1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2002, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "classfile/classLoaderData.inline.hpp"
  27 #include "classfile/classLoaderDataGraph.hpp"
  28 #include "classfile/moduleEntry.hpp"
  29 #include "classfile/systemDictionary.hpp"
  30 #include "gc/shared/collectedHeap.hpp"
  31 #include "logging/log.hpp"
  32 #include "logging/logTag.hpp"
  33 #include "memory/heapInspection.hpp"
  34 #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
  35 #include "memory/universe.hpp"
  36 #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
  37 #include "oops/reflectionAccessorImplKlassHelper.hpp"
  38 #include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
  39 #include "runtime/os.hpp"
  40 #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
  41 #include "utilities/macros.hpp"
  42 #include "utilities/stack.inline.hpp"
  44 // HeapInspection
  46 inline KlassInfoEntry::~KlassInfoEntry() {
  47   if (_subclasses != NULL) {
  48     delete _subclasses;
  49   }
  50 }
  52 inline void KlassInfoEntry::add_subclass(KlassInfoEntry* cie) {
  53   if (_subclasses == NULL) {
  54     _subclasses = new  (ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtServiceability) GrowableArray<KlassInfoEntry*>(4, mtServiceability);
  55   }
  56   _subclasses->append(cie);
  57 }
  59 int KlassInfoEntry::compare(KlassInfoEntry* e1, KlassInfoEntry* e2) {
  60   if(e1->_instance_words > e2->_instance_words) {
  61     return -1;
  62   } else if(e1->_instance_words < e2->_instance_words) {
  63     return 1;
  64   }
  65   // Sort alphabetically, note 'Z' < '[' < 'a', but it's better to group
  66   // the array classes before all the instance classes.
  67   ResourceMark rm;
  68   const char* name1 = e1->klass()->external_name();
  69   const char* name2 = e2->klass()->external_name();
  70   bool d1 = (name1[0] == JVM_SIGNATURE_ARRAY);
  71   bool d2 = (name2[0] == JVM_SIGNATURE_ARRAY);
  72   if (d1 && !d2) {
  73     return -1;
  74   } else if (d2 && !d1) {
  75     return 1;
  76   } else {
  77     return strcmp(name1, name2);
  78   }
  79 }
  81 const char* KlassInfoEntry::name() const {
  82   const char* name;
  83   if (_klass->name() != NULL) {
  84     name = _klass->external_name();
  85   } else {
  86     if (_klass == Universe::boolArrayKlassObj())         name = "<boolArrayKlass>";         else
  87     if (_klass == Universe::charArrayKlassObj())         name = "<charArrayKlass>";         else
  88     if (_klass == Universe::floatArrayKlassObj())        name = "<floatArrayKlass>";        else
  89     if (_klass == Universe::doubleArrayKlassObj())       name = "<doubleArrayKlass>";       else
  90     if (_klass == Universe::byteArrayKlassObj())         name = "<byteArrayKlass>";         else
  91     if (_klass == Universe::shortArrayKlassObj())        name = "<shortArrayKlass>";        else
  92     if (_klass == Universe::intArrayKlassObj())          name = "<intArrayKlass>";          else
  93     if (_klass == Universe::longArrayKlassObj())         name = "<longArrayKlass>";         else
  94       name = "<no name>";
  95   }
  96   return name;
  97 }
  99 void KlassInfoEntry::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
 100   ResourceMark rm;
 102   // simplify the formatting (ILP32 vs LP64) - always cast the numbers to 64-bit
 103   ModuleEntry* module = _klass->module();
 104   if (module->is_named()) {
 105     st->print_cr(INT64_FORMAT_W(13) "  " UINT64_FORMAT_W(13) "  %s (%s%s%s)",
 106                  (int64_t)_instance_count,
 107                  (uint64_t)_instance_words * HeapWordSize,
 108                  name(),
 109                  module->name()->as_C_string(),
 110                  module->version() != NULL ? "@" : "",
 111                  module->version() != NULL ? module->version()->as_C_string() : "");
 112   } else {
 113     st->print_cr(INT64_FORMAT_W(13) "  " UINT64_FORMAT_W(13) "  %s",
 114                  (int64_t)_instance_count,
 115                  (uint64_t)_instance_words * HeapWordSize,
 116                  name());
 117   }
 118 }
 120 KlassInfoEntry* KlassInfoBucket::lookup(Klass* const k) {
 121   // Can happen if k is an archived class that we haven't loaded yet.
