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 916           "If > 0, provokes an error after VM initialization; the value "   \
 917           "determines which error to provoke. See test_error_handler() "    \
 918           "in debug.cpp.")                                                  \
 919                                                                             \
 920   notproduct(uintx, TestCrashInErrorHandler, 0,                             \
 921           "If > 0, provokes an error inside VM error handler (a secondary " \
 922           "crash). see test_error_handler() in debug.cpp.")                 \
 923                                                                             \
 924   develop(bool, Verbose, false,                                             \
 925           "Print additional debugging information from other modes")        \
 926                                                                             \
 927   develop(bool, PrintMiscellaneous, false,                                  \
 928           "Print uncategorized debugging information (requires +Verbose)")  \
 929                                                                             \
 930   develop(bool, WizardMode, false,                                          \
 931           "Print much more debugging information")                          \
 932                                                                             \
 933   product(bool, ShowMessageBoxOnError, false,                               \
 934           "Keep process alive on VM fatal error")                           \
 935                                                                             \
 936   product(bool, CreateMinidumpOnCrash, false,                               \
 937           "Create minidump on VM fatal error")                              \
 938                                                                             \
 939   product_pd(bool, UseOSErrorReporting,                                     \
 940           "Let VM fatal error propagate to the OS (ie. WER on Windows)")    \
 941                                                                             \
 942   product(bool, SuppressFatalErrorMessage, false,                           \
 943           "Report NO fatal error message (avoid deadlock)")                 \
 944                                                                             \
 945   product(ccstrlist, OnError, "",                                           \
 946           "Run user-defined commands on fatal error; see VMError.cpp "      \
 947           "for examples")                                                   \
 948                                                                             \
 949   product(ccstrlist, OnOutOfMemoryError, "",                                \
 950           "Run user-defined commands on first java.lang.OutOfMemoryError")  \
 951                                                                             \
 952   manageable(bool, HeapDumpBeforeFullGC, false,                             \
 953           "Dump heap to file before any major stop-the-world GC")           \
 954                                                                             \
 955   manageable(bool, HeapDumpAfterFullGC, false,                              \
 956           "Dump heap to file after any major stop-the-world GC")            \

 916           "If > 0, provokes an error after VM initialization; the value "   \
 917           "determines which error to provoke. See test_error_handler() "    \
 918           "in debug.cpp.")                                                  \
 919                                                                             \
 920   notproduct(uintx, TestCrashInErrorHandler, 0,                             \
 921           "If > 0, provokes an error inside VM error handler (a secondary " \
 922           "crash). see test_error_handler() in debug.cpp.")                 \
 923                                                                             \
 924   develop(bool, Verbose, false,                                             \
 925           "Print additional debugging information from other modes")        \
 926                                                                             \
 927   develop(bool, PrintMiscellaneous, false,                                  \
 928           "Print uncategorized debugging information (requires +Verbose)")  \
 929                                                                             \
 930   develop(bool, WizardMode, false,                                          \
 931           "Print much more debugging information")                          \
 932                                                                             \
 933   product(bool, ShowMessageBoxOnError, false,                               \
 934           "Keep process alive on VM fatal error")                           \
 935                                                                             \
 936   product(bool, CreateCoredumpOnCrash, true,                                \
 937           "Create minidump on VM fatal error")                              \
 938                                                                             \
 939   product_pd(bool, UseOSErrorReporting,                                     \
 940           "Let VM fatal error propagate to the OS (ie. WER on Windows)")    \
 941                                                                             \
 942   product(bool, SuppressFatalErrorMessage, false,                           \
 943           "Report NO fatal error message (avoid deadlock)")                 \
 944                                                                             \
 945   product(ccstrlist, OnError, "",                                           \
 946           "Run user-defined commands on fatal error; see VMError.cpp "      \
 947           "for examples")                                                   \
 948                                                                             \
 949   product(ccstrlist, OnOutOfMemoryError, "",                                \
 950           "Run user-defined commands on first java.lang.OutOfMemoryError")  \
 951                                                                             \
 952   manageable(bool, HeapDumpBeforeFullGC, false,                             \
 953           "Dump heap to file before any major stop-the-world GC")           \
 954                                                                             \
 955   manageable(bool, HeapDumpAfterFullGC, false,                              \
 956           "Dump heap to file after any major stop-the-world GC")            \