1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package com.sun.xml.internal.ws.server;
  28 import com.sun.istack.internal.NotNull;
  29 import com.sun.istack.internal.Nullable;
  30 import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.buffer.MutableXMLStreamBuffer;
  31 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.BindingID;
  32 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.WSBinding;
  33 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.WSFeatureList;
  34 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.databinding.DatabindingConfig;
  35 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.databinding.DatabindingFactory;
  36 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.databinding.MetadataReader;
  37 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.databinding.WSDLGenInfo;
  38 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.model.SEIModel;
  39 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.model.wsdl.WSDLModel;
  40 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.model.wsdl.WSDLPort;
  41 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.model.wsdl.WSDLService;
  42 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.policy.PolicyResolver;
  43 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.policy.PolicyResolverFactory;
  44 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.server.AsyncProvider;
  45 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.server.Container;
  46 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.server.ContainerResolver;
  47 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.server.InstanceResolver;
  48 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.server.Invoker;
  49 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.server.SDDocument;
  50 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.server.SDDocumentSource;
  51 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.server.WSEndpoint;
  52 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.streaming.XMLStreamReaderFactory;
  53 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.wsdl.parser.WSDLParserExtension;
  54 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.wsdl.parser.XMLEntityResolver;
  55 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.wsdl.parser.XMLEntityResolver.Parser;
  56 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.wsdl.writer.WSDLGeneratorExtension;
  57 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.binding.BindingImpl;
  58 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.binding.SOAPBindingImpl;
  59 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.binding.WebServiceFeatureList;
  60 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.model.AbstractSEIModelImpl;
  61 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.model.ReflectAnnotationReader;
  62 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.model.RuntimeModeler;
  63 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.model.SOAPSEIModel;
  64 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.policy.PolicyMap;
  65 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.policy.jaxws.PolicyUtil;
  66 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.resources.ServerMessages;
  67 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.server.provider.ProviderInvokerTube;
  68 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.server.sei.SEIInvokerTube;
  69 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.util.HandlerAnnotationInfo;
  70 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.util.HandlerAnnotationProcessor;
  71 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.util.ServiceConfigurationError;
  72 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.util.ServiceFinder;
  73 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.util.xml.XmlUtil;
  74 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.wsdl.parser.RuntimeWSDLParser;
  76 import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver;
  77 import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
  78 import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
  80 import javax.jws.WebService;
  81 import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
  82 import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
  83 import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader;
  84 import javax.xml.ws.Provider;
  85 import javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException;
  86 import javax.xml.ws.WebServiceFeature;
  87 import javax.xml.ws.WebServiceProvider;
  88 import javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPBinding;
  90 import java.io.IOException;
  91 import java.net.URL;
  92 import java.util.ArrayList;
  93 import java.util.Collection;
  94 import java.util.HashMap;
  95 import java.util.List;
  96 import java.util.Map;
  97 import java.util.logging.Logger;
  99 /**
 100  * Entry point to the JAX-WS RI server-side runtime.
 101  *
 102  * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi
 103  * @author Jitendra Kotamraju
 104  */
 105 public class EndpointFactory {
 106         private static final EndpointFactory instance = new EndpointFactory();
 108         public static EndpointFactory getInstance() {
 109                 return instance;
 110         }
 112     /**
 113      * Implements {@link WSEndpoint#create}.
 114      *
 115      * No need to take WebServiceContext implementation. When InvokerPipe is
 116      * instantiated, it calls InstanceResolver to set up a WebServiceContext.
 117      * We shall only take delegate to getUserPrincipal and isUserInRole from adapter.
 118      *
 119      * <p>
 120      * Nobody else should be calling this method.
 121      */
 122     public static <T> WSEndpoint<T> createEndpoint(
 123         Class<T> implType, boolean processHandlerAnnotation, @Nullable Invoker invoker,
 124         @Nullable QName serviceName, @Nullable QName portName,
 125         @Nullable Container container, @Nullable WSBinding binding,
 126         @Nullable SDDocumentSource primaryWsdl,
 127         @Nullable Collection<? extends SDDocumentSource> metadata,
 128         EntityResolver resolver, boolean isTransportSynchronous) {
 129         return createEndpoint(implType, processHandlerAnnotation, invoker, serviceName,
 130                         portName, container, binding, primaryWsdl, metadata, resolver, isTransportSynchronous, true);
 131     }
 133     public static <T> WSEndpoint<T> createEndpoint(
 134             Class<T> implType, boolean processHandlerAnnotation, @Nullable Invoker invoker,
 135             @Nullable QName serviceName, @Nullable QName portName,
 136             @Nullable Container container, @Nullable WSBinding binding,
 137             @Nullable SDDocumentSource primaryWsdl,
 138             @Nullable Collection<? extends SDDocumentSource> metadata,
 139             EntityResolver resolver, boolean isTransportSynchronous, boolean isStandard) {
 140         EndpointFactory factory = container != null ? container.getSPI(EndpointFactory.class) : null;
 141         if (factory == null)
 142                 factory = EndpointFactory.getInstance();
 144         return factory.create(
 145                 implType,processHandlerAnnotation, invoker,serviceName,portName,container,binding,primaryWsdl,metadata,resolver,isTransportSynchronous,isStandard);
 146     }
 148     /**
 149      * Implements {@link WSEndpoint#create}.
