1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2001, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 package nsk.share.jdi;
  26 import nsk.share.*;
  27 import nsk.share.jpda.*;
  29 import com.sun.jdi.VirtualMachine;
  31 /**
  32  * Parser for JDI test's specific command-line arguments.
  33  * <p>
  34  * <code>ArgumentHandler</code> handles JDI test's specific
  35  * arguments related to launching debugee VM using JDI features
  36  * in addition to general arguments recognized by
  37  * <code>DebugeeArgumentHandler</code> and <code>ArgumentParser</code>.
  38  * <p>
  39  * Following is the list of specific options recognized by
  40  * <code>AgrumentHandler</code>:
  41  * <ul>
  42  * <li> <code>-connector=[launching|attaching|listening|default]</code> -
  43  *   JDI connector type
  44  * <li> <code>-transport=[socket|shmem|default]</code> -
  45  *   JDWP transport kind
  46  * <li> <code>-jdi.trace=[none|all|events|sends|receives|reftypes|objrefs]</code> -
  47  *   JDI trace mode for debugee VM
  48  * </ul>
  49  * <p>
  50  * See also list of arguments recognized by the base <code>DebugeeArgumentHandler</code>
  51  * and <code>ArgumentParser</code> classes.
  52  * <p>
  53  * See also description of <code>ArgumentParser</code> how to work with
  54  * command line arguments and options.
  55  *
  56  * @see ArgumentParser
  57  * @see DebugeeArgumentHandler
  58  */
  59 public class ArgumentHandler extends DebugeeArgumentHandler {
  61     static private String JDI_CONNECTOR_NAME_PREFIX = "com.sun.jdi.";
  63     /**
  64      * Keep a copy of raw command-line arguments and parse them;
  65      * but throw an exception on parsing error.
  66      *
  67      * @param  args  Array of the raw command-line arguments.
  68      *
  69      * @throws  NullPointerException  If <code>args==null</code>.
  70      * @throws  IllegalArgumentException  If Binder or Log options
  71      *                                    are set incorrectly.
  72      *
  73      * @see #setRawArguments(String[])
  74      */
  75     public ArgumentHandler(String args[]) {
  76         super(args);
  77 //        parseArguments();
  78     }
  80     /**
  81      * Overriden method returns transport type for JDWP connection, specified by
  82      * <code>-transport</code> command line option, or <i>"default"</i> value
  83      * by default.
  84      *
  85      * @see #getTransportName()
  86      * @see #isSocketTransport()
  87      * @see #isShmemTransport()
  88      * @see #isDefaultTransport()
  89      * @see #setRawArguments(String[])
  90      */
  91     public String getTransportType() {
  92         return options.getProperty("transport", "default");
  93     }
  95     /**
  96      * Overriden method returns <i>true</i> if <code>socket</code> transport
  97      * is used either as specified or as a platform default transport.
  98      *
  99      * @see #getTransportType()
 100      */
 101     public boolean isSocketTransport() {
 102         String transport = getTransportType();
 103         if (transport.equals("socket"))
 104             return true;
 105         if (transport.equals("shmem"))
 106             return false;
 107         if (transport.equals("default")) {
 108             String arch = getArch();
 109             if (arch == null)
 110                 if (System.getProperty("os.arch").equals("windows-i586"))
 111                     return false;
 112                 else
 113                     return true;
 114             else if (arch.equals("windows-i586"))
 115                 return false;
 116             else
 117                 return true;
 118         }
 119         throw new TestBug("Bad value of argument transport: " + transport);
 120     }
 122     /**
 123      * Overriden method returns <i>true</i> if <code>shmem</code> transport is used
 124      * either as specified or as a platform default transport.
 125      *
 126      * @see #getTransportType()
 127      */
 128     public boolean isShmemTransport() {
 129         return ! isSocketTransport();
 130     }
 132     /**
 133      * Overriden method returns <i>true</i> if transport type is <code>default</code>.
 134      *
 135      * @see #getTransportType()
 136      */
 137     public boolean isDefaultTransport() {
 138         String transport = getTransportType();
 139         return transport.equals("default");
 140     }
 142     /**
 143      * Overriden methos returns JDI connector type, specified by
 144      * <code>-connector</code>. or <i>"default"</i> value by default.
