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Print this page

 127   void         verify() PRODUCT_RETURN;
 128   void         print()  PRODUCT_RETURN;
 129 };
 132 // Condensed information from constant pool to use to resolve the method or field.
 133 //   resolved_klass = specified class (i.e., static receiver class)
 134 //   current_klass  = sending method holder (i.e., class containing the method
 135 //                    containing the call being resolved)
 136 //   current_method = sending method (relevant for field resolution)
 137 class LinkInfo : public StackObj {
 138   Symbol*     _name;            // extracted from JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType
 139   Symbol*     _signature;
 140   Klass*      _resolved_klass;  // class that the constant pool entry points to
 141   Klass*      _current_klass;   // class that owns the constant pool
 142   methodHandle _current_method;  // sending method
 143   bool        _check_access;
 144   constantTag _tag;
 146  public:
 147   enum AccessCheck {
 148     needs_access_check,
 149     skip_access_check
 150   };
 152   LinkInfo(const constantPoolHandle& pool, int index, const methodHandle& current_method, TRAPS);
 153   LinkInfo(const constantPoolHandle& pool, int index, TRAPS);
 155   // Condensed information from other call sites within the vm.
 156   LinkInfo(Klass* resolved_klass, Symbol* name, Symbol* signature, Klass* current_klass,
 157            AccessCheck check_access = needs_access_check,
 158            constantTag tag = JVM_CONSTANT_Invalid) :
 159     _name(name),
 160     _signature(signature), _resolved_klass(resolved_klass), _current_klass(current_klass), _current_method(methodHandle()),
 161     _check_access(check_access == needs_access_check), _tag(tag) {}
 163   LinkInfo(Klass* resolved_klass, Symbol* name, Symbol* signature, const methodHandle& current_method,
 164            AccessCheck check_access = needs_access_check,
 165            constantTag tag = JVM_CONSTANT_Invalid) :
 166     _name(name),
 167     _signature(signature), _resolved_klass(resolved_klass), _current_klass(current_method->method_holder()), _current_method(current_method),
 168     _check_access(check_access == needs_access_check), _tag(tag) {}
 170   // Case where we just find the method and don't check access against the current class
 171   LinkInfo(Klass* resolved_klass, Symbol*name, Symbol* signature) :
 172     _name(name),
 173     _signature(signature), _resolved_klass(resolved_klass), _current_klass(NULL), _current_method(methodHandle()),
 174     _check_access(false), _tag(JVM_CONSTANT_Invalid) {}
 176   // accessors
 177   Symbol* name() const               { return _name; }
 178   Symbol* signature() const          { return _signature; }
 179   Klass* resolved_klass() const      { return _resolved_klass; }
 180   Klass* current_klass() const       { return _current_klass; }
 181   Method* current_method() const     { return _current_method(); }
 182   constantTag tag() const            { return _tag; }
 183   bool check_access() const          { return _check_access; }
 185   void         print()  PRODUCT_RETURN;
 186 };
 188 // Link information for getfield/putfield & getstatic/putstatic bytecodes

 127   void         verify() PRODUCT_RETURN;
 128   void         print()  PRODUCT_RETURN;
 129 };
 132 // Condensed information from constant pool to use to resolve the method or field.
 133 //   resolved_klass = specified class (i.e., static receiver class)
 134 //   current_klass  = sending method holder (i.e., class containing the method
 135 //                    containing the call being resolved)
 136 //   current_method = sending method (relevant for field resolution)
 137 class LinkInfo : public StackObj {
 138   Symbol*     _name;            // extracted from JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType
 139   Symbol*     _signature;
 140   Klass*      _resolved_klass;  // class that the constant pool entry points to
 141   Klass*      _current_klass;   // class that owns the constant pool
 142   methodHandle _current_method;  // sending method
 143   bool        _check_access;
 144   constantTag _tag;
 146  public:
 147   enum class AccessCheck {
 148     needs_access_check,
 149     skip_access_check
 150   };
 152   LinkInfo(const constantPoolHandle& pool, int index, const methodHandle& current_method, TRAPS);
 153   LinkInfo(const constantPoolHandle& pool, int index, TRAPS);
 155   // Condensed information from other call sites within the vm.
 156   LinkInfo(Klass* resolved_klass, Symbol* name, Symbol* signature, Klass* current_klass,
 157            AccessCheck check_access = AccessCheck::needs_access_check,
 158            constantTag tag = JVM_CONSTANT_Invalid) :
 159     _name(name),
 160     _signature(signature), _resolved_klass(resolved_klass), _current_klass(current_klass), _current_method(methodHandle()),
 161     _check_access(check_access == AccessCheck::needs_access_check), _tag(tag) {}
 163   LinkInfo(Klass* resolved_klass, Symbol* name, Symbol* signature, const methodHandle& current_method,
 164            AccessCheck check_access = AccessCheck::needs_access_check,
 165            constantTag tag = JVM_CONSTANT_Invalid) :
 166     _name(name),
 167     _signature(signature), _resolved_klass(resolved_klass), _current_klass(current_method->method_holder()), _current_method(current_method),
 168     _check_access(check_access == AccessCheck::needs_access_check), _tag(tag) {}
 170   // Case where we just find the method and don't check access against the current class
 171   LinkInfo(Klass* resolved_klass, Symbol*name, Symbol* signature) :
 172     _name(name),
 173     _signature(signature), _resolved_klass(resolved_klass), _current_klass(NULL), _current_method(methodHandle()),
 174     _check_access(false), _tag(JVM_CONSTANT_Invalid) {}
 176   // accessors
 177   Symbol* name() const               { return _name; }
 178   Symbol* signature() const          { return _signature; }
 179   Klass* resolved_klass() const      { return _resolved_klass; }
 180   Klass* current_klass() const       { return _current_klass; }
 181   Method* current_method() const     { return _current_method(); }
 182   constantTag tag() const            { return _tag; }
 183   bool check_access() const          { return _check_access; }
 185   void         print()  PRODUCT_RETURN;
 186 };
 188 // Link information for getfield/putfield & getstatic/putstatic bytecodes

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