_Version::_stepping;
  38 uint64_t VM_Version::_cpuFeatures;
  39 const char*           VM_Version::_features_str = "";
  40 VM_Version::CpuidInfo VM_Version::_cpuid_info   = { 0, };
  42 // Address of instruction which causes SEGV
  43 address VM_Version::_cpuinfo_segv_addr = 0;
  44 // Address of instruction after the one which causes SEGV
  45 address VM_Version::_cpuinfo_cont_addr = 0;
  47 static BufferBlob* stub_blob;
  48 static const int stub_size = 1000;
  50 extern "C" {
  51   typedef void (*get_cpu_info_stub_t)(void*);
  52 }
  53 static get_cpu_info_stub_t get_cpu_info_stub = NULL;
  56 class VM_Version_StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
  57  public:
  59   VM_Version_StubGenerator(CodeBuffer *c) : StubCodeGenerator(c) {}
  61   address generate_get_cpu_info() {
  62     // Flags to test CPU type.
  63     const uint32_t HS_EFL_AC = 0x40000;
  64     const uint32_t HS_EFL_ID = 0x200000;
  65     // Values for when we don't have a CPUID instruction.
  66     const int      CPU_FAMILY_SHIFT = 8;
  67     const uint32_t CPU_FAMILY_386 = (3 << CPU_FAMILY_SHIFT);
  68     const uint32_t CPU_FAMILY_486 = (4 << CPU_FAMILY_SHIFT);
  70     Label detect_486, cpu486, detect_586, std_cpuid1, std_cpuid4;
  71     Label sef_cpuid, ext_cpuid, ext_cpuid1, ext_cpuid5, ext_cpuid7, done, wrapup;
  72     Label legacy_setup, save_restore_except, legacy_save_restore, start_simd_check;
  74     StubCodeMark mark(this, "VM_Version", "get_cpu_info_stub");
  75 #   define __ _masm->
  77     address start = __ pc();
  79     //
  80     // void get_cpu_info(VM_Version::CpuidInfo* cpuid_info);
  81     //
  82     // LP64: rcx and rdx are first and second argument registers on windows
  84     __ push(rbp);
  85 #ifdef _LP64
  86     __ mov(rbp, c_rarg0); // cpuid_info address
  87 #else
  88     __ movptr(rbp, Address(rsp, 8)); // cpuid_info address
  89 #endif
  90     __ push(rbx);
  91     __ push(rsi);
  92     __ pushf();          // preserve rbx, and flags

 225     __ movl(Address(rsi, 8), rcx);
 226     __ movl(Address(rsi,12), rdx);
 228     //
 229     // Check if OS has enabled XGETBV instruction to access XCR0
 230     // (OSXSAVE feature flag) and CPU supports AVX
 231     //
 232     __ andl(rcx, 0x18000000); // cpuid1 bits osxsave | avx
 233     __ cmpl(rcx, 0x18000000);
 234     __ jccb(Assembler::notEqual, sef_cpuid); // jump if AVX is not supported
 236     //
 237     // XCR0, XFEATURE_ENABLED_MASK register
 238     //
 239     __ xorl(rcx, rcx);   // zero for XCR0 register
 240     __ xgetbv();
 241     __ lea(rsi, Address(rbp, in_bytes(VM_Version::xem_xcr0_offset())));
 242     __ movl(Address(rsi, 0), rax);
 243     __ movl(Address(rsi, 4), rdx);

 245     //
 246     // cpuid(0x7) Structured Extended Features
 247     //
 248     __ bind(sef_cpuid);
 249     __ movl(rax, 7);
 250     __ cmpl(rax, Address(rbp, in_bytes(VM_Version::std_cpuid0_offset()))); // Is cpuid(0x7) supported?