 145      *
 146      * @see #getConnectorName()
 147      * @see #isLaunchingConnector()
 148      * @see #isAttachingConnector()
 149      * @see #isListeningConnector()
 150      * @see #isDefaultConnector()
 151      * @see #setRawArguments(String[])
 152      */
 153     public String getConnectorType() {
 154         return options.getProperty("connector", "default");
 155     }
 157     /**
 158      * Overriden method returns full connector name corresponding to
 159      * the used connector and transport types.
 160      *
 161      * @see #getConnectorType()
 162      * @see #getTransportType()
 163      */
 164     public String getConnectorName() {
 165         if (isLaunchingConnector()) {
 166             if (isRawLaunchingConnector())
 167                 return JDI_CONNECTOR_NAME_PREFIX + "RawCommandLineLaunch";
 168             return JDI_CONNECTOR_NAME_PREFIX + "CommandLineLaunch";
 169         }
 170         if (isAttachingConnector()) {
 171             if (isSocketTransport())
 172                 return JDI_CONNECTOR_NAME_PREFIX + "SocketAttach";
 173             if (isShmemTransport())
 174                 return JDI_CONNECTOR_NAME_PREFIX + "SharedMemoryAttach";
 175             return JDI_CONNECTOR_NAME_PREFIX + "SocketAttach";
 176         }
 177         if (isListeningConnector()) {
 178             if (isSocketTransport())
 179                 return JDI_CONNECTOR_NAME_PREFIX + "SocketListen";
 180             if (isShmemTransport())
 181                 return JDI_CONNECTOR_NAME_PREFIX + "SharedMemoryListen";
 182             return JDI_CONNECTOR_NAME_PREFIX + "SocketListen";
 183         }
 184         throw new Failure("Unable to find full name of connector \"" + getConnectorType()
 185                         + "\" for transport \"" + getTransportType() + "\"");
 186     }
 188     /**
 189      * Overriden method returns <i>true</i> if connector type is <code>default</code>.
 190      *
 191      * @see #getConnectorType()
 192      */
 193     public boolean isDefaultConnector() {
 194         return getConnectorType().equals("default");
 195     }
 197     /**
 198      * Return <i>true</i> if connector type is <code>launching</code>
 199      * <code>rawlaunching<code> or <code>default</code>.
 200      *
 201      * @see #getConnectorType()
 202      */
 203     public boolean isLaunchingConnector() {
 204         return getConnectorType().equals("launching")
 205                 || getConnectorType().equals("rawlaunching")
 206                 || getConnectorType().equals("default");
 207     }
 209     /**
 210      * Return <i>true</i> if connector type is <code>rawlaunching</code>.
 211      *
 212      * @see #getConnectorType()
 213      */
 214     public boolean isRawLaunchingConnector() {
 215         return getConnectorType().equals("rawlaunching");
 216     }
 218     /**
 219      * Return string representation of debug trace mode, specified by
 220      * <code>-jdi.trace</code> command line option, or <i>"none"</i>
 221      * value by default.
 222      * <p>
 223      * Possible values for this option are the same as symbolic constants names
 224      * in <code>com.sun.jdi.VirtualMachine</code> interface:
 225      * <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>"all"</code>, or
 226      * <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>"events"</code>, or
 227      * <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>"none"</code>, or
 228      * <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>"objrefs"</code>, or
 229      * <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>"receives"</code>, or
 230      * <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>"reftypes"</code>, or
 231      * <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>"sends"</code>.
 232      *
 233      * @see #getTraceMode()
 234      * @see #setRawArguments(String[])
 235      */
 236     public String getTraceModeString() {
 237         return options.getProperty("jdi.trace", "none");
 238     }
 240     /**
 241      * Return integer code corresponding to debug trace mode, specified by
 242      * <code>-jdi.trace</code> command line option, or <i>VirtualMachine.TRACE_NONE</i>
 243      * value by default.
