/* * Copyright (c) 2004, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package sun.corba ; import java.io.OptionalDataException; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle; import java.lang.reflect.Field ; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor ; import java.lang.StackWalker; import java.lang.StackWalker.StackFrame; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.stream.Stream; import java.security.AccessController; import java.security.Permission; import java.security.PrivilegedAction; import sun.misc.Unsafe; import sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory; /** This class provides the methods for fundamental JVM operations * needed in the ORB that are not part of the public Java API. This includes: * * The code that calls Bridge.get() must have the following Permissions: * *

* All of these permissions are required to obtain and correctly initialize * the instance of Bridge. No security checks are performed on calls * made to Bridge instance methods, so access to the Bridge instance * must be protected. *

* This class is a singleton (per ClassLoader of course). Access to the * instance is obtained through the Bridge.get() method. */ public final class Bridge { private static final Permission getBridgePermission = new BridgePermission("getBridge"); private static Bridge bridge = null ; /** Access to Unsafe to read/write fields. */ private static final Unsafe unsafe = AccessController.doPrivileged( (PrivilegedAction)() -> { try { Field field = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe"); field.setAccessible(true); return (Unsafe)field.get(null); } catch (NoSuchFieldException |IllegalAccessException ex) { throw new InternalError("Unsafe.theUnsafe field not available", ex); } } ) ; private final ReflectionFactory reflectionFactory ; private final StackWalker stackWalker; private Bridge() { reflectionFactory = ReflectionFactory.getReflectionFactory(); stackWalker = StackWalker.getInstance( StackWalker.Option.RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE); } /** Fetch the Bridge singleton. This requires the following * permissions: *

* @return The singleton instance of the Bridge class * @throws SecurityException if the caller does not have the * required permissions and the caller has a non-null security manager. */ public static final synchronized Bridge get() { SecurityManager sman = System.getSecurityManager() ; if (sman != null) sman.checkPermission( getBridgePermission ) ; if (bridge == null) { bridge = new Bridge() ; } return bridge ; } /** Returns true if the loader that loaded the frame's declaring class * is a user loader (if it is not the platform class loader or one of * its ancestor). */ private boolean isUserLoader(StackFrame sf) { ClassLoader cl = sf.getDeclaringClass().getClassLoader(); if (cl == null) return false; ClassLoader p = ClassLoader.getPlatformClassLoader(); while (cl != p && p != null) p = p.getParent(); return cl != p; } private Optional getLatestUserDefinedLoaderFrame(Stream stream) { return stream.filter(this::isUserLoader).findFirst(); } /** Obtain the latest user defined ClassLoader from the call stack. * This is required by the RMI-IIOP specification. */ public final ClassLoader getLatestUserDefinedLoader() { // requires getClassLoader permission => needs doPrivileged. PrivilegedAction pa = () -> stackWalker.walk(this::getLatestUserDefinedLoaderFrame) .map(sf -> sf.getDeclaringClass().getClassLoader()) .orElseGet(() -> ClassLoader.getPlatformClassLoader()); return AccessController.doPrivileged(pa); } /** * Fetches a field element within the given * object o at the given offset. * The result is undefined unless the offset was obtained from * {@link #objectFieldOffset} on the {@link java.lang.reflect.Field} * of some Java field and the object referred to by o * is of a class compatible with that field's class. * @param o Java heap object in which the field from which the offset * was obtained resides * @param offset indication of where the field resides in a Java heap * object * @return the value fetched from the indicated Java field * @throws RuntimeException No defined exceptions are thrown, not even * {@link NullPointerException} */ public final int getInt(Object o, long offset) { return unsafe.getInt( o, offset ) ; } /** * Stores a value into a given Java field. *

* The first two parameters are interpreted exactly as with * {@link #getInt(Object, long)} to refer to a specific * Java field. The given value is stored into that field. *

