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 256     :core_tools \
 257     :svc_tools
 259 #
 260 # Catch-all for other areas with a small number of tests
 261 #
 262 jdk_other = \
 263     java/sql \
 264     javax/sql \
 265     javax/rmi \
 266     javax/naming \
 267     javax/script \
 268     javax/smartcardio \
 269     javax/transaction \
 270     javax/xml \
 271     -javax/xml/crypto \
 272     jdk/asm \
 273     jdk/internal/jline \
 274     com/sun/jndi \
 275     com/sun/corba \

 276     lib/testlibrary \
 277     sample
 279 #
 280 # SCTP is its own group as it is highly sensitive to kernel/network config
 281 #
 282 jdk_sctp = \
 283     com/sun/nio/sctp
 286 #
 287 # core group to run all core area tests
 288 #
 289 jdk_core = \
 290     :jdk_lang \
 291     :jdk_util \
 292     :jdk_math \
 293     :jdk_io \
 294     :jdk_nio \
 295     :jdk_net \

 256     :core_tools \
 257     :svc_tools
 259 #
 260 # Catch-all for other areas with a small number of tests
 261 #
 262 jdk_other = \
 263     java/sql \
 264     javax/sql \
 265     javax/rmi \
 266     javax/naming \
 267     javax/script \
 268     javax/smartcardio \
 269     javax/transaction \
 270     javax/xml \
 271     -javax/xml/crypto \
 272     jdk/asm \
 273     jdk/internal/jline \
 274     com/sun/jndi \
 275     com/sun/corba \
 276     org/omg/CORBA \
 277     lib/testlibrary \
 278     sample
 280 #
 281 # SCTP is its own group as it is highly sensitive to kernel/network config
 282 #
 283 jdk_sctp = \
 284     com/sun/nio/sctp
 287 #
 288 # core group to run all core area tests
 289 #
 290 jdk_core = \
 291     :jdk_lang \
 292     :jdk_util \
 293     :jdk_math \
 294     :jdk_io \
 295     :jdk_nio \
 296     :jdk_net \