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  42 import sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory;
  44 /** This class provides the methods for fundamental JVM operations
  45  * needed in the ORB that are not part of the public Java API.  This includes:
  46  * <ul>
  47  * <li>throwException, which can throw undeclared checked exceptions.
  48  * This is needed to handle throwing arbitrary exceptions across a standardized
  49  * OMG interface that (incorrectly) does not specify appropriate exceptions.</li>
  50  * <li>putXXX/getXXX methods that allow unchecked access to fields of objects.
  51  * This is used for setting uninitialzed non-static final fields (which is
  52  * impossible with reflection) and for speed.</li>
  53  * <li>objectFieldOffset to obtain the field offsets for use in the putXXX/getXXX methods</li>
  54  * <li>newConstructorForSerialization to get the special constructor required for a
  55  * Serializable class</li>
  56  * <li>latestUserDefinedLoader to get the latest user defined class loader from
  57  * the call stack as required by the RMI-IIOP specification (really from the
  58  * JDK 1.1 days)</li>
  59  * </ul>
  60  * The code that calls Bridge.get() must have the following Permissions:
  61  * <ul>
  62  * <li>RuntimePermission "reflectionFactoryAccess"</li>
  63  * <li>BridgePermission "getBridge"</li>
  64  * <li>ReflectPermission "suppressAccessChecks"</li>
  65  * <li>StackFramePermission "retainClassReference"</li>

  66  * </ul>
  67  * <p>
  68  * All of these permissions are required to obtain and correctly initialize
  69  * the instance of Bridge.  No security checks are performed on calls
  70  * made to Bridge instance methods, so access to the Bridge instance
  71  * must be protected.
  72  * <p>
  73  * This class is a singleton (per ClassLoader of course).  Access to the
  74  * instance is obtained through the Bridge.get() method.
  75  */
  76 public final class Bridge
  77 {
  78     private static final Permission getBridgePermission =
  79             new BridgePermission("getBridge");
  80     private static Bridge bridge = null ;
  82     /** Access to Unsafe to read/write fields. */
  83     private static final Unsafe unsafe = AccessController.doPrivileged(
  84             (PrivilegedAction<Unsafe>)() -> {
  85                 try {

  88                     return (Unsafe)field.get(null);
  90                 } catch (NoSuchFieldException |IllegalAccessException ex) {
  91                     throw new InternalError("Unsafe.theUnsafe field not available", ex);
  92                 }
  93             }
  94     ) ;
  96     private final ReflectionFactory reflectionFactory ;
  97     private final StackWalker stackWalker;
  99     private Bridge() {
 100         reflectionFactory = ReflectionFactory.getReflectionFactory();
 101         stackWalker  = StackWalker.getInstance(
 102                             StackWalker.Option.RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE);
 103     }
 105     /** Fetch the Bridge singleton.  This requires the following
 106      * permissions:
 107      * <ul>
 108      * <li>RuntimePermission "reflectionFactoryAccess"</li>
 109      * <li>BridgePermission "getBridge"</li>
 110      * <li>ReflectPermission "suppressAccessChecks"</li>
 111      * <li>StackFramePermission "retainClassReference"</li>

 112      * </ul>
 113      * @return The singleton instance of the Bridge class
 114      * @throws SecurityException if the caller does not have the
 115      * required permissions and the caller has a non-null security manager.
 116      */
 117     public static final synchronized Bridge get()
 118     {
 119         SecurityManager sman = System.getSecurityManager() ;
 120         if (sman != null)
 121             sman.checkPermission( getBridgePermission ) ;
 123         if (bridge == null) {
 124             bridge = new Bridge() ;
 125         }
 127         return bridge ;
 128     }
 130     /** Returns true if the loader that loaded the frame's declaring class
 131      * is a user loader (if it is not the platform class loader or one of

  42 import sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory;
  44 /** This class provides the methods for fundamental JVM operations
  45  * needed in the ORB that are not part of the public Java API.  This includes:
  46  * <ul>
  47  * <li>throwException, which can throw undeclared checked exceptions.
  48  * This is needed to handle throwing arbitrary exceptions across a standardized
  49  * OMG interface that (incorrectly) does not specify appropriate exceptions.</li>
  50  * <li>putXXX/getXXX methods that allow unchecked access to fields of objects.
  51  * This is used for setting uninitialzed non-static final fields (which is
  52  * impossible with reflection) and for speed.</li>
  53  * <li>objectFieldOffset to obtain the field offsets for use in the putXXX/getXXX methods</li>
  54  * <li>newConstructorForSerialization to get the special constructor required for a
  55  * Serializable class</li>
  56  * <li>latestUserDefinedLoader to get the latest user defined class loader from
  57  * the call stack as required by the RMI-IIOP specification (really from the
  58  * JDK 1.1 days)</li>
  59  * </ul>
  60  * The code that calls Bridge.get() must have the following Permissions:
  61  * <ul>

  62  * <li>BridgePermission "getBridge"</li>
  63  * <li>ReflectPermission "suppressAccessChecks"</li>
  64  * <li>RuntimePermission "getStackWalkerWithClassReference"</li>
  65  * <li>RuntimePermission "reflectionFactoryAccess"</li>
  66  * </ul>
  67  * <p>
  68  * All of these permissions are required to obtain and correctly initialize
  69  * the instance of Bridge.  No security checks are performed on calls
  70  * made to Bridge instance methods, so access to the Bridge instance
  71  * must be protected.
  72  * <p>
  73  * This class is a singleton (per ClassLoader of course).  Access to the
  74  * instance is obtained through the Bridge.get() method.
  75  */
  76 public final class Bridge
  77 {
  78     private static final Permission getBridgePermission =
  79             new BridgePermission("getBridge");
  80     private static Bridge bridge = null ;
  82     /** Access to Unsafe to read/write fields. */
  83     private static final Unsafe unsafe = AccessController.doPrivileged(
  84             (PrivilegedAction<Unsafe>)() -> {
  85                 try {

  88                     return (Unsafe)field.get(null);
  90                 } catch (NoSuchFieldException |IllegalAccessException ex) {
  91                     throw new InternalError("Unsafe.theUnsafe field not available", ex);
  92                 }
  93             }
  94     ) ;
  96     private final ReflectionFactory reflectionFactory ;
  97     private final StackWalker stackWalker;
  99     private Bridge() {
 100         reflectionFactory = ReflectionFactory.getReflectionFactory();
 101         stackWalker  = StackWalker.getInstance(
 102                             StackWalker.Option.RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE);
 103     }
 105     /** Fetch the Bridge singleton.  This requires the following
 106      * permissions:
 107      * <ul>

 108      * <li>BridgePermission "getBridge"</li>
 109      * <li>ReflectPermission "suppressAccessChecks"</li>
 110      * <li>RuntimePermission "getStackWalkerWithClassReference"</li>
 111      * <li>RuntimePermission "reflectionFactoryAccess"</li>
 112      * </ul>
 113      * @return The singleton instance of the Bridge class
 114      * @throws SecurityException if the caller does not have the
 115      * required permissions and the caller has a non-null security manager.
 116      */
 117     public static final synchronized Bridge get()
 118     {
 119         SecurityManager sman = System.getSecurityManager() ;
 120         if (sman != null)
 121             sman.checkPermission( getBridgePermission ) ;
 123         if (bridge == null) {
 124             bridge = new Bridge() ;
 125         }
 127         return bridge ;
 128     }
 130     /** Returns true if the loader that loaded the frame's declaring class
 131      * is a user loader (if it is not the platform class loader or one of

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