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3697      *     of <tt>o</tt>
3698      * @param o the object whose frequency is to be determined
3699      * @throws NullPointerException if <tt>c</tt> is null
3700      * @since 1.5
3701      */
3702     public static int frequency(Collection<?> c, Object o) {
3703         int result = 0;
3704         if (o == null) {
3705             for (Object e : c)
3706                 if (e == null)
3707                     result++;
3708         } else {
3709             for (Object e : c)
3710                 if (o.equals(e))
3711                     result++;
3712         }
3713         return result;
3714     }
3716     /**
3717      * Returns <tt>true</tt> if the two specified collections have no
3718      * elements in common.
3719      *
3720      * <p>Care must be exercised if this method is used on collections that
3721      * do not comply with the general contract for <tt>Collection</tt>.
3722      * Implementations may elect to iterate over either collection and test
3723      * for containment in the other collection (or to perform any equivalent
3724      * computation).  If either collection uses a nonstandard equality test
3725      * (as does a {@link SortedSet} whose ordering is not <i>compatible with
3726      * equals</i>, or the key set of an {@link IdentityHashMap}), both
3727      * collections must use the same nonstandard equality test, or the
3728      * result of this method is undefined.
3729      *

3730      * <p>Note that it is permissible to pass the same collection in both
3731      * parameters, in which case the method will return true if and only if
3732      * the collection is empty.
3733      *
3734      * @param c1 a collection
3735      * @param c2 a collection
3736      * @throws NullPointerException if either collection is null

3737      * @since 1.5
3738      */
3739     public static boolean disjoint(Collection<?> c1, Collection<?> c2) {
3740         /*
3741          * We're going to iterate through c1 and test for inclusion in c2.
3742          * If c1 is a Set and c2 isn't, swap the collections.  Otherwise,
3743          * place the shorter collection in c1.  Hopefully this heuristic
3744          * will minimize the cost of the operation.
3745          */
3746         if ((c1 instanceof Set) && !(c2 instanceof Set) ||
3747             (c1.size() > c2.size())) {
3748             Collection<?> tmp = c1;
3749             c1 = c2;
3750             c2 = tmp;

3751         }
3753         for (Object e : c1)
3754             if (c2.contains(e))

3755                 return false;

3756         return true;
3757     }
3759     /**
3760      * Adds all of the specified elements to the specified collection.
3761      * Elements to be added may be specified individually or as an array.
3762      * The behavior of this convenience method is identical to that of
3763      * <tt>c.addAll(Arrays.asList(elements))</tt>, but this method is likely
3764      * to run significantly faster under most implementations.
3765      *
3766      * <p>When elements are specified individually, this method provides a
3767      * convenient way to add a few elements to an existing collection:
3768      * <pre>
3769      *     Collections.addAll(flavors, "Peaches 'n Plutonium", "Rocky Racoon");
3770      * </pre>
3771      *
3772      * @param c the collection into which <tt>elements</tt> are to be inserted
3773      * @param elements the elements to insert into <tt>c</tt>
3774      * @return <tt>true</tt> if the collection changed as a result of the call
3775      * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if <tt>c</tt> does not support

