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  25 import java.util.EnumMap;
  26 import java.util.HashMap;
  27 import java.util.Map;
  28 import java.util.Optional;
  29 import java.util.Scanner;
  30 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
  31 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
  33 /**
  34  * LogParser class parses VM output to get PLAB and ConsumptionStats values.
  35  *
  36  * Typical GC log with PLAB statistics (options - -Xlog:gc=debug,gc+plab=debug) looks like:
  37  *
  38  * [2,244s][info   ][gc     ] GC(30) Concurrent Mark abort
  39  * [2,245s][debug  ][gc,plab] GC(33)  (allocated = 1 wasted = 0 unused = 0 used = 1 undo_waste = 0 region_end_waste = 0 regions filled = 0 direct_allocated = 0 failure_used = 0 failure_waste = 0)  (plab_sz = 0 desired_plab_sz = 258)
  40  * [2,245s][debug  ][gc,plab] GC(33)  (allocated = 1 wasted = 0 unused = 0 used = 1 undo_waste = 0 region_end_waste = 0 regions filled = 0 direct_allocated = 0 failure_used = 0 failure_waste = 0)  (plab_sz = 0 desired_plab_sz = 258)
  41  * [2,245s][info   ][gc     ] GC(33) Pause Young (G1 Evacuation Pause) 127M->127M(128M) (2,244s, 2,245s) 0,899ms
  42  * [2,246s][debug  ][gc,plab] GC(34)  (allocated = 1 wasted = 0 unused = 0 used = 1 undo_waste = 0 region_end_waste = 0 regions filled = 0 direct_allocated = 0 failure_used = 0 failure_waste = 0)  (plab_sz = 0 desired_plab_sz = 258)
  43  * [2,246s][debug  ][gc,plab] GC(34)  (allocated = 1 wasted = 0 unused = 0 used = 1 undo_waste = 0 region_end_waste = 0 regions filled = 0 direct_allocated = 0 failure_used = 0 failure_waste = 0)  (plab_sz = 0 desired_plab_sz = 258)
  44  * [2,246s][info   ][gc     ] GC(34) Pause Initial Mark (G1 Evacuation Pause) 127M->127M(128M) (2,245s, 2,246s) 0,907ms

  46  */
  47 final public class LogParser {
  49     // Name for GC ID field in report.
  50     public final static String GC_ID = "gc_id";
  52     /**
  53      * Type of parsed log element.
  54      */
  55     public static enum ReportType {
  57         SURVIVOR_STATS,
  58         OLD_STATS
  59     }
  61     private final String log;
  63     private final Map<Long, Map<ReportType, Map<String,Long>>> reportHolder;

  65     // GC ID
  66     private static final Pattern GC_ID_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\[gc,plab\\s*\\] GC\\((\\d+)\\)");
  67     // Pattern for extraction pair <name>=<numeric value>
  68     private static final Pattern PAIRS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\w+\\s+=\\s+\\d+");
  70     /**
  71      * Construct LogParser Object
  72      *
  73      * @param log - VM Output
  74      */
  75     public LogParser(String log) {
  76         if (log == null) {
  77             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter log should not be null.");
  78         }
  79         this.log = log;
  80         reportHolder = parseLines();
  81     }
  83     /**
  84      * @return log which is being processed
  85      */
  86     public String getLog() {
  87         return log;
  88     }
  90     /**
  91      * Returns list of log entries.

  92      *
  93      * @return list of Pair with ReportType and Map of parameters/values.