 122   if (k->java_mirror_no_keepalive() == NULL) {
 123     return NULL;
 124   }
 126   KlassInfoEntry* elt = _list;
 127   while (elt != NULL) {
 128     if (elt->is_equal(k)) {
 129       return elt;
 130     }
 131     elt = elt->next();
 132   }
 133   elt = new (std::nothrow) KlassInfoEntry(k, list());
 134   // We may be out of space to allocate the new entry.
 135   if (elt != NULL) {
 136     set_list(elt);
 137   }
 138   return elt;
 139 }
 141 void KlassInfoBucket::iterate(KlassInfoClosure* cic) {
 142   KlassInfoEntry* elt = _list;
 143   while (elt != NULL) {
 144     cic->do_cinfo(elt);
 145     elt = elt->next();
 146   }
 147 }
 149 void KlassInfoBucket::empty() {
 150   KlassInfoEntry* elt = _list;
 151   _list = NULL;
 152   while (elt != NULL) {
 153     KlassInfoEntry* next = elt->next();
 154     delete elt;
 155     elt = next;
 156   }
 157 }
 159 class KlassInfoTable::AllClassesFinder : public LockedClassesDo {
 160   KlassInfoTable *_table;
 161 public:
 162   AllClassesFinder(KlassInfoTable* table) : _table(table) {}
 163   virtual void do_klass(Klass* k) {
 164     // This has the SIDE EFFECT of creating a KlassInfoEntry
 165     // for <k>, if one doesn't exist yet.
 166     _table->lookup(k);
 167   }
 168 };
 171 KlassInfoTable::KlassInfoTable(bool add_all_classes) {
 172   _size_of_instances_in_words = 0;
 173   _ref = (HeapWord*) Universe::boolArrayKlassObj();
 174   _buckets =
 175     (KlassInfoBucket*)  AllocateHeap(sizeof(KlassInfoBucket) * _num_buckets,
 176        mtInternal, CURRENT_PC, AllocFailStrategy::RETURN_NULL);
 177   if (_buckets != NULL) {
 178     for (int index = 0; index < _num_buckets; index++) {
 179       _buckets[index].initialize();
 180     }
 181     if (add_all_classes) {
 182       AllClassesFinder finder(this);
 183       ClassLoaderDataGraph::classes_do(&finder);
 184     }
 185   }
 186 }
 188 KlassInfoTable::~KlassInfoTable() {
 189   if (_buckets != NULL) {
 190     for (int index = 0; index < _num_buckets; index++) {
 191       _buckets[index].empty();
 192     }
 193     FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(KlassInfoBucket, _buckets);
 194     _buckets = NULL;
 195   }
 196 }
 198 uint KlassInfoTable::hash(const Klass* p) {
 199   return (uint)(((uintptr_t)p - (uintptr_t)_ref) >> 2);
 200 }
 202 KlassInfoEntry* KlassInfoTable::lookup(Klass* k) {
 203   uint         idx = hash(k) % _num_buckets;
 204   assert(_buckets != NULL, "Allocation failure should have been caught");
 205   KlassInfoEntry*  e   = _buckets[idx].lookup(k);
 206   // Lookup may fail if this is a new klass for which we
 207   // could not allocate space for an new entry, or if it's
 208   // an archived class that we haven't loaded yet.
 209   assert(e == NULL || k == e->klass(), "must be equal");
 210   return e;
 211 }
 213 // Return false if the entry could not be recorded on account
 214 // of running out of space required to create a new entry.
 215 bool KlassInfoTable::record_instance(const oop obj) {
 216   Klass*        k = obj->klass();
 217   KlassInfoEntry* elt = lookup(k);
 218   // elt may be NULL if it's a new klass for which we
 219   // could not allocate space for a new entry in the hashtable.
