1 /* Javadoc style sheet */
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   3 Overall document style
   4 */
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 104 Document title and Copyright styles
 105 */
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 136 Navigation bar styles
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 245 Page header and footer styles
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 288 /*
 289 Heading styles
 290 */
 291 div.details ul.blockList ul.blockList ul.blockList li.blockList h4, div.details ul.blockList ul.blockList ul.blockListLast li.blockList h4 {
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 303 ul.blockList ul.blockList li.blockList h3 {
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 358 List styles
 359 */
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 410 table tr td dl, table tr td dl dt, table tr td dl dd {
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 415 Table styles
 416 */
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 444 .overviewSummary caption a:link, .memberSummary caption a:link, .typeSummary caption a:link,
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 498 }
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 507 }
 508 .overviewSummary .tabEnd, .memberSummary .tabEnd, .typeSummary .tabEnd,
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 516 }
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 542 }
 543 th.colFirst, th.colSecond, th.colLast, .useSummary th, .constantsSummary th, .packagesSummary th,
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 550 th.colFirst, th.colSecond, th.colLast, .constantsSummary th, .packagesSummary th {
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 562 .constantsSummary th, .packagesSummary th {
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 564 }
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 570 .overviewSummary td.colFirst, .overviewSummary th.colFirst,
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 574 .providesSummary td.colFirst, .providesSummary th.colFirst,
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 579 }
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 587 td.colLast a:link, td.colLast a:active, td.colLast a:visited, td.colLast a:hover,
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 594 }
 595 .altColor, .altColor th {
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 601 /*
 602 Content styles
 603 */
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 606 }
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 611 .docSummary {
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 613 }
 615 ul.blockList ul.blockList ul.blockList li.blockList h3 {
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 617 }
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 624 td.colLast div {
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 632 /*
 633 Formatting effect styles
 634 */
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 648 }
 649 .deprecatedLabel, .descfrmTypeLabel, .implementationLabel, .memberNameLabel, .memberNameLink,
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 654 }
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 657 }
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 664 div.contentContainer ul.blockList li.blockList h2 {
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 666 }
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 668 IFRAME specific styles
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 722 /*
 723 HTML5 specific styles
 724 */
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 727 }
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 737 }
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 778 }
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 780     color:#888;
 781 }
 782 .searchTagDescResult {
 783     font-style:italic;
 784     font-size:11px;
 785 }
 786 .searchTagHolderResult {
 787     font-style:italic;
 788     font-size:12px;
 789 }
 791 .moduleGraph span {
 792     display:none;
 793     position:absolute;
 794 }
 795 .moduleGraph:hover span {
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 799 }