 150      *
 151      * No need to take WebServiceContext implementation. When InvokerPipe is
 152      * instantiated, it calls InstanceResolver to set up a WebServiceContext.
 153      * We shall only take delegate to getUserPrincipal and isUserInRole from adapter.
 154      *
 155      * <p>
 156      * Nobody else should be calling this method.
 157      */
 158     public <T> WSEndpoint<T> create(
 159             Class<T> implType, boolean processHandlerAnnotation, @Nullable Invoker invoker,
 160             @Nullable QName serviceName, @Nullable QName portName,
 161             @Nullable Container container, @Nullable WSBinding binding,
 162             @Nullable SDDocumentSource primaryWsdl,
 163             @Nullable Collection<? extends SDDocumentSource> metadata,
 164             EntityResolver resolver, boolean isTransportSynchronous) {
 165         return create(implType, processHandlerAnnotation, invoker, serviceName,
 166                         portName, container, binding, primaryWsdl, metadata, resolver, isTransportSynchronous,
 167                         true);
 169     }
 171     public <T> WSEndpoint<T> create(
 172         Class<T> implType, boolean processHandlerAnnotation, @Nullable Invoker invoker,
 173         @Nullable QName serviceName, @Nullable QName portName,
 174         @Nullable Container container, @Nullable WSBinding binding,
 175         @Nullable SDDocumentSource primaryWsdl,
 176         @Nullable Collection<? extends SDDocumentSource> metadata,
 177         EntityResolver resolver, boolean isTransportSynchronous, boolean isStandard) {
 179         if(implType ==null)
 180             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
 182         MetadataReader metadataReader = getExternalMetadatReader(implType, binding);
 184         if (isStandard) {
 185             verifyImplementorClass(implType, metadataReader);
 186         }
 188         if (invoker == null) {
 189             invoker = InstanceResolver.createDefault(implType).createInvoker();
 190         }
 192         List<SDDocumentSource> md = new ArrayList<SDDocumentSource>();
 193         if(metadata!=null)
 194             md.addAll(metadata);
 196         if(primaryWsdl!=null && !md.contains(primaryWsdl))
 197             md.add(primaryWsdl);
 199         if(container==null)
 200             container = ContainerResolver.getInstance().getContainer();
 202         if(serviceName==null)
 203             serviceName = getDefaultServiceName(implType, metadataReader);
 205         if(portName==null)
 206             portName = getDefaultPortName(serviceName,implType, metadataReader);
 208         {// error check
 209             String serviceNS = serviceName.getNamespaceURI();
 210             String portNS = portName.getNamespaceURI();
 211             if (!serviceNS.equals(portNS)) {
 212                 throw new ServerRtException("wrong.tns.for.port",portNS, serviceNS);
 213             }
 214         }
 216         // setting a default binding
 217         if (binding == null)
 218             binding = BindingImpl.create(BindingID.parse(implType));
 220         if ( isStandard && primaryWsdl != null) {
 221             verifyPrimaryWSDL(primaryWsdl, serviceName);
 222         }
 224         QName portTypeName = null;
 225         if (isStandard && implType.getAnnotation(WebServiceProvider.class)==null) {
 226             portTypeName = RuntimeModeler.getPortTypeName(implType, metadataReader);
 227         }
 229         // Categorises the documents as WSDL, Schema etc
 230         List<SDDocumentImpl> docList = categoriseMetadata(md, serviceName, portTypeName);
 231         // Finds the primary WSDL and makes sure that metadata doesn't have
 232         // two concrete or abstract WSDLs
 233         SDDocumentImpl primaryDoc = primaryWsdl != null ? SDDocumentImpl.create(primaryWsdl,serviceName,portTypeName) : findPrimary(docList);
 235         EndpointAwareTube terminal;
 236         WSDLPort wsdlPort = null;
 237         AbstractSEIModelImpl seiModel = null;
 238         // create WSDL model
 239         if (primaryDoc != null) {
 240             wsdlPort = getWSDLPort(primaryDoc, docList, serviceName, portName, container, resolver);
 241         }
 243         WebServiceFeatureList features=((BindingImpl)binding).getFeatures();
 244         if (isStandard) {
 245                 features.parseAnnotations(implType);
 246         }
 247         PolicyMap policyMap = null;
 248         // create terminal pipe that invokes the application
 249         if (isUseProviderTube(implType, isStandard)) {
 250             //TODO incase of Provider, provide a way to User for complete control of the message processing by giving
 251             // ability to turn off the WSDL/Policy based features and its associated tubes.
