1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2008, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "asm/assembler.inline.hpp"
  27 #include "ci/ciUtilities.hpp"
  28 #include "classfile/javaClasses.hpp"
  29 #include "code/codeCache.hpp"
  30 #include "compiler/disassembler.hpp"
  31 #include "gc/shared/cardTable.hpp"
  32 #include "gc/shared/cardTableBarrierSet.hpp"
  33 #include "gc/shared/collectedHeap.hpp"
  34 #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
  35 #include "memory/universe.hpp"
  36 #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
  37 #include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
  38 #include "runtime/os.inline.hpp"
  39 #include "runtime/stubCodeGenerator.hpp"
  40 #include "runtime/stubRoutines.hpp"
  41 #include "utilities/resourceHash.hpp"
  42 #include CPU_HEADER(depChecker)
  44 void*       Disassembler::_library               = NULL;
  45 bool        Disassembler::_tried_to_load_library = false;
  46 bool        Disassembler::_library_usable        = false;
  48 // This routine is in the shared library:
  49 Disassembler::decode_func_virtual Disassembler::_decode_instructions_virtual = NULL;
  50 Disassembler::decode_func Disassembler::_decode_instructions = NULL;
  52 static const char hsdis_library_name[] = "hsdis-" HOTSPOT_LIB_ARCH;
  53 static const char decode_instructions_virtual_name[] = "decode_instructions_virtual";
  54 static const char decode_instructions_name[] = "decode_instructions";
  55 static bool use_new_version = true;
  56 #define COMMENT_COLUMN  52 LP64_ONLY(+8) /*could be an option*/
  57 #define BYTES_COMMENT   ";..."  /* funky byte display comment */
  59 class decode_env {
  60  private:
  61   outputStream* _output;      // where the disassembly is directed to
  62   CodeBuffer*   _codeBuffer;  // != NULL only when decoding a CodeBuffer
  63   CodeBlob*     _codeBlob;    // != NULL only when decoding a CodeBlob
  64   nmethod*      _nm;          // != NULL only when decoding a nmethod
  65   CodeStrings   _strings;
  66   address       _start;       // != NULL when decoding a range of unknown type
  67   address       _end;         // != NULL when decoding a range of unknown type
  69   char          _option_buf[512];
  70   char          _print_raw;
  71   address       _cur_insn;        // address of instruction currently being decoded
  72   int           _bytes_per_line;  // arch-specific formatting option
  73   int           _pre_decode_alignment;
  74   int           _post_decode_alignment;
  75   bool          _print_file_name;
  76   bool          _print_help;
  77   bool          _helpPrinted;
  78   static bool   _optionsParsed;
  80   enum {
  81     tabspacing = 8
  82   };
  84   // Check if the event matches the expected tag
  85   // The tag must be a substring of the event, and
  86   // the tag must be a token in the event, i.e. separated by delimiters
  87   static bool match(const char* event, const char* tag) {
  88     size_t eventlen = strlen(event);
  89     size_t taglen   = strlen(tag);
  90     if (eventlen < taglen)  // size mismatch
  91       return false;
  92     if (strncmp(event, tag, taglen) != 0)  // string mismatch
  93       return false;
  94     char delim = event[taglen];
  95     return delim == '\0' || delim == ' ' || delim == '/' || delim == '=';
  96   }
  98   // Merge new option string with previously recorded options
  99   void collect_options(const char* p) {
 100     if (p == NULL || p[0] == '\0')  return;
 101     size_t opt_so_far = strlen(_option_buf);
 102     if (opt_so_far + 1 + strlen(p) + 1 > sizeof(_option_buf))  return;
 103     char* fillp = &_option_buf[opt_so_far];
 104     if (opt_so_far > 0) *fillp++ = ',';
 105     strcat(fillp, p);
 106     // replace white space by commas:
 107     char* q = fillp;
 108     while ((q = strpbrk(q, " \t\n")) != NULL)
 109       *q++ = ',';
 110   }
 112   void process_options(outputStream* ost);
 114   void print_insn_labels();
 115   void print_insn_prefix();
 116   void print_address(address value);
 118   // Properly initializes _start/_end. Overwritten too often if
 119   // printing of instructions is called for each instruction.
 120   void set_start(address s)   { _start = s; }
 121   void set_end  (address e)   { _end = e; }
 122   void set_nm   (nmethod* nm) { _nm = nm; }
 123   void set_output(outputStream* st) { _output = st; }
 126   // The disassembler library (sometimes) uses tabs to nicely align the instruction operands.
 127   // Depending on the mnemonic length and the column position where the
 128   // mnemonic is printed, alignment may turn out to be not so nice.
 129   // To improve, we assume 8-character tab spacing and left-align the mnemonic on a tab position.
 130   // Instruction comments are aligned 4 tab positions to the right of the mnemonic.
