1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2009, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
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  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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  24  */
  27 package com.sun.org.glassfish.external.arc;
  29 /**
  30   Taxonomy values.
  31   See http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/policies/interface-taxonomy/
  32   <p>
  33   <h3>Policy</h3>
  34     <ul>
  35     <li>Applies to All software produced by SMI</li>
  36     <li>Authority SAC</li>
  37     <li>Approval SAC</li>
  38     <li>Effective April, 1992</li>
  39     <li>Policy </li>
  40         <ul><li>All software interfaces must be classified according to this taxonomy.
  41         Interfaces are defined as APIs, files and directory structures, file formats, protocols,
  42         (sometimes) even performance and reliability behaviors, and any other attribute upon
  43         which another component might reasonably depend.</li>
  45         <li>An ARC must review, approve and archive the specification for all interfaces
  46         other than Project Private and Internal. Unreviewed, unapproved interfaces are assumed
  47         to be Internal. An adequate specification, suitable for archiving must exist for all
  48         interfaces submitted for review. Often Project Private interfaces are also reviewed if
  49         the presentation of them aids the understanding of the entire project or it is expected
  50         they will be promoted to a broader classification in the future.</li>
  52         <li>Adequate customer documentation must exist for all Public interfaces.
  53         It is strongly preferred that manual pages exist for all Public interfaces
  54         (supported on Solaris), even if only significant content of those pages are SYNOPSIS
  55         and ATTRIBUTES sections and a textual pointer to other documentation.
  56         Independent of the form of documentation delivery, the interface taxonomy commitment
  57         level must be presented to the consumer.</li>
  59         <li>In cases where the organization delivering the interface implementation does not
  60         control the interface specification, the controlling body must be be clearly cited
  61         in the documentation. In the case where a well-defined, versioned document is the
  62         specification, both the name and precise version must be be cited.</li>
  63         </ul>
  64     </ul>
  65   @author llc
  66  */
  67 public enum Stability  {
  68     /**
  69     <pre>
  70     +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  71     | Committed (formerly Stable, Public; encompasses Standard, Evolving)        |
  72     |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
  73     |   | Specification       | Open                                             |
  74     |   |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------|
  75     |   | Incompatible Change | major release (X.0)                              |
  76     |   |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------|
  77     |   | ARC review of Specs | Yes                                              |
  78     |   |---------------------+--------------------------------------------------|
  79     |   | Examples            | Compiler command line options,                   |
  80     |   |                     | hardware  (SBus, PCI, USB), RPC, POSIX utilities |
  81     +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  82     </pre>
  83         We publish the specification of these interfaces, typically as manual pages or other product documentation.
  84         We also tell customers we will remain compatible with them. (Scott McNealy's principle that "Compatibility is a
  85         constraint, not a goal") The intention of a Committed interface is to enable arbitrary third parties to develop
  86         applications to these interfaces, release them, and have confidence that they will run on all releases of the product
  87         after the one in which the interface was introduced, and within the same Major release. Even at a Major release,
  88         incompatible changes are expected to be rare, and to have strong justifications.
  89         <p>
  90         Committed interfaces are often proposed to be industry standards, as was the case with RPC.
  91         Also, interfaces defined and controlled as industry standards are most often treated as Committed interfaces.
  92         <p>
  93         These are interfaces whose specification is often under the provider's control or which are specified by a
  94         clearly versioned document controlled by a well-defined organization. If the interface specification is not
  95         under the implementation provider's control, the provider must be willing to fork from the interface specification
  96         if required to maintain compatibility. In the case of interface specifications controlled by a standards body,
  97         the commitment must be to a clearly identified version of the specification, minimizing the likelihood of an
  98         incompatible change (but it can happen through formal spec interpretations).
  99         <p>
 100         Also, if the interface specification is not under the control of the interface implementation provider,
 101         then the controlling body and/or public, versioned document must be be noted in the documentation.
 102         This is particularly important for specifications controlled by recognized standards organizations.
 103         <p>
 104         Although a truely exceptional event, incompatible changes are possible in any release if
 105         the associated defect is serious enough as outlined in the EXEMPTIONS section of this document or
 106         in a Minor release by following the End of Feature process.
 107      */
 108     COMMITTED( "Committed" ),
 110 /**
 111  <pre>
 112     +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 113     | Uncommitted (formerly Unstable)                                          |
 114     |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
 115     |   | Specification       | Open                                           |
 116     |   |---------------------+------------------------------------------------|
 117     |   | Incompatible Change | minor release (x.Y) with impact assessment     |
 118     |   |---------------------+------------------------------------------------|
 119     |   | ARC review of Specs | Yes                                            |
 120     |   |---------------------+------------------------------------------------|
 121     |   | Examples            | SUNW* package abbreviations, some config utils |
 122     +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 123     </pre>
 124     No guarantees are made about either source or binary compatibility of these interfaces
 125     from one Minor release to the next. The most drastic incompatible change of removal of
 126      the interface in a Minor release is allowed. Uncommitted interfaces are generally not
 127      appropriate for use by release-independent products.