 253             //Even in case of Provider, merge all features configured via WSDL/Policy or deployment configuration
 254             Iterable<WebServiceFeature> configFtrs;
 255             if(wsdlPort != null) {
 256                  policyMap = wsdlPort.getOwner().getParent().getPolicyMap();
 257                  //Merge features from WSDL and other policy configuration
 258                 configFtrs = wsdlPort.getFeatures();
 259             } else {
 260                 //No WSDL, so try to merge features from Policy configuration
 261                 policyMap = PolicyResolverFactory.create().resolve(
 262                         new PolicyResolver.ServerContext(null, container, implType, false));
 263                 configFtrs = PolicyUtil.getPortScopedFeatures(policyMap,serviceName,portName);
 264             }
 265             features.mergeFeatures(configFtrs, true);
 266             terminal = createProviderInvokerTube(implType, binding, invoker, container);
 267         } else {
 268             // Create runtime model for non Provider endpoints
 269             seiModel = createSEIModel(wsdlPort, implType, serviceName, portName, binding, primaryDoc);
 270             if(binding instanceof SOAPBindingImpl){
 271                 //set portKnownHeaders on Binding, so that they can be used for MU processing
 272                 ((SOAPBindingImpl)binding).setPortKnownHeaders(
 273                         ((SOAPSEIModel)seiModel).getKnownHeaders());
 274             }
 275             // Generate WSDL for SEI endpoints(not for Provider endpoints)
 276             if (primaryDoc == null) {
 277                 primaryDoc = generateWSDL(binding, seiModel, docList, container, implType);
 278                 // create WSDL model
 279                 wsdlPort = getWSDLPort(primaryDoc, docList, serviceName, portName, container, resolver);
 280                 seiModel.freeze(wsdlPort);
 281             }
 282             policyMap = wsdlPort.getOwner().getParent().getPolicyMap();
 283             // New Features might have been added in WSDL through Policy.
 284             //Merge features from WSDL and other policy configuration
 285             // This sets only the wsdl features that are not already set(enabled/disabled)
 286             features.mergeFeatures(wsdlPort.getFeatures(), true);
 287             terminal = createSEIInvokerTube(seiModel,invoker,binding);
 288         }
 290         // Process @HandlerChain, if handler-chain is not set via Deployment Descriptor
 291         if (processHandlerAnnotation) {
 292             processHandlerAnnotation(binding, implType, serviceName, portName);
 293         }
 294         // Selects only required metadata for this endpoint from the passed-in metadata
 295         if (primaryDoc != null) {
 296             docList = findMetadataClosure(primaryDoc, docList, resolver);
 297         }
 299         ServiceDefinitionImpl serviceDefiniton = (primaryDoc != null) ? new ServiceDefinitionImpl(docList, primaryDoc) : null;
 301         return create(serviceName, portName, binding, container, seiModel, wsdlPort, implType, serviceDefiniton,
 302                         terminal, isTransportSynchronous, policyMap);
 303     }
 305     protected <T> WSEndpoint<T> create(QName serviceName, QName portName, WSBinding binding, Container container, SEIModel seiModel, WSDLPort wsdlPort, Class<T> implType, ServiceDefinitionImpl serviceDefinition, EndpointAwareTube terminal, boolean isTransportSynchronous, PolicyMap policyMap) {
 306         return new WSEndpointImpl<T>(serviceName, portName, binding, container, seiModel,
 307                         wsdlPort, implType, serviceDefinition, terminal, isTransportSynchronous, policyMap);
 308     }
 310     protected boolean isUseProviderTube(Class<?> implType, boolean isStandard) {
 311         return !isStandard || implType.getAnnotation(WebServiceProvider.class)!=null;
 312     }
 314     protected EndpointAwareTube createSEIInvokerTube(AbstractSEIModelImpl seiModel, Invoker invoker, WSBinding binding) {
 315         return new SEIInvokerTube(seiModel,invoker,binding);
 316     }
 318     protected <T> EndpointAwareTube createProviderInvokerTube(final Class<T> implType, final WSBinding binding,
 319                                                               final Invoker invoker, final Container container) {
 320         return ProviderInvokerTube.create(implType, binding, invoker, container);
 321     }
 322     /**
 323      * Goes through the original metadata documents and collects the required ones.
