# Copyright (c) 2010, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # - Neither the name of Oracle nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS # IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR # PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle # It contains Locale specific strings used in the SwingSet demo. # # @author Jeff Dinkins ################################# ### SwingSet Infrastructure ### ################################# ### About Box ### AboutBox.title=About Swing! AboutBox.ok_button_text=OK AboutBox.accessible_description=SwingSet2 demo is Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ### Source Code ### SourceCode.loading=Loading and formatting source code, please wait... ### Status ### Status.loading=Loading: Status.popupMenuAccessible=Press Shift-F10 to activate popup menu ### Menu Bar ### MenuBar.accessible_description=Swing demo menu bar ### Frame ### Frame.title=SwingSet2 ### Tabbed Pane ### TabbedPane.src.labelAndMnemonic=Source Code TabbedPane.src_tooltip=Look at the source code for this demo ### Look & Feel Menu ### LafMenu.laf.labelAndMnemonic=&Look && Feel LafMenu.laf_accessible_description=Menu that allows Look && Feel switching LafMenu.java.labelAndMnemonic=&Java Look && Feel LafMenu.java_accessible_description=The Java Look && Feel LafMenu.nimbus.labelAndMnemonic=&Nimbus Look && Feel LafMenu.nimbus_accessible_description=The Nimbus Look && Feel LafMenu.mac.labelAndMnemonic=&Mac OS X Look && Feel LafMenu.mac_accessible_description=The Mac OS X Look && Feel LafMenu.motif.labelAndMnemonic=M&otif Look && Feel LafMenu.motif_accessible_description=The Motif Look && Feel LafMenu.windows.labelAndMnemonic=&Windows Style Look && Feel LafMenu.windows_accessible_description=Windows Style Look && Feel LafMenu.gtk.labelAndMnemonic=>K Style Look && Feel LafMenu.gtk_accessible_description=GTK Style Look && Feel ### Themes Menu ### ThemesMenu.themes.labelAndMnemonic=&Themes ThemesMenu.themes_accessible_description=Menu to switch Metal color themes ThemesMenu.aqua.labelAndMnemonic=A&qua ThemesMenu.aqua_accessible_description=A Metal Theme that uses bluish-green colors ThemesMenu.charcoal.labelAndMnemonic=&Charcoal ThemesMenu.charcoal_accessible_description=A Metal Theme that uses dark grey colors ThemesMenu.contrast.labelAndMnemonic=&High Contrast ThemesMenu.contrast_accessible_description=A High Contrast Theme ThemesMenu.ocean.labelAndMnemonic=&Ocean ThemesMenu.ocean_accessible_description=The Ocean Metal Theme ThemesMenu.steel.labelAndMnemonic=&Steel ThemesMenu.steel_accessible_description=The blue/purple Metal Theme ThemesMenu.emerald.labelAndMnemonic=&Emerald ThemesMenu.emerald_accessible_description=A Metal Theme that uses green colors ThemesMenu.ruby.labelAndMnemonic=&Ruby ThemesMenu.ruby_accessible_description=A Metal Theme that uses red colors ### Font SubMenu (under Themes) FontMenu.fonts.labelAndMnemonic=&Fonts FontMenu.fonts_accessible_description=Menu to choose fonts for the Java look and feel FontMenu.bold.labelAndMnemonic=&Bold FontMenu.bold_accessible_description=Turns on bold fonts for the Java look and feel FontMenu.plain.labelAndMnemonic=&Plain FontMenu.plain_accessible_description=Turns on plain fonts for the Java look and feel ### Audio SubMenu (under Themes) ### AudioMenu.audio.labelAndMnemonic=&Audio AudioMenu.audio_accessible_description=Menu to switch the amount of auditory feedback available within the Java look and feel AudioMenu.on.labelAndMnemonic=&On