 244      * <p>
 245      * Possible values are the same as symbolic constant values
 246      * in <code>com.sun.jdi.VirtualMachine</code> interface:
 247      * <ul>
 248      *   <li><code>VirtualMachine.TRACE_ALL</code>
 249      *   <li><code>VirtualMachine.TRACE_EVENTS</code>
 250      *   <li><code>VirtualMachine.TRACE_NONE</code>
 251      *   <li><code>VirtualMachine.TRACE_OBJREFS</code>
 252      *   <li><code>VirtualMachine.TRACE_RECEIVES</code>
 253      *   <li><code>VirtualMachine.TRACE_REFTYPES</code>
 254      *   <li><code>VirtualMachine.TRACE_SENDS</code>
 255      * </ul>
 256      *
 257      * @see #getTraceModeString()
 258      * @see #setRawArguments(String[])
 259      */
 260     public int getTraceMode() {
 261         String val = getTraceModeString();
 262         if (val == null)
 263             return VirtualMachine.TRACE_NONE;
 264         if (val.equals("none"))
 265             return VirtualMachine.TRACE_NONE;
 266         if (val.equals("all"))
 267             return VirtualMachine.TRACE_ALL;
 268         if (val.equals("events"))
 269             return VirtualMachine.TRACE_EVENTS;
 270         if (val.equals("objrefs"))
 271             return VirtualMachine.TRACE_OBJREFS;
 272         if (val.equals("receives"))
 273             return VirtualMachine.TRACE_RECEIVES;
 274         if (val.equals("reftypes"))
 275             return VirtualMachine.TRACE_REFTYPES;
 276         if (val.equals("sends"))
 277             return VirtualMachine.TRACE_SENDS;
 278         throw new TestBug("Unknown JDI trace mode string: " + val);
 279     }
 281     // delay between connection attempts, used in connectors tests
 282     public int getConnectionDelay() {
 283         String value = options.getProperty("connectionDelay", "4000");
 284         try {
 285             return Integer.parseInt(value);
 286         } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
 287             throw new TestBug("Not integer value of \"connectionDelay\" argument: " + value);
 288         }
 289     }
 292     /**
 293      * Return <i>true</i> if the test should pass in any case i.e.
 294      * an entity specified by the arguments <code>entry[]</code> is
 295      * not implemented on the tested platform. Name of the tested
 296      * platform is resolved from the "<code>-arch</code>" option.
 297      *
 298      * @param  entry   Array with the arguments which are specifing
 299      * the entity.
 300      *
 301      * @throws Oddity  If test parameter<code>-arch</code>
 302      *                 has not been set.
 303      *
 304      * @see #setRawArguments(String[])
 305      */
 306     public boolean shouldPass(String entry[]) {
 307         String arch;
 308         boolean found = false;
 310         if ((arch=getArch()) == null)
 311             throw new Oddity("Test parameter -arch should be set");
 313         for (int i=0; i < CheckedFeatures.notImplemented.length; i++) {
 314             if (CheckedFeatures.notImplemented[i][0].equals(arch) &&
 315                 CheckedFeatures.notImplemented[i].length == (entry.length+1)) {
 316                 for (int j=1; j < (entry.length+1); j++) {
 317                     if (CheckedFeatures.notImplemented[i][j].equals(entry[j-1]))
 318                         found = true;
 319                     else {
 320                         found = false;
 321                         break;
 322                     }
 323                 }
 324                 if (found) return true; // the entry[] is not implemented
 325             }
 326         }
 328         return false; // the entry[] is implemented
 329     }
 331     /**
 332      * Return <i>true</i> if the test should pass in any case i.e.
 333      * an entity specified by the argument <code>entry</code> is
 334      * not implemented on the tested platform. Name of the tested
 335      * platform is resolved from the "<code>-arch</code>" option.
 336      *
 337      * @param  entry   String with the argument which is specifing
 338      * the entity.
 339      *
 340      * @throws Oddity  If test parameter<code>-arch</code>
 341      *                 has not been set.
 342      *
 343      * @see #setRawArguments(String[])
 344      */
 345     public boolean shouldPass(String entry) {
 346         return (shouldPass(new String[] {entry}));
 347     }
 349     /**
 350      * Return <i>true</i> if the test should pass in any case i.e.