 324      * This done traversing from primary WSDL and its imports until it builds a
 325      * complete set of documents(transitive closure) for the endpoint.
 326      *
 327      * @param primaryDoc primary WSDL doc
 328      * @param docList complete metadata
 329      * @return new metadata that doesn't contain extraneous documnets.
 330      */
 331     private static List<SDDocumentImpl> findMetadataClosure(SDDocumentImpl primaryDoc, List<SDDocumentImpl> docList, EntityResolver resolver) {
 332         // create a map for old metadata
 333         Map<String, SDDocumentImpl> oldMap = new HashMap<String, SDDocumentImpl>();
 334         for(SDDocumentImpl doc : docList) {
 335             oldMap.put(doc.getSystemId().toString(), doc);
 336         }
 337         // create a map for new metadata
 338         Map<String, SDDocumentImpl> newMap = new HashMap<String, SDDocumentImpl>();
 339         newMap.put(primaryDoc.getSystemId().toString(), primaryDoc);
 341         List<String> remaining = new ArrayList<String>();
 342         remaining.addAll(primaryDoc.getImports());
 343         while(!remaining.isEmpty()) {
 344             String url = remaining.remove(0);
 345             SDDocumentImpl doc = oldMap.get(url);
 346             if (doc == null) {
 347                 // old metadata doesn't have this imported doc, may be external
 348                 if (resolver != null) {
 349                         try {
 350                                 InputSource source = resolver.resolveEntity(null, url);
 351                                 if (source != null) {
 352                                         MutableXMLStreamBuffer xsb = new MutableXMLStreamBuffer();
 353                                         XMLStreamReader reader = XmlUtil.newXMLInputFactory(true).createXMLStreamReader(source.getByteStream());
 354                                         xsb.createFromXMLStreamReader(reader);
 356                                         SDDocumentSource sdocSource = SDDocumentImpl.create(new URL(url), xsb);
 357                                         doc = SDDocumentImpl.create(sdocSource, null, null);
 358                                 }
 359                         } catch (Exception ex) {
 360                                 ex.printStackTrace();
 361                         }
 362                 }
 363             }
 364             // Check if new metadata already contains this doc
 365             if (doc != null && !newMap.containsKey(url)) {
 366                 newMap.put(url, doc);
 367                 remaining.addAll(doc.getImports());
 368             }
 369         }
 370         List<SDDocumentImpl> newMetadata = new ArrayList<SDDocumentImpl>();
 371         newMetadata.addAll(newMap.values());
 372         return newMetadata;
 373     }
 375     private static <T> void processHandlerAnnotation(WSBinding binding, Class<T> implType, QName serviceName, QName portName) {
 376         HandlerAnnotationInfo chainInfo =
 377                 HandlerAnnotationProcessor.buildHandlerInfo(
 378                         implType, serviceName, portName, binding);
 379         if (chainInfo != null) {
 380             binding.setHandlerChain(chainInfo.getHandlers());
 381             if (binding instanceof SOAPBinding) {
 382                 ((SOAPBinding) binding).setRoles(chainInfo.getRoles());
 383             }
 384         }
 386     }
 388     /**
 389      * Verifies if the endpoint implementor class has @WebService or @WebServiceProvider
 390      * annotation
 391      *
 392      * @return
 393      *       true if it is a Provider or AsyncProvider endpoint
 394      *       false otherwise
 395      * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
 396      *      If it doesn't have any one of @WebService or @WebServiceProvider
 397      *      If it has both @WebService and @WebServiceProvider annotations
 398      */
 399     public static boolean verifyImplementorClass(Class<?> clz) {
 400         return verifyImplementorClass(clz, null);
 401     }
 403     /**
 404      * Verifies if the endpoint implementor class has @WebService or @WebServiceProvider
 405      * annotation; passing MetadataReader instance allows to read annotations from
 406      * xml descriptor instead of class's annotations
 407      *
 408      * @return