  94      */
  95     public Map<Long,Map<ReportType, Map<String,Long>>> getEntries() {
  96         return reportHolder;
  97     }
  99     private Map<Long,Map<ReportType, Map<String,Long>>> parseLines() throws NumberFormatException {
 100         Scanner lineScanner = new Scanner(log);
 101         Map<Long,Map<ReportType, Map<String,Long>>> allocationStatistics = new HashMap<>();
 102         Optional<Long> gc_id;
 103         while (lineScanner.hasNextLine()) {
 104             String line = lineScanner.nextLine();
 105             gc_id = getGcId(line);
 106             if ( gc_id.isPresent() ) {
 107                 Matcher matcher = PAIRS_PATTERN.matcher(line);
 108                 if (matcher.find()) {
 109                     Map<ReportType,Map<String, Long>> oneReportItem;
 110                     ReportType reportType;
 111                     // Second line in log is statistics for Old PLAB allocation
 112                     if ( !allocationStatistics.containsKey(gc_id.get()) ) {
 113                         oneReportItem = new EnumMap<>(ReportType.class);
 114                         reportType = ReportType.SURVIVOR_STATS;
 115                         allocationStatistics.put(gc_id.get(), oneReportItem);
 116                     } else {
 117                         oneReportItem = allocationStatistics.get(gc_id.get());
 118                         reportType = ReportType.OLD_STATS;
 119                     }
 121                     // Extract all pairs from log.
 122                     HashMap<String, Long> plabStats = new HashMap<>();
 123                     do {
 124                         String pair = matcher.group();
 125                         String[] nameValue = pair.replaceAll(" ", "").split("=");
 126                         plabStats.put(nameValue[0], Long.parseLong(nameValue[1]));
 127                     } while (matcher.find());
 128                     oneReportItem.put(reportType,plabStats);
 129                 }
 130             }
 131         }
 132         return allocationStatistics;
 133     }
 135     private Optional<Long> getGcId(String line) {
 136         Matcher number = GC_ID_PATTERN.matcher(line);
 137         if (number.find()) {
 138             return Optional.of(Long.parseLong(number.group(1)));
 139         }
 140         return Optional.empty();
 141     }
 142 }

  25 import java.util.EnumMap;
  26 import java.util.HashMap;
  27 import java.util.Map;
  28 import java.util.Optional;
  29 import java.util.Scanner;
  30 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
  31 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
  33 /**
  34  * LogParser class parses VM output to get PLAB and ConsumptionStats values.
  35  *
  36  * Typical GC log with PLAB statistics (options - -Xlog:gc=debug,gc+plab=debug) looks like:
  37  *
  38  * [2,244s][info   ][gc     ] GC(30) Concurrent Mark abort
  39  * [2,245s][debug  ][gc,plab] GC(33)  (allocated = 1 wasted = 0 unused = 0 used = 1 undo_waste = 0 region_end_waste = 0 regions filled = 0 direct_allocated = 0 failure_used = 0 failure_waste = 0)  (plab_sz = 0 desired_plab_sz = 258)
  40  * [2,245s][debug  ][gc,plab] GC(33)  (allocated = 1 wasted = 0 unused = 0 used = 1 undo_waste = 0 region_end_waste = 0 regions filled = 0 direct_allocated = 0 failure_used = 0 failure_waste = 0)  (plab_sz = 0 desired_plab_sz = 258)
  41  * [2,245s][info   ][gc     ] GC(33) Pause Young (G1 Evacuation Pause) 127M->127M(128M) (2,244s, 2,245s) 0,899ms
  42  * [2,246s][debug  ][gc,plab] GC(34)  (allocated = 1 wasted = 0 unused = 0 used = 1 undo_waste = 0 region_end_waste = 0 regions filled = 0 direct_allocated = 0 failure_used = 0 failure_waste = 0)  (plab_sz = 0 desired_plab_sz = 258)
  43  * [2,246s][debug  ][gc,plab] GC(34)  (allocated = 1 wasted = 0 unused = 0 used = 1 undo_waste = 0 region_end_waste = 0 regions filled = 0 direct_allocated = 0 failure_used = 0 failure_waste = 0)  (plab_sz = 0 desired_plab_sz = 258)
  44  * [2,246s][info   ][gc     ] GC(34) Pause Initial Mark (G1 Evacuation Pause) 127M->127M(128M) (2,245s, 2,246s) 0,907ms
  45  *
  46  * This log will produce next Map as result:
  47  *
  48  * { 33= { ReportType.SURVIVOR_STATS = { "allocated" = 1,
  49  *                                       "wasted" = 0,
  50  *                                       ...
  51  *                                     }
  52  *         ReportType.OLD_STATS      = { "allocated" = "1",
  53  *                                       "wasted" = 0,
  54  *                                       ...