AudioMenu.on_accessible_description=Turn on all auditory feedback for the Java look and feel AudioMenu.default.labelAndMnemonic=&Default AudioMenu.default_accessible_description=Turn on the standard amount of auditory feedback for the Java look and feel AudioMenu.off.labelAndMnemonic=O&ff AudioMenu.off_accessible_description=Turn off all auditory feedback for the Java look and feel ### Options Menu ### OptionsMenu.options.labelAndMnemonic=O&ptions OptionsMenu.options_accessible_description=Menu containing other options OptionsMenu.tooltip.labelAndMnemonic=Enable &Tool Tips OptionsMenu.tooltip_accessible_description=Enable or disable tool tips OptionsMenu.dragEnabled.labelAndMnemonic=Enable &Drag Support OptionsMenu.dragEnabled_accessible_description=Enable or disable drag support ### File Menu ### FileMenu.file.labelAndMnemonic=&File FileMenu.accessible_description=File Menu FileMenu.about.labelAndMnemonic=A&bout FileMenu.about_accessible_description=Find out about the SwingSet2 application FileMenu.open.labelAndMnemonic=&Open FileMenu.open_accessible_description=Placeholder menu item for opening a file FileMenu.save.labelAndMnemonic=&Save FileMenu.save_accessible_description=Placeholder menu item for saving a file FileMenu.save_as.labelAndMnemonic=Save &As... FileMenu.save_as_accessible_description=Placeholder menu item for saving a file with a new name FileMenu.exit.labelAndMnemonic=E&xit FileMenu.exit_accessible_description=Exit the SwingSet2 application ### Multi-Screen menu ### MultiMenu.multi.labelAndMnemonic=&Multiscreen MultiMenu.multi_accessible_description=Multiscreen Menu MultiMenu.all.labelAndMnemonic=Cre&ate SwingSet2 on all screens MultiMenu.all_accessible_description=Create a SwingSet2 window on every screen MultiMenu.single.labelAndMnemonic=Create SwingSet2 on screen MultiMenu.single_accessible_description=Create a SwingSet2 window on screen ################################ ### DEMOS ### ################################ ### Button Demo ### ButtonDemo.accessible_description=The ButtonDemo shows examples of using JButton, JRadioButton, JToggleButton, and JCheckBox ButtonDemo.tooltip=JButton, JRadioButton, JToggleButton, JCheckbox demos ButtonDemo.name=Button Demo ButtonDemo.buttons=Buttons ButtonDemo.checkboxes=Check Boxes ButtonDemo.radiobuttons=Radio Buttons ButtonDemo.togglebuttons=Toggle Buttons ButtonDemo.textbuttons=Text Buttons ButtonDemo.imagebuttons=Image Buttons ButtonDemo.textradiobuttons=Text Radio Buttons ButtonDemo.imageradiobuttons=Image Radio Buttons ButtonDemo.texttogglebuttons=Text Toggle Buttons ButtonDemo.imagetogglebuttons=Image Toggle Buttons ButtonDemo.textcheckboxes=Text CheckBoxes ButtonDemo.imagecheckboxes=Image CheckBoxes ButtonDemo.button1=One ButtonDemo.button2=Two ButtonDemo.button3=Three! ButtonDemo.radio1=Radio One ButtonDemo.radio2=Radio Two ButtonDemo.radio3=Radio Three ButtonDemo.radioX=Three(HTML!) ButtonDemo.check1=One ButtonDemo.check2=Two ButtonDemo.check3=Three ButtonDemo.checkX=Three(HTML!) ButtonDemo.customradio=A custom "chrome" radio button. ButtonDemo.customcheck=A custom lightbulb checkbox. ButtonDemo.phone=Phone ButtonDemo.write=Write ButtonDemo.peace=Peace ButtonDemo.controlpanel.labelAndMnemonic=Display Options: ButtonDemo.paintborder.labelAndMnemonic=Paint &Border ButtonDemo.paintborder_tooltip=Click here to turn border painting on or off. ButtonDemo.paintfocus.labelAndMnemonic=Paint &Focus ButtonDemo.paintfocus_tooltip=Click here to turn focus