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@@ -77,10 +77,19 @@
 ifneq ($(MAN_DIR), )
   JMOD_FLAGS += --man-pages $(MAN_DIR)
   DEPS += $(call CacheFind, $(MAN_DIR))
+  $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/modules_legal/java.base \
+  $(call FindModuleLegalDirs, $(MODULE))
+DEPS += $(call CacheFind, $(LEGAL_NOTICES))
+JMOD_FLAGS += --legal-notices $(LEGAL_NOTICES_PATH)
 # Add dependencies on other jmod files. Only java.base needs access to other
 # jmods.
 ifeq ($(MODULE), java.base)
   # When creating a BUILDJDK, we don't need to add hashes to java.base
   ifneq ($(CREATING_BUILDJDK), true)

@@ -110,11 +119,10 @@
 # to avoid false incremental rebuilds.
 ifeq ($(INTERIM_JMOD), true)
   DEPS := $(filter-out $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/modules_libs/java.base/classlist, $(DEPS))
-# TODO: What about headers?
 # Create jmods in a temp dir and then move them into place to keep the
 # module path in $(IMAGES_OUTPUTDIR)/jmods valid at all times.
 $(JMODS_DIR)/$(MODULE).jmod: $(DEPS)
         $(call LogWarn, Creating $(patsubst $(OUTPUT_ROOT)/%, %, $@))
         $(call MakeDir, $(JMODS_DIR) $(JMODS_TEMPDIR))
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