/* * Copyright (c) 2011, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. * */ #include "precompiled.hpp" #include "jfr/metadata/jfrSerializer.hpp" #include "jfr/recorder/checkpoint/types/traceid/jfrTraceId.inline.hpp" #include "jfr/recorder/repository/jfrChunkWriter.hpp" #include "jfr/recorder/service/jfrOptionSet.hpp" #include "jfr/recorder/stacktrace/jfrStackTraceRepository.hpp" #include "jfr/utilities/jfrTypes.hpp" #include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp" #include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp" #include "runtime/os.inline.hpp" #include "runtime/safepoint.hpp" #include "runtime/task.hpp" #include "runtime/vframe.inline.hpp" class vframeStreamSamples : public vframeStreamCommon { public: // constructor that starts with sender of frame fr (top_frame) vframeStreamSamples(JavaThread *jt, frame fr, bool stop_at_java_call_stub); void samples_next(); void stop() {} }; vframeStreamSamples::vframeStreamSamples(JavaThread *jt, frame fr, bool stop_at_java_call_stub) : vframeStreamCommon(jt) { _stop_at_java_call_stub = stop_at_java_call_stub; _frame = fr; // We must always have a valid frame to start filling bool filled_in = fill_from_frame(); assert(filled_in, "invariant"); } // Solaris SPARC Compiler1 needs an additional check on the grandparent // of the top_frame when the parent of the top_frame is interpreted and // the grandparent is compiled. However, in this method we do not know // the relationship of the current _frame relative to the top_frame so // we implement a more broad sanity check. When the previous callee is // interpreted and the current sender is compiled, we verify that the // current sender is also walkable. If it is not walkable, then we mark // the current vframeStream as at the end. void vframeStreamSamples::samples_next() { // handle frames with inlining if (_mode == compiled_mode && vframeStreamCommon::fill_in_compiled_inlined_sender()) { return; } // handle general case u4 loop_count = 0; u4 loop_max = MAX_STACK_DEPTH * 2; do { loop_count++; // By the time we get here we should never see unsafe but better safe then segv'd if (loop_count > loop_max || !_frame.safe_for_sender(_thread)) { _mode = at_end_mode; return; } _frame = _frame.sender(&_reg_map); } while (!fill_from_frame()); } static JfrStackTraceRepository* _instance = NULL; JfrStackTraceRepository& JfrStackTraceRepository::instance() { return *_instance; } JfrStackTraceRepository* JfrStackTraceRepository::create() { assert(_instance == NULL, "invariant"); _instance = new JfrStackTraceRepository(); return _instance; } void JfrStackTraceRepository::destroy() { assert(_instance != NULL, "invarinat"); delete _instance; _instance = NULL; } JfrStackTraceRepository::JfrStackTraceRepository() : _next_id(0), _entries(0) { memset(_table, 0, sizeof(_table)); } class JfrFrameType : public JfrSerializer { public: void serialize(JfrCheckpointWriter& writer) { writer.write_count(JfrStackFrame::NUM_FRAME_TYPES); writer.write_key(JfrStackFrame::FRAME_INTERPRETER); writer.write("Interpreted"); writer.write_key(JfrStackFrame::FRAME_JIT); writer.write("JIT compiled"); writer.write_key(JfrStackFrame::FRAME_INLINE); writer.write("Inlined"); writer.write_key(JfrStackFrame::FRAME_NATIVE); writer.write("Native"); } }; bool JfrStackTraceRepository::initialize() { return JfrSerializer::register_serializer(TYPE_FRAMETYPE, false, true, new JfrFrameType()); } size_t JfrStackTraceRepository::clear() { MutexLocker lock(JfrStacktrace_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag); if (_entries == 0) { return 0; } for (u4 i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; ++i) { JfrStackTraceRepository::StackTrace* stacktrace = _table[i]; while (stacktrace != NULL) { JfrStackTraceRepository::StackTrace* next = stacktrace->next(); delete stacktrace; stacktrace = next; } } memset(_table, 0, sizeof(_table)); const size_t processed = _entries; _entries = 0; return processed; } traceid JfrStackTraceRepository::add_trace(const JfrStackTrace& stacktrace) { MutexLocker lock(JfrStacktrace_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag); const size_t index = stacktrace._hash % TABLE_SIZE; const StackTrace* table_entry = _table[index]; while (table_entry != NULL) { if (table_entry->equals(stacktrace)) { return table_entry->id(); } table_entry = table_entry->next(); } if (!stacktrace.have_lineno()) { return 0; } traceid id = ++_next_id; _table[index] = new StackTrace(id, stacktrace, _table[index]); ++_entries; return id; } traceid JfrStackTraceRepository::add(const JfrStackTrace& stacktrace) { traceid tid = instance().add_trace(stacktrace); if (tid == 0) { stacktrace.resolve_linenos(); tid = instance().add_trace(stacktrace); } assert(tid != 0, "invariant"); return tid; } traceid JfrStackTraceRepository::record(Thread* thread, int skip /* 0 */) { assert(thread == Thread::current(), "invariant"); JfrThreadLocal* const tl = thread->jfr_thread_local(); assert(tl != NULL, "invariant"); if (tl->has_cached_stack_trace()) { return tl->cached_stack_trace_id(); } if (!thread->is_Java_thread() || thread->is_hidden_from_external_view()) { return 0; } JfrStackFrame* frames = tl->stackframes(); if (frames == NULL) { // pending oom return 0; } assert(frames != NULL, "invariant"); assert(tl->stackframes() == frames, "invariant"); return instance().record_for((JavaThread*)thread, skip,frames, tl->stackdepth()); } traceid JfrStackTraceRepository::record_for(JavaThread* thread, int skip, JfrStackFrame *frames, u4 max_frames) { JfrStackTrace stacktrace(frames, max_frames); return stacktrace.record_safe(thread, skip) ? add(stacktrace) : 0; } traceid JfrStackTraceRepository::add(const JfrStackTrace* stacktrace, JavaThread* thread) { assert(stacktrace != NULL, "invariant"); assert(thread != NULL, "invariant"); assert(stacktrace->hash() != 0, "invariant"); return add(*stacktrace); } bool JfrStackTraceRepository::fill_stacktrace_for(JavaThread* thread, JfrStackTrace* stacktrace, int skip) { assert(thread == Thread::current(), "invariant"); assert(stacktrace != NULL, "invariant"); JfrThreadLocal* const tl = thread->jfr_thread_local(); assert(tl != NULL, "invariant"); const unsigned int cached_stacktrace_hash = tl->cached_stack_trace_hash(); if (cached_stacktrace_hash != 0) { stacktrace->set_hash(cached_stacktrace_hash); return true; } return stacktrace->record_safe(thread, skip, true); } size_t JfrStackTraceRepository::write_impl(JfrChunkWriter& sw, bool clear) { MutexLocker lock(JfrStacktrace_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag); assert(_entries > 0, "invariant"); int count = 0; for (u4 i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; ++i) { JfrStackTraceRepository::StackTrace* stacktrace = _table[i]; while (stacktrace != NULL) { JfrStackTraceRepository::StackTrace* next = stacktrace->next(); if (stacktrace->should_write()) { stacktrace->write(sw); ++count; } if (clear) { delete stacktrace; } stacktrace = next; } } if (clear) { memset(_table, 0, sizeof(_table)); _entries = 0; } return count; } size_t JfrStackTraceRepository::write(JfrChunkWriter& sw, bool clear) { return _entries > 0 ? write_impl(sw, clear) : 0; } traceid JfrStackTraceRepository::write(JfrCheckpointWriter& writer, traceid id, unsigned int hash) { assert(JfrStacktrace_lock->owned_by_self(), "invariant"); const StackTrace* const trace = resolve_entry(hash, id); assert(trace != NULL, "invariant"); assert(trace->hash() == hash, "invariant"); assert(trace->id() == id, "invariant"); trace->write(writer); return id; } JfrStackTraceRepository::StackTrace::StackTrace(traceid id, const JfrStackTrace& trace, JfrStackTraceRepository::StackTrace* next) : _next(next), _frames(NULL), _id(id), _nr_of_frames(trace._nr_of_frames), _hash(trace._hash), _reached_root(trace._reached_root), _written(false) { if (_nr_of_frames > 0) { _frames = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(JfrStackFrame, _nr_of_frames, mtTracing); memcpy(_frames, trace._frames, _nr_of_frames * sizeof(JfrStackFrame)); } } JfrStackTraceRepository::StackTrace::~StackTrace() { FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(JfrStackFrame, _frames); } bool JfrStackTraceRepository::StackTrace::equals(const JfrStackTrace& rhs) const { if (_reached_root != rhs._reached_root || _nr_of_frames != rhs._nr_of_frames || _hash != rhs._hash) { return false; } for (u4 i = 0; i < _nr_of_frames; ++i) { if (!