1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  25 /*
  26  * @author    IBM Corp.
  27  *
  28  * Copyright IBM Corp. 1999-2000.  All rights reserved.
  29  */
  31 package javax.management;
  33 import java.io.Serializable;
  35 // Javadoc imports:
  36 import java.lang.management.MemoryUsage;
  37 import java.util.Arrays;
  38 import java.util.Locale;
  39 import java.util.ResourceBundle;
  40 import javax.management.openmbean.CompositeData;
  41 import javax.management.openmbean.OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport;
  42 import javax.management.openmbean.OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport;
  43 import javax.management.openmbean.OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport;
  44 import javax.management.openmbean.OpenType;
  46 /**
  47  * <p>Additional metadata for a JMX element.  A {@code Descriptor}
  48  * is associated with a {@link MBeanInfo}, {@link MBeanAttributeInfo}, etc.
  49  * It consists of a collection of fields.  A field is a name and an
  50  * associated value.</p>
  51  *
  52  * <p>Field names are not case-sensitive.  The names {@code descriptorType},
  53  * {@code descriptortype}, and {@code DESCRIPTORTYPE} are all equivalent.
  54  * However, the case that was used when the field was first set is preserved
  55  * in the result of the {@link #getFields} and {@link #getFieldNames}
  56  * methods.</p>
  57  *
  58  * <p>Not all field names and values are predefined.
  59  * New fields can be defined and added by any program.</p>
  60  *
  61  * <p>A descriptor can be mutable or immutable.
  62  * An immutable descriptor, once created, never changes.
  63  * The <code>Descriptor</code> methods that could modify the contents
  64  * of the descriptor will throw an exception
  65  * for an immutable descriptor.  Immutable descriptors are usually
  66  * instances of {@link ImmutableDescriptor} or a subclass.  Mutable
  67  * descriptors are usually instances of
  68  * {@link javax.management.modelmbean.DescriptorSupport} or a subclass.
  69  *
  70  * <p>Certain fields are used by the JMX implementation.  This means
  71  * either that the presence of the field may change the behavior of
  72  * the JMX API or that the field may be set in descriptors returned by
  73  * the JMX API.  These fields appear in <i>italics</i> in the table
  74  * below, and each one has a corresponding constant in the {@link JMX}
  75  * class.  For example, the field {@code defaultValue} is represented
  76  * by the constant {@link JMX#DEFAULT_VALUE_FIELD}.</p>
  77  *
  78  * <p>Certain other fields have conventional meanings described in the
  79  * table below but they are not required to be understood or set by
  80  * the JMX implementation.</p>
  81  *
  82  * <p>Field names defined by the JMX specification in this and all
  83  * future versions will never contain a period (.).  Users can safely
  84  * create their own fields by including a period in the name and be
  85  * sure that these names will not collide with any future version of
  86  * the JMX API.  It is recommended to follow the Java package naming
  87  * convention to avoid collisions between field names from different
  88  * origins.  For example, a field created by {@code example.com} might
  89  * have the name {@code com.example.interestLevel}.</p>
  90  *
  91  * <p>Note that the values in the {@code defaultValue}, {@code
  92  * legalValues}, {@code maxValue}, and {@code minValue} fields should
  93  * be consistent with the type returned by the {@code getType()}
  94  * method for the associated {@code MBeanAttributeInfo} or {@code
  95  * MBeanParameterInfo}.  For MXBeans, this means that they should be
  96  * of the mapped Java type, called <em>opendata</em>(J) in the <a
  97  * href="MXBean.html#mapping-rules">MXBean type mapping rules</a>.</p>
  98  *
  99  * <table border="1" cellpadding="5">
 100  *
 101  * <tr><th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Used in</th><th>Meaning</th></tr>
 102  *
 103  * <tr id="defaultValue"><td><i>defaultValue</i><td>Object</td>
 104  * <td>MBeanAttributeInfo<br>MBeanParameterInfo</td>
 105  *
 106  * <td>Default value for an attribute or parameter.  See
 107  * {@link javax.management.openmbean}.</td>
 108  *
 109  * <tr><td>deprecated</td><td>String</td><td>Any</td>
 110  *
 111  * <td>An indication that this element of the information model is no
 112  * longer recommended for use.  A set of MBeans defined by an
 113  * application is collectively called an <em>information model</em>.
