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rev 53130 : 8216060: [PPC64] Vector CRC implementation should be used by interpreter and be faster for short arrays
Reviewed-by: gromero

  26 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  27 #include "asm/macroAssembler.inline.hpp"
  28 #include "runtime/stubRoutines.hpp"
  30 // Implementation of the platform-specific part of StubRoutines - for
  31 // a description of how to extend it, see the stubRoutines.hpp file.
  34 #define __ masm->
  36 // CRC32(C) Intrinsics.
  37 void StubRoutines::ppc64::generate_load_crc_table_addr(MacroAssembler* masm, Register table) {
  38   __ load_const_optimized(table, StubRoutines::_crc_table_adr, R0);
  39 }
  41 void StubRoutines::ppc64::generate_load_crc_constants_addr(MacroAssembler* masm, Register table) {
  42   __ load_const_optimized(table, (address)StubRoutines::ppc64::_crc_constants, R0);
  43 }
  45 void StubRoutines::ppc64::generate_load_crc_barret_constants_addr(MacroAssembler* masm, Register table) {
  46   __ load_const_optimized(table, (address)StubRoutines::ppc64::_crc_barret_constants, R0);
  47 }
  49 void StubRoutines::ppc64::generate_load_crc32c_table_addr(MacroAssembler* masm, Register table) {
  50   __ load_const_optimized(table, StubRoutines::_crc32c_table_addr, R0);
  51 }
  53 void StubRoutines::ppc64::generate_load_crc32c_constants_addr(MacroAssembler* masm, Register table) {
  54   __ load_const_optimized(table, (address)StubRoutines::ppc64::_crc32c_constants, R0);
  55 }
  57 void StubRoutines::ppc64::generate_load_crc32c_barret_constants_addr(MacroAssembler* masm, Register table) {
  58   __ load_const_optimized(table, (address)StubRoutines::ppc64::_crc32c_barret_constants, R0);
  59 }
  61 // CRC constants and compute functions
  62 #define REVERSE_CRC32_POLY  0xEDB88320
  63 #define REVERSE_CRC32C_POLY 0x82F63B78
  64 #define INVERSE_REVERSE_CRC32_POLY  0x1aab14226ull
  65 #define INVERSE_REVERSE_CRC32C_POLY 0x105fd79bdull
  66 #define UNROLL_FACTOR 2048
  67 #define UNROLL_FACTOR2 8
  69 static juint fold_word(juint w, juint reverse_poly) {
  70   for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
  71     int poly_if_odd = (-(w & 1)) & reverse_poly;
  72     w = (w >> 1) ^ poly_if_odd;
  73   }
  74   return w;
  75 }
  77 static julong numberOfLeadingZeros(julong p) {
  78   julong l = 1ull << 63;
  79   for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i) {
  80     if (p & l) return i;
  81     l >>= 1;
  82   }
  83   return 64;
  84 }
  86 static julong compute_inverse_poly(julong long_poly) {
  87   // 2^64 / p
  88   julong mod = 0, div = 0;
  89   int d = numberOfLeadingZeros(long_poly);
  90   int s = d + 1;
  91   do {
  92     mod ^= (long_poly << s);
  93     div |= (1L << s);
  94     s = d - numberOfLeadingZeros(mod);
  95   } while (s >= 0);
  96   return div;
  97 }
  99 // Constants to fold n words as needed by macroAssembler.
 100 juint* StubRoutines::ppc64::generate_crc_constants(juint reverse_poly) {
 101   juint* ptr = (juint*) malloc(sizeof(juint) * 4 * (UNROLL_FACTOR2 - 1 + UNROLL_FACTOR / UNROLL_FACTOR2));
 102   guarantee(((intptr_t)ptr & 0xF) == 0, "16-byte alignment needed");
 103   guarantee(ptr != NULL, "allocation error of a crc table");
 105   // Generate constants for outer loop
 106   juint v0, v1, v2, v3 = 1;
 107   for (int i = 0; i < UNROLL_FACTOR2 - 1; ++i) {
 108     v0 = fold_word(v3, reverse_poly);
 109     v1 = fold_word(v0, reverse_poly);
 110     v2 = fold_word(v1, reverse_poly);
 111     v3 = fold_word(v2, reverse_poly);
 112 #ifdef VM_LITTLE_ENDIAN
 113     ptr[4*i  ] = v3;
 114     ptr[4*i+1] = v2;
 115     ptr[4*i+2] = v3;
 116     ptr[4*i+3] = v2;
 117 #else
 118     ptr[4*i  ] = v2;
 119     ptr[4*i+1] = v3;
 120     ptr[4*i+2] = v2;
 121     ptr[4*i+3] = v3;
 122 #endif
 123   }
 125   // Generate constants for inner loop
 126   juint* ptr2 = ptr + 4 * (UNROLL_FACTOR2 - 1);
 127   v3 = 1; // Restart from scratch.