 220   if (elt != NULL) {
 221     elt->set_count(elt->count() + 1);
 222     elt->set_words(elt->words() + obj->size());
 223     _size_of_instances_in_words += obj->size();
 224     return true;
 225   } else {
 226     return false;
 227   }
 228 }
 230 void KlassInfoTable::iterate(KlassInfoClosure* cic) {
 231   assert(_buckets != NULL, "Allocation failure should have been caught");
 232   for (int index = 0; index < _num_buckets; index++) {
 233     _buckets[index].iterate(cic);
 234   }
 235 }
 237 size_t KlassInfoTable::size_of_instances_in_words() const {
 238   return _size_of_instances_in_words;
 239 }
 241 // Return false if the entry could not be recorded on account
 242 // of running out of space required to create a new entry.
 243 bool KlassInfoTable::merge_entry(const KlassInfoEntry* cie) {
 244   Klass*          k = cie->klass();
 245   KlassInfoEntry* elt = lookup(k);
 246   // elt may be NULL if it's a new klass for which we
 247   // could not allocate space for a new entry in the hashtable.
 248   if (elt != NULL) {
 249     elt->set_count(elt->count() + cie->count());
 250     elt->set_words(elt->words() + cie->words());
 251     _size_of_instances_in_words += cie->words();
 252     return true;
 253   }
 255   return false;
 256 }
 258 class KlassInfoTableMergeClosure : public KlassInfoClosure {
 259 private:
 260   KlassInfoTable* _dest;
 261   bool _success;
 262 public:
 263   KlassInfoTableMergeClosure(KlassInfoTable* table) : _dest(table), _success(true) {}
 264   void do_cinfo(KlassInfoEntry* cie) {
 265     _success &= _dest->merge_entry(cie);
 266   }
 267   bool success() { return _success; }
 268 };
 270 // merge from table
 271 bool KlassInfoTable::merge(KlassInfoTable* table) {
 272   KlassInfoTableMergeClosure closure(this);
 273   table->iterate(&closure);
 274   return closure.success();
 275 }
 277 int KlassInfoHisto::sort_helper(KlassInfoEntry** e1, KlassInfoEntry** e2) {
 278   return (*e1)->compare(*e1,*e2);
 279 }
 281 KlassInfoHisto::KlassInfoHisto(KlassInfoTable* cit) :
 282   _cit(cit) {
 283   _elements = new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtServiceability) GrowableArray<KlassInfoEntry*>(_histo_initial_size, mtServiceability);
 284 }
 286 KlassInfoHisto::~KlassInfoHisto() {
 287   delete _elements;
 288 }
 290 void KlassInfoHisto::add(KlassInfoEntry* cie) {
 291   elements()->append(cie);
 292 }
 294 void KlassInfoHisto::sort() {
 295   elements()->sort(KlassInfoHisto::sort_helper);
 296 }
 298 void KlassInfoHisto::print_elements(outputStream* st) const {
 299   // simplify the formatting (ILP32 vs LP64) - store the sum in 64-bit
 300   int64_t total = 0;
 301   uint64_t totalw = 0;
 302   for(int i=0; i < elements()->length(); i++) {
 303     st->print("%4d: ", i+1);
 304     elements()->at(i)->print_on(st);
 305     total += elements()->at(i)->count();
 306     totalw += elements()->at(i)->words();
 307   }
 308   st->print_cr("Total " INT64_FORMAT_W(13) "  " UINT64_FORMAT_W(13),
 309                total, totalw * HeapWordSize);
 310 }
 312 class HierarchyClosure : public KlassInfoClosure {
 313 private:
 314   GrowableArray<KlassInfoEntry*> *_elements;
 315 public:
 316   HierarchyClosure(GrowableArray<KlassInfoEntry*> *_elements) : _elements(_elements) {}
 318   void do_cinfo(KlassInfoEntry* cie) {
 319     // ignore array classes
 320     if (cie->klass()->is_instance_klass()) {
 321       _elements->append(cie);
 322     }
 323   }
 324 };
 326 void KlassHierarchy::print_class_hierarchy(outputStream* st, bool print_interfaces,
 327                                            bool print_subclasses, char* classname) {
 328   ResourceMark rm;
 329   Stack <KlassInfoEntry*, mtClass> class_stack;
 330   GrowableArray<KlassInfoEntry*> elements;
 332   // Add all classes to the KlassInfoTable, which allows for quick lookup.