 251     __ jccb(Assembler::greater, ext_cpuid);
 253     __ xorl(rcx, rcx);
 254     __ cpuid();
 255     __ lea(rsi, Address(rbp, in_bytes(VM_Version::sef_cpuid7_offset())));
 256     __ movl(Address(rsi, 0), rax);
 257     __ movl(Address(rsi, 4), rbx);
 259     //
 260     // Extended cpuid(0x80000000)
 261     //
 262     __ bind(ext_cpuid);
 263     __ movl(rax, 0x80000000);
 264     __ cpuid();

 301     __ cpuid();
 302     __ lea(rsi, Address(rbp, in_bytes(VM_Version::ext_cpuid5_offset())));
 303     __ movl(Address(rsi, 0), rax);
 304     __ movl(Address(rsi, 4), rbx);
 305     __ movl(Address(rsi, 8), rcx);
 306     __ movl(Address(rsi,12), rdx);
 308     //
 309     // Extended cpuid(0x80000001)
 310     //
 311     __ bind(ext_cpuid1);
 312     __ movl(rax, 0x80000001);
 313     __ cpuid();
 314     __ lea(rsi, Address(rbp, in_bytes(VM_Version::ext_cpuid1_offset())));
 315     __ movl(Address(rsi, 0), rax);
 316     __ movl(Address(rsi, 4), rbx);
 317     __ movl(Address(rsi, 8), rcx);
 318     __ movl(Address(rsi,12), rdx);
 320     //
 321     // Check if OS has enabled XGETBV instruction to access XCR0
 322     // (OSXSAVE feature flag) and CPU supports AVX
 323     //
 324     __ lea(rsi, Address(rbp, in_bytes(VM_Version::std_cpuid1_offset())));
 325     __ movl(rcx, 0x18000000); // cpuid1 bits osxsave | avx
 326     __ andl(rcx, Address(rsi, 8)); // cpuid1 bits osxsave | avx
 327     __ cmpl(rcx, 0x18000000);
 328     __ jccb(Assembler::notEqual, done); // jump if AVX is not supported
 330     __ movl(rax, 0x6);
 331     __ andl(rax, Address(rbp, in_bytes(VM_Version::xem_xcr0_offset()))); // xcr0 bits sse | ymm
 332     __ cmpl(rax, 0x6);
 333     __ jccb(Assembler::equal, start_simd_check); // return if AVX is not supported
 335     // we need to bridge farther than imm8, so we use this island as a thunk
 336     __ bind(done);
 337     __ jmp(wrapup);
 339     __ bind(start_simd_check);
 340     //
 341     // Some OSs have a bug when upper 128/256bits of YMM/ZMM
 342     // registers are not restored after a signal processing.
 343     // Generate SEGV here (reference through NULL)
 344     // and check upper YMM/ZMM bits after it.
 345     //
 346     intx saved_useavx = UseAVX;
 347     intx saved_usesse = UseSSE;
 348     // check _cpuid_info.sef_cpuid7_ebx.bits.avx512f
 349     __ lea(rsi, Address(rbp, in_bytes(VM_Version::sef_cpuid7_offset())));
 350     __ movl(rax, 0x10000);
 351     __ andl(rax, Address(rsi, 4)); // xcr0 bits sse | ymm
 352     __ cmpl(rax, 0x10000);
 353     __ jccb(Assembler::notEqual, legacy_setup); // jump if EVEX is not supported
 354     // check _cpuid_info.xem_xcr0_eax.bits.opmask
 355     // check _cpuid_info.xem_xcr0_eax.bits.zmm512
 356     // check _cpuid_info.xem_xcr0_eax.bits.zmm32
 357     __ movl(rax, 0xE0);
 358     __ andl(rax, Address(rbp, in_bytes(VM_Version::xem_xcr0_offset()))); // xcr0 bits sse | ymm
 359     __ cmpl(rax, 0xE0);
 360     __ jccb(Assembler::notEqual, legacy_setup); // jump if EVEX is not supported
 362     // EVEX setup: run in lowest evex mode
 363     VM_Version::set_evex_cpuFeatures(); // Enable temporary to pass asserts
 364     UseAVX = 3;
 365     UseSSE = 2;
 366     // load value into all 64 bytes of zmm7 register
 367     __ movl(rcx, VM_Version::ymm_test_value());
 368     __ movdl(xmm0, rcx);
 369     __ movl(rcx, 0xffff);
 370 #ifdef _LP64
 371     __ kmovql(k1, rcx);
 372 #else
 373     __ kmovdl(k1, rcx);
 374 #endif
 375     __ evpbroadcastd(xmm0, xmm0, Assembler::AVX_512bit);
 376     __ evmovdqu(xmm7, xmm0, Assembler::AVX_512bit);
 377 #ifdef _LP64
 378     __ evmovdqu(xmm8, xmm0, Assembler::AVX_512bit);
 379     __ evmovdqu(xmm31, xmm0, Assembler::AVX_512bit);
 380 #endif
 381     VM_Version::clean_cpuFeatures();
 382     __ jmp(save_restore_except);
 384     __ bind(legacy_setup);
 385     // AVX setup
 386     VM_Version::set_avx_cpuFeatures(); // Enable temporary to pass asserts
 387     UseAVX = 1;
 388     UseSSE = 2;
 389     // load value into all 32 bytes of ymm7 register
 390     __ movl(rcx, VM_Version::ymm_test_value());
 392     __ movdl(xmm0, rcx);
 393     __ pshufd(xmm0, xmm0, 0x00);
 394     __ vinsertf128h(xmm0, xmm0, xmm0);
 395     __ vmovdqu(xmm7, xmm0);
 396 #ifdef _LP64
 397     __ vmovdqu(xmm8, xmm0);
 398     __ vmovdqu(xmm15, xmm0);
 399 #endif
 400     VM_Version::clean_cpuFeatures();
 402     __ bind(save_restore_except);
 403     __ xorl(rsi, rsi);
 404     VM_Version::set_cpuinfo_segv_addr(__ pc());
 405     // Generate SEGV
 406     __ movl(rax, Address(rsi, 0));
 408     VM_Version::set_cpuinfo_cont_addr(__ pc());
 409     // Returns here after signal. Save xmm0 to check it later.