painting on or off. ButtonDemo.enabled.labelAndMnemonic=&Enabled ButtonDemo.enabled_tooltip=Click here to enable or disable the buttons. ButtonDemo.contentfilled.labelAndMnemonic=Content F&illed ButtonDemo.contentfilled_tooltip=Click here to control the filling of the content area. ButtonDemo.padamount.labelAndMnemonic=Pad Amount: ButtonDemo.default.labelAndMnemonic=&Default ButtonDemo.default_tooltip=Uses the default padding between the border and label. ButtonDemo.zero.labelAndMnemonic=&0 ButtonDemo.zero_tooltip=Uses no padding between the border and label. ButtonDemo.ten.labelAndMnemonic=&10 ButtonDemo.ten_tooltip=Uses a 10 pixel pad between the border and label. LayoutControlPanel.textposition.labelAndMnemonic=Text Position: LayoutControlPanel.contentalignment.labelAndMnemonic=Content Alignment: ### ColorChooser Demo ### ColorChooserDemo.accessible_description=The ColorChooser allows a user to pick a color either from a pallete or by choosing RGB or HSB values ColorChooserDemo.tooltip=JColorChooser demo ColorChooserDemo.name=ColorChooser Demo ColorChooserDemo.chooser_title=Choose a Color ColorChooserDemo.background=Background ColorChooserDemo.grad_a=Gradient 1 ColorChooserDemo.grad_b=Gradient 2 ColorChooserDemo.outer_line=Perimeter ColorChooserDemo.cup=Image of the Java Trademark Coffee Cup ### ComboBox Demo ### ComboBoxDemo.accessible_description=This demo shows an example of using the JComboBox component. ComboBoxDemo.tooltip=JComboBox demo ComboBoxDemo.name=ComboBox Demo ComboBoxDemo.hair=hair ComboBoxDemo.eyes=eyes ComboBoxDemo.mouth=mouth ComboBoxDemo.presets=Presets: ComboBoxDemo.preset1=Philip, Howard, Jeff ComboBoxDemo.preset2=Jeff, Larry, Philip ComboBoxDemo.preset3=Howard, Scott, Hans ComboBoxDemo.preset4=Philip, Jeff, Hans ComboBoxDemo.preset5=Brent, Jon, Scott ComboBoxDemo.preset6=Lara, Larry, Lisa ComboBoxDemo.preset7=James, Philip, Michael ComboBoxDemo.preset8=Philip, Lisa, Brent ComboBoxDemo.preset9=James, Philip, Jon ComboBoxDemo.preset10=Lara, Jon, Scott ComboBoxDemo.hair_description=Hair: ComboBoxDemo.eyes_description=Eyes && Nose: ComboBoxDemo.mouth_description=Mouth: ComboBoxDemo.amy=Amy ComboBoxDemo.brent=Brent ComboBoxDemo.georges=Georges ComboBoxDemo.hans=Hans ComboBoxDemo.howard=Howard ComboBoxDemo.james=James ComboBoxDemo.jeff=Jeff ComboBoxDemo.jon=Jon ComboBoxDemo.lara=Lara ComboBoxDemo.larry=Larry ComboBoxDemo.lisa=Lisa ComboBoxDemo.michael=Michael ComboBoxDemo.philip=Philip ComboBoxDemo.scott=Scott ### FileChooser Demo ### FileChooserDemo.accessible_description=The FileChooser allows a user to select a file, usually for opening or creating/saving. FileChooserDemo.tooltip=JFileChooser demo FileChooserDemo.name=FileChooser Demo FileChooserDemo.plainbutton=Show Plain JFileChooser FileChooserDemo.previewbutton=Show Preview JFileChooser FileChooserDemo.custombutton=Show Custom JFileChooser FileChooserDemo.description=\ &  &  Note that you can easily create your own custom FileChooser
\ &  &  with as many components as you like. \ FileChooserDemo.filterdescription=JPEG and GIF Image Files FileChooserDemo.nofileselected=Please select a file first. FileChooserDemo.thefile=the file: FileChooserDemo.isprobably=is probably an image. FileChooserDemo.helptext=\ Find: Find a file.
\ About: Learn more about the file.
\ OK: Choose that file.
\ Cancel: Exit this dialog without doing anything.\ FileChooserDemo.findquestion=Find File: FileChooserDemo.findresponse=
\ You really want me to find a file?!?
