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 384 };
 386 // Flags that are aliases for other flags.
 387 typedef struct {
 388   const char* alias_name;
 389   const char* real_name;
 390 } AliasedFlag;
 392 static AliasedFlag const aliased_jvm_flags[] = {
 393   { "DefaultMaxRAMFraction",    "MaxRAMFraction"    },
 394   { "CMSMarkStackSizeMax",      "MarkStackSizeMax"  },
 395   { "CMSMarkStackSize",         "MarkStackSize"     },
 396   { "G1MarkStackSize",          "MarkStackSize"     },
 397   { "ParallelMarkingThreads",   "ConcGCThreads"     },
 398   { "ParallelCMSThreads",       "ConcGCThreads"     },
 399   { "CreateMinidumpOnCrash",    "CreateCoredumpOnCrash" },
 400   { NULL, NULL}
 401 };
 403 static AliasedLoggingFlag const aliased_logging_flags[] = {

 404   { "TraceClassResolution", LogLevel::Info, true, LogTag::_classresolve },
 405   { "TraceExceptions", LogLevel::Info, true, LogTag::_exceptions },
 406   { "TraceMonitorInflation", LogLevel::Debug, true, LogTag::_monitorinflation },
 407   { NULL, LogLevel::Off, false, LogTag::__NO_TAG }
 408 };
 410 // Return true if "v" is less than "other", where "other" may be "undefined".
 411 static bool version_less_than(JDK_Version v, JDK_Version other) {
 412   assert(!v.is_undefined(), "must be defined");
 413   if (!other.is_undefined() && >= 0) {
 414     return false;
 415   } else {
 416     return true;
 417   }
 418 }
 420 static bool lookup_special_flag(const char *flag_name, SpecialFlag& flag) {
 421   for (size_t i = 0; special_jvm_flags[i].name != NULL; i++) {
 422     if ((strcmp(special_jvm_flags[i].name, flag_name) == 0)) {
 423       flag = special_jvm_flags[i];

2635   for (int index = 0; index < args->nOptions; index++) {
2636     bool is_absolute_path = false;  // for -agentpath vs -agentlib
2638     const JavaVMOption* option = args->options + index;
2640     if (!match_option(option, "-Djava.class.path", &tail) &&
2641         !match_option(option, "", &tail) &&
2642         !match_option(option, "", &tail)) {
2644         // add all jvm options to the jvm_args string. This string
2645         // is used later to set the java.vm.args PerfData string constant.
2646         // the -Djava.class.path and the options are
2647         // omitted from jvm_args string as each have their own PerfData
2648         // string constant object.
2649         build_jvm_args(option->optionString);
2650     }
2652     // -verbose:[class/gc/jni]
2653     if (match_option(option, "-verbose", &tail)) {
2654       if (!strcmp(tail, ":class") || !strcmp(tail, "")) {
2655         if (FLAG_SET_CMDLINE(bool, TraceClassLoading, true) != Flag::SUCCESS) {
2656           return JNI_EINVAL;
2657         }
2658         if (FLAG_SET_CMDLINE(bool, TraceClassUnloading, true) != Flag::SUCCESS) {
2659           return JNI_EINVAL;
2660         }
2661       } else if (!strcmp(tail, ":gc")) {
2662         LogConfiguration::configure_stdout(LogLevel::Info, true, LOG_TAGS(gc));
2663       } else if (!strcmp(tail, ":jni")) {
2664         if (FLAG_SET_CMDLINE(bool, PrintJNIResolving, true) != Flag::SUCCESS) {
2665           return JNI_EINVAL;
2666         }
2667       }
2668     // -da / -ea / -disableassertions / -enableassertions
2669     // These accept an optional class/package name separated by a colon, e.g.,
2670     // -da:java.lang.Thread.
2671     } else if (match_option(option, user_assertion_options, &tail, true)) {
2672       bool enable = option->optionString[1] == 'e';     // char after '-' is 'e'
2673       if (*tail == '\0') {
2674         JavaAssertions::setUserClassDefault(enable);
2675       } else {
2676         assert(*tail == ':', "bogus match by match_option()");
2677         JavaAssertions::addOption(tail + 1, enable);
2678       }
2679     // -dsa / -esa / -disablesystemassertions / -enablesystemassertions
2680     } else if (match_option(option, system_assertion_options, &tail, false)) {