 411     // check _cpuid_info.sef_cpuid7_ebx.bits.avx512f
 412     __ lea(rsi, Address(rbp, in_bytes(VM_Version::sef_cpuid7_offset())));
 413     __ movl(rax, 0x10000);
 414     __ andl(rax, Address(rsi, 4));
 415     __ cmpl(rax, 0x10000);
 416     __ jccb(Assembler::notEqual, legacy_save_restore);
 417     // check _cpuid_info.xem_xcr0_eax.bits.opmask
 418     // check _cpuid_info.xem_xcr0_eax.bits.zmm512
 419     // check _cpuid_info.xem_xcr0_eax.bits.zmm32
 420     __ movl(rax, 0xE0);
 421     __ andl(rax, Address(rbp, in_bytes(VM_Version::xem_xcr0_offset()))); // xcr0 bits sse | ymm
 422     __ cmpl(rax, 0xE0);
 423     __ jccb(Assembler::notEqual, legacy_save_restore);
 425     // EVEX check: run in lowest evex mode
 426     VM_Version::set_evex_cpuFeatures(); // Enable temporary to pass asserts
 427     UseAVX = 3;
 428     UseSSE = 2;
 429     __ lea(rsi, Address(rbp, in_bytes(VM_Version::zmm_save_offset())));
 430     __ evmovdqu(Address(rsi, 0), xmm0, Assembler::AVX_512bit);
 431     __ evmovdqu(Address(rsi, 64), xmm7, Assembler::AVX_512bit);
 432 #ifdef _LP64
 433     __ evmovdqu(Address(rsi, 128), xmm8, Assembler::AVX_512bit);
 434     __ evmovdqu(Address(rsi, 192), xmm31, Assembler::AVX_512bit);
 435 #endif
 436     VM_Version::clean_cpuFeatures();
 437     UseAVX = saved_useavx;
 438     UseSSE = saved_usesse;
 439     __ jmp(wrapup);
 441     __ bind(legacy_save_restore);
 442     // AVX check
 443     VM_Version::set_avx_cpuFeatures(); // Enable temporary to pass asserts
 444     UseAVX = 1;
 445     UseSSE = 2;
 446     __ lea(rsi, Address(rbp, in_bytes(VM_Version::ymm_save_offset())));
 447     __ vmovdqu(Address(rsi, 0), xmm0);
 448     __ vmovdqu(Address(rsi, 32), xmm7);
 449 #ifdef _LP64
 450     __ vmovdqu(Address(rsi, 64), xmm8);
 451     __ vmovdqu(Address(rsi, 96), xmm15);
 452 #endif
 453     VM_Version::clean_cpuFeatures();
 454     UseAVX = saved_useavx;
 455     UseSSE = saved_usesse;
 457     __ bind(wrapup);
 458     __ popf();
 459     __ pop(rsi);
 460     __ pop(rbx);
 461     __ pop(rbp);
 462     __ ret(0);
 464 #   undef __
 466     return start;
 467   };
 468 };
 471 void VM_Version::get_cpu_info_wrapper() {
 472   get_cpu_info_stub(&_cpuid_info);
 473 }
 477 #endif

 541   if (!os::supports_sse())
 542     _cpuFeatures &= ~(CPU_SSE|CPU_SSE2|CPU_SSE3|CPU_SSSE3|CPU_SSE4A|CPU_SSE4_1|CPU_SSE4_2);
 544   if (UseSSE < 4) {
 545     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_SSE4_1;
 546     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_SSE4_2;
 547   }
 549   if (UseSSE < 3) {
 550     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_SSE3;
 551     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_SSSE3;
 552     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_SSE4A;
 553   }
 555   if (UseSSE < 2)
 556     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_SSE2;
 558   if (UseSSE < 1)
 559     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_SSE;
 561   // first try initial setting and detect what we can support
 562   if (UseAVX > 0) {
 563     if (UseAVX > 2 && supports_evex()) {
 564       UseAVX = 3;
 565     } else if (UseAVX > 1 && supports_avx2()) {
 566       UseAVX = 2;
 567     } else if (UseAVX > 0 && supports_avx()) {
 568       UseAVX = 1;
 569     } else {
 570       UseAVX = 0;
 571     }
 572   } else if (UseAVX < 0) {
 573     UseAVX = 0;
 574   }
 576   if (UseAVX < 3) {
 577     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_AVX512F;
 578     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_AVX512DQ;
 579     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_AVX512CD;
 580     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_AVX512BW;
 581     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_AVX512VL;
 582   }
 584   if (UseAVX < 2)
 585     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_AVX2;
 587   if (UseAVX < 1)
 588     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_AVX;
 590   if (!UseAES && !FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAES))
 591     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_AES;
 593   if (logical_processors_per_package() == 1) {
 594     // HT processor could be installed on a system which doesn't support HT.