_frames[i].equals(rhs._frames[i])) { return false; } } return true; } template static void write_stacktrace(Writer& w, traceid id, bool reached_root, u4 nr_of_frames, const JfrStackFrame* frames) { w.write((u8)id); w.write((u1)!reached_root); w.write(nr_of_frames); for (u4 i = 0; i < nr_of_frames; ++i) { frames[i].write(w); } } void JfrStackTraceRepository::StackTrace::write(JfrChunkWriter& sw) const { assert(!_written, "invariant"); write_stacktrace(sw, _id, _reached_root, _nr_of_frames, _frames); _written = true; } void JfrStackTraceRepository::StackTrace::write(JfrCheckpointWriter& cpw) const { write_stacktrace(cpw, _id, _reached_root, _nr_of_frames, _frames); } // JfrStackFrame bool JfrStackFrame::equals(const JfrStackFrame& rhs) const { return _methodid == rhs._methodid && _bci == rhs._bci && _type == rhs._type; } template static void write_frame(Writer& w, traceid methodid, int line, int bci, u1 type) { w.write((u8)methodid); w.write((u4)line); w.write((u4)bci); w.write((u8)type); } void JfrStackFrame::write(JfrChunkWriter& cw) const { write_frame(cw, _methodid, _line, _bci, _type); } void JfrStackFrame::write(JfrCheckpointWriter& cpw) const { write_frame(cpw, _methodid, _line, _bci, _type); } // invariant is that the entry to be resolved actually exists in the table const JfrStackTraceRepository::StackTrace* JfrStackTraceRepository::resolve_entry(unsigned int hash, traceid id) const { const size_t index = (hash % TABLE_SIZE); const StackTrace* trace = _table[index]; while (trace != NULL && trace->id() != id) { trace = trace->next(); } assert(trace != NULL, "invariant"); assert(trace->hash() == hash, "invariant"); assert(trace->id() == id, "invariant"); return trace; } void JfrStackFrame::resolve_lineno() const { assert(_method, "no method pointer"); assert(_line == 0, "already have linenumber"); _line = _method->line_number_from_bci(_bci); _method = NULL; } void JfrStackTrace::set_frame(u4 frame_pos, JfrStackFrame& frame) { assert(frame_pos < _max_frames, "illegal frame_pos"); _frames[frame_pos] = frame; } void JfrStackTrace::resolve_linenos() const { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _nr_of_frames; i++) { _frames[i].resolve_lineno(); } _lineno = true; } bool JfrStackTrace::record_safe(JavaThread* thread, int skip, bool leakp /* false */) { assert(thread == Thread::current(), "Thread stack needs to be walkable"); vframeStream vfs(thread); u4 count = 0; _reached_root = true; for(int i = 0; i < skip; i++) { if (vfs.at_end()) { break; } vfs.next(); } while (!vfs.at_end()) { if (count >= _max_frames) { _reached_root = false; break; } const Method* method = vfs.method(); const traceid mid = JfrTraceId::use(method, leakp); int type = vfs.is_interpreted_frame() ? JfrStackFrame::FRAME_INTERPRETER : JfrStackFrame::FRAME_JIT; int bci = 0; if (method->is_native()) { type = JfrStackFrame::FRAME_NATIVE; } else { bci = vfs.bci(); } // Can we determine if it's inlined? _hash = (_hash << 2) + (unsigned int)(((size_t)mid >> 2) + (bci << 4) + type); _frames[count] = JfrStackFrame(mid, bci, type, method); vfs.next(); count++; } _nr_of_frames = count; return true; } bool JfrStackTrace::record_thread(JavaThread& thread, frame& frame) { vframeStreamSamples st(&thread, frame, false); u4 count = 0; _reached_root = true; while (!st.at_end()) { if (count >= _max_frames) { _reached_root = false; break; } const Method* method = st.method(); if (!Method::is_valid_method(method)) { // we throw away everything we've gathered in this sample since // none of it is safe return false; } const traceid mid = JfrTraceId::use(method); int type = st.is_interpreted_frame() ? JfrStackFrame::FRAME_INTERPRETER : JfrStackFrame::FRAME_JIT; int bci = 0; if (method->is_native()) { type = JfrStackFrame::FRAME_NATIVE; } else { bci = st.bci(); } const int lineno = method->line_number_from_bci(bci); // Can we determine if it's inlined? _hash = (_hash << 2) + (unsigned int)(((size_t)mid >> 2) + (bci << 4) + type); _frames[count] = JfrStackFrame(mid, bci, type, lineno); st.samples_next(); count++; } _lineno = true; _nr_of_frames = count; return true; } void JfrStackTraceRepository::write_metadata(JfrCheckpointWriter& writer) { JfrFrameType fct; writer.write_type(TYPE_FRAMETYPE); fct.serialize(writer); }