 128   for (int i = 0; i < UNROLL_FACTOR; ++i) {
 129     v0 = fold_word(v3, reverse_poly);
 130     v1 = fold_word(v0, reverse_poly);
 131     v2 = fold_word(v1, reverse_poly);
 132     v3 = fold_word(v2, reverse_poly);
 133     if (i % UNROLL_FACTOR2 == 0) {
 134       int idx = UNROLL_FACTOR / UNROLL_FACTOR2 - 1 - i / UNROLL_FACTOR2;
 135       for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
 136 #ifdef VM_LITTLE_ENDIAN
 137         ptr2[4*idx  ] = v3;
 138         ptr2[4*idx+1] = v2;
 139         ptr2[4*idx+2] = v1;
 140         ptr2[4*idx+3] = v0;
 141 #else
 142         ptr2[4*idx  ] = v0;
 143         ptr2[4*idx+1] = v1;
 144         ptr2[4*idx+2] = v2;
 145         ptr2[4*idx+3] = v3;
 146 #endif
 147       }
 148     }
 149   }
 151   return ptr;
 152 }
 154 // Constants to reduce 64 to 32 bit as needed by macroAssembler.
 155 juint* StubRoutines::ppc64::generate_crc_barret_constants(juint reverse_poly) {
 156   juint* ptr = (juint*) malloc(sizeof(juint) * CRC32_BARRET_CONSTANTS);
 157   guarantee(((intptr_t)ptr & 0xF) == 0, "16-byte alignment needed");
 158   guarantee(ptr != NULL, "allocation error of a crc table");
 160   julong* c = (julong*)ptr;
 161   julong long_poly = (((julong)reverse_poly) << 1) | 1;
 162   julong inverse_long_poly = compute_inverse_poly(long_poly);
 163 #ifdef VM_LITTLE_ENDIAN
 164   c[0] = inverse_long_poly;
 165   c[1] = long_poly;
 166 #else
 167   c[0] = long_poly;
 168   c[1] = inverse_long_poly;
 169 #endif
 171 #ifdef ASSERT
 172   if (reverse_poly == REVERSE_CRC32_POLY) {
 173     assert(INVERSE_REVERSE_CRC32_POLY == inverse_long_poly, "sanity");
 174   } else if (reverse_poly == REVERSE_CRC32C_POLY) {
 175     assert(INVERSE_REVERSE_CRC32C_POLY == inverse_long_poly, "sanity");
 176   }
 177 #endif
 179   //printf("inv poly: 0x%016llx\n", (long long unsigned int)inverse_long_poly);

 180   return ptr;
 181 }
 183 // CRC32 Intrinsics.
