1 #
   2 # Resource strings for Notepad example
   4 Title=记事本
   5 ElementTreeFrameTitle=元素
   6 ViewportBackingStore=false
   8 # menubar definition
   9 #
  10 # Each of the strings that follow form a key to be 
  11 # used to the actual menu definition.
  12 menubar=file edit debug
  14 # file Menu definition
  15 #
  16 # Each of the strings that follow form a key to be
  17 # used as the basis of a menu item definition.
  18 #
  19 # open ->  Notepad.openAction
  20 # new  ->  Notepad.newAction
  21 # save ->  Notepad.saveAction
  22 # exit ->  Notepad.exitAction
  23 file=new open save - exit
  24 fileLabel=文件
  25 openLabel=打开
  26 openImage=resources/open.gif
  27 newLabel=新建
  28 newImage=resources/new.gif
  29 saveLabel=保存
  30 saveImage=resources/save.gif
  31 exitLabel=退出
  33 #
  34 # edit Menu definition
  35 #
  36 # cut   -> JTextComponent.cutAction
  37 # copy  -> JTextComponent.copyAction
  38 # paste -> JTextComponent.pasteAction
  39 edit=cut copy paste - undo redo
  40 editLabel=编辑
  41 cutLabel=剪切
  42 cutAction=cut-to-clipboard
  43 cutImage=resources/cut.gif
  44 copyLabel=复制
  45 copyAction=copy-to-clipboard
  46 copyImage=resources/copy.gif
  47 pasteLabel=粘贴
  48 pasteAction=paste-from-clipboard
  49 pasteImage=resources/paste.gif
  50 undoLabel=撤消
  51 undoAction=Undo
  52 redoLabel=重做
  53 redoAction=Redo
  55 #
  56 # debug Menu definition
  57 #
  58 debug=dump showElementTree
  59 debugLabel=调试
  60 dumpLabel=将模型转储到 System.err
  61 dumpAction=dump-model
  62 showElementTreeLabel=显示元素
  64 # toolbar definition
  65 #
  66 # Each of the strings that follow form a key to be
  67 # used as the basis of the tool definition.  Actions
  68 # are of course sharable, and in this case are shared
  69 # with the menu items.
  70 toolbar=new open save - cut copy paste
  71 newTooltip=创建新文件
  72 openTooltip=打开文件
  73 saveTooltip=保存文件
  74 cutTooltip=剪切选定内容到剪帖板中
  75 copyTooltip=复制选定内容到剪帖板中
  76 pasteTooltip=粘贴选定内容到剪帖板中