 409      *       true if it is a Provider or AsyncProvider endpoint
 410      *       false otherwise
 411      * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
 412      *      If it doesn't have any one of @WebService or @WebServiceProvider
 413      *      If it has both @WebService and @WebServiceProvider annotations
 414      */
 415     public static boolean verifyImplementorClass(Class<?> clz, MetadataReader metadataReader) {
 417         if (metadataReader == null) {
 418             metadataReader = new ReflectAnnotationReader();
 419         }
 421         WebServiceProvider wsProvider = metadataReader.getAnnotation(WebServiceProvider.class, clz);
 422         WebService ws = metadataReader.getAnnotation(WebService.class, clz);
 423         if (wsProvider == null && ws == null) {
 424             throw new IllegalArgumentException(clz +" has neither @WebService nor @WebServiceProvider annotation");
 425         }
 426         if (wsProvider != null && ws != null) {
 427             throw new IllegalArgumentException(clz +" has both @WebService and @WebServiceProvider annotations");
 428         }
 429         if (wsProvider != null) {
 430             if (Provider.class.isAssignableFrom(clz) || AsyncProvider.class.isAssignableFrom(clz)) {
 431                 return true;
 432             }
 433             throw new IllegalArgumentException(clz +" doesn't implement Provider or AsyncProvider interface");
 434         }
 435         return false;
 436     }
 439     private static AbstractSEIModelImpl createSEIModel(WSDLPort wsdlPort,
 440                                                        Class<?> implType, @NotNull QName serviceName, @NotNull QName portName, WSBinding binding,
 441                                                        SDDocumentSource primaryWsdl) {
 442                 DatabindingFactory fac = DatabindingFactory.newInstance();
 443                 DatabindingConfig config = new DatabindingConfig();
 444                 config.setEndpointClass(implType);
 445                 config.getMappingInfo().setServiceName(serviceName);
 446                 config.setWsdlPort(wsdlPort);
 447                 config.setWSBinding(binding);
 448                 config.setClassLoader(implType.getClassLoader());
 449                 config.getMappingInfo().setPortName(portName);
 450                 if (primaryWsdl != null) config.setWsdlURL(primaryWsdl.getSystemId());
 451         config.setMetadataReader(getExternalMetadatReader(implType, binding));
 453                 com.sun.xml.internal.ws.db.DatabindingImpl rt = (com.sun.xml.internal.ws.db.DatabindingImpl)fac.createRuntime(config);
 454                 return (AbstractSEIModelImpl) rt.getModel();
 455     }
 457     public static MetadataReader getExternalMetadatReader(Class<?> implType, WSBinding binding) {
 458         com.oracle.webservices.internal.api.databinding.ExternalMetadataFeature ef = binding.getFeature(
 459                 com.oracle.webservices.internal.api.databinding.ExternalMetadataFeature.class);
 460         // TODO-Miran: would it be necessary to disable secure xml processing?
 461         if (ef != null)
 462             return ef.getMetadataReader(implType.getClassLoader(), false);
 463         return null;
 464     }
 466     /**
 467      *Set the mtom enable setting from wsdl model (mtom policy assertion) on to @link WSBinding} if DD has
 468      * not already set it on BindingID. Also check conflicts.
 469      */
 470     /*
 471     private static void applyEffectiveMtomSetting(WSDLBoundPortType wsdlBinding, WSBinding binding){
 472         if(wsdlBinding.isMTOMEnabled()){
 473             BindingID bindingId = binding.getBindingId();
 474             if(bindingId.isMTOMEnabled() == null){
 475                 binding.setMTOMEnabled(true);
 476             }else if (bindingId.isMTOMEnabled() != null && bindingId.isMTOMEnabled() == Boolean.FALSE){
 477                 //TODO: i18N
 478                 throw new ServerRtException("Deployment failed! Mtom policy assertion in WSDL is enabled whereas the deplyment descriptor setting wants to disable it!");
 479             }
 480         }
 481     }
 482     */
 483     /**
 484      * If service name is not already set via DD or programmatically, it uses
 485      * annotations {@link WebServiceProvider}, {@link WebService} on implementorClass to get PortName.