 184 /**
 185  *  crc_table[] from jdk/src/share/native/java/util/zip/zlib-1.2.8/crc32.h
 186  */
 187 juint StubRoutines::ppc64::_crc_table[CRC32_TABLES][CRC32_COLUMN_SIZE] = {
 188     /* polyBits = 7976584769 0x00000001db710641L, shifted = 0xedb88320 */
 189     /* CRC32 table for single bytes, auto-generated.  DO NOT MODIFY!  */
 190     /* CRC32 table 0 for quad-bytes (little-endian), auto-generated. DO NOT MODIFY! */
 191     {
 192       /* 0 */    0x00000000U, 0x77073096U, 0xee0e612cU, 0x990951baU, 0x076dc419U, 0x706af48fU, 0xe963a535U, 0x9e6495a3U
 193       /* 8 */  , 0x0edb8832U, 0x79dcb8a4U, 0xe0d5e91eU, 0x97d2d988U, 0x09b64c2bU, 0x7eb17cbdU, 0xe7b82d07U, 0x90bf1d91U
 194       /* 16 */  , 0x1db71064U, 0x6ab020f2U, 0xf3b97148U, 0x84be41deU, 0x1adad47dU, 0x6ddde4ebU, 0xf4d4b551U, 0x83d385c7U
 195       /* 24 */  , 0x136c9856U, 0x646ba8c0U, 0xfd62f97aU, 0x8a65c9ecU, 0x14015c4fU, 0x63066cd9U, 0xfa0f3d63U, 0x8d080df5U
 196       /* 32 */  , 0x3b6e20c8U, 0x4c69105eU, 0xd56041e4U, 0xa2677172U, 0x3c03e4d1U, 0x4b04d447U, 0xd20d85fdU, 0xa50ab56bU
 197       /* 40 */  , 0x35b5a8faU, 0x42b2986cU, 0xdbbbc9d6U, 0xacbcf940U, 0x32d86ce3U, 0x45df5c75U, 0xdcd60dcfU, 0xabd13d59U
 198       /* 48 */  , 0x26d930acU, 0x51de003aU, 0xc8d75180U, 0xbfd06116U, 0x21b4f4b5U, 0x56b3c423U, 0xcfba9599U, 0xb8bda50fU
 199       /* 56 */  , 0x2802b89eU, 0x5f058808U, 0xc60cd9b2U, 0xb10be924U, 0x2f6f7c87U, 0x58684c11U, 0xc1611dabU, 0xb6662d3dU

 757       /* 144 */  , 0x0278c4bbU, 0xbad28166U, 0x835ba304U, 0x3bf1e6d9U, 0xf149e6c0U, 0x49e3a31dU, 0x706a817fU, 0xc8c0c4a2U
 758       /* 152 */  , 0xe41b804dU, 0x5cb1c590U, 0x6538e7f2U, 0xdd92a22fU, 0x172aa236U, 0xaf80e7ebU, 0x9609c589U, 0x2ea38054U
 759       /* 160 */  , 0xb4dd8585U, 0x0c77c058U, 0x35fee23aU, 0x8d54a7e7U, 0x47eca7feU, 0xff46e223U, 0xc6cfc041U, 0x7e65859cU
 760       /* 168 */  , 0x52bec173U, 0xea1484aeU, 0xd39da6ccU, 0x6b37e311U, 0xa18fe308U, 0x1925a6d5U, 0x20ac84b7U, 0x9806c16aU
 761       /* 176 */  , 0x896ce16cU, 0x31c6a4b1U, 0x084f86d3U, 0xb0e5c30eU, 0x7a5dc317U, 0xc2f786caU, 0xfb7ea4a8U, 0x43d4e175U
 762       /* 184 */  , 0x6f0fa59aU, 0xd7a5e047U, 0xee2cc225U, 0x568687f8U, 0x9c3e87e1U, 0x2494c23cU, 0x1d1de05eU, 0xa5b7a583U
 763       /* 192 */  , 0xd89606f9U, 0x603c4324U, 0x59b56146U, 0xe11f249bU, 0x2ba72482U, 0x930d615fU, 0xaa84433dU, 0x122e06e0U
 764       /* 200 */  , 0x3ef5420fU, 0x865f07d2U, 0xbfd625b0U, 0x077c606dU, 0xcdc46074U, 0x756e25a9U, 0x4ce707cbU, 0xf44d4216U
 765       /* 208 */  , 0xe5276210U, 0x5d8d27cdU, 0x640405afU, 0xdcae4072U, 0x1616406bU, 0xaebc05b6U, 0x973527d4U, 0x2f9f6209U
 766       /* 216 */  , 0x034426e6U, 0xbbee633bU, 0x82674159U, 0x3acd0484U, 0xf075049dU, 0x48df4140U, 0x71566322U, 0xc9fc26ffU
 767       /* 224 */  , 0x5382232eU, 0xeb2866f3U, 0xd2a14491U, 0x6a0b014cU, 0xa0b30155U, 0x18194488U, 0x219066eaU, 0x993a2337U
 768       /* 232 */  , 0xb5e167d8U, 0x0d4b2205U, 0x34c20067U, 0x8c6845baU, 0x46d045a3U, 0xfe7a007eU, 0xc7f3221cU, 0x7f5967c1U
 769       /* 240 */  , 0x6e3347c7U, 0xd699021aU, 0xef102078U, 0x57ba65a5U, 0x9d0265bcU, 0x25a82061U, 0x1c210203U, 0xa48b47deU
 770       /* 248 */  , 0x88500331U, 0x30fa46ecU, 0x0973648eU, 0xb1d92153U, 0x7b61214aU, 0xc3cb6497U, 0xfa4246f5U, 0x42e80328U
 771     }
 772   #endif
 773   };
 775 juint* StubRoutines::ppc64::_crc_constants    = StubRoutines::ppc64::generate_crc_constants(REVERSE_CRC32_POLY);
 776 juint* StubRoutines::ppc64::_crc32c_constants = StubRoutines::ppc64::generate_crc_constants(REVERSE_CRC32C_POLY);
 778 juint* StubRoutines::ppc64::_crc_barret_constants    = StubRoutines::ppc64::generate_crc_barret_constants(REVERSE_CRC32_POLY);
 779 juint* StubRoutines::ppc64::_crc32c_barret_constants = StubRoutines::ppc64::generate_crc_barret_constants(REVERSE_CRC32C_POLY);

  26 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  27 #include "asm/macroAssembler.inline.hpp"
  28 #include "runtime/stubRoutines.hpp"
  30 // Implementation of the platform-specific part of StubRoutines - for
  31 // a description of how to extend it, see the stubRoutines.hpp file.
