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 130  *
 131  * The following properties may be specified when creating a Zip
 132  * file system:
 133  * <table class="striped">
 134  * <caption style="display:none">
 135  *     Configurable properties that may be specified when creating
 136  *     a new Zip file system
 137  * </caption>
 138  * <thead>
 139  *   <tr>
 140  *     <th scope="col">Property Name</th>
 141  *     <th scope="col">Data Type</th>
 142  *     <th scope="col">Default Value</th>
 143  *     <th scope="col">Description</th>
 144  *   </tr>
 145  * </thead>
 146  *
 147  * <tbody>
 148  * <tr>
 149  *   <th scope="row">create</th>
 150  *   <td>java.lang.String</td>
 151  *   <td>false</td>
 152  *   <td>
 153  *       If the value is {@code true}, the Zip file system provider
 154  *       creates a new Zip or JAR file if it does not exist.
 155  *   </td>
 156  * </tr>
 157  * <tr>
 158  *   <th scope="row">encoding</th>
 159  *   <td>java.lang.String</td>
 160  *   <td>UTF-8</td>
 161  *   <td>
 162  *       The value indicates the encoding scheme for the
 163  *       names of the entries in the Zip or JAR file.
 164  *   </td>
 165  * </tr>
 166  * <tr>
 167  *   <td scope="row">enablePosixFileAttributes</td>
 168  *   <td>java.lang.String</td>
 169  *   <td>false</td>
 170  *   <td>
 171  *       If the value is {@code true}, the Zip file system will support
 172  *       the {@link java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFileAttributeView PosixFileAttributeView}.
 173  *   </td>
 174  * </tr>
 175  * <tr>
 176  *   <td scope="row">defaultOwner</td>
 177  *   <td>{@link java.nio.file.attribute.UserPrincipal UserPrincipal}<br> or java.lang.String</td>

 178  *   <td>null/unset</td>
 179  *   <td>
 180  *       Override the default owner for entries in the Zip file system.<br>
 181  *       The value can be a UserPrincipal or a String value that is used as the UserPrincipal's name.
 182  *   </td>
 183  * </tr>
 184  * <tr>
 185  *   <td scope="row">defaultGroup</td>
 186  *   <td>{@link java.nio.file.attribute.GroupPrincipal GroupPrincipal}<br> or java.lang.String</td>

 187  *   <td>null/unset</td>
 188  *   <td>
 189  *       Override the the default group for entries in the Zip file system.<br>
 190  *       The value can be a GroupPrincipal or a String value that is used as the GroupPrincipal's name.
 191  *   </td>
 192  * </tr>
 193  * <tr>
 194  *   <td scope="row">defaultPermissions</td>
 195  *   <td>{@link java.util.Set Set}&lt;{@link java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission PosixFilePermission}&gt;<br>
 196  *       or java.lang.String</td>
 197  *   <td>null/unset</td>
 198  *   <td>
 199  *       Override the default Set of permissions for entries in the Zip file system.<br>
 200  *       The value can be a {@link java.util.Set Set}&lt;{@link java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission PosixFilePermission}&gt; or<br>
 201  *       a String that is parsed by {@link java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermissions#fromString PosixFilePermissions::fromString}
 202  *   </td>
 203  * </tr>

 204  * </tbody>
 205  * </table>
 206  *
 207  * <h2>Examples:</h2>
 208  *
 209  * Construct a new Zip file system that is identified by a URI.  If the Zip file does not exist,
 210  * it will be created:
 211  * <pre>
 212  * {@code
 213  *
 214  *     URI uri = URI.create("jar:file:/home/luckydog/tennisTeam.zip");
 215  *     Map<String, String> env = Map.of("create", "true");
 216  *     FileSystem zipfs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(uri, env);
 217  * }
 218  * </pre>
 219  *
 220  * Construct a new Zip file system that is identified by specifying a path
 221  * and using automatic file type detection. Iterate from the root of the JAR displaying each
 222  * found entry:
 223  * <pre>
 224  * {@code
 225  *
 226  *     FileSystem zipfs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(Path.of("helloworld.jar"), null);