 486      *
 487      * @return non-null service name
 488      */
 489     public static @NotNull QName getDefaultServiceName(Class<?> implType) {
 490         return getDefaultServiceName(implType, null);
 491     }
 493     public static @NotNull QName getDefaultServiceName(Class<?> implType, MetadataReader metadataReader) {
 494         return getDefaultServiceName(implType, true, metadataReader);
 495     }
 497     public static @NotNull QName getDefaultServiceName(Class<?> implType, boolean isStandard) {
 498         return getDefaultServiceName(implType, isStandard, null);
 499     }
 501     public static @NotNull QName getDefaultServiceName(Class<?> implType, boolean isStandard, MetadataReader metadataReader) {
 502         if (metadataReader == null) {
 503             metadataReader = new ReflectAnnotationReader();
 504         }
 505         QName serviceName;
 506         WebServiceProvider wsProvider = metadataReader.getAnnotation(WebServiceProvider.class, implType);
 507         if (wsProvider!=null) {
 508             String tns = wsProvider.targetNamespace();
 509             String local = wsProvider.serviceName();
 510             serviceName = new QName(tns, local);
 511         } else {
 512             serviceName = RuntimeModeler.getServiceName(implType, metadataReader, isStandard);
 513         }
 514         assert serviceName != null;
 515         return serviceName;
 516     }
 518     /**
 519      * If portName is not already set via DD or programmatically, it uses
 520      * annotations on implementorClass to get PortName.
 521      *
 522      * @return non-null port name
 523      */
 524     public static @NotNull QName getDefaultPortName(QName serviceName, Class<?> implType) {
 525         return getDefaultPortName(serviceName, implType, null);
 526     }
 528     public static @NotNull QName getDefaultPortName(QName serviceName, Class<?> implType, MetadataReader metadataReader) {
 529         return getDefaultPortName(serviceName, implType, true, metadataReader);
 530     }
 532     public static @NotNull QName getDefaultPortName(QName serviceName, Class<?> implType, boolean isStandard) {
 533         return getDefaultPortName(serviceName, implType, isStandard, null);
 534     }
 536     public static @NotNull QName getDefaultPortName(QName serviceName, Class<?> implType, boolean isStandard, MetadataReader metadataReader) {
 537         if (metadataReader == null) {
 538             metadataReader = new ReflectAnnotationReader();
 539         }
 540         QName portName;
 541         WebServiceProvider wsProvider = metadataReader.getAnnotation(WebServiceProvider.class, implType);
 542         if (wsProvider!=null) {
 543             String tns = wsProvider.targetNamespace();
 544             String local = wsProvider.portName();
 545             portName = new QName(tns, local);
 546         } else {
 547             portName = RuntimeModeler.getPortName(implType, metadataReader, serviceName.getNamespaceURI(), isStandard);
 548         }
 549         assert portName != null;
 550         return portName;
 551     }
 553     /**
 554      * Returns the wsdl from @WebService, or @WebServiceProvider annotation using
 555      * wsdlLocation element.
 556      *
 557      * @param implType
 558      *      endpoint implementation class
 559      *      make sure that you called {@link #verifyImplementorClass} on it.
 560      * @return wsdl if there is wsdlLocation, else null
 561      */
 562     public static @Nullable String getWsdlLocation(Class<?> implType) {
 563         return getWsdlLocation(implType, new ReflectAnnotationReader());
 564     }
 566     /**
 567      * Returns the wsdl from @WebService, or @WebServiceProvider annotation using
 568      * wsdlLocation element.
 569      *
 570      * @param implType
 571      *      endpoint implementation class
 572      *      make sure that you called {@link #verifyImplementorClass} on it.