 131   void calculate_alignment() {
 132     _pre_decode_alignment  = ((output()->position()+tabspacing-1)/tabspacing)*tabspacing;
 133     _post_decode_alignment = _pre_decode_alignment + 4*tabspacing;
 134   }
 136   void start_insn(address pc) {
 137     _cur_insn = pc;
 138     output()->bol();
 139     print_insn_labels();
 140     print_insn_prefix();
 141   }
 143   void end_insn(address pc) {
 144     address pc0 = cur_insn();
 145     outputStream* st = output();
 147     if (AbstractDisassembler::show_comment()) {
 148       if ((_nm != NULL) && _nm->has_code_comment(pc0, pc)) {
 149         _nm->print_code_comment_on(st, _post_decode_alignment, pc0, pc);
 150         // this calls reloc_string_for which calls oop::print_value_on
 151       }
 152       print_hook_comments(pc0, _nm != NULL);
 153     }
 154     Disassembler::annotate(pc0, output());
 155     // follow each complete insn by a nice newline
 156     st->bol();
 157   }
 158 #endif
 160   struct SourceFileInfo {
 161     struct Link : public CHeapObj<mtCode> {
 162       const char* file;
 163       int line;
 164       Link* next;
 165       Link(const char* f, int l) : file(f), line(l), next(NULL) {}
 166     };
 167     Link *head, *tail;
 169     static unsigned hash(const address& a) {
 170       return primitive_hash<address>(a);
 171     }
 172     static bool equals(const address& a0, const address& a1) {
 173       return primitive_equals<address>(a0, a1);
 174     }
 175     void append(const char* file, int line) {
 176       if (tail != NULL && tail->file == file && tail->line == line) {
 177         // Don't print duplicated lines at the same address. This could happen with C
 178         // macros that end up having multiple "__" tokens on the same __LINE__.
 179         return;
 180       }
 181       Link *link = new Link(file, line);
 182       if (head == NULL) {
 183         head = tail = link;
 184       } else {
 185         tail->next = link;
 186         tail = link;
 187       }
 188     }
 189     SourceFileInfo(const char* file, int line) : head(NULL), tail(NULL) {
 190       append(file, line);
 191     }
 192   };
 194   typedef ResourceHashtable<
 195       address, SourceFileInfo,
 196       SourceFileInfo::hash,
 197       SourceFileInfo::equals,
 198       15889,      // prime number
 199       ResourceObj::C_HEAP> SourceFileInfoTable;
 201   static SourceFileInfoTable _src_table;
 202   static const char* _cached_src;
 203   static GrowableArray<const char*>* _cached_src_lines;
 205  public:
 206   decode_env(CodeBuffer* code, outputStream* output);
 207   decode_env(CodeBlob*   code, outputStream* output, CodeStrings c = CodeStrings() /* , ptrdiff_t offset */);
 208   decode_env(nmethod*    code, outputStream* output, CodeStrings c = CodeStrings());
 209   // Constructor for a 'decode_env' to decode an arbitrary
 210   // piece of memory, hopefully containing code.
 211   decode_env(address start, address end, outputStream* output);
 213   // Add 'original_start' argument which is the the original address
 214   // the instructions were located at (if this is not equal to 'start').
 215   address decode_instructions(address start, address end, address original_start = NULL);
 217   address handle_event(const char* event, address arg);
 219   outputStream* output()   { return _output; }
 220   address       cur_insn() { return _cur_insn; }
 221   const char*   options()  { return _option_buf; }
 222   static void   hook(const char* file, int line, address pc);
 223   void print_hook_comments(address pc, bool newline);
 224 };
 226 bool decode_env::_optionsParsed = false;
 228 decode_env::SourceFileInfoTable decode_env::_src_table;
 229 const char* decode_env::_cached_src = NULL;
 230 GrowableArray<const char*>* decode_env::_cached_src_lines = NULL;
 232 void decode_env::hook(const char* file, int line, address pc) {
 233   // For simplication, we never free from this table. It's really not
 234   // necessary as we add to the table only when PrintInterpreter is true,
 235   // which means we are debugging the VM and a little bit of extra
 236   // memory usage doesn't matter.
 237   SourceFileInfo* found = _src_table.get(pc);
 238   if (found != NULL) {
 239     found->append(file, line);
 240   } else {
 241     SourceFileInfo sfi(file, line);
 242     _src_table.put(pc, sfi); // sfi is copied by value
 243   }
 244 }
 246 void decode_env::print_hook_comments(address pc, bool newline) {
 247   SourceFileInfo* found = _src_table.get(pc);
 248   outputStream* st = output();
 249   if (found != NULL) {
 250     for (SourceFileInfo::Link *link = found->head; link; link = link->next) {
 251       const char* file = link->file;
 252       int line = link->line;
 253       if (_cached_src == NULL || strcmp(_cached_src, file) != 0) {
 254         FILE* fp;
 256         // _cached_src_lines is a single cache of the lines of a source file, and we refill this cache
 257         // every time we need to print a line from a different source file. It's not the fastest,
 258         // but seems bearable.
 259         if (_cached_src_lines != NULL) {
 260           for (int i=0; i<_cached_src_lines->length(); i++) {
 261             os::free((void*)_cached_src_lines->at(i));
 262           }
 263           _cached_src_lines->clear();
 264         } else {
 265           _cached_src_lines = new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtCode)GrowableArray<const char*>(0, true);
 266         }
 268         if ((fp = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) {
 269           _cached_src = NULL;
 270           return;
 271         }
 272         _cached_src = file;
 274         char line[500]; // don't write lines that are too long in your source files!