 114  * The convention is for the value of this field to contain a string
 115  * that is the version of the model in which the element was first
 116  * deprecated, followed by a space, followed by an explanation of the
 117  * deprecation, for example {@code "1.3 Replaced by the Capacity
 118  * attribute"}.</td>
 119  *
 120  * <tr><td id="descriptionResourceBundleBaseName">descriptionResource<br>
 121  * BundleBaseName</td><td>String</td><td>Any</td>
 122  *
 123  * <td>The base name for the {@link ResourceBundle} in which the key given in
 124  * the {@code descriptionResourceKey} field can be found, for example
 125  * {@code "com.example.myapp.MBeanResources"}.  The meaning of this
 126  * field is defined by this specification but the field is not set or
 127  * used by the JMX API itself.</td>
 128  *
 129  * <tr><td id="descriptionResourceKey">descriptionResourceKey</td>
 130  * <td>String</td><td>Any</td>
 131  *
 132  * <td>A resource key for the description of this element.  In
 133  * conjunction with the {@code descriptionResourceBundleBaseName},
 134  * this can be used to find a localized version of the description.
 135  * The meaning of this field is defined by this specification but the
 136  * field is not set or used by the JMX API itself.</td>
 137  *
 138  * <tr><td>enabled</td><td>String</td>
 139  * <td>MBeanAttributeInfo<br>MBeanNotificationInfo<br>MBeanOperationInfo</td>
 140  *
 141  * <td>The string {@code "true"} or {@code "false"} according as this
 142  * item is enabled.  When an attribute or operation is not enabled, it
 143  * exists but cannot currently be accessed.  A user interface might
 144  * present it as a greyed-out item.  For example, an attribute might
 145  * only be meaningful after the {@code start()} method of an MBean has
 146  * been called, and is otherwise disabled.  Likewise, a notification
 147  * might be disabled if it cannot currently be emitted but could be in
 148  * other circumstances.</td>
 149  *
 150  * <tr id="exceptions"><td>exceptions<td>String[]</td>
 151  * <td>MBeanAttributeInfo, MBeanConstructorInfo, MBeanOperationInfo</td>
 152  *
 153  * <td>The class names of the exceptions that can be thrown when invoking a
 154  * constructor or operation, or getting an attribute. The meaning of this field
 155  * is defined by this specification but the field is not set or used by the
 156  * JMX API itself. Exceptions thrown when
 157  * setting an attribute are specified by the field
 158  * <a href="#setExceptions">{@code setExceptions}</a>.
 159  *
 160  * <tr id="immutableInfo"><td><i>immutableInfo</i><td>String</td>
 161  * <td>MBeanInfo</td>
 162  *
 163  * <td>The string {@code "true"} or {@code "false"} according as this
 164  * MBean's MBeanInfo is <em>immutable</em>.  When this field is true,
 165  * the MBeanInfo for the given MBean is guaranteed not to change over
 166  * the lifetime of the MBean.  Hence, a client can read it once and
 167  * cache the read value.  When this field is false or absent, there is
 168  * no such guarantee, although that does not mean that the MBeanInfo
 169  * will necessarily change.  See also the <a
 170  * href="MBeanInfo.html#info-changed">{@code "jmx.mbean.info.changed"}</a>
 171  * notification.</td>
 172  *
 173  * <tr id="infoTimeout"><td>infoTimeout</td><td>String<br>Long</td><td>MBeanInfo</td>
 174  *
 175  * <td>The time in milli-seconds that the MBeanInfo can reasonably be
 176  * expected to be unchanged.  The value can be a {@code Long} or a
 177  * decimal string.  This provides a hint from a DynamicMBean or any
 178  * MBean that does not define {@code immutableInfo} as {@code true}
 179  * that the MBeanInfo is not likely to change within this period and
 180  * therefore can be cached.  When this field is missing or has the
 181  * value zero, it is not recommended to cache the MBeanInfo unless it
 182  * has the {@code immutableInfo} set to {@code true} or it has <a
 183  * href="MBeanInfo.html#info-changed">{@code "jmx.mbean.info.changed"}</a> in
 184  * its {@link MBeanNotificationInfo} array.</td></tr>
 185  *
 186  * <tr id="interfaceClassName"><td><i>interfaceClassName</i></td>
 187  * <td>String</td><td>MBeanInfo</td>
 188  *
 189  * <td>The Java interface name for a Standard MBean or MXBean, as
