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  80          * associated with anchoring text, this should be the
  81          * anchor text.  E.g. from HTML:
  82          *   <a HREF="">Accessibility</a>
  83          * this method would return "Accessibility".
  84          *
  85          * Similarly, from this HTML:
  86          *   <a HREF="#top"><img src="top-hat.gif" alt="top hat"></a>
  87          * this method would return "top hat"
  88          *
  89          * @param i zero-based index of the actions
  90          * @return a String description of the action
  91          * @see #getAccessibleActionCount
  92          */
  93         public abstract String getAccessibleActionDescription(int i);
  95         /**
  96          * Returns an object that represents the link action,
  97          * as appropriate for that link.  E.g. from HTML:
  98          *   <a HREF="">Accessibility</a>
  99          * this method would return a
 100          *"");
 101          *
 102          * @param i zero-based index of the actions
 103          * @return an Object representing the hypertext link itself
 104          * @see #getAccessibleActionCount
 105          */
 106         public abstract Object getAccessibleActionObject(int i);
 108         /**
 109          * Returns an object that represents the link anchor,
 110          * as appropriate for that link.  E.g. from HTML:
 111          *   <a href="">Accessibility</a>
 112          * this method would return a String containing the text:
 113          * "Accessibility".
 114          *
 115          * Similarly, from this HTML:
 116          *   <a HREF="#top"><img src="top-hat.gif" alt="top hat"></a>
 117          * this might return the object ImageIcon("top-hat.gif", "top hat");
 118          *
 119          * @param i zero-based index of the actions
 120          * @return an Object representing the hypertext anchor

  80          * associated with anchoring text, this should be the
  81          * anchor text.  E.g. from HTML:
  82          *   <a HREF="">Accessibility</a>
  83          * this method would return "Accessibility".
  84          *
  85          * Similarly, from this HTML:
  86          *   <a HREF="#top"><img src="top-hat.gif" alt="top hat"></a>
  87          * this method would return "top hat"
  88          *
  89          * @param i zero-based index of the actions
  90          * @return a String description of the action
  91          * @see #getAccessibleActionCount
  92          */
  93         public abstract String getAccessibleActionDescription(int i);
  95         /**
  96          * Returns an object that represents the link action,
  97          * as appropriate for that link.  E.g. from HTML:
  98          *   <a HREF="">Accessibility</a>
  99          * this method would return a
 100          *"");
 101          *
 102          * @param i zero-based index of the actions
 103          * @return an Object representing the hypertext link itself
 104          * @see #getAccessibleActionCount
 105          */
 106         public abstract Object getAccessibleActionObject(int i);
 108         /**
 109          * Returns an object that represents the link anchor,
 110          * as appropriate for that link.  E.g. from HTML:
 111          *   <a href="">Accessibility</a>
 112          * this method would return a String containing the text:
 113          * "Accessibility".
 114          *
 115          * Similarly, from this HTML:
 116          *   <a HREF="#top"><img src="top-hat.gif" alt="top hat"></a>
 117          * this might return the object ImageIcon("top-hat.gif", "top hat");
 118          *
 119          * @param i zero-based index of the actions
 120          * @return an Object representing the hypertext anchor