 384 };
 386 // Flags that are aliases for other flags.
 387 typedef struct {
 388   const char* alias_name;
 389   const char* real_name;
 390 } AliasedFlag;
 392 static AliasedFlag const aliased_jvm_flags[] = {
 393   { "DefaultMaxRAMFraction",    "MaxRAMFraction"    },
 394   { "CMSMarkStackSizeMax",      "MarkStackSizeMax"  },
 395   { "CMSMarkStackSize",         "MarkStackSize"     },
 396   { "G1MarkStackSize",          "MarkStackSize"     },
 397   { "ParallelMarkingThreads",   "ConcGCThreads"     },
 398   { "ParallelCMSThreads",       "ConcGCThreads"     },
 399   { "CreateMinidumpOnCrash",    "CreateCoredumpOnCrash" },
 400   { NULL, NULL}
 401 };
 403 static AliasedLoggingFlag const aliased_logging_flags[] = {
 404   { "TraceClassLoading",         LogLevel::Info,  true,  LogTag::_classload },
 405   { "TraceClassUnloading",       LogLevel::Info,  true,  LogTag::_classunload },
 406   { "TraceClassResolution",      LogLevel::Info,  true,  LogTag::_classresolve },
 407   { "TraceExceptions",           LogLevel::Info,  true,  LogTag::_exceptions },
 408   { "TraceMonitorInflation",     LogLevel::Debug, true,  LogTag::_monitorinflation },
 409   { NULL,                        LogLevel::Off,   false, LogTag::__NO_TAG }
 410 };
 412 // Return true if "v" is less than "other", where "other" may be "undefined".
 413 static bool version_less_than(JDK_Version v, JDK_Version other) {
 414   assert(!v.is_undefined(), "must be defined");
 415   if (!other.is_undefined() && >= 0) {
 416     return false;
 417   } else {
 418     return true;
 419   }
 420 }
 422 static bool lookup_special_flag(const char *flag_name, SpecialFlag& flag) {
 423   for (size_t i = 0; special_jvm_flags[i].name != NULL; i++) {
 424     if ((strcmp(special_jvm_flags[i].name, flag_name) == 0)) {
 425       flag = special_jvm_flags[i];

2637   for (int index = 0; index < args->nOptions; index++) {
2638     bool is_absolute_path = false;  // for -agentpath vs -agentlib
2640     const JavaVMOption* option = args->options + index;
2642     if (!match_option(option, "-Djava.class.path", &tail) &&
2643         !match_option(option, "", &tail) &&
2644         !match_option(option, "", &tail)) {
2646         // add all jvm options to the jvm_args string. This string
2647         // is used later to set the java.vm.args PerfData string constant.
2648         // the -Djava.class.path and the options are
2649         // omitted from jvm_args string as each have their own PerfData
2650         // string constant object.
2651         build_jvm_args(option->optionString);
2652     }
2654     // -verbose:[class/gc/jni]
2655     if (match_option(option, "-verbose", &tail)) {
2656       if (!strcmp(tail, ":class") || !strcmp(tail, "")) {
2657         LogConfiguration::configure_stdout(LogLevel::Info, true, LOG_TAGS(classload));
2658         LogConfiguration::configure_stdout(LogLevel::Info, true, LOG_TAGS(classunload));

2659       } else if (!strcmp(tail, ":gc")) {
2660         LogConfiguration::configure_stdout(LogLevel::Info, true, LOG_TAGS(gc));
2661       } else if (!strcmp(tail, ":jni")) {
2662         if (FLAG_SET_CMDLINE(bool, PrintJNIResolving, true) != Flag::SUCCESS) {
2663           return JNI_EINVAL;
2664         }
2665       }
2666     // -da / -ea / -disableassertions / -enableassertions
2667     // These accept an optional class/package name separated by a colon, e.g.,
2668     // -da:java.lang.Thread.
2669     } else if (match_option(option, user_assertion_options, &tail, true)) {
2670       bool enable = option->optionString[1] == 'e';     // char after '-' is 'e'
2671       if (*tail == '\0') {
2672         JavaAssertions::setUserClassDefault(enable);
2673       } else {
2674         assert(*tail == ':', "bogus match by match_option()");
2675         JavaAssertions::addOption(tail + 1, enable);
2676       }
2677     // -dsa / -esa / -disablesystemassertions / -enablesystemassertions
2678     } else if (match_option(option, system_assertion_options, &tail, false)) {

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