 351      * an entity specified by the arguments <code>entry1</code> and
 352      * <code>entry2</code> is not implemented on the tested platform.
 353      * The entry is considered to be not implemented if exact entry
 354      *  "entry1, entry2" or its main entry "entry1" is not implemented.
 355      *
 356      * Name of the tested platform is resolved from the "<code>-arch</code>"
 357      * option.
 358      *
 359      * @param  entry1   String with the argument 1 which is specifing
 360      * the entity.
 361      *
 362      * @param  entry2   String with the argument 2 which is specifing
 363      * the entity.
 364      *
 365      * @throws Oddity  If test parameter<code>-arch</code>
 366      *                 has not been set.
 367      *
 368      * @see #setRawArguments(String[])
 369      */
 370     public boolean shouldPass(String entry1, String entry2) {
 371         return ( shouldPass(new String[] {entry1, entry2}) ||
 372                  shouldPass(new String[] {entry1})  );
 373     }
 375     /**
 376      * Check if an option is admissible and has proper value.
 377      * This method is invoked by <code>parseArguments()</code>
 378      *
 379      * @param option option name
 380      * @param value string representation of value (could be an empty string)
 381      *              null if this option has no value
 382      * @return <i>true</i> if option is admissible and has proper value
 383      *         <i>false</i> if otion is not admissible
 384      *
 385      * @throws <i>BadOption</i> if option has illegal value
 386      *
 387      * @see #parseArguments()
 388      */
 389     protected boolean checkOption(String option, String value) {
 391         // check options with enumerated values
 393         if (option.equals("connectionDelay")) {
 394             try {
 395                 int number = Integer.parseInt(value);
 396                 if (number <= 0) {
 397                     throw new BadOption(option + ": must be a positive integer");
 398                 }
 399             } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
 400                 throw new BadOption(option + ": must be an integer");
 401             }
 403             return true;
 404         }
 406         if (option.equals("connector")) {
 407             if ((!value.equals("launching"))
 408                 && (!value.equals("rawlaunching"))
 409                 && (!value.equals("attaching"))
 410                 && (!value.equals("listening"))
 411                 && (!value.equals("default"))) {
 412                 throw new BadOption(option + ": value must be one of: "
 413                                            + "launching, attaching, listening, default");
 414             }
 415             return true;
 416         }
 418         if (option.equals("transport")) {
 419             if ((!value.equals("socket"))
 420                 && (!value.equals("shmem"))
 421                 && (!value.equals("default"))) {
 422                 throw new BadOption(option + ": must be one of: "
 423                                            + "socket, shmem, default");
 424             }
 425             return true;
 426         }
 428         if (option.equals("jdi.trace")) {
 429             if ((!value.equals("all"))
 430                 && (!value.equals("none"))
 431                 && (!value.equals("events"))
 432                 && (!value.equals("receives"))
 433                 && (!value.equals("sends"))
 434                 && (!value.equals("reftypes"))
 435                 && (!value.equals("objrefs"))) {
 436                 throw new BadOption(option + ": value must be one of: "
 437                                            + "none, all, events, receives, sends, reftypes, objrefs");
 438             }
 439             return true;
 440         }
 442         return super.checkOption(option, value);
 443     }
 445     /**
 446      * Check options against inconcistence.