 275         while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) {
 276           size_t len = strlen(line);
 277           if (len > 0 && line[len-1] == '\n') {
 278             line[len-1] = '\0';
 279           }
 280           _cached_src_lines->append(os::strdup(line));
 281         }
 282         fclose(fp);
 283         _print_file_name = true;
 284       }
 286       if (_print_file_name) {
 287         // We print the file name whenever we switch to a new file, or when
 288         // Disassembler::decode is called to disassemble a new block of code.
 289         _print_file_name = false;
 290         if (newline) {
 291           st->cr();
 292         }
 293         st->move_to(COMMENT_COLUMN);
 294         st->print(";;@FILE: %s", file);
 295         newline = true;
 296       }
 298       int index = line - 1; // 1-based line number -> 0-based index.
 299       if (index >= _cached_src_lines->length()) {
 300         // This could happen if source file is mismatched.
 301       } else {
 302         const char* source_line = _cached_src_lines->at(index);
 303         if (newline) {
 304           st->cr();
 305         }
 306         st->move_to(COMMENT_COLUMN);
 307         st->print(";;%5d: %s", line, source_line);
 308         newline = true;
 309       }
 310     }
 311   }
 312 }
 314 decode_env::decode_env(CodeBuffer* code, outputStream* output) {
 315   memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
 316   _output = output ? output : tty;
 317   _codeBlob    = NULL;
 318   _codeBuffer  = code;
 319   _helpPrinted = false;
 321   process_options(_output);
 322 }
 324 decode_env::decode_env(CodeBlob* code, outputStream* output, CodeStrings c) {
 325    memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); // Beware, this zeroes bits of fields.
 326    _output = output ? output : tty;
 327   _codeBlob    = code;
 328   _codeBuffer  = NULL;
 329   _helpPrinted = false;
 330   if (_codeBlob != NULL && _codeBlob->is_nmethod()) {
 331     _nm = (nmethod*) code;
 332   }
 333   _strings.copy(c);
 335   process_options(_output);
 336 }
 338 decode_env::decode_env(nmethod* code, outputStream* output, CodeStrings c) {
 339   memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); // Beware, this zeroes bits of fields.
 340   _output = output ? output : tty;
 341   _codeBlob    = NULL;
 342   _codeBuffer  = NULL;
 343   _nm          = code;
 344   _start       = _nm->code_begin();
 345   _end         = _nm->code_end();
 346   _helpPrinted = false;
 347   _strings.copy(c);
 349   process_options(_output);
 350 }
 352 // Constructor for a 'decode_env' to decode a memory range [start, end)
 353 // of unknown origin, assuming it contains code.
 354 decode_env::decode_env(address start, address end, outputStream* output) {
 355   assert(start < end, "Range must have a positive size, [" PTR_FORMAT ".." PTR_FORMAT ").", p2i(start), p2i(end));
 356   memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
 357   _output = output ? output : tty;
 358   _codeBlob    = NULL;
 359   _codeBuffer  = NULL;
 360   _start       = start;
 361   _end         = end;
 362   _helpPrinted = false;
 364   process_options(_output);
 365 }
 367 void decode_env::process_options(outputStream* ost) {
 368   // by default, output pc but not bytes:
 369   _print_help      = false;
 370   _bytes_per_line  = Disassembler::pd_instruction_alignment();
 371   _print_file_name = true;
 373   if (_optionsParsed) return;  // parse only once
 375   // parse the global option string:
 376   collect_options(Disassembler::pd_cpu_opts());
 377   collect_options(PrintAssemblyOptions);
 379   if (strstr(options(), "print-raw")) {
 380     _print_raw = (strstr(options(), "xml") ? 2 : 1);
 381   }
 383   if (strstr(options(), "help")) {
 384     _print_help = true;
 385   }
 386   if (strstr(options(), "align-instr")) {
 387     AbstractDisassembler::toggle_align_instr();
 388   }
 389   if (strstr(options(), "show-pc")) {
 390     AbstractDisassembler::toggle_show_pc();
 391   }
 392   if (strstr(options(), "show-offset")) {
 393     AbstractDisassembler::toggle_show_offset();
 394   }
 395   if (strstr(options(), "show-bytes")) {
 396     AbstractDisassembler::toggle_show_bytes();
 397   }
 398   if (strstr(options(), "show-data-hex")) {
 399     AbstractDisassembler::toggle_show_data_hex();
 400   }
 401   if (strstr(options(), "show-data-int")) {
 402     AbstractDisassembler::toggle_show_data_int();
 403   }
 404   if (strstr(options(), "show-data-float")) {
 405     AbstractDisassembler::toggle_show_data_float();
 406   }
 407   if (strstr(options(), "show-structs")) {
 408     AbstractDisassembler::toggle_show_structs();
 409   }
 410   if (strstr(options(), "show-comment")) {
 411     AbstractDisassembler::toggle_show_comment();
 412   }
 413   if (strstr(options(), "show-block-comment")) {
 414     AbstractDisassembler::toggle_show_block_comment();
 415   }
 416   _optionsParsed = true;
 418   if (_print_help && ! _helpPrinted) {
 419     _helpPrinted = true;
 420     ost->print_cr("PrintAssemblyOptions help:");
