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  43  * Adds aliasing to ZipFileSystem to support multi-release jar files.  An alias map
  44  * is created by {@link JarFileSystem#createVersionedLinks(int)}.  The map is then
  45  * consulted when an entry is looked up in {@link JarFileSystem#getInode(byte[])}
  46  * to determine if the entry has a corresponding versioned entry.  If so, the
  47  * versioned entry is returned.
  48  *
  49  * @author Steve Drach
  50  */
  51 class JarFileSystem extends ZipFileSystem {
  52     // lookup needs to be initialized because isMultiReleaseJar is called before createVersionedLinks
  53     private Function<byte[], byte[]> lookup = path -> path;
  55     @Override
  56     IndexNode getInode(byte[] path) {
  57         // check for an alias to a versioned entry
  58         return super.getInode(lookup.apply(path));
  59     }
  61     JarFileSystem(ZipFileSystemProvider provider, Path zfpath, Map<String,?> env) throws IOException {
  62         super(provider, zfpath, env);
  63         if (isMultiReleaseJar()) {

  64             int version;
  65             Object o = env.get("multi-release");
  66             if (o instanceof String) {
  67                 String s = (String)o;
  68                 if (s.equals("runtime")) {
  69                     version = Runtime.version().feature();
  70                 } else {
  71                     version = Integer.parseInt(s);
  72                 }
  73             } else if (o instanceof Integer) {
  74                 version = (Integer)o;
  75             } else if (o instanceof Version) {
  76                 version = ((Version)o).feature();
  77             } else {
  78                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("env parameter must be String, Integer, "
  79                         + "or Version");
  80             }
  81             createVersionedLinks(version < 0 ? 0 : version);
  82             setReadOnly();
  83         }
  84     }

  86     private boolean isMultiReleaseJar() throws IOException {
  87         try (InputStream is = newInputStream(getBytes("/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"))) {
  88             String multiRelease = new Manifest(is).getMainAttributes()
  89                 .getValue(Attributes.Name.MULTI_RELEASE);
  90             return "true".equalsIgnoreCase(multiRelease);
  91         } catch (NoSuchFileException x) {
  92             return false;
  93         }
  94     }
  96     /**
  97      * create a map of aliases for versioned entries, for example:
  98      *   version/PackagePrivate.class -> META-INF/versions/9/version/PackagePrivate.class
  99      *   version/PackagePrivate.java -> META-INF/versions/9/version/PackagePrivate.java
 100      *   version/Version.class -> META-INF/versions/10/version/Version.class
 101      *   version/Version.java -> META-INF/versions/10/version/Version.java
 102      *
 103      * then wrap the map in a function that getEntry can use to override root
 104      * entry lookup for entries that have corresponding versioned entries
 105      */

  43  * Adds aliasing to ZipFileSystem to support multi-release jar files.  An alias map
  44  * is created by {@link JarFileSystem#createVersionedLinks(int)}.  The map is then
  45  * consulted when an entry is looked up in {@link JarFileSystem#getInode(byte[])}
  46  * to determine if the entry has a corresponding versioned entry.  If so, the
  47  * versioned entry is returned.
  48  *
  49  * @author Steve Drach
  50  */
  51 class JarFileSystem extends ZipFileSystem {
  52     // lookup needs to be initialized because isMultiReleaseJar is called before createVersionedLinks
  53     private Function<byte[], byte[]> lookup = path -> path;
  55     @Override
  56     IndexNode getInode(byte[] path) {
  57         // check for an alias to a versioned entry
  58         return super.getInode(lookup.apply(path));
  59     }
  61     JarFileSystem(ZipFileSystemProvider provider, Path zfpath, Map<String,?> env) throws IOException {
  62         super(provider, zfpath, env);
  63         Object o = getRuntimeVersion(env);
  64         if (isMultiReleaseJar() && (o != null)) {
  65             int version;

  66             if (o instanceof String) {
  67                 String s = (String)o;
  68                 if (s.equals("runtime")) {
  69                     version = Runtime.version().feature();
  70                 } else {
  71                     version = Version.parse(s).feature();
  72                 }
  73             } else if (o instanceof Integer) {
  74                 version = Version.parse(((Integer)o).toString()).feature();
  75             } else if (o instanceof Version) {
  76                 version = ((Version)o).feature();
  77             } else {
  78                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("env parameter must be String, Integer, "
  79                         + "or Version");
  80             }
  81             createVersionedLinks(version < 0 ? 0 : version);
  82             setReadOnly();
  83         }
  84     }
  86     /**
  87      * Utility method to get the release version for a multi-release JAR.  It
  88      * first checks the documented property {@code releaseVersion} and if not
  89      * found checks the original property {@code multi-release}
  90      * @param env  ZIP FS map
  91      * @return  release version or null if it is not specified
  92      */
  93     private Object getRuntimeVersion(Map<String, ?> env) {
  95         Object o = null;
  96         if( env.containsKey(ZipFileSystemProvider.RELEASE_VERSION)) {
  97             o = env.get(ZipFileSystemProvider.RELEASE_VERSION);
  98         } else {
  99             o = env.get(ZipFileSystemProvider.MULTI_RELEASE);
 100         }
 101         return   o;
 102     }
 104     private boolean isMultiReleaseJar() throws IOException {
 105         try (InputStream is = newInputStream(getBytes("/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"))) {
 106             String multiRelease = new Manifest(is).getMainAttributes()
 107                 .getValue(Attributes.Name.MULTI_RELEASE);
 108             return "true".equalsIgnoreCase(multiRelease);
 109         } catch (NoSuchFileException x) {
 110             return false;
 111         }
 112     }
 114     /**
 115      * create a map of aliases for versioned entries, for example:
 116      *   version/PackagePrivate.class -> META-INF/versions/9/version/PackagePrivate.class
 117      *   version/PackagePrivate.java -> META-INF/versions/9/version/PackagePrivate.java
 118      *   version/Version.class -> META-INF/versions/10/version/Version.class
 119      *   version/Version.java -> META-INF/versions/10/version/Version.java
 120      *
 121      * then wrap the map in a function that getEntry can use to override root
 122      * entry lookup for entries that have corresponding versioned entries
 123      */

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