\ I don't know how to do that! I'm just a demo!\
FileChooserDemo.dialogtitle=Custom Layout FileChooser FileChooserDemo.help=Help FileChooserDemo.find=Find FileChooserDemo.ok=OK FileChooserDemo.about=About FileChooserDemo.cancel=Cancel ### Html Demo ### HtmlDemo.accessible_description=This demo shows how to display html text using the JEditorPane component. HtmlDemo.tooltip=JEditorPane HTML demo HtmlDemo.name=JEditorPane HTML Demo HtmlDemo.filename=swing.html ### Internal Frame Demo ### InternalFrameDemo.accessible_description=JInternal Frame Demo InternalFrameDemo.create_frames.labelAndMnemonic=Create Customized Internal Frames InternalFrameDemo.title_text_field.labelAndMnemonic=Frame title: InternalFrameDemo.frame.labelAndMnemonic=Frame InternalFrameDemo.palette.labelAndMnemonic=Internal Frame Generator InternalFrameDemo.name=Internal Frames Demo InternalFrameDemo.tooltip=JInternalFrame demo InternalFrameDemo.closable.labelAndMnemonic=Closable InternalFrameDemo.resizable.labelAndMnemonic=Resizable InternalFrameDemo.iconifiable.labelAndMnemonic=Iconifiable InternalFrameDemo.maximizable.labelAndMnemonic=Maximizable InternalFrameDemo.toast=Cheers InternalFrameDemo.duke=Your Grace! InternalFrameDemo.duchess=Duchess InternalFrameDemo.cab=Anyone need a Taxi? ### List Demo ### ListDemo.accessible_description=JList Demo ListDemo.name=List Demo ListDemo.tooltip=JList demo ListDemo.prefixes=Prefixes ListDemo.suffixes=Suffixes ListDemo.count.labelAndMnemonic=Number of generated list entries: ListDemo.all=All ListDemo.none=None ListDemo.red=Red Company Logo Image ListDemo.yellow=Red Company Logo Image ListDemo.blue=Blue Company Logo Image ListDemo.gray=Gray Company Logo Image ListDemo.green=Green Company Logo Image ListDemo.magenta=Magenta Company Logo Image ListDemo.cyan=Cyan Company Logo Image ListDemo.description=

This demo shows how to present lists of data in two different ways. On the left is a JList component whose list items consist of the permutations of the checked prefixes and suffixes. The prefix and suffix checkbox columns on the right are created by using a JPanel with a Y Axis BoxLayout inside a JScrollPane.

### OptionPane Demo ### OptionPaneDemo.accessible_description=The OptionPane Demo shows examples of using JOptionPane to generate different common option dialog boxes OptionPaneDemo.tooltip=JOptionPane Demo OptionPaneDemo.name=Option Pane Demo OptionPaneDemo.warningbutton=Show Warning Dialog OptionPaneDemo.componentbutton=Show Component Dialog OptionPaneDemo.inputbutton=Show Input Dialog OptionPaneDemo.confirmbutton=Show Confirmation Dialog OptionPaneDemo.messagebutton=Show Message Dialog OptionPaneDemo.warningtitle=Warning Dialog Example OptionPaneDemo.warningtext=

This is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. This is
only a test
. The webmaster of your local intranet, in voluntary
cooperation with the Federal and State authorities, have
developed this system to keep you informed in the event of an
emergency. If this had been an actual emergency, the signal you
just heard would have been followed by official information, news
or instructions. This concludes this test of the Emergency
Broadcast System

Developer Note: This dialog demo used HTML for text formatting.

OptionPaneDemo.messagetext=Message in a Bottle (yeah) OptionPaneDemo.confirmquestion=Is the sun shining outside today? OptionPaneDemo.confirmyes=Well what are you doing playing on the computer?
Get outside! Take a trip to the beach! Get a little sun! OptionPaneDemo.confirmno=Well good thing you're inside protected from the elements! OptionPaneDemo.inputquestion=What is your favorite movie? OptionPaneDemo.inputresponse=That was a pretty good movie! OptionPaneDemo.componenttitle=Component Dialog Example OptionPaneDemo.componentmessage=JOptionPane can contain as many components
as you want, such as a text field: OptionPaneDemo.componenttextfield=or a combobox: OptionPaneDemo.component_cb1=item 1 OptionPaneDemo.component_cb2=item 2 OptionPaneDemo.component_cb3=item 3 OptionPaneDemo.componentmessage2=JOptionPane can also show as many options
as you want: OptionPaneDemo.component_op1=Yes OptionPaneDemo.component_op2=No OptionPaneDemo.component_op3=Maybe OptionPaneDemo.component_op4=Probably OptionPaneDemo.component_op5=Cancel OptionPaneDemo.component_r1=Upbeat and positive! I like that! Good choice. OptionPaneDemo.component_r2=Definitely not, I wouldn't do it either. OptionPaneDemo.component_r3= Mmmm.. yes, the situation is unclear at this
time. Check back when you know for sure.
