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  77 main.opt.cp=\
  78 \  -cp <path>\n\
  79 \  -classpath <path>\n\
  80 \  --class-path <path>           Specify where to find class files
  82 main.opt.module-path=\
  83 \  --module-path <module path>   Specify module path
  85 main.opt.upgrade-module-path=\
  86 \  --upgrade-module-path <module path>  Specify upgrade module path
  88 main.opt.system=\
  89 \  --system <java-home>          Specify an alternate system module path
  91 main.opt.add-modules=\
  92 \  --add-modules <module-name>[,<module-name>...]\n\
  93 \                                Adds modules to the root set for analysis
  95 main.opt.R=\
  96 \  -R       -recursive           Recursively traverse all run-time dependences.\n\

  97 \                                The -R option implies -filter:none.  If -p,\n\
  98 \                                -e, -f option is specified, only the matching\n\
  99 \                                dependences are analyzed.

 101 main.opt.I=\
 102 \  -I       --inverse            Analyzes the dependences per other given options\n\

 103 \                                and then find all artifacts that directly\n\
 104 \                                and indirectly depend on the matching nodes.\n\
 105 \                                This is equivalent to the inverse of\n\
 106 \                                compile-time view analysis and print\n\
 107 \                                dependency summary.  This option must use\n\
 108 \                                with --require, --package or --regex option.
 110 main.opt.compile-time=\
 111 \  --compile-time                Compile-time view of transitive dependences\n\
 112 \                                i.e. compile-time view of -R option.\n\
 113 \                                Analyzes the dependences per other given options\n\
 114 \                                If a dependence is found from a directory,\n\
 115 \                                a JAR file or a module, all classes in that \n\
 116 \                                containing archive are analyzed.
 118 main.opt.apionly=\
 119 \  -apionly\n\
 120 \  --api-only                    Restrict analysis to APIs i.e. dependences\n\
 121 \                                from the signature of public and protected\n\
 122 \                                members of public classes including field\n\

 149 \                                graph after transition reduction.  It also\n\
 150 \                                identifies any unused qualified exports.
 152 main.opt.dotoutput=\
 153 \  -dotoutput <dir>\n\
 154 \  --dot-output <dir>            Destination directory for DOT file output
 156 main.opt.jdkinternals=\
 157 \  -jdkinternals\n\
 158 \  --jdk-internals               Finds class-level dependences on JDK internal\n\
 159 \                                APIs. By default, it analyzes all classes\n\
 160 \                                on --class-path and input files unless -include\n\
 161 \                                option is specified. This option cannot be\n\
 162 \                                used with -p, -e and -s options.\n\
 163 \                                WARNING: JDK internal APIs are inaccessible.
 165 main.opt.list-deps=\
 166 \  --list-deps                   Lists the module dependences.  It also prints\n\
 167 \                                any internal API packages if referenced.\n\
 168 \                                This option transitively analyzes libraries on\n\
 169 \                                class path and module path if referenced.  

 171 main.opt.list-reduced-deps=\
 172 \  --list-reduced-deps           Same as --list-deps with not listing\n\
 173 \                                the implied reads edges from the module graph.\n\
 174 \                                If module M1 reads M2, and M2 requires\n\
 175 \                                transitive on M3, then M1 reading M3 is implied\n\
 176 \                                and is not shown in the graph.
 178 main.opt.print-module-deps=\
 179 \  --print-module-deps           Same as --list-reduced-deps with printing\n\
 180 \                                a comma-separated list of module dependences.\n\
 181 \                                This output can be used by jlink --add-modules\n\
 182 \                                in order to create a custom image containing\n\
 183 \                                those modules and their transitive dependences.
 185 main.opt.depth=\
 186 \  -depth=<depth>                Specify the depth of the transitive\n\
 187 \                                dependency analysis
 189 main.opt.q=\