 595     _cpuFeatures &= ~CPU_HT;
 596   }
 598   char buf[256];
 599   jio_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "(%u cores per cpu, %u threads per core) family %d model %d stepping %d%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
 600                cores_per_cpu(), threads_per_core(),
 601                cpu_family(), _model, _stepping,
 602                (supports_cmov() ? ", cmov" : ""),
 603                (supports_cmpxchg8() ? ", cx8" : ""),
 604                (supports_fxsr() ? ", fxsr" : ""),
 605                (supports_mmx()  ? ", mmx"  : ""),
 606                (supports_sse()  ? ", sse"  : ""),
 607                (supports_sse2() ? ", sse2" : ""),
 608                (supports_sse3() ? ", sse3" : ""),
 609                (supports_ssse3()? ", ssse3": ""),
 610                (supports_sse4_1() ? ", sse4.1" : ""),
 611                (supports_sse4_2() ? ", sse4.2" : ""),
 612                (supports_popcnt() ? ", popcnt" : ""),
 613                (supports_avx()    ? ", avx" : ""),
 614                (supports_avx2()   ? ", avx2" : ""),
 615                (supports_aes()    ? ", aes" : ""),
 616                (supports_clmul()  ? ", clmul" : ""),
 617                (supports_erms()   ? ", erms" : ""),
 618                (supports_rtm()    ? ", rtm" : ""),
 619                (supports_mmx_ext() ? ", mmxext" : ""),
 620                (supports_3dnow_prefetch() ? ", 3dnowpref" : ""),
 621                (supports_lzcnt()   ? ", lzcnt": ""),
 622                (supports_sse4a()   ? ", sse4a": ""),
 623                (supports_ht() ? ", ht": ""),
 624                (supports_tsc() ? ", tsc": ""),
 625                (supports_tscinv_bit() ? ", tscinvbit": ""),
 626                (supports_tscinv() ? ", tscinv": ""),
 627                (supports_bmi1() ? ", bmi1" : ""),
 628                (supports_bmi2() ? ", bmi2" : ""),
 629                (supports_adx() ? ", adx" : ""),
 630                (supports_evex() ? ", evex" : ""));
 631   _features_str = os::strdup(buf);
 633   // UseSSE is set to the smaller of what hardware supports and what
 634   // the command line requires.  I.e., you cannot set UseSSE to 2 on
 635   // older Pentiums which do not support it.
 636   if (UseSSE > 4) UseSSE=4;
 637   if (UseSSE < 0) UseSSE=0;
 638   if (!supports_sse4_1()) // Drop to 3 if no SSE4 support
 639     UseSSE = MIN2((intx)3,UseSSE);
 640   if (!supports_sse3()) // Drop to 2 if no SSE3 support
 641     UseSSE = MIN2((intx)2,UseSSE);
 642   if (!supports_sse2()) // Drop to 1 if no SSE2 support
 643     UseSSE = MIN2((intx)1,UseSSE);
 644   if (!supports_sse ()) // Drop to 0 if no SSE  support
 645     UseSSE = 0;

 647   // Use AES instructions if available.
 648   if (supports_aes()) {
 649     if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAES)) {
 650       UseAES = true;
 651     }
 652   } else if (UseAES) {
 653     if (!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAES))
 654       warning("AES instructions are not available on this CPU");
 655     FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseAES, false);
 656   }
 658   // Use CLMUL instructions if available.
