1 # This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
   2 # It contains Locale specific strings used be the Motif Look and Feel.
   3 # Currently, the following components need this for support:
   4 #
   5 #    FileChooser
   6 #
   7 # When this file is read in, the strings are put into the 
   8 # defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
   9 # workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.  
  10 # This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization 
  11 # support.
  12 #
  13 # Refer to the note in basic.properties for a description as to what
  14 # the mnemonics correspond to and how to calculate them.
  15 #
  16 # @author Steve Wilson
  19 ############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
  21 FileChooser.acceptAllFileFilter.textAndMnemonic=*
  22 FileChooser.cancelButton.textAndMnemonic=Abbrechen
  23 FileChooser.saveButton.textAndMnemonic=Speichern
  24 FileChooser.openButton.textAndMnemonic=OK
  25 FileChooser.saveDialogTitle.textAndMnemonic=Speichern
  26 FileChooser.openDialogTitle.textAndMnemonic=\u00D6ffnen
  27 FileChooser.updateButton.textAndMnemonic=Aktualisieren
  28 FileChooser.helpButton.textAndMnemonic=Hilfe
  29 FileChooser.pathLabel.textAndMnemonic=&Pfad- oder Ordnername eingeben:
  30 FileChooser.filterLabel.textAndMnemonic=Filte&r
  31 FileChooser.foldersLabel.textAndMnemonic=Ord&ner
  32 FileChooser.filesLabel.textAndMnemonic=Date&ien
  33 FileChooser.enterFileNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=Dateiname ei&ngeben:
  34 FileChooser.enterFolderNameLabel.textAndMnemonic=Ordnernamen eingeben:
  36 FileChooser.cancelButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Dialogfeld f\u00FCr Dateiauswahl schlie\u00DFen.
  37 FileChooser.saveButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Ausgew\u00E4hlte Datei speichern.
  38 FileChooser.openButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Ausgew\u00E4hlte Datei \u00F6ffnen.
  39 FileChooser.updateButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Verzeichnisliste aktualisieren.
  40 FileChooser.helpButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=FileChooser-Hilfe.