 421     ost->print_cr("  print-raw       test plugin by requesting raw output");
 422     ost->print_cr("  print-raw-xml   test plugin by requesting raw xml");
 423     ost->cr();
 424     ost->print_cr("  show-pc            toggle printing current pc,        currently %s", AbstractDisassembler::show_pc()            ? "ON" : "OFF");
 425     ost->print_cr("  show-offset        toggle printing current offset,    currently %s", AbstractDisassembler::show_offset()        ? "ON" : "OFF");
 426     ost->print_cr("  show-bytes         toggle printing instruction bytes, currently %s", AbstractDisassembler::show_bytes()         ? "ON" : "OFF");
 427     ost->print_cr("  show-data-hex      toggle formatting data as hex,     currently %s", AbstractDisassembler::show_data_hex()      ? "ON" : "OFF");
 428     ost->print_cr("  show-data-int      toggle formatting data as int,     currently %s", AbstractDisassembler::show_data_int()      ? "ON" : "OFF");
 429     ost->print_cr("  show-data-float    toggle formatting data as float,   currently %s", AbstractDisassembler::show_data_float()    ? "ON" : "OFF");
 430     ost->print_cr("  show-structs       toggle compiler data structures,   currently %s", AbstractDisassembler::show_structs()       ? "ON" : "OFF");
 431     ost->print_cr("  show-comment       toggle instruction comments,       currently %s", AbstractDisassembler::show_comment()       ? "ON" : "OFF");
 432     ost->print_cr("  show-block-comment toggle block comments,             currently %s", AbstractDisassembler::show_block_comment() ? "ON" : "OFF");
 433     ost->print_cr("  align-instr        toggle instruction alignment,      currently %s", AbstractDisassembler::align_instr()        ? "ON" : "OFF");
 434     ost->print_cr("combined options: %s", options());
 435   }
 436 }
 438 // Disassembly Event Handler.
 439 // This method receives events from the disassembler library hsdis
 440 // via event_to_env for each decoding step (installed by
 441 // Disassembler::decode_instructions(), replacing the default
 442 // callback method). This enables dumping additional info
 443 // and custom line formatting.
 444 // In a future extension, calling a custom decode method will be
 445 // supported. We can use such a method to decode instructions the
 446 // binutils decoder does not handle to our liking (suboptimal
 447 // formatting, incomplete information, ...).
 448 // Returns:
 449 // - NULL for all standard invocations. The function result is not
 450 //        examined (as of now, 20190409) by the hsdis decoder loop.
 451 // - next for 'insn0' invocations.
 452 //        next == arg: the custom decoder didn't do anything.
 453 //        next >  arg: the custom decoder did decode the instruction.
 454 //                     next points to the next undecoded instruction
 455 //                     (continuation point for decoder loop).
 456 //
 457 // "Normal" sequence of events:
 458 //  insns   - start of instruction stream decoding
 459 //  mach    - display architecture
 460 //  format  - display bytes-per-line
 461 //  for each instruction:
 462 //    insn    - start of instruction decoding
 463 //    insn0   - custom decoder invocation (if any)
 464 //    addr    - print address value
 465 //    /insn   - end of instruction decoding
 466 //  /insns  - premature end of instruction stream due to no progress
 467 //
 468 address decode_env::handle_event(const char* event, address arg) {
 472   //---<  Event: end decoding loop (error, no progress)  >---
 473   if (decode_env::match(event, "/insns")) {
 474     // Nothing to be done here.
 475     return NULL;
 476   }
 478   //---<  Event: start decoding loop  >---
 479   if (decode_env::match(event, "insns")) {
 480     // Nothing to be done here.
 481     return NULL;
 482   }
 484   //---<  Event: finish decoding an instruction  >---
 485   if (decode_env::match(event, "/insn")) {
 486     output()->fill_to(_post_decode_alignment);
 487     end_insn(arg);
 488     return NULL;
 489   }
 491   //---<  Event: start decoding an instruction  >---
 492   if (decode_env::match(event, "insn")) {
 493     start_insn(arg);
 494   } else if (match(event, "/insn")) {
 495     end_insn(arg);
 496   } else if (match(event, "addr")) {
 497     if (arg != NULL) {
 498       print_address(arg);
 499       return arg;
 500     }
 501     calculate_alignment();
 502     output()->fill_to(_pre_decode_alignment);
 503     return NULL;
 504   }
 506   //---<  Event: call custom decoder (platform specific)  >---
 507   if (decode_env::match(event, "insn0")) {
 508     return Disassembler::decode_instruction0(arg, output(), arg);
 509   }
 511   //---<  Event: Print address  >---
 512   if (decode_env::match(event, "addr")) {
 513     print_address(arg);
 514     return arg;
 515   }
 517   //---<  Event: mach (inform about machine architecture)  >---
 518   // This event is problematic because it messes up the output.
 519   // The event is fired after the instruction address has already
 520   // been printed. The decoded instruction (event "insn") is
 521   // printed afterwards. That doesn't look nice.