 333   // A KlassInfoEntry will be created for each class.
 334   KlassInfoTable cit(true);
 335   if (cit.allocation_failed()) {
 336     st->print_cr("ERROR: Ran out of C-heap; hierarchy not generated");
 337     return;
 338   }
 340   // Add all created KlassInfoEntry instances to the elements array for easy
 341   // iteration, and to allow each KlassInfoEntry instance to have a unique index.
 342   HierarchyClosure hc(&elements);
 343   cit.iterate(&hc);
 345   for(int i = 0; i < elements.length(); i++) {
 346     KlassInfoEntry* cie = elements.at(i);
 347     Klass* super = cie->klass()->super();
 349     // Set the index for the class.
 350     cie->set_index(i + 1);
 352     // Add the class to the subclass array of its superclass.
 353     if (super != NULL) {
 354       KlassInfoEntry* super_cie = cit.lookup(super);
 355       assert(super_cie != NULL, "could not lookup superclass");
 356       super_cie->add_subclass(cie);
 357     }
 358   }
 360   // Set the do_print flag for each class that should be printed.
 361   for(int i = 0; i < elements.length(); i++) {
 362     KlassInfoEntry* cie = elements.at(i);
 363     if (classname == NULL) {
 364       // We are printing all classes.
 365       cie->set_do_print(true);
 366     } else {
 367       // We are only printing the hierarchy of a specific class.
 368       if (strcmp(classname, cie->klass()->external_name()) == 0) {
 369         KlassHierarchy::set_do_print_for_class_hierarchy(cie, &cit, print_subclasses);
 370       }
 371     }
 372   }
 374   // Now we do a depth first traversal of the class hierachry. The class_stack will
 375   // maintain the list of classes we still need to process. Start things off
 376   // by priming it with java.lang.Object.
 377   KlassInfoEntry* jlo_cie = cit.lookup(SystemDictionary::Object_klass());
 378   assert(jlo_cie != NULL, "could not lookup java.lang.Object");
 379   class_stack.push(jlo_cie);
 381   // Repeatedly pop the top item off the stack, print its class info,
 382   // and push all of its subclasses on to the stack. Do this until there
 383   // are no classes left on the stack.
 384   while (!class_stack.is_empty()) {
 385     KlassInfoEntry* curr_cie = class_stack.pop();
 386     if (curr_cie->do_print()) {
 387       print_class(st, curr_cie, print_interfaces);
 388       if (curr_cie->subclasses() != NULL) {
 389         // Current class has subclasses, so push all of them onto the stack.
 390         for (int i = 0; i < curr_cie->subclasses()->length(); i++) {
 391           KlassInfoEntry* cie = curr_cie->subclasses()->at(i);
 392           if (cie->do_print()) {
 393             class_stack.push(cie);
 394           }
 395         }
 396       }
 397     }
 398   }
 400   st->flush();
 401 }
 403 // Sets the do_print flag for every superclass and subclass of the specified class.
 404 void KlassHierarchy::set_do_print_for_class_hierarchy(KlassInfoEntry* cie, KlassInfoTable* cit,
 405                                                       bool print_subclasses) {
 406   // Set do_print for all superclasses of this class.
 407   Klass* super = ((InstanceKlass*)cie->klass())->java_super();
 408   while (super != NULL) {
 409     KlassInfoEntry* super_cie = cit->lookup(super);
 410     super_cie->set_do_print(true);
 411     super = super->super();
 412   }
 414   // Set do_print for this class and all of its subclasses.
 415   Stack <KlassInfoEntry*, mtClass> class_stack;
 416   class_stack.push(cie);
 417   while (!class_stack.is_empty()) {
 418     KlassInfoEntry* curr_cie = class_stack.pop();
 419     curr_cie->set_do_print(true);
 420     if (print_subclasses && curr_cie->subclasses() != NULL) {
 421       // Current class has subclasses, so push all of them onto the stack.
