1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2000, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #ifndef CPU_X86_C2_GLOBALS_X86_HPP
  26 #define CPU_X86_C2_GLOBALS_X86_HPP
  28 #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
  29 #include "utilities/macros.hpp"
  31 // Sets the default values for platform dependent flags used by the server compiler.
  32 // (see c2_globals.hpp).  Alpha-sorted.
  33 define_pd_global(bool, BackgroundCompilation,        true);
  34 define_pd_global(bool, UseTLAB,                      true);
  35 define_pd_global(bool, ResizeTLAB,                   true);
  36 define_pd_global(bool, CICompileOSR,                 true);
  37 define_pd_global(bool, InlineIntrinsics,             true);
  38 define_pd_global(bool, PreferInterpreterNativeStubs, false);
  39 define_pd_global(bool, ProfileTraps,                 true);
  40 define_pd_global(bool, UseOnStackReplacement,        true);
  41 define_pd_global(bool, ProfileInterpreter,           true);
  42 define_pd_global(bool, TieredCompilation,            trueInTiered);
  43 define_pd_global(intx, CompileThreshold,             10000);
  45 define_pd_global(intx, OnStackReplacePercentage,     140);
  46 define_pd_global(intx, ConditionalMoveLimit,         3);
  47 define_pd_global(intx, FreqInlineSize,               325);
  48 define_pd_global(intx, MinJumpTableSize,             10);
  49 define_pd_global(intx, LoopPercentProfileLimit,      30);
  50 #ifdef AMD64
  51 define_pd_global(intx,  INTPRESSURE,                 13);
  52 define_pd_global(intx,  FLOATPRESSURE,               14);
  53 define_pd_global(intx,  InteriorEntryAlignment,      16);
  54 define_pd_global(size_t, NewSizeThreadIncrease,     ScaleForWordSize(4*K));
  55 define_pd_global(intx,  LoopUnrollLimit,             60);
  56 // InitialCodeCacheSize derived from specjbb2000 run.
  57 define_pd_global(uintx, InitialCodeCacheSize,        2496*K); // Integral multiple of CodeCacheExpansionSize
  58 define_pd_global(uintx, CodeCacheExpansionSize,      64*K);
  60 // Ergonomics related flags
  61 define_pd_global(uint64_t, MaxRAM,                   128ULL*G);
  62 #else
  63 define_pd_global(intx,  INTPRESSURE,                 6);
  64 define_pd_global(intx,  FLOATPRESSURE,               6);
  65 define_pd_global(intx,  InteriorEntryAlignment,      4);
  66 define_pd_global(size_t, NewSizeThreadIncrease,      4*K);
  67 define_pd_global(intx,  LoopUnrollLimit,             50);     // Design center runs on 1.3.1
  68 // InitialCodeCacheSize derived from specjbb2000 run.
  69 define_pd_global(uintx, InitialCodeCacheSize,        2304*K); // Integral multiple of CodeCacheExpansionSize
  70 define_pd_global(uintx, CodeCacheExpansionSize,      32*K);
  72 // Ergonomics related flags
  73 define_pd_global(uint64_t, MaxRAM,                   4ULL*G);
  74 #endif // AMD64
  75 define_pd_global(intx, RegisterCostAreaRatio,        16000);
  77 // Peephole and CISC spilling both break the graph, and so makes the
  78 // scheduler sick.
  79 define_pd_global(bool, OptoPeephole,                 true);
  80 define_pd_global(bool, UseCISCSpill,                 true);
  81 define_pd_global(bool, OptoScheduling,               false);
  82 define_pd_global(bool, OptoBundling,                 false);
  83 define_pd_global(bool, OptoRegScheduling,            true);
  84 define_pd_global(bool, SuperWordLoopUnrollAnalysis,  true);
  85 define_pd_global(bool, IdealizeClearArrayNode,       true);
  87 define_pd_global(uintx, ReservedCodeCacheSize,       48*M);
  88 define_pd_global(uintx, NonProfiledCodeHeapSize,     21*M);
  89 define_pd_global(uintx, ProfiledCodeHeapSize,        22*M);
  90 define_pd_global(uintx, NonNMethodCodeHeapSize,      5*M );
  91 define_pd_global(uintx, CodeCacheMinBlockLength,     6);
  92 define_pd_global(uintx, CodeCacheMinimumUseSpace,    400*K);
  94 define_pd_global(bool,  TrapBasedRangeChecks,        false); // Not needed on x86.
  96 // Heap related flags
  97 define_pd_global(size_t, MetaspaceSize,              ScaleForWordSize(16*M));
  99 // Ergonomics related flags
 100 define_pd_global(bool, NeverActAsServerClassMachine, false);
 102 #endif // CPU_X86_C2_GLOBALS_X86_HPP