 522   if (decode_env::match(event, "mach")) {
 523     guarantee(arg != NULL, "event_to_env - arg must not be NULL for event 'mach'");
 524     static char buffer[64] = { 0, };
 525     // Output suppressed because it messes up disassembly.
 526     // Only print this when the mach changes.
 527     if (false && (strcmp(buffer, (const char*)arg) != 0 ||
 528                   strlen((const char*)arg) > sizeof(buffer) - 1)) {
 529       // Only print this when the mach changes
 530       strncpy(buffer, (const char*)arg, sizeof(buffer) - 1);
 531       buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
 532       output()->print_cr("[Disassembling for mach='%s']", (const char*)arg);
 533     }
 534     return NULL;
 535   }
 537   //---<  Event: format bytes-per-line  >---
 538   if (decode_env::match(event, "format bytes-per-line")) {
 539     _bytes_per_line = (int) (intptr_t) arg;
 540     return NULL;
 541   }
 542 #endif
 543   return NULL;
 544 }
 546 static void* event_to_env(void* env_pv, const char* event, void* arg) {
 547   decode_env* env = (decode_env*) env_pv;
 548   return env->handle_event(event, (address) arg);
 549 }
 551 // called by the disassembler to print out jump targets and data addresses
 552 void decode_env::print_address(address adr) {
 553   outputStream* st = output();
 555   if (adr == NULL) {
 556     st->print("NULL");
 557     return;
 558   }
 560   int small_num = (int)(intptr_t)adr;
 561   if ((intptr_t)adr == (intptr_t)small_num
 562       && -1 <= small_num && small_num <= 9) {
 563     st->print("%d", small_num);
 564     return;
 565   }
 567   if (Universe::is_fully_initialized()) {
 568     if (StubRoutines::contains(adr)) {
 569       StubCodeDesc* desc = StubCodeDesc::desc_for(adr);
 570       if (desc == NULL) {
 571         desc = StubCodeDesc::desc_for(adr + frame::pc_return_offset);
 572       }
 573       if (desc != NULL) {
 574         st->print("Stub::%s", desc->name());
 575         if (desc->begin() != adr) {
 576           st->print(INTX_FORMAT_W(+) " " PTR_FORMAT, adr - desc->begin(), p2i(adr));
 577         } else if (WizardMode) {
 578           st->print(" " PTR_FORMAT, p2i(adr));
 579         }
 580         return;
 581       }
 582       st->print("Stub::<unknown> " PTR_FORMAT, p2i(adr));
 583       return;
 584     }
 586     BarrierSet* bs = BarrierSet::barrier_set();
 587     if (bs->is_a(BarrierSet::CardTableBarrierSet) &&
 588         adr == ci_card_table_address_as<address>()) {
 589       st->print("word_map_base");
 590       if (WizardMode) st->print(" " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(adr));
 591       return;
 592     }
 593   }
 595   if (_nm == NULL) {
 596     // Don't do this for native methods, as the function name will be printed in
 597     // nmethod::reloc_string_for().
 598     // Allocate the buffer on the stack instead of as RESOURCE array.
 599     // In case we do DecodeErrorFile, Thread will not be initialized,
 600     // causing a "assert(current != __null) failed" failure.
 601     const int buflen = 1024;
 602     char buf[buflen];
 603     int offset;
 604     if (os::dll_address_to_function_name(adr, buf, buflen, &offset)) {
 605       st->print(PTR_FORMAT " = %s",  p2i(adr), buf);
 606       if (offset != 0) {
 607         st->print("+%d", offset);
 608       }
 609       return;
 610     }
 611   }
 613   // Fall through to a simple (hexadecimal) numeral.
 614   st->print(PTR_FORMAT, p2i(adr));
 615 }
 617 void decode_env::print_insn_labels() {
 618   if (AbstractDisassembler::show_block_comment()) {
 619     address       p  = cur_insn();
 620     outputStream* st = output();
 622     //---<  Block comments for nmethod  >---
 623     // Outputs a bol() before and a cr() after, but only if a comment is printed.
 624     // Prints nmethod_section_label as well.