 422       for (int i = 0; i < curr_cie->subclasses()->length(); i++) {
 423         KlassInfoEntry* cie = curr_cie->subclasses()->at(i);
 424         class_stack.push(cie);
 425       }
 426     }
 427   }
 428 }
 430 static void print_indent(outputStream* st, int indent) {
 431   while (indent != 0) {
 432     st->print("|");
 433     indent--;
 434     if (indent != 0) {
 435       st->print("  ");
 436     }
 437   }
 438 }
 440 // Print the class name and its unique ClassLoader identifer.
 441 static void print_classname(outputStream* st, Klass* klass) {
 442   oop loader_oop = klass->class_loader_data()->class_loader();
 443   st->print("%s/", klass->external_name());
 444   if (loader_oop == NULL) {
 445     st->print("null");
 446   } else {
 447     st->print(INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(klass->class_loader_data()));
 448   }
 449 }
 451 static void print_interface(outputStream* st, InstanceKlass* intf_klass, const char* intf_type, int indent) {
 452   print_indent(st, indent);
 453   st->print("  implements ");
 454   print_classname(st, intf_klass);
 455   st->print(" (%s intf)\n", intf_type);
 456 }
 458 void KlassHierarchy::print_class(outputStream* st, KlassInfoEntry* cie, bool print_interfaces) {
 459   ResourceMark rm;
 460   InstanceKlass* klass = (InstanceKlass*)cie->klass();
 461   int indent = 0;
 463   // Print indentation with proper indicators of superclass.
 464   Klass* super = klass->super();
 465   while (super != NULL) {
 466     super = super->super();
 467     indent++;
 468   }
 469   print_indent(st, indent);
 470   if (indent != 0) st->print("--");
 472   // Print the class name, its unique ClassLoader identifer, and if it is an interface.
 473   print_classname(st, klass);
 474   if (klass->is_interface()) {
 475     st->print(" (intf)");
 476   }
 477   // Special treatment for generated core reflection accessor classes: print invocation target.
 478   if (ReflectionAccessorImplKlassHelper::is_generated_accessor(klass)) {
 479     st->print(" (invokes: ");
 480     ReflectionAccessorImplKlassHelper::print_invocation_target(st, klass);
 481     st->print(")");
 482   }
 483   st->print("\n");
 485   // Print any interfaces the class has.
 486   if (print_interfaces) {
 487     Array<InstanceKlass*>* local_intfs = klass->local_interfaces();
 488     Array<InstanceKlass*>* trans_intfs = klass->transitive_interfaces();
 489     for (int i = 0; i < local_intfs->length(); i++) {
 490       print_interface(st, local_intfs->at(i), "declared", indent);
 491     }
 492     for (int i = 0; i < trans_intfs->length(); i++) {
 493       InstanceKlass* trans_interface = trans_intfs->at(i);
 494       // Only print transitive interfaces if they are not also declared.
 495       if (!local_intfs->contains(trans_interface)) {
 496         print_interface(st, trans_interface, "inherited", indent);
 497       }
 498     }
 499   }
 500 }
 502 void KlassInfoHisto::print_histo_on(outputStream* st) {
 503   st->print_cr(" num     #instances         #bytes  class name (module)");
 504   st->print_cr("-------------------------------------------------------");
 505   print_elements(st);
 506 }
 508 class HistoClosure : public KlassInfoClosure {
 509  private:
 510   KlassInfoHisto* _cih;
 511  public:
 512   HistoClosure(KlassInfoHisto* cih) : _cih(cih) {}
 514   void do_cinfo(KlassInfoEntry* cie) {
 515     _cih->add(cie);
 516   }
 517 };
 519 class RecordInstanceClosure : public ObjectClosure {
 520  private:
 521   KlassInfoTable* _cit;
 522   uint _missed_count;
 523   BoolObjectClosure* _filter;
 524  public:
 525   RecordInstanceClosure(KlassInfoTable* cit, BoolObjectClosure* filter) :
 526     _cit(cit), _missed_count(0), _filter(filter) {}
 528   void do_object(oop obj) {
 529     if (should_visit(obj)) {
 530       if (!_cit->record_instance(obj)) {
 531         _missed_count++;
 532       }
 533     }
 534   }
 536   uint missed_count() { return _missed_count; }
 538  private:
 539   bool should_visit(oop obj) {
 540     return _filter == NULL || _filter->do_object_b(obj);
 541   }
 542 };
 544 // Heap inspection for every worker.