  34 #define __ masm->
  36 // CRC32(C) Intrinsics.
  37 void StubRoutines::ppc64::generate_load_crc_table_addr(MacroAssembler* masm, Register table) {
  38   __ load_const_optimized(table, StubRoutines::_crc_table_adr, R0);
  39 }
  41 void StubRoutines::ppc64::generate_load_crc_constants_addr(MacroAssembler* masm, Register table) {
  42   __ load_const_optimized(table, (address)StubRoutines::ppc64::_crc_constants, R0);
  43 }

  45 void StubRoutines::ppc64::generate_load_crc32c_table_addr(MacroAssembler* masm, Register table) {
  46   __ load_const_optimized(table, StubRoutines::_crc32c_table_addr, R0);
  47 }
  49 void StubRoutines::ppc64::generate_load_crc32c_constants_addr(MacroAssembler* masm, Register table) {
  50   __ load_const_optimized(table, (address)StubRoutines::ppc64::_crc32c_constants, R0);
  51 }
  53 // CRC constant compute functions

  54 static juint fold_word(juint w, juint reverse_poly) {
  55   for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
  56     int poly_if_odd = (-(w & 1)) & reverse_poly;
  57     w = (w >> 1) ^ poly_if_odd;
  58   }
  59   return w;
  60 }
  62 static julong numberOfLeadingZeros(julong p) {
  63   julong l = 1ull << 63;
  64   for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i) {
  65     if (p & l) return i;
  66     l >>= 1;
  67   }
  68   return 64;
  69 }
  71 static julong compute_inverse_poly(julong long_poly) {
  72   // 2^64 / p
  73   julong mod = 0, div = 0;
  74   int d = numberOfLeadingZeros(long_poly);
  75   int s = d + 1;
  76   do {
  77     mod ^= (long_poly << s);
  78     div |= (1L << s);
  79     s = d - numberOfLeadingZeros(mod);
  80   } while (s >= 0);
  81   return div;
  82 }
  84 // Constants to fold n words as needed by macroAssembler.
  85 juint* StubRoutines::ppc64::generate_crc_constants(juint reverse_poly) {
  86   juint* ptr = (juint*) malloc(sizeof(juint) * 4 * (CRC32_UNROLL_FACTOR2 + CRC32_UNROLL_FACTOR / CRC32_UNROLL_FACTOR2));
  87   guarantee(((intptr_t)ptr & 0xF) == 0, "16-byte alignment needed");
  88   guarantee(ptr != NULL, "allocation error of a crc table");
  90   // Generate constants for outer loop
  91   juint v0, v1, v2, v3 = 1;
  92   for (int i = 0; i < CRC32_UNROLL_FACTOR2 - 1; ++i) {
  93     v0 = fold_word(v3, reverse_poly);
  94     v1 = fold_word(v0, reverse_poly);
  95     v2 = fold_word(v1, reverse_poly);
  96     v3 = fold_word(v2, reverse_poly);
  97 #ifdef VM_LITTLE_ENDIAN
  98     ptr[4*i  ] = v3;
  99     ptr[4*i+1] = v2;
 100     ptr[4*i+2] = v3;
 101     ptr[4*i+3] = v2;
 102 #else
 103     ptr[4*i  ] = v2;
 104     ptr[4*i+1] = v3;
 105     ptr[4*i+2] = v2;
 106     ptr[4*i+3] = v3;
 107 #endif
 108   }
 110   // Generate constants for inner loop
 111   juint* ptr2 = ptr + 4 * (CRC32_UNROLL_FACTOR2 - 1);
 112   v3 = 1; // Restart from scratch.