 190  * returned by {@link Class#getName()}.  A Standard MBean or MXBean
 191  * registered directly in the MBean Server or created using the {@link
 192  * StandardMBean} class will have this field in its MBeanInfo
 193  * Descriptor.</td>
 194  *
 195  * <tr id="legalValues"><td><i>legalValues</i></td>
 196  * <td>{@literal Set<?>}</td><td>MBeanAttributeInfo<br>MBeanParameterInfo</td>
 197  *
 198  * <td>Legal values for an attribute or parameter.  See
 199  * {@link javax.management.openmbean}.</td>
 200  *
 201  * <tr id="locale"><td>locale</td>
 202  * <td>String</td><td>Any</td>
 203  *
 204  * <td>The {@linkplain Locale locale} of the description in this
 205  * {@code MBeanInfo}, {@code MBeanAttributeInfo}, etc, as returned
 206  * by {@link Locale#toString()}.</td>
 207  *
 208  * <tr id="maxValue"><td><i>maxValue</i><td>Object</td>
 209  * <td>MBeanAttributeInfo<br>MBeanParameterInfo</td>
 210  *
 211  * <td>Maximum legal value for an attribute or parameter.  See
 212  * {@link javax.management.openmbean}.</td>
 213  *
 214  * <tr id="metricType"><td>metricType</td><td>String</td>
 215  * <td>MBeanAttributeInfo<br>MBeanOperationInfo</td>
 216  *
 217  * <td>The type of a metric, one of the strings "counter" or "gauge".
 218  * A metric is a measurement exported by an MBean, usually an
 219  * attribute but sometimes the result of an operation.  A metric that
 220  * is a <em>counter</em> has a value that never decreases except by
 221  * being reset to a starting value.  Counter metrics are almost always
 222  * non-negative integers.  An example might be the number of requests
 223  * received.  A metric that is a <em>gauge</em> has a numeric value
 224  * that can increase or decrease.  Examples might be the number of
 225  * open connections or a cache hit rate or a temperature reading.
 226  *
 227  * <tr id="minValue"><td><i>minValue</i><td>Object</td>
 228  * <td>MBeanAttributeInfo<br>MBeanParameterInfo</td>
 229  *
 230  * <td>Minimum legal value for an attribute or parameter.  See
 231  * {@link javax.management.openmbean}.</td>
 232  *
 233  * <tr id="mxbean"><td><i>mxbean</i><td>String</td>
 234  * <td>MBeanInfo</td>
 235  *
 236  * <td>The string {@code "true"} or {@code "false"} according as this
 237  * MBean is an {@link MXBean}.  A Standard MBean or MXBean registered
 238  * directly with the MBean Server or created using the {@link
 239  * StandardMBean} class will have this field in its MBeanInfo
 240  * Descriptor.</td>
 241  *
 242  * <tr id="openType"><td><i>openType</i><td>{@link OpenType}</td>
 243  * <td>MBeanAttributeInfo<br>MBeanOperationInfo<br>MBeanParameterInfo</td>
 244  *
 245  * <td><p>The Open Type of this element.  In the case of {@code
 246  * MBeanAttributeInfo} and {@code MBeanParameterInfo}, this is the
 247  * Open Type of the attribute or parameter.  In the case of {@code
 248  * MBeanOperationInfo}, it is the Open Type of the return value.  This
 249  * field is set in the Descriptor for all instances of {@link
 250  * OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport}, {@link
 251  * OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport}, and {@link
 252  * OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport}.  It is also set for attributes,
 253  * operations, and parameters of MXBeans.</p>
 254  *
 255  * <p>This field can be set for an {@code MBeanNotificationInfo}, in
 256  * which case it indicates the Open Type that the {@link
 257  * Notification#getUserData() user data} will have.</td>
 258  *
 259  * <tr id="originalType"><td><i>originalType</i><td>String</td>
 260  * <td>MBeanAttributeInfo<br>MBeanOperationInfo<br>MBeanParameterInfo</td>
 261  *
 262  * <td><p>The original Java type of this element as it appeared in the
 263  * {@link MXBean} interface method that produced this {@code
 264  * MBeanAttributeInfo} (etc).  For example, a method<br> <code>public
 265  * </code> {@link MemoryUsage}<code> getHeapMemoryUsage();</code><br>
 266  * in an MXBean interface defines an attribute called {@code
 267  * HeapMemoryUsage} of type {@link CompositeData}.  The {@code
 268  * originalType} field in the Descriptor for this attribute will have
 269  * the value {@code "java.lang.management.MemoryUsage"}.