3697      *     of <tt>o</tt>
3698      * @param o the object whose frequency is to be determined
3699      * @throws NullPointerException if <tt>c</tt> is null
3700      * @since 1.5
3701      */
3702     public static int frequency(Collection<?> c, Object o) {
3703         int result = 0;
3704         if (o == null) {
3705             for (Object e : c)
3706                 if (e == null)
3707                     result++;
3708         } else {
3709             for (Object e : c)
3710                 if (o.equals(e))
3711                     result++;
3712         }
3713         return result;
3714     }
3716     /**
3717      * Returns {@code true} if the two specified collections have no
3718      * elements in common.
3719      *
3720      * <p>Care must be exercised if this method is used on collections that
3721      * do not comply with the general contract for {@code Collection}.
3722      * Implementations may elect to iterate over either collection and test
3723      * for containment in the other collection (or to perform any equivalent
3724      * computation).  If either collection uses a nonstandard equality test
3725      * (as does a {@link SortedSet} whose ordering is not <em>compatible with
3726      * equals</em>, or the key set of an {@link IdentityHashMap}), both
3727      * collections must use the same nonstandard equality test, or the
3728      * result of this method is undefined.
3729      * 
3730      * <p>Care must also be exercised when using collections that have 
3731      * restrictions on the elements that they may contain. Collection
3732      * implementations are allowed to throw exceptions for any operation
3733      * involving elements they deem ineligible. For absolute safety the 
3734      * specified collections should contain only elements which are 
3735      * eligible elements for both collections. 
3736      *
3737      * <p>Note that it is permissible to pass the same collection in both
3738      * parameters, in which case the method will return {@code true} if and
3739      * only if the collection is empty.
3740      *
3741      * @param c1 a collection
3742      * @param c2 a collection
3743      * @return {@code true} if the two specified collections have no
3744      * elements in common.
3745      * @throws NullPointerException if either collection is {@code null}. 
3746      * @throws NullPointerException if one collection contains a {@code null}
3747      * element and {@code null} is not an eligible element for the other collection.
3748      * (optional)
3749      * @throws ClassCastException if one collection contains an element that is
3750      * of a type which is ineligible for the other collection. (optional)
3751      * @since 1.5
3752      */
3753     public static boolean disjoint(Collection<?> c1, Collection<?> c2) {
3754         // The collection to be used for contains(), Preference is given to 
3755         // Sets as their contains() impl should be less than O(N/2).
3756         Collection<?> contains = c2;
3757         // The collection to be iterated. As performance of Set's contains()
3758         // should be less than O(N/2), iteration is given to the remaining 
3759         // collection. For collections who's contains() are of the same
3760         // complexity then best performance is achieved by iterating the 
3761         // smaller collection.
3762         Collection<?> iterate = c1;
3764         // Performance optimization cases. The heuristics:
3765         //   1. Generally iterate over c1.
3766         //   2. If c1 is a Set then iterate over c2.
3767         //   3. If either collection is empty then result is always true.
3768         //   4. Iterate over the smaller Collection.
3769         if (c1 instanceof Set) {
3770             // As Set's contains() performs better (less than O(N/2))
3771             //than mere Collection's,iterate on c2.
3772             iterate = c2;
3773             contains = c1;
3774         } else if (!(c2 instanceof Set)) {
3775             // Both are mere Collections. Iterate over smaller collection.
3776             // E.g. if c1 contains 3 elements and c2 contains 50 elements and
3777             // assuming contains() requires ceiling(n/2) comparisons then
3778             // checking for all c1 elements in c2 would require 75 comparisons
3779             // vs. all c2 elements in c1 would require 100 comparisons.
3780             int c1size = c1.size();
3781             int c2size = c2.size();
3782             if (c1size == 0 || c2size == 0) {
3783                 // One (or both) collections is/are empty. Nothing will match.
3784                 return true;
3785             } 
3787             if (c1size > c2size) {
3788                 iterate = c2;
3789                 contains = c1;
3790             }
3791         }
3793         for (Object e : iterate) {
3794             if (contains.contains(e)) {
3795                // Found a common element. Collections are not disjoint.
3796                return false;
3797             }
3798         }
3800         // No common elements were found.
3801         return true;
3802     }
3804     /**
3805      * Adds all of the specified elements to the specified collection.
3806      * Elements to be added may be specified individually or as an array.
3807      * The behavior of this convenience method is identical to that of
3808      * <tt>c.addAll(Arrays.asList(elements))</tt>, but this method is likely
3809      * to run significantly faster under most implementations.
3810      *
3811      * <p>When elements are specified individually, this method provides a
3812      * convenient way to add a few elements to an existing collection:
3813      * <pre>
3814      *     Collections.addAll(flavors, "Peaches 'n Plutonium", "Rocky Racoon");
3815      * </pre>
3816      *
3817      * @param c the collection into which <tt>elements</tt> are to be inserted
3818      * @param elements the elements to insert into <tt>c</tt>
3819      * @return <tt>true</tt> if the collection changed as a result of the call
3820      * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if <tt>c</tt> does not support