 113   for (int i = 0; i < CRC32_UNROLL_FACTOR; ++i) {
 114     v0 = fold_word(v3, reverse_poly);
 115     v1 = fold_word(v0, reverse_poly);
 116     v2 = fold_word(v1, reverse_poly);
 117     v3 = fold_word(v2, reverse_poly);
 118     if (i % CRC32_UNROLL_FACTOR2 == 0) {
 119       int idx = CRC32_UNROLL_FACTOR / CRC32_UNROLL_FACTOR2 - 1 - i / CRC32_UNROLL_FACTOR2;
 120       for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
 121 #ifdef VM_LITTLE_ENDIAN
 122         ptr2[4*idx  ] = v3;
 123         ptr2[4*idx+1] = v2;
 124         ptr2[4*idx+2] = v1;
 125         ptr2[4*idx+3] = v0;
 126 #else
 127         ptr2[4*idx  ] = v0;
 128         ptr2[4*idx+1] = v1;
 129         ptr2[4*idx+2] = v2;
 130         ptr2[4*idx+3] = v3;
 131 #endif
 132       }
 133     }
 134   }
 136   // Constants to reduce 64 to 32 bit as needed by macroAssembler.
 137   juint* ptr3 = ptr2 + 4 * (CRC32_UNROLL_FACTOR / CRC32_UNROLL_FACTOR2);
 138   julong* c = (julong*)ptr3;

 139   julong long_poly = (((julong)reverse_poly) << 1) | 1;
 140   julong inverse_long_poly = compute_inverse_poly(long_poly);
 141 #ifdef VM_LITTLE_ENDIAN
 142   c[0] = inverse_long_poly;
 143   c[1] = long_poly;
 144 #else
 145   c[0] = long_poly;
 146   c[1] = inverse_long_poly;
 147 #endif
 149 #ifdef ASSERT
 150   if (reverse_poly == REVERSE_CRC32_POLY) {
 151     assert(INVERSE_REVERSE_CRC32_POLY == inverse_long_poly, "sanity");
 152   } else if (reverse_poly == REVERSE_CRC32C_POLY) {
 153     assert(INVERSE_REVERSE_CRC32C_POLY == inverse_long_poly, "sanity");
 154   }
 155 #endif
 157   //printf("inv poly: 0x%016llx\n", (long long unsigned int)inverse_long_poly);
 159   return ptr;
 160 }
 162 // CRC32 Intrinsics.
 163 /**
 164  *  crc_table[] from jdk/src/share/native/java/util/zip/zlib-1.2.8/crc32.h
 165  */
 166 juint StubRoutines::ppc64::_crc_table[CRC32_TABLES][CRC32_COLUMN_SIZE] = {
 167     /* polyBits = 7976584769 0x00000001db710641L, shifted = 0xedb88320 */
 168     /* CRC32 table for single bytes, auto-generated.  DO NOT MODIFY!  */
 169     /* CRC32 table 0 for quad-bytes (little-endian), auto-generated. DO NOT MODIFY! */
 170     {
 171       /* 0 */    0x00000000U, 0x77073096U, 0xee0e612cU, 0x990951baU, 0x076dc419U, 0x706af48fU, 0xe963a535U, 0x9e6495a3U
 172       /* 8 */  , 0x0edb8832U, 0x79dcb8a4U, 0xe0d5e91eU, 0x97d2d988U, 0x09b64c2bU, 0x7eb17cbdU, 0xe7b82d07U, 0x90bf1d91U
 173       /* 16 */  , 0x1db71064U, 0x6ab020f2U, 0xf3b97148U, 0x84be41deU, 0x1adad47dU, 0x6ddde4ebU, 0xf4d4b551U, 0x83d385c7U
 174       /* 24 */  , 0x136c9856U, 0x646ba8c0U, 0xfd62f97aU, 0x8a65c9ecU, 0x14015c4fU, 0x63066cd9U, 0xfa0f3d63U, 0x8d080df5U