 270  *
 271  * <p>The format of this string is described in the section <a
 272  * href="MXBean.html#type-names">Type Names</a> of the MXBean
 273  * specification.</p>
 274  *
 275  * <tr id="setExceptions"><td><i>setExceptions</i><td>String[]</td>
 276  * <td>MBeanAttributeInfo</td>
 277  *
 278  * <td>The class names of the exceptions that can be thrown when setting
 279  * an attribute. The meaning of this field
 280  * is defined by this specification but the field is not set or used by the
 281  * JMX API itself.  Exceptions thrown when getting an attribute are specified
 282  * by the field <a href="#exceptions">{@code exceptions}</a>.
 283  *
 284  * <tr><td>severity</td><td>String<br>Integer</td>
 285  * <td>MBeanNotificationInfo</td>
 286  *
 287  * <td>The severity of this notification.  It can be 0 to mean
 288  * unknown severity or a value from 1 to 6 representing decreasing
 289  * levels of severity.  It can be represented as a decimal string or
 290  * an {@code Integer}.</td>
 291  *
 292  * <tr><td>since</td><td>String</td><td>Any</td>
 293  *
 294  * <td>The version of the information model in which this element
 295  * was introduced.  A set of MBeans defined by an application is
 296  * collectively called an <em>information model</em>.  The
 297  * application may also define versions of this model, and use the
 298  * {@code "since"} field to record the version in which an element
 299  * first appeared.</td>
 300  *
 301  * <tr><td>units</td><td>String</td>
 302  * <td>MBeanAttributeInfo<br>MBeanParameterInfo<br>MBeanOperationInfo</td>
 303  *
 304  * <td>The units in which an attribute, parameter, or operation return
 305  * value is measured, for example {@code "bytes"} or {@code
 306  * "seconds"}.</td>
 307  *
 308  * </table>
 309  *
 310  * <p>Some additional fields are defined by Model MBeans.  See the
 311  * information for <a href="modelmbean/ModelMBeanInfo.html#descriptor"><!--
 312  * -->{@code ModelMBeanInfo}</a>,
 313  * <a href="modelmbean/ModelMBeanAttributeInfo.html#descriptor"><!--
 314  * -->{@code ModelMBeanAttributeInfo}</a>,
 315  * <a href="modelmbean/ModelMBeanConstructorInfo.html#descriptor"><!--
 316  * -->{@code ModelMBeanConstructorInfo}</a>,
 317  * <a href="modelmbean/ModelMBeanNotificationInfo.html#descriptor"><!--
 318  * -->{@code ModelMBeanNotificationInfo}</a>, and
 319  * <a href="modelmbean/ModelMBeanOperationInfo.html#descriptor"><!--
 320  * -->{@code ModelMBeanOperationInfo}</a>, as
 321  * well as the chapter "Model MBeans" of the <a
 322  * href="http://java.sun.com/products/JavaManagement/download.html">JMX
 323  * Specification</a>.  The following table summarizes these fields.  Note
 324  * that when the Type in this table is Number, a String that is the decimal
 325  * representation of a Long can also be used.</p>
 326  *
 327  * <p>Nothing prevents the use of these fields in MBeans that are not Model
 328  * MBeans.  The <a href="#displayName">displayName</a>, <a href="#severity"><!--
 329  * -->severity</a>, and <a href="#visibility">visibility</a> fields are of
 330  * interest outside Model MBeans, for example.  But only Model MBeans have
 331  * a predefined behavior for these fields.</p>
 332  *