 625     if (_nm != NULL) {
 626       _nm->print_block_comment(st, p);
 627     }
 628     if (_codeBlob != NULL) {
 629       _codeBlob->print_block_comment(st, p);
 630     }
 631     if (_codeBuffer != NULL) {
 632       _codeBuffer->print_block_comment(st, p);
 633     }
 634     _strings.print_block_comment(st, (intptr_t)(p - _start));
 635   }
 636 }
 638 void decode_env::print_insn_prefix() {
 639   address       p  = cur_insn();
 640   outputStream* st = output();
 641   AbstractDisassembler::print_location(p, _start, _end, st, false, false);
 642   AbstractDisassembler::print_instruction(p, Assembler::instr_len(p), Assembler::instr_maxlen(), st, true, false);
 643 }
 646 static int printf_to_env(void* env_pv, const char* format, ...) {
 647   decode_env* env = (decode_env*) env_pv;
 648   outputStream* st = env->output();
 649   size_t flen = strlen(format);
 650   const char* raw = NULL;
 651   if (flen == 0)  return 0;
 652   if (flen == 1 && format[0] == '\n') { st->bol(); return 1; }
 653   if (flen < 2 ||
 654       strchr(format, '%') == NULL) {
 655     raw = format;
 656   } else if (format[0] == '%' && format[1] == '%' &&
 657              strchr(format+2, '%') == NULL) {
 658     // happens a lot on machines with names like %foo
 659     flen--;
 660     raw = format+1;
 661   }
 662   if (raw != NULL) {
 663     st->print_raw(raw, (int) flen);
 664     return (int) flen;
 665   }
 666   va_list ap;
 667   va_start(ap, format);
 668   julong cnt0 = st->count();
 669   st->vprint(format, ap);
 670   julong cnt1 = st->count();
 671   va_end(ap);
 672   return (int)(cnt1 - cnt0);
 673 }
 675 // The 'original_start' argument holds the the original address where
 676 // the instructions were located in the originating system. If zero (NULL)
 677 // is passed in, there is no original address.
 678 address decode_env::decode_instructions(address start, address end, address original_start /* = 0*/) {
 679   // CodeComment in Stubs.
 680   // Properly initialize _start/_end. Overwritten too often if
 681   // printing of instructions is called for each instruction.
 682   assert((_start == NULL) || (start == NULL) || (_start == start), "don't overwrite CTOR values");
 683   assert((_end   == NULL) || (end   == NULL) || (_end   == end  ), "don't overwrite CTOR values");
 684   if (start != NULL) set_start(start);
 685   if (end   != NULL) set_end(end);
 686   if (original_start == NULL) {
 687     original_start = start;
 688   }
 690   //---<  Check (and correct) alignment  >---
 691   // Don't check alignment of end, it is not aligned.
 692   if (((uint64_t)start & ((uint64_t)Disassembler::pd_instruction_alignment() - 1)) != 0) {
 693     output()->print_cr("Decode range start:" PTR_FORMAT ": ... (unaligned)", p2i(start));
 694     start = (address)((uint64_t)start & ~((uint64_t)Disassembler::pd_instruction_alignment() - 1));
 695   }
 697   // Trying to decode instructions doesn't make sense if we
 698   // couldn't load the disassembler library.
 699   if (Disassembler::is_abstract()) {
 700     return NULL;
 701   }
 703   // decode a series of instructions and return the end of the last instruction
 705   if (_print_raw) {
 706     // Print whatever the library wants to print, w/o fancy callbacks.
 707     // This is mainly for debugging the library itself.
 708     FILE* out = stdout;
 709     FILE* xmlout = (_print_raw > 1 ? out : NULL);
 710     return use_new_version ?
 711       (address)
 712       (*Disassembler::_decode_instructions_virtual)((uintptr_t)start, (uintptr_t)end,
 713                                                     start, end - start,
 714                                                     NULL, (void*) xmlout,
 715                                                     NULL, (void*) out,
 716                                                     options(), 0/*nice new line*/)
 717       :
 718       (address)
 719       (*Disassembler::_decode_instructions)(start, end,
 720                                             NULL, (void*) xmlout,
 721                                             NULL, (void*) out,
 722                                             options());
 723   }
 725   return use_new_version ?
 726     (address)
 727     (*Disassembler::_decode_instructions_virtual)((uintptr_t)start, (uintptr_t)end,
 728                                                   start, end - start,
 729                                                   &event_to_env,  (void*) this,
 730                                                   &printf_to_env, (void*) this,
 731                                                   options(), 0/*nice new line*/)
 732     :
 733     (address)
 734     (*Disassembler::_decode_instructions)(start, end,
 735                                           &event_to_env,  (void*) this,
 736                                           &printf_to_env, (void*) this,
 737                                           options());
 738 }
 740 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 741 // Disassembler
 742 // Used as a static wrapper for decode_env.
 743 // Each method will create a decode_env before decoding.
 744 // You can call the decode_env methods directly if you already have one.
 747 bool Disassembler::load_library(outputStream* st) {
 748   // Do not try to load multiple times. Failed once -> fails always.
 749   // To force retry in debugger: assign _tried_to_load_library=0
 750   if (_tried_to_load_library) {
 751     return _library_usable;
 752   }
 755   // Print to given stream, if any.
 756   // Print to tty if Verbose is on and no stream given.
 757   st = ((st == NULL) && Verbose) ? tty : st;
 759   // Compute fully qualified library name.
 760   char ebuf[1024];
 761   char buf[JVM_MAXPATHLEN];
 762   os::jvm_path(buf, sizeof(buf));
 763   int jvm_offset = -1;
 764   int lib_offset = -1;
 765 #ifdef STATIC_BUILD
 766   char* p = strrchr(buf, '/');
 767   *p = '\0';
 768   strcat(p, "/lib/");
 769   lib_offset = jvm_offset = strlen(buf);
 770 #else
 771   {
 772     // Match "libjvm" instead of "jvm" on *nix platforms. Creates better matches.
 773     // Match "[lib]jvm[^/]*" in jvm_path.