 175       /* 32 */  , 0x3b6e20c8U, 0x4c69105eU, 0xd56041e4U, 0xa2677172U, 0x3c03e4d1U, 0x4b04d447U, 0xd20d85fdU, 0xa50ab56bU
 176       /* 40 */  , 0x35b5a8faU, 0x42b2986cU, 0xdbbbc9d6U, 0xacbcf940U, 0x32d86ce3U, 0x45df5c75U, 0xdcd60dcfU, 0xabd13d59U
 177       /* 48 */  , 0x26d930acU, 0x51de003aU, 0xc8d75180U, 0xbfd06116U, 0x21b4f4b5U, 0x56b3c423U, 0xcfba9599U, 0xb8bda50fU
 178       /* 56 */  , 0x2802b89eU, 0x5f058808U, 0xc60cd9b2U, 0xb10be924U, 0x2f6f7c87U, 0x58684c11U, 0xc1611dabU, 0xb6662d3dU

 736       /* 144 */  , 0x0278c4bbU, 0xbad28166U, 0x835ba304U, 0x3bf1e6d9U, 0xf149e6c0U, 0x49e3a31dU, 0x706a817fU, 0xc8c0c4a2U
 737       /* 152 */  , 0xe41b804dU, 0x5cb1c590U, 0x6538e7f2U, 0xdd92a22fU, 0x172aa236U, 0xaf80e7ebU, 0x9609c589U, 0x2ea38054U
 738       /* 160 */  , 0xb4dd8585U, 0x0c77c058U, 0x35fee23aU, 0x8d54a7e7U, 0x47eca7feU, 0xff46e223U, 0xc6cfc041U, 0x7e65859cU
 739       /* 168 */  , 0x52bec173U, 0xea1484aeU, 0xd39da6ccU, 0x6b37e311U, 0xa18fe308U, 0x1925a6d5U, 0x20ac84b7U, 0x9806c16aU
 740       /* 176 */  , 0x896ce16cU, 0x31c6a4b1U, 0x084f86d3U, 0xb0e5c30eU, 0x7a5dc317U, 0xc2f786caU, 0xfb7ea4a8U, 0x43d4e175U
 741       /* 184 */  , 0x6f0fa59aU, 0xd7a5e047U, 0xee2cc225U, 0x568687f8U, 0x9c3e87e1U, 0x2494c23cU, 0x1d1de05eU, 0xa5b7a583U
 742       /* 192 */  , 0xd89606f9U, 0x603c4324U, 0x59b56146U, 0xe11f249bU, 0x2ba72482U, 0x930d615fU, 0xaa84433dU, 0x122e06e0U
 743       /* 200 */  , 0x3ef5420fU, 0x865f07d2U, 0xbfd625b0U, 0x077c606dU, 0xcdc46074U, 0x756e25a9U, 0x4ce707cbU, 0xf44d4216U
 744       /* 208 */  , 0xe5276210U, 0x5d8d27cdU, 0x640405afU, 0xdcae4072U, 0x1616406bU, 0xaebc05b6U, 0x973527d4U, 0x2f9f6209U
 745       /* 216 */  , 0x034426e6U, 0xbbee633bU, 0x82674159U, 0x3acd0484U, 0xf075049dU, 0x48df4140U, 0x71566322U, 0xc9fc26ffU
 746       /* 224 */  , 0x5382232eU, 0xeb2866f3U, 0xd2a14491U, 0x6a0b014cU, 0xa0b30155U, 0x18194488U, 0x219066eaU, 0x993a2337U
 747       /* 232 */  , 0xb5e167d8U, 0x0d4b2205U, 0x34c20067U, 0x8c6845baU, 0x46d045a3U, 0xfe7a007eU, 0xc7f3221cU, 0x7f5967c1U
 748       /* 240 */  , 0x6e3347c7U, 0xd699021aU, 0xef102078U, 0x57ba65a5U, 0x9d0265bcU, 0x25a82061U, 0x1c210203U, 0xa48b47deU
 749       /* 248 */  , 0x88500331U, 0x30fa46ecU, 0x0973648eU, 0xb1d92153U, 0x7b61214aU, 0xc3cb6497U, 0xfa4246f5U, 0x42e80328U
 750     }
 751   #endif
 752   };
 754 juint* StubRoutines::ppc64::_crc_constants    = StubRoutines::ppc64::generate_crc_constants(REVERSE_CRC32_POLY);
 755 juint* StubRoutines::ppc64::_crc32c_constants = StubRoutines::ppc64::generate_crc_constants(REVERSE_CRC32C_POLY);

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