OptionPaneDemo.component_r4=You know you want to. I think you should
have gone for broke and pressed "Yes".
### ProgressBar Demo ### ProgressBarDemo.accessible_description=This demo shows an example of using the JProgressBar component. ProgressBarDemo.tooltip=JProgressBar demo ProgressBarDemo.name=ProgressBar Demo ProgressBarDemo.start_button=Start Loading Text ProgressBarDemo.stop_button=Stop Loading Text ProgressBarDemo.accessible_text_loading_progress=Text loading progress ProgressBarDemo.accessible_text_area_name=Text progressively being loaded in ProgressBarDemo.accessible_text_area_description=This JTextArea is being filled with text from a buffer progressively a character at a time while the progress bar a the bottom of the window shows the loading progress ProgressBarDemo.text=\ The saying goes: if an infinite number of monkeys typed on an infinite number of typewriters, eventually \n\ all the great works of mankind would emerge. Now, with today's high speed computers, we can finally test \n\ this theory... \n\n\ \tLzskd jfy 92y;ho4 th;qlh sd 6yty;q2 hnlj 8sdf. Djfy 92y;ho4, th;qxhz d7yty; \n\ \tQ0hnlj 23&&^ (# ljask djf y92y; fy92y; Sd6y ty;q2h nl jk la gfa harvin garvel\n\ \tlasdfsd a83sl la8z ks8l 92y;ho4 th;qlh sd 6yty;q2 hnlj 8sdf. Djfy 92y;ho4,\n\ \tth;qxhz d7yty; Q0hnlj 23&&^ nknod mrs88 jsd79lfm#%$JLaoz6df lso7dj f2 jfls\n\ \t67d9ol1@2fou99s 1lkj2 @l.k1 2; a89o7aljf 1l3i7ou8 d8l3 lqwerty0092 #1!\n\ \tja9o do8lkjj139rojsd9**!l6*hd # ljasd78 l2awkjad78 3ol7asljf 3 ldif && l.js\n\ \tLl ls ewan la8uj 23lll7u 8l 3h hhxx8 8d lsd fixx 891lkjno99sl d8l@@@!!8#8\n\ \tdfoil jarooda mklaoorj nowai the smisthliylka jkdlfjiw ladajadra lthhheeejfjl\n\ \tdkddooolda bub mirznod of the koojgaf!! But 2 be or not to be... that is the\n\ \tquestion. Then when shall we three meet again In thunder, lightning, or in\n\ \train? When the hurlyburly's done, When the battle's lost and won. That will\n\ \tbe ere the set of sun. Where the place? Upon the heath. There to meet with\n\ \tMacbeth. But hath forth not to want..... a banana, or to be.... a banana.\n\ \tBanana, I knew him banana. Banana banana. Banana banana banana banana.\n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ Well... hmm.... it seemed like a good idea... ### ScrollPane Demo ### ScrollPaneDemo.accessible_description=JScrollPane Demo ScrollPaneDemo.name=Scroll Pane Demo ScrollPaneDemo.tooltip=JScrollPane demo ScrollPaneDemo.crayons=Lots of Crayons ScrollPaneDemo.colheader=Column Header ScrollPaneDemo.rowheader=Row Header ScrollPaneDemo.upperleft=Upper Left Corner ScrollPaneDemo.upperright=Upper Right Column Header Corner ScrollPaneDemo.lowerleft=Lower Left Row Header Corner ### Slider Demo ### SliderDemo.accessible_description=This demo shows an example of using the JSlider component. SliderDemo.tooltip=JSlider demo SliderDemo.name=Slider Demo SliderDemo.slidervalue=Slider Value: SliderDemo.horizontal=Horizontal SliderDemo.vertical=Vertical SliderDemo.plain=Plain SliderDemo.a_plain_slider=A Plain Slider SliderDemo.majorticks=Major Ticks SliderDemo.majorticksdescription=A slider showing major tick marks SliderDemo.ticks=Minor Ticks, Snap-to-ticks and Labels SliderDemo.minorticks=Minor Ticks SliderDemo.minorticksdescription=A slider showing major and minor tick marks, with slider action snapping to tick marks, with some ticks visibly labeled SliderDemo.disabled=Disabled SliderDemo.disableddescription=A slider showing major and minor tick marks