 659   if (supports_clmul()) {
 660     if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseCLMUL)) {
 661       UseCLMUL = true;
 662     }
 663   } else if (UseCLMUL) {
 664     if (!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseCLMUL))
 665       warning("CLMUL instructions not available on this CPU (AVX may also be required)");
 666     FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseCLMUL, false);

 697     FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSHA1Intrinsics, false);
 698     FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSHA256Intrinsics, false);
 699     FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSHA512Intrinsics, false);
 700   }
 702   // Adjust RTM (Restricted Transactional Memory) flags
 703   if (!supports_rtm() && UseRTMLocking) {
 704     // Can't continue because UseRTMLocking affects UseBiasedLocking flag
 705     // setting during arguments processing. See use_biased_locking().
 706     // VM_Version_init() is executed after UseBiasedLocking is used
 707     // in Thread::allocate().
 708     vm_exit_during_initialization("RTM instructions are not available on this CPU");
 709   }
 712   if (UseRTMLocking) {
 713     if (is_intel_family_core()) {
 714       if ((_model == CPU_MODEL_HASWELL_E3) ||
 715           (_model == CPU_MODEL_HASWELL_E7 && _stepping < 3) ||
 716           (_model == CPU_MODEL_BROADWELL  && _stepping < 4)) {
 717         // currently a collision between SKL and HSW_E3
 718         if (!UnlockExperimentalVMOptions && UseAVX < 3) {
 719           vm_exit_during_initialization("UseRTMLocking is only available as experimental option on this platform. It must be enabled via -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions flag.");
 720         } else {
 721           warning("UseRTMLocking is only available as experimental option on this platform.");
 722         }
 723       }
 724     }
 725     if (!FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(UseRTMLocking)) {
 726       // RTM locking should be used only for applications with
 727       // high lock contention. For now we do not use it by default.
 728       vm_exit_during_initialization("UseRTMLocking flag should be only set on command line");
 729     }
 730     if (!is_power_of_2(RTMTotalCountIncrRate)) {
 731       warning("RTMTotalCountIncrRate must be a power of 2, resetting it to 64");
 732       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(RTMTotalCountIncrRate, 64);
 733     }
 734     if (RTMAbortRatio < 0 || RTMAbortRatio > 100) {
 735       warning("RTMAbortRatio must be in the range 0 to 100, resetting it to 50");
 736       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(RTMAbortRatio, 50);
 737     }
 738   } else { // !UseRTMLocking

 751   }
 752 #else
 753   if (UseRTMLocking) {
 754     // Only C2 does RTM locking optimization.
 755     // Can't continue because UseRTMLocking affects UseBiasedLocking flag
 756     // setting during arguments processing. See use_biased_locking().
 757     vm_exit_during_initialization("RTM locking optimization is not supported in this VM");
 758   }
 759 #endif
 761 #ifdef COMPILER2
 762   if (UseFPUForSpilling) {
 763     if (UseSSE < 2) {
 764       // Only supported with SSE2+
 765       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseFPUForSpilling, false);
 766     }
 767   }
 768   if (MaxVectorSize > 0) {
 769     if (!is_power_of_2(MaxVectorSize)) {
 770       warning("MaxVectorSize must be a power of 2");
 771       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(MaxVectorSize, 64);
 772     }
 773     if (MaxVectorSize > 64) {
 774       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(MaxVectorSize, 64);
 775     }
 776     if (MaxVectorSize > 16 && (UseAVX == 0 || !os_supports_avx_vectors())) {
 777       // 32 bytes vectors (in YMM) are only supported with AVX+
 778       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(MaxVectorSize, 16);
 779     }
 780     if (UseSSE < 2) {
 781       // Vectors (in XMM) are only supported with SSE2+
 782       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(MaxVectorSize, 0);
 783     }
 784 #ifdef ASSERT
 785     if (supports_avx() && PrintMiscellaneous && Verbose && TraceNewVectors) {
 786       tty->print_cr("State of YMM registers after signal handle:");
 787       int nreg = 2 LP64_ONLY(+2);
 788       const char* ymm_name[4] = {"0", "7", "8", "15"};
 789       for (int i = 0; i < nreg; i++) {
 790         tty->print("YMM%s:", ymm_name[i]);
 791         for (int j = 7; j >=0; j--) {
 792           tty->print(" %x", _cpuid_info.ymm_save[i*8 + j]);
 793         }
 794         tty->cr();

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