
Print this page

 163 bottom=下
 164 envelope=信封
 165 manual=手动
 166 large-capacity=大容量
 167 main=主
 168 side=侧
 169 # Add the additional standard bins defined by win32
 170 Manual-Envelope=手动信封
 171 Automatic-Feeder=自动馈送器
 172 Tractor-Feeder=牵引式馈送器
 173 Small-Format=小号版式
 174 Large-Format=大号版式
 175 Cassette=纸盒
 176 Form-Source=表格来源
 177 #
 178 # The following keys match the Strings returned by
 179 # PrinterIsAcceptingJobs.toString()
 180 #
 181 accepting-jobs=接受作业
 182 not-accepting-jobs=不接受作业

 163 bottom=下
 164 envelope=信封
 165 manual=手动
 166 large-capacity=大容量
 167 main=主
 168 side=侧
 169 # Add the additional standard bins defined by win32
 170 Manual-Envelope=手动信封
 171 Automatic-Feeder=自动馈送器
 172 Tractor-Feeder=牵引式馈送器
 173 Small-Format=小号版式
 174 Large-Format=大号版式
 175 Cassette=纸盒
 176 Form-Source=表格来源
 177 #
 178 # The following keys match the Strings returned by 
 179 # PrinterIsAcceptingJobs.toString()
 180 #
 181 accepting-jobs=接受作业
 182 not-accepting-jobs=不接受作业