 227  *     Path rootDir = zipfs.getPath("/");
 228  *     Files.walk(rootDir)
 229  *            .forEach(System.out::println);
 230  * }
 231  * </pre>
 232  * @provides java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider
 233  * @moduleGraph
 234  * @since 9
 235  */
 236 module jdk.zipfs {
 237     provides java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider with
 238         jdk.nio.zipfs.ZipFileSystemProvider;
 239 }

 130  *
 131  * The following properties may be specified when creating a Zip
 132  * file system:
 133  * <table class="striped">
 134  * <caption style="display:none">
 135  *     Configurable properties that may be specified when creating
 136  *     a new Zip file system
 137  * </caption>
 138  * <thead>
 139  *   <tr>
 140  *     <th scope="col">Property Name</th>
 141  *     <th scope="col">Data Type</th>
 142  *     <th scope="col">Default Value</th>
 143  *     <th scope="col">Description</th>
 144  *   </tr>
 145  * </thead>
 146  *
 147  * <tbody>
 148  * <tr>
 149  *   <th scope="row">create</th>
 150  *   <td>{@link java.lang.String} or {@link java.lang.Boolean}</td>
 151  *   <td>false</td>
 152  *   <td>
 153  *       If the value is {@code true}, the Zip file system provider
 154  *       creates a new Zip or JAR file if it does not exist.
 155  *   </td>
 156  * </tr>
 157  * <tr>
 158  *   <th scope="row">encoding</th>
 159  *   <td>{@link java.lang.String}</td>
 160  *   <td>UTF-8</td>
 161  *   <td>
 162  *       The value indicates the encoding scheme for the
 163  *       names of the entries in the Zip or JAR file.
 164  *   </td>
 165  * </tr>
 166  * <tr>
 167  *   <th scope="row">enablePosixFileAttributes</th>
 168  *   <td>{@link java.lang.String} or {@link java.lang.Boolean}</td>
 169  *   <td>false</td>
 170  *   <td>
 171  *       If the value is {@code true}, the Zip file system will support
 172  *       the {@link java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFileAttributeView PosixFileAttributeView}.
 173  *   </td>
 174  * </tr>
 175  * <tr>
 176  *   <th scope="row">defaultOwner</th>
 177  *   <td>{@link java.nio.file.attribute.UserPrincipal UserPrincipal}<br> or
 178  *   {@link java.lang.String}</td>
 179  *   <td>null/unset</td>
 180  *   <td>
 181  *       Override the default owner for entries in the Zip file system.<br>
 182  *       The value can be a UserPrincipal or a String value that is used as the UserPrincipal's name.
 183  *   </td>
 184  * </tr>
 185  * <tr>
 186  *   <th scope="row">defaultGroup</th>
 187  *   <td>{@link java.nio.file.attribute.GroupPrincipal GroupPrincipal}<br> or
 188  *   {@link java.lang.String}</td>
 189  *   <td>null/unset</td>
 190  *   <td>
 191  *       Override the the default group for entries in the Zip file system.<br>
 192  *       The value can be a GroupPrincipal or a String value that is used as the GroupPrincipal's name.
 193  *   </td>
 194  * </tr>
 195  * <tr>
 196  *   <th scope="row">defaultPermissions</th>
 197  *   <td>{@link java.util.Set Set}&lt;{@link java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission PosixFilePermission}&gt;<br>
 198  *       or {@link java.lang.String}</td>
 199  *   <td>null/unset</td>
 200  *   <td>
 201  *       Override the default Set of permissions for entries in the Zip file system.<br>
 202  *       The value can be a {@link java.util.Set Set}&lt;{@link java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission PosixFilePermission}&gt; or<br>
 203  *       a String that is parsed by {@link java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermissions#fromString PosixFilePermissions::fromString}
 204  *   </td>
 205  * </tr>
 206  * <tr>
 207  *   <th scope="row">compressionMethod</th>
 208  *   <td>{@link java.lang.String}</td>
 209  *   <td>DEFLATED</td>
 210  *   <td>
 211  *       The value representing the compression method to use when adding entries
 212  *       to the Zip file system.