 447      * This method is invoked by <code>parseArguments()</code>
 448      *
 449      * @see #parseArguments()
 450      */
 451     protected void checkOptions() {
 452 /*
 453         if (isTransportAddressDynamic() &&
 454                 (!isDefaultConnector() && isRawLaunchingConnector())) {
 455             throw new BadOption("-transport.address=dynamic should NOT be used with"
 456                                 + " -connector=rawlaunching");
 457         }
 458  */
 460         if (! isLaunchedLocally() && ! isDefaultDebugeeSuspendMode()) {
 461             throw new BadOption("inconsistent options: "
 462                                 + "-debugee.launch=" + getLaunchMode()
 463                                 + " and -debugee.suspend=" + getDebugeeSuspendMode());
 464         }
 466         if (! isLaunchedLocally() && isLaunchingConnector()) {
 467             throw new BadOption("inconsistent options: "
 468                                 + "-debugee.launch=" + getLaunchMode()
 469                                 + " and -connector=" + getConnectorType());
 470         }
 472         if (isLaunchingConnector() && ! isDefaultTransport()) {
 473             throw new BadOption("inconsistent options: "
 474                                 + "-connector=" + getConnectorType()
 475                                 + " and -transport=" + getTransportType());
 476         }
 478         if (! isLaunchingConnector() && isDefaultTransport()) {
 479             throw new BadOption("inconsistent options: "
 480                                 + "-connector=" + getConnectorType()
 481                                 + " and -transport=" + getTransportType());
 482         }
 484         if (! isDefaultJVMDIStrictMode()) {
 485             throw new BadOption("unsupported options: "
 486                                 + "jvmdi.strict: non default JVMDI strict mode is not supported now" + getJVMDIStrictMode());
 487         }
 489 /*
 490         if (! isLaunchedLocally() && ! isDefaultJVMDIStrictMode()) {
 491             throw new BadOption("inconsistent options: "
 492                                 + "-launch.mode=" + getLaunchMode()
 493                                 + " and -jvmdi.strict=" + getJVMDIStrictMode());
 494         }
 495  */
 497         super.checkOptions();
 498     }
 499 }
 501 /**
 502  * This is an auxiliary class intended for <code>ArgumentHandler</code>.
 503  * The following information is used by the <code>ArgumentHandler</code>
 504  * for resolving features (i.e., JDI connectors and transport names)
 505  * which are not implemented on given platform (the first column).
 506  * This list is actual for JDK 1.3.x, 1.4.x, 1.5.0, 1.6.0.
 507  *
 508  * @see ArgumentHandler
 509  */
 510 class CheckedFeatures {
 512     static final String[][] notImplemented = {
 514             // attaching connectors
 515         /*
 516          * From docs/technotes/guides/jpda/conninv.html:
 517          * "
 518          *  This connector can be used by a debugger application to attach to
 519          *  a currently running target VM through the shared memory transport. It is
 520          *  available only on the Microsoft Windows platform.
 521          *  "
 522          */
 523         {"linux-i586",      "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryAttach"},
 524         {"linux-ia64",      "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryAttach"},
 525         {"linux-amd64",     "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryAttach"},
 526         {"linux-x64",       "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryAttach"},
 527         {"linux-aarch64",   "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryAttach"},
 528         {"linux-arm",       "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryAttach"},
 529         {"linux-ppc64",     "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryAttach"},
 530         {"linux-ppc64le",   "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryAttach"},
 531         {"linux-s390x",     "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryAttach"},
 532         {"macosx-amd64",    "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryAttach"},
 533         {"mac-x64",         "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryAttach"},
 534         {"aix-ppc64",       "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryAttach"},
 536             // listening connectors
 537         /*
 538          * From docs/technotes/guides/jpda/conninv.html:
 539          * "
 540          *  This connector can be used by a debugger application to accept a
 541          *  connection from  a separately invoked target VM through the shared memory
 542          *  transport.
 543          *  It is available only on the Microsoft Windows platform.
 544          *  "
 545          */
 546         {"linux-i586",      "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryListen"},
 547         {"linux-ia64",      "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryListen"},
 548         {"linux-amd64",     "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryListen"},
 549         {"linux-x64",       "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryListen"},
 550         {"linux-aarch64",   "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryListen"},
 551         {"linux-arm",       "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryListen"},
 552         {"linux-ppc64",     "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryListen"},
 553         {"linux-ppc64le",   "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryListen"},
 554         {"linux-s390x",     "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryListen"},
 555         {"macosx-amd64",    "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryListen"},
 556         {"mac-x64",         "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryListen"},
 557         {"aix-ppc64",       "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryListen"},
 559             // launching connectors
 560         /*
 561          * From docs/technotes/guides/jpda/conninv.html:
 562          * "
 563          *  Sun Command Line Launching Connector
 564          *  This connector can be used by a debugger application to launch a
 565          *  Sun VM or any other VM which supports the same invocation options with
 566          *  respect to debugging. The details of launching the VM and specifying the
 567          *  necessary debug options are handled by the connector. The underlying
 568          *  transport used by this connector depends on the platform. On Microsoft
 569          *  Windows, the shared memory transport is used. On Linux the socket transport is used.