* The field must be of the same type as the method * parameter x. * * @param o Java heap object in which the field resides, if any, else * null * @param offset indication of where the field resides in a Java heap * object. * @param x the value to store into the indicated Java field * @throws RuntimeException No defined exceptions are thrown, not even * {@link NullPointerException} */ public final void putInt(Object o, long offset, int x) { unsafe.putInt( o, offset, x ) ; } /** * @see #getInt(Object, long) */ public final Object getObject(Object o, long offset) { return unsafe.getObject( o, offset ) ; } /** * @see #putInt(Object, long, int) */ public final void putObject(Object o, long offset, Object x) { unsafe.putObject( o, offset, x ) ; } /** @see #getInt(Object, long) */ public final boolean getBoolean(Object o, long offset) { return unsafe.getBoolean( o, offset ) ; } /** @see #putInt(Object, long, int) */ public final void putBoolean(Object o, long offset, boolean x) { unsafe.putBoolean( o, offset, x ) ; } /** @see #getInt(Object, long) */ public final byte getByte(Object o, long offset) { return unsafe.getByte( o, offset ) ; } /** @see #putInt(Object, long, int) */ public final void putByte(Object o, long offset, byte x) { unsafe.putByte( o, offset, x ) ; } /** @see #getInt(Object, long) */ public final short getShort(Object o, long offset) { return unsafe.getShort( o, offset ) ; } /** @see #putInt(Object, long, int) */ public final void putShort(Object o, long offset, short x) { unsafe.putShort( o, offset, x ) ; } /** @see #getInt(Object, long) */ public final char getChar(Object o, long offset) { return unsafe.getChar( o, offset ) ; } /** @see #putInt(Object, long, int) */ public final void putChar(Object o, long offset, char x) { unsafe.putChar( o, offset, x ) ; } /** @see #getInt(Object, long) */ public final long getLong(Object o, long offset) { return unsafe.getLong( o, offset ) ; } /** @see #putInt(Object, long, int) */ public final void putLong(Object o, long offset, long x) { unsafe.putLong( o, offset, x ) ; } /** @see #getInt(Object, long) */ public final float getFloat(Object o, long offset) { return unsafe.getFloat( o, offset ) ; } /** @see #putInt(Object, long, int) */ public final void putFloat(Object o, long offset, float x) { unsafe.putFloat( o, offset, x ) ; } /** @see #getInt(Object, long) */ public final double getDouble(Object o, long offset) { return unsafe.getDouble( o, offset ) ; } /** @see #putInt(Object, long, int) */ public final void putDouble(Object o, long offset, double x) { unsafe.putDouble( o, offset, x ) ; } /** * This constant differs from all results that will ever be returned from * {@link #objectFieldOffset}. */ public static final long INVALID_FIELD_OFFSET = -1; /** * Returns the offset of a non-static field. */ public final long objectFieldOffset(Field f) { return unsafe.objectFieldOffset( f ) ; } /** * Returns the offset of a static field. */ public final long staticFieldOffset(Field f) { return unsafe.staticFieldOffset( f ) ; } /** * Ensure that the class has been initalized. * @param cl the class to ensure is initialized */ public final void ensureClassInitialized(Class cl) { unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(cl); } /** Throw the exception. * The exception may be an undeclared checked exception. */ public final void throwException(Throwable ee) { unsafe.throwException( ee ) ; } /** * Obtain a constructor for Class cl. * This is used to create a constructor for Serializable classes that * construct an instance of the Serializable class using the * no args constructor of the first non-Serializable superclass * of the Serializable class. */ public final Constructor newConstructorForSerialization( Class cl ) { return reflectionFactory.newConstructorForSerialization( cl ) ; } public final Constructor newConstructorForExternalization(Class cl) { return reflectionFactory.newConstructorForExternalization( cl ) ; } /** * Returns true if the given class defines a static initializer method, * false otherwise. */ public final boolean hasStaticInitializerForSerialization(Class cl) { return reflectionFactory.hasStaticInitializerForSerialization(cl); } public final MethodHandle writeObjectForSerialization(Class cl) { return reflectionFactory.writeObjectForSerialization(cl); } public final MethodHandle readObjectForSerialization(Class cl) { return reflectionFactory.readObjectForSerialization(cl); } public final MethodHandle readObjectNoDataForSerialization(Class cl) { return reflectionFactory.readObjectNoDataForSerialization(cl); } public final MethodHandle readResolveForSerialization(Class cl) { return reflectionFactory.readResolveForSerialization(cl); } public final MethodHandle writeReplaceForSerialization(Class cl) { return reflectionFactory.writeReplaceForSerialization(cl); } /** * Return a new OptionalDataException instance. * @return a new OptionalDataException instance */ public final OptionalDataException newOptionalDataExceptionForSerialization(boolean bool) { return reflectionFactory.newOptionalDataExceptionForSerialization(bool); } }