 573      * @return wsdl if there is wsdlLocation, else null
 574      */
 575     public static @Nullable String getWsdlLocation(Class<?> implType, MetadataReader metadataReader) {
 577         if (metadataReader == null) {
 578             metadataReader = new ReflectAnnotationReader();
 579         }
 581         WebService ws = metadataReader.getAnnotation(WebService.class, implType);
 582         if (ws != null) {
 583             return nullIfEmpty(ws.wsdlLocation());
 584         } else {
 585             WebServiceProvider wsProvider = implType.getAnnotation(WebServiceProvider.class);
 586             assert wsProvider != null;
 587             return nullIfEmpty(wsProvider.wsdlLocation());
 588         }
 589     }
 591     private static String nullIfEmpty(String string) {
 592         if (string.length() < 1) {
 593             string = null;
 594         }
 595         return string;
 596     }
 598     /**
 599      * Generates the WSDL and XML Schema for the endpoint if necessary
 600      * It generates WSDL only for SOAP1.1, and for XSOAP1.2 bindings
 601      */
 602     private static SDDocumentImpl generateWSDL(WSBinding binding, AbstractSEIModelImpl seiModel, List<SDDocumentImpl> docs,
 603                                                Container container, Class implType) {
 604         BindingID bindingId = binding.getBindingId();
 605         if (!bindingId.canGenerateWSDL()) {
 606             throw new ServerRtException("can.not.generate.wsdl", bindingId);
 607         }
 609         if (bindingId.toString().equals(SOAPBindingImpl.X_SOAP12HTTP_BINDING)) {
 610             String msg = ServerMessages.GENERATE_NON_STANDARD_WSDL();
 611             logger.warning(msg);
 612         }
 614         // Generate WSDL and schema documents using runtime model
 615         WSDLGenResolver wsdlResolver = new WSDLGenResolver(docs,seiModel.getServiceQName(),seiModel.getPortTypeName());
 616         WSDLGenInfo wsdlGenInfo = new WSDLGenInfo();
 617         wsdlGenInfo.setWsdlResolver(wsdlResolver);
 618         wsdlGenInfo.setContainer(container);
 619         wsdlGenInfo.setExtensions(ServiceFinder.find(WSDLGeneratorExtension.class).toArray());
 620         wsdlGenInfo.setInlineSchemas(false);
 621         wsdlGenInfo.setSecureXmlProcessingDisabled(isSecureXmlProcessingDisabled(binding.getFeatures()));
 622         seiModel.getDatabinding().generateWSDL(wsdlGenInfo);
 623 //        WSDLGenerator wsdlGen = new WSDLGenerator(seiModel, wsdlResolver, binding, container, implType, false,
 624 //                ServiceFinder.find(WSDLGeneratorExtension.class).toArray());
 625 //        wsdlGen.doGeneration();
 626         return wsdlResolver.updateDocs();
 627     }
 629     private static boolean isSecureXmlProcessingDisabled(WSFeatureList featureList) {
 630         // TODO-Miran: would it be necessary to disable secure xml processing?
 631         return false;
 632     }
 634     /**
 635      * Builds {@link SDDocumentImpl} from {@link SDDocumentSource}.
 636      */
 637     private static List<SDDocumentImpl> categoriseMetadata(
 638         List<SDDocumentSource> src, QName serviceName, QName portTypeName) {
 640         List<SDDocumentImpl> r = new ArrayList<SDDocumentImpl>(src.size());
 641         for (SDDocumentSource doc : src) {
 642             r.add(SDDocumentImpl.create(doc,serviceName,portTypeName));
 643         }
 644         return r;
 645     }
 647     /**
 648      * Verifies whether the given primaryWsdl contains the given serviceName.
 649      * If the WSDL doesn't have the service, it throws an WebServiceException.
 650      */
 651     private static void verifyPrimaryWSDL(@NotNull SDDocumentSource primaryWsdl, @NotNull QName serviceName) {
 652         SDDocumentImpl primaryDoc = SDDocumentImpl.create(primaryWsdl,serviceName,null);
 653         if (!(primaryDoc instanceof SDDocument.WSDL)) {
 654             throw new WebServiceException(primaryWsdl.getSystemId()+
 655                     " is not a WSDL. But it is passed as a primary WSDL");
 656         }
 657         SDDocument.WSDL wsdlDoc = (SDDocument.WSDL)primaryDoc;
 658         if (!wsdlDoc.hasService()) {
 659             if(wsdlDoc.getAllServices().isEmpty())
 660                 throw new WebServiceException("Not a primary WSDL="+primaryWsdl.getSystemId()+
 661                         " since it doesn't have Service "+serviceName);
 662             else
 663                 throw new WebServiceException("WSDL "+primaryDoc.getSystemId()
 664                         +" has the following services "+wsdlDoc.getAllServices()
 665                         +" but not "+serviceName+". Maybe you forgot to specify a serviceName and/or targetNamespace in @WebService/@WebServiceProvider?");
 666         }
 667     }
 669     /**
 670      * Finds the primary WSDL document from the list of metadata documents. If
 671      * there are two metadata documents that qualify for primary, it throws an
 672      * exception. If there are two metadata documents that qualify for porttype,
 673      * it throws an exception.