 333  * <table border="1" cellpadding="5">
 334  *
 335  * <tr><th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Used in</th><th>Meaning</th></tr>
 336  *
 337  * <tr><td>class</td><td>String</td><td>ModelMBeanOperationInfo</td>
 338  *     <td>Class where method is defined (fully qualified).</td></tr>
 339  *
 340  * <tr><td>currencyTimeLimit</td><td>Number</td>
 341  *     <td>ModelMBeanInfo<br>ModelMBeanAttributeInfo<br>ModelMBeanOperationInfo</td>
 342  *     <td>How long cached value is valid: &lt;0 never, =0 always,
 343  *         &gt;0 seconds.</td></tr>
 344  *
 345  * <tr><td>default</td><td>Object</td><td>ModelMBeanAttributeInfo</td>
 346  *     <td>Default value for attribute.</td></tr>
 347  *
 348  * <tr><td>descriptorType</td><td>String</td><td>Any</td>
 349  *     <td>Type of descriptor, "mbean", "attribute", "constructor", "operation",
 350  *         or "notification".</td></tr>
 351  *
 352  * <tr id="displayName"><td>displayName</td><td>String</td><td>Any</td>
 353  *     <td>Human readable name of this item.</td></tr>
 354  *
 355  * <tr><td>export</td><td>String</td><td>ModelMBeanInfo</td>
 356  *     <td>Name to be used to export/expose this MBean so that it is
 357  *         findable by other JMX Agents.</td></tr>
 358  *
 359  * <tr><td>getMethod</td><td>String</td><td>ModelMBeanAttributeInfo</td>
 360  *     <td>Name of operation descriptor for get method.</td></tr>
 361  *
 362  * <tr><td>lastUpdatedTimeStamp</td><td>Number</td>
 363  *     <td>ModelMBeanAttributeInfo<br>ModelMBeanOperationInfo</td>
 364  *     <td>When <a href="#value-field">value</a> was set.</td></tr>
 365  *
 366  * <tr><td>log</td><td>String</td><td>ModelMBeanInfo<br>ModelMBeanNotificationInfo</td>
 367  *     <td>t or T: log all notifications, f or F: log no notifications.</td></tr>
 368  *
 369  * <tr><td>logFile</td><td>String</td><td>ModelMBeanInfo<br>ModelMBeanNotificationInfo</td>
 370  *     <td>Fully qualified filename to log events to.</td></tr>
 371  *
 372  * <tr><td>messageID</td><td>String</td><td>ModelMBeanNotificationInfo</td>
 373  *     <td>Unique key for message text (to allow translation, analysis).</td></tr>
 374  *
 375  * <tr><td>messageText</td><td>String</td><td>ModelMBeanNotificationInfo</td>
 376  *     <td>Text of notification.</td></tr>
 377  *
 378  * <tr><td>name</td><td>String</td><td>Any</td>
 379  *     <td>Name of this item.</td></tr>
 380  *
 381  * <tr><td>persistFile</td><td>String</td><td>ModelMBeanInfo</td>
 382  *     <td>File name into which the MBean should be persisted.</td></tr>
 383  *
 384  * <tr><td>persistLocation</td><td>String</td><td>ModelMBeanInfo</td>
 385  *     <td>The fully qualified directory name where the MBean should be
 386  *         persisted (if appropriate).</td></tr>
 387  *
 388  * <tr><td>persistPeriod</td><td>Number</td>
 389  *     <td>ModelMBeanInfo<br>ModelMBeanAttributeInfo</td>
 390  *     <td>Frequency of persist cycle in seconds. Used when persistPolicy is
 391  *         "OnTimer" or "NoMoreOftenThan".</td></tr>
 392  *
 393  * <tr><td>persistPolicy</td><td>String</td>
 394  *     <td>ModelMBeanInfo<br>ModelMBeanAttributeInfo</td>
 395  *     <td>One of: OnUpdate|OnTimer|NoMoreOftenThan|OnUnregister|Always|Never.