 213  *       <ul>
 214  *           <li>
 215  *               If the value is {@code STORED}, the Zip file system provider will
 216  *               not compress entries when writing to the Zip file system.
 217  *           </li>
 218  *           <li>
 219  *               If the value is {@code DEFLATED} or the property is not set,
 220  *               the Zip file system provider will use data compression when
 221  *               writing entries to the Zip file system.
 222  *           </li>
 223  *           <li>
 224  *               If the value is not {@code STORED} or {@code DEFLATED}, an
 225  *               {@code IllegalArgumentException} will be thrown.
 226  *           </li>
 227  *       </ul>
 228  *   </td>
 229  * </tr>
 230  * <tr>
 231  *   <th scope="row">releaseVersion</th>
 232  *   <td>{@link java.lang.String} or {@link java.lang.Integer} or
 233  *   {@link java.lang.Runtime.Version}</td>
 234  *   <td>null/unset</td>
 235  *   <td>
 236  *       A value representing the version entry to use when accessing a
 237  *       multi-release JAR. If the JAR is not a multi-release JAR, the value
 238  *       will be ignored and the JAR will considered un-versioned.
 239  *
 240  *       <p>
 241  *
 242  *       <ul>
 243  *           <li>
 244  *               If the value is {@code null} or the property is not set,
 245  *               then the JAR will be treated as an un-versioned JAR.
 246  *           </li>
 247  *           <li>
 248  *               If the value is {@code "runtime"} or is a
 249  *               {@linkplain java.lang.Runtime.Version Version} Object, the
 250  *               version entry will be determined by invoking
 251  *               {@linkplain Runtime.Version#feature() Version.feature()}.
 252  *           </li>
 253  *           <li>
 254  *               If the Object is a {@linkplain java.lang.String} or an
 255  *               {@linkplain java.lang.Integer}, its value must represent a valid
 256  *               {@linkplain Runtime.Version Java SE Platform version number},
 257  *               such as {@code 9}, {@code 11.0.1}, or {@code 14} in order to
 258  *               determine the version entry.
 259  *           </li>
 260  *           <li>
 261  *               If the value does not represent a valid
 262  *               {@linkplain Runtime.Version Java SE Platform version number},
 263  *               an {@code IllegalArgumentException} will be thrown.
 264  *           </li>
 265  *       </ul>
 266  *   </td>
 267  * </tr>
 268  *  </tbody>
 269  * </table>
 270  *
 271  * <h2>Examples:</h2>
 272  *
 273  * Construct a new Zip file system that is identified by a URI.  If the Zip file does not exist,
 274  * it will be created:
 275  * <pre>
 276  * {@code
 277  *
 278  *     URI uri = URI.create("jar:file:/home/luckydog/tennisTeam.zip");
 279  *     Map<String, String> env = Map.of("create", "true");
 280  *     FileSystem zipfs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(uri, env);
 281  * }
 282  * </pre>
 283  *
 284  * Construct a new Zip file system that is identified by specifying a path
 285  * and using automatic file type detection. Iterate from the root of the JAR displaying each
 286  * found entry:
 287  * <pre>
 288  * {@code
 289  *
 290  *     FileSystem zipfs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(Path.of("helloworld.jar"));
 291  *     Path rootDir = zipfs.getPath("/");
 292  *     Files.walk(rootDir)
 293  *            .forEach(System.out::println);
 294  * }
 295  * </pre>
 296  * @provides java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider
 297  * @moduleGraph
 298  * @since 9
 299  */
 300 module jdk.zipfs {
 301     provides java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider with
 302         jdk.nio.zipfs.ZipFileSystemProvider;
 303 }
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