 570          * "
 571          */
 572         {"linux-i586",      "com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch", "dt_shmem"},
 573         {"linux-i586",      "com.sun.jdi.RawCommandLineLaunch", "dt_shmem"},
 575         {"linux-ia64",      "com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch", "dt_shmem"},
 576         {"linux-ia64",      "com.sun.jdi.RawCommandLineLaunch", "dt_shmem"},
 578         {"linux-amd64",     "com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch", "dt_shmem"},
 579         {"linux-amd64",     "com.sun.jdi.RawCommandLineLaunch", "dt_shmem"},
 581         {"linux-x64",       "com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch", "dt_shmem"},
 582         {"linux-x64",       "com.sun.jdi.RawCommandLineLaunch", "dt_shmem"},
 584         {"linux-aarch64",   "com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch", "dt_shmem"},
 585         {"linux-aarch64",   "com.sun.jdi.RawCommandLineLaunch", "dt_shmem"},
 587         {"linux-arm",       "com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch", "dt_shmem"},
 588         {"linux-arm",       "com.sun.jdi.RawCommandLineLaunch", "dt_shmem"},
 590         {"linux-ppc64",     "com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch", "dt_shmem"},
 591         {"linux-ppc64",     "com.sun.jdi.RawCommandLineLaunch", "dt_shmem"},
 593         {"linux-ppc64le",   "com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch", "dt_shmem"},
 594         {"linux-ppc64le",   "com.sun.jdi.RawCommandLineLaunch", "dt_shmem"},
 596         {"linux-s390x",     "com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch", "dt_shmem"},
 597         {"linux-s390x",     "com.sun.jdi.RawCommandLineLaunch", "dt_shmem"},
 599         {"windows-i586",    "com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch", "dt_socket"},
 600         {"windows-i586",    "com.sun.jdi.RawCommandLineLaunch", "dt_socket"},
 602         {"windows-ia64",    "com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch", "dt_socket"},
 603         {"windows-ia64",    "com.sun.jdi.RawCommandLineLaunch", "dt_socket"},
 605         {"windows-amd64",   "com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch", "dt_socket"},
 606         {"windows-amd64",   "com.sun.jdi.RawCommandLineLaunch", "dt_socket"},
 608         {"windows-x64",     "com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch", "dt_socket"},
 609         {"windows-x64",     "com.sun.jdi.RawCommandLineLaunch", "dt_socket"},
 611         {"macosx-amd64",     "com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch", "dt_shmem"},
 612         {"macosx-amd64",     "com.sun.jdi.RawCommandLineLaunch", "dt_shmem"},
 614         {"mac-x64",         "com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch", "dt_shmem"},
 615         {"mac-x64",         "com.sun.jdi.RawCommandLineLaunch", "dt_shmem"},
 617         {"aix-ppc64",       "com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch", "dt_shmem"},
 618         {"aix-ppc64",       "com.sun.jdi.RawCommandLineLaunch", "dt_shmem"},
 620         // shared memory transport is implemented only on windows platform
 621         {"linux-i586",      "dt_shmem"},
 622         {"linux-ia64",      "dt_shmem"},
 623         {"linux-amd64",     "dt_shmem"},
 624         {"linux-x64",       "dt_shmem"},
 625         {"linux-aarch64",   "dt_shmem"},
 626         {"linux-arm",       "dt_shmem"},
 627         {"linux-ppc64",     "dt_shmem"},
 628         {"linux-ppc64le",   "dt_shmem"},
 629         {"linux-s390x",     "dt_shmem"},
 630         {"macosx-amd64",    "dt_shmem"},
 631         {"mac-x64",         "dt_shmem"},
 632         {"aix-ppc64",       "dt_shmem"},
 633     };
 634 }