 545 // When native OOM hanppens for KlassInfoTable, set _success to false.
 546 void ParHeapInspectTask::work(uint worker_id) {
 547   uint missed_count = 0;
 548   bool merge_success = true;
 549   if (!Atomic::load(&_success)) {
 550     // other worker has failed on parallel iteration.
 551     return;
 552   }
 554   KlassInfoTable cit(false);
 555   if (cit.allocation_failed()) {
 556     // fail to allocate memory, stop parallel mode
 557     Atomic::store(&_success, false);
 558     return;
 559   }
 560   RecordInstanceClosure ric(&cit, _filter);
 561   _poi->object_iterate(&ric, worker_id);
 562   missed_count = ric.missed_count();
 563   {
 564     MutexLocker x(&_mutex);
 565     merge_success = _shared_cit->merge(&cit);
 566   }
 567   if (merge_success) {
 568     Atomic::add(&_missed_count, missed_count);
 569   } else {
 570     Atomic::store(&_success, false);
 571     return;
 572    }
 573 }
 575 size_t HeapInspection::populate_table(KlassInfoTable* cit, BoolObjectClosure *filter, uint parallel_thread_num) {
 577   // Try parallel first.
 578   if (parallel_thread_num > 1) {
 579     ResourceMark rm;
 580     ParallelObjectIterator* poi = Universe::heap()->parallel_object_iterator(parallel_thread_num);
 581     if (poi != NULL) {
 582       ParHeapInspectTask task(poi, cit, filter);
 583       Universe::heap()->run_task(&task);
 584       delete poi;
 585       if (task.success()) {
 586         return task.missed_count();
 587       }
 588     }
 589   }
 591   ResourceMark rm;
 592   // If no parallel iteration available, run serially.
 593   RecordInstanceClosure ric(cit, filter);
 594   Universe::heap()->object_iterate(&ric);
 595   return ric.missed_count();
 596 }
 598 void HeapInspection::heap_inspection(outputStream* st, uint parallel_thread_num) {
 599   ResourceMark rm;
 601   KlassInfoTable cit(false);
 602   if (!cit.allocation_failed()) {
 603     size_t missed_count = 0;;
 604     // populate table with object allocation info
 605     missed_count = populate_table(&cit, NULL, parallel_thread_num);
 606     if (missed_count != 0) {
 607       log_info(gc, classhisto)("WARNING: Ran out of C-heap; undercounted " SIZE_FORMAT
 608                                " total instances in data below",
 609                                missed_count);
 610     }
 612     // Sort and print klass instance info
 613     KlassInfoHisto histo(&cit);
 614     HistoClosure hc(&histo);
 616     cit.iterate(&hc);
 618     histo.sort();
 619     histo.print_histo_on(st);
 620   } else {
 621     st->print_cr("ERROR: Ran out of C-heap; histogram not generated");
 622   }
 623   st->flush();
 624 }
 626 class FindInstanceClosure : public ObjectClosure {
 627  private:
 628   Klass* _klass;
 629   GrowableArray<oop>* _result;
 631  public:
 632   FindInstanceClosure(Klass* k, GrowableArray<oop>* result) : _klass(k), _result(result) {};
 634   void do_object(oop obj) {
 635     if (obj->is_a(_klass)) {
 636       // obj was read with AS_NO_KEEPALIVE, or equivalent.
 637       // The object needs to be kept alive when it is published.
 638       Universe::heap()->keep_alive(obj);
 640       _result->append(obj);
 641     }
 642   }
 643 };
 645 void HeapInspection::find_instances_at_safepoint(Klass* k, GrowableArray<oop>* result) {
 646   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "all threads are stopped");
 647   assert(Heap_lock->is_locked(), "should have the Heap_lock");
 649   // Ensure that the heap is parsable
 650   Universe::heap()->ensure_parsability(false);  // no need to retire TALBs
 652   // Iterate over objects in the heap
 653   FindInstanceClosure fic(k, result);
 654   Universe::heap()->object_iterate(&fic);
 655 }