that is not enabled (cannot be manipulated ### SplitPane Demo ### SplitPaneDemo.accessible_description=JSplitPane Demo SplitPaneDemo.name=Split Pane Demo SplitPaneDemo.tooltip=JSplitPane demo SplitPaneDemo.earth=Mother Earth SplitPaneDemo.moon=An Astranaut on the Moon SplitPaneDemo.vert_split.labelAndMnemonic=&Vertically Split SplitPaneDemo.horz_split.labelAndMnemonic=Ho&rizontally Split SplitPaneDemo.cont_layout.labelAndMnemonic=&Continuous Layout SplitPaneDemo.one_touch_expandable.labelAndMnemonic=&One-Touch expandable SplitPaneDemo.divider_size.labelAndMnemonic=Divider Si&ze SplitPaneDemo.invalid_divider_size=Invalid Divider Size SplitPaneDemo.error=Error SplitPaneDemo.first_component_min_size.labelAndMnemonic=F&irst Component's Minimum Size SplitPaneDemo.second_component_min_size.labelAndMnemonic=Seco&nd Component's Minimum Size SplitPaneDemo.invalid_min_size=Invalid Minimum Size SplitPaneDemo.must_be_greater_than=must be greater than ### TabbedPane Demo ### TabbedPaneDemo.accessible_description=This demo shows an example of using the JTabbedPane component. TabbedPaneDemo.tooltip=JTabbedPane demo TabbedPaneDemo.name=TabbedPane Demo TabbedPaneDemo.bounce=
Bouncing Babies!
TabbedPaneDemo.stephen=Stephen TabbedPaneDemo.david=David TabbedPaneDemo.matthew=Matthew TabbedPaneDemo.ewan=Ewan TabbedPaneDemo.blake=Blake TabbedPaneDemo.brooke=Brooke TabbedPaneDemo.laine=Laine TabbedPaneDemo.hania=Hania TabbedPaneDemo.label=Tab Placement: TabbedPaneDemo.top=Top TabbedPaneDemo.bottom=Bottom TabbedPaneDemo.left=Left TabbedPaneDemo.right=Right ### Table Demo ### TableDemo.accessible_description=JTable Demo TableDemo.name=Table Demo TableDemo.tooltip=JTable demo TableDemo.all_columns=All columns TableDemo.autoresize_mode=Autoresize mode TableDemo.cell_selection=Cell selection TableDemo.column_boundaries=Column boundaries TableDemo.column_selection=Column selection TableDemo.horz_lines=Horiz. Lines TableDemo.intercell_spacing=Inter-cell spacing TableDemo.intercell_spacing_colon=Inter-cell spacing: TableDemo.last_column=Last column TableDemo.multiple_ranges=Multiple ranges TableDemo.one_range=One range TableDemo.reordering_allowed=Reordering allowed TableDemo.row_height=Row height TableDemo.row_height_colon=Row height: TableDemo.row_selection=Row selection TableDemo.selection_mode=Selection mode TableDemo.subsequent_columns=Subsequent columns TableDemo.vert_lines=Vert. Lines TableDemo.single=Single TableDemo.none=None TableDemo.off=Off TableDemo.first_name=First Name TableDemo.last_name=Last Name TableDemo.favorite_color=Favorite Color TableDemo.favorite_food=Favorite Food TableDemo.favorite_movie=Favorite Movie TableDemo.favorite_number=Favorite Number TableDemo.aqua=Aqua TableDemo.beige=Beige TableDemo.black=Black TableDemo.blue=Blue TableDemo.cybergreen=Cyber Green TableDemo.darkgreen=Dark Green TableDemo.eblue=Electric Blue TableDemo.jfcblue=JFC Primary TableDemo.jfcblue2=JFC Secondary TableDemo.forestgreen=Forest Green TableDemo.gray=Gray TableDemo.green=Green TableDemo.orange=Orange TableDemo.purple=Purple TableDemo.red=Red TableDemo.rustred=Rust Red TableDemo.sunpurple=Sun Purple TableDemo.suspectpink=Suspect Pink TableDemo.turquoise=Turquoise TableDemo.violet=Violet TableDemo.yellow=Yellow TableDemo.2001=2001: A Space Odyssey TableDemo.buckaroo=The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension TableDemo.firstsight=At First Sight TableDemo.airplane=Airplane (the whole series) TableDemo.aliens=Aliens