 128     <p>
 129     Uncommitted is not a license for gratuitous change. Any incompatible changes to the
 130     interface should be motivated by true improvement to the interface which may include
 131     justifiable ease of use considerations. The general expectation is that Uncommitted
 132     interfaces are not likely to change incompatibly and if such changes occur they will be
 133     small in impact and should often have a mitigation plan.
 134     <p>
 135     Uncommitted interfaces generally fall into one of the following subcategories:
 136     <p>
 137     <ul>
 138         <li>
 139             Interfaces that are experimental or transitional.
 140             They are typically used to give outside developers early access to new or
 141             rapidly-changing technology, or to provide an interim solution to a problem where a
 142             more general solution is anticipated.
 143         </li>
 145         <li>
 146             Interfaces whose specification is controlled by an outside body and the
 147             implementation provider is only willing to commit to forking until the next minor
 148             release point should that outside body introduce incompatible change.
 149             Note that this "middle of the road" approach is often the best business decision
 150             when the controlling body hasn't established a history of respecting compatibility.
 151         </li>
 153         <li>
 154             Interfaces whose target audience values innovation (and possibly ease of use) over
 155             stability. This attribute is often asserted for administrative interfaces for higher
 156             web tier components. Note that ARC review may request data to support such an assertion.
 157         </li>
 158     <p>
 159     A project's intention to import an Uncommitted interface from another consolidation should
 160     be discussed with the ARC early. The stability classification of the interface -- or
 161     a replacement interface -- might be raised. The opinion allowing any project to import an
 162     Uncommitted interface must explain why it is acceptable, and a contract must be put into
 163     place allowing this use. For Sun products, the similarity in the usage of Uncommitted and
 164     Consolidation Private interfaces should be noted.
 165     <p>
 166     Any documentation for an Uncommitted interface must contain warnings that "these interfaces
 167     are subject to change without warning and should not be used in unbundled products".
 168     In some situations, it may be appropriate to document Uncommitted interfaces in white papers
 169     rather than in standard product documentation. When changes are introduced, the changes
 170     should be mentioned in the release notes for the affected release.
 171     <p>
 172     NOTE: If we choose to offer a draft standard implementation but state our intention to track
 173     the standard (or the portions we find technically sound or likely to be standardized),
 174     we set customer expectations for incompatible changes by classifying the interface Uncommitted.
 175     The interface must be reclassified Committed when standard is final.
 176     Such an intention could be encoded "Uncommitted->Committed".)
 177 </pre>
 178  */
 179     UNCOMMITTED( "Uncommitted" ),
 182 /**
 183 <pre>
 184     +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
 185     | Volatile (encompasses External)                                    |
 186     |--------------------------------------------------------------------|
 187     |   | Specification       | Open                                     |
 188     |   |---------------------+------------------------------------------|
 189     |   | Incompatible Change | micro release (x.y.z) or patch release   |
 190     |   |---------------------+------------------------------------------|
 191     |   | Arc review of Specs | A precise reference is normally recorded |
 192     |   |---------------------+------------------------------------------|
 193     |   | Examples            | Gimp user interface, IETF internet-draft |
 194     +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
 195 </pre>
 196         Volatile interfaces may change at any time and for any reason.
 197         <p>
 198         Use of the Volatile interface stability level allows interface providers to
 199         quickly track a fluid, rapidly evolving specification. In many cases, this is
 200         preferred to providing additional stability to the interface, as it may better
 201         meet the expectations of the consumer.
 202         <p>
 203         The most common application of this taxonomy level is to interfaces that are
 204         controlled by a body other than the final implementation provider, but unlike
 205         specifications controlled by standards bodies or communities we place trust in,
 206         it can not be asserted that an incompatible change to the interface
 207         specification would be exceedingly rare. In some cases it may not even be
 208         possible to clearly identify the controlling body. Although not prohibited by
 209         this taxonomy, the Volatile classification is not typically applied to
 210         interfaces where the specification is controlled by the implementation provider.
 211         <p>
 212         It should be noted that in some cases it will be preferable to apply a less
 213         fluid interface classification to an interface even if the controlling body is
 214         separate from the implementor. Use of the Uncommitted classification extends the
 215         stability commitment over micro/patch releases, allowing use of additional
 216         support models for software that depends upon these interfaces, at the potential
 217         cost of less frequent updates. Committed should be considered for required, core
 218         interfaces. If instability in the interface definition can't be reconciled with
 219         the requirement for stability, then alternate solutions should be considered.