 396  *         See the section "MBean Descriptor Fields" in the JMX specification
 397  *         document.</td></tr>
 398  *
 399  * <tr><td>presentationString</td><td>String</td><td>Any</td>
 400  *     <td>XML formatted string to allow presentation of data.</td></tr>
 401  *
 402  * <tr><td>protocolMap</td><td>Descriptor</td><td>ModelMBeanAttributeInfo</td>
 403  *     <td>See the section "Protocol Map Support" in the JMX specification
 404  *         document.  Mappings must be appropriate for the attribute and entries
 405  *         can be updated or augmented at runtime.</td></tr>
 406  *
 407  * <tr><td>role</td><td>String</td>
 408  *     <td>ModelMBeanConstructorInfo<br>ModelMBeanOperationInfo</td>
 409  *     <td>One of "constructor", "operation", "getter", or "setter".</td></tr>
 410  *
 411  * <tr><td>setMethod</td><td>String</td><td>ModelMBeanAttributeInfo</td>
 412  *     <td>Name of operation descriptor for set method.</td></tr>
 413  *
 414  * <tr id="severity"><td>severity</td><td>Number</td>
 415  *     <td>ModelMBeanNotificationInfo</td>
 416  *     <td>0-6 where 0: unknown; 1: non-recoverable;
 417  *         2: critical, failure; 3: major, severe;
 418  *         4: minor, marginal, error; 5: warning;
 419  *         6: normal, cleared, informative</td></tr>
 420  *
 421  * <tr><td>targetObject</td><td>Object</td><td>ModelMBeanOperationInfo</td>
 422  *     <td>Object on which to execute this method.</td></tr>
 423  *
 424  * <tr><td>targetType</td><td>String</td><td>ModelMBeanOperationInfo</td>
 425  *     <td>type of object reference for targetObject. Can be:
 426  *         ObjectReference | Handle | EJBHandle | IOR | RMIReference.</td></tr>
 427  *
 428  * <tr id="value-field"><td>value</td><td>Object</td>
 429  *     <td>ModelMBeanAttributeInfo<br>ModelMBeanOperationInfo</td>
 430  *     <td>Current (cached) value for attribute or operation.</td></tr>
 431  *
 432  * <tr id="visibility"><td>visibility</td><td>Number</td><td>Any</td>
 433  *     <td>1-4 where 1: always visible, 4: rarely visible.</td></tr>
 434  *
 435  * </table>
 436  *
 437  * @since 1.5
 438  */
 439 public interface Descriptor extends Serializable, Cloneable
 440 {
 442     /**
 443      * Returns the value for a specific field name, or null if no value
 444      * is present for that name.
 445      *
 446      * @param fieldName the field name.
 447      *
 448      * @return the corresponding value, or null if the field is not present.
 449      *
 450      * @exception RuntimeOperationsException if the field name is illegal.
 451      */
 452     public Object getFieldValue(String fieldName)
 453             throws RuntimeOperationsException;
 455     /**
 456      * <p>Sets the value for a specific field name. This will
 457      * modify an existing field or add a new field.</p>
 458      *
 459      * <p>The field value will be validated before it is set.
 460      * If it is not valid, then an exception will be thrown.
 461      * The meaning of validity is dependent on the descriptor
 462      * implementation.</p>
 463      *
 464      * @param fieldName The field name to be set. Cannot be null or empty.
 465      * @param fieldValue The field value to be set for the field
 466      * name. Can be null if that is a valid value for the field.
 467      *
 468      * @exception RuntimeOperationsException if the field name or field value
 469      * is illegal (wrapped exception is {@link IllegalArgumentException}); or
 470      * if the descriptor is immutable (wrapped exception is
 471      * {@link UnsupportedOperationException}).
 472      */
 473     public void setField(String fieldName, Object fieldValue)
 474         throws RuntimeOperationsException;
 477     /**
 478      * Returns all of the fields contained in this descriptor as a string array.
 479      *
 480      * @return String array of fields in the format <i>fieldName=fieldValue</i>
 481      * <br>If the value of a field is not a String, then the toString() method
 482      * will be called on it and the returned value, enclosed in parentheses,
 483      * used as the value for the field in the returned array. If the value
 484      * of a field is null, then the value of the field in the returned array
 485      * will be empty.  If the descriptor is empty, you will get
 486      * an empty array.
 487      *
 488      * @see #setFields
 489      */
 490     public String[] getFields();
 493     /**
 494      * Returns all the field names in the descriptor.
 495      *
 496      * @return String array of field names. If the descriptor is empty,
 497      * you will get an empty array.
 498      */
 499     public String[] getFieldNames();
 501     /**
 502      * Returns all the field values in the descriptor as an array of Objects. The
 503      * returned values are in the same order as the {@code fieldNames} String array parameter.
 504      *
 505      * @param fieldNames String array of the names of the fields that
 506      * the values should be returned for.  If the array is empty then
 507      * an empty array will be returned.  If the array is null then all
 508      * values will be returned, as if the parameter were the array
 509      * returned by {@link #getFieldNames()}.  If a field name in the
 510      * array does not exist, including the case where it is null or
 511      * the empty string, then null is returned for the matching array
 512      * element being returned.
 513      *
 514      * @return Object array of field values. If the list of {@code fieldNames}
 515      * is empty, you will get an empty array.
 516      */
 517     public Object[] getFieldValues(String... fieldNames);
 519     /**
 520      * Removes a field from the descriptor.
 521      *
 522      * @param fieldName String name of the field to be removed.
 523      * If the field name is illegal or the field is not found,
 524      * no exception is thrown.