  55  *                                     }
  56  *       },
  57  *   34= { ReportType.SURVIVOR_STATS = { "allocated" = 1,
  58  *                                       "wasted" = 0,
  59  *                                       ...
  60  *                                     }
  61  *         ReportType.OLD_STATS      = { "allocated" = "1",
  62  *                                       "wasted" = 0,
  63  *                                       ...
  64  *                                     }
  65  *       }
  66  *  ...
  67  * }
  68  */
  69 final public class LogParser {
  71     // Name for GC ID field in report.
  72     public final static String GC_ID = "gc_id";
  74     /**
  75      * Type of parsed log element.
  76      */
  77     public static enum ReportType {
  79         SURVIVOR_STATS,
  80         OLD_STATS
  81     }
  83     private final String log;
  85     // Contains Map of PLAB statistics for given log.
  86     private final Map<Long, Map<ReportType, Map<String, Long>>> report;
  88     // GC ID
  89     private static final Pattern GC_ID_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\[gc,plab\\s*\\] GC\\((\\d+)\\)");
  90     // Pattern for extraction pair <name>=<numeric value>
  91     private static final Pattern PAIRS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\w+\\s+=\\s+\\d+");
  93     /**
  94      * Construct LogParser object, parse log file with PLAB statistics and store it into report.
  95      *
  96      * @param log - VM Output
  97      */
  98     public LogParser(String log) {
  99         if (log == null) {
 100             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter log should not be null.");
 101         }
 102         this.log = log;
 103         report = parseLines();
 104     }
 106     /**
 107      * @return log which was processed
 108      */
 109     public String getLog() {
 110         return log;
 111     }
 113     /**
 114      * Returns Map of log entries which contains Long as key and Map as value:
 115      * Map<ReportType, Map<String,Long>>. ReportType is a key, value is Map of String as key and Long as value.
 116      *
 117      * @return Returns Map of log entries.
 118      */
 119     public Map<Long, Map<ReportType, Map<String, Long>>> getEntries() {
 120         return report;
 121     }
 123     private Map<Long, Map<ReportType, Map<String, Long>>> parseLines() throws NumberFormatException {
 124         Scanner lineScanner = new Scanner(log);
 125         Map<Long, Map<ReportType, Map<String, Long>>> allocationStatistics = new HashMap<>();
 126         Optional<Long> gc_id;
 127         while (lineScanner.hasNextLine()) {
 128             String line = lineScanner.nextLine();
 129             gc_id = getGcId(line);
 130             if (gc_id.isPresent()) {
 131                 Matcher matcher = PAIRS_PATTERN.matcher(line);
 132                 if (matcher.find()) {
 133                     Map<ReportType, Map<String, Long>> oneReportItem;
 134                     ReportType reportType;
 135                     // Second line in log is statistics for Old PLAB allocation
 136                     if (!allocationStatistics.containsKey(gc_id.get())) {
 137                         oneReportItem = new EnumMap<>(ReportType.class);
 138                         reportType = ReportType.SURVIVOR_STATS;
 139                         allocationStatistics.put(gc_id.get(), oneReportItem);
 140                     } else {
 141                         oneReportItem = allocationStatistics.get(gc_id.get());
 142                         reportType = ReportType.OLD_STATS;
 143                     }
 145                     // Extract all pairs from log.
 146                     HashMap<String, Long> plabStats = new HashMap<>();
 147                     do {
 148                         String pair = matcher.group();
 149                         String[] nameValue = pair.replaceAll(" ", "").split("=");
 150                         plabStats.put(nameValue[0], Long.parseLong(nameValue[1]));
 151                     } while (matcher.find());
 152                     oneReportItem.put(reportType, plabStats);
 153                 }
 154             }
 155         }
 156         return allocationStatistics;
 157     }
 159     private Optional<Long> getGcId(String line) {
 160         Matcher number = GC_ID_PATTERN.matcher(line);
 161         if (number.find()) {
 162             return Optional.of(Long.parseLong(number.group(1)));
 163         }
 164         return Optional.empty();
 165     }
 166 }
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