 674      *
 675      * @return primay wsdl document, null if is not there in the docList
 676      *
 677      */
 678     private static @Nullable SDDocumentImpl findPrimary(@NotNull List<SDDocumentImpl> docList) {
 679         SDDocumentImpl primaryDoc = null;
 680         boolean foundConcrete = false;
 681         boolean foundAbstract = false;
 682         for(SDDocumentImpl doc : docList) {
 683             if (doc instanceof SDDocument.WSDL) {
 684                 SDDocument.WSDL wsdlDoc = (SDDocument.WSDL)doc;
 685                 if (wsdlDoc.hasService()) {
 686                     primaryDoc = doc;
 687                     if (foundConcrete) {
 688                         throw new ServerRtException("duplicate.primary.wsdl", doc.getSystemId() );
 689                     }
 690                     foundConcrete = true;
 691                 }
 692                 if (wsdlDoc.hasPortType()) {
 693                     if (foundAbstract) {
 694                         throw new ServerRtException("duplicate.abstract.wsdl", doc.getSystemId());
 695                     }
 696                     foundAbstract = true;
 697                 }
 698             }
 699         }
 700         return primaryDoc;
 701     }
 703     /**
 704      * Parses the primary WSDL and returns the {@link WSDLPort} for the given service and port names
 705      *
 706      * @param primaryWsdl Primary WSDL
 707      * @param metadata it may contain imported WSDL and schema documents
 708      * @param serviceName service name in wsdl
 709      * @param portName port name in WSDL
 710      * @param container container in which this service is running
 711      * @return non-null wsdl port object
 712      */
 713     private static @NotNull WSDLPort getWSDLPort(SDDocumentSource primaryWsdl, List<? extends SDDocumentSource> metadata,
 714                                                      @NotNull QName serviceName, @NotNull QName portName, Container container,
 715                                                      EntityResolver resolver) {
 716         URL wsdlUrl = primaryWsdl.getSystemId();
 717         try {
 718             // TODO: delegate to another entity resolver
 719             WSDLModel wsdlDoc = RuntimeWSDLParser.parse(
 720                 new Parser(primaryWsdl), new EntityResolverImpl(metadata, resolver),
 721                     false, container, ServiceFinder.find(WSDLParserExtension.class).toArray());
 722             if(wsdlDoc.getServices().size() == 0) {
 723                 throw new ServerRtException(ServerMessages.localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_WSDL_NOSERVICE_IN_WSDLMODEL(wsdlUrl));
 724             }
 725             WSDLService wsdlService = wsdlDoc.getService(serviceName);
 726             if (wsdlService == null) {
 727                 throw new ServerRtException(ServerMessages.localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_WSDL_INCORRECTSERVICE(serviceName,wsdlUrl));
 728             }
 729             WSDLPort wsdlPort = wsdlService.get(portName);
 730             if (wsdlPort == null) {
 731                 throw new ServerRtException(ServerMessages.localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_WSDL_INCORRECTSERVICEPORT(serviceName, portName, wsdlUrl));
 732             }
 733             return wsdlPort;
 734         } catch (IOException e) {
 735             throw new ServerRtException("runtime.parser.wsdl", wsdlUrl,e);
 736         } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
 737             throw new ServerRtException("runtime.saxparser.exception", e.getMessage(), e.getLocation(), e);
 738         } catch (SAXException e) {
 739             throw new ServerRtException("runtime.parser.wsdl", wsdlUrl,e);
 740         } catch (ServiceConfigurationError e) {
 741             throw new ServerRtException("runtime.parser.wsdl", wsdlUrl,e);
 742         }
 743     }
 745     /**
 746      * {@link XMLEntityResolver} that can resolve to {@link SDDocumentSource}s.
 747      */
 748     private static final class EntityResolverImpl implements XMLEntityResolver {
 749         private Map<String,SDDocumentSource> metadata = new HashMap<String,SDDocumentSource>();
 750         private EntityResolver resolver;
 752         public EntityResolverImpl(List<? extends SDDocumentSource> metadata, EntityResolver resolver) {
 753             for (SDDocumentSource doc : metadata) {
 754                 this.metadata.put(doc.getSystemId().toExternalForm(),doc);
 755             }
 756             this.resolver = resolver;
 757         }
 759         public Parser resolveEntity (String publicId, String systemId) throws IOException, XMLStreamException {
 760             if (systemId != null) {
 761                 SDDocumentSource doc = metadata.get(systemId);
 762                 if (doc != null)
 763                     return new Parser(doc);
 764             }
 765             if (resolver != null) {
 766                 try {
 767                     InputSource source = resolver.resolveEntity(publicId, systemId);
 768                     if (source != null) {
 769                         Parser p = new Parser(null, XMLStreamReaderFactory.create(source, true));
 770                         return p;
 771                     }
 772                 } catch (SAXException e) {
 773                     throw new XMLStreamException(e);
 774                 }
 775             }
 776             return null;
 777         }
 779     }
 781     private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(
 782         com.sun.xml.internal.ws.util.Constants.LoggingDomain + ".server.endpoint");
 783 }