TableDemo.bicycle=The Bicycle Thief TableDemo.bladerunner=Blade Runner (Director's Cut) TableDemo.bluesbros=The Blues Brothers TableDemo.brazil=Brazil TableDemo.bugs=A Bug's Life TableDemo.city=City of Lost Children TableDemo.chusingura=Chusingura (1962) TableDemo.clock=A Clockwork Orange TableDemo.curse=Curse of the Demon TableDemo.dasboot=Das Boot TableDemo.dazed=Dazed and Confused TableDemo.defending=Defending Your Life TableDemo.eraserhead=Eraserhead TableDemo.fifthelement=The Fifth Element TableDemo.goodfellas=Goodfellas TableDemo.harold=Harold && Maude TableDemo.joyluck=The Joy Luck Club TableDemo.jules=Jules et Jim TableDemo.ladyvanishes=The Lady Vanishes TableDemo.mohicans=The Last of the Mohicans TableDemo.lonestar=Lone Star TableDemo.man=The Man Who Knew Too Much TableDemo.musicman=The Music Man TableDemo.dog=My Life as a Dog TableDemo.oncewest=Once Upon A Time In The West TableDemo.pulpfiction=Pulp Fiction TableDemo.raiders=Raiders of the Lost Ark TableDemo.reservoir=Reservoir Dogs TableDemo.repoman=Repo Man TableDemo.spinaltap=This is Spinal Tap TableDemo.schindlerslist=Schindler's List TableDemo.starwars=Star Wars TableDemo.stuntman=The Stuntman TableDemo.thinman=The Thin Man TableDemo.withnail=Withnail && I TableDemo.labyrinth=Labyrinth TableDemo.shawshank=The Shawshank Redemption TableDemo.apple=Apple TableDemo.asparagus=Asparagus TableDemo.banana=Banana TableDemo.broccoli=Broccoli TableDemo.carrot=Carrot TableDemo.cantaloupe=Cantaloupe TableDemo.corn=Corn TableDemo.grapes=Grapes TableDemo.grapefruit=Grapefruit TableDemo.kiwi=Kiwi TableDemo.onion=Onion TableDemo.pear=Pear TableDemo.peach=Peach TableDemo.pepper=Red Pepper TableDemo.pickle=Pickle TableDemo.pineapple=Pineapple TableDemo.raspberry=Raspberry TableDemo.sparegrass=Spare Grass TableDemo.strawberry=Strawberry TableDemo.tomato=Tomato TableDemo.watermelon=Watermelon TableDemo.printing=Printing TableDemo.fitWidth=Fit Width TableDemo.print=Print TableDemo.header=Header # This string will be formatted by a MessageFormat and # printed at the top of each page of the printed result. # You can use {0} to insert a page number. TableDemo.headerText=JTable Printing TableDemo.footer=Footer # This string will be formatted by a MessageFormat and # printed at the bottom of each page of the printed result. # You can use {0} to insert a page number. TableDemo.footerText=Page {0} TableDemo.printingResult=Printing Result TableDemo.printingComplete=Printing Complete TableDemo.printingCancelled=Printing Cancelled # This string will be formatted by a MessageFormat and # and displayed when an exception occurs. # {0} is used to place details of the exception. TableDemo.printingFailed=Printing Failed: {0} ### ToolTip Demo ### ToolTipDemo.accessible_description=ToolTips show short help descriptions for a component ToolTipDemo.accessible_cow=This is a Cow. ToolTipDemo.tooltip=ToolTip demo ToolTipDemo.name=ToolTip Demo ToolTipDemo.bessie=Bessie The Cow ToolTipDemo.cow=Cow. ToolTipDemo.got_milk=Got Milk? ToolTipDemo.tail=tail. ToolTipDemo.moo=Mooooooo ToolTipDemo.tooltip_features=In case you thought that tooltips had to be

boring, one line descriptions, the Swing! team

is happy to shatter your illusions.

In Swing, they can use HTML to

Oh, and they can be multi-line, too. ### Tree Demo ### TreeDemo.accessible_description=This demo shows shows a sample usage of a JTree component. TreeDemo.tooltip=JTree demo TreeDemo.name=Tree Demo TreeDemo.music=Music