 220         <p>
 221         This classification is typically used for free or open source software (FOSS),
 222         also referred to as community software, and similar models where it is deemed
 223         more important to track the community with minimal latency than to provide
 224         stability to our customers. When applying this classification level to community
 225         software, particular attention should be paid to the considerations presented in
 226         the preceding paragraph.
 227         <p>
 228         It also may be appropriate to apply the Volatile classification level to
 229         interfaces in the process of being defined by trusted or widely accepted
 230         organization. These are generically referred to as draft standards. An "IETF
 231         internet draft" is a well understood example of a specification under
 232         development.
 233         <p>
 234         There may also cases where Volatile is appropriate for experimental interfaces,
 235         but in most cases Uncommitted should be considered first.
 236         <p>
 237         Irrespective of the control of the specification, the Volatile classification
 238         must not be applied to "core" interfaces (those that must be used) for which no
 239         alternate (and more stable) interface exists. Volatile interfaces must also
 240         adhere to Sun internal standards in the following areas:
 241         <ul>
 242             <li>Security, Authentication</li>
 243             <li>The existence of (perhaps vestigial) Manual Pages and conformance to Sun section numbering</li>
 244             <li>File System Semantics (Solaris examples: /usr may be read-only, /var is where
 245             all significant run-time growth occurs, ...)</li>
 246         </ul>
 247         All Volatile interfaces should be labeled as such in all associated
 248         documentation and the consequence of using such interfaces must be explained
 249         either as part of that documentation or by reference.
 250         <p>
 251         Shipping incompatible change in a patch should be strongly avoided. It is not
 252         strictly prohibited for the following two reasons:
 253         <ul>
 254             <li>Since the patch provider may not be in explicit control of the changes to the
 255             upstream implementation, it cannot guarantee with reasonable assurance that an
 256             unidentified incompatibility is not present.
 257             </li>
 258             <li>A strong business case may exist for shipping a newer version as a patch if that
 259             newer version closes significant escalations.
 260             </li>
 261         </ul>
 262         In general, the intent of allowing change in a patch is to allow for change in
 263         Update Releases.
 264         <p>
 265         Sun products should consider Volatile interfaces as equivalent to Consolidation
 266         Private. A contract is required for use of these interfaces outside of the
 267         supplying consolidation.
 268         <p>
 269         Extreme care in the use of Volatile interfaces is required by layered or
 270         unbundled products. Layered products that depend upon Volatile interfaces must
 271         include as part of their review material how they intend to manage the
 272         dependency. It is not explicitly prohibited, but it is probable that unbundled
 273         or layered products that ship asynchronously from the Volatile interfaces upon
 274         which they depend will face nearly insurmountable difficulty in constructing a
 275         plan to manage such a dependency.
 276  */
 277     VOLATILE( "Volatile" ),
 279 /**
 280 <pre>
 281     +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
 282     | Not-an-interface                                                   |
 283     |--------------------------------------------------------------------|
 284     |   | Specification       | None                                     |
 285     |   |---------------------+------------------------------------------|
 286     |   | Incompatible Change | micro release (x.y.z) or patch release   |
 287     |   |---------------------+------------------------------------------|
 288     |   | Arc review of Specs | None                                     |
 289     |   |---------------------+------------------------------------------|
 290     |   | Examples            | CLI output, error text                   |
 291     +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
 292 </pre>
 293         In the course of reviewing or documenting interfaces, the situation often occurs
 294         that an attribute will be present which may be inferred to be an interface, but
 295         actually is not. A couple of common examples of this are output from CLIs
 296         intended only for human consumption and the exact layout of a GUI.
 297         <p>
 298         This classification is simply a convenience term to be used to clarify such
 299         situations where such confusion is identified as likely. Failure to apply this
 300         term to an attribute is no indication that said attribute is some form of
 301         interface. It only indicates that the potential for confusion was not
 302         identified.
 303  */
 304     NOT_AN_INTERFACE( "Not-An-Interface" ),
 306     /**
 307         See: http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/policies/interface-taxonomy/
 308         <p>
 309         Javadoc or other means should establish the nature of the private interface.
 310      */
 311     PRIVATE( "Private" ),
 314     /**
 315         Not a formal term. Indicates that the interface, while visible, is experimental,
 316         and can be removed at any time.
 317      */
 318     EXPERIMENTAL( "Experimental" ),
 320     /**
 321         Interrim classification; a real one should be chosen asap.
 322      */
 323     UNSPECIFIED( "Unspecified" );
 325     private final String mName;
 326     private Stability( final String name ) { mName = name; }
 328     public String toString() { return mName; }
 329 }