 525      *
 526      * @exception RuntimeOperationsException if a field of the given name
 527      * exists and the descriptor is immutable.  The wrapped exception will
 528      * be an {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
 529      */
 530     public void removeField(String fieldName);
 532     /**
 533      * <p>Sets all fields in the field names array to the new value with
 534      * the same index in the field values array. Array sizes must match.</p>
 535      *
 536      * <p>The field value will be validated before it is set.
 537      * If it is not valid, then an exception will be thrown.
 538      * If the arrays are empty, then no change will take effect.</p>
 539      *
 540      * @param fieldNames String array of field names. The array and array
 541      * elements cannot be null.
 542      * @param fieldValues Object array of the corresponding field values.
 543      * The array cannot be null. Elements of the array can be null.
 544      *
 545      * @throws RuntimeOperationsException if the change fails for any reason.
 546      * Wrapped exception is {@link IllegalArgumentException} if
 547      * {@code fieldNames} or {@code fieldValues} is null, or if
 548      * the arrays are of different lengths, or if there is an
 549      * illegal value in one of them.
 550      * Wrapped exception is {@link UnsupportedOperationException}
 551      * if the descriptor is immutable, and the call would change
 552      * its contents.
 553      *
 554      * @see #getFields
 555      */
 556     public void setFields(String[] fieldNames, Object[] fieldValues)
 557         throws RuntimeOperationsException;
 560     /**
 561      * <p>Returns a descriptor which is equal to this descriptor.
 562      * Changes to the returned descriptor will have no effect on this
 563      * descriptor, and vice versa.  If this descriptor is immutable,
 564      * it may fulfill this condition by returning itself.</p>
 565      * @exception RuntimeOperationsException for illegal value for field names
 566      * or field values.
 567      * If the descriptor construction fails for any reason, this exception will
 568      * be thrown.
 569      * @return A descriptor which is equal to this descriptor.
 570      */
 571     public Object clone() throws RuntimeOperationsException;
 574     /**
 575      * Returns true if all of the fields have legal values given their
 576      * names.
 577      *
 578      * @return true if the values are legal.
 579      *
 580      * @exception RuntimeOperationsException If the validity checking fails for
 581      * any reason, this exception will be thrown.
 582      * The method returns false if the descriptor is not valid, but throws
 583      * this exception if the attempt to determine validity fails.
 584      */
 585     public boolean isValid() throws RuntimeOperationsException;
 587     /**
 588      * <p>Compares this descriptor to the given object.  The objects are equal if
 589      * the given object is also a Descriptor, and if the two Descriptors have
 590      * the same field names (possibly differing in case) and the same
 591      * associated values.  The respective values for a field in the two
 592      * Descriptors are equal if the following conditions hold:</p>
 593      *
 594      * <ul>
 595      * <li>If one value is null then the other must be too.</li>
 596      * <li>If one value is a primitive array then the other must be a primitive
 597      * array of the same type with the same elements.</li>
 598      * <li>If one value is an object array then the other must be too and
 599      * {@link Arrays#deepEquals(Object[],Object[])} must return true.</li>
 600      * <li>Otherwise {@link Object#equals(Object)} must return true.</li>
 601      * </ul>
 602      *
 603      * @param obj the object to compare with.
 604      *
 605      * @return {@code true} if the objects are the same; {@code false}
 606      * otherwise.
 607      *
 608      * @since 1.6
 609      */
 610     public boolean equals(Object obj);
 612     /**
 613      * <p>Returns the hash code value for this descriptor.  The hash
 614      * code is computed as the sum of the hash codes for each field in
 615      * the descriptor.  The hash code of a field with name {@code n}
 616      * and value {@code v} is {@code n.toLowerCase().hashCode() ^ h}.
 617      * Here {@code h} is the hash code of {@code v}, computed as
 618      * follows:</p>
 619      *
 620      * <ul>
 621      * <li>If {@code v} is null then {@code h} is 0.</li>
 622      * <li>If {@code v} is a primitive array then {@code h} is computed using
 623      * the appropriate overloading of {@code java.util.Arrays.hashCode}.</li>
 624      * <li>If {@code v} is an object array then {@code h} is computed using
 625      * {@link Arrays#deepHashCode(Object[])}.</li>
 626      * <li>Otherwise {@code h} is {@code v.hashCode()}.</li>
 627      * </ul>
 628      *
 629      * @return A hash code value for this object.
 630      *
 631      * @since 1.6
 632      */
 633     public int hashCode();
 634 }