  77 main.opt.cp=\
  78 \  -cp <path>\n\
  79 \  -classpath <path>\n\
  80 \  --class-path <path>           Specify where to find class files
  82 main.opt.module-path=\
  83 \  --module-path <module path>   Specify module path
  85 main.opt.upgrade-module-path=\
  86 \  --upgrade-module-path <module path>  Specify upgrade module path
  88 main.opt.system=\
  89 \  --system <java-home>          Specify an alternate system module path
  91 main.opt.add-modules=\
  92 \  --add-modules <module-name>[,<module-name>...]\n\
  93 \                                Adds modules to the root set for analysis
  95 main.opt.R=\
  96 \  -R\n\
  97 \  --recursive                   Recursively traverse all run-time dependences.\n\
  98 \                                The -R option implies -filter:none.  If -p,\n\
  99 \                                -e, -f option is specified, only the matching\n\
 100 \                                dependences are analyzed.
 102 main.opt.no-recursive=\
 103 \  --no-recursive                Do not recursively traverse dependences.
 105 main.opt.I=\
 106 \  -I\n\
 107 \  --inverse                     Analyzes the dependences per other given options\n\
 108 \                                and then find all artifacts that directly\n\
 109 \                                and indirectly depend on the matching nodes.\n\
 110 \                                This is equivalent to the inverse of\n\
 111 \                                compile-time view analysis and print\n\
 112 \                                dependency summary.  This option must use\n\
 113 \                                with --require, --package or --regex option.
 115 main.opt.compile-time=\
 116 \  --compile-time                Compile-time view of transitive dependences\n\
 117 \                                i.e. compile-time view of -R option.\n\
 118 \                                Analyzes the dependences per other given options\n\
 119 \                                If a dependence is found from a directory,\n\
 120 \                                a JAR file or a module, all classes in that \n\
 121 \                                containing archive are analyzed.
 123 main.opt.apionly=\
 124 \  -apionly\n\
 125 \  --api-only                    Restrict analysis to APIs i.e. dependences\n\
 126 \                                from the signature of public and protected\n\
 127 \                                members of public classes including field\n\

 154 \                                graph after transition reduction.  It also\n\
 155 \                                identifies any unused qualified exports.
 157 main.opt.dotoutput=\
 158 \  -dotoutput <dir>\n\
 159 \  --dot-output <dir>            Destination directory for DOT file output
 161 main.opt.jdkinternals=\
 162 \  -jdkinternals\n\
 163 \  --jdk-internals               Finds class-level dependences on JDK internal\n\
 164 \                                APIs. By default, it analyzes all classes\n\
 165 \                                on --class-path and input files unless -include\n\
 166 \                                option is specified. This option cannot be\n\
 167 \                                used with -p, -e and -s options.\n\
 168 \                                WARNING: JDK internal APIs are inaccessible.
 170 main.opt.list-deps=\
 171 \  --list-deps                   Lists the module dependences.  It also prints\n\
 172 \                                any internal API packages if referenced.\n\
 173 \                                This option transitively analyzes libraries on\n\
 174 \                                class path and module path if referenced.\n\
 175 \                                Use --no-recursive option for non-transitive\n\
 176 \                                dependency analysis.
 178 main.opt.list-reduced-deps=\
 179 \  --list-reduced-deps           Same as --list-deps with not listing\n\
 180 \                                the implied reads edges from the module graph.\n\
 181 \                                If module M1 reads M2, and M2 requires\n\
 182 \                                transitive on M3, then M1 reading M3 is implied\n\
 183 \                                and is not shown in the graph.
 185 main.opt.print-module-deps=\
 186 \  --print-module-deps           Same as --list-reduced-deps with printing\n\
 187 \                                a comma-separated list of module dependences.\n\
 188 \                                This output can be used by jlink --add-modules\n\
 189 \                                in order to create a custom image containing\n\
 190 \                                those modules and their transitive dependences.
 192 main.opt.depth=\
 193 \  -depth=<depth>                Specify the depth of the transitive\n\
 194 \                                dependency analysis
 196 main.opt.q=\

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