 774     const char* base = buf;
 775     const char* p = strrchr(buf, *os::file_separator());
 776 #ifdef _WIN32
 777     p = strstr(p ? p : base, "jvm");
 778 #else
 779     p = strstr(p ? p : base, "libjvm");
 780 #endif
 781     if (p != NULL) lib_offset = p - base + 1;
 782     if (p != NULL) jvm_offset = p - base;
 783   }
 784 #endif
 786   // Find the disassembler shared library.
 787   // Search for several paths derived from libjvm, in this order:
 788   // 1. <home>/jre/lib/<arch>/<vm>/libhsdis-<arch>.so  (for compatibility)
 789   // 2. <home>/jre/lib/<arch>/<vm>/hsdis-<arch>.so
 790   // 3. <home>/jre/lib/<arch>/hsdis-<arch>.so
 791   // 4. hsdis-<arch>.so  (using LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
 792   if (jvm_offset >= 0) {
 793     // 1. <home>/jre/lib/<arch>/<vm>/libhsdis-<arch>.so
 794     strcpy(&buf[jvm_offset], hsdis_library_name);
 795     strcat(&buf[jvm_offset], os::dll_file_extension());
 796     _library = os::dll_load(buf, ebuf, sizeof ebuf);
 797     if (_library == NULL && lib_offset >= 0) {
 798       // 2. <home>/jre/lib/<arch>/<vm>/hsdis-<arch>.so
 799       strcpy(&buf[lib_offset], hsdis_library_name);
 800       strcat(&buf[lib_offset], os::dll_file_extension());
 801       _library = os::dll_load(buf, ebuf, sizeof ebuf);
 802     }
 803     if (_library == NULL && lib_offset > 0) {
 804       // 3. <home>/jre/lib/<arch>/hsdis-<arch>.so
 805       buf[lib_offset - 1] = '\0';
 806       const char* p = strrchr(buf, *os::file_separator());
 807       if (p != NULL) {
 808         lib_offset = p - buf + 1;
 809         strcpy(&buf[lib_offset], hsdis_library_name);
 810         strcat(&buf[lib_offset], os::dll_file_extension());
 811         _library = os::dll_load(buf, ebuf, sizeof ebuf);
 812       }
 813     }
 814   }
 815   if (_library == NULL) {
 816     // 4. hsdis-<arch>.so  (using LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
 817     strcpy(&buf[0], hsdis_library_name);
 818     strcat(&buf[0], os::dll_file_extension());
 819     _library = os::dll_load(buf, ebuf, sizeof ebuf);
 820   }
 822   // load the decoder function to use (new or old version).
 823   if (_library != NULL) {
 824     _decode_instructions_virtual = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(Disassembler::decode_func_virtual,
 825                                           os::dll_lookup(_library, decode_instructions_virtual_name));
 826   }
 827   if (_decode_instructions_virtual == NULL && _library != NULL) {
 828     // could not spot in new version, try old version
 829     _decode_instructions = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(Disassembler::decode_func,
 830                                           os::dll_lookup(_library, decode_instructions_name));
 831     use_new_version = false;
 832   } else {
 833     use_new_version = true;
 834   }
 835   _tried_to_load_library = true;
 836   _library_usable        = _decode_instructions_virtual != NULL || _decode_instructions != NULL;
 838   // Create a dummy environment to initialize PrintAssemblyOptions.
 839   // The PrintAssemblyOptions must be known for abstract disassemblies as well.
 840   decode_env dummy((unsigned char*)(&buf[0]), (unsigned char*)(&buf[1]), st);
 842   // Report problems during dll_load or dll_lookup, if any.
 843   if (st != NULL) {
 844     // Success.
 845     if (_library_usable) {
 846       st->print_cr("Loaded disassembler from %s", buf);
 847     } else {
 848       st->print_cr("Could not load %s; %s; %s",
 849                    buf,
 850                    ((_library != NULL)
 851                     ? "entry point is missing"
 852                     : ((WizardMode || PrintMiscellaneous)
 853                        ? (const char*)ebuf
 854                        : "library not loadable")),
 855                    "PrintAssembly defaults to abstract disassembly.");
 856     }
 857   }
 858 #endif
 859   return _library_usable;
 860 }
 863 // Directly disassemble code buffer.
 864 void Disassembler::decode(CodeBuffer* cb, address start, address end, outputStream* st) {
 866   //---<  Test memory before decoding  >---
 867   if (!(cb->contains(start) && cb->contains(end))) {
 868     //---<  Allow output suppression, but prevent writing to a NULL stream. Could happen with +PrintStubCode.  >---
 869     if (st != NULL) {
 870       st->print("Memory range [" PTR_FORMAT ".." PTR_FORMAT "] not contained in CodeBuffer", p2i(start), p2i(end));
 871     }
 872     return;
 873   }
 874   if (!os::is_readable_range(start, end)) {
 875     //---<  Allow output suppression, but prevent writing to a NULL stream. Could happen with +PrintStubCode.  >---
 876     if (st != NULL) {
 877       st->print("Memory range [" PTR_FORMAT ".." PTR_FORMAT "] not readable", p2i(start), p2i(end));
 878     }
 879     return;
 880   }
 882   decode_env env(cb, st);
 883   env.output()->print_cr("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
 884   env.output()->print("Decoding CodeBuffer (" PTR_FORMAT ")", p2i(cb));
 885   if (cb->name() != NULL) {
 886     env.output()->print(", name: %s,", cb->name());
 887   }
 888   env.output()->print_cr(" at  [" PTR_FORMAT ", " PTR_FORMAT "]  " JLONG_FORMAT " bytes", p2i(start), p2i(end), ((jlong)(end - start)));
 890   if (is_abstract()) {
 891     AbstractDisassembler::decode_abstract(start, end, env.output(), Assembler::instr_maxlen());
 892   } else {
 893     env.decode_instructions(start, end);
 894   }
 895   env.output()->print_cr("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
 896 #endif
 897 }
 899 // Directly disassemble code blob.
 900 void Disassembler::decode(CodeBlob* cb, outputStream* st, CodeStrings c) {
 902   if (cb->is_nmethod()) {
 903     // If we  have an nmethod at hand,
 904     // call the specialized decoder directly.
 905     decode((nmethod*)cb, st, c);
 906     return;
 907   }
 909   decode_env env(cb, st);
 910   env.output()->print_cr("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
 911   if (cb->is_aot()) {
 912     env.output()->print("A ");
 913     if (cb->is_compiled()) {
 914       CompiledMethod* cm = (CompiledMethod*)cb;
 915       env.output()->print("%d ",cm->compile_id());
 916       cm->method()->method_holder()->name()->print_symbol_on(env.output());
 917       env.output()->print(".");
 918       cm->method()->name()->print_symbol_on(env.output());
 919       cm->method()->signature()->print_symbol_on(env.output());
 920     } else {
 921       env.output()->print_cr("%s", cb->name());
 922     }
 923   } else {
 924     env.output()->print("Decoding CodeBlob");
 925     if (cb->name() != NULL) {
 926       env.output()->print(", name: %s,", cb->name());
 927     }
 928   }
 929   env.output()->print_cr(" at  [" PTR_FORMAT ", " PTR_FORMAT "]  " JLONG_FORMAT " bytes", p2i(cb->code_begin()), p2i(cb->code_end()), ((jlong)(cb->code_end() - cb->code_begin())));
 931   if (is_abstract()) {
 932     AbstractDisassembler::decode_abstract(cb->code_begin(), cb->code_end(), env.output(), Assembler::instr_maxlen());
 933   } else {
 934     env.decode_instructions(cb->code_begin(), cb->code_end());
 935   }
 936   env.output()->print_cr("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
 937 #endif
 938 }
 940 // Decode a nmethod.
 941 // This includes printing the constant pool and all code segments.
 942 // The nmethod data structures (oop maps, relocations and the like) are not printed.
 943 void Disassembler::decode(nmethod* nm, outputStream* st, CodeStrings c) {
 945   ttyLocker ttyl;
 947   decode_env env(nm, st);
 948   env.output()->print_cr("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
 949   nm->print_constant_pool(env.output());
 950   env.output()->print_cr("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
 951   env.output()->cr();
 952   if (is_abstract()) {
 953     AbstractDisassembler::decode_abstract(nm->code_begin(), nm->code_end(), env.output(), Assembler::instr_maxlen());
 954   } else {
 955     env.decode_instructions(nm->code_begin(), nm->code_end());
 956   }
 957   env.output()->print_cr("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
 958 #endif
 959 }
 961 // Decode a range, given as [start address, end address)
 962 void Disassembler::decode(address start, address end, outputStream* st, CodeStrings c /*, ptrdiff_t offset */) {
 964   //---<  Test memory before decoding  >---
 965   if (!os::is_readable_range(start, end)) {
 966     //---<  Allow output suppression, but prevent writing to a NULL stream. Could happen with +PrintStubCode.  >---
 967     if (st != NULL) {
 968       st->print("Memory range [" PTR_FORMAT ".." PTR_FORMAT "] not readable", p2i(start), p2i(end));
 969     }
 970     return;
 971   }
 973   if (is_abstract()) {
 974     AbstractDisassembler::decode_abstract(start, end, st, Assembler::instr_maxlen());
 975     return;
 976   }
 978 // Don't do that fancy stuff. If we just have two addresses, live with it
 979 // and treat the memory contents as "amorphic" piece of code.
 980 #if 0
 981   CodeBlob* cb = CodeCache::find_blob_unsafe(start);
 982   if (cb != NULL) {
 983     // If we  have an CodeBlob at hand,
 984     // call the specialized decoder directly.
 985     decode(cb, st, c);
 986   } else
 987 #endif
 988   {
 989     // This seems to be just a chunk of memory.
 990     decode_env env(start, end, st);
 991     env.output()->print_cr("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
 992     env.decode_instructions(start, end);
 993     env.output()->print_cr("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
 994   }
 995 #endif
 996 }
 998 // To prevent excessive code expansion in the interpreter generator, we
 999 // do not inline this function into Disassembler::hook().
1000 void Disassembler::_hook(const char* file, int line, MacroAssembler* masm) {
1001   decode_